Sashka what is the work about? The problem of the “terrible war” and “preserved humanity” in the story “Sashka”

The work of V. L. Kondratiev “Sashka” is a story that reflects all the hardships and hardships of the war. This story contains many problems, such as: love, moral choice, friendship, compassion, but the main problem of this masterpiece of military literature is the problem of man in war.

Image of a man at war

The main character Sashka is an ordinary ordinary soldier who previously had no idea about the war. Once at the front, he experienced many hardships and losses, but this did not kill his human qualities. In two months his company lost most of its personnel. There was always a shortage of food and tobacco; there was no strength to bury the dead and build dugouts for ourselves so as not to freeze in the huts.

And, probably, any person would have become imbued with hatred of the fascists and become embittered, but this did not happen to Sashka.

There is an atmosphere of brotherly friendship among the soldiers. Sashka, despite the danger, went to the field, where shelling could start at any moment, to get dry felt boots for his company commander, knowing that there were no boots in the warehouse, and the company commander was wearing damp felt boots. This act shows that people in war are characterized by mutual assistance, and that every soldier is ready to come to the aid of his neighbor.

“Sashka paused a little and wiped the sweat from his forehead. For myself, I wouldn’t climb for anything, these felt boots will go to waste. But I feel sorry for the company commander... His pants were soaked through with water... and then he puts on dry ones and walks around in dry ones... Okay, he wasn’t!”

Mutual assistance helps to survive

Also, when the main character, on the way to the hospital, came under a mine attack, and an unfamiliar soldier was wounded by a shrapnel, Sashka came to his aid, even, despite the fatigue and pain in his hand, bandaged him. The soldier was seriously injured and urgently needed medical attention, but he was unable to get up on his own. Having marked the place where the wounded man was left with a notch on the tree, Sashka went to the hospital.

Do you hear? I'll go. Just be patient, I'll be there in a moment. And I'll send orderlies. You believe me... believe me.

After he got to him, Sashka did not go to the dressing room, but, together with the orderlies, went into the forest to fetch the wounded man. Sashka has a sore hand, he doesn’t know what to call this soldier, and the path to the forest is unsafe, but something forced him to go into the forest with the orderlies? Probably a feeling of responsibility for the wounded, whose life depends only on him. And if for some this act is heroic, then for Sashka it is the norm. Soon Sashka will not even remember how he saved the wounded soldier, and he, in turn, will remember Alexander all his life.

A man can remain a man in war

The clearest example of compassion and proof of the humanity of soldiers is the heroic capture of a German. For Sashka, this event became a difficult test, because killing an unarmed person is unthinkable. On the way to headquarters, Sashka managed to make sure that not all Germans are fascists who are eager to kill. The prisoner turned out to be a young man to whom war was as alien as Sashka, so the main character promised the German his life.

And even the commander’s order and the threat of execution if he did not carry out the order did not allow Sashka to give up his principles and break his word. For Alexander, since childhood, the oath meant a lot, and he felt that killing an unarmed person was impossible. The commander was blinded by hatred of the Germans after the murder of his sister, but even despite this, he realized that death, an innocent person, would not bring her back. He canceled the order, and this once again proves that war does not make hearts hard, even despite the grief and suffering that it brings to people. And when Sashka is asked why he was not afraid to disobey the commander’s order, he answers:

“We are people, not fascists”

And this shows that the humanity in people is irresistible.


A man in war lives one day at a time, because there may be no tomorrow. Although love for Zina brought disappointment, it gave Sashka strength during cold, hungry nights in the field. Spending the night with Pasha in the village relieved him for some time of bad memories of the war. Friendship with Volodya made the road easier and saved me from loneliness.

A person changes a lot in war, and it is war that shows the true face of people. In his work, Kondratiev probably wanted to reflect the entire palette of human qualities that are characteristic of a Russian man in war and to show that no tests can shake faith in victory.

There are many such Sashas in the war and, probably, it is to them that we owe victory, because brave and sincere people, who are characterized by a sense of compassion and mutual assistance, could not help but defeat fascism!

