The main themes of Yuli Kim's work. Yuliy Chersanovich Kim

Yuli Chersanovich Kim (born 1936) - Russian poet, composer, playwright, screenwriter, bard.
Yuliy Kim was born on December 23, 1936 in Moscow. After the arrest of his parents, he left the capital in 1938 for 16 years, which he spent in the Kaluga region and Turkmenistan. Since 1954 - again a Muscovite.
He graduated from the Faculty of History and Philology of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute (1959), worked for five years as assigned in Kamchatka, then for several years in Moscow, taught history and social studies (including at boarding school number 18 at Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov).
Already during these years, Yuliy Kim began to write and perform with students original song compositions with interludes and vocal scenes, which had all the elements of a musical.
In 1965-1968, Yuliy Kim became one of the activists of the human rights movement. In 1966, he married Irina Petrovna Yakir (1948-1999), the granddaughter of the repressed army commander I.E. Yakir. Irina's father, a famous human rights activist and dissident, was arrested at the age of 14 and was released only at 32.
In 1968, Kim parted ways with the school forever at the behest of his superiors, who did not forgive him for his participation in the human rights movement. Since then he has been a free artist.
While still a student at the Pedagogical Institute, Yuliy Kim began to write songs based on his poems (since 1956) and perform them, accompanying himself on seven string guitar with a special “gypsy” system. His first concerts swept across Moscow in the early 1960s, and the young author quickly became one of the most popular bards in Russia.
Since 1968, he began to professionally write songs and plays for theater and cinema. Being a member dissident movement, for a long time appeared in film credits and play posters under the pseudonym “Yu. Mikhailov”, since the surname “Kim” sounded dissidently seditious to the authorities.
Most of Yuli Kim's songs are written in own music, much was also written in collaboration with such composers as Gennady Gladkov, Vladimir Dashkevich, Alexey Rybnikov.
In 1974, Yuliy Kim joined the Moscow Trade Union Committee of Playwrights and began working on his own plays.
In 1985 he performed main role in a performance based on his play “Noah and His Sons.” That same year, he gave up using a pseudonym and began publishing under own name. At the same time, the first disc with his songs was released - “Whale Fish”.
To date, Yuli Kim's discography includes more than 20 titles of discs, audio and video tapes with recordings of songs. The songs of Yuli Kim were included in all anthologies of art songs, as well as in many poetic anthologies of modern Russian poetry, including “Strophes of the Century” (compiled by E. Yevtushenko, 1994).
Yuliy Kim is a member of the Union of Cinematographers of the USSR (1987), the Union of Writers (1991), and the Pen Club (1997). Author of about five hundred songs (many of them are heard in films and plays), three dozen plays and a dozen books. Winner of the Golden Ostap award (1998). Laureate of the Russian State Prize them. Bulat Okudzhava (2000).
Since 1998, he has lived in Jerusalem and Moscow alternately. Member of the editorial board of the Jerusalem Journal. Participated in the recording of the “Jerusalem Album” - the first disc in the “Art Song in Israel” series.
In Israel, Yuliy Kim conducts presentations of the “Jerusalem Magazine” twice a year, together with the poet and editor of the “Jerusalem Magazine” Igor Byalsky and Igor Guberman, and leads presentations of the magazine in Moscow.
In 2002-2006, Yuliy Kim, together with Igor Byalsky, wrote a play in verse about the construction of the second Temple.

Yuliy Kim as a project

I'm going to class: 8th grade

Irina Uchambrina

Irina Alekseevna UCHAMBRINA - methodologist at the scientific and methodological center of the South-Eastern District of Moscow, teacher at secondary school No. 919.

Yuliy Kim as a project

At the beginning of the school year, when determining the topic of our future project work, the eighth-graders and I went through a lot of options - from the works of N.V. Gogol to works modern writers- and decided to focus on what would be interesting to all of us. It was also necessary to take into account the specifics of the class - these guys are lively, active, not shy about the public, many of them have already performed on the school stage more than once, and all these qualities had to be used.

