Draw a football field with football players for children. How to draw a football field with a pencil step by step

In our article we will not touch upon the topic of children's drawings and artistic images, because in these cases the correctness of the image of the football field is secondary. Football is a serious action, with its own rules and laws, and the marking of the football field affects the very essence of the game. Therefore we will present to you detailed drawing football field, observing the dimensions of the markings and detailed explanations. If you subsequently want to use the information received to create your own drawing, the dimensions (given by us in actual size) can be adapted using the formula below to a size convenient for you.

Football field 110m/64m(international) - football field 110 m / 64 m (international standard)
Calculation of diagonal distance: Pythagoras theorem - calculation of diagonal distance: Pythagorean theorem.
H alf court diagonal distance calculations - half-range distance calculations.
Minimum field requred for football - the minimum size of a football field.

On a real scale, the marking of a football field is done with lines about 15 cm wide. The width of these lines is included in the area that they limit. When marking the main area of ​​a football field, longer lines are called - lateral lines. Shorter lines located opposite each other indicate goal lines, or, to be more precise, goal lines.

middle line

middle line

The football field is divided into two halves using a center line, which is drawn from one side to the other, dividing them exactly in the middle. The midpoint of the sideline is symmetrical to the center of the field.

On each half of the football field, a zone is marked from which a goal kick is taken.
This area is the gate area.

The penalty zone is the area of ​​the football field in which the goalkeeper can play with his hands. A penalty kick will be awarded against the team that committed a violation in this zone, in its segment.

Eleven meter mark

Within the boundaries of the penalty area - penalty area, in the center of the goal line and at a distance of 11 meters from it, a penalty mark is marked. Outside the penalty area, an arc with a radius of 9.15 meters is drawn. Players are positioned along this arc when taking a penalty kick.

A 33 cm (1 ft) center field mark is made in the middle of the center line. A circle with a radius of 9.10 - 9.15 m is drawn around this mark. A kick-off is awarded from the center of the field at the beginning of each half, as well as after a goal.

Corner sectors, flagpoles, full field markings

In each corner of the field, and, as is known, there are four of them, an arc with a radius of one meter is drawn. The center of the arc is the field angle. This arc limits the sector for corner kicks. At some distance from the boundaries of the corner sectors, marks are sometimes placed that determine the distance at which a team player is when performing a corner kick. Flagpoles up to one and a half meters high should be installed in the corners of the field. Sometimes flagpoles are installed at the intersection of the halfway line and the touchline, but this is rarely practiced in modern football.

This is what a correctly drawn football field should look like.

How to draw a football field correctly /video/

Football field plan

How to draw a football field


Thanks to the information that you received after reading our article, you can easily and without errors or special difficulties draw a football field - be it a drawing on paper or real markings over a large area.

The human figure is one of the most difficult subjects to depict. When deciding how to draw a football player, it will be important not only to correctly observe the proportions, but also to depict the expression and dynamics of the figure’s movements. Not last place in building artistic image It’s about conveying the character’s mood and character.

How to draw a football player in motion: determining the proportions

Let's start with a sketch of the base. Let's draw a circle of the head, draw a slightly forward curved line down, connect it to a circle that will be twice the size of the first. In order to correctly depict the relationship of body parts, one must take into account the canon of the figure, derived by ancient painters and sculptors.

According to this canon, vertical line The torso, descending from the base of the head to the figure, should be approximately two and a half times the length that we determined for the head. Before drawing a football player, let’s decide what movement he will perform. Here he will run with the ball across the field.

Creating the basis of the sketch

From the bottom circle, we will draw the football player’s legs in a wide run: to the knee joint, indicated for now by a small circle, the distance will be two heights of the figure’s head, after the knees we will draw the athlete’s calves and shins: the length of the line will also be two sizes of the head. The left leg of the football player is directed forward, the right leg is bent at the knee. We draw the feet so that they are not too big or small. On the upper part of the torso line, stepping back a little from the head, we will draw an oval (torso), from the middle of which we will draw the lines of the arms thrown back while running. We will also depict the joints with circles. At the bottom of the circle that represents the head, draw the angle of the chin.

