All the dead have phantoms in the cemetery. Ghost photos: real stories that shocked the whole world

Dry River

Ghosts also appear near the old cemetery in the village of Sukhaya Reka, near Kazan. Here is the story of Nina Savelyeva: “At the plant, the second shift ends late. I once asked a colleague to give me a ride to the Sukhaya River, since my husband and daughter were waiting at the dacha. I got out of the car at the bus stop and suddenly I saw: a woman in a long white robe was standing about five meters ahead. I think I’ll quickly pass by, and I quickened my pace, but the distance between me and the woman did not decrease. Everything was somehow unreal. The ghost followed me until the turn, and after it I literally ran into my husband, who came out to meet me. For a long time I could not utter a word, I just pointed my hand in the direction of the “white woman,” but the ghost had already disappeared.”

The “white woman” was also seen by other summer residents who live near the cemetery. They said that usually ghosts first knock on the window, then slowly float past the house to the gate and gradually disappear. And one of the summer residents was once hit with a stick by an unfamiliar old man in rags, who then seemed to disappear into thin air.
Another old Kazan cemetery is located within the city limits in the area of ​​Saban Street. Residents of nearby houses often see some unusual animals and luminous balls there, not to mention ghosts...
Near the village of Neyalovo, which is located in the Pestrechinsky district of Tatarstan, there is an abandoned cemetery. One of the local residents, Alexey, a driver by profession, claims that he once met his late sister there. Another time, when Alexey was transporting sacks of wheat, his car suddenly skidded near the cemetery, and he had to spend the night there. Suddenly, either in a dream or in reality, the man heard his sister’s voice: “Lesh, give me some wheat!” - “Take it!” - answered the driver. And wow, the next morning he was indeed missing one bag. And why does a ghost need wheat?

Phantom cons

For example, in the capital of Scotland, Edinburgh, there is an ancient Greyfriars Church, and nearby there is an equally old cemetery, where many historical films were filmed, a very popular place among tourists. They talk about how during excursions around the cemetery they sometimes hear dissatisfied voices and see ghostly figures. And some even claim that some unknown force pushes and strikes them...
In the 17th century, there was a prison on the territory of the cemetery. In 1679, during the reign of King Charles II, political criminals were imprisoned here, many of whom were sentenced to death and then buried in the same cemetery. Lord Mackenzie, who handed down death sentences to prisoners, was also buried here.
At Weserfield Cemetery (Connecticut, America), ghosts of people buried there were repeatedly seen at night, wandering among the graves. Sometimes they were seen during the day. One photographer deliberately hunted for ghosts in a cemetery, and he managed to photograph a phantom near the grave where a man who died of a snake bite was buried...

Clouds over graves

There are three cemeteries in Tyumen where ghosts are found. In the photographs taken at the Tekutyevsky cemetery near the graves, some strange white ovals are sometimes visible. Once, in a photo of a goth girl, a black translucent cloud appeared that hung above her head. Local Goth guys are sure that these are the souls of the dead.
The same Goths said that at the Chervishevsky cemetery at dusk you can see a white translucent haze, which in shape resembles a human figure. When approaching ghosts, they disappear. Although some were photographed.
At 4 Republic Street, the Academy of Culture and Arts is located. At night you can hear someone's footsteps and even the sounds of music. Nearby are the so-called Lovers' Bridge and an ancient cemetery of the 17th-18th centuries. Academy students claim to have seen ghosts near the bridge several times. Most likely, it's all about the cemetery. During road work, graves were dug up more than once, and part of the graveyard was completely destroyed when a residential area was built. The deceased are dissatisfied and are now toiling...

