Singer Alessandro. Italian tenor Alessandro Safina or drive the hacks out of concert venues! Facts from life

Alessandro Safina is a famous Italian tenor, creator of the pop opera genre. The famous opera singer was born in Italy in 1963. She also combines and performs songs in other styles and genres.

Alessandro Safina was born in October 1963 in Italy into a musical creative family. His parents did not sing professionally, but, of course, they were gifted people with a good musical sense. They sincerely loved opera, admired it and sought to instill the same skills in their son.

In addition, it turned out that the boy had an excellent voice and hearing by nature; he absorbed musical notation with pleasure and strove to learn the art of opera with all his soul.

At the age of 17, he successfully passed the tests and entered the conservatory in Florence, having overcome considerable competition. As he later admits, from childhood he chose idol performers and imitated their singing. Actually, they remain idols for him to this day; among the main ones, the singer notes Enrique Caruso, who is known all over the world.

First steps to success

Studying at the conservatory was relatively easy for the young talent; he gained extensive experience not only in his native Italy, but also repeatedly visited concerts in Europe. And in 1989, at the age of 26, he received a prestigious victory at the International Vocal Competition, where the jury noted his sweet voice, artistry, and ability not only to sing beautifully, but also to get used to the image of the hero. Thus, Alessandro Safin performed the roles of Eugene Onegin from the stage, and he also performed other equally famous operas: “The Barber of Seville,” “The Mermaid,” “The Merry Widow,” “Orpheus in Hell” and others, considered classics of opera.

Creation of new genres

Undoubtedly, all-round talent, natural curiosity, and the desire to try something new could not but bear fruit. The singer skillfully combines different styles, genres and trends, as a result he became the founder of a new wave, which he conventionally called “pop opera”.

He strove to harmoniously combine opera and popular music, rightly believing that one did not interfere with the other. And he managed to prove this in practice: music appeared in his repertoire, in which, in addition to opera, soul, academic vocals, and pop motifs are clearly visible. Thanks to this, his army of fans has grown significantly, and connoisseurs of pop songs have also joined it. For example, the single “LUNA,” which was released in 2000, stayed in the charts in the Netherlands and other European countries for almost 14 weeks.

In 2001, the maestro went on a world tour, visiting many countries: France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Great Britain, where he kindly performed his songs for Queen Elizabeth II herself. The star was also invited to Brazil, the USA, Korea, and Canada. In fact, this singer managed to travel the whole world, collecting sold-out houses everywhere, because the synthesis of opera and pop music, soul, and other genres turned out to be very successful.

Triumphant performance in Russia

Unfortunately, despite such wild popularity, the creative path did not immediately bring the maestro to Russia; for the first time this happened only in 2010, when the Chaliapin Festival was held in Kazan. But since that time, the tenor began to appear regularly in Russia, and for the domestic public he specially learned some compositions in Russian, which he performed on the big stage.

One of the singer’s biggest concerts took place in 2010 in Moscow at Crocus City Hall. The audience greeted each performance with applause, and the artist gladly gave two additional concerts. The tenor received an equally warm reception in other countries of Eastern Europe. In particular, in 2011 he was invited to become a member of the jury at the Ukrainian popular show “X-Factor”, where in the final he sang his composition together with one of the winners.

Then frequent visits to Russia followed, the tenor enthusiastically performed not only on the capital stage or on the stage of St. Petersburg, but also actively visited other cities of the country. He has performed in Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Novosibirsk, Samara, he also performed in the Chechen Republic, and also took part in the “Slavic Bazaar”, which traditionally takes place in the city of Vitebsk in Belarus. He was also greeted with applause by the public in Krasnodar, Vladikavkaz, Izhevsk, Penza and even in such remote corners of the country as Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.

Unfortunately, due to the turbulent political situation and the singer’s personal political beliefs, his performances in Crimea, which were supposed to take place in September 2015, were canceled, but the artist a little later went to Belgorod, where his concert was successfully held, accompanied by a symphony orchestra.

Alessandro Safina is interested in the culture of other countries, this is manifested in the fact that his discography includes compositions not only in Italian, but also in English, Spanish and others.

Creative activity

A talented, active person cannot go unnoticed. It is not surprising that the tenor regularly receives offers to act in films. He delighted fans by appearing in the famous Brazilian TV series “Clone,” which was a success in Russia. True, the artist did not receive a significant role there, but played himself, that is, a famous Italian singer. However, his cinematic credits also include the role of an artist, which he played in a musical film.

The singer admits that he enjoys writing songs on his own, inventing music, showing himself fully as a composer and poet. He also does not hide the fact that wonderful moments in his life and beautiful women often serve as sources of inspiration. For example, he was inspired to write the entire album “Sognami” by a fan named Svetlana, whom he met on tour in Yekaterinburg. It is impossible to find out the details of this friendship, since the singer does not talk too much about his personal life. He prefers to communicate with journalists on topics of music, art, and culture.

