Thanks to the teacher for my son. Kind words and wishes to teachers and students

For noble work and kindness

Make your cherished dream come true
We wish you to become happy.

I will say thank you, teacher,

Inquisitiveness in business and passion.

Please accept my gratitude
With all my heart and soul,
For your contribution to education
Our tender children.

For your endless patience
And for the humane attitude
We say thank you very much,
Your contribution to education is very noticeable

The baby will replace
They don't know much yet
But, years later, like us,
Everyone will come to the school threshold.

Teacher, you have given us a lot,
Humanity was brought up in us,
Good knowledge was instilled,
They taught the subject and life.

Thank you for your participation,
We sincerely wish you happiness,
Health, goodness, achievements,
Love and wonderful moments!

Let your career develop
May life be sweet.
We wish you not to get sick,
We wish you not to bother!

From all of us, I thank you with all my heart!

Thank you, teacher,
For all your efforts,
You have always developed us,
You gave us knowledge
So hard to meet on the way
Such a teacher
Let's say thank you from the bottom of our hearts,
You are a teacher from God!

Our dear teacher,
We would like to say thank you
What did you teach the friendly class,
That you tolerated us and loved us.

What wise advice is always given to us,
You gave it easily every time,
That they rarely answered “no”
And that you didn’t shout at us.

What taught us to be friends,
What good knowledge was given to us,
What did you teach us to live,
And that they didn’t get tired of us!

We thank the teachers for their work,
For everything they invested in us.
Sometimes not sparing myself,
You taught knowledge and good things!

We sincerely thank you,
You my love, recognition
We want to express from the bottom of our hearts!

I wish you well and happiness,
Thank you for your help.
I was lucky to study with you,
I say this with confidence.

We really, really appreciate
Thank you for your warmth and kindness.
For being with you children
Cozy and easy.

May they all become more successful and fuller.

Graduated from school. And you have matured.
And your evening is graduation.
We grew up, we were in a hurry, we wanted to finish -
Say goodbye to schoolland.

We tried so hard to teach you
Everything that we ourselves have comprehended.
You argued and doubted
And new things were revealed to us.

We taught you with love,
There is no one closer and dearer to us.
Remember in adult life
You are your teachers.

“Bon voyage” – let’s say today
And we'll cry secretly.
We love you all very much, children.
Congratulations on this day.

I wish you happiness, great success,
Never give up!
May you always be a ray of light
Gives a bright star!

Today you are a little worried,
Today I'm a little happy
And, of course, you can understand,
After all, there is a new path ahead of you!
He waits, calls, scares a little,
Great things beckon
But let the path be remembered,
That she took me to school every day!

Today you are graduates!
A wonderful moment of youth,
The soul is sublime and airy
And believe in tomorrow with simplicity.

Now your choice is free
And all wishes are fulfilled.
You don't like peace
And so the soul is still vulnerable!

It's time to say goodbye to school
And different feelings are crowded!
A year and many years will pass,
Fate will put everyone in their place.

Some will probably be praised,
For others, he will put up barriers!
And it's very difficult to give advice,
And sometimes you won’t find the answer.

But you, playing with your fate,
Sometimes I get bumps,
Don't rush to retreat
Only the strong can win!

May your life be full
Surrounded by the warmth of friends
And warmed by personal happiness,
And as unusual as a comet!

It's a little sad to part with you,
But we hope that the school gave you
Not only writing and reading skills,
But the experience of friendship, endurance, kindness!

May your life be full of excitement,
Go boldly towards your main goal.
We gave everything for the right start,
And if something goes wrong - sorry, we didn’t have time

Elementary school is already behind us
It’s as if we just came to school yesterday.
The years, like one, flew by very quickly,
And all this time you tried very hard.
We are proud of you, our beloved!
You have become smarter, more serious, older.
Work conscientiously, but don't be lazy,
Be obedient, study successfully!

Four years flew by like birds.
And today we proudly say -
Graduates are now you, graduates
Stages of the first school path!
You still have a lot to go through
And you may be wrong more than once!
But we want study to become
The most important task for you!

