What to draw for the New Year step by step. ideas on what to draw for the New Year

Everyone knows that best gift- This is a gift made with your own hands. Having spent very little time, you can create a beautiful exclusive picture or postcard New Year theme, drawing ideas from our article.

We'll talk about how to:

Landscape is perhaps the easiest option if you decide to draw a beautiful winter drawing. Where to begin? Of course, from the choice of technology:

  1. Pencil or crayons. The most ideal option for the first attempt, since it does not require serious financial investments. In addition, with a pencil you can create New Year's drawings or cards for 2018 simply on a landscape sheet.
  2. Graphic arts. At first glance, everything is simple. All you need is a simple pencil. But in practice this technique can turn out to be much more difficult, since every stroke is important.
  3. Watercolor. In every home where there are children there are also inexpensive ones. watercolor paints, which you can use to draw excellent winter-themed drawings for the New Year 2018.
  4. Acrylic. This is a more serious option. These paints can be used to paint on canvas. They dry quickly. But be careful, because acrylic can cause allergic reactions.
  5. Oil– the choice of professionals. Such a picture, painted on canvas, will delight the eye for many years.

We invite you to watch a master class on creating a winter landscape.

You can buy canvas today in specialized stores.

What to draw? Most often, drawings dedicated to the New Year are winter nature, village houses, snow-covered tree crowns, and in 2018 the landscape can be supplemented with an image of a dog.

Drawing New Year's characters

What would a holiday drawing or card be without Father Frost and the Snow Maiden! Don't worry, even if you don't know how to draw people beautifully. Portraying cartoon characters is not at all difficult. Here are some quick sketches of the main characters. Advice from professionals will help you create beautiful New Year's drawings in 2018.

We also suggest watching a video that shows you step by step how to draw Santa:

It is convenient that in the analysis the drawing is depicted on a sheet of paper with a checkered pattern. If you are just learning to draw, outline the sheet barely noticeable - this will make the task easier.

The artist's little ones will get great pleasure from coloring New Year's pictures with Santa, Father Frost, Snow Maiden and other characters. New Year's holidays.

Any drawings you like New Year's characters, you can simply save it to your computer, print it and color it as you wish.

Drawing a dog - the symbol of 2018

A constant element of many New Year's drawings in 2018 will be the symbol of the year - the dog. Although eastern calendar The patron of the year will be a red earthen dog; you can choose a representative of any breed for a postcard or picture, based on individual preferences.

Not long ago, a cartoon about the life of pets that appeared on television screens added a couple more cute faces to the army of favorite children's characters. Thinking over interesting New Year's drawings for the coming year of the dog, in 2018 you can use new characters - Max, Mel, Gidget and Buddy.

Also watch the video detailed analysis how to draw Max:

We also suggest downloading any of the dogs you like and using them when creating your own New Year’s picture:

We also offer to get ideas from original New Year cards with a video that details how to create a reactive gift with your own hands.

Create a digital postcard on your computer

2018 is just around the corner, which means it’s time to master more than just pencils and paints. And also graphic editors. In practice create beautiful postcard or drawing original New Year's drawings using a PC is much easier than learning to draw people and animals with a pencil.

To create electronic cards and drawings, into which, by the way, you can add photos or images of your favorite characters, you can use programs such as:

  • Paint is the simplest graphics editor built into Windows;
  • Avatan – online version a graphic environment that allows you to process photos, create collages and a variety of postcards;
  • Online Photoshop is a free online version of one of the most popular raster graphic editors, which does not require installation of the program to use.

Of course, you can install a full-fledged Adobe Photoshop CS6, while gaining a lot of possibilities. But be prepared for the fact that it will take some time to master the program.

We suggest starting with a simple postcard with a photo, which will only take a few minutes to create:

Of course, in this program you can create a wide variety of New Year’s drawings by loading the background of the card and then adding various stickers (don’t forget that 2018 is the year of the dog), inscriptions and effects.

Try it, and you will definitely succeed!

Preparing for holidays at school and kindergarten includes conducting interesting competitions drawings and crafts. You usually need to create original images in the appropriate theme of the upcoming celebration. Therefore, a drawing for the New Year 2017 may include both familiar heroes and the symbol of the year itself. About how to draw a Rooster, Christmas tree, Santa Claus in primary, secondary, senior groups They will tell you in kindergarten and at school step by step instructions. Ideas and examples of images for the competition, drawn with a pencil in the cells, on a blank sheet of paper or with paints, can also be found in this article.

Step-by-step drawing for the New Year 2017 in pencil for school and kindergarten

A beautiful Christmas tree is one of the most popular pictures that are asked to be drawn in school and kindergarten. The symbol of the upcoming holiday can be depicted different ways: both pencils and paints. Preparing such a drawing with your own hands for the New Year is not difficult, since even children 3-4 years old can do it. Below is a master class that describes how to create such an unusual image. To work you will need regular and colored pencils and an eraser.

“Beautiful Christmas tree” - drawing for the New Year step by step with instructions

  1. Two are drawn vertical lines, which will be the “skeletons” of future Christmas trees.
  2. The top of the Christmas tree in front is added.
  3. The second layer of needles is drawn.
  4. The lower branches and the “leg” of the Christmas tree are depicted.
  5. The first Christmas tree is decorated with small balls.
  6. The upper layers of needles are drawn on the tree standing a little further away.
  7. The lower branches and trunk are added.
  8. A snowball lies on the branches of a distant Christmas tree.
  9. The “skeletons” are removed and the Christmas trees and background are painted.