Completing the sketch of the figure

Now we need to give the figure volume. Let's outline all parts of the body without violating the correct relationships. The legs at the hips should be more massive than at the shins, and the arms at the shoulders should be wider than at the forearms. We will also make the hands proportionate. In our drawing, the football player pulled his arms back and spread them like wings - this adds special expressiveness when conveying his rapid movement. Now you can dress a player in a football suit - shorts and a T-shirt, emphasizing the folds in the clothing where parts of the body bend. Let's draw leg warmers and boots. Now we can remove the original outlines of the base with an eraser.

Working on the details of the face

How to draw a football player in a hot fight of a match? We need to portray the player's determination and concentration football team. He dribbled the ball for some time, and is now preparing to shoot at the opponent’s goal. His gaze is fixed on the ball, he is all tense and resembles a compressed spring that is about to unfold. Let's draw compressed lips, a straight nose, a concentrated look in the eyes, and slightly knitted eyebrows. Let's draw hair on the head. We will make the contours without pressing too hard on the pencil, since careful correction will most likely be required during the drawing process.

Adding color

We figured out how to draw a football player with a pencil step by step. It's time to add color to the image. You can use pastels or paints. Shade it with a thicker shade of the chosen color. The distinctive signs of a particular team can be depicted on a football player’s sports uniform.

Finishing the drawing

How to draw a football player in “union” with the ball? We will draw a circle near the player’s left foot and under the right one preparing to strike, and so that it does not seem flat, we will fill it with volume using a shadow on one of the sides. Let's sketch out the characteristic ornament that decorates the drawing. The drawing is ready!

Regulations on how to draw a football field with a pencil step by step International competition creative works Joint organization.

HomeEducational center INCEPTUM

How to draw a football goal step by step? Preferably with a view of the field, lined borders, etc.

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81 p. At a height of 6 cm of the rounding of the front part for the cut, divide the knitting into 2 parts: 31 p. right side.

Copyright Attention! The m website is protected by copyright law. Copying text and photographs can only be used with permission from the administration.

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Fortress, the following problem arises: you need to protect yourself from external negative factors, but so that you can go out yourself and get some air. The grille is ideal. You feel like a lemur in a cage, but safety is guaranteed. In another way, let’s call this way out of the situation a gate, and now we’ll learn how to draw a gate with a pencil. An improved version of ordinary doors, this thing was destined by fate to protect our homes from the invasions of lewd sons and daughters. The strong consistency of the gates allows them to hold any power, even the absolute power of female logic. Moreover, a ten-meter steel gate looks much more promising than a wooden door.

The gates are known to man:

  • Hell Gate. A Coca-Cola and cheeseburger factory dumps its goods there. McDonald's company preserves its diabolical fast food recipe in this way. Sinful souls are an invention of futurists, because no one has ever seen one, and there are more and more French fries;
  • Star Gates. Designed to quickly move contraband and blacks work force into intergalactic spaces. Widely used for space racing on scooters and extremely rarely for studying the phenomenon of moving at the speed of light.
  • . Manga about Japanese time gates for schoolchildren. Used to change the past by sending short messages(SMS juice) to someone's phone in the past. Thus the time line changes its trajectory.

Let's move on to the drawing steps.

How to draw a gate with a pencil step by step

Step one. We draw the prototype so that the gate and the two columns to which they are attached are completely visible from the side.

Step two. Based on what has been done, we completely align all sides and objects. Preferably without using a ruler.

Step three. We decorate it, divide it into several parts to decorate the drawings on them.

Step four. What are we missing from the gate? A good and durable grill with sharp tips. In addition, we add a little decorative detail to the lower part in the form of diamonds.

Step five. Let’s finalize the lattice, make it denser, paint the bricks on the columns on the sides.

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We have a neighbor, an unsociable, lonely lady with dogs. She doesn’t communicate with any of the other neighbors, with whom she could - she ruined the relationship. Our son is playing football in the garden; it happens that the ball ricochets from hitting the counter and flies to the neighbor’s fence. This year - the 3rd goal. The balls lie directly under high fence, behind outbuildings neighbors. In response to apologies and requests to give the balls back, the neighbor told her son that she would not return the balls and that what was on her territory belonged to her and she would destroy it. I...