The “candidacy” I proposed interested the guys. Yuliy Kim is our contemporary, a living classic of Russian literature and an active participant public life countries. Julius Chersanovich is an ironic, “funny” author, his work is filled with humor, his songs from films and television films are heard by almost everyone. The name Kim is well known to graduates of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. Lenin, lovers of art songs, progressively minded intelligentsia, for whom the ideals of the sixties are not an empty phrase... But this, unfortunately, is not the overwhelming majority of the country's inhabitants. And I wanted to introduce my students to the work of a man under whose sign my college youth passed, whose songs we sang “on potatoes,” in our kitchens, and at student concerts. Kim's songs are not only part of our youth with our classmates. This is part of the life of many, many graduates of Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. And this is part of the life of our country.

“A bright man”, “kind talent”, “pure soul”, “forever Yulik” - these are just a few reviews from people who know Yuli Chersanovich personally or have attended his concerts. Sergei Nikitin once said: “Kim’s creations create a unique feeling of flight in listeners.” And indeed it is. This is a flight of creative imagination, and a flight of free spirit, and a flight of words sparkling with wit and irony. The Kim phenomenon also lies in the fact that many do not even imagine how well they are familiar with his work, how often, without knowing it, they quote the poet’s lines. One cannot but agree with the opinion of journalist and writer D. Bykov: “Yuliy Kim is one of the most great poets the second half of the twentieth and the first half of the twenty-first century. This is guaranteed by the number of proverbs, sayings, thoughts and maxims pulled from it.”

Together with the students, outlining a plan for future work, we decided not to limit ourselves to a printed illustrated version of the project and its computer presentation, but also planned to present a small theatrical production. Together we formulated a topic that we will work on throughout the year: “Julius Kim is a bard, poet, playwright".

Each of the project participants received their own task - to explore one of the areas of Yu. Kim’s life and work. The following directions were identified.

2. Fragments of biography: studies at the Pedagogical Institute (Faculty of History and Philology of Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after Lenin), short teaching activity in Kamchatka, later in Moscow at the Physical Lyceum.

3. How did the events taking place in the country affect the life of the family? The fate of the parents - Korean translator Kim Chersan and Russian literature teacher N.V. Vsesvyatskaya (the book by Alina and Yulia Kimov “About our mother Nina Vsesvyatskaya, teacher” helped us a lot here); dissident, human rights activities of Kim; satirical works written during the years of “stagnation”; why Kim had to become Yu. Mikhailov, etc.

4. Kim and cinema. Songs written for the television films “Bumbarash”, “An Ordinary Miracle”, “The Twelve Chairs”, “The Man from the Boulevard des Capuchins”, “About Little Red Riding Hood”, etc.

5. Kim and the theater . Works created for Moscow theaters: the fairy tale “Ivan Tsarevich”, the musical “The Bedbug” based on the play by V. Mayakovsky to the music of V. Dashkevich, the libretto of the recently staged opera “The Inspector General” (music by V. Dashkevich) in the studio of A. Pokrovsky, songs, created for the play “Minor” based on the comedy by D.I. Fonvizina.

6. Creativity and activities of Yu. Kim at the present time (speeches, concerts, books).

7. Literary analysis of Kim's poetic texts, observations of style and means of artistic expression.

Some results of our six-month work were presented in the composition “Literary living room. Meet Yuliy Kim".It included materials that the guys collected: photographs they found on the Internet, fragments of an interview with Yuli Chersanovich, recordings of poems and songs performed by Kim himself and the group “Songs of Our Century”. Live performances of Kim's works by the students themselves were also planned. We wanted the script to reflect the main areas of the life of our remarkable contemporary, as well as his civil position, a responsible attitude towards what he does, his awareness of his purpose and the high title of a poet, so the script included not only funny songs, but also serious, problematic poems.

In order for the composition to be organic, we decided to read some songs as poems. After all, Kim has few poems as such - most of them were set to music either by himself or by such wonderful composers as Vladimir Dashkevich, Gennady Gladkov and Alexey Rybnikov. Before performing the “Theatrical Prologue,” the children first listened to Kim himself sing this work, and tried to convey some of the features of the author’s intonation in their reading. They say that the songs of bards lose a lot when read, that without music their poems are worth little, but we are convinced that this is not so. On the contrary, each word sounds special, these are the verses that are not always heard as they should in the song.

A great success for us in working on the project was participation in the recording of the TV show “Life Line” with Yuli Kim. The children were able to see the artist with their own eyes, feel the charm of his irony, hear Yuli Chersanovich perform songs that they had already learned, and also appreciate the sincerity and depth of the answers to the questions asked of him by the public. Listeners were interested in the details of Kim's biography, his participation in human rights activities, problems of creativity, and even problems of teaching.

