Scenario for a children's dance party. "The Wonderful World of Dance"

Every teacher has faced the fact that at the end of the day there are very few children left and they need to be entertained with something. According to the schedule, evening time falls during the walk. How to make sure that the walk does not turn into a tedious wait for parents, but becomes interesting and exciting?

It’s worth starting with the fact that the walk consists of five parts:

  1. observation,
  2. outdoor games in kindergarten,
  3. games in kindergarten with take-out material,
  4. individual work on physical education,
  5. work activity.

This is what we will build on. Note that methodological aids developed in accordance with FGT are a good help when organizing a walk in kindergarten. Each age has its own book. These manuals describe in detail all the options for carrying out a walk, and also provide examples of outdoor games.


"Every weather is a blessing." Any time of year is a boon for inquisitive kids. Observations of leaves, bugs, and worms are usually accompanied by a lot of questions that the teacher must be ready to answer.

If the weather is cloudy, then you can watch the clouds: ask each cloud to come up with its own image and name and draw it: you can use a stick on the sand or snow or chalk on the asphalt.

Children love mindfulness tasks. Draw the kids' attention to the changes in nature that have occurred in the morning: the leaves of the tree have grown, the buds of the flower have opened, it has become windier - every little thing in nature is important, which together allows nature to develop harmoniously.

The sun gives us not only warmth and light, but also the opportunity to spend Interesting games in kindergarten. Find the sunny and shady sides with the children, ask them to determine by touch where it is warmer.

If you take a small mirror with you on a walk, you can easily “invite someone over.” sunny bunny and play hide and seek or chase with him.

WALK IN KINDERGARTEN: Outdoor games in kindergarten

According to clause 12.6 of the SanPinov, which applies to preschool institutions, “outdoor games are carried out at the end of the walk before the children return to the preschool.”

Every teacher knows outdoor games in kindergarten. Here is an example of the most common:

Traffic light

The teacher is a traffic light, and the children act as drivers. The teacher simultaneously commands at what speed it is allowed to go: 1 - walking, 2 - fast walking, 3 - running. The difficulty is that speeds change quickly, and you also need to keep track of the color of the traffic light and have time to “slow down” at a red light.

Sparrows and crows

When the teacher says “sparrows,” the children should sit down. When the teacher says “crows”, the children should jump. You can confuse children by choosing words starting with “vo” and wedging them into the game. For example, we slowly say “vo-ro...ta”, “vo-ro....nka”.


The teacher shows the children's faces and names the mouth, eyes, etc. Then the teacher begins to confuse the children: he points to the ears, but calls the nose, points to the eyes, and calls the ears. Children must show what the teacher calls.


The children stand in a line, and the teacher names the color. Anyone who has this color in their clothes takes a step forward. The teacher names another color, the children look for it on themselves, and when they find it, they take another step forward. The one who reaches the teacher the fastest wins.

Day Night

Children depict insects and small rodents. During the day they fly and run on the lawn, and at nightfall an owl flies out and hunts them. Children should freeze and not move. Whoever moves, the owl takes him with him. The winner is the one who stays on the lawn and does not fall into the clutches of the owl.

WALK IN KINDERGARTEN: Games in kindergarten with take-out material

Each group has takeaway material designed for all children. These are shovels, balls, hoops, buckets. Invite the kids to demonstrate their ability to spin a hoop and hit the ball into the goal. Whoever copes with the task best is the winner.

Role-playing activities go well during walks games in kindergarten. A small number of participants is the most optimal for this type of game: you can open a “shop” and sell pebbles and blades of grass in it, or you can organize a factory for the production of “sand” desserts. At the same time, you can organize a competition for the most beautiful or, say, the largest “sand” pie.

WALK IN KINDERGARTEN: Individual activity

When there are few children left for a walk, it’s time to pay attention to those exercises or those activities that the kids don’t cope well with in class. For example, jumping, skiing, running, etc.


Work activity depends on the time of year. If it is winter, then ask the guys to help “clean up” the area - rake the snow, level it.

If it is a warm season, then ask for help watering the plants, sweeping the building, collecting leaves and twigs.

Introducing children to labor activityimportant stage in development. As a rule, there is no need to force children. They happily take it upon themselves to help adults and even manage to organize competitions among themselves.

And one more type of activity during a walk, not prescribed in methodological manuals and sanitary standards, is COMMUNICATION.

