Lev Axelrod now. Lev Axelrod

A scandalous emergency marked the filming of the show “One to One”, dedicated to World Day children and the last school bell. According to the producers' plans, on this day all project participants sang a duet with children made up as stars of Russian and world show business. The role of Freddie Mercury in a duet with Montserrat Caballe (whose image was played by Nadezhda Granovskaya) was entrusted to the young star of the show “The Voice. Children" - to 13-year-old Lev Axelrod. On the project Channel One Lev was one of the favorites in Dima Bilan's team. Suddenly, on the eve of filming, it turned out that the boy could not come to the recording of “One to One.” The number was on the verge of collapse.

The producer of the White Media company, which produces the show commissioned by the Russia-1 TV channel, Timur Weinstein, told Super.ru about what happened on the sidelines of the project:

– On the day of recording the program, Lev’s mother and his vocal teacher Max Davidson called and informed us that they would not take part in the “One to One” project, as they received a threatening call from Channel One, – the producer admitted.– The child’s mother was made to understand that if the boy takes part in the show, he will not only not appear on Channel One again, but may even forget about his future career.

Weinstein is sure that the incident with the young singer is the revenge of offended competitors. After all, it is known that the Rossiya TV channel bought it from White Media new season the most popular show “One to One” after showing its first season on the First Button. In response to this, Channel One launched a similar show “Exactly”, which, by the way, was sued by the Spanish television company Endemol, the main copyright holder original version show.

- This is not the first time that this has happened. this kind threats against guests and participants of our project, – added the producer. – But, if earlier it concerned adult and established stars who can make decisions themselves, then in in this case the threat was directed at a 13-year-old child! Lev rehearsed the number for two weeks, chose the song himself, and dreamed of performing it on stage. Of course, we had to urgently find a replacement.

Through the children's promotional agency Kids Promo, the producers found another young singer - Timofey Sushin. According to Weinstein, Sushin had to rehearse the number in the field for three hours straight.

– With their threats, the music directorate of the First exclusively harmed Lev, a boy who not only could not perform his favorite song on stage, but already at the age of 13 was faced with the harsh realities of show business, Timur is indignant.

By the way, the teacher of Lev Axelrod himself, Max Davison, is inclined to blame the Rossiya channel for what happened not so much on Channel One. According to Davison, the producers of the show “One on One” simply set them up.

“We warned the organizers almost a day before filming the show that we would not be able to take part,” Davison told Super.ru . – The TV channel “Russia” acted very brazenly in that it did not warn us that there might be problems with Channel One! No one forbade us to participate in “One on One,” they simply made it clear that the First would be unpleasant if we appeared on this show, since it is a competing channel. Channel One still opened Leo and gave him a path to life. There are basic concepts of ethics, which is why we refused.

To a reasonable question, did the boy’s mother and teacher not understand that accepting the invitation of the Rossiya channel, guided by the opinion they themselves voiced, was already unethical, Davison hesitated:

- Absolutely not, they didn’t understand. Understand that we are such busy people that we don’t think about it!

Super.ru turned to representatives of Channel One for comment, but they categorically refused to explain the incident.

The TV project of the First Channel “The Voice” has been collecting on TV screens for the third season in a row. great amount TV viewers and breaks all ratings records. The “children’s” version of the show is no less popular. And passions run high here no less than at the “adult” competition. The performers are also worried, the jury is also arguing among themselves - who to choose, who is worthy of the title of a real Artist. What worries young performers? What do they dream about? How did they choose this thorny road to the stars? And to whom do they dedicate their victories? The winner of the TV project answers these and other questions for the MusicalStar portal "Voice. Children", as well as the performer of the main musical roles in musicals "Sounds of music" And "Treasure Island" Lev Axelrod.

Did you have a dream of what you would like to do before you started singing?

a lion: I think no. I didn't think much about adult life. IN school years music was my hobby, I performed at various school events, won somewhere. Before Max (editor’s note: vocal teacher and mentor, producer), I had two worthy teachers, thanks to whom my abilities were revealed. At the age of 11, after meeting Max at one of the competitions, the decision to continue professional vocal training only became stronger.

A lion: Max sat on the jury, after my performance he invited me to study vocals with him.

Max: Then I saw in front of me not just a boy, but a man who lives by music and has enormous potential. Now I understand that I was not mistaken: Leo has inimitable overtones and timbre colors; he is incredibly efficient. In the future, he will become someone you won't want to stop listening to as each performance of the song will be unique.

— Leo, what do you think is your highlight?