Work on the project is not yet finished. In the future, we are going to present not only a computer presentation of our activities and the final printed version with all the materials collected together, but also a small concert “Yuliy Kim Song Theater”.

In conclusion, it remains only to say that such a form of work as project activities, very fruitful. It awakens a lively, direct interest in the subject, diversifies both the activities of the teacher and the activities of students, prepares them for various types of creativity, and teaches them to integrate different types of art, such as literature, music, theater, and cinema. Among other things, project (research) work has good prospects for becoming a form of examination in literature (abstracts are gradually becoming a thing of the past), and this also needs to be taken into account when planning students’ educational and extracurricular activities.

I bring to the attention of readers a shortened version of our composition based on the work of Yuli Kim.

Literary lounge “Meet Yuliy Kim!”

(The phonogram of the song “Fantastic-Romantic” plays.)

Leading. Almost everyone knows Yulia Kim Russian man, even one who can hardly remember whether he has ever heard this name. However, there are television films that everyone watched, and everyone heard the songs in them. “About Little Red Riding Hood” and “An Ordinary Miracle”, “Bumbarash” and “Twelve Chairs”, as well as “Formula of Love”, “Dot, Dot, Comma” and many, many others. Well, who among us has not at least once sung: “A-ah-ah... crocodiles, hippopotamuses...” or “And the butterfly’s wings are by-by-by-byak...” Or “Uno, uno, uno, un momento.” ..” The author of all these popular songs is a poet, playwright, composer, one of the best domestic bards - Yuliy Chersanovich Kim.

It often happens that a song, when released to the people, if it is a good, real song, loses its author. This is exactly what often happened with the creations of Julius Kim. For example, once in a TV show famous actor admitted that he loves Russians very much folk songs, especially this one...

(The phonogram of the song “Gub” sounds s damned, secret thoughts...")

Leading. They say that after this, Yuli Chersanovich, picking up the phone, introduced himself like this: “The Russian people are listening!”

Yuliy Kim was born in Moscow on December 23, 1936. The brutal events of those years - arrests and repressions - also affected his family.

Poet. “ They took my father and gave him ten years without the right to correspondence, which at that time, as a rule, meant execution. Two years later they took my mother, and for the first time I saw her with conscious eyes when I was already ten years old. And in 1951, fate brought my mother and me to Turkmenistan. To the great construction site of socialism - the Main Turkmen Canal. There, in Tashauz, I graduated from school. There I learned to play the harmonica, sang in the choir and wrote poems continuously, including on the death of Stalin, which I sent to Komsomolskaya Pravda, which, thank God, did not publish them.”

(The phonogram of the song “It’s good for the frigate to go...” plays)

Poet."IN pedagogical institute the guys were accepted willingly, and although I confused Niagara Falls with Victoria, the examiner pretended that there was also a Niagara in Africa and gave me a five. And I entered the institute, brazenly believing that someday in the process of studying I would become, if not a writer, then a journalist, or an editor, or a literary scholar - just not a teacher. Like Pechorin, I felt immense powers within me, deserving, of course, better use compared to the miserable career of a school mentor. But one fine day I found myself on the threshold of the institute with a teacher’s diploma and a three-year contract. I failed to evade the pedagogical path. “Well,” I sighed. - I didn’t make the Count of Monte Cristo. To teach is to teach.” And, according to the contract, he went to Kamchatka.”

Leading. Based on Kamchatka impressions, Kim’s songs were created, which brought him fame, such as “Whale Fish”, “Captain Bering”, etc.

(The song “Whale Fish” is sung by students.)

In the far north
Whale fish roams
And behind it on the seiner
Fishermen are walking.

No whale, no whale
No whale, not visible
That's the problem, that's the problem
What a shame!

Somehow on a black night
The captain came out
And through the telescope
He is looking for a whale:

“No whale, no whale,
No whale, not visible
That's the problem, that's the problem
What a shame!”

Somehow cabin boy Dudochkin
Threw the lot into the sea,
And on this fishing rod
The sperm whale pecked.

Here's a whale - but what kind of species:
Only the ribs are visible
Wow, what a skinny one!
What a shame!..

In the far north
Whale fish roams
And behind it on the seiner
Fishermen are walking.

