The participants of the Bachelor show of previous seasons ended with a wedding. How did the lives of the eight main characters of the Bachelor project turn out?

The reality show “The Bachelor” is considered one of the most romantic projects on Russian television and has been very popular among viewers for three seasons. They rooted for the heroines, wishing them to successfully sail on a yacht in a storm, fly on a paraglider and win the hearts of the most eligible suitors. Interest in the finalists of this show does not fade. Each girl had her own motives for participating in the project. For some, “The Bachelor” became a good starting platform for career advancement and an opportunity to appear on television; for others, it allowed them to feel the drive of competition and go on fabulous, and sometimes exotic, dates. And some of the girls really wanted to try their luck and find that one person with whom they could spend the rest of their lives. “StarHit” offers to find out how the lives of the winners have changed after participating in the show.

First season: Olesya Ermakova and Irina Volodchenko

In the dispute between the two finalists, Olesya Ermakova won. It was she who was chosen by bachelor number 1 - Evgeniy Levchenko. Later, the football player wrote about breaking up with his girlfriend on his blog - they say that living in two countries became an obstacle... He is in Holland, she is in Moscow - it didn’t work out. “We talked for some time after the breakup, but now we are not on the same path. Now in my thoughts I practically never return to him and to our beautiful history,” shares Olesya, “for me it’s in the past.”

In 2014, an old acquaintance from London proposed to her - and this time no distance prevented her from saying yes. Now they live in two countries, spending time in Moscow and London apartments. “This man is my first love,” Olesya told StarHit. “I came to London as a producer at a dubbing studio. And he worked in the audio-visual production industry. One day we crossed paths and liked each other. But they were young to appreciate what was happening between us, and remained friends.” The groom knows about the show with Olesya’s participation. “But I forbade him to look,” the girl continues. “He doesn’t know Russian, he might have understood something wrong.”

Now Olesya works in the film industry. One of the latest projects is the Netflix series “Marco Polo”, from the creators of “House of Cards” and “Game of Thrones”. The girl worked on visual effects and was responsible for video graphics. In addition, she works as a model and appears in music videos. The girl is active on social networks: she communicates on Twitter, posts photos on Instagram, and VKontakte has her official group, which includes more than eight thousand subscribers.

// Photo: Personal archive of Irina Volodchenko

Irina is the finalist of the show, losing the bachelor to Olesya Ermakova. The girl talked about the relationship with Evgeniy Levchenko that did not work out on the project as follows: “I believe that it was no coincidence that we did not succeed on the project. Everyone had to have their own story. After the show ended, no thoughts of renewing the relationship appeared: I think you can’t step into the same river twice. I don’t know how he’s doing, I think he’s alone now. Everything is fine with me - I have a “second half”. I knew my beloved for a long time, but only after “The Bachelor” did a relationship begin.”

The future husband’s feelings flared up as soon as they started showing “The Bachelor.” “He saw me and perhaps became jealous,” the girl says. “He offered to meet, and everything started happening.” Despite the relationship, Irina continues friendly communication with the ex-“bachelor”: “We periodically communicate with Zhenya, write SMS to each other, call each other. When he’s in Moscow, we even see each other.”

Now Irina heads the apparatus of the Parliamentary Club of Russian Sovereignty in the State Duma and is a member of the coordination council of the Young Guard. After Volodchenko showed herself on the “Bachelor” project, she was simply bombarded with various advertising offers, thanks to which she was able to prove herself in the modeling business. Participants in the TV show recognized Irina as the most beautiful girl in the project. It is no coincidence that she periodically participates in shows of Russian fashion designers, follows their collections, and loves to buy dresses. Irina’s profiles can be found on almost every social network, where she happily communicates with her fans and admirers. The girl’s Instagram alone has more than 135 thousand subscribers.