You have opened doors for us to a great life,
You not only taught us the alphabet.
Teacher! We love you, we believe you!
We learned lessons in kindness!
Our journey through life has just begun,
Thank you - it started as it should.
We wish you health and good luck,
Students - good and obedient!

Well, what can I wish you on your modest holiday,
For your wonderful and enormous work,
For your responsiveness, tenderness, love?
Perhaps even Russian doesn’t have enough words!

I want in a simple and understandable word
Give thanks for everything meekly,
Today, probably, half the world is ready
We wish you the best in the world!

We always try to be worthy of you,
The memory of you will not fade for centuries!
And today both adults and schoolchildren will say:

For noble work and kindness
We say our heartfelt thanks to you.
Make your cherished dream come true
We wish you to become happy.

Thank you very much for your understanding,
For loyalty to deed, word, craft.
And what about the students with all my soul -
From all of us, I thank you with all my heart!

For your endless patience
And for the humane attitude
We say thank you very much,
Your contribution to education is very noticeable.

For the knowledge gained in class
We sincerely thank you,
You my love, recognition
We want to express from the bottom of our hearts!

Dear teacher, thank you for your patience,
I wish you health, great respect,
Students have wonderful and kind days in life,
May they all become more successful and fuller.

Thank you, teacher,
For all your efforts,
You have always developed us,
You gave us knowledge
So hard to meet on the way
Such a teacher
Let's say thank you from the bottom of our hearts,
You are a teacher from God!

I will say thank you, teacher,
For giving me a start in life.
We were able to instill a love for science,
Inquisitiveness in business and passion.

I wish you well and happiness,
Thank you for your help.
I was lucky to study with you,
I say this with confidence.

Our dear teacher,
We would like to say thank you
What did you teach the friendly class,
That you tolerated us and loved us.

What wise advice is always given to us,
You gave it easily every time,
That they rarely answered “no”
And that you didn’t shout at us.

What taught us to be friends,
What good knowledge was given to us,
What did you teach us to live,
And that they didn’t get tired of us!

Thanks teacher
Let's say now
appreciates and loves you
Our class is fun.

For affection, care,
Words from the heart.
We wouldn't be here without you
So good.

Sorry for that
That we are not learning a lesson.
You are the most beloved
We have a teacher.

I want to say thank you
To you, dear teacher.
For science and care,
You have become like family to me.

For your great patience,
For love and kindness.
They took me through life
You are on the right track.

I would like to sincerely say words of gratitude to the teacher! Thank you for the lessons and knowledge that lead us into adulthood. For help and care, attention and guidance, for criticism and discussions, for support and complicity. You are a wonderful teacher! Be happy!

Read books, don’t offend guys,
Study for four or five.
Collect your briefcase, don’t forget anything,
Listen to the teacher, don’t draw on your desks.
And also the parting words will be:
Fighting, biting, kicking is bad,
Be friends, help, protect, respect -
This is good, keep it up!

Golden autumn has come -
And with it your school year!
The children are being seen off today,
Their mothers are sad at the gate

Suddenly the kids grew up -
And here is your first school class!
Notebooks, folders, pens, books -
All this is waiting for its finest hour!

I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Study only with “five”!
So that the guys respect
They didn’t dare to offend you!

So that everyone praises you in class -
You, your intelligence and good disposition!
So that my classmates love me,
May your dream come true!

Be healthy, successful, strong,
Come out of troubles with victory!
May every day be happy
On a good path in life!

How exciting these moments are -
Our children have started first grade!
So serious and grown up as if
We see you now for the first time!

Successes and failures await you:
From “five” to “two” it’s just a step!
We are always with you, which means
We will quickly help you with everything!

First-graders relatives -
Shoes, dresses, jackets -
Golden years await you,
Bright days for school!

We wish you success,
Many joyful moments!
Let the “A”s be without hindrance
This is what awaits you along the way!