Lesson-conference on the story “Sashka” by V. L. Kondratiev

Lesson topic: “Man at war. The problem of moral choice".

The purpose of the lesson: try to touch with your heart the living sources of the Great Victory, first of all the moral ones, to “try on” both the heroism and tragedy of those days.

Lesson equipment: computer, projector, multimedia presentation; a stand dedicated to the work of V. Kondratiev “Sashka” (there are questions for discussing the story, statements about it, illustrations); materials prepared for the lesson by students (printed texts of speeches).

Methodical techniques: exchange of information (student presentations -biographer, literary critic, historians);conversation; brief retelling; episode analysis; comparison; solution to a problematic issue.


I. Organizational moment. Announcing the topic and purpose of the lesson. (Slides 1-3)

II. Teacher's opening speech.

The years of the Great Patriotic War are moving further and further away from us. There are fewer and fewer of us participating in it. The writer V.L. Kondratyev also passed away. But his voice continues to resound from the pages of his works, “trembling - like in the palm of your hand! – his wounded, but continuing to hurt – for all of us! - heart…"

In one interview, V.L. Kondratiev said: “Every writer should have a super task. For me, it was to tell the truth about the war that has not yet been written.”(Slide 4)

“It is not for the trophies of victory that real literature returns to the fields of ancient battles... and it does not seek glory, but wants to understand what he was like, the man who saved our land from the fascist invasion? What were they like, standing from edge to edge? After all, there was probably something in them that DOESN’T ALLOW ETERNAL HOPE FOR THE BEST AND BRIGHT, PURE POWERS OF HUMAN TO FAIL?” (I. Dedkov)(See stand)

What is higher, what is more important: an order, general opinion, circumstances, the will of someone higher than you, or you yourself with your own understanding of conscience and goodness? The old and eternal test of man: to cross or not to cross?

III . Speeches by students: biographer, literary critic, historians.

    Biography of the writer V. Kondratiev. (Slides 5-6,8,9)

    Literary creativity. (Slides 6-7)

    The history of the creation of the story "Sashka". (Slide 10)

    History of the city of Rzhev. (Slides 11, 12, 14)

    Memoirs of marshals G.K. Zhukov and K.K. Rokossovsky. (Slide 13)

IV . Photo series to the soundtrack of M. Nozhkin’s song “Near Rzhev”. (Slide 15)

V . Discussion of V. Kondratiev’s story “Sashka”.

Let us mentally transport ourselves to that time and to that land, which we learned about from the memoirs of military leaders and read in the story “Sashka”.

1. Sashka has been fighting for two months. Is it a lot or a little? What details, pictures help the writer to recreate, and for us to imagine this time?

(The life of war. The same one about which the writer will say: “... the whole war consisted of this life. The battles themselves were not the main part of a person’s life in war. The rest was life, prohibitively difficult, associated with deprivation and enormous physical exertion”) .

How is military life shown in the story? (Slide 16)

(“The first company had no trenches or dugouts; the beaten and killed people huddled in huts. Only the company commander had a thin dugout.”

“It’s tight with food and with ammunition... I don’t have the strength to bury the guys, I don’t... After all, I can’t dig a trench for myself alive.”

“The army seemed to be standing here in winter, or maybe there were battles, because they were scattered around the sides with bulletproof helmets, zinc boxes from cartridges, rusty windings, scraps of bloody bandages and even one corpse they noticed, but they didn’t approach - enough for a lifetime we've seen enough"

“How many people did you have in your company?

One hundred fifty…

How much is left?


- Why does Kondratiev so meticulously describe this wretched life of war?

(We understand that this truth of detail and everyday life leads to the very main truth for which our literature lives - to the truth of a person who decided to remain a person in this terrible war).

Sashka gets felt boots for the company commander.

Sashka takes the German prisoner and refuses to shoot him.

The wounded Sashka, under fire, returns to the company to say goodbye to the guys and hand over the machine gun.

Sashka leads the orderlies to the wounded man, not relying on them finding him themselves.

Meeting with Zina.

Sashka helps out Lieutenant Volodya.

3. One of the critics noted that V. Kondratiev led his hero through the tests of power, love, and friendship. How did Sashka survive these tests?