Poet.“I taught for almost nine years, and with pleasure. More precisely, with a sense of exciting and significant business. Endlessly creative. At the same time, my writing was getting better and better, and the moment came to say goodbye to school. Well, by fate, by calling, it turned out for me to be a writer. If it hadn’t worked out, I would still be teaching to this day.”

Leading. Yuli Kim's friendship with cinema began in the 60s and continues to this day. Kim also writes a lot for the theater. Among his works are songs and romances, couplets and ballads, arias and prayers performed by soldiers, students, knights, hunters, officers, wanderers, Red Army soldiers, pirates - heroes of the works of Moliere, Gaidar, Swift, Cervantes, Mayakovsky, Ostrovsky and others.

(Reading “Theatrical Prologue” to the play “As You Like It” by William Shakespeare.)

Medam, monsieur, gentlemen!
Why play plays?
When the whole world is a theater
And we are all actors in it, -
Isn't it, isn't it?
Medam, monsieur, gentlemen!
What a pity that in this drama
Untalented make-up artists.

Insidious prompters -
We ourselves, we are with you.
Oh, how could we, gentlemen,
Play not a farce, but a fairy tale.
About happiness and hopes,
Play before it's too soon
Denouement, denouement!..

Oh, a world where instead of holly
Arches of rainbows above us,
Where the moon shines instead of lamps!
Where are we, we play weakly,
Oh, how could we at least
Do not confuse roles, roles...
Role? Gop-la-la!

(Performed by students it sounds song "I'm a Clown"

I'm a clown
I'm an entertainer
I don't run out to the arena for money,
But only
for fun:

May be,
when I'm here,
There will be one less sadness for someone, -
It turns out
There will be more joy in the world!

I'm a clown
funny clown!
I am crowned with this cap forever!
Well, maybe
Am I not beautiful?
What a clown! What fun! What a wonderful one!
Let's combine into one arena for performances:
I `ll exit
to the middle -
And you, like children, laugh, laugh at me!
I'm a clown!
I'm an entertainer!

Leading. A special theme in the work of any poet is the theme of love, and Yuliy Kim is no exception. Epochs and governments change, morals and customs change, but love still remains the most beautiful feeling on earth, which turns out to be an ordinary miracle and helps to defeat all sorcerers and villains, survive all hardships and trials.

(The song “Don’t leave me, spring” from the film “Handsome Man” plays.)

Don't leave me, spring,
Thunderstorm and momentary cold
Don't tease me in vain!
Don't leave me, spring,
Shine brighter for me every morning!
May your golden days last...

Last, last, my wonderful dream!
Providence sent you
I've been waiting for you for so long!
You are so beautiful, sweet dream,
That I don't believe in waking up
And only you the soul lives!

Don't leave me, spring,
When it's so joyful and tender
Streams and nightingales sing!
Don't leave me, spring,
Don't leave me, hope
To the miracle of happiness and love!

Leading. Yuliy Kim is certainly a brilliant stylist and consummate master theatrical monologues. But he is still our contemporary, so he cannot help but respond to the events taking place in the life of the country. “Conscience, nobility and dignity - this is our holy army” - these words, following Bulat Okudzhava, could be repeated by Yuliy Chersanovich.

(Reading “Song of Peace.”)

Everything in the world is dark and menacing again.
How to shout to the heads of government?
Agree - it's not too late!
Before it's too late - come to an agreement!
We understand - it is difficult, very difficult.
We understand - our song is naive:
It's probably easier to die on both sides,
Than to trust each other at least once.
We understand: there are too many generals,
Which cannot be retrained to be postmen.
We understand: for the sake of highest ideals
The death of our millions is necessary, -
We understand...
But what about the children?
Why are the children doomed?
There's nothing on white light,
What could be worth that price?

Poet.“I think a lot about where the country will go, and, you know, I have imagined some strange type of person who should appear in our lives. Even though I vaguely imagine him, he has many of the traits of people I know. His most important distinguishing feature is that he is a free Russian man.”

(The poem “In My Own Way” is read.)

When you decide
Achieve a noble goal
Then there is only one thing left:
Make your dream come true.
And so, leaving my father's house,
You go, full of courage,
And let the ravines, let the snags, -
You still go your own way...