Season two: Maria Drigola and Alena Pavlova

The winner of the second season of the show “The Bachelor” was Maria Drigola. The girl came to the project because she wanted to truly fall in love, and she was sure that this was quite possible on the show. Fans of the project declassified the candidacy of the winner long before the final release. Maria herself unwittingly revealed the secret on social networks, posting pictures of the same places where Maxim Chernyavsky was photographed.

Realizing her mistake, the girl almost immediately deleted the footage, but conversations had already begun. Rumors constantly surround this couple. Fans carefully monitor their lives through joint photographs and interviews, constantly divorcing the lovers and then bringing them back together. “For three months, as long as the show lasted, we were under the constant sight of cameras in front of the whole country,” Maxim Chernyavsky shared with StarHit, “And Masha was tired of it. She is basically not a public person. Just look at her Instagram; she rarely even posts photos there. And he asks me not to post pictures with her on my social networks. Therefore, no one can say where and how we spend time together, so they come up with ideas.” Maria works as the head of the legal department in her father's company, which sells and repairs military equipment. She can solve all issues remotely, so she easily flies to Maxim from St. Petersburg to Los Angeles. Maria and Maxim are not only together and happy, they are preparing for the wedding.

After filming the second season of “The Bachelor,” Alena began raising her son David. She made money from modeling and DJing. In November 2014, Alena appeared on the Polyana reality show on the TNT channel “Dom-2” as a participant. Fans of the young woman, who is raising a boy without a husband, were divided into two camps: some were happy that they would be able to watch their favorite on television again, while others were surprised by Pavlova’s decision and began to persuade her to leave the program.

“I don’t have to explain anything to anyone! I do what I think is necessary! My son is the most important thing in my life and that’s forever! Yes, I’m looking for a man, a husband, a father for David, looking for a job for the soul and I’m on the right path, I know for sure! I do everything so that my son sees a happy mom and dad next to him!” - she wrote on Instagram. The girl liked Bogdan Lenchuk, and then music producer Nikita Kuznetsov. After the failure with Kuznetsov and Lenchuk, Alena Pavlova found a kindred spirit in the person of Evgeniy Kuzin, who once again came to the project, but here the relationship again did not work out, and the participant left the television set.

Season three.Daria Kananukha and Galina Rzhaksenskaya

The reality show ended just four months ago, and during this time 37-year-old Timur Batrutdinov and 23-year-old Daria Kananukha became even closer. “Although everything happens mostly at a distance, the longer our candy-bouquet period, it’s a wonderful and carefree time,” Daria told StarHit. “Timur and I try to call each other and correspond as often as he can. True, I live a daytime life, and he lives a nocturnal life, but I try to adapt.”

Daria Kananukha tries not to advertise her personal life on social networks. “He (Timur) helped me by teaching me how to behave correctly after the project. For example, he advised me to close public access to my page. I managed to do it on Contact, but not on Instagram. As a result, they wrote so many nasty things to me in the comments... For example, that I paved the way to victory through my bed. But we didn’t have intimacy on the project.” After filming ended, Daria Kananukha defended her diploma in “organization management” from the Kazan Federal University. At the moment, Daria Kananukha is not involved in any television project.

The girl was considered the main favorite of the project. 27-year-old Galina charmed bachelor Timur Batrutdinov from the very first meeting. She received the first impression rose and went on individual dates more often than other participants. However, the finale of the show ended in disappointment for Galina: Timur Batrutdinov chose Daria. Despite the difficult breakup, the finalist continues to communicate with the hero of the show. But now their relationship has moved from romantic to friendly. Now, after the completion of the project, Galina Rzhaksenskaya is incredibly popular on social networks: the number of her fans is in the tens of thousands, and the votes cast in her favor are incalculable.