Dear first-graders, we congratulate you on the first Day of Knowledge in your life! Today a new page of life opens before you - school time. Let it be filled with vivid impressions, useful knowledge, and amazing discoveries. We wish you patience, health, strength and energy!

Dear first-graders, may Knowledge Day become a bright and joyful holiday for you. We wish you a joyful and cheerful school life, good grades, a desire for knowledge and new discoveries. May your first academic year be successful, bright and interesting.

Wonderful children, dear first-graders, we congratulate you on Knowledge Day. We wish you effort and self-confidence, a cheerful mood and exciting lessons, interesting and educational books, successful studies and joyful leisure.

Everything is solemn, new.
And wishes and advice
We are ready to give everything to you.

Remember the exciting moment
Because the lessons are in the past,
Good luck in life, GRADUATE,
Teachers wish you!
We take you beyond the school threshold
For love and good travels!
We wish you great roads
In time, in life, in space!

So let your youth be happy,
Rich, bright, inquisitive!
Colored with the colors of childhood,
What's next to you, next door!
And may youth be pleasant -
Cheerful, active, entertaining!
On a fine day and in bad weather
Filled with music of happiness!

You showed up at school as kids.
You have turned into independent people.
Yes, you have your own road ahead,
But you also have the work of a teacher in you.
I hope that you are sad
You don't want to leave school.

Blessings to you guys!
So let life be active, bright,
Impressions of the rich
And it will awaken you to the best feelings!
So let there be no pleasure
A motive for laziness and idleness!
And let the dream not fade
Strive and achieve your goal!

Kids! We have a lot to tell you -
If a lump comes to the throat;
Don't be ashamed to look you in the eye,
And may God help you in everything!
May luck never desert you,
And may you be better than us
You have completed eleventh grade,
But you will remain our children!

You were born, raised,
Once upon a time they brought me to school,
Believe me, we didn’t know then
That children could grow up
So fast. Our dears,
Don't lose face
Achieve everything, dear ones,
To make mother and father proud.

The last exams are over
And the school moments flew by
There is a new task on the horizon:
You are entering adulthood.

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The memory of fun school years warms and inspires us throughout our lives. We remember noisy classmates, fun events and the faces of our beloved teachers with special warmth and a mixed feeling of joy and sadness. Many events and characters are erased from memory over time. But it is impossible to find a person who has forgotten the name of his first school teacher, the important foundations of goodness and justice, the first lessons of humanity received within the walls of his favorite educational institution.

At the school graduation celebration, you need to set aside a little time to say beautiful words of gratitude to the first teacher in verse. Beautiful and a little sad, and maybe even funny. The main thing is to pay a little attention to the child’s first adviser, friend and mentor.

Once again, teacher,
You hear speech addressed to you,
That you need to worry less
That the heart should be protected.

That illnesses will not pass by
When suddenly it gets tired,
That everything in the world is replaceable,
But you have one heart.

But your heart is like a bird
Strives for children here and there,
To those hidden in chests
To the same beating hearts!

How quickly children grow up.
Having grown stronger, in spite of all the winds,
They will leave, forever preserving
Your warmth!

You are our first teacher for centuries,
And we will never forget you!
How tenderly they taught us to write,
Read, count mushrooms and apples.
Thank you for giving kindness and warmth,
That they found their own language and their own approach to us!
Days, weeks and years fly by inexorably,
We will definitely never forget your work!

They showed us the basics of learning,
They invested priceless efforts in us,
You were not afraid to take us at the very beginning,
Now we don’t wish that we met you once!
You are our first beloved teacher,
We want to say for your work and diligence,
You have seriously helped us in life,
You did everything you could for us!
Now thank you for your attention,
For kindness, patience, understanding,
Please accept our warm words,
We will love you and respect you always!

It’s not easy to express our respect to you,
For giving us teaching,
For not sparing us attention,
They always gave us kindness and understanding.
It is difficult for us to convey our love in words,
And tell us how proud we are of you!
You know that your efforts are not in vain,
We found love and education,
You have found the most wonderful approach to us,
For this, we honor you and bow to you!