Just sit the children next to each other, tell a story, ask questions about it. Look at books on nature, professions, and show sets of pictures. Ask what the children like most and how they plan to spend their weekends.

Believe me, sometimes live communication and interest in a child’s stories can be more pleasant and appropriate for him than even the most exciting games.


organize practical activities children in nature.


Develop observation skills;

Study the immediate natural environment on the territory kindergarten, consolidate knowledge about living nature, develop the ability to recognize and name plants of their native land;

Learn to compare (trees and shrubs) and find common and different features;

Implement creative possibilities children in didactic games“What is a vegetable garden?”, “Let’s decorate the flowerbed with flowers”;

Satisfy children’s natural needs for physical activity during outdoor games;

Develop work skills;

Preserve and strengthen the health of children, develop speech, play, communication;

Teach the rules of safe behavior while walking;

Solve problems of mental, physical, labor and aesthetic education.

Take-out materials: seeds of various plants, object pictures of vegetables, hats and masks for the game “What is a vegetable garden?”, watering cans for watering a flower bed, children’s buckets for collecting weeds, manuals for the game “Let’s decorate a flower bed” (flowers from waste material on a stick, brushes and gouache), ball, scoops, jump ropes and more for independent games.

1. Observation of plants on the site (birch, lilac, viburnum);

2. Labor in nature (improving the flower garden): water the plants in the flower garden; loosen the ground; remove weeds.

3. Individual work with kids: finger game, a game to develop attention and memory;

  1. Creative activity on the theme “Let’s decorate the flowerbed.”
  2. Games with children. Didactic game: “What a vegetable garden,” “How the vegetables argued.” Role-playing game: “Shop” Outdoor games: Round dance game. “We’re going, we’re going home.”
  3. After this, children are invited to play with external materials and motor toys (balls, cars, jump ropes...)

Progress of the walk

Observation (15 minutes)

Question: What plants do you know? (children's answers) We approach a plant on the site. Do you recognize what this is?

Children call it birch.

Looking at a birch tree. What is birch? Birch is a tree. Let's name the parts of the tree:

trunk, branches, leaves, earrings,

the invisible part is the roots. Please note that the birch tree has one trunk. Let's conclude: the tree has one trunk.

Let's move on to another plant. Who knew what it was? This is lilac.

Consider lilac. Can we say that lilac is a tree? Lilacs have several trunks. This means that lilac is not a tree. This is a bush. We walk around the territory of the kindergarten, recognize and name trees or shrubs.

Research activity (10 min.)

All plants - trees, shrubs, flowers, vegetables bear fruits or seeds. In birch, these are earrings; seeds ripen in them. At the lilac beautiful flowers. Rowan berries, viburnum, and raspberries have berries. There are berry bushes, and there are decorative ones. The children conclude: on our site, viburnum is a berry bush, and lilac is an ornamental one. Here is a rose hip, the fruits of which are used in folk medicine.

We explore the bush next to the lilac. This plant is unknown to us. Maybe it's elderberry, maybe spirea?

Has red berries, but can you eat them?

Children conclude that unknown berries and fruits cannot be eaten; it may be a poisonous plant.

Finger game(5 minutes.)

I call the plant, if it is a tree, raise your hands together, palms to the sides, like branches of a tree, if it is a bush, two hands separately, fingers to the sides.

Verbal material for the game: pine, oak, currant, poplar, spruce, gooseberry, roses, raspberries, lilacs.

Didactic game “What a vegetable garden.” (20 min.)

Rectangular beds are drawn on the sand. We must guess what will grow in our beds by examining the seeds. On the stands are seeds of pumpkin, cucumbers, sunflowers, peas, beans, watermelons, and corn.

Children look at the seeds and guess what will grow from them.

Divide into mini groups and find the desired picture. For example, having recognized pumpkin seeds, they find a picture of a pumpkin and place it on the garden bed. A pumpkin will grow here.

Also, another group, having examined the seeds of a watermelon, finds an image of a watermelon and “plants” it in the garden. They say: a watermelon will grow here. The same goes for other vegetables:

Game for attention.

Guess what is missing from the garden. (10 min.)

The whole night in the garden in the garden

Hares play trap and hide and seek.

Grandma will come for cabbage in the morning

And the garden is bare and empty. (poems from the Internet)

After these words, hide some vegetable (picture).

