Morley bob personal life. Biography of Bob Marley

Bob Marley - famous composer, an extraordinary musician, a legendary singer of reggae songs. His songs are loved and known by heart by all fans of this musical direction. Marley became a kind of founder of this musical genre, and now, for many years after his death, he remains the most popular and famous performer of such songs in the world.

His image as a musician - a man with long dreadlocks, always wearing a Rastafarian hat, with an invariable wide smile on his face and a guitar in his hands - became the personification of reggae as it is.

Bob is from Jamaica. Born into the family of a hard-working European military man who arrived from the mainland, and a young indigenous woman from the island. Little Marley practically never saw his dad, because he was constantly on assignments and worked a lot. Bob's father died when the child was 10 years old.

The boy studied in a regular local school, after its completion he began working as a laborer. IN adolescence Bob joined the ore-fighting subculture, which emphasized aggressiveness and romanticized crime. External features for such young people - necessarily short haircut or a shaved head, tailored clothes made from suit fabric.

This movement also had a musical component - the youth of this wave “had a blast” at discos listening to ska (a type of Jamaican music). It is in this subculture and at this age that young Bob begins to try himself in music and tries to discover and develop his creative potential.


First musical experiments Bob Marley staged on his own, but they were not very successful. In his youth he became a member musical group, with whom he achieved his first recognition. His group “The Wailers”, created together with friends and like-minded people, passed long haul and was transformed many times, changing its composition and positioning in the musical arena, but in the end brought its creators first national and then world fame.

Bob released singles and albums first as part of the group, and then transformed it into his own author's project, Bob Marley and the Wailers. Together they toured throughout the United States of America, and then throughout the rest of the world (Europe, Africa, Asia).

In the USSR, Marley became popular already at the end of his life - the songs of the freedom-loving, unusual singer, who became the voice of an entire generation in his homeland, nevertheless passed through “ iron curtain"and made an indelible impression on the residents of the Union.

The work of Marley and his group is recognized among music critics– their albums and singles receive awards, and Marley repeatedly wins the title of “Best Singer.”

Marley's songs united the most different people- both residents of disadvantaged areas of Jamaican cities and the “golden youth”. With his creativity, he gave people hope for the best, faith and all-forgiving and all-encompassing love.

His iconic song “One love” turned into an unapproved National anthem Jamaicans, it literally united politicians and groups who, during Marley's time, turned Jamaica into a battlefield for their interests. He wrote this song after an attempt was made on his own life - he was purposefully shot at.

Marley performed on stage and delighted fans with his work until his death.


IN last years During his life, Bob suffered from a malignant disease - a tumor on his toe, which appeared as a result of an injury while playing the singer's favorite game - football. The composer refused to “take himself apart” and amputate his diseased finger, because he, like a real Rastafarian, had to die “in one piece.” As a result of a long, stubborn battle with cancer, the singer lost - he dies right during tour, never having time to return to their homeland.

Last months The singer’s life was extremely difficult - the prescribed treatment had serious consequences in the form of hair loss and weakened immunity. The irony of fate is that the African-American leader Marley actually died from a disease that is common among the population with fair skin. Marley was susceptible to the disease due to the fact that his father was white-skinned.

Personal life

Football truly held a special place in the singer’s heart. Bob's love for this sport was so great that the clause on mandatory access to football field and the ball was registered in its rider at any time. And he was really good at this sport: playing as a defensive midfielder, he literally “glued” the ball to his feet; no one and nothing could take the ball away from Marley. He had many years of practice - Marley’s love, even passion, for this sport appeared in early childhood.

His wife Rita, who worked as a backup singer for Bob at the beginning of his career, went hand in hand with Marley all his life. Bob, still very young, once met a girl on the street who was walking and singing with friends. Her talent and appearance attracted twenty-year-old Bob, and he began to court her. Spun whirlwind romance, young lovers decided to get married.

At the beginning of Bob’s career, the couple lived in love and harmony, but with the advent of incredible popularity, the husband began to be at home less and less and started having casual romances.

Bob Marley with his wife and children

Rita and Bob Marley had a large and friendly family - the wife gave the singer sons and daughters. All the children - and the Marley couple have four of them - are now in one way or another connected with music and other forms of creativity. In total, Marley has eleven children, not counting one adopted son.

Rita showed heroic traits, often raising both her own children and Marley’s offspring from affairs with other women. According to Rita, at the beginning of the relationship Bob was caring and loving an exemplary husband, however, over time, he began to cheat on his legal wife. In his defense, he said that he wanted many children and simply did not want to bother Rita with numerous pregnancies. By the way, my own popular song Marley dedicated “No, woman, don’t cry” to his only legal wife. The woman admits that although her relationship with Bob can be called normal with great difficulty, she forgave ex-husband and keeps the most tender memory of him.