VI. Analysis of individual episodes.

Episode of the capture of a German. Test of power. (“And then Sashka realized what a terrible power he now has over the German. After all, from his every word or gesture he either dies or enters into hope. He, Sashka, is now free over the life and death of another person. If he wants, he will bring him to headquarters alive, if he wants it, he’ll slam him down the road! Sashka even somehow felt uneasy, and the German, of course, understands that he is completely in Sashka’s hands. And what they told him about the Russians, only God knows! Only the German doesn’t know what kind of Sashka he is a man who is not the type to mock prisoners and unarmed people.

Sashka remembered: there was one in their company who was very angry at the Germans, one of the Belarusians, it seemed. He wouldn't have let the Fritz down. He would say: “When trying to escape,” and there would be no demand.

And Sashka felt somehow uneasy from the almost unlimited power over another person that had fallen on him.”)

How do we see Sasha in this episode? How does it make us feel? What do we value in him? (+ reference to illustration. See stand)

(Sashka inspires sympathy and self-respect with his kindness, compassion. Humanity. The war has not depersonalized or discolored Sashka’s character. He is inquisitive and inquisitive. He has his own point of view on all events. Sashka is uncomfortable with almost unlimited power over a person, he understood how terrible this power over life and death can become. We appreciate in Sashka a huge sense of responsibility for everything. Even for what he could not be responsible for. We are ashamed of the Germans for the useless defense. For the guys who were not buried: he tried to lead German so that he would not see our killed and not yet buried soldiers, and when they did come across them, Sashka was ashamed, as if he was guilty of something).

- Remember a similar episode from the novel “War and Peace” (Battle near Ostrovnaya. Nikolai Rostov and the Frenchman. Nikolai’s condition).

Why didn't Sashka follow the order? This is an unthinkable event in the army - disobedience to the order of a superior in rank.

(Sashka feels sorry for the German and cannot imagine how he can break his word. “The value of human life has not diminished in his mind.”)

- Is there a similar episode in the novel “War and Peace”? (Dolokhov and Denisov: dispute about prisoners).

- “Sashka took a deep, deep breath... and thought: if he remains alive, then of all he has experienced, this incident will be the most memorable, the most unforgettable for him...” Why? (Slide 18)

(Sashka went into attacks, often hopeless and therefore deadly, repelled attacks from German intelligence, fought one on one with a German, saw death, but the most memorable day is the one when he did not kill a German. He did not kill in order to remain a man.

The German he did not kill is the strength of the soul fighting such a victorious, such a powerful evil. And Kondratiev convinces us that we won not because we were stronger, but because we were higher, spiritually purer.)

Which of these actions - capturing a German or saving him - can be called a feat? Which one is worthy of the award?

- Compare the life principles of Sashka and the connected battalion commander Tolik. Which side are you on?

(Tolik’s motto is “our business is a calf.” But Sashka does not want to be a calf, he wants to remain a man. Sashka and Tolik are contrasted as responsibility and irresponsibility, sympathy and indifference, honesty and selfishness).

- Does Tolik remind you of Nikolai Rostov? In what episodes? (Nicholas’ conversation with Pierre about a secret society. Nikolai: “You are my best friend..., but... if you start opposing the government, whatever it may be, I know that my duty is to obey it. And Arakcheev ordered me now to go against you with squadron and cut down - I won’t think for a second and go”)

- What do you think influenced the battalion commander’s decision to cancel the order to shoot the captured German?

- What qualities of Sashka are manifested in the episodes:

1. The wounded Sashka, under fire, returns to the company to say goodbye to the guys and hand over the machine gun.

2. Sashka leads the orderlies to the wounded man, not relying on them finding him themselves.

(Responsibility, loyalty to the word)

- Can we say that Sashka is “a knight without fear and reproach”?

(Sashka experienced fear more than once, but knew how to overcome it).

Comparison with the episode: “On the Raevsky battery.

Pierre: “Are you afraid?”

Soldier: “But how can that be?.. After all, she will not have mercy. She will smack and her guts will be out. You can’t help but be afraid...”

