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People with psychic abilities found in various parts of the world. Many of these individuals do not consider it necessary to hide their abilities and hide. However, some women nowadays are embarrassed by the title of witch and carefully hide the signs that could give them away.

External signs of a witch

One of the main signs of a witch is special eyes. Even a young witch usually has a tenacious, wise and practical look, often evoking feeling discomfort. The witch is not afraid to look into the eyes; on the contrary, she is looking for the opportunity to see the innermost thoughts of her interlocutor.

The traditional eye color of a witch is green. In the Middle Ages, red-haired girls with green eyes were sentenced to death for witchcraft without trial - their appearance was considered the most important evidence. One of the signs of a hereditary witch is the eyes different color, most often in light shades.

Witches are almost always attractive in appearance and very self-confident. Moreover, people cannot always understand what exactly attracts and delights them in this woman. However, in a real witch there is always one masculine trait, for example, high growth, rough voice or great strength in hand.

Specific markings are another sign of a witch. Most often these are birthmarks unusual shape, which are passed from mother to daughter or from grandmother to granddaughter. Key Feature witches are beautiful long hair. They contain the power of a witch; if you cut her hair short, the witch may lose her power.

Signs of a white and black witch

Real witches have strong magnetism. This energy attracts people with weak wills, children and animals. But if the magnetism of a white witch causes calm and pleasant sensations, then after a black witch makes people feel devastation, sadness, anger or hatred.

The reasons for this phenomenon are that a woman becomes a witch not of her own free will, like, for example, a sorceress, but because she comes from a line of hereditary witches. If a woman, who is a witch from birth, chooses the path of good, uses her gift for the benefit of people, she becomes white. A black witch uses hers to achieve selfish goals; she is not afraid to harm a person and easily wishes harm to offenders.

Both white and black witches feel bad in the church. If they are forced to enter the doors of the temple, they behave insecurely or defiantly, flouting generally accepted rules. To hide their fear of the church, witches may feign intense piety.

The question of how to recognize a witch has always interested people. Of course, it is impossible to say for sure whether a woman is a witch or not. Although it was written in the Middle Ages famous book for inquisitors "Witches Hammer", where they were described, but in many ways it was because of this book that many innocent people suffered. After all, you can’t judge by appearance alone! But there are no secret instructions for accurately recognizing a witch. Perhaps only one witch can accurately recognize another - they feel their commonality instantly.

But still, even a simple person can easily guess the witch essence of this or that woman. How to do this?

Let's start with the fact that now many witches do not hide their occupation at all, but, on the contrary, proudly declare it. After all, the times of inquisitorial fires are long gone, and now such things even cause envy among many. Some of those who own it use it to make a living. Other witches practice magic only occasionally, either to help or harm other people. Many of these women will give an honest answer to a direct question whether they are witches. After all, a real witch will not lie - this is not in her principles. True, some of them, especially those who practice black magic, may quietly evade the answer. But even in this case, you can recognize a witch! This is especially easy to do if you go to her house.

Witch's house

In the house of a real witch there is always a variety of different dried herbs, because many types of witchcraft cannot do without them. All witches are wonderful housewives and needlewomen, they are constantly sewing, knitting, crafting or cooking something. At the same time, the required spell is cast on the manufactured item or prepared dish. Therefore, very often there may be a candle next to the witch's unfinished needlework.

Of course, you most likely won’t find witches’ books with spells. It is unlikely that a witch will forget herself enough to forget to hide her from prying eyes. This book is put away in a safe place immediately after work. However, the witch tries to hide all her witchcraft attributes, leaving only what looks like ordinary things.

For example, often in a witch’s house you can find threads woven together, sewn scraps of fabric of unknown purpose, water or food in strange places. It would seem that there is nothing magical about this, but it is not so. Do not touch any of this under any circumstances! The energy of these things may be based on one or another program created with the help of witchcraft. And any witch hates it when other people’s hands touch her personal belongings.

How a witch behaves

But what if you don’t have access to the house of the alleged witch? Take a closer look at her behavior - this will help you recognize a witch who is hiding her nature!

People sometimes call evil, grumpy, envious aunts witches, but such people are more likely to be able to simply put the evil eye on a person. If people like this are trying to apply magical rituals, they have little success. They do not know how to control their emotions, and without this it is incredibly difficult to attract and or bewitch someone. A woman with witch talent, on the contrary, is always very self-possessed, she will never scream or take it out on people. She knows how to channel her emotions in the right direction. If she wants to spoil someone, she just quietly and without unnecessary words will do it at home. Sometimes it is enough for her to simply look long and intently at her offender, so that after some time he falls out of the blue or gets burned.