Numerous children of Marley pay tribute to their father’s talent by continuing his work. They perform, sing, create original musical projects or are engaged in others creative professions. In other words, they are all trying to leave a mark on history and make this world a little better.

Not long ago, one of the glossy US magazines published an issue with a photograph on the cover, which brought together all of Marley’s children and grandchildren in one frame. The photo became very popular in in social networks, it scattered across the Internet. This became the meeting of the decade for Marley's descendants.


There are a number of specific areas of life and general images, which will forever be associated exclusively with Bob Marley. For example, it is his name that millions of teenagers and students justify their desire to smoke light narcotic herbs. After all, Marley himself openly admitted that he does this regularly. He could even afford to go on stage holding a joint in his lips.

The role that Marley played in the spread of Rastafarianism is invaluable. Followers of this faith snapped up his songs for quotes, and the singer himself was considered their messenger true faith. Marley's influence on the development of the philosophy of Pan-Africanism among certain category of people. His contribution is incredible, he became an ambassador for this idea and truly changed the course of history through his actions and creativity. For this he was awarded several prizes and awards.

Bob Marley in recent years

Despite the fact that Marley died in the last century, his work and life philosophy They are still gaining more and more fans. His photos are printed on mass market items and on items included in the collections of the first lines of the world fashion brands. There are many people in love with Marley's songs in modern Hollywood - singers and actress Eliza Taylor and many others.
Bob Marley's quotes catchphrases and expressions, and his last words- that it is impossible to buy life for a coin - has become an aphorism.

It's pretty hard to fit first dates, flirting, and family time into your schedule when the end of the world is approaching, but The 100 has somehow managed to create strong bonds between characters so far.

Now that Clarke, Bellamy, Raven and the rest of the boys are facing a deadly wave of radiation, it seems like romance should take a backseat. However, we asked Bob Morley a few questions about the relationships Bellamy will develop throughout the season and what they might mean for the show.

"I think Bellamy will stay away from romances because a lot of the people he's had relationships with have blown up or been speared," Morley jokes. - I feel sorry for the guy, because I think he needs this. Whether he feels he deserves it is another question. He is filled with longing and sadness."

Morley admits that Bellamy most wants to communicate with two people: Octavia and Clarke.

“I'd like to see Bellamy's relationship with Octavia develop in a more mature way, as opposed to the 'You can't tell me what to do' thing. Their relationship is a 'two steps forward, one step back,' says Morley. - Bellamy to some extent understands her desire to choose dark side. He doesn't hide it, but their relationship is still complicated. I don't think he necessarily wants that for her... At some point you just have to fade into the background - you can't give the answer to the people you care about, they have to find the answer themselves. This will take some time. Over time, the pain will subside. Time will take its toll."

As for Clarke, there is no hint of romance between her and Bellamy, but Morley understands the couple's fans.

“I think the relationship with Clarke is one where he can be open and vulnerable, and he hasn't had many people in his life that he's had that kind of relationship with,” Morley says. - That's why people might start shipping them: Clarke brings out a side of Bellamy that he doesn't show to anyone... If people want to ship them, I'm not going to stop them. If they like it, that's great."

There is another person with whom I also want to see the development of relations. And this is the Moon.

Luna's return in Season 4 presents a lot of possibilities, especially if she appears more often this time around. The only person we saw her interact with on a deeper level was Clarke. Given the crisis in Arcadia and Polis, it can be assumed that Luna will interact with more characters. And the interaction with Bellamy will be quite important.

Morley didn't talk much about this relationship to avoid spoilers, but the fact that he has something to say is quite interesting.

“Bellamy and Luna's relationship is growing. I don’t know how much you can tell me about this without getting fired. Let's just say that their relationship continues to evolve."

There's no evidence that the dynamic between them is based on romance, and that's the beauty of The 100. With such a diverse cast of characters, each new couple- romantic or not - only means that it will be interesting.

Bob Marley is one of the most legendary figures thanks to his extraordinary creativity. His unique performance style constantly attracts new fans and is timeless.

Creative biography of Bob Marley

Bob Marley was born in a Jamaican village in 1945, on February 6th. His mother, a local girl, was only 18 years old, and his father was a British officer navy– 50. Although he supported his family financially, they saw him very rarely, and the family could hardly be called happy.