Mystery balls

Psychic Vyacheslav P., on May 9, 1978, while on a business trip in Volgograd, visited Mamayev Kurgan, where the mass graves of soldiers who died in the Battle of Stalingrad are located. Many people gathered on the mound that day. Funeral music sounded, wreaths were laid... Suddenly, Vyacheslav saw orange balls flying out of one of the graves. Rising upward, they hovered above the crowd, lining up in a garland. Looking around, P. discovered that exactly the same balls were hovering over other graves. Apart from the psychic, apparently no one noticed them.
But here is an incident that happened to a photographer from Nizhny Novgorod, Konstantin Pokrovsky. It all started many years ago. Once Konstantin was invited to photograph at someone’s wedding. There were no digital cameras at that time; they filmed with ordinary film cameras. When Kostya began to develop the films, he discovered that they were damaged - some round white spots were floating throughout the space of the frames.
Just in case, he still printed the photographs and began to examine the “marriage” with a magnifying glass. It turned out that the mysterious spots, when magnified, look like balls floating in the air.
I had to find the customers to apologize to them for the damaged pictures and return the money. Kostya learned that the newlyweds were spending their honeymoon in a remote village in the north of the region. He headed there in his Niva. He was met at the gate by a young woman in a black mourning dress with tear-stained eyes. The photographer had difficulty recognizing her as her ex-fiancee.
The woman recognized Konstantin.
– We don’t need any photographs now! - she said.
It turned out that her young husband was killed by some unknown people.
Kostya remembered that the groom’s father was a crime boss. Perhaps the son became a victim of some kind of mafia showdown. Most likely, it was not by chance that the young people drove off into the wilderness - they were hiding from someone.
The next time the ball visited Kostya was in July 2007 at the dacha. The photographer and his wife were drinking tea on the veranda. The ball first appeared on the roof, then landed on the table and began to rotate smoothly, while emitting a quiet rustling sound. Kostya suddenly lost his sense of time. He didn't know how much had passed: an hour or just a few minutes. I asked my wife if she saw anything on the table. The woman replied that there was nothing there except cups. For her, the “visitor” remained invisible.
Finally the ball flew up. He made such movements as if he was calling for him. Kostya, as if under hypnosis, left the house, started the car and drove after the “alien”.
It took three hours to get the ball. Finally, a cemetery appeared near the village of Pochinki. Konstantin got out of the car and went to get the ball. He stopped near one of the graves. It looked abandoned, the wooden cross was askew. With difficulty, Kostya managed to read the half-erased inscription on it: “Pokrovsky G.Ya. 1874-1918". When he woke up, the ball had disappeared somewhere.
For several months the photographer rummaged through the archives and got to the bottom of the truth: his great-great-grandfather was buried in the grave! Grigory Yakovlevich Pokrovsky, a village priest, was shot by security officers during the revolution. The surviving family members left for the city and tried to cover their tracks, fearing accusations of connections with a “counter-revolutionary element.”
Konstantin corrected the grave, erected a good monument, and made an inscription stating that his great-great-grandfather was tortured in the dungeons of the Cheka. It turns out that it was the ball that brought him to the grave of his ancestor!
Why do ghosts still appear near graves? Parapsychologists believe that the soul - the energy-informational essence of a person - due to some circumstances, for example, violent death or improper burial conditions, can be tied to the place where he is buried. And she can live there for a very long time...

Dina Kuntseva

Phantom cons and gangsters

For example, in the Scottish capital of Edinburgh there is an ancient Greyfriars Church, and nearby there is an equally ancient cemetery, where many historical films were filmed. The place is quite popular among tourists. It is they who say that during excursions around the cemetery they sometimes hear indignant voices and see ghostly figures. And some even claim that some unknown force gives them pushes and blows...

The fact is that in the 17th century. There was a prison on the territory of the cemetery. In 1679, King Charles II imprisoned political criminals here, many of whom were sentenced to death and then buried in the same cemetery. Lord Mackenzie, who passed death sentences on prisoners, was also buried here...

Another “haunted cemetery” is Bachelors Grove near the city of Crestwood (USA). This place is called so because it was once home to single immigrants from Germany who worked on the Illinois-Michigan Canal. The cemetery appeared in 1864. In the 20-30s. of the last century, victims of gangster wars were repeatedly dumped into the cemetery pond. Then the ghosts of murdered gangsters began to be seen here...

The cemetery is very small, and no one has been buried there since 1965. Young people often carry out acts of vandalism: breaking tombstones, dumping the contents of coffins... And in one of the corners of the cemetery, next to the pond, traces of animal sacrifices are found - apparently, some sectarians are operating ...