Personal life and views

It is known for certain that the tenor was married until 2011, his chosen one was the Italian actress and dancer Lorenza Mario, and in 2002 they had a son, Pietro. The star says that he is not sure whether his son will follow in his footsteps and, frankly, does not consider this necessary. The career of a singer is not easy, there are many other worthy activities, and it is possible that the son will be passionate about something else.

Photo: Alessandro Safina personal life

“Yes, I had many women,” says Alessandro Safina, “but I truly loved only once.” The artist also noted with humor that he is often invited to appear in films, including very romantic ones. “Probably because I am visually very similar to George Clooney and I am often confused with him. But everyone must mind their own business. I don't understand the fashion that everyone wants to become an actor. An actor is a completely different profession, it is a separate craft, it is complex, it needs to be learned. And the very fact that you are a singer or for some other reason often appear on screens does not mean that you can automatically be an actor. A real actor is Marcello Mastroianni, and this is the standard in art that must be adhered to.”

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The fool himself - he succumbed to the persuasion of advertising and bought tickets at the end of last year.
So what? Isn't it a good gift for your wife on March 8th? Concert with the Philharmonic Orchestra, Italian tenor, opera and pop singer.
So, here's what I'll tell you! I haven’t seen or heard more trash, more bullshit in a long time.

Firstly, from the very beginning I was alarmed by the sound - like at a village wedding. The voice is much louder than a huge orchestra and sounds disgusting, like from a bell loudspeaker at a railroad freight station.
I quite often attend concerts at Crocus City Hall and I know that the equipment there is very good and the sound, as a rule, is excellent. The late Al Jero sounded like something out of an inaccessibly magical fairy tale. But here it’s disgusting, that’s all.
Secondly, the soloist came out and - zero charisma, zero artistry. He behaves on stage like a gopnik who for some reason was asked to sing. He continually makes faces, as if he were chewing gum.
Thirdly, he sings such boring songs that he doesn’t even remember their words and constantly stares at the huge TV that was placed among the acoustic monitors in front of his feet. In short, the impression is that you ended up in a karaoke club - one on one. I just remember that about 10 years ago I once accidentally got into karaoke, and people there sang better.
And this one... doesn’t hit the notes, he sings in a suppressed, strained voice, where are the endings, where are the closures? In the studio, I would make him repeat each phrase five or six times, explaining what was done wrong. I thought: I probably haven’t sung by now, it can’t be that they can sing like that for twelve thousand tickets...
Yeah! It all ended with him going backstage, drinking water, saying something to someone, and going back on stage...

And suddenly he started singing! He sang normally, quite decently! Almost the same as in this video!
Oh, and the microphone was suddenly rebuilt! What a good sound came from the microphone! Bravo, sound engineer!
What happened to the lighting? What kind of light is this - highly artistic?
It’s dark all around, the orchestra is in semi-darkness, there’s a beam of red light on the piano where the conductor was sitting, and on the soloist there’s a beam of blue light, and even a backlight, you can’t see his face at all...
Fathers!!! So the drums were suddenly replaced by electronic ones...
ETM!!! This is... PLYWOOD!
Can you imagine?! Moscow, one of the best concert halls, tickets from three to twelve, so what? Plywood! Hello, Mirage group, hello disco?!
Well, it’s understandable why the light is like that - it won’t get into its own plywood with its mouth, so that the articulation is not visible, they made it so that the face is not visible at all. But, stop, stop, stop. After all, such light had to be set up in advance? So, from the very beginning he knew that a good third of the program would be held under plywood?!
But the public liked it - our people love all kinds of shit. And they brought him flowers. Lots of flowers, lots of them!

In the second part, after intermission, he sang a little better. As a bow to the public, I sang a song that we loved performed by Muslim Magomayev, “Oh the sea, the sea.” But our winners of the show “The Voice”, Selim Alakhyarov, the guy who won last year, the name jumped out of my head, from Belarus, would have sung much better.

Here the women are so furious! They bring and bear flowers! So generous, so much. And then I realized - after all, the day before was March 8th, and our women are housekeepers. Why should good things go to waste?! They're standing in line!
I remember in Fergana, when I was a child, there were no garbage cans in the yards, but at the appointed time, in the evening, a garbage truck arrived. And the women came to her with their trash cans, stood in line to hand the trash can to the driver, who climbed onto the back. One to one picture!

In general, I have never been so desperately bored at a concert. During the concert, I re-read all the comments on YouTube - people write so many kind words, thank them so much! I looked through the entire Instagram, found a button under which personal messages were hidden, it turns out that Yusif Eyvazov sent me a photo of how he and Anna Netrebko prepared something based on my book...
I dug through my memories. I compared the current disgrace with other concerts for two hundred dollars.