Children guess. What did the bunnies take?

Didactic game"Vegetable dispute" (5 min.)

Which of our vegetables is both tastier and more necessary, Who will be the most useful for all illnesses? Rules of the game; children put on hats and masks and talk about some vegetable. (game from the Internet)

I'm so pretty

Little green boy!

If only I want

I'll treat everyone to peas!

You need beets for borscht

And for the vinaigrette

Eat and treat yourself -

There is no better beetroot.

Cabbage soup is made from cabbage

And what delicious cabbage pies!

You will be very pleased

Having eaten a lightly salted cucumber,

And a fresh cucumber

Everyone will like it, of course!

I am a ruddy radish

I bow to you very low.

Why praise yourself?

I'm already known to everyone!

The story about me is not long

Who doesn't know vitamins?

Always drink carrot juice

And bite the carrots -

Then you will be, my friend,

Tough, strong, dexterous.

The most delicious and enjoyable

Of course, tomato juice.

There are a lot of vitamins in it

We drink it willingly.

I am the seasoning in every dish

And always useful to people

Did you guess it? I am your friend.

I am a simple green onion!


I, potato, am very modest.

I didn't say a word

But potatoes are very necessary

Both big and small!

Which one of us is a vegetable?

Tastier and more necessary than everyone else

Who with all the diseases

Will everyone be more useful?

Children in chorus:

To be healthy and strong,

Gotta love vegetables

Everything, without exception,

There is no doubt about it!

Each has its own benefit and taste, -

And I don’t dare decide:

Which one of you tastes better?

Which one of you is more needed?

We'll take the baskets

Let's go to the garden soon


And stock up for the winter.

Creative activity on the topic “Let’s decorate the flowerbed.” (15 min.)

First, the children look at the flowerbed on the site and name familiar flowers. Weeds are being pulled out. Watering a flower bed using watering cans. They conclude that flowers decorate the earth. Let's make an artificial flowerbed and see how beautiful it is. For this purpose, preparations have been prepared for making flowers from egg packaging. Children paint them with gouache. They attach flowers to sticks and decorate the flowerbed, admiring the flowerbed.

Title: Games on ecology in senior and preparatory group V summer period

Position: teacher - speech therapist
Place of work: MDOU No. 4 “Buratino”
Location: Tutaev city, Yaroslavl region

We offer you a script ceremonial lineup opening of the camp shift

1 Presenter. A three-minute readiness is announced before entering the Meeting Square.

2 Presenter. To begin the ceremonial line dedicated to the opening of the shift in our camp, all units take their places!

Fanfare. To the accompaniment of fast rhythmic music, the squads enter the line.

1 Presenter:

Step onto this eternal shore,

Where miracles live around

To you with a heartfelt smile,

Our camp will say:

"Hello Friend!"

2 Presenter. Attention all squads! Taking out the flag Russian Federation and the flag of the first change of summer 201... the year of “Discovery in Culture” stand at attention. Bring in the flags! Focus on the flags!

Solemn music sounds. Flag groups are located under the flagpole.

1 Presenter:

Tricolor flag of my country

Slowly floats up the flagpole,

And there is nothing more significant than him, and there is nothing stronger,

And the line freezes in strict silence.

2 Presenter:

Russian flag - breath of spring

And reviews of a distant military battle.

Three symbols, three colors intertwined

And forever united in a single banner!

Sounds National anthem Russian Federation.

We give our word to you,

And let everyone introduce themselves -

Let's quench the universal fire

I'm thirsty for acquaintances.

Roll call. The units take turns introducing themselves - name, greeting, motto.

2 Presenter:

We are at a crossroads: before us

One hundred roads are open.

But the choice is yours:

Where to go, and for what route,

And who will lead us?

Who is the guiding star

Will he call you to work?

Three girls appear to the music, holding threads of three colors in their hands.

Girl with a red thread:

I'm ready to show you the way.

I am the leader, everyone follows me!

Let the main word be “creativity” -

It calls us to follow it.

Who will dance, who will sing,

Well, others will dedicate it to him

Souls beautiful impulses.

So - decide!

The answer is yours

But just know -

I'm next to you!

Girl with white thread:

No! Better than sports

We will devote our moments

Exercise, running, playing, jumping...

A little persistence and patience...

And we are in the flight of our strength

Let's be successful and beautiful.

Otherwise, we won’t see any rest.