Front-line poet Yu. Drunina wrote: “Whoever says that there is no fear in war knows nothing about war”)

Episode "Meeting with Zina." Test of love.

-What does Zina mean in Sashka’s life? (+ Refer to illustration. See stand)

(Sashka and Zina. How complicated everything is in their fate: love and jealousy are intertwined. And yet, after parting, Sashka says: “Zina is uncondemned. It’s just war... And he has no grudge against her.” This is equivalent to Pushkin’s “As you give God loves you to be different.”

So again we saw Sashka’s maturity. But he is just over twenty: after serving his military service in the Far East, he ended up on Rzhev land, where he received a baptism of fire.)

Does Sashka’s behavior contradict your opinion about his character or, on the contrary, confirm an already established opinion about him?

(Sashka remains Sashka: justice, kindness prevailed here too. Sashka did not become bitter, did not become coarse, he managed to understand Zina and not condemn her, although it was bitter and painful for him. “Zina is not judged... It’s just war... And he has no grudge against her! ."

Since they are in love, what right does he have to interfere with her? And Sashka leaves without hurting Zina with unnecessary conversations. He wouldn't have it any other way).

Episode “Front-line friendship with Volodya.” Test of friendship.

- How does Sashka behave during his brief front-line friendship with Lieutenant Volodya?

-Do we condemn or justify Sashka in the episode with calming the soldiers? And the author?

(The author sympathizes with Sashka: he, who looks not at all heroic, not a dashing soldier, turned out to be stronger and braver than the desperate lieutenant from Maryina Roshcha, helps him out of trouble. “This story was worth the nerves, to be honest, I didn’t “give a damn” at all Sashka")

VII. Solving a Moral Problem

- There is “necessary” and “extra necessary”. Does Sashka go overboard? Or is it the conscience that commands?

(From Sashka’s point of view, his behavior and actions are the norm, nothing supernatural. He cannot do otherwise. There are no two consciences - conscience and another conscience: conscience either exists or it doesn’t, just as there are no two patriotisms).

VIII. conclusions

- Why is Sashka attractive? What did the author want to show in it? (Slide 19)

The character of Sashka is Kondratiev’s discovery. An inquisitive mind and simplicity, vitality and active kindness, modesty and self-esteem - all this was combined in the integral character of the hero. Kondratiev discovered the character of a person from the thick of the people, formed by his time and embodying the best features of this time. “The story of Sashka is the story of a man who found himself in the most difficult time in the most difficult place in the most difficult position - a soldier.” “...If I hadn’t read Sashka, I would have been missing something, not in literature, but simply in life. Together with him, I made another friend, a person I loved,” wrote K. Simonov.

- What does Sashka mean to you, since he is close to you in age?

It was not by chance that we tried to compare episodes from the story by V. Kondratiev and the novel by L.N. Tolstoy. What Tolstoy traditions in the depiction of “war” and “peace”, man in war, have you discovered?

IX. . Final words from the teacher.

Indeed, many of Tolstoy’s thoughts about war and peace were reflected in V. Kondratiev’s story. And therefore, it is probably appropriate to end the lesson with an address from the writer V. Kondratiev to you, high school students (See stand):

“To the guys: for our military generation, the most important thing was that from childhood we were replenished with the great Russian literature of the last century. She instilled in us civic and high moral concepts that allowed us to live in terrible times and remain pure, without sullying our conscience. I wish the same to all of you, i.e. to read and read holy Russian literature.”

X. Homework: write an essay-reasoning: “Why is the story “Sashka” a work needed today?” or give a detailed answer to the question “What impression did the story “Sashka” make on me? “How do you understand the words “Hearts!” But these are heights that cannot be given away”? (See stand)


    V.L. Kondratiev. Hello from the front. Novels and short stories - Moscow, “Fiction”, 1995.

    A work about the Great Patriotic War in literature lessons and in extracurricular activities. – M., “Enlightenment”, 1985.

    N. Krupina, N. Sosnina. “I bequeath my life to you...” (High school students discuss V. Kondratiev’s story “Sashka”) - “Literature at School”, No. 3 1989.