Today we receive our certificates,
We have become wiser, more beautiful and smarter.
We will walk with them more confidently,
For us, our school is dearer to everyone in the world!
We solved problems and equations,
Learned tables, poems by heart,
We wrote literate essays,
Today we feel a warm sadness.
The school gave us everything we needed
For this we want to thank you!
She gave us science and friendship,
She taught me to humble myself, to believe, to love.
Thank you, teachers and family,
You have done so much for us.
For us you are the most precious,
We will love you endlessly!

What to say to the first teacher at graduation in prose

Step by step, day by day and year by year, the first teacher became for the children a wise adviser, an invaluable assistant and a real discoverer of the distant world of school sciences. The mission of a teacher is more important than it seems at first glance. After all, it is not difficult to teach literacy and numeracy; it is much more difficult to turn little fools into responsible, thoughtful and purposeful people. Don’t be afraid of beautiful words; express your gratitude to your first teacher in poetry or prose for his remarkable work and wide open heart.

Our beloved teacher! You dedicated many days of your life to your amazing school family. Everyone who came to study with you was sincerely called your children. Every day, entering the classroom, you filled it with sunshine, love and care, and our days with dreams and discoveries, small successes and big victories. Not only the lessons at the blackboard helped us grow and respond, but also take responsibility for our actions in life.

Our gratitude is immeasurable! After all, there is no measure of the goodness, love and wisdom that you have given us.

The golden autumn will come again, you will again open the door to the wonderful world of knowledge for timid first-graders, and your spring will repeat itself again! May there be more joyful and happy days in your life, smart and talented students, and fewer sorrows and sleepless nights. Thank you, teacher!

Dear (teacher's name)! Thank you for being the first person who taught us not to be afraid of life and to be confident in ourselves. It was only thanks to you that we became the people that our class teacher and the entire teaching staff of the school recognized us as. Your work is invaluable and noble. We wish you youth spiritually and in life, so that you can happily raise your children for many more years and know that you are not living in vain! We remember and love you!

Our beloved (teacher's name)! We would like to thank you so much for being able to spend a lot of your energy, your love and patience on our upbringing. We are grateful to you for teaching us to read, write and be good people. Without you, it is difficult to imagine our path at this school. Know that you work and live not in vain. For us, you are the first school mother and a person whom we will respect for the rest of our lives!

Sincere words of gratitude from students to the primary school teacher

Preparing to speak at your 4th grade graduation is not easy. Sincere words of gratitude from students to a primary school teacher should come from the heart and convey real feelings. Drawing a line under a certain stage of life, it’s not scary to seem overly sentimental, especially at such an emotional age. If you can’t compose sincere lines of gratitude for the teacher yourself, you can simply continue the template phrases with your own thoughts. The resulting text will be the best spiritual confession.

  • I saw you for the first time when I was...
  • This meeting will forever be remembered...
  • At that moment I expected that...
  • But it turned out...
  • Thank you very much for...
  • Today I understand that...
  • I am sure you will forever remember us, just as we remember you!

An example of a thank you speech for a primary school teacher from graduates

Time is rushing - you can’t keep up with it,

This is how life on Earth is designed.

And we have to part,

No matter how much it hurts in your soul.

We came to you when we were very young,

We haven't been able to do anything yet

And today, we’ll tell you a secret,

We will achieve our goal in everything.

We are like your little owls,

We learned everything with interest.

The boys have already grown up,

But we hold the owl to our chest...

You gave us knowledge and affection,

Without sparing yourself a bit.

Explained at the blackboard with a pointer

And they looked, loving so tenderly.

Our first steps in life

On whitish notebook sheets,

Where we put the sticks, dots,

Perfectly listening to you.

You were always close

If suddenly a question arose.

And they praised and scolded with their eyes,

As a virtuoso should be able to do.

We also read books

Noting everything in diaries,

Just so you know - girls, boys

Constantly in business now.

You always helped the weak

Who is not very strong in studies.

So that 4 “A” class becomes equal,

Among all, he is the best.

And you also store your work,

What did we do to you then?