I am not an unsociable, not a lonely lady, and I have not only a dog, but also a child. Your balls would piss me off too. And by the way, not only because they arrive. I know very well how noisy a thing it really is - playing football. Especially if you want peace and quiet at the dacha, and from morning to evening you can hear best case scenario There is a constant clatter of the ball, and in the worst case, the screams of the players and fans. In general, her territory is her territory, and your balls should not be there, no matter if they end up in a remote corner behind the barn or in the front flowerbed.

Our neighbor kids from the street keep throwing things at us like this. I'm terribly tired of it! I have nothing else to do except throw the ball back to them. I warned that I wouldn’t give it back again.
Well, there’s also the question of the fence, if it’s iron, then there’s such a roar from the ball. The neighbors have iron, so these guys sometimes hit it with a ball, wanting to hit them on the forehead.

Org. Temina's mother (organizer's conditions) There is no information on the material on the supplier's website: (I think it's plastic. FOOTBALL SET (FOOTBALL GOAL + 14CM BALL + PUMP) Code: 1116 Article: A062-H30334 Packed: 36 pcs. (price of 1 pc.: 238.72 RUR) FOOTBALL SET (FOOTBALL GOAL 92*61CM+BALL 14CM+PUMP) AJ2266SG IN PACK in box 2*18pcs 1-Vyka 2-CHIP 3-Yulyashkin 4-Svetlana23 5-Dimentova 6-Dimentova 7 -Vichy 8-Vichy (?-check with the org) 9-Umrao 10-Umrao (?-check with the org) 11-JDU 12-JDU 13-e_v_g_a 14- april27...

Org. Temina's mother (organizer's conditions) There is no information on the material on the supplier's website: (I think it's plastic. FOOTBALL SET (FOOTBALL GOAL + 14CM BALL + PUMP) Code: 1116 Article: A062-H30334 Packed: 36 pcs. (price of 1 pc.: 238.72 RUR -50%+15% = 138 RUR) FOOTBALL SET (FOOTBALL GOAL 92*61CM+BALL 14CM+PUMP) AJ2266SG IN PACK in box 2*18pcs Don't forget to send your phone numbers to the organization. 3- We collect the th row for good luck: 1-catino 2-Mary-ko 3-Mary-ko 4-Mary-ko 5-Mary-ko 6-LU 7-LU 8-monk 9-yakky 10-Komaxa...

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Be sure to ensure that it is secured. This is how our classmate and another boy died when I was studying.

It took me 24 hours for the loose gate to be welded tightly.
We were walking around the new stadium and a gust of wind caused the football goal to fall on the children passing by. It's fortunate that they weren't affected. It would definitely kill. I was so impressed and scared that five minutes later I was already at the security, who immediately reported the incident to those who were supposed to not only place them, but also secure them. It was eight o'clock in the evening. When I came home, I wrote the most sarcastic letter to the school website where the gates are located. And at 9 am the school director personally wrote to me (which I did not expect). By evening the gates were welded to death.
Look on the Internet how many sad cases occur because of gates falling on children. Horror! :((Don’t leave it like this. It’s better to immediately contact management and ask if they need a criminal record because of an accident. It really speeds up the process.

the child is taking part in the project, parents were asked to help. Give me ideas on how and most importantly what to make the layout out of. for example base, soil i.e. The school building is clearly made of cardboard, and the school fence is made of futb. field. We also need a transparent pool building and shade. courts. trees and bushes. very good I need creative advice.


Regular velvet paper on the football field and courts, and the transparent pool can probably be made from packaging of toy cars or dolls, there are transparent boxes or containers for salads or CD boxes, top part they are transparent. And the water in this pool is from a mirror, slightly blued with watercolors. The net that encloses the courts is made of maskite mesh. And for the base you can “make a sandwich”. Plywood, a layer of plasticine approximately 3 mm and velvet paper, everything else is attached to this base with toothpicks.