I'm incredibly goal-oriented. I live for music, sometimes I even help my competitors. I do not admit envy, I respect my competitors and I work hard not to rise above anyone, but only for myself. I don’t know if this can be considered a highlight, but my passion is transformation.

— Did your parents deliberately send you to music school?

Seeing my success and my musicality, they decided to help in this matter. In the end it turned out the way it is this moment.

— Was anyone from your family connected with music and the stage?

My grandfather sang and my mother plays the piano, although she is a doctor by profession.

— In addition to music school, you studied at theater studios? How did you get involved in your first musical, The Sound of Music?

I haven’t studied anywhere, I study at a regular school. And I got into the musical in 2011 thanks to my school friends. We all successfully passed the casting.

— How many performances have you played?

20-30 performances. Not much, but the experience is priceless.

— Was it scary to play the first performances?

Yes! I was very afraid of the initial “meeting the kids” scene: going down the stairs, especially since I was going first.

— Tell us about the musical “Treasure Island.”

I was suggested to try out for the main role by my former vocal teacher. Treasure Island is everything to me! I watched films and cartoons many times, and re-read the book several times. In a word, happiness knew no bounds when I was accepted into the first team.

— Was it easy to cope with the vocal numbers?

Yes, of course, there were no difficulties.

- Why did you leave Treasure Island?

There was a catastrophic lack of time when the “Voice” project began. I will happily continue playing as soon as possible. I would love to play until the last performance, but I understand that this would be unfair to the newly arrived boys. Everyone needs to be given a chance.

— In what direction do you plan to develop further?

I want to have success in both acting and singing. Nowadays there is also an emphasis on cinema. By the way, on the set of the show “School of Music” I met my friend Chris, with whom we went together to the final of the “Voice” project.

— In this project, you initially wanted to get to Dima Bilan. Were your expectations met?

Yes, we have similar repertoire tastes. I got a lot of experience. Dima explained how to sing on the breath. New knowledge only enriched my knowledge and did not in any way contradict everything that Max taught me. The respect was so great that we addressed each other as “you,” or Dima called me “Lev Valeryanovich.”

— How did you and Dima choose the repertoire?

We worked together: Dima offered to sing the song “Don’t disturb my soul, violin”; but in the end we settled on our options with Max – “ Show must go on" and "Castle made of rain".

Max: In fact, when Leo wants to get his way, he is like anyone professional actor, will show with every fiber of his soul how much he doesn’t like something. This happened with the song Dima proposed.

2 weeks after the end of the “Voice” project. The range of his voice at the moment, of course, has decreased, but since I am one of the “old dinosaurs,” I take responsibility for the result of my work with the student. Most likely, upon completion of withdrawal, Lev will be an altino tenor. We worked well with Lev quickly: he absorbed everything like a sponge and immediately used the information he received. Despite the fact that he is now experiencing withdrawal symptoms, we are already taking some classical works in native language.

— Do you work with children even during withdrawal?

I have always said and will continue to say that stopping singing when your voice is breaking is a crime. Ligaments have muscle memory. Of course, the load should be less. You need to be very careful when working with the child’s vocal cords, to hear every overtone of the voice. There are cases when rest is necessary for 1-2 weeks. In other cases, if you don’t give it a load, the muscles will forget all the notes. A striking example: Robertino Loretti. Nowhere in the West do vocal classes stop (with the exception of academic vocals).

— Max, tell me, how long will the withdrawal last?

For Leo it passes very quickly, already in the final stage, so by the end of May everything should be completely gone. Although, as you know, withdrawal symptoms in men last from 2 to 5 years. I deliberately provoked a breakdown in his voice ahead of schedule so that it would be under control. If you analyze all the stages of “The Voice”, you will see the difference between the performance of the final song and all the previous ones.

— How often do you practice vocals and for how long?

Before and during withdrawal, 2 times a week. The exception was the period of preparation for “The Voice”. Leo works a lot at home, listens to a colossal amount of music - so we don’t need to study more often. The lesson lasts an hour, 15 minutes of which are for singing.

— Max, for how long is your method designed?

2-3 years maximum. It all depends on talent and desire. I don't train vocalists, I train artists.

— Lev, what are your plans for the future? Projects, concerts?

To organize soon solo concerts and move in this direction.

— Who is responsible for drawing up your schedule, since your schedule is quite busy?

My friend, assistant and most main man in my life - mother. She resolves all organizational issues, consulting with Max in some situations, since he is also my mentor.

— Do you have any idols?

Among the actors, this is probably Robert Downey Jr. And with vocalists it’s more difficult... I’m now getting acquainted with a lot of new genres, so I can’t answer for sure.