Girl with blue thread:

Well, here we go again!

We will swim, sunbathe,

Let's build sand castles

Let's fly a kite into the clouds.

And you must understand me

How great is this!

2 Presenter. If we don't argue, then perhaps we will find a way out.

1 Presenter. But! Seriously speaking...

2 Presenter (continues). We must be together. What about the road?

1 Presenter:

It's simple!

After all, everyone has it in their hands

There is a piece of thread

If you tie them up,

It turns out, look

Long, colorful,

So different

Like you and me, thread.

Feel free to start - unite the thread!

Children tie threads to rhythmic music.

2 Presenter. Attention all commanders! You extend the threads of your troops to our flagpole.

1 Presenter:

Look! Sun

It has risen in your hands,

And we are together,

And together we have light!

2 Presenter:

So the magic ray turned out.

He will show the way

To everyone who aspired

Get to the bottom of things!

1 Presenter. Well, friends, go ahead! Together with your curators, you begin a shift in which harmony, goodness and beauty will reign.

To the accompaniment of rhythmic music, the troops enter the celebration hall.

Asya Isakova
Scenario winter walk with kids senior group Topic: “Quest - walk “Abvgdeyka” (educational area ...)

Target: Provide children with adequate active recreation during walk.


Fix the names of wintering birds;

Clarify children's ideas about winter natural phenomena, based on experiments, continue to teach how to draw independent conclusions, the ability to analyze;

Develop creative potential, curiosity;

Develop children's speech and emotional sphere;

To form in children the foundations of healthy lifestyle. Develop speed and endurance.

Materials and equipment:

Attributes for outdoor games (badges with the name of wintering birds, elements of a snowman);

Targets for throwing at a vertical target;

Ice pads for downhill skating;

Shovels for organizing labor;

Laminated letters.

Expected result:

Knows winter natural phenomena;

Able to draw independent conclusions and conclusions based on experiments;

Performs efficiently physical exercise according to verbal instructions;

Follows the rules in outdoor games.

Stages of measures

activities Stage tasks Activities of the teacher Activities carried out Prerequisites educational activities Monitoring performance results

Introduction to the situation

(3-4 min.) Creating conditions for children to develop an internal need (to help the characters of the TV show « ABVGDeyka» )

Children go out in pairs. They stand in a circle.

Educator: The winter wind blows, howls, what did he bring us?

A Skype call rings. Educator draws children's attention to the tablet.

The melody from the TV show is playing « ABVGDeyka» , Toffee addresses children via Skype: Hello. Is this Nadym? Kindergarten "Ogonyok"?

Children: Yes!

Toffee: Guys, a strong north wind took away all the letters from the title of our TV show, and our letters scattered across the northern region. Help us return them!

Educator: Where to look for them, because the northern region is huge, there is a lot of snow around.

Toffee: We sent you a card to email address, didn’t receive it?

Educator: Isn’t this the card by any chance? (shows to Iriska)

Toffee: Yes Yes!

Educator: Well, guys, we can find the letters for ABCDakes?

Children: Yes!

Toffee: Thanks guys, good luck!

Educator: Are you ready to go in search of letters? Let's look at the map.

Children and their teacher look at the map and determine the place where the search begins. The route on the map provides for the movement of children through the territory of the kindergarten (5 plots) Going outside

Discussion of possible options for resolving the situation, setting a child’s goal Goal setting

Recording difficulties in activities

Thinking and planning your actions Questions: Want to?

Updating knowledge (5-6 min.) Updating mental operations necessary to discover new knowledge Children perform tasks in accordance with by card:

1. Task 1. "Overcoming" (section 12)

Walking along a narrow path;


Throwing at a target.

Slide downhill

Children find the first letter "A" and an envelope with the next task.

Educator: Hooray! We found the letter "A", and the next task What is the next letter we need to find?

Children: Letter "B"

Educator: (reads the task) We need to go in the direction of the stove (section 11, determine the direction of the wind.

2. Task 2. "Movement". Monitoring the strength and direction of the wind. Letter "B"

Educator: What’s the weather like today, how can you tell?

Children: frosty, winter, cloudy

Educator: Can you say it's windy?

Children: Yes.

Teacher with children use a weather vane to determine the direction of the wind. They offer solutions to the problem, based on experience and knowledge. Motivation to independent activity Recording difficulties in speech and its causes

Difficulty in the situation (3-4 min)

Discovery of new knowledge (mode of action)

(6-8 min.)