IN Polytechnic Museum There is a shop (opposite the wardrobe in the main entrance): there are a lot of things for models. Sold in small bags.
You can see the projects in general (not stadium buildings, but nature) in the forest museum.

Girls, do we have pipes that they blow at sporting competitions?


oh, I bought such a pipe at a crossroads a couple of years ago, it’s certainly not like in South Africa, but all 33 pleasures are in a plastic version: it blows beautifully, powerfully and at low frequencies, plus a soccer ball and Russian symbols are painted on it.
Although I’m not a fan, I was fascinated and grabbed it “in reserve.”
By the way, they often have all sorts of sports and football products, flags, stylized socks, hats, etc.

In club stores.

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Everything that was written below is correct, but it is better if a speech therapist shows you how to blow when you push a cotton ball into the gate, the child should do this with one air intake, and not with jerky exhalations, look on the Internet for Strelnikova’s breathing exercises and the yogic breathing system.

We are working with a speech therapist. We blow cotton wool from the spout, blow it out of various glasses (from large ones to potassium permanganate bubbles), play football (we blow cotton wool into the goal).

Tell me what you play with your 4-6 year old children on a walk. My imagination has run out. Today we went to the park with a magnifying glass and looked at everything that moves and doesn’t move. After the rain, a lot of living creatures came out and it was very interesting. What else is possible?


Build some structures, for example, a tree house, a feeding trough, a bench, a swing (tire on a rope) - large and real. Dams on streams. Plant trees, flower beds, create a park :-)

In the city - collect observations, with a camera, video camera, or at least a sketch book. Statistics. Which is bigger - Volvo or Toyota? Who buys flowers more - men or women? Experiments: what can you buy with a dollar. Here, here or there. What happens if you give a flower to a person? What happens if you speak a foreign language? How it depends on the choice of language :-) For example, in Germany people respond to English better than to Russian. In France, on the contrary, Russian is better than English. IN big cities the reaction depends on the area.

Games of skill and skill. Learn to climb to the very top of a tree. Throw a knife so that it sticks under certain angle(there is a game about this, I don’t remember exactly the rules). Ball in a special way throw against the wall. Jump rope, bicycle, skateboard, rollers - they all have their own tricks and skills.

At this age, we had the following types of activities during walks:
- mobile (preferably with a group of children), because many of them are not interesting together, for example - edible-inedible, above your feet from the ground, 12 sticks (like hide and seek), classics, bouncer, I know 5 names..., etc., some were invented along the way. If this part is interesting, I can tell you more :)
- “hike”, i.e. The child just didn’t like “walking”, so they chose an attractive destination (a visiting mini-zoo) or a pet store, etc., and walked towards the goal, chatting along the way (usually I stressed the child with orientation, life safety-type traffic lights - I asked transfer me, etc.)
- a research walk - we tried to watch birds and squirrels in the forest with binoculars, collected materials for crafts (cones, acorns, sticks, etc.), and then decorated the houses,
We walked around the area with a compass (I wanted to try to cook up a plan for the yard together, but I didn’t get around to it, it would be interesting), after watching the children. encyclopedias about forest plants tried to classify all the plants along the way, strangers took them home to figure it out further, caught butterflies with a net, collected beetles (the same as with plants, only the insects were then released back), in a sandbox with a company they once built a city for small dolls, with trees and a “lake” (buried yogurt container). Look like that's it:))

07/07/2004 14:17:18, SM*

Kind people. Tell me which is the best (safer, more convenient, etc.) football goal for a summer residence. I would even say "mini-gate". Where to buy, reviews. Thank you.


Yes, we also got them from the sportsmaster, they weren’t expensive and they were safe.

I was at Decathlon a good choice. And the sizes were different, and the quality was quite decent.
Very small, I don’t recommend them with plastic rods. Then the ELS has folding ones. But in fact, both are absolutely useless

Girls, tell me, please. Maybe someone bought football goals for their boys at the dacha? Grandparents are puzzled by the purchase, but they want them to not be very expensive. Can you recommend something?