But despite such secrecy, it is possible to recognize a witch. Just listen to what she says. A witch often knows something about you that you didn’t tell her, because many witches... And don’t believe her if she says: “You told me this yourself, you just forgot.” In addition, the witch often speaks or answers questions with hints that you do not understand. So she is trying to find out if you also have hidden abilities. The witch values ​​herself very much, she will not allow anyone to offend her, mock or make fun of her, harshly suppressing such attempts with words. Moreover, the offenders immediately fall silent, although the witch may look small and physically weak. But a common person still unconsciously senses magical power, although he cannot explain it.

Is it even possible somehow recognize a witch, and who does she look like today? A toothless old woman with disheveled hair or a beautiful brunette with a piercing gaze of shiny black eyes? But you shouldn’t look for similarities with either one or the other, just as you shouldn’t hope that in modern witch The features of ancient characters will be visible. For example, Lilith from the Old Testament or the beautiful goddess Diana (if you remember, she turned Odysseus’ faithful companions into pigs). Not inherent in her appearance and fatal beauty Medea or other mystical heroines from the poems of Horace or Virgil.

Yes, and they scare today’s ordinary people, as they once did the dark and downtrodden peasants - not at all flying on brooms and connections with demons, and superstitious fear of damage and curses. “It’s better not to get involved, you never know...” is the usual reinsurance in such cases.

Have you noticed that sometimes, when we talk about a woman, we are overcome by vibes of causeless negativity? And we think: “how unkind she is - probably witch" Although objective consciousness tells us that the times of witches and sorcerers are long gone.

However, despite this, something still continues to live. Unusual abilities and signs that are inexplicable from a scientific point of view (and simply interpreted as magical) are quite easy distinguish a witch from an ordinary woman.

You need to know them, because if a person does not realize that he has some abilities, he unwittingly causes harm to others and generates negativity. But, having realized her “witch” essence, such a woman will be able to use it exclusively for the benefit of people.

The easiest way to illustrate this is with simple examples, taking place in everyday life and various life situations. Such “pictures” will reveal much more clearly and expressively than theory the characteristics that “unrecognized” and “hidden” witches have. So: signs that distinguish a witch:

The attitude of animals is the most unmistakable indicator

Most pets do not tolerate strangers. As a rule, they are simply jealous of the owner of all strangers - they hiss, growl, rush or grumble with displeasure. But they will accept and recognize only one stranger - that mysterious guest who also has some kind of unusual power.

Children's attitude is another detector

Do you have a withdrawn and fearful child, is he shy or afraid of strangers? And then on the train he suddenly suddenly reached out to the woman sitting next to him. He immediately went into her arms, babbled something and smiled, and at your stop he threw a tantrum, not wanting to leave his new acquaintance in any way. There is only one explanation: children have weak energy, which is easily attracted to a more powerful one - the energy of a witch.

Evil eye means witch

Your neighbor is a lonely woman, and you invited her to while away the evening. And in your stroller is your precious firstborn. Do you know the sign that babies (especially newborns) should not be shown to anyone for at least six months? Don't ignore her.

The neighbor, of course, admired the cute child, lisped with him, and took him in her arms. And when I returned home, I thought casually: “God, the baby is already a month old, and he’s not gaining weight at all - he’ll probably grow up weak and sickly.” You can rest assured that this will be the case.

Wish no harm

Some woman heard rumors that a friend (one of her colleagues, relatives, neighbors) spoke unflatteringly about her, to put it mildly. She thinks in her hearts: “Bless you! Peck on your tongue!” And the “tongued” one calmly snacks on a cup of tea and a muffin. And then, for no apparent reason, she suddenly choked and burned herself, injuring her palate and tongue. Typically witchy mental negative message acts instantly.

Don't be born beautiful...

It happens that friends have been friends almost since birth, and everything seems to be similar between them. But only one grows up - beautiful and successful, and the second - a gray mouse who has lost confidence in herself. The beautiful one always has a sea of ​​suitors, and the ugly one has depressing resignation with the fact that in her life she will not conquer even one man's heart and will never interest anyone.

And here the beautiful one got ready to get married - introduces best friend with my future husband. And when she saw him, she caught herself thinking: “People are lucky! If I had something like that, he would understand how I know how to love. Damn it, it's meant for me, not her!

Further, the scenario can develop in any way, but the ending will be the same in any case: it is not the beautiful woman who will get married, but the one who does not have any external charms. And he will marry just that guy. She just has ability to charm.


If a woman has such signs, it means she has some kind of strength. And if she learns to control it, subjugate it and manage it, then she will become a real witch . Having taken on such a burden, you need to accept great responsibility at the same time.