And then give away the beauty

Through our school years.

We are for our quiet childhood,

We are sincerely grateful to you.

For your care and kind heart,

For the love that was given to us.

Have you created crafts with us?

Every time carefully, with soul.

We always rushed to you from recess,

Fascinated by such children...

We will remember you all our years,

Come in or just call

Share with you happiness, adversity

Keep your names in your heart...

The best words of gratitude to a primary school teacher from parents

There are many reasons to express gratitude to primary school teachers: Birthday, March 8, Teacher's Day. But the most important among them is the 4th grade graduation. On this solemn day, parents should choose the most necessary words of gratitude for their children’s first teacher in order to emphasize his professional merits, competent approach to each child, and ability to create a small miracle every day within the classroom walls of his own school.

The best words of gratitude to a primary school teacher from parents should not be too formal or overly pretentious. It’s better to write a couple of soulful prose lines “on your own” or use ready-made ideas.

An example of real words of gratitude from parents to primary school teachers

Dear and wonderful teacher of our children, a wonderful and kind person, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for helping our mischievous children take their first steps into the land of great knowledge and bright science, thank you for your patience and great work. We wish you inexhaustible strength, strong nerves, excellent health, personal happiness and prosperity, sincere respect and constant optimism of the soul.

Our dear first teacher, you are a faithful and kind mentor to our children, you are a wonderful and wonderful person, you are an excellent specialist and a wonderful teacher. On behalf of all parents, we want to thank you very much for never leaving any of the children alone with fear and doubt, thank you for your understanding and loyalty, thank you for your hard but very important work. We wish you not to lose your abilities and strength, we wish you to always achieve success in your activities and happiness in life.

Our dear teacher! Thank you very much for the knowledge that you skillfully and talentedly pass on to our children, because primary school is the basis of all knowledge and further education of our children. We are very grateful to you for your care, kindness and faith in every child. Special thanks to you for your gentle character, patience and wisdom. Our dear and beloved teacher, we wish you good health, professional growth and development, optimism and positivity.

Cool words of gratitude from 9th grade students to teachers at graduation

Graduation in the 9th grade is an important event for every student: both for diligent excellent students and for those who cannot be called shy quiet ones. And for some, it will be the last school holiday in their lives. It is the graduates, sadly “sailing off” into the new world of students, who should be given the opportunity to say funny words of gratitude from 9th grade students to their teachers at graduation. But even matured and emboldened children find it difficult to find the right phrases so as not to succumb to the storm of bubbling emotions. After all, saying goodbye is always a little depressing, even if new horizons are visible ahead.

What words to say to teachers at 9th grade graduation

Cool words of gratitude to the teacher at graduation from 9th grade students should take no longer than 3-5 minutes. Otherwise, the speech will drag on too long and lose all logic. You should not use an abundance of complex terminology, outdated words and jargon in the text. They are completely inappropriate in this case. Farewell words of gratitude should not be dedicated to individual teachers, losing sight of all the others who have made an effort to develop and educate children. It is better to prepare a generalized speech about everyone at once.

Schematically, the structure of a thank you text at the 9th grade graduation for teachers may look like this:

  • Introduction;
  • The main part is about the class teacher, specialized teachers and school staff;
  • A lyrical (or funny) conclusion with warm words of gratitude.

Unusual words of gratitude to teachers from parents at 9th grade graduation

Parents of 9th grade graduates, when reading out their words of gratitude to teachers, should not forget about the class teacher who replaced the second mother to their children, about the methodologists who draw up the best educational programs, about the director who manages the entire mechanism, about the school staff who create clean, well-fed and comfortable conditions for every student. Unusual words of gratitude to teachers from parents at the 9th grade graduation should be pronounced clearly, quickly and emotionally. And during the speech, it is better to abandon violent gestures and an overly sad tone.