Roar from the graves

There are many “turbulent” cemeteries in the territory of the former USSR. One of them is located near the village of Semenovskoye, Kursk region. The local population claims that at night the dead come out of their graves and walk around the village. True, there are only three ghosts - two men and a woman. This usually happens from twelve to half past midnight.
The Moscow group of paranormal researchers “Extrana” was involved in the investigation of this phenomenon. Here is the story of its leader V. Kaldin:

“At exactly twenty minutes to twelve we heard some kind of dull noise and a distinct roar coming straight from one of our graves. I turned on a powerful professional soundphone that picks up and records sounds at a distance of up to one hundred meters. Gradually, noises and sounds began to be heard from all three graves. Then the earth began to move on one of them and gradually began to crumble inward. Our employee forgot about his camera and looked at the grave, spellbound. When something shapeless began to rise from this grave, I also froze for a few seconds and only then turned on a powerful army flashlight. There was such a roar that it filled my ears. The dead man did not expect a bright light, or maybe this light still had some effect on him, but one way or another, he collapsed into the grave, and the earth itself began to fall back asleep! I directed the flashlight beam at other graves, and the roar from there also began to come muffled and muffled, and then stopped altogether.

As it turned out later, our photographer still managed to click the camera several times when I aimed the beam at the dead man. But the photographs did not work out; they turned out to be completely overexposed. The soundphone also did not record any sounds, not even a monstrous roar..."

Radiation raises the dead?

In Orel, next to the railway station, there is an abandoned cemetery. The fences of many graves have been knocked down, and the graves themselves are often undermined...

The night watchman of the gypsum plant, located 40 meters from the abandoned churchyard, assures that for several years now ghosts have been looking into his booth... The first time it was a wizened old man, dressed all in black. When the watchman opened the door, he silently shook his bony finger at him. The ghost smelled of rot. The light fell on his face, and empty eye sockets became visible... The watchman slammed the door and then heard the dogs howling until the morning. In the morning it turned out that one of them was missing... After that, the “dead men” knocked on his door more than once, but he no longer opened the door. And always after their visits, one of the animals disappeared... According to the watchman, the dead were disturbed by radiation: ghosts began to appear in May 1986, after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Then the radioactive cloud reached Orel...

And the eternal battle...

Several years ago, the Belarusian village of Dubovy Log, in the Dobrush region, experienced an entire invasion of ghosts. At night, on the outskirts, from the side of Lake Vygonovskoye, the crackle of rifles was heard. A resident of the last house, pensioner Maria Dobyshch, later told reporters that, looking out the window, she saw gray shadows crawling and shooting around her garden. When they crawled out into the light of the lantern, the woman realized that they were soldiers in German helmets.

The “German soldiers” were also seen by other village residents. Some even tried to shoot at them with guns, but they didn’t seem to notice the shots...
Valentina Kozyreva encountered a man in a half-decayed military uniform and a rusty helmet in her yard. In his hand he held the same rusty rifle. Instead of a face, the “soldier” had a skull with a grin and empty eye sockets... The woman lost consciousness from fear, and when she woke up, there was no one in the yard.

In the same way, the rest of the living dead disappeared into the darkness without a trace. Later, the natives recalled that about five kilometers from the village there used to be a German cemetery dating back to the First World War. And burial mounds were preserved in the forest... It also turned out that in the summer of 1946 the neighboring village of Persten was attacked several times at night by some gangs who were mistaken for undead fascists hiding in the forest or for policemen. However, in reality they never harmed anyone and, after shooting, disappeared to God knows where...

edited news Agatha Black - 4-12-2012, 20:09

Mysterious stories and ancient legends about ghosts have always existed. Many people do not believe in legends, making the excuse that they have never seen or heard one ghost in the cemetery or in another similar place. But just because people haven’t seen it doesn’t mean ghosts don’t exist. Even in ancient Rus', it was necessary to hold a funeral feast for the dead, and in subsequent centuries - funeral services, seeing them off to another world and giving respect and honor, otherwise, according to legend, the spirits of the rest could return and begin to trouble people.

Why do spirits so often remain to wander the earth, usually in places where there are few living people? As if trying to distance himself and not bother anyone with his suffering and thoughts. But, both among the living and among the rest, there are calm or aggressive souls. Perhaps it directly depends on the reason why they stayed.

In theory, souls should leave this world and not return. But this doesn't always happen. If something strongly ties the deceased to an earthly place, he can remain. This may be due to love, duty, anger, resentment and a sense of justice.

Ghosts in the Cemetery or in remote places are not uncommon, this is one of the most popular places where people are most likely to spot them.