The audience almost unanimously tried to convince Timur to choose the girl. Most called Galya a suitable match for a Comedy club resident: well-mannered, smart, mature, kind - these and other compliments constantly came to her. “I am very pleased with such attention,” Rzhaksenskaya admitted to StarHit. - People on the street and in public places began to recognize me very often: they say kind words, express their sympathy, admit that they supported me. It's very touching and sweet." Galina Rzhaksenskaya’s plans are to continue developing her own business. The girl is the owner of three elite beauty studios in Moscow. “And everyone has been looking at my personal life for the last 3 months, so let it stay with me now,” the girl smiles mysteriously.

The program occupies a leading position on Russian television. Over the course of six seasons, many beauties from all over the country visited it, but only the winners of the show “The Bachelor” and the finalists were remembered, who still remain popular even after the TNT project, and viewers are interested in how they live, and what happened to them, who managed to arrange their personal lives and get married.

First season 2013

The finalist of the first season of the show does not regret that bachelor Evgeniy Levchenko did not choose her and believes that everyone has their own path in life. She didn’t want to renew her relationship with Zhenya or find out anything, believing that if it didn’t work out on the project, it wouldn’t work out outside of it.

After participating in the filming of the program, the girl began a relationship with an old acquaintance. Irina believes that it was thanks to the TV show that she found her love. And recently and already in 2018, a young woman will become a mother.

Olesya Ermakova

Although the ex-participant was able to get the ring in the final, despite this, the life of the young people did not work out. Immediately after the show “The Bachelor,” the winner of the first season and Levchenko announced their wedding, but, failing to pass the test of distance, they separated.

In 2014, after breaking up with Evgeniy, Olesya was invited to marry by an old acquaintance who lives in London. And now distance could not interfere with the girl and her soulmate. The blonde remembers that this was her first love, and now she’s sure it’s her last. The happy couple travels between the two countries and this does not stop them from enjoying each other. It is known that the young people got married, but they do not have children yet.

Second season with Max Chernyavsky

Alena Pavlova

The 2014 finalist, after the second season of the show “The Bachelor,” went in search of love on the project “Dom-2,” but even there she suffered only failures. Many viewers condemned the ex-participant for leaving the child and going to all sorts of TV shows.

Now the girl has finally met her love, it turned out to be Dmitry Zavyalov. Apparently, the lovers had a wedding, since Pavlova was wearing a ring on her ring finger, which fans could see in photographs on social networks.

Masha Drigola

Although Maria became the winner of the second season of the TNT show, her relationship with the bachelor also failed. As Maxim Chernyavsky himself said: it is very difficult to date at a distance, because the man does not live in Russia.

At the moment, the former participant travels a lot and the only man with whom she can be seen in the photo is her younger brother.

The third season with Timur Batrutdinov

Galina Rzhaksenskaya

Galya, a finalist in the third season, was very upset when, at the end of “The Bachelor,” Batrutdinov chose a rival. But after the 2015 program, old grievances were forgotten, and the guys began to communicate in a friendly manner.

Galya and Zhenya, Dasha and Misha

Now the girl is truly happy, she found her love in the person of businessman Evgeny Gromov. , A . It is known that the couple travels a lot, and Galya also develops her blog on Instagram and on the YouTube channel.

Daria Kananukha

Dasha immediately after the finale of the third season went to her home in Kazan, and Timur Batrutdinov remained in Moscow and was busy with work all the time, so the bachelor’s relationship with the winner of the show did not work out right away and the couple soon broke up.

Now Daria has a new love - a young lawyer from the girl’s hometown. The ex-participant of the television project did not talk about her personal life for a long time. But on the eve of the year, and their relationship, she also told journalists about the upcoming holiday.

Fourth season 2016

The Bachelor project of the fourth season was distinguished by its finale, since at the end of the show its main character Alexey Vorobyov could not choose the winner from the two finalists.

Natalia Gorozhanova

Natasha was not at all surprised when Alexey did not give her a ring in the finale, since on the last date the girl honestly said that she did not love the young man. The ex-participant experienced enormous stress on “The Bachelor” and was very glad when it ended. Young people do not communicate.

The girl never got married and now she is looking for her love.