After his father's death, Bob and his mother move to Kingston. The boy has been interested in music since childhood, and after moving he begins to develop his abilities. After leaving school, he got a job as a mechanic, and after work he played music with his friends Neville Livingston and Joe Higgs.

Bob wrote his first song, “Judge Not,” at the age of 16. In 1963, he organized the group "The Wailers", very popular in Jamaica. The group broke up in 1966, but after some time Marley restored it.

Bob becomes famous in internationally in 1972 after the release of the album "Catch A Fire". Co next year The band's tour of the United States begins.

Bob Marley's music brought him worldwide fame, he became legendary performer in style.

Personal life of Bob Marley

At the age of twenty, Bob Marley meets his love - Alfarita Anderson, whom he marries, becomes his girlfriend. Throughout her life, Rita supported her husband in every possible way, went on tour with him and helped him develop in every possible way. Many years later, Bob Marley's wife, despite his numerous infidelities, will say that she always loved him as much as in the first days after they met.

The musician left 10 children from different women, namely:

  1. Cedella, born in 1974, was Bob and Rita's first daughter. She was a member of the group "The Melody Makers", in currently clothes designer.
  2. David "Ziggy", the eldest son, was also in The Melody Makers and won four Grammy Awards.
  3. Stephen, born in 1972, singer and producer.
  4. Robert, born in 1972 from Pat Williams, is far from public life.
  5. Rohan, born to Janet Hunt in 1972, is a musician and former professional footballer.
  6. Karen, born in 1973 to Janet Bowen.
  7. Stephanie, born in 1974, her mother was Rita. Despite the fact that Bob Marley's paternity was disputed, he recognized her and raised her as his own daughter.
  8. Julian, born to Lucy Pounder in 1975, is a musician who regularly tours with his musician brothers Ziggy, Stephen and Damian.
  9. Koo-Mani, born in 1976 to Anita Balnavis, a table tennis champion, is a reggae musician and actor.
  10. Damian, younger son, born in 1978 to a former Miss World, is a talented reggae musician who has won three Grammy Awards.

Many of Bob Marley's children became talented performers and continued their father's life's work. The daughters and sons of the singer Cedella, David “Ziggy”, Stephen, Rohan, Ku-Mani, Damian, were involved in music.

In addition, Bob Marley has an adopted daughter, Sharon, whom Rita gave birth to from her previous husband.

What did Bob Marley die of?

In 1977, Bob was diagnosed with malignant cancer. Only amputation could save him thumb legs. The singer refused it, explaining that he would not look flexible on stage. Another justification was the inability to play football after the operation. Doctors carried out intensive treatment, however, it did not help, and on May 11, 1981, at the age of 36, Bob Marley died.

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The day of the musician's funeral was declared a day of national mourning. Before he died, he spoke these words to his son: “Money cannot buy life.”

Name Bob Morley is well known to fans of the American TV series “The 100,” which, with its plot twists and turns, has kept a multimillion-dollar army of viewers in suspense since 2014, not inferior in ratings even to “.” The fantasy drama based on the novels of the writer tells about the life of earthlings after nuclear apocalypse. Morley played one of the main roles - Bellamy Blake, a brave fighter for survival on the planet.

Childhood and youth

Robert Alfred Morley was the name of the future actor at birth. The youngest of four offspring (the actor has two sisters and a brother) was born on December 20, 1984 in the Australian town of Kineton (Victoria). The boy's genes are a mixture of European and Asian roots: his mother is Filipino, his father is of Irish-Australian origin.

The head of the family died early; Bob was still a child. It was hard for the mother: she had to raise the children, work, manage the household - the family lived on a farm. Despite this, the woman tried to give the children everything they needed. Bob, for example, became interested in acting, and his mother gave him the opportunity to school years study dramatic art.

After graduating from school, Bob went to Melbourne and enrolled to study as a geological engineer at the Royal Institute of Technology. However, after studying for a year, the young man realizes that geology is not his calling.

“I remember when we went on a hike, we did seven soil acidity tests, during which we had to taste the rocks with our tongue. “I suddenly thought that this is not what I want to do for the rest of my life,” Morley laughs. “I had to stop and think about what made me happy, and I remembered how much I enjoyed being in school plays.”

After this, the guy goes to La Trobe University to study acting. While studying, he hired an agent who secured roles in university theater productions.


Exactly theatrical stage brought success to the guy: during the play “Angels with Dirty Faces” with the participation of Morley, the producers of the long-running series “Home and Away” (1988 - present) noticed him and invited the talented young man to the casting.