Now steeply up, then sharply down,
He took off again - and hurt himself again.
And on the left is laughter, and on the right is whistling:
"Hey! Admit that you were wrong!”
And you are further and further ahead,
And you see through the fog and tears:
The distance is getting wider...
The stars are getting closer...
And it’s not in vain that you go your own way!
And you always go your own way.

Poet.“I think the word “poet” is the most accurate definition. Not only because I mainly write poetry, but also because of my general feeling of myself. You can simply say - Russian writer, since this includes everything - writing plays, prose, poetry, and song lyrics.”

On the threshold of our days
Inevitably we meet
Let's recognize and hug
Our true friends.
Hello, time for proud plans,
Ardent vows and long meetings!
Holy friendly flame,
It's not easy to save...

Everything would live as in these days,
I wish I could live easily and boldly,
Don't calculate the limit
For fearlessness and love.
And, like the lyceum students,
Gather by the fire
In October, purple leaf
Nineteenth day...

But fate will take its course.
He whistles dashingly like a driver,
Everything will be calculated in its own way,
You won't know in advance.
A mad blizzard will break out,
The gray darkness will laugh,
And you want to save a friend,
You can't imagine how...

On the roads of our days,
At the crossroads of hostels
You are our friend, you are our Teacher,
Glorious Pushkin Lyceum!
Under your immortal shadow
I would like to learn completely
Reckless fun
I trust selfless
Freethinking depth!..

Kaluga region, beyond the 101st kilometer, then in Tashauz (Turkmenistan). In 1954 he returned to Moscow.

In 1959, Yuliy Kim graduated from the Faculty of History and Philology of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute, where he began writing songs based on his poems (since 1956) and performing them, accompanying himself on a seven-string guitar.

He worked for five years on assignment in Kamchatka, then for several years in Moscow he taught history and social studies in schools.

The first concerts of Yuli Kim took place in Moscow in the early 1960s. His film debut was the songs for the film “Newton Street, Building 1” (1963). The first publications also appeared in 1963. Debut work in the theater - vocal numbers for the play based on Shakespeare's comedy "As You Like It" (1968).

In 1965-1968, Yuliy Kim actively participated in the human rights dissident movement. In 1966, he married Irina Yakir, the granddaughter of the repressed army commander Jonah Yakir. Irina’s father, the famous human rights activist and dissident Pyotr Yakir, was arrested at the age of 14 and was released only 32 years later.

Julius Kim signed numerous collective letters demanding respect for human rights addressed to the authorities. Together with his father-in-law Pyotr Yakir, as well as human rights activist Ilya Gabai, he co-authored the appeal “To Workers of Science, Culture and Art” (January 1968) about the persecution of dissidents in the USSR.

A number of Kim’s songs date back to the same period, thematically related to “dissident” subjects: trials, searches, surveillance, etc.
Due to his participation in the dissident movement, Yuliy Kim was forced to leave the teaching profession and significantly limit concert activities. He began to professionally write plays, as well as songs for theatre, film and television. In 1969, due to the impossibility of publishing under his own name, he took a pseudonym - Yu. Mikhailov.

In 1974, he joined the Moscow Trade Union Committee of Playwrights. In 1985, he played the main role in the play based on his play Noah and His Sons.

In the same year, Yuliy Kim abandoned the use of a pseudonym and began publishing under his own name. At the same time, the first disc with his songs, “Whale Fish,” was released. At the same time, the actual ban on literary and theatrical criticism from discussing the work of Yuli Kim in the press was lifted.

Julius Kim is one of the founders of the author's (bardic) song. His songs (“The Horses Are Walking”, “My Sail Is White”, “A Crane Flies in the Sky”, “Ridiculous, Funny, Reckless, Magical”, “Let’s Quietly, Let’s Quietly” and others) are known and loved by many generations of listeners.

The discography of Yuliy Kim includes more than 20 titles of vinyl and laser discs, audio and video cassettes, including “October 19” (1994), a collection of three discs “Yuliy Kim Theater” (1996), a collection of works of seven discs (1997-1998) . The songs of Yuli Kim were included in all anthologies of art songs, as well as in many poetic anthologies of modern Russian poetry.

Yuliy Kim - author of the books "I am a Clown" (1989), " Creative evening"(1990), "Flying Carpet" (1990), "Moscow Kitchens" (1990), "Magic Dream" (1990), "In My Own Way" (1995), "Jew Apella" (1997), "On my own motive" (1998), "Meeting motley chapters"(1998), "Mosaic of Life" (2000), "Journey to the Lighthouse" (2000), "Works" (2000), "My Mother Russia" (2004), "Once Upon a Time Mikhailov" (2005).