Why do ghosts appear in the cemetery?

Scientists say that the likely causes of the appearance of spirits are unnatural death. During times of severe suffering and emotional shock, a person’s desire to free themselves, to be saved, to end this situation grows so much that their desire comes true. The body dies, but the spirit remains, leaving the body.

Other researchers argue that ghosts in cemeteries are associated with being buried alive due to medical error, that is, a person was buried, but he did not die, which means that the spirit and body remain in limbo. Or because of the intense suffering of relatives, who, with their strong desire and tears, do not allow the soul to calmly go to another world, but tie them to the place with their buried body for a long time.

One of the most common reasons for the appearance of ghosts is their improper burial or the absence of something like that. They were not escorted out, which means they cannot find peace. There were stories when ghosts pointed to the place of their death, and only after the remains were placed on the ground and certain rituals were performed, the spirit was no longer seen.

Such a meeting can take place in completely different places, in an abandoned house, in a vacant lot or in long-destroyed buildings. As a rule, ghosts are always tied to one place and cannot move far. This explains why people often see ghosts in the cemetery.

In Russian, the word “ghost” comes from the ancient Russian word “apprehended” or seemed. That is, what a person saw briefly is fuzzy and vague.

There are ghosts who did a lot of dirty deeds during their lives, they were hanged and killed, and were not interred because of their iniquities, which means that some of them became ghosts and after death continued their deeds, leading travelers into dense forests or scaring them to death . The souls frightened to death were also doomed to eternal wandering and became just as unhappy.

They also say that the souls of suicides also cannot find peace and are doomed to eternally wander the earth, as a curse for their careless attitude towards the given priceless life.

It happens that the souls of relatives come to warn of danger. At the same time, they point to something or stand silently. But they come and go without staying.

There is an opinion that cemetery ghosts can talk, saying something or transmitting information telepathically.

According to Slavic beliefs, talking to ghosts was forbidden. You had to wear your outerwear inside out or turn your hat over. And, without turning your back to the ghost, continue walking. If it did not lag behind, then you should read a prayer, and then wave your right hand backhand to dispel the spirit. It was believed that the pectoral cross is the best amulet against such meetings.

People who have seen ghosts say they have heard voices or unusual noises. And at the same time they felt very strange.

Scientists have proven that before the appearance of a ghost, the temperature drops, popularly called “grave cold.”

Fortunately, such meetings are quite rare. But, unfortunately, they do happen. Experts believe that you cannot show fear, you cannot talk, and you cannot look into the eyes. Especially listening to what ghosts say. Otherwise it could end very sadly.

The 10 most famous cemeteries with ghosts, described in this article, do not in any way claim to be exclusive and unique, because surely any cemetery has its own terrible stories and legends that have been discussed for more than one generation. However, some of them are of particular interest to modern ghost hunters.

1. Père Lachaise Cemetery

This is an ancient Parisian cemetery that became the final resting place for Oscar Wilde, Jim Morrison and Marcel Marceau. It is rumored that Holocaust victims slowly move through its territory at night in search of peace. Who knows how many other restless spirits might reside there?

2. St. Louis Cemetery

The St. Louis City Cemetery in New Orleans contains the remains of the infamous Marie Laveau, a 19th century voodoo queen. Local residents are confident that Marie, even from the grave, still fulfills the requests and appeals of visitors. In addition, they say that clearly audible crying is periodically heard from a number of crypts.

3. Highgate Cemetery

In the 1960s, rumors began to actively spread in London about a vampire walking around the Highgate Cemetery. By the way, this is where Karl Marx and Charles Dickens lie. There was also talk that bloodless bodies of animals were being discovered in the cemetery. As a result, the townspeople launched a real hunt for the vampire, including opening suspicious graves and driving in aspen stakes. The vampire, of course, was not caught. Perhaps the wanderer in black clothes and with a deathly white face still wanders among the graves at night. Would you dare explore Highgate Cemetery after dark?

4. Greenwood Cemetery

The most famous ghost of Greenwood Cemetery in Decatur, Illinois, is a frightened and angry boy whom locals call Michael. He throws stones at visitors and even tries to hit or knock them down. Besides the boy, visitors may occasionally notice a sad girl waving at them as they leave this now closed and abandoned cemetery.