— Where do you plan to go after graduation?

Max suggests the Shchukin School, since there is an emphasis on the acting component. And then we will see.

Thank you very much, Max and Lev, for your time. Creative success and inspiration!

Interviewed by: Natalya Trubkina

Lev Axelrod is a young performer from Moscow who has been singing since the age of five and, as he himself says, “loves this business very much.”

At only 13 years old, he exudes charisma and charm that does not go unnoticed by viewers. Talented by nature, Leo will undoubtedly be able to achieve great heights if he rehearses daily. At the moment, Leo, according to many, is a diamond that requires careful cutting.

Lev even studies at music school in piano and solfeggio class, preference is given to percussion instruments- drums. The first debut on the big stage took place in the musical “ Sounds of music", where he played the role of Kurt.

He was involved in scoring the film by Andrei Konchalovsky “The Nutcracker and the Rat King”. Young actor and singer Lev Axelrod– performer leading role in the musical " Treasure Island"(played by Jim Hawkins).

On music show"Voice. Children" during the "blind" time, Dima Bilan and Pelageya turned to Lyova, but a lion chose Bilan as a mentor. The venerable singer said that perhaps the beginning of the song was uncertain, but then he felt that the boy lived by the song.

“I sleep little, I spend the night mainly on rehearsal days in the studio where I practice, or with friends. I just can't sleep! I wake up in a cold sweat and think: God, there are three, two days, one left! Horror! Dima Bilan clearly knows how to get angry - you can see it from his face. We work with him as colleagues. We have friendly relations, everything is just wonderful!” - Leva talked about his pace of life during the show “The Voice. Children

As Lev himself said, he came to the project to show himself and to look at others, or rather, “to get acquainted with famous personalities", and, of course, become famous. Lev Askerold sang a composition on English language Tell Me Why(“Tell Me Why”) from the repertoire of the British singer Declan Galbraith, who first performed this song at the age of 11. Leo has very competent speech, excellent stage presence and strong family support.

  • "Little musical engineer!" – singer Pelageya said about Lev.

  • As a result Lev Askerold together with Bilan's other ward, Christian Kostov, he made it to the finals of the show. Lev did not become the winner, but after the project he shared his plans and impressions of participating in the show: the young singer said that the project means a lot to him, but he considers it as one of the steps in his development, and if he falls from this step, it will not be by much , and then he will rise and go further, higher, achieving his main goal - to become famous.

In life, Leo is an ordinary boy who, like all teenagers, is on social networks.

In one of the interviews Lev Askerold spoke about his attitude towards the Internet and online communication:

"IN in social networks They often add to me - there are about eight percent boys, the rest are all girls. This is such a bother! They write: “Hello. Let's get acquainted, let's be friends." Sometimes they write: “Hello! I like you. Do you have a girlfriend? Some idiot texted me: “Hey, do you have a boyfriend?” I immediately blocked him, because everything was clear from the photographs on his page. In general, I'm already tired of all these messages. I try to communicate with my comrades so as not to lose the friendly atmosphere. I’m afraid they’ll say he’s a star and doesn’t communicate.”