    A. Kogan. ...He lived and died like a soldier. About Vyacheslav Kondratiev, his life and work, his difficult fate. – “Literature at school”, No. 2 1995.

There are a number of works in Russian literature that truthfully describe the terrible everyday life at the front of the Great Patriotic War. The story “Sashka” can easily be included in these works, the analysis of which we want to analyze using reasoning in this article. In this story there are no pompous words that would glorify the Russian soldier and the exploits of the people. Vyacheslav Kondratyev did not set out to reflect here the valiant victories of the soldiers, although it must be noted that the author is a front-line writer, so his view is especially impartial, and the events are presented exactly as they actually happened. So, let's analyze the story "Sashka" by Kondratiev.

What is the story about?

Let us highlight the main theme of the work “Sashka”. The author showed the daily life of ordinary soldiers, their work and courage on the battlefields. It is important to know that Kondratiev went to the front at the end of 1941, and fought in a rifle brigade that acted in fierce battles near Rzhev, defending the city. Having been wounded, he was awarded a medal. Of course, his memories and impressions of that terrible time formed the basis of his work.

In order to make a more accurate analysis of the story “Sashka,” one must understand that Kondratiev began writing his work not immediately after returning from the front and not a year or two later, but much later, when the author had already reached adulthood. In 1979, the text of the story was published in the magazine "Friendship of Peoples", and this was a year before the writer's sixtieth birthday.

And here’s what’s interesting: years passed, and Kondratyev could not completely distract himself for a single night from his memories of the comrades with whom he had the opportunity to defend Rzhev in 1942. Having tried to find any of them, he failed, after which he began to think that perhaps no one else had survived except him. He began to re-read various works about the war years, about battles at the front, but could not find the whole truth that would touch him to the depths of his soul. And then Vyacheslav Kondratyev himself took up the pen.

Analysis of the story "Sashka"

The events that the author describes in the story take place in the spring, when winter has just begun to recede. It's still cold and muddy. Sashka, who is the main character of the work, appears to the reader as an ordinary ordinary soldier who is thrown to the front line next to Rzhev. A month of battles is over, and Sashka is already completely used to it. The Germans are advancing over and over again, and it’s getting harder and harder for the Soviet guys. There are always not enough shells, there is a lot of pressure on bread, and you often even have to walk around in wet clothes and shoes, because there is nowhere to dry them.

It should be noted that Vyacheslav Kondratiev managed to convey the smallest details of military life in his work. When we focus on the analysis of the story "Sashka", it is immediately clear that the author wants to convey the main idea: a person should not lose his conscience, honor and courage, no matter how hard it is for him, and no matter what circumstances he finds himself in.

This article presented a brief analysis of the story “Sashka” by Vyacheslav Kondratiev, we hope that it helped you get a general idea of ​​the book and understand the main goal of the author. On our blog you will find many similar articles with analyzes of works and characteristics of characters.


During the four years of the war there was not a single event of any significance that was not immediately reflected in literature. Works of those years on a military theme were created literally in hot pursuit. This prose is called “lieutenant’s,” which says a lot about its authors.

Vyacheslav Kondratyev is a front-line soldier, witness and participant in the events he describes. His first story, “Sashka,” turned out to be successful. “The story of “Sashka” is the story of a man who found himself in the most difficult place and in the most difficult position - as a soldier,” - this is what K. Simonov said about Kondratiev’s story.

The hero of the story is Sashka, a simple village guy of twenty-two to twenty-three years old. His youth fell on a difficult time for the country. Sashka's previous idea of ​​the war is sharply different from what the war actually turned out to be. By taking his hero through many trials, the author reveals his character to the reader. The episode with felt boots is indicative in this regard. Risking his own life, Sashka decides to get felt boots for the company commander. He feels sorry for the company commander. “I wouldn’t do it for myself,” notes the hero. The writer emphasizes Sashka’s good nature and selflessness, his love for his neighbor.