5. Stull Cemetery

It is believed that in the Stull Cemetery in Kansas on Highway 40, also called the “cemetery of the damned,” the body of Satan’s son from an earthly woman is buried. Rumors of strange rituals and unexplained night lights only add an even more frightening aura to this mystery. The place is so creepy that it is considered the gateway to hell.

6. Resurrection Cemetery

Chicago's Resurrection Cemetery is the resting place of the not-so-quiet Bloody Mary, a famous urban legend that states that Mary was killed just outside the cemetery as she walked out of its gates. Now Mary systematically appears on the road and asks to be taken to the cemetery gates, at which she instantly disappears.

7. Garden of Hope Cemetery

In the city of Gautier (Mississippi) there is a cemetery “Garden of Hope”, where a brutally murdered family of seven people, including five children, is buried. After their burial, visitors often see ghosts of children running around the cemetery, laughing and playing happily. And here lives a ghost thief who takes wreaths from other people’s graves to his own grave. And, of course, Bloody Sarah - a young lady with red hair and a red robe, who gets out of the fence and scares drivers on the road.

8. Bachelor's Grove Cemetery

Another mystical cemetery in Chicago, closed for more than half a century. Researchers say that it is simply teeming with spirits and other paranormal entities. Visitors witness a white pillared house that quickly appears and quickly disappears, and in the early 1990s a photo was taken of a mysterious translucent lady in white sitting on a grave.

9. Bonaventure Cemetery

This picturesque cemetery in Savannah, Georgia, became the setting for the film Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. It is all overgrown with Spanish moss and looks like the perfect home for otherworldly creatures. Local residents tell tourists the story of the girl Gracie Watson, whose statue sometimes really cries when someone steals her gifts that visitors carefully leave for her.

10. Recoleta Cemetery, Buenos Aires

The Recoleta cemetery is called the city of the rich but the dead. The legendary Eva Peron found her peace here, but people say that she is unhappy with her last “apartment”. In addition, there is a legend about a night watchman who committed suicide at his workplace, and therefore visitors still hear the jingle of his keys or see his figure wandering around the premises.

There is a joke about how two men meet in a cemetery. One runs headlong, his hair stands on end, his veins are shaking, and the other asks him: “Why are you running?” He replies that he is afraid of the dead. “When I was alive, I was also afraid,” the stranger admits. An anecdote is an anecdote, but there are a lot of fascinating and frightening stories about the appearance of ghosts in cemeteries...

Phantom cons

For example, in the Scottish capital Edinburgh there is an ancient Greyfriars church, and nearby there is an equally ancient cemetery, where many historical films were filmed, a place quite popular among tourists. It is they who say that during excursions around the cemetery they sometimes hear dissatisfied voices and see ghostly figures. And some even claim that some unknown force pushes them and strikes them...

The fact is that in the 17th century there was a prison on the territory of the cemetery. In 1679, under King Charles II, political criminals were placed here, many of whom were sentenced to death and then buried in the same cemetery. Lord Mackenzie, who handed down death sentences to prisoners, was also buried here.

At Weserfield Cemetery in the American state of Connecticut, the ghosts of people buried there have been seen wandering among the graves more than once at night. Sometimes they were observed during the day. One photographer specifically hunted for ghosts in a cemetery, and in the end he managed to photograph a phantom near the grave where a man who had died from a snake bite was buried. True, the photographs were later suspected of being fake...

Dry River

There are also ghosts near the old cemetery in the village of Sukhaya Reka near Kazan. Here is the story of Nina Savelyeva: “The second shift at the plant ends late. I asked a colleague to take me to the Sukhaya River, since my husband and daughter were waiting at the dacha. I got out of the car at the bus stop and suddenly I saw: a woman in a long white robe was standing about five meters ahead. I thought that I would quickly pass by and quickened my pace, but the distance between me and the woman did not decrease. Everything was somehow unreal. The ghost followed me until the turn, and after it I literally ran into my husband, who came out to meet me. For a long time I could not utter a word, I just pointed with my hand in the direction of the “white woman,” but the vision had already disappeared.”

The “white woman” was also seen by other summer residents living near the cemetery. They said that usually the ghost first knocks on the window, then slowly floats past the house to the gate and gradually disappears. And one of the summer residents was once hit with a stick by an unfamiliar old man in rags, who then seemed to disappear into thin air.