Examples of original gratitude from parents to 9th grade teachers at graduation

Our dear children, dear teachers and guests! Today, on this joyful and at the same time sad day, I would like to say a lot: to congratulate our high school students on graduating from the 9th grade, for some this day will be the last day of school, others will continue their studies until the 11th grade; say kind words to moms, dads, grandparents, for their hard work as parents. And, of course, to express our deep gratitude to our teachers, who throughout these 9 years have helped us raise our children, taught them, praised and scolded them, tolerated their pranks and rejoiced at their successes.

Once upon a time, many years ago, I refused to become a teacher, afraid of this colossal responsibility for children's souls. Now I have my own children and I perfectly understand our teachers, each of whom, in addition to his own family, also has a school family - his many students.

In conclusion, I would like to read Andrei Dementyev’s poems dedicated to teachers. These words may seem a little harsh to you guys, but they make you think about our attitude towards the teacher, towards his hard work, please listen to them:

Don't you dare forget your teachers.

They worry about us and remember us.

And in the silence of thoughtful rooms

They are waiting for our returns and news.

They miss these infrequent meetings.

And, no matter how many years have passed,

Teacher happiness happens

From our student victories.

And sometimes we are so indifferent to them:

We don’t send them congratulations on New Year’s Eve.

And in the bustle or simply out of laziness

We don’t write, we don’t visit, we don’t call.

They are waiting for us. They're watching us

And they rejoice every time for those

Who passed the exam somewhere again

For courage, for honesty, for success.

Don't you dare forget your teachers.

Let life be worthy of their efforts.

Russia is famous for its teachers.

The disciples bring glory to her.

Don't you dare forget your teachers!

Last words of gratitude from 11th grade students to teachers at graduation

The final words of gratitude from 11th grade graduates to their teachers do not have to be spoken or read from a paper card. Warm farewell congratulations and wishes can be sung by the whole class in a lyrical song, acted out in a beautiful scene, or even danced in a luxurious waltz. A carefully selected and neatly decorated number (flash mob, video recording, slide show) will become an even greater revelation for the excited guests and the heroes of the occasion themselves. But even simple, sincere last words of gratitude from 11th grade students to teachers at graduation will bring great pleasure.

Our dear and dear teachers, faithful mentors and our kind companions, on our graduation we sincerely thank you for your patience and understanding, for your care and love. We wish you great success and undoubted luck, gallant activity and sincere respect. We will always remember you and come to our native school now as guests, and we wish you to remain here as irreplaceable people and wonderful teachers.

Dear and dear teachers, on our graduation evening, farewell evening to school life, we want to thank you for your love and understanding, sensitivity and help, good advice and correct knowledge. We wish you to continue to successfully teach and teach children, diluting gray everyday life with cheerful and bright colors, interesting ideas and happy emotions.

How to choose words of gratitude to teachers from parents for 11th grade graduation

Finding words of gratitude to teachers from parents for 11th grade graduation is really difficult. Surging emotions prevent you from calmly reflecting, thinking soberly and assessing the situation. There is a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes. To brighten up the graduation party with a solemn speech, please the teachers present and leave a good impression on the graduating class, it is better to write words of gratitude in advance, distribute them partially to several active parents and memorize them by heart!

Farewell gift in gratitude to teachers from parents and graduates of 11th grade

As a parting gift, parents of 11th-graders can prepare a medley dance, act out a small play, or write a thank-you letter to teachers. The last option is the most popular and is valued by teachers above other gifts. After all, a beautifully designed letter will remain a lifelong memory of another generation of good people released.

Therefore, if you don’t know how to choose words of gratitude to teachers from parents for your 11th grade graduation, use our templates and arrange them in the form of a beautiful memorial letter.

Dear Elizaveta Petrovna!

Please accept my sincere gratitude for teaching and raising our children. Thanks to your teaching talent and sensitive attitude towards each of the students, our children received solid knowledge and were able to reveal their abilities and talents. My deepest bow to you for your hard work, patience, and willingness to provide all kinds of support.

We wish you the best health, optimism, prosperity and success in your difficult but important task!

parent team of class 11-A GBOU secondary school No. 791

Dear Olga Ivanovna!