Yana Anosova

The brunette was shocked by Alexei’s decision; she hoped to win until the last moment. Even after the project, Anosova is confident that she will meet with Vorobyov more than once, since the young people are in the same industry.

Fifth season with Ilya Glinnikov

Madina Tamova

The finalist of the fifth season of “The Bachelor” was sensitive to Ilya’s words that he loved someone else, the girl did not even want to listen to Glinnikov to the end, she literally found everything that the man said funny after he rejected her in the finale of the show. Tamova, with tears in her eyes, got into the limousine and said goodbye to her fiance of 2017 forever.

After filming the program, the brunette shared with her subscribers on social networks that she had never even considered her competitor to Nikulina, who ended up with her in the finals and received a ring from the bachelor. Madina is sure that the actor will regret his decision, and he also lost a lot by making such a choice. It is unknown how Tamova’s personal life is shaping up after the TV show, since the girl does not tell her fans the details of her relationships with men.

Ekaterina Nikulina

Katya was immensely happy when she heard words of love from the young artist. during the show and considers Ilya Glinnikov literally the ideal man and the one she has long dreamed of. and even planned to register their relationship and get married in Glinnikov’s homeland - Georgia. But unfortunately, .

Now Katerina has completely gone into music and recorded a solo album. The girl does not talk about her personal life; all that is known is that she still has not gotten married.

Last sixth season

Victoria Korotkova

Throughout the entire sixth season of 2018, finalist Vika was a favorite among both bachelor Yegor Creed and viewers of the TNT Russia show. Even though this participant came to the project while married, by the way, she was the only one in the entire history of the program who was able to reach the finals. But to her disappointment, the groom chose a rival. This result did not prevent the guys from continuing to communicate after filming.

Daria Klyukina

And that is why many were confident in the girl’s insincerity, including the main character himself. Despite this, the former participant in the show “The Bachelor” was able to become the winner of the sixth season, but Daria’s happiness did not last long, as...

Now the model is busy with her career, participates in shows and photo shoots for popular publications, maintains her own blog on Instagram and YouTube, and is also going to acting courses. The girl has not yet gotten married.

Bachelor - Evgeniy Levchenko
Finalists: Olesya Ermakova and Irina Volodchenko

Evgeniy Levchenko is a football player who played for the Ukrainian national team, CSKA Moscow, Dutch Vitesse, Groningen, Willem II and other clubs. According to the show's producers, Evgeniy passed strict auditions and beat out 200 other applicants for the role of the first Russian "Bachelor".

Olesya Ermakova

The romance between Levchenko and the winner of the first season Olesya Ermakova lasted only six months. On the show, Olesya beat 26 competitors who competed for the heart of the bachelor, but when it came to discussing the wedding, he backed down.


“Every fairy tale comes to an end. So our relationship with Olesya ended,” wrote Levchenko, who was living in Holland at that moment. — The main reason is distance. Living in different countries, constant flights and being busy turned out to be an obstacle for us. We part without quarrels, peacefully, remaining friends.”

Gossips said that the reason for the breakup was not the distance, but the completion of the contract between the participants of the show...

Now Olesya is married to a man with whom she has been in love since her youth, and, according to fans’ suspicions, she is expecting a child. The girl works as a show producer and runs a fashion blog.

Irina Volodchenko

Irina's work is related to politics. The girl is a member of the coordinating council of the public organization “Young Guard”. As part of her job, Irina travels a lot and meets famous people, and actively shares the chronicle of her life on Instagram, simultaneously campaigning for the party in power and the current president. Like Olesya Ermakova, after the end of the show, Irina began a relationship with her old acquaintance.

Season 2

Bachelor - Maxim Chernyavsky
Finalists: Maria Drigola and Alena Pavlova

“I hope to meet my future wife on The Bachelor,” Maxim Chernyavsky, the ex-husband of singer Anna Sedokova, who gave birth to a daughter, Monica, assured before the start of the season. Maxim's relationship with the show's winner, Maria Drigola, lasted a little longer than the romance of the first couple of the project - a year and a half. Chernyavsky, as expected, promised to get married, but at the end of last year the couple announced their separation.