The hero shows himself to be smart, brave, and dexterous when the Germans unexpectedly appear. At first he takes his breath away, then he comes to his senses, begins to think quickly and takes decisive action: “he cut a long line at the Germans.” The hero looks courageous against the backdrop of a “beaten-killed” company, which, having barely received an order, happily retreats behind the ravine. Sashka rushes to the aid of the company commander. Going with him to the attack and noticing that his disc was shot, Sashka gives his to the company commander, without thinking about his life. He has one desire: “to overtake the Germans and be sure to shoot them.”

The climax of the story is the hero's fight with the German and what followed next. With hot hatred the hero rushes at the enemy and, despite the difference in strength, defeats him. However, after the capture of the German, Sashka suddenly notices that the prisoner is his same age, just as young, probably just as cheerful, and “he looks straight Russian.” Sympathy penetrates Sashka’s heart. In dealing with the German, the hero behaves humanely, noting that “he is not the type to mock a prisoner and unarmed.” Sashka not only does not use violence himself, he is against others using their “terrible power.” Kondratyev describes in detail Sashkin’s ordeals, which he endures for the sake of one thing - saving the life of the enemy. “Sashka saw a lot, a lot of death during this time - if you live to be a hundred years old, you won’t see so much - but the value of human life did not diminish from this in his mind.” And this is the defining feature in the image of Sashka - the ability to preserve the human in himself in inhuman conditions, “he has some kind of barrier or barrier in his soul that he is not able to cross.” “Well, Sashok... You are a man...” - his comrades say about him.

Sashka is humane both to his own and to strangers. Again risking his own life, he brings orderlies to the wounded soldier, whom he promised to help. Sashka cannot deceive a person, he keeps his word firmly, and values ​​human life.

The relationship between the hero and Zina is complicated. After the first meeting, having become attached to her, Sashka hopes to see love and devotion on her part. Having met Zina again, the hero discovers that she loves someone else. Sashka finds the courage to forgive her everything, because he understands her: Zina is young, she needs to somehow arrange her life, and she has no confidence that Sashka will return from the war. “Zina is unconvicted... It’s just war...,” the hero concludes.

Understanding is characteristic of Sashka in other episodes as well. He behaves extremely correctly with the local population along his route, knowing: it is impossible to condemn them for inhospitality - there is war. The hero knows how to find an approach to a person, knows how not to offend him.

When there is a conflict in the hospital over the quality of food, he shows extraordinary courage by taking on someone else's blame. Sashka understands that his friend Volodka is very hot-tempered and can do stupid things, but he, Sashka, is “more prudent,” and therefore will try to somehow smooth out the current situation. The hero does not think about punishment for what he has done; the main thing for him is to save his friend.

When Zhora, enchanted by the beauty of a snowdrop, is blown up by a mine, Sashka, without a moment’s hesitation, rushes after his hat, which was thrown to the side. It is not his own life that worries him at this moment, but the awareness of his duty to his comrade: to cover his face and thus pay his last tribute. Sashka again does not think about himself and shows the ability to self-sacrifice.

At the station, the hero meets two girls going to the front. They feel sorry for the wounded, exhausted Sashka, and Sashka feels sorry for them. He understands perfectly well what awaits these young girls who have never smelled gunpowder there, on the front line, and shows great sympathy.

Moscow evokes an influx of patriotic feelings in Sashka. He suddenly understands the importance and necessity of the work that he did “there”.

In the story “Sashka” Kondratiev painted the image of an honest, brave, courageous, kind and sympathetic person.

The writer unfolded before the reader an objective picture of war, merciless and deadly.

The story “Sashka” by Vyacheslav Kondratyev tells about a young Russian boy who, by the will of fate, ended up at the front. The war changed the lives of entire generations, took away a peaceful life, the opportunity to live and work.

However, human ideas about honor, conscience, good and evil cannot be eradicated from a person. Sashka is amazingly kind, he is characterized by mercy and compassion for his neighbor. Sashka manages to capture the young German. If they were destined to meet in battle, there would be no doubt what to do. And now the prisoner is completely


The battalion commander orders Sashka to shoot the prisoner. This order evokes strong resistance from the guy. The thought that he should shoot a defenseless person seems monstrous to Sashka. The captain guesses about Sashka’s condition, so he orders another soldier to check the execution of the order.