Kim has written three film scripts. For two of them at the Studio of Children's and Youth Films named after. M. Gorky produced the films “After the Rain on Thursday” (1985) and “One, Two - Woe Never Matters” (1989), for which Yuliy Kim also wrote the lyrics. In addition, he is the author vocal numbers or their texts for more than 40 film and television films. Most famous works- "Bumbarash" (1972), "Dot, dot, comma..." (1973), "The Twelve Chairs" (1976), "About Little Red Riding Hood" (1977), "An Ordinary Miracle" (1978), "Kings and cabbage" (1979), "Five Evenings" (1979), "The Hussar's Matchmaking" (1979), "Dulcinea Toboso" (1980), "A Tale of Wanderings" (1983), "Pippi Long Stocking"(1984), "Formula of Love" (1984), " Fatal eggs" (1995).

Yuliy Kim is the author or co-author of over 20 plays, musicals, librettos, productions and compositions. Among them: "Billy Pilgrim's Wanderings" (1975), "The Flemish Legend" (1977), "Ivan Tsarevich" (1982), "The Eldest Son" (1983), "The Bedbug" (1986), "The Magic Dream" (1987 ), “Moscow Kitchens” (1989), “Passion for Bumbarash” (1993), “Dimensionless Kim-tango” (1997), “How Ivan Chonkin guarded the plane” (1997), “Who will kiss the Princess?” (1997), "Golden Tulip of Fanfan" (1998) and others.

Kim's plays are performed in theaters in more than 20 cities of Russia, in Moscow - the Vladimir Mayakovsky Theater; Mossovet Theater, Moscow Theater young viewer, Theater at Nikitsky Gate, Drama Theater named after K. S. Stanislavsky, Musical Theatre named after K. S. Stanislavsky and V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko.

Yuliy Kim conducts intensive concert activities, both in Russia and abroad.

Participated in the recording of the "Jerusalem Album" - the first disc in the series "Author's Song in Israel".

He is a member of the editorial board of the Jerusalem Journal. In Israel, he conducts presentations of the “Jerusalem Magazine” twice a year; together with the poet and editor of the magazine Igor Byalsky and Igor Guberman, he also conducts presentations of the magazine in Moscow.

In 1998, Yuliy Kim became a laureate of the Golden Ostap Prize, in 1999 - a laureate of the State Prize named after. Bulat Okudzhava. Member of the Union of Cinematographers (1987), the Union of Writers (1991), Penclub (1997).

From his marriage to Irina Yakir, Yuli Kim has an adult daughter, Natalya. In 1998, due to the serious illness of his wife (she died in 1999), Kim was forced to leave for Israel, while retaining Russian citizenship. Now he lives in Jerusalem and Moscow alternately, and is married for the second time.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources.

Yuli Chersanovich Kim is a Soviet and Russian poet, composer, playwright, screenwriter, bard, participant in the dissident movement in the USSR. The work was completed by an 11th grade student of the MBOU Secondary School pst. Madmas Filippova Nina

Born on December 23, 1936 in Moscow. When Julius was two years old, grief came to the family: his father was repressed and shot, his mother was exiled. Returning from exile in 1946, the mother settled in the city of Maloyaroslavets, Kaluga region, then went with her son to Tashauz (Turkmenistan) to earn money. In 1959, Yuliy Kim graduated from the Faculty of History and Philology of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after V.I. Lenin and for five years worked as a teacher of Russian language and literature in high school Ilpyrsky village, Karaginsky district of Kamchatka. In 1962, Yuliy Kim returned to Moscow, taught at secondary school No. 135, then at the physics and mathematics special boarding school No. 18 at Moscow State University (1965-1968). Already during these years, Yuliy Kim began to write and perform with students original song compositions with interludes and vocal scenes, which had all the elements of a musical.