Maria Drigola

After breaking up with a bachelor, Maria. as before the project, she continued to work in her father’s law firm. The girl travels a lot and plays sports, but no new love has appeared in the life of her ex-fiancee.

Alena Pavlova

After the end of “The Bachelor,” Pavlova, who was raising her son David on her own, went to look for love on the show “Dom-2,” but the girl’s relationship with the participants did not work out: six months later, Alena left the project, citing nervous exhaustion.

Season 3

Bachelor - Timur Batrutdinov
Finalists: Daria Kananukha and Galina Rzhaksenskaya

Will he marry Daria Kananukha? Or is he flirting with Galina Rzhaksenskaya? The most undecided participant in the reality show “The Bachelor” pretty much frayed the nerves of both the winner, whom he himself chose, and her competitor, with whom he began to flirt after the end of the show, and all the fans of the program.

Daria Kananukha

Dasha announced her separation from Batrutdinov in November last year. Kananukha blamed Timur for the breakup, who, according to her, did nothing to save the relationship. Despite the fact that Daria did not manage to become the legal wife of “The Bachelor,” participation in the show still brought her benefits. The gained popularity had a positive impact on the girl’s career: after graduating from college, Daria became the director of an etiquette and personality development studio. She also works as a model, conducts meetings and master classes.

Galina Rzhaksenskaya

The finalist of season 3 failed to win Batrutdinov’s heart. The Comedy Club resident gave preference to another participant in the show, Daria Kananukha, although he continued to communicate with Galina after filming ended. After the completion of the project, Timur and Daria, as we have already said, quickly broke up, but Galina’s personal life, on the contrary, improved. Recently, Rzhaksenskaya’s lover Evgeniy proposed to her, and the couple celebrated their engagement in Dubai. Rzhaksenskaya did not announce the wedding date, nor whether she would invite Timur Batrutdinov, with whom she remained on excellent terms, to the celebration.

Season 4

Bachelor - Alexey Vorobyov
Finalists: Natasha Gorozhanova and Yana Anosova

28-year-old musician Alexey Vorobyov left the audience and participants of the show “Bachelor” perplexed, even managing to create his own alternative ending in a show with a script. The star groom did not choose any of the finalists, considering that it was dishonest to himself, first of all, to declare as his chosen one a girl about whom he was not sure of his feelings. Alexey also noted that such a ending was a surprise for himself, since he went to the show, among other things, to find his love. As a result, none of the finalists convinced him of their feelings and he decided to remain alone.

Six seasons of the program have passed, the essence of which is the search for a bride by the main character. And of course, after each finale, viewers are interested in questions: did at least one bachelor marry the chosen girl after the show, and how did their life and fate turn out outside the project? Let's look at each groom's story after filming.

Evgeniy Levchenko - personal life after the show “Bachelor”

Evgeniy Levchenko, a participant in the first season, in the final chose between the serious Olesya Ermakova and the lovely Irina Volodchenko. He made his final choice in favor of the first. The young people were even planning to get married, but the wedding did not come to fruition and they separated. In 2015, Zhenya decided to return to his ex-girlfriend Victoria Koblenko and they recently had a son, Kiy. Although the couple is not officially registered, it is now difficult to call Evgeniy a bachelor.

The fate of Maxim Chernyavsky after the show “The Bachelor”

Maxim Chernyavsky, the groom of the second season, chose Maria Drigola in the final. The couple had a very romantic relationship, but it didn’t last long after the project either. Now Maxim devotes all his time to his daughter from his first marriage, Monica.