Please accept my gratitude for your high professionalism, competence, teaching talent and dedication to your noble cause for many years. I express my sincere gratitude for your responsibility, kindness, enthusiasm and individual approach to each student.

I wish you good health, happiness and good luck in your endeavors!

Words of gratitude to the teacher from students and parents are an integral attribute of the graduation party. They create the right atmosphere and give the celebration a special lyrical background. And we have already described in detail in our article what words in poetry and prose to say to your first teacher or class teacher of grades 9 and 11.

Words of gratitude to teachers from graduates

Students should always be grateful to their teachers for all the knowledge they have given them. After all, it is the knowledge gained that will be useful in later life and will become the key to success in life. Words of gratitude to teachers from graduates should sound solemn and grateful. After all, these are the very last words that students will say to their beloved teachers before they leave the walls of their home school forever.

We, graduates, stand before you today no longer as students in front of teachers, but as educated people in front of the same educated people. And this became possible only thanks to you and your work. You gave us knowledge, you gave us a start in life, you gave us everything we need to help us live without problems.
We are all immensely grateful to you, grateful for every lesson you taught, for every comment and every grade. Today we already remember with a smile the moments when we thought: I wish I could finish school as soon as possible! Because now you understand that school will never end. After all, time after time we will turn to the knowledge that we received at school. And we ourselves don’t want to finish school, because school life is the best time when you can truly enjoy life!
Thank you, our teachers! We appreciate what you have invested in us and we promise that everything invested will pay off in spades!

It's time to talk frankly. It’s not that we lie, dissemble and deceive you all the time. No, it’s just that all this time we were students and children, and you were teachers and our adult comrades.
But today a lot has changed, today is our last day at school and we don’t have to hide anything. Yes, we admit that we had differences and different views on studying. That we often did not evaluate you objectively, and sometimes simply disrupted your lessons.
But right now we all realized how wrong we were. Because today we leave school, today we become independent, and today no one will help us. Therefore, we realized that we had lost - we had lost you, your communication and your attention. We will miss all this, we will remember you with love and a smile. We will remember your lessons and use in our lives the knowledge that you gave us.
Today we say thank you! Thank you for all those years of happiness, for all those happy minutes in your lessons! Today we realized that your profession is the most important in the world, and you are the most valuable people in the world!

Time flies so quickly that we are already graduates, we have already completed all classes at school and today is our last day in it. We are naturally sad and sad, but we do not yet fully understand what has happened. And a lot happened today. We won't see you every day anymore. We will no longer sit in your lessons and listen to you. We will no longer come to school every day, say hello, communicate with each other and sit at the same desk. There will be no more happy school days in our lives - and we will miss all of this so much!
We are infinitely grateful to you that you did not abandon us, brought us to the very end and made real people out of us. We will try not to let you down and not get lost among millions of the same people. We will try to ensure that, thanks to us, your names become recognizable. So that people say - yes, this is a student of the school (school number).
Today we are parting forever. New students, new joys, lessons and new moments of a happy life are ahead of you. But don’t forget us - because we will never forget you! We will remember you, and your classes, and your lessons, and everything that happened to us at school. We will definitely bring our children here and proudly tell them – this is where we studied! And our children will definitely go to study in our home school.

Key tags:

So my school years are coming to an end. Now, more than ever, you become acutely aware that this will not happen again. Once again, climbing the school stairs, walking along the corridors, I catch myself thinking that soon I will no longer run through them, hurrying to class. I will go far away and, of course, I will miss the school, the teachers, and especially you, IO. And this is no coincidence, because you are my first teacher, the first person in my school life to whom I became very attached and who is still dear to me.

They say that the brightest, most memorable impressions are those of childhood. A person remembers the events that took place at this time forever and remembers them with some kind of incomprehensible melancholy in his soul and at the same time with special warmth in his heart. The time spent in primary school will remain in my memory forever.

The first of September...The shining faces of first-graders....Seeing such a picture, I immediately remember my first day at school and you. I remember with what excitement in my chest I was waiting to meet you, I admit, I was a little afraid, but you so charmed me, and not only me, but the whole class, with your beautiful appearance, inner kindness coming from the very heart, bewitching voice, that we immediately fell in love with you.