Another old Kazan cemetery is located within the city limits in the area of ​​Saban Street. Residents of nearby houses often see some unusual animals and luminous balls there, not to mention ghosts...

Near the village of Neyalovo, which is located in the Pestrechinsky district of Tatarstan, there is an abandoned cemetery. One of the local residents, Alexey, a driver by profession, claims that he once met his late sister there. Another time, when Alexey was transporting sacks of wheat, his car suddenly skidded near the cemetery, and he had to spend the night there. Suddenly, either in a dream or in reality, the man heard his sister’s voice: “Lesh, give me some wheat!” - “Take it!” - the driver answered. And sure enough, the next morning I was indeed missing one bag. And why does a ghost need wheat?

Clouds over graves

There are three graveyards in Tyumen where ghosts are observed. In photographs taken at the Tekutyevsky cemetery near the graves, some strange white ovals sometimes appear. One day, a photograph of a goth girl showed a black translucent cloud hanging above her head. Local Goth kids are convinced that these are the souls of the dead.

The same Goths say that at the Chervishevsky cemetery at dusk you can see a white translucent haze, shaped like human figures. As soon as you get close to the ghosts, they disappear. Some, however, were photographed.

At 4 Republic Street, the Academy of Culture and Arts is located. At night you can hear someone's footsteps and even the sounds of music. Nearby are the so-called Lovers' Bridge and an ancient cemetery of the 17th-18th centuries. Academy students claim to have seen ghosts near the bridge several times. Most likely, it's all about the cemetery. During road work, graves were dug up more than once, and part of the graveyard was completely destroyed when a residential area was built. The deceased are dissatisfied and are now toiling...

Mystery balls

On May 9, 1978, psychic Vyacheslav P., while on a business trip in Volgograd, visited Mamayev Kurgan, where the mass graves of soldiers who died in the Battle of Stalingrad are located. Many people gathered on the mound that day. Funeral music sounded, wreaths were laid... Suddenly, Vyacheslav saw orange balls flying out of one of the graves. Rising upward, they hovered above the crowd, lining up in a garland. Looking around, P. discovered that exactly the same balls were hovering over other graves. Apart from the psychic, apparently no one noticed them.

But what happened to photographer from Nizhny Novgorod Konstantin Pokrovsky. It all started many years ago. Once Konstantin was invited to photograph at someone’s wedding. There were no digital cameras at that time; they filmed with ordinary film cameras. When Kostya began to develop the films, he discovered that they were damaged - some round white spots were floating throughout the space of the frames.

Just in case, he still printed the photographs and began to examine the “marriage” with a magnifying glass. It turned out that the mysterious spots, when magnified, look like balls floating in the air.

I had to find the customers to apologize to them for the damaged pictures and return the money. Kostya learned that the newlyweds were spending their honeymoon in a remote village in the north of the region. He headed there in his Niva. He was met at the gate by a young woman in a black mourning dress with tear-stained eyes. The photographer had difficulty recognizing her as her ex-fiancee.

The woman recognized Konstantin.

We don't need any photos now! - she said.

It turned out that her young husband was killed by some unknown people.

Kostya remembered that the groom’s father was a crime boss. Perhaps the son became a victim of some kind of mafia showdown. Most likely, it was not by chance that the young people drove off into the wilderness - they were hiding from someone.

The next time the ball visited Kostya was in July 2007 at the dacha. The photographer and his wife were drinking tea on the veranda. The ball first appeared on the roof, then landed on the table and began to rotate smoothly, while emitting a quiet rustling sound. Kostya suddenly lost his sense of time. He didn't know how much had passed: an hour or just a few minutes. I asked my wife if she saw anything on the table. The woman replied that there was nothing there except cups. For her, the “visitor” remained invisible.

Finally the ball flew up. He made such movements as if he was calling for him. Kostya, as if under hypnosis, left the house, started the car and drove after the “alien”.

It took three hours to get the ball. Finally, a cemetery appeared near the village of Pochinki. Konstantin got out of the car and went to get the ball. He stopped near one of the graves. It looked abandoned, the wooden cross was askew. With difficulty, Kostya managed to read the half-erased inscription on it: “Pokrovsky G.Ya. 1874-1918". When he woke up, the ball had disappeared somewhere.