In the consciousness of every person lies the confidence that human life is sacred. Sashka cannot kill a defenseless captured German. It is no coincidence that he finds in the captured German a resemblance to his good friend. To top it all off, he cannot forget the leaflet he showed to the German. In the leaflet

Life was promised, and Sashka cannot understand how this promise can be broken.

The value of human life is an important factor. And even though Sashka is too simple to turn to the theories of great philosophers and humanists, in his soul he clearly realizes that he is right. And this is what makes him hesitate to carry out the order.

Even during the war, Sashka did not become bitter; universal human values ​​did not lose their meaning for him. It is no coincidence that after the battalion commander canceled the order, Sashka realized: “... if he remains alive, then of all that he has experienced at the front end, this incident will be the most memorable, the most unforgettable for him...”.

Due to injury, Sashka had to go to the rear. I'm worried about my upcoming meeting with the girl Zina, who was a nurse. And let Sashka realize that he and Zina had nothing serious, but still the thought of her warmed his soul and gave him hope.

Suddenly, someone else's distrust falls on Sashka, which shocks him. He was wounded in the left arm, and the lieutenant present at the inspection believed that this was done purposefully by the fighter himself in order to leave the battlefield and go to the rear. Sashka did not immediately understand what was being said. “But then, catching a suspicious, intent gaze on himself, he guessed: this neat little one, ... who has not drank even a thousandth part of what Sashka and his comrades had, suspects him, Sashka, that he ... himself ... Yes, in the most dashing days, when it seemed simpler and easier - a bullet in the forehead, so as not to suffer, such a thought did not occur to Sashka.”

The meeting with Zina was not as exciting as expected. Not immediately, but Sashka finds out about her betrayal.

And he becomes bitter and sad. At first, he had a desire to “go to the front line tomorrow morning, let them finish off.” But then Sashka realized that he had a mother and a sister, and he couldn’t manage his life so recklessly.

Sashka is open and sincere, he is in full view, he does not hide anything. This is the type of simple Russian person who, in general, won the war. How many of these Sashas, ​​young, sincere, kind and pure in soul, died in the Great Patriotic War!

The story ends with Sashka’s reflections, which arise when he looks at a calm, almost peaceful Moscow. And Sashka understands: “... the more strikingly this calm, almost peaceful Moscow differed from what was there, the clearer and more tangible the connection became for him between what he did there and what he saw here, the more significant he saw it it's there..."

Each work about the war seeks to convey to subsequent generations the entire tragedy that Soviet people were forced to face in the period from forty-one to forty-five. The more time separates us from that terrible period, the fewer living people remain who remember that bloody meat grinder. And that is why works about the war must be read and re-read in order to have a reliable understanding of the complex fate of Russia.