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...Well, then the fans no longer left their favorite teams and, together with the men, participated in the “formation and song” competition. No one prepared this competition in advance, and the teams trained “hurriedly,” but they maintained the formation remarkably well. The holiday ended with hot tea from a cauldron, cake and presentation of gifts. And then my irrepressible men built a goal made of sticks, and we all, including both grandmothers, played football. This is how our holiday turned out....

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Of course, there is some truth in all these claims. But, both in women's hockey and in women's football, spectators in the stands will never see fights, spitting at the referee, or indecent gestures towards fans. Everything is decorous, noble and intelligent. And some of the goals scored by girls can easily compete with the goals scored by such football stars as Ronaldinho, John Terry, Frank Lampard, Michael Ballack or Ruud Van Nistelrooy. And in Europe there is already talk that it would be nice to hold national championships among mixed teams. So that six men and five women take to the field. This speaks quite eloquently about the popularity of women's football... Is it good or bad that women have firmly occupied male species sports? There is no clear answer to this. Here...

3. Make stencils from thick cardboard at home in advance. Now you can draw on a stencil different pictures crayons or write words from letters. 4. Mark the contours of the pattern on the asphalt with dots, and have the child draw a solid line around it. 5. You can draw different ones geometric figures and invite the child to finish drawing them so that they turn into something recognizable. For example: what does a circle look like? He looks like an apple balloon, sunshine, etc. 6. Three-dimensional pictures. Crayola has released colored chalk for asphalt with a 3-D effect. You can also buy them in Russia. 7. An interesting game, which develops imagination and creative thinking, is described in his book “The Grammar of Fantasy” by Gianni Rodari: “There is a famous...
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We begin to teach how to dribble the ball with our feet. We teach how to fall back onto the mat and try to hit the ball with your foot while falling. We think that at this age home game with an adult it is more useful than wild, uncontrolled play with peers. At home you can play with a small ball, on small collars. The child alternates between attacking and defending the goal. We introduce the concept of a free kick. Kicks to the wall. It is enough to work out the elements, and they can be put into use after a couple of years. We learn head and heel strikes. We learn to hit the target with the ball - a bottle or a small empty goal. Throwing the ball in with both hands, passing to each other at increasing distances. We play with balls...
...Our son Fedya at the age of two called himself a “leader”, and his younger brother"just a male." So, let’s say the leaders go to two cells, and ordinary males only to one. This is temporary chess, it is clear that Kasparov will not be seated for it, but we are moving in the right direction. You can draw such a board on the wall of the refrigerator and move magnetic figures on it. Most of the strongest chess players of our time began playing at the age of four or five, but it seems to us that chess parents, mastering the “pre-chess” that they themselves develop, will be able to significantly lower this ceiling, believing that an early start will lead to a deeper immersion in chess and a more subtle mastery of this art. Skis. Skates....

It's complicated, but very useful skill, which, as a rule, is achieved by children closer to three years old. If you write large, clear numbers in the cells, you will help your child quickly learn them and master serial counting up to 10. First, the baby will jump, and you will count, and then he will be happy to do it himself. You can also additionally draw a circle, footprints in each cell, or simply put a leaf from a tree. The baby’s task is to get his feet to the designated place. It's great if you take turns jumping with your child, and, of course, sometimes step on the line too... Balls and Balls A ball is a wonderful toy! Both useful and funny at the same time. At home, it’s good to roll the ball to each other or in a given direction (for example, by making a goal out of cubes or...
...The baby’s task is to get his feet to the designated place. It's great if you take turns jumping with your child, and, of course, sometimes step on the line too... Balls and Balls A ball is a wonderful toy! Both useful and funny at the same time. At home, it’s good to roll the ball to each other or in a given direction (for example, by making a goal out of cubes or placing pins on the floor), and on the street you can throw it without fear of breaking something. Knowing how to throw a ball is an important skill. Pay attention to the child that you can throw the ball in different ways: from behind the head, from the chest, from bottom to top, with both hands, only with the left or only with the right. Gradually master all the methods and improve in them. It is equally important to teach your child to catch a ball. Start small...