For several months the photographer rummaged through the archives and got to the bottom of the truth: his great-great-grandfather was buried in the grave! Grigory Yakovlevich Pokrovsky, a village priest, was shot by security officers during the revolution. The surviving family members left for the city and tried to cover their tracks, fearing accusations of connections with a “counter-revolutionary element.”

Konstantin corrected the grave, erected a good monument, and made an inscription stating that his great-great-grandfather was tortured in the dungeons of the Cheka. It turns out that it was the ball that brought him to the grave of his ancestor!

Why do ghosts still appear near graves? Parapsychologists believe that the soul - the energy-informational essence of a person - due to some circumstances, for example, violent death or improper burial conditions, can be tied to the place where he is buried. And she can live there for a very long time...

Eyewitness reports

Messages about manifestations of otherworldly forces can be treated differently. But almost everyone who happened to encounter such a phenomenon perceived it as nothing other than proof of the existence of life after death...

A child is kidnapped... by a dead man

One summer, our neighbor in the holiday village, Anatoly Ivanovich, suddenly died of a heart attack,” says Tamara K., a housewife from Belgorod.

“He lived alone, his relatives rarely visited him. Our plots were nearby, so he probably communicated with us more often than with other neighbors.

He loved to sit on our veranda and treated our daughter, Lenochka, to sweets and nuts. She had just turned eleven years old at that time, and, of course, we did not tell her about the death of our neighbor. They said he left.

And now, three or four days have passed, Lenochka tells us: “But Uncle Tolya, it turns out, hasn’t left. Last night he came to me and treated me to sweets.”

My husband and I decided that our daughter had a fever. We measured it - no, everything is fine. And at night I heard steps and some rustling in Lenin’s room. I went there and saw: my daughter, wearing only panties, goes out onto the veranda, and from there into the yard. All pale, she fixed her gaze in front of her and walked faster and faster, almost running. I rushed to call my husband.

Do you know where we caught up with our girl? At the cemetery! She was already approaching the fresh grave of our neighbor, although she did not know the way to it. We screamed, and then Helen fell unconscious right on the grave. By the time they brought her to the village, by the time the ambulance arrived, she had already stopped breathing. The doctors barely pumped her out. She then spent a month in the hospital. The doctor says it was sleepwalking, but my husband and I don’t believe it. This has never happened to Lena - neither before this incident, nor after.

Lena vaguely remembered the events of that night. She said that before that, Uncle Tolya came to her two nights in a row, spoke kindly, called her over, and treated her to sweets. Only his sweets were somehow tasteless. And on the night in question, he was especially persistent: he smiled, hugged, persuaded her to go with him, promised that Helen would like him. The girl doesn’t remember anything after that - as if she fell asleep and woke up in the hospital.

We talked about this in the village with the old women. When they found out that their neighbor was buried without a funeral service, they advised him to order a memorial service. That's what we did. Since then, Lena’s neighbor has ceased to wonder. But we didn’t go to the dacha anymore, and then we sold it.

Father-in-law took revenge

About thirty years ago, I worked in the sports section, and there was this Alyosha, a young guy, a boxer,” says Muscovite Gennady O. “He trained all day long, hitting the punching bag. Apparently he was a guy with quirks, because he “Pear” pasted a photograph of his father-in-law, whom he hated fiercely. It was these photographs that he hit. The photograph was torn to shreds, and he glued a new one. He had a lot of them. The coach laughed: “Nothing, let it go! It will be angrier!”

And then suddenly Lesha stopped posting these photos. We learned from the side that my father-in-law had died. He had inflammation of the periosteum, because of this, all his teeth were pulled out, and then paralysis of the facial nerve occurred. As if Alyosha really got him through the photograph with his blows.

Alexey became a real athlete, took part in competitions and won prizes. And suddenly, at the very peak of his career, he died. And it’s somehow strange, not good.

His wife persuaded him to go with her to his father-in-law’s grave, which he had never visited since the funeral. That's where it happened. The guy tripped and fell face first onto the gravestone. Soft-boiled face. He lay in a coma for three days and died.

"Coffin" money

And here is the story of Evgeny P. from Omsk.