In 1965-1968, Yuliy Kim became one of the activists of the human rights movement

In 1969, due to the impossibility of publishing under his own name, he took a pseudonym - Yu. Mikhailov. In 1966, he married Irina Petrovna Yakir. In 1968, Yuliy Kim was forced to leave teaching and significantly limit his concert activities, and since then he has been professionally composing plays. , as well as songs for theater, film and television

As a student at the Pedagogical Institute, Yuliy Kim began writing songs based on his poems. His first concerts in Moscow took place in the early 1960s. The young author and performer quickly became one of the most popular and beloved bards. His songs began to be heard in films, and soon he began composing specifically for cinema and television. In 1968, he received his first offers to write songs for theater performances. Since 1970, Yuliy Kim has been collaborating with composers V. Dashkevich, Gen. Gladkov, A. Rybnikov and others.

In 1974, Yuliy Kim joined the Moscow Trade Union Committee of Playwrights and began working on his own plays. in 1985, he played the main role in the play based on his play Noah and His Sons; in the same year he abandoned the use of a pseudonym and began publishing under his own name. At the same time, the first disc with his songs was released - “Whale Fish”, which became a hit among the bard fraternity for many years; at the same time, the actual ban on literary and theatrical criticism on discussing the work of Yuli Kim in the press was lifted

After the start of perestroika, the Melodiya record company released a record with Kim's songs (1988); His name appears in the movie credits. The song play-composition “Moscow Kitchens” (1990) became a kind of completion of the theme of dissidence in Kim’s work. To date, Yuli Kim's discography includes more than 20 titles of discs, audio and video tapes with recordings of songs. Yuli Kim's songs are included in all anthologies of art songs, as well as in many poetic anthologies of modern Russian poetry

member of the Union of Cinematographers of the USSR (1987) of the Union of Writers (1991) of the Pen Club (1997) Author of about five hundred songs, three dozen plays and a dozen books Laureate of the Golden Ostap Prize (1998) Laureate of the Russian State Prize named after. Bulat Okudzhava (2000)

Since 1998, he has lived in Jerusalem and Moscow alternately. Member of the editorial board of the Jerusalem Journal. Participated in the recording of the “Jerusalem Album” - the first disc from the “Art Song in Israel” series in Israel. Yuliy Kim holds presentations of the “Jerusalem Magazine” twice a year in 2002-2006. Yuliy Kim, together with Igor Byalsky, wrote a play in verse about the construction of the second Temple

Julius Chersanovich considers the main work of his life to be working on the lyrics of songs and performing them with a guitar. He conducts intensive concert activities in the USA, Germany, France, Israel, Denmark and many other countries. In concerts he sings like songs composed for own performance, as well as songs created for theatre, cinema and television, including music by other composers. Yuli Kim's songs are immediately recognizable by their special intonation, which combines irony and serenity, reasonable skepticism and the ability to emphasize a thought while hiding emotions

In Yulia Kim amazingly the childish naivety of a pure soul, faith in man, in the wonderful property of human kindness, have been preserved. All this is manifested on stage, where the charm of his extraordinary and somehow homely artistry is irresistible, and the element of performing improvisation is completely obvious. He owns the hall completely

In 2010, he wrote poems to the music of P. Tchaikovsky for full-length cartoon Harry Bardin " Ugly duck“On March 7, 2008, Yuliy Kim, together with other bards, participated in the Festival of art songs “Again “Under the Integral” - 40 years later”, dedicated to the revival of the club “Under the Integral” and the fortieth anniversary of the 1968 Festival

This article is dedicated to famous person, which is known to a wide range of people. - this is a name that was heard both during the existence Soviet Union, and after its collapse. A talented poet and composer made a huge contribution to the development of drama and cinema. We will tell you about the life of the poet and what achievements the city can boast of. this moment Yuliy (Kim) Mikhailov.


The composer's full name is Kim Yuliy Chersanovich. Yuliy Mikhailov is the pseudonym under which he worked. The boy was born in Moscow on February 23, 1936, three years before the start of the war. Yuli's father was a Korean, Kim Chersan, a translator by profession, and his mother was a Russian girl, Nina Vsesvyatskaya. The child’s childhood was not easy, because just two years after the birth of his son, the head of the family was shot, and his mother was sent into exile. Little is known about how Julius lived all these years. Besides him, there was another sister in the family, and both of them, after the arrest of their mother, were sent to their grandparents in Kaluga region. Then he spent several years with his aunts in Turkmenistan, until 1945, when his mother returned from exile. But Julius was able to return to Moscow only in 1954.