Are there anyone interested??? Tema's mother's purchase. FOOTBALL SET (FOOTBALL GOAL+14CM BALL+PUMP) AJ2266SG IN PACK. in box 2*18 pcs Code: 1116 Article: A062-H30334 Packed: 36 pcs. (price 1 piece: 238.72 RUR) FOOTBALL SET (FOOTBALL GOAL 92*61CM+BALL 14CM+PUMP) AJ2266SG IN PACK. in box 2*18pcs 1-Vyka 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10- 11- 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20- 21- 22 - 23- 24- 25- 26- 27- 28- 29- 30- 31- 32- 33- 34- 35- 36-

Now let's move on to intersecting lines. Draw, for example, a dog at the bottom of the sheet, and a kitten at the top. In principle, there can be many options, the main thing is that one of the drawn ones “attacks”. The task is to save the weak. How? The simplest thing is to draw a fence between them. There are many short vertical lines and one or two long horizontal ones that cross the “fence” throughout the entire sheet. You start building a fence, and the child continues. You can complicate the task - the kitten also asks the child for a tree. It can be done schematically - a vertical line, and scribbles above it. And again, those who were saved and protected by the child do not forget to say thank you. And maybe even the kitten will present the baby with a drawn fish as a sign of gratitude...

A completely idiotic question. Is there an eraser option? That is, I’m drawing a circle with an autoshape, but I need a semicircle—how do I draw it?

Many boys dream of becoming football players and bringing Russian football to a decent level. That is why, when the art teacher at school asks them to depict their dream profession, schoolchildren draw athletes. But it often happens that a child has a desire to draw, but does not yet have enough knowledge to implement the conceived idea. At this moment, parents should come to the aid of their child and explain to him how to draw football players.

cartoon style

There is no need to explain to your child how to draw football players in comic book style. Any teenager can cope with this task on their own. The main thing that parents or teachers should do is check the proportions that their ward sets for his characters. Of course, a young artist can deliberately distort the figure of an athlete, but most often children’s drawings with distorted proportions look ridiculous. You need to immediately teach your child to draw according to the rules.

You can deviate from these written canons, but before you break the law, you need to learn it. Schoolchildren can find analogues for their drawings both in football competitions taking place at school and in professional matches broadcast on television.

Pencil sketch

How to draw football players graphically is a rather complicated question. It is useless to explain complex theories about anatomy to a child, because at a young age you want to draw without inhibitions. Therefore, you should not overload schoolchildren with all sorts of complex calculations; it is better to present the rules of proportion in the form of a game. The boys must measure how many times the soccer ball fits into the body and, based on the data obtained, try to draw the figures.

How to draw a football player with a pencil step by step? The first step is to make a sketch. On a piece of paper, mark the area where the main characters scenes. And then create a composition of circles and ovals, which will later turn into male figures. Gradually, you need to make objects more similar to the original by detailing the characters. At the end of the work, you can lay a shadow on the figures to add volume to the drawing.

Drawing with paints

To portray his favorite player, the boy will have to make a sketch in pencil. Schoolchildren are not very assiduous, so you should not force young artist immediately detail your sketch. This can be done later, when details are added on top of the paints with a felt-tip pen. This is the method of drawing that is most suitable for schoolchildren. When the drawing materials are changed in a short period of time, the process seems more interesting.

So how to paint football players? After making the sketch, you need to select the main colors of the form and mix the color of the skin. The child should use light brown paint over the football player’s arms and legs. And then, depending on the color of the uniform, you need to paint the players. But it’s worth remembering the rule: apply the most bright hues, and only at the end the darkest ones.

Computer rendering

How to draw a football player step by step on the computer? This actual topic for parents, in school curriculum children whose children have classes computer graphics. Here you need to proceed in the same stages as in drawing by hand. First you need to outline the contours of the figure. Then, using ovals, line it up proportionally the right person and only then dress him in colorful clothes. To make the task easier, you can open a similar picture on the computer screen so that the child draws from a sample, and not from his wild imagination.

Another option (easier) is to digitize the child’s finished drawing and let your child finish it on the computer. Such complex work is very interesting for children, and most importantly, it will be doubly enjoyable for them to refine and detail their creation.