Because the witch pays for these abilities with discomfort, dizziness, and causeless ailments. Depression and stress are a normal state for a witch. But if you don't use magical abilities in the name of good, they are gradually lost. Over time, the unusual strength will dry up, and the woman simply becomes an ordinary “unkind person.”

People with magical abilities have existed at all times. But not everyone knows how to recognize a witch in a friend, relative or lover. This can be done by paying attention to a number of features in appearance and behavior.

Who is a witch

There is something sinister in the word “witch”. But if earlier, when this term was mentioned, the image of a scary, crooked old woman with a wart on her nose came to mind, then a modern witch is something completely different. They are also called seers, sorceresses, fortune tellers, and clairvoyants.

Witches have magical powers. In the old days, such women had to hide their gift. They were afraid of witches, and in the Middle Ages they were burned at the stake. TO modern witches often ask for help.

Magic and esotericism are in fashion today. Many people learn to tell fortunes using Tarot cards or other means of predicting fate. Women, as a rule, have good intuition and non-linear thinking. They often practice magic and rituals.

However, a real sorceress has a gift from above, which is often inherited. In order for the special gift to manifest itself, an initialization ceremony was previously performed. IN modern world there is no such tradition. Many people are unaware of their supernatural abilities. The gift often manifests itself after a tragic event.

The witch's peculiarity is unregulated, spontaneous clairvoyance. Pictures of the future appear before the seer’s eyes involuntarily, which does not at all make the witch’s life happy.

Clairvoyants predict the future and sometimes even know the date of their own death

How to recognize a witch in our time

In society, sorceresses are not much different from ordinary women. They can be distinguished from the crowd due to certain features in their appearance and behavior. Prone to magical abilities ladies born on certain days.

By date of birth

Numerology will help you learn about a girl’s ability to predict the future and read conspiracies. But to do this, you need to find out the subject’s date of birth.

  1. The first thing to do is to add 6 to each digit of the date of birth. If the addition results in a two-digit number, then the numbers are added together again. For example, 07/31/1963 = 97.64.7639. If the result is 3 magic numbers 3, 6 and 9, regardless of location, calculations should be continued.
  2. The next step is to sum up the digits of the date of birth. If the total sum (3+1+0+7+1+9+6+3=30) is divisible by 6, there is a possibility of magical abilities.
  3. Now it remains to add the numbers obtained in the first step: 9+7+6+4+7+6+3+9=51. If this resulting number is also divisible by 6, then we are talking about a witch. In the example given, this condition is not met.

Clairvoyants are often born on days close to the new moon, in January, February, April, May and December, as well as at night - from midnight to morning.

By appearance

Modern witches dress and look like ordinary women. The following details give out the sorceress:

By behavior

Sorceresses do not advertise their abilities. But sometimes they give themselves away with small remarks and guess the mood of others or the outcome of some matter. They manage to miraculously avoid trouble. You can identify a witch by the following signs:

  • Witches are closely connected to nature and love animals. They would prefer to spend the day in solitude on the river bank rather than going to a noisy party. Witches are not afraid of unpleasant things natural phenomena, be it a storm, thunderstorm or hurricane wind.
  • Clairvoyants treat with trepidation flora. In their kitchen you can see all kinds of herbal teas and tinctures.
  • Women with a magical gift easily get along with people. However, they prefer to spend time alone. Even the company of close relatives of the witch is avoided.
  • Fortune tellers are wise and interesting to communicate with. But after spending time with representatives of white magic, my soul is light and pleasant. But evil witches seem to suck out energy. After talking with them, a person feels exhausted.
  • The house of sorceresses is often in disarray, despite the fact that they love to buy new expensive things. Because of this, a man may even suspect witchcraft in his wife, which is not always true.
  • Witches often talk to themselves.
  • There is an opinion that witches avoid going to church and even faint from the smell of incense. This is wrong. Sorceresses often visit temples, but here such individuals should be wary. They can cause damage to the church. If a witch walked around a person in the temple counterclockwise and stopped behind, then she thus takes energy from the victim.
  • Seers often cross their arms or legs while in church, crossing themselves with their left hand, starting from the navel area. They often turn their backs to the altar and walk out of the temple backwards, as if backing away.
  • It is worth paying attention to the behavior of people in church during Christmas. On this day, women associated with otherworldly forces try to touch the lock on the temple gate. This is how they receive magical energy.

Signs of a sorceress according to the Witches Hammer

One of the goals of "Hammer" was to prove that women cast magic more often than men

Special attention was devoted to the search for witches in the Middle Ages. Then there was a special treatise called “The Witches Hammer”. It outlined the signs of a witch. It was believed that women prone to magic do not know what tears are and rarely cry.