Soon the actor was already rehearsing the role of Drew Curtis. In 2007, for her performance, the actor received the Logie Awards (Australian equivalent of the Emmy) in the “Discovery of Male Talent” category. Bob Morley played in 148 episodes of the series before leaving the project in 2008.

A new TV project in which Bob appeared - crime drama“The Strip”, where the actor played Constable Tony Moretti. But it had to be closed after the first season due to low viewership ratings.

Fans saw their idol on screen only in 2010: Morley appeared in one of the episodes of the 4th season of the TV series “Sea Patrol”. He also returned to the horror genre (back in 2005, Bob starred in the horror film “Dead Harvest”), playing main role in the film "Truck".

A new wave of popularity covered the actor in 2001. In the beloved Australian series Neighbors (1985-2017), Morley played Aidan Foster, a man gay. TV viewers watched his relationship with his on-screen lover Chris Pappas (played by James Mason) for 50 episodes in a row. Bob left the series in 2013 to go to Canada to film The CW's The 100.

Bellamy Blake, brilliantly embodied by Bob Morley, one of central characters series, present since the first season. In the story, he is the brother of Octavia Blake (played by), one of hundreds of prisoners who flew to Earth to save it from destruction by nuclear missiles. Bellamy flies after his sister, knowing that she is in danger. Here is how the actor himself speaks about his hero:

“When you are given a character, even if he bad guy, you have to love him despite the mistakes. I always thought that Bellamy kind heart, and that the reason even for his cruel behavior is noble. He had to resort to forced measures to get to Earth, which shows his dedication to his family."

The role of Blake brought the brutal and athletic actor (height 178 cm, biceps 33 cm) an “E!” portal E-ONLINE in the “Alpha Male” nomination. Also, the character of "The 100" made Morley a winner of Teen Choice Awards(“Best TV Actor in the Fantasy Genre”).

Personal life

Unlike his stern serial character, Bob Morley is a charming young man with whom it is simply impossible not to fall in love. This is what his army of fans thinks and closely follows the personal life of their idol.

However, the actor does not consider it necessary to inform the public about his novels, so little is known about this side of his biography. From 2007 to 2008, Morley had an affair with his Home and Away co-star Jessica Tovey (who played the role of Belle Taylor). Australian actress popular in her homeland, she stars in a lot of television projects, performs on theater stage.

There is also information on the Internet that Morley had a tender relationship with actress Jane Gosden. But with , who plays Clarke Griffin in “The 100,” much to the regret of fans, Bob has just a friendly relationship. They both come from Australia and are very supportive of each other.

In 2016, the Internet flew around strange video, in which Morley and his fellow "The 100" actor fake a passionate kiss. Whether it was this game or something else remained behind the scenes.

But soon after this, Bob Morley's affair with dubbing actress Arrin Zeck became known. The girl is of Spanish-American origin, born on October 4, 1990. In the Ruby series (RWBY), Arryn voices one of the main characters, Blake Belladonna. Morley's lover is interested in photography, computer games, writing.

Bob Morley now

The actor is busy filming the sixth season of The 100. So far this project is the most significant in his filmography, but he does not refuse other proposals.

It’s easy to follow Morley’s creative steps on the actor’s fan accounts on Instagram and VKontakte. And you can find out news from Bob himself by subscribing to his


Millions of people considered her the most happy woman on Earth - after all, she was the wife of Bob Marley himself, the world reggae superstar. However, as it turns out only now, for Rita Marley, life with a living legend was a real nightmare. The man she loved with all her soul betrayed her at every turn.

So, one day, when Rita tried to rebel against him, deciding to deny him sex until he stopped cheating on her, Marley simply raped his wife. Rita is now 57 years old. And only now for the first time she decided to openly talk about that terrible day in 1973.

According to her, Bob did not want to put up with the state of affairs and stated that as his wife she was obliged to fulfill her marital duty. "He took possession of me by force, and I call it rape. After that I felt just terrible. I shouted to him: 'I hate you!' I hate you!” says Rita.

Before the rape, there were years of Marley's constant infidelities, and many women gave birth to children from him. When Rita became indignant at the number of children Bob was producing, he explained to her that he wanted to have a lot of children, but did not want to burden his wife with pregnancy. He cynically told Rita: “You don’t want to get pregnant every year, do you? So part of all this is done so as not to put this burden on you and your body.”

However, despite all this, according to Rita, she loved him as much as when they first met.

“The fact that he did all this and cheated on me does not mean that he was a bad husband. He always fully provided for me, gave me everything I needed,” says Rita. “However, show business ruined him, girls.” which hung around his neck."