Musician Born: November 12, 2000, Moscow, Russia Lev Axelrod is a young performer from Moscow, he has been singing since the age of five and, as he himself says, “loves this business very much.” At the age of 13, he radiates charisma and charm that does not go unnoticed for the audience. Talented by nature, Leo will undoubtedly be able to achieve great heights if he rehearses daily. At the moment, Lev, according to many, is a diamond that requires careful cutting. Although Lev studies piano and solfeggio at a music school, he gives preference to percussion instruments - drums. His first debut on the big stage took place in the musical “The Sound of Music”, where he played the role of Kurt. Leo Axelrod is the winner of the Northern Constellation competition. He was involved in scoring the film by Andrei Konchalovsky “The Nutcracker and the Rat King”. Young actor and singer Lev Axelrod plays the leading role in the musical “Treasure Island” (the role of Jim Hawkins). On the musical show “The Voice. Children" during the "blind" period, Dima Bilan and Pelageya turned to Lev, but Lev chose Bilan as a mentor. The venerable singer said that perhaps the beginning of the song was uncertain, but then he felt that the boy lived by the song. “I sleep little, I spend the night mainly on rehearsal days in the studio where I practice, or with friends. I just can't sleep! I wake up in a cold sweat and think: God, there are three, two days, one left! Horror! Dima Bilan clearly knows how to get angry - you can see it from his face. We work with him as colleagues. We have friendly relations, everything is just wonderful!” - Leva talked about his pace of life during the show “The Voice. Children” As Lev himself said, he came to the project to show himself and to look at others, more precisely, to “get acquainted with famous personalities”, and, of course, to become famous. Lev Askerold sang the composition in English Tell Me Why (“Tell Me Why”) from the repertoire of British singer Declan Galbraith, who first performed this song at the age of 11. Leo has very competent speech, excellent stage presence and strong family support. "Little musical engineer!" – singer Pelageya said about Lev. As a result, Lev Askerold, together with Bilan’s other ward, Christian Kostov, made it to the finals of the show. Lev did not become the winner, but after the project he shared his plans and impressions of participating in the show: the young singer said that the project means a lot to him, but he considers it as one of the steps in his development, and if he falls from this step, it will not be by much , and then he will rise and go further, higher, achieving his main goal - to become famous. In life, Lev is an ordinary boy who, like all teenagers, is on social networks. In one of his interviews, Lev Askerold spoke about his attitude towards the Internet and communication on the Internet: “On social networks people often add people to me - there are eight percent boys, the rest all the girls. This is such a bother! They write: “Hello. Let's get acquainted, let's be friends." Sometimes they write: “Hello! I like you. Do you have a girlfriend? Some idiot texted me: “Hey, do you have a boyfriend?” I immediately blocked him, because everything was clear from the photographs on his page. In general, I'm already tired of all these messages. I try to communicate with my comrades so as not to lose the friendly atmosphere. I’m afraid they’ll say he’s a star and doesn’t communicate.” Read original: http://www.vokrug.tv/person/show/Lev_Akselrod/Musician Born: November 12, 2000, Moscow, Russia Lev Axelrod is a young performer from Moscow, he has been singing since the age of five and, as he himself says, “loves this business very much.” At the age of 13, he radiates charisma and charm that does not go unnoticed by spectators. Talented by nature, Leo will undoubtedly be able to achieve great heights if he rehearses daily. At the moment, Lev, according to many, is a diamond that requires careful cutting. Although Lev studies piano and solfeggio at a music school, he gives preference to percussion instruments - drums. His first debut on the big stage took place in the musical “The Sound of Music”, where he played the role of Kurt. Leo Axelrod is the winner of the Northern Constellation competition. He was involved in scoring the film by Andrei Konchalovsky “The Nutcracker and the Rat King”. Young actor and singer Lev Axelrod plays the leading role in the musical “Treasure Island” (the role of Jim Hawkins). On the musical show “The Voice. Children" during the "blind" period, Dima Bilan and Pelageya turned to Lev, but Lev chose Bilan as a mentor. The venerable singer said that perhaps the beginning of the song was uncertain, but then he felt that the boy lived by the song. “I sleep little, I spend the night mainly on rehearsal days in the studio where I practice, or with friends. I just can't sleep! I wake up in a cold sweat and think: God, there are three, two days, one left! Horror! Dima Bilan clearly knows how to get angry - you can see it from his face. We work with him as colleagues. We have friendly relations, everything is just wonderful!” - Leva talked about his pace of life during the show “The Voice. Children” As Lev himself said, he came to the project to show himself and to look at others, more precisely, to “get acquainted with famous personalities”, and, of course, to become famous. Lev Askerold sang the composition in English Tell Me Why (“Tell Me Why”) from the repertoire of British singer Declan Galbraith, who first performed this song at the age of 11. Leo has very competent speech, excellent stage presence and strong family support. "Little musical engineer!" – singer Pelageya said about Lev. As a result, Lev Askerold, together with Bilan’s other ward, Christian Kostov, made it to the finals of the show. Lev did not become the winner, but after the project he shared his plans and impressions of participating in the show: the young singer said that the project means a lot to him, but he considers it as one of the steps in his development, and if he falls from this step, it will not be by much , and then he will rise and go further, higher, achieving his main goal - to become famous. In life, Lev is an ordinary boy who, like all teenagers, is on social networks. In one of his interviews, Lev Askerold spoke about his attitude towards the Internet and communication on the Internet: “On social networks people often add people to me - there are eight percent boys, the rest all the girls. This is such a bother! They write: “Hello. Let's get acquainted, let's be friends." Sometimes they write: “Hello! I like you. Do you have a girlfriend? Some idiot texted me: “Hey, do you have a boyfriend?” I immediately blocked him, because everything was clear from the photographs on his page. In general, I'm already tired of all these messages. I try to communicate with my comrades so as not to lose the friendly atmosphere. I’m afraid they’ll say he’s a star and doesn’t communicate.” Read the original.