The creators of the treatise claimed that there is a place on the witch’s body that is impervious to pain. It was called the devil's seal. A sign of involvement in otherworldly forces was the wearing of stones, amulets, and the storage of potions and ointments based on herbal ingredients in the house.

Women who rarely got sick, kept themselves apart from others, and avoided communication were considered witches.

If you recognize a sorceress in a loved one or in yourself

Communication with witches does not pose any threat, therefore, if for some reason in a loved one a representative of magic has been recognized, there is no need to take special actions.

You should continue communicating with the sorceress. But still, you should not enter into conflict situations with such ladies. It is better to maintain a neutral relationship. After all, witches can often, even unconsciously and not of their own free will, bring trouble to their opponent.

Having recognized the traits of a witch in yourself, you don’t need to tell everyone about your abilities for magic, much less use your skills for personal needs. Witches try to store magical energy, because rituals take a lot of energy. However, some develop their abilities to help and heal people. But supporters of dark magic, who commit damage and love spells, become associates of the devil.

In the modern world, many have supernatural powers. Some people don't even know about it. A number of features will help you recognize a witch. However, it is better to use magical skills only in exceptional cases.

Many people are interested in the question of how to recognize a witch. Have you asked? We answer!

Recognizing a witch is both very simple and difficult at the same time. These women live among ordinary people, in houses and apartments (very rarely in forest huts), they can have a family. The only thing that distinguishes real witches from other women is that they have supernatural (paranormal) abilities and can do wonderful things: hail, catch up or disperse clouds, communicate with spirits and ghosts of the dead, heal illnesses without drugs, perform love spells and lapels, and sometimes conduct intimate dialogues with the Devil himself.

According to folk legends, – women are very beautiful in appearance, have dark skin, long hair, but prefer not to take care of their appearance. They wear, as a rule, nondescript, unattractive or even repulsive outfits and do not have their hair combed. All this is necessary for witches in order not to attract unnecessary attention to themselves, especially male attention, which will prevent them from doing their business.

However, when the witches have their Sabbath time, they turn into written beauties, so men should be extremely careful when meeting at night with immensely attractive girls.

There is also a legend among the people that if seven girls are born in a row in a family, then one will certainly be a congenital witch. Sometimes witches are born to mothers who were previously cursed. You can recognize a born witch by characteristic feature, namely by the presence of a “tail” - a small process in the area of ​​the coccyx. In the Middle Ages, female newborns who had such an atavism were mercilessly killed by inquisitors.

There is no need to be afraid of inborn witches - they usually do not cause any harm to others, other than benefit (unless, of course, life forces them). But trained witches or those who have received the gift of witchcraft as an inheritance (whether by their own free will or not is no longer important) can and do do evil deeds, although they can also do good.

How to recognize a witch by her eyes?

The easiest, but at the same time unreliable way to recognize a witch is by her eyes. Look carefully into the eyes of the supposed witch. Usually they are green or red in color, their gaze is piercing, deep, their eye shape is almond-shaped, their gaze does not look away. But this method can only serve as an indirect sign. They need to be used along with others.

How to recognize a witch using folk methods

1. Go to the house where the deceased is being reprimanded. When the priest sings the ten psalms of David, the witch woman will certainly become gloomy and bow her head to her chest.

2. On Saturday, take a piece of cheese, wrap it in cloth and keep it near your body for three nights while you sleep. Then tie the cheese to your shirt and wear it like that. Soon the witch herself will come to you and ask for at least a tiny bit of this cheese. But you should not give in to her requests, otherwise illness and death await you.

3. To recognize the witch in Maundy Thursday, go to church wearing your clothes inside out. Do not touch anything in a sacred building. Then you will be able to see among the parishioners the one who is a witch (the fact that witches do not go to church is a myth, a myth and again a myth) - she will stand with her back turned to the clergyman and in the nude.

4. On a full moon, take a black cat and go to the crossroads of four roads. Light a fire, draw a circle around it and stand in it. Release the black cat and notice which direction it runs. Then wait for the first woman who comes to the fire from the other side. This will be the witch. The circle on the ground is needed so that the witch will not be able to reach you and cause harm.

5. On Easter, go to morning service. When the clergyman opens the church doors from the inside, the first woman to grab the door handle will be the witch.

6. As a rule, witches always take helpers such as black cats, rats, owls, the bats- they certainly take part in covens with their mistresses. If your friend is a lover of such living creatures, it is quite possible that she is also a witch.

Now that you know how to recognize a witch, it will be easier for you to cope with her attacks.