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  2. Alexander Ivanovich Polezhaev Sashka Poem (1825, published 1861) The poem is written in the first person. Moscow University student Sashka Polezhaev, a friend, is going to St. Petersburg to visit his uncle. Remember how in Pushkin’s beginning...
  3. Every year there are fewer and fewer among us who met the fateful dawn on June 22, 1941. Those who defended Moscow in the harsh autumn of 1941, who saw the bloody...
  4. L.N. Tolstoy’s story “Childhood” is an autobiographical work in which the author plunges into childhood memories, trying to understand and analyze the importance of this time for a person. The main character of the story is Nikolenka....
  5. People, what is happening to us? You have to be a person... V. Shukshin In Vasily Makarovich Shukshin’s story “The Resentment” we are talking about an ordinary everyday incident, of which each of us can be a witness or participant...
  6. History of creation. The story reflects Korolenka's memories of his mother (it is no coincidence that the heroine's name is Evelina), stays in Volyn, Zhitomir region, Rivne region, visits to the Pochaev Lavra and the Sarov Monastery (Tambov region). Although the work first appeared...
  7. The story “Gobsek” was written by de Balzac in 1830 and consists of three stories. First of all, this is the story of the narrator Derville himself, who worked as a lawyer and helped return de Gralier...
  8. Let us first determine the compositional and substantive significance of this episode, in which a decisive explanation of the characters takes place, their relationship is finally clarified, moreover, the behavior of Mr. N.N. in the meeting scene influences and...
  9. N.V. Gogol’s literary fame was brought to him by the collection “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka” (1831-1832), rich in Ukrainian ethnographic and folklore material, marked by romantic moods, lyricism and humor. Stories from the collections “Mirgorod”...
  10. At the border of the 18th and 19th centuries, a new literary direction began to develop - sentimentalism, and a completely new genre appeared - the philosophical story. One of the founders of this genre was the famous Voltaire...
  11. The translation of the title of the work in Russian literature occurs in several versions: “A Christmas Carol in Prose”, “A Christmas Song”, “A Christmas Story”, “The Tale of Christmas with the Participation of the Spirits”. The idea of ​​writing a work on the theme of Christmas...
  12. This story is one of the most powerful stories from anti-war literature of the 20th century. It's like an anthem for a lost generation. Its title “Traveler, when you come to Spa...” is a quote from the epitaph couplet...
  13. Gabriel Garcia Marquez is one of the most famous writers of our time, a prominent representative of the literature of “magical realism”. This direction arose as a new direction in Latin American literature in the 30-40s. XX century. In her...
  14. The history of the creation of the story “The Night Before Christmas”. Nikolai Gogol showed the Russian world a previously completely undiscovered Ukrainian region, which has its own unique national mythology, traditions, folklore and customs. He thereby asserted...
  15. PECHORIN AND THE SMUGGERS (analysis of the story “Taman” by M. Yu. Lermontov) “Taman” is an action-packed and at the same time lyrical story that continues the tradition of romantic robber stories, but in relation to the author’s attitude towards ...
  16. In 1949, in a Stockholm newspaper, A. Lindgren published a story about a boy who was raised by soulless foster parents, about his loneliness and dreams. All the extraordinary adventures of Mio and his games were taken...
  17. The work “The Evening on the Eve of Ivan Kupala” is a masterpiece in Gogol’s work, written in order to show all the mysteries of this night. The night of Ivan Kupala has a mystical content, because it is on this...
  18. Genre features of the work. This is a story, an epic genre of medium size: not as small as a short story, but not as large as a novel. At the same time, it is also a fairy tale with its unique conflict...
  19. The story “Ivan the Terrible” is still not clearly perceived by critics. And that's okay. We must not forget in what years this work was written. And these were the terrible thirties - the years of mass...
  20. (Abridged version) Sashka Ermolaev was offended. On Saturday morning, he collected empty milk bottles and said to his little daughter: “Masha, will you come with me?” - "Where? Gagazinchik?” – the girl was happy. “And fish...
  21. The fairy tale by Christine Nestlinger “Conrad or the Tin Can Baby” is dedicated to the problem of the relationship between children and adults. The author is trying to show parents that the desire to raise their descendants to be “ideal” deprives children of their individuality...
  22. Vasily Makarovich Shukshin Offense Story (1971) Sashka Ermolaev was offended. On Saturday morning, he collected empty milk bottles and said to his little daughter: “Masha, will you come with me?” - "Where? Gagazinchik?” –...
  23. The story “Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors” was created by G. Kotsiubynsky in 1911 based on impressions of the life of the Carpathian Hutsuls, their customs and rituals, originality of thinking and worldview. Their lives pass in the middle...
  24. In the summer I read Charles Dickens's story “A Christmas Carol.” This is an unusual piece. He talks about what greed and indifference bring people to. The main character of the work is Scrooge, caring only about... In his works, Gogol shows two worlds of people: living according to the high laws of duty and leading an empty, meaningless existence. In the heroes of the story “Taras Bulba” the author reveals the triumph of spirituality. Gogol shows powerful...
  25. Plan I. Circumstances of the surrounding life that influenced the work of M. Bulgakov. II. A risky experiment is the basis of M. Bulgakov’s story “The Heart of a Dog.” 1. Transformation of the dog Sharik into a man. 2. Conflict between the professor...
Analysis of V. Kondratiev’s story “Sashka”