Did Timur Batrutdinov get married after the show “The Bachelor”

Fans of the program could see whether Timur Batrutdinov could arrange his personal life in the third season, where the main character chose between Galina Rzhaksenskaya and Daria Kananukha. An adult man could not resist the still very young beauty Daria. The couple's relationship also could not pass all the tests and ended very quickly. The Comedy Club resident is still looking for love and is in no hurry to go to the registry office.

Did Alexey Vorobyov get married after the show “The Bachelor”

Alexey Vorobyov, a participant in the fourth season, is perhaps the most memorable groom, since in the finale he did not choose a single girl and did not propose, and remained a bachelor. Alexey did not go to the TV show to play, but wanted to meet his love, he believed that he would succeed. But when, at the end of the project, he realized that not a single young lady treated him sincerely, he decided to remain alone. The man is still searching for his other half.

Once Alexey and Timur were at the same event and took a photo as a souvenir. In the photo they show off the ring fingers on their right hands. Thus showing that neither of them has married yet. The men came to the conclusion that the project should be renamed, since its name was somehow fateful. Maybe the organizer should think about this?

Did Ilya Glinnikov get married after the show “The Bachelor”

In the fifth season, viewers watched the young actor Ilya Glinnikov and his relationships with the participants of the famous program. The man even had to be persuaded to take part in the project.

The artist managed to choose only one from all the contenders and his feelings were mutual. After the program, Ilya and his beloved Ekaterina lived together for some time and planned a modest painting and wedding in the man’s homeland - Georgia. The Interns star even proposed to his beloved outside the cameras. But unfortunately, the couple’s fans did not live up to the promised wedding, because Glinnikov and Nikulina finally broke up after a year of dating. The former Season 5 groom is currently single.

Did Yegor Creed marry Daria Klyukina after the project?

The youngest hero in the entire history of the Russian version of the program took part in the sixth season. It is known that Egor has been invited to this program more than once and, finally, he found free time in his schedule and took part in 2018.

Before finals two models arrived - Victoria Korotkova from Kaliningrad and Daria Klyukina from the Urals. The singer chose to give the ring to Dasha, although he very much doubted her throughout the entire show. After all, everyone knows who watched the fifth season with Ilya Glinnikov that the girl already came last year, this made the new hero not trust her. Apparently, after filming, the artist could not fully believe in the sincerity of his chosen one, or maybe there is another reason, but the fact is that Creed and Klyukina are not together after the “Bachelor” project. Now the ex-participant of the popular television project is not married.

And this is the first time in all four seasons!

What was the fate of the bachelors of seasons 1, 2 and 3 - did they marry those they chose in the finale?

Let's remember the very first eligible groom - an ex-football player Evgenia Levchenko. Tall, smart, wealthy, he carefully chose his bride - she was the charming Muscovite Olesya Ermakova.

There were rumors that Evgeniy got married immediately after the finale of the show, but this is not so - the wedding never took place. He spends a lot of time abroad, where he lived for 15 years before the project, and Olesya is in Moscow. The couple maintained communication via telephone and the Internet, but distance still affected love - the couple broke up.

The long separation also caused the breakup of another “bachelor” couple – the hero of season 2 Maxim Chernyavsky and his chosen one Maria Drigola. The girl never moved to her fiancé from her parents: “Masha couldn’t move in with me because she values ​​her family very much”, - said Maxim.

Maxim Chernyavsky commented on his life as follows: “I’m not thinking about love now. Everything has its time. The right person will appear when it is meant to be. I don’t sit and pray about how to meet a girl - that’s not for me. I was married to Anna Sedokova for 4 years, now we are on good terms and great friends.”.

But what happened to the finalist of the 3rd season of the show “The Bachelor” Daria Kananukhia and his hero Timur Batrutdinov? Immediately, no way. As the insider said: “After the project they actually saw each other, but nothing more. Why didn’t Dasha talk about this? The answer is simple! 1st - she had a contract; 2nd - it was not beneficial for her. A show is a show, but in life everything is often different.".

Daria Kananukha about her relationship with Timur