In general, thank you very much, Deputy Milonov, for protecting us from lack of spirituality and strengthening my spiritual bonds.
Okay, me! I don't feel sorry for you anymore. And, if anything happens, I can fly to Europe for a good concert.

Alessandro Safina is a well-known representative of the Italian music industry. He became famous in the CIS countries after the release of the songs Luna and Aria e memoria. He became famous in many European countries as an opera and pop singer (lyric tenor).

Biography of Alessandro Safina. early years

Alessandro Safina was born in Italy on October 14, 1963 into a creative family. The parents of the future celebrity were not professional musicians, but they loved opera and instilled their passion in their son. His grandmother, who loved to sing and taught her grandson, had a special influence on the boy.

As is known from the biography of Alessandro Safin, at the age of seventeen he became a student at the Luigi Cherubini Conservatory in Florence. Soon after the start of his studies, he began to be trusted with leading roles in the most famous operas on European stages. The year 1989 was marked for the singer with the first prize at the Katya Ricciarelli International Vocal Competition, and it was from this period that his brilliant career began.

Participation in famous productions

Having received recognition and becoming a recognizable tenor, Safina began working in the field of academic music, where he was trusted with leading roles in such operas as “Capulets and the Montagues”, “La Boheme”, “Eugene Onegin”, “The Barber of Seville”, “Elisir of Love”, "Mermaid". In addition, the famous Italian participated in productions of the operettas “Orpheus in Hell”, “Sissi”, “Rose Marie”, “The Merry Widow”.

In the biography of Alessandro Safin, an important point is that he is not indifferent to religious and spiritual issues, and this was reflected in his work. In the Basilica of Saint-Denis, the singer performed Gounod’s “Mass,” “Little Solemn Mass,” and Puccini’s “Mass di Gloria.”

Pop opera

In the mid-90s, Safina decided to try himself in a new genre, calling it “pop opera.” The new direction combined academic vocals and pop music. Around the same period, he began collaborating with the famous producer and composer Romano Muzumarra. First, the partners recorded a joint single, La sete di vivere (1999), and a little later, the album “Insieme a te,” which he presented at the Olympia Theater in Paris even before its release.


In the biography of Alessandro Safina, it is worth noting that the tenor felt particularly popular after participating in the concert The Night of the Proms, held in the Netherlands. The song Luna, presented in 2000, managed to stay at the top of the Dutch charts for more than three months. The album Insieme a te premiered in more than 30 countries, receiving gold status in Brazil and four times platinum in the Netherlands. In 2001, the Italian went on his first full-scale tour, performing in many countries around the world. He also took part in the Royal Variety Performance concert, which was attended by Queen Elizabeth II and many popular representatives of the music industry. The year 2001 was marked for the singer not only with a big tour, but also with participation in the recording of the soundtrack to the successful musical film “Moulin Rouge!” In addition, he gave a concert in the famous ancient amphitheater in Taormina.

Personal life

After the release of the successful album Insieme a te, many listeners became especially interested in the details of the biography and personal life of Alessandro Safin. The singer got his wife a year after this grandiose event - he married an attractive brunette Lorenza Mario. In 2002, a son, Pietro, was born into the family. Surely this fact upset many of the singer’s fans, because previously he had remained a bachelor for a long time. Quite little was known about the celebrity’s chosen one - only a short biography of Alessandro Safina’s wife was publicly available. The media reported that Lorenza is a dancer, and also took part in the filming of two films before her marriage. The couple lived in marriage for 10 years - in 2011 it turned out that the family had broken up.

At the same time, in some interviews, the singer admits that he still has warm feelings for Lorenza, and she was the only love in his life. The famous Italian is actively involved in the fate of his son, but hopes that he will not connect his fate with music. The tenor prefers to remain silent about whether his heart is free today.

Facts from life

You can find many interesting details in the biography and personal life of Alessandro Safina. The idol of the popular tenor is Enrico Caruso, however, he also enjoys listening to such groups as Depeche Mode, U2, The Clash, Genesis. It is known that he prefers classical opera rather than modern opera.

Safina took part in the filming of the series “Clone”, appearing before viewers as himself. He also got the image of the artist Mario Cavaradossi in the film adaptation of Giacomo Puccini’s opera “Tosca”.

In one of his interviews, Alessandro admitted that a certain Russian woman became his muse, who inspired him to create the Sognami album. According to the singer, he met a Russian girl, Svetlana, at one of the concerts, and she remained in his memory for many years.

The tenor noted more than once that there were many spectacular women in his life, and he is a great connoisseur of female beauty, but he truly managed to become attached only to his wife Lorenza, who also became the mother of his eldest son. Some media outlets claim that the celebrity also has a younger son, Christian, who was born to him by a girl unknown to the general public named Laura Maria.