Arriving in the capital, Yuliy Mikhailov entered one of the prestigious educational institutions of that time - Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. After graduating from the institute and receiving the long-awaited diploma, Yuliy was assigned to work at a Kamchatka school. There he worked for four years, which he remembered for the rest of his life. This was his first professional experience, and such things are never forgotten. After this, Julius worked in Moscow, where he taught subjects such as literature, history and social studies. He even worked in a boarding school for some time.


During this period of his life, Julius discovered his talent for writing poetry. He learned to play the guitar and began creating beautiful musical compositions. All the time that Julius worked as a teacher, he staged with his students many different scenes with musical accompaniment, which can safely be considered as musicals.

At the age of thirty, Yuliy Mikhailov, whose photo you see here, became an active member of the movement to protect people's rights. This is what caused the pseudonym to appear. At the same age, Yuli’s life changed, he got married. Yuli's wife was Irina Yakir, the daughter of the famous human rights activist Pyotr Yakir, whose fate was similar to the fate of the poet's parents. Peter was arrested when he was only fourteen years old, and he was released as a grown man at thirty-two years old.

In the 60s, Julius, along with his father-in-law, participated in many actions and movements in defense of rights, as a result of which Julius lost the opportunity to engage in teaching. The school administration did not forgive him for participating in such actions. Since then, Julius has lived and worked as a free poet and composer.


Although Julius began writing poetry and accompanying himself on the guitar while still a student, many years passed before he became recognized by the public and became known as great talent. In the early 60s, he began giving concerts in the Moscow region and was immediately ranked among the talents of Russia. In 1968, his work in theater and cinema began. He began composing songs for films and plays.

Since Kim was a dissident, he was known in the cinema and theater fields under a pseudonym. At that time, the name Yuli Mikhailov could often be seen in the credits of films. Stagings of his songs were still in his time teaching activities were excellent. And at the height of his creativity, his talent simply captivated people. Millions of people sang his songs, and this was an unspoken confirmation of success.

While working in the field of theater and cinema, Kim became less involved in human rights work. He delved deeper into creativity. The turning point came the time when he began to write his own plays. The work “Noah and His Sons” was released in 1985, and Julius played the main role in it. It was during this period of his life that Kim stopped using a pseudonym and also released a disc with songs under his real name. Later a record with his works was released. Still this one talented person continues to write wonderful scripts. He lives not only in Moscow. He often travels to Jerusalem and spends a lot of time there.


Yuliy Mikhailov, whose biography is discussed here, made a huge contribution to the creation of many films. After all, it was his songs that sounded in such famous films, How:

  • "Bumbarash";
  • "Secret City";
  • "12 chairs";
  • "About Little Red Riding Hood";
  • "Mustachioed Nanny";
  • "An Ordinary Miracle";
  • "Matchmaking of a Hussar";
  • "Dulcinea Toboso";
  • "The House That Swift Built";
  • "Pippi Longstocking";
  • "Love Formula";
  • "After the rain on Thursday";
  • "The Man from the Boulevard des Capucines";
  • "Dog's heart";
  • "Kill the Dragon" and many others.

The list of films in which the songs of the composer and poet Yuli Kim were heard includes fifty titles. And in the films “After the Rain on Thursday” and “One, Two - Woe Never Matters!” He was not only a songwriter, but also wrote film scripts.


Yuliy Mikhailov, whose awards are impressive, for his professional life won many awards. Thus, at the age of forty-two, he had already become a laureate famous festival those years “Song of the Year”, which included his song for the movie “About Little Red Riding Hood”. Twenty years later he became a laureate of the Golden Ostap Prize. Bulat Okudzhava established his own prize, and in 1999 Kim became the laureate of this prize. Later, four years later, he was also a laureate of the Tsarskoye Selo Art Prize.

2007 turned out to be a special year for Yuli. It was this year that Yuliy Mikhailov distinguished himself at two outstanding awards: “Recognition-2006” (in the category “Best Bard of the Year”) and “Theatrical Musical Heart” (in the category “ Best text songs").

After two years of calm, he received the Bar-Oscar prize at the festival in Kazan. And most recently, in 2015, he again became a poet laureate.

In total, at the moment, Yuliy Kim has created more than 500 songs, great amount which we hear in famous films. More than twenty discs and cassettes were released. Julius wrote about three dozen scripts and ten books. It's safe to say that there are no limits to this man's talents.