I often remember the lessons you taught, reading, mathematics, Russian...

There was always a special atmosphere in the class, an expectation of something extraordinary. You explained it so interestingly, and we listened attentively and were not distracted at all. You sought to give us solid knowledge, laying the very “foundation” that we need in our future life.

And there were so many interesting extracurricular activities! How many unforgettable holidays you have given us. We learned to rejoice, admire, express ourselves, give each other wonderful moments. We held fun contests, funny competitions, and staged interesting skits.

IO, you are an amazing woman, a wonderful person, an excellent teacher, kind, but at the same time strict and demanding. You taught us to distinguish good from evil, tried to instill in us a sense of responsibility, justice, kindness, instilled a love of knowledge, taught us to have compassion for people, respect others and help them.

I know that every teacher has great wealth, it does not lie in money, but in the gratitude and love of his students. You remember us all, love each of us in your own way, are interested in our lives, and are proud of our achievements.

We are grateful to you for everything you have done for us. Thank you very much and bow! I will try to become a real person.

Your pupil

For the full text of the material Gratitude to the first teacher in prose, see the downloadable file.
The page contains a fragment.

How difficult it can be sometimes
You need to raise our children.
But we all understand it
And we really want to tell you:

Thank you, dear teacher,
For your kindness and patience.
For children you are a second parent,
Please accept our gratitude!

On behalf of all the parents of our class, let me express my gratitude and deep appreciation for your hard work. Thank you for holding our children’s hands on September 1, leading them through the land of knowledge, opening new horizons every day, instilling a sense of beauty, love for the Motherland and respect for elders. Thank you for everything!

To the first teacher,
Primary school for mom,
Today from parents
We "Thank you!" let's say.

For kindness and affection,
Patience is limitless
For not regretting
Time is your own.

Thanks for the children
For good science,
For being in the school world
Lead them by the hand.

Dear teacher, please accept my heartfelt words of gratitude for your work and efforts devoted to the benefit of our children. With your sensitive attitude, wise advice and fair instructions, you helped the children overcome the difficult path of acquiring knowledge. We wish you good health, vigor and strength, professional discoveries and responsive students.

We say a big thank you on behalf of all parents to you, our wonderful teacher, mentor of our children. Being a first teacher is the most difficult thing: you always need to know where and how to start, how to interest all the children and set them on the path of correct knowledge. Thank you for being able to give our children a thirst for knowledge and discovery, a desire to rush to school every day and open new pages of the book of miracles. We wish you great victories and creative success, incredible strength and bright happiness on the path of life.

Have you ever taken children by the hand?
They took us with us to the land of bright knowledge.
You are the first teacher, you are mom and dad,
Worthy of honor and children's love.

Please accept our thanks today,
Parental low bow,
Let the bright sun sparkle above you
And only the sky will be cloudless.

Dear first teacher of our children, we want to say from the bottom of our hearts “thank you very much” for being able to successfully pave the initial path to knowledge and great discoveries for our restless and mischievous children, for your patience, sensitivity and kind heart, for your professionalism and understanding and an individual approach. We wish you the best in continuing your activities and not losing your status as a respected person and a great master of your craft.

Thank you for teaching our children
What valuable knowledge was given to them,
Prepared them for a new life -
Meeting with high school.

May yours be wonderful
Bright, joyful, interesting,
Good luck in business and happiness in personal life,
May everything be great for you!

The first teacher as a learning compass:
You gave us direction.
You surrounded everyone with a special charm,
Your very devoted class loves you.

All our children will not forget you.
We are grateful for your efforts:
For nurturing a love for smart books
And all subjects are cool basics.

Thank you for your honorable work!
You surrounded me with warmth and affection
Every child. And let them go
But they will remember how they held your hand.

How you sometimes scolded them for mischief,
How they blew on a broken knee,
How you stood up for the guys
And how they praised me for a good grade.