How it all began: before world fame, Bob Marley had the only underpants

Rita, born Alpharita Anderson, a Cuban, met Robert Nest Marley when she was 18 and he was 19 in 1965 in Trenchtown, in the Kingston ghetto of Jamaica. Robbie was the humble guitarist for local rock band the Wailing Wailers. Every day the group went to a local studio where they recorded their album, and the musicians' path lay past Rita's house.

One day, Rita and her friends stopped the group and impromptu performed a song for them - Bob really liked it and invited them to do backing vocals on some of the songs the group was recording. Soon Rita and Bob became lovers.

“We were so in love! Bob was romantic and faithful, and I thought it would always be like this,” says Rita. “Rehearsing, we looked into each other’s eyes and sang, and then kissed. It was some kind of magic.”

In 1966 the couple got married. From then until 1972, when Bob signed a contract with Island Records, almost all of Marley's records were sold by Rita in an amateur store that was located in their house. When the star period began, Rita toured the world with Marley as one of his backing vocalists. The Mirror writes about the history of the relationship between Bob Marley and his wife (translation on the website

Rita remembers how in the early years life together every evening she hand washed Bob his only underpants in a basin in front of their house in St. Ann. However, when Bob Marley and his group The The Wailers gained worldwide fame, the king of reggae forgot everything that Rita had done for him, and threw himself into all the troubles.

“In every country he visited, Bob met with some miss or local beauty queen. At night she came to his bedroom and was in no hurry to leave in the morning,” says Rita. “Of course, I saw all this, because I "I was a backing singer in his band and his wife. So I saw all this and I was very hurt, I was overcome with jealousy."

"Most of the time I was Mrs. Marley, but it was just a title and nothing more. Often I considered myself a divorcee. I just thought - to hell with it all! - especially when he started bringing me children from women he impregnated and wanted so that I can keep an eye on them,” Rita noted.

During an interview with an American newspaper, when the journalist asked Marley about his wife, he replied: “Oh, no, Rita is my sister.” Yet Bob Marley used his charm, which she could not resist, and called her his “queen, wife, life.”

Rita, now a reggae star herself, thinks that despite all her love for Bob, she would not have been able to save their marriage if Bob was still alive: “Because of the disappointment and pain I faced “Even though I tried to show myself to the world with a smile on my face, Bob’s lifestyle was killing me.”

Despite constant romances with other women, Bob Marley maintained a possessive attitude towards his wife and was jealous of her. Returning to Jamaica from a tour of Britain in 1973, Bob told Rita that a girl in London was expecting his child and that Rita was to take care of the baby when it was born. At the same time, Marley had an affair with Cindy Breakspear, a Jamaican beauty who three years later became Miss World. For Rita, the message about his pregnant mistress in London was the last straw, and she decided to refuse him sex, demanding that he stop cheating on her.

This is how Rita described what happened in their lives after that: "I felt like I was being played and would continue to be played for a long time. So I decided that I was not going to play this game anymore. I told him simply and clearly: if you are going to continue to cheat on me, there will be no more sex between us .

At that time, we didn’t have AIDS yet, but there were other diseases, and I couldn’t help but think that all this was turning into some kind of madness and that some kind of disaster would certainly happen to me if I continued to have sex with him . I didn't know if he uses condoms, but I doubt it. In addition, I was trying to punish him by refusing sex: I knew that he wanted me, but I decided to be stubborn in order to show him what he was missing out on.

I also wanted to put pressure on him, because the children were growing up and starting to ask: “What’s going on?” When I told him, “I'm not going to sleep with you anymore,” Bob immediately assumed that I had a lover. He got angry. The answer “no” did not suit him.

And sex still happened, but it was just sex, and not lovemaking. He took possession of me by force. After that I felt terrible. I screamed at him: “I hate you! I hate you!” I think that's when I got pregnant again. When I discovered that I was having another child, I thought, “Oh my God, what is this?” Despite all my attempts to control the situation, I am so tired of his lifestyle!

Rita and Bob's third daughter, Stephanie, was born in 1974. While experiencing pain and humiliation, Rita still continued to love and support her husband and be a mother to all his many children.

In 1981, 36-year-old Bob Marley died of cancer in her arms. Rita now heads the Bob Marley Foundation in Jamaica and runs her own charity that helps poor children in Ghana, West Africa.

She forgave her husband. "Bob was a good man And good husband, she notes. - And the fact that he had other women does not mean that he was not a good husband. I was always there for him and I would always be there for him. He knew that I was with him not because of the glitz, the whim, or the fame, but because I loved him. And I intend to keep his memory alive."