My grandfather, Viktor Nikolaevich, was ill for a long time. Before his death, he no longer stood up and could not speak. They didn’t take him to the hospital like that. His mother, father and aunt looked after him. And I, at that time a twelve-year-old boy, only looked into his room, and then rarely. One day in the morning, when everyone was asleep, I went to the toilet. I walk along the corridor and look - the door to my grandfather’s room is slightly open, and from behind it a strip of light is breaking through. I became curious: I stopped and quietly looked into the room. There is a dim light burning there, some kind of bluish light, which I have never seen there, my aunt is sleeping in a chair, and my grandfather is sitting at the table.

I was surprised. This means that grandfather felt better when he got out of bed. I noticed that he was fiddling with his chess clock. This watch was old, in a wooden case. Grandfather used a screwdriver to unscrew the screws on the back cover. I look, he removes this cover and takes out dollars from the watch, rolled up in a tube. He unfolds them, counts them, slobbering on his fingers, and suddenly slowly turns towards the door. I was completely frozen with fear, immediately ran to my room and hid under the blanket.

And the next morning I found out that my grandfather died in his sleep that night. The aunt could not find a place for herself - after all, she slept all night.

Grandfather was taken to the morgue. Then they told me that his death occurred between midnight and two in the morning. But I went out at five o’clock in the morning and clearly saw my grandfather at the table! And I told my mother that the doctors were mistaken - my grandfather died early in the morning, he was still opening the chess clock and taking dollars out of it.

And then another amazing thing was discovered: this clock was no longer in the apartment! A couple of days before my grandfather’s death, my father gave them to his neighbor, Uncle Petya, also a chess lover. He and his grandfather often played. The watch was broken and did not work, but the neighbor said that they could try to fix it, and the father gave it to him. If he fixes it, good, if he doesn’t fix it, let him throw it away.

My father didn’t want to go get his watch. He didn’t believe in mysticism, and it was awkward for him to take his gift back. Let's go mother and aunt. And I followed them. When the neighbor heard about the clock, he immediately turned pale, his hands trembled, and he began to pace around the room. His wife couldn’t stand it and admitted: yes, there were dollars in the watch. My husband started repairing the watch and found it. They have already spent a little, but the bulk remains. She returned them to their mother.

Visit of the Drowned Woman

“The year before last, I visited my native village for a week, which I had not been to for a long time,” recalls Alexey B., an auto mechanic from Smolensk. “At the same time, I visited a “bad” place there on the shore of the lake. When I was a child, we, the kids there, believed that you couldn’t swim here on Midsummer night, otherwise you might get drowned.

The beach there is good, with soft sand. And most importantly, people are swimming there now! For some reason I thought that these were lies - about an evil drowned man. And I deliberately came to this place late in the evening of June 22 and decided to check the old legend.

It was still light. Not a soul around. I went into the water, swam away from the shore and suddenly felt as if some kind of deep current had hit my legs. My muscles immediately cramped and I began to choke. I remembered the advice that my grandmother, now deceased, gave me: when a drowned man begins to drag you into the water, read the “Our Father.” At least the first line. That's exactly what I did. I don’t know if it was thanks to prayer or something else, but I made it to the shore.

I was already dressed when a big black jeep pulled up to the beach. A family came out from there, among them a girl of about fourteen. I had a bad feeling. I wanted to warn these visiting people that it is better not to swim here today. But what will I tell them? What is the drowned man being pulled under the water here? He said nothing and left.

That night I dreamed of a girl from a jeep. I say that I dreamed, but in fact I’m ready to swear that she came not in a dream, but in reality. I woke up at night and saw her standing next to the bed. I recognized her immediately. He looks at me so sadly and suddenly asks: “Why didn’t you warn me?”

After this I couldn’t find a place for myself. A couple of days later I went there again. The sun, the heat, people swimming with all their might. And by the water, on the bushes, a wreath hangs. A cross was buried right there, with an inscription on it: so-and-so drowned here. This girl is looking out from the photograph. So don’t believe after this the stories about the dead people coming back to life.

There are too many messages like this to be dismissed so easily. The dead, or those subtle entities that they become after the death of the physical body, clearly continue to influence the lives of the living. This influence is most often invisible, not realized by us. Only in very rare cases does it manifest itself explicitly, in the form of dreams, ghosts or meetings with apparently “living”, but in fact already dead people. Apparently, such an obvious intervention requires a very serious reason, or the dead must feel a strong need for it.