Inclusion of new knowledge into the system of knowledge and skills (5-6 min) Modeling a situation where children encounter difficulties Involving children in the process independent decision questions, problems

Learn to determine the cardinal directions and the direction of the wind using a compass. Guys, have you heard, sometimes they say - today the wind is north, and today it is south. What instrument is used to determine the direction of the wind?

Children: Using a compass.

3. Task 3. "Diligence". Letter "IN"


Experience « Protective properties snow"

Target: Help children understand that snow warms the ground from freezing.

Ask the children whether it is necessary to compact and pat down the snow near the trees? (No). And why? (IN loose snow, there is a lot of air and it retains heat better).

This can be checked. Before a walk pour into two identical bottles warm water and seal them. Invite children to touch them and make sure that the water in them is warm. Then, on the site, one of the bottles is placed in an open place, the other is buried in the snow, without slamming it down. At the end walks Place both bottles side by side and compare which one holds the frozen water. And they come to the conclusion that the water under the snow did not freeze, which means the snow retains heat well.

4. Task 4. "Excavations". Work "Snow Clearing"

Letter "G". Guys, we have come to the area where children are walking. We need to help the kids clear the area, then we will find the next letter.

Children find the letter "G", tambourine and the next task.

5. Task 5. "A game". Letter "D". Outdoor game "Polar Owl and Eurasian Eurasians". Rules games: The polar owl is in the corner of the area or room. The rest of the players are Europeans. To the quiet, rhythmic beats of a small tambourine, the little Eurasians run around on the playground; when the loud blow of a tambourine hits, the Eurasian Eurasians stand in a column and do not move. The polar owl flies around the hemlocks and takes the one who moves or stands still with him. At the end of the game (after three to four repetitions) Celebrate those players who have distinguished themselves with greater endurance. Loud bangs should not sound long time. Children must react quickly to changing impacts. Analysis children the situation that has arisen Formation of experience in successfully overcoming difficulties

Practical completion of the task The ability to record one’s difficulties and identify their cause The ability to determine ways and means to achieve a goal

The ability to act according to instructions, control and adequately evaluate your actions. Identifying the level of difficulty. Now you know how?

Determining cardinal directions

Comprehension (3 min) Encouraging children to reflect on their activities Bottom line: collected all the letters, turned out to be the name of the TV show.

The teacher suggests calling via Skype and informing the toffee about completing the assignments.

Toffee thanks the children.

The teacher conducts a reflection, invites the children to go to the site and play (winter fun)

Reflection (personal assessment) Ability to achieve a goal What did you want to do? Happened? Why?

Publications on the topic:

Summary of direct educational activities with children of the senior group “Forest Walks” Goal: Formation of ideas about forest plants and rules of behavior in the forest Educational objectives: 1. Introduce children to different species.

Summary of organizing a winter walk. MK Preschool Educational Institution "CRR - Kindergarten No. 17" Summary of organizing a winter walk in the preparatory group "Thumbelina". Teacher I qualification.

Summary of a winter walk for children of the preparatory group Summary of a winter walk for children in the preparatory group Purpose: to systematize children’s ideas about characteristic features the last one.

Integration educational areas: « Cognitive development», « Speech development", "Social and communicative development", "Physical development".


Early band performance script aesthetic development in kindergarten

(The leitmotif of the entire performance is the song by S.V. Krupa-Shusharina based on the poems by M. Druzhinina “How to cross the road?” from the anthology of songs for kindergarten)

The music of the song “How to cross the road?” plays.

Presenter (teacher):

Children have come to visit you, who, like you, go to kindergarten, but they also go to music school. Let's get to know them:

(Roll call game: The teacher sings the child’s name (interval of third down g-e), and children from the group of early aesthetic development (ERD) answer: “I’m here!”, singing fifth down g-c).

The presenter presents the concert numbers:

And now they will show what they have learned in music school. Composer Joseph Haydn"Minuet".

(The teacher performs J. Haydn’s “Minuet” on the synthesizer, and the children color the metrical pulse using children’s musical and noise instruments(Dasha is a tambourine, Alina is a maracas, Masha is a triangle).

R.n.p. “In the garden or in the vegetable garden” (the teacher performs the accompaniment, the melody is performed by Masha on the glockenspiel).

N. Metlov “Clock”. The teacher sings a song, and the children reproduce the chiming of various clocks: tower, wall and hand. (Alena - tambourine, Amina - triangle, Masha - small triangle)

Presenter(addressing the audience): Well, did you guys like it? (children's answers). Let's all go into the winter forest together.

The song "How to cross the road?" performed by children from the group RER

Presenter: Here we are in the forest. How great it is here! And what beautiful trees!

The children begin to perform the song by the music of E. Tilicheeva, lyrics by L. Dymova “Echo” (the whole group, except Ksyusha, sings the song, and Ksyusha sings “Ay!”)

Presenter: Guys, tell me, who lives in the forest? (children's answers: fox, bear, bunny, etc.)

What a great fellow you are! And since you know the forest so well, I’ll tell you one interesting story about the bear, and these wonderful guys (points to the RER group) will help me. Take the tools. And listen!

A musical fairy tale based on the song “Why does the bear sleep in winter” (music by L. Knipper, lyrics by A. Kovalenkov)

The teacher plays the synthesizer and sings a song, and the children improvise on children's musical instruments

Once in a frosty winter
Along the edge of the forest
The bear was walking towards his home
In a warm fur coat. (drum - bear steps)
He walked, walked to his den
Along a country road
And, walking across the bridge, (a rattle sounds, Children turning to each other: “Something will happen, something will happen,” intrigue the audience)
Stepped on the fox's tail.
Recorder (high-pitched fox cry)
The fox raised a cry -
Made some noise dark forest. (use the noise tool “ocean noise”)
And the bear suddenly became frightened
Climbed a large pine tree. (ascending glissando on xylophone)
A cheerful woodpecker on a pine tree (the “box” instrument imitates the knocking of a woodpecker)
Caulked the squirrel's house
And he said: “You, bear,
I have to watch my step!”

From then on the bear decided
That you need to sleep in winter,
Don't walk on the paths
Do not step on tails.
He is serene in the den
Sleeps in winter under a snowy roof
And I’m pleased for a reason,
That he was born without a tail.

(children pretend that they are spoiled: all noise instruments sound tutti)

Presenter: What have you done? The bear may wake up. And bears must sleep in winter. Let's help him sleep, call the sleep fairy.

“Lullaby” by R. Pauls is performed with the game “Sleep Fairy”. One of the children, dressed in a shiny robe, uses a wand to make everyone fall asleep. To the sounds of a lullaby, he touches the children’s shoulders with a “magic” wand (starting with the children from the RER group), walks around the hall and the children fall asleep.

Presenter(speaks quietly): The bear seems to be fast asleep. Let's quietly leave the forest.

Children from the RER group quietly sing the song “How to cross the road?”

Presenter: So we got out of the forest. Who's that there near the road? I think these are ducklings frolicking.

“Song about two ducklings”, music. E. Poplyanova, lyrics by N. Pikuleva (Dima and Alena dramatize a song - improvisation)

Presenter: What wonderful ducklings. Let's take them with us.

Children from the RER group sing the song “How to cross the road?”

Presenter: And I see another wonderful company ahead.

music E. Poplyanova, lyrics by N. Pikuleva “A cheerful dog was walking” (performed by everyone)

Presenter: Since such friendly guys have gathered, let's all play together.

Song “Word on the palms” music. E. Poplyanova, lyrics by N. Pikuleva.

Each child says his word, which is slammed and pronounced by the rest of the children. Children from the RER group begin, then the teacher invites the audience to find the words, and the song continues until interest disappears).

Presenter: it was great with you, but it's time for us to go home.

To the music “How to cross the road?” the children leave the stage.

Props: synthesizer, musical and noise instruments, " Magic wand", shiny mantle, "worm", crocheted for “Song about two ducklings)


  • Alekseeva L.N., Game solfege for kids, 2004, Moscow Conservatory for children;
  • Poplyanova E.M. And we play in class, -M, “ New school", 1994
  • Krupa-Shusharina S.V. Reader of songs for kindergarten, Rostov-on-Don, “Phoenix”, 2009
  • Meilyunene R.A. Music games in teaching children of the zero grade of children's music school/ methodological work/, .-Kondopoga, 2007
  • Orlova T.M., Bekina S.I. Teach children to sing, songs and exercises for voice development in children 5-6 years old, -M, “Enlightenment”, 1987