A simple drawing step by step for the New Year 2017 - a beautiful Rooster for school and kindergarten

The image of the symbol of the year of the Rooster will allow every child in school and kindergarten to create beautiful decor for their home or office. The easiest way to prepare such a drawing for the New Year is with pencils. According to the master class below, you need to draw the Cockerel with small lines. This will greatly simplify the task of depicting a bird and will help you make a simple and beautiful drawing for the New Year of the Rooster. In your work you should use regular pencil, eraser. You can color the drawing for the New Year 2017 using at will: using colored pencils of any shade. But it's better to make it red or orange, because new symbol considered fiery.

Master class “Cockerel” - step-by-step depiction of a bird

  1. Depicted top part the neck and back of the cockerel, then its small comb is added. Next, the child must complete the drawing of a sharp beak, an “earring,” and the lower part of the neck.

  2. The chest and the transition to the paws are drawn with a wavy line. Paws with a spur and a lower curl of the tail are added.

  3. The feathers of the wing are drawn, a long tail feather is added. The finished tail goes into the back and connects to the first section.

  4. Lines are added to delimit the earring and comb from the head. A peephole is added, and the silhouettes of the wing and feathers on it are drawn. The finished cockerel is painted.

DIY drawing for New Year 2017 in pencil - Santa Claus for school and garden

Bright Grandfather Frost - main character approaching New Year holidays. He brings gifts to the children, rewarding them for their efforts and good behavior. Prepare colorful drawing for the New Year 2017, children can draw Santa Claus different ages. Simple instructions The picture creation tool will help you easily and accurately depict a fairy-tale character. Such a drawing for the New Year 2017 will be suitable for school and kindergarten. To work, the children will need pencils, colored pencils, and an eraser.

Master class “Santa Claus” - step-by-step instructions for drawing a character

  1. You need to draw a small circle-head and divide it horizontally in half with a line. At the bottom, a “bag” is drawn, which will be the body of Santa Claus.

  2. Carefully at an equal distance about horizontal line the nose, beard and edge of Santa Claus's cap are drawn.

  3. Eyes, fluffy eyebrows and a small smile are transferred to the head.

  4. A lush beard and cap lapel are added.

  5. The hat with a pom-pom is being completed.

  6. The silhouette of the body is divided in half. Another line is added parallel to the drawn line. The stripes will then turn into a belt.

  7. The buckle and hands of Santa Claus and the bag behind his back are completed.

  8. The boots are being completed.

  9. Removed from the picture auxiliary lines, and the resulting picture is colored.

Children's drawing for the New Year 2017 in kindergarten Rooster - for elementary, middle, senior groups

For children in kindergarten, teachers select as a basis for drawing simple figures. They are usually based on simple geometric shapes. By correctly repeating the drawing of lines after the teacher, the children will be able to make an attractive picture. A bright children's drawing for the New Year can be an excellent decoration for a bedroom or dining room. Children can also use the pictures to decorate their rooms at home. A simple drawing for the New Year 2017 in pencil does not require special skills and artistic skills. The little ones will only need to correctly follow the instructions below and repeat each step after the teacher as accurately as possible. To work, children will need colored pencils, a simple pencil and an eraser.

Master class “Fairytale Cockerel” for the little ones - drawing for kindergarten

  1. Two ovals are depicted on the sheet: one for the head, the other for the body.

  2. Ovals are connected to each other smooth lines, which will become the neck of the Cockerel. A wing is added to the large oval.

  3. Extra lines are removed. A fluffy tail with feathers is added to the large oval. The lower part of the ponytail should be rounded: it will make a cute leg.

  4. Another semicircle is added at the bottom of the large oval. The Cockerel's legs are added to them.

  5. Are drawn on the head big eyes, excess lines are carefully removed with an eraser.

  6. A large beak is drawn under the eyes, and a scallop should be drawn on the head. Extra lines are removed and the picture is colored.

Drawing competition for the New Year in school and kindergarten - ideas and examples

Holding a competition before the New Year holidays allows children to have a pleasant and entertaining time and compete with other students. Beautiful pictures usually contain themed images of Father Frost, Snow Maiden, preparation or celebration. This could be a drawing for the New Year 2017 for a kindergarten in the form of a monkey, rooster, or penguin. You can prepare for such a competition a drawing based on the cells about the New Year: you can add brightness and saturation to the image using colored pencils, felt-tip pens or gel pens. You can also prepare an original image with funny animals. The ongoing drawing competition for the New Year can be supplemented with stylized appliqué images and other unusual crafts. Among the proposed ideas you can find original pictures, which will help inspire your child and help you choose the right theme or character.

Cute children's crafts and New Year themed drawings are the best decor for home, school and kindergarten. Vivid Images great for holding creative lessons or holding an entertaining competition. Original drawing for the New Year 2017 for kids and schoolchildren can be selected from the proposed ideas and examples. Step-by-step master classes with photos and videos will help you do it carefully and quickly beautiful picture pencils or paints, felt-tip pens. You can transfer images to whatman paper, regular A4 sheets or large checkered sheets. Using the instructions provided, do good drawings Children 3-4 years old and primary and secondary school students will be able to do it.

On the eve of the New Year, many are interested in the question: how to draw a rooster step by step, isn’t it difficult to do it yourself? Of course, this bird is a symbol of the coming 2017, so its photograph or pictures must be in the house for all 365 days.

The rooster has a bright color, it is magnificent, unusual, and always varied. His image brings incredible joy with its beauty. The many iridescences in the feathers on the gorgeous tail look so wonderful that you don’t even want to take your eyes off them.

His gait is proud, his posture is straight, he speaks importantly, looking around.

All this can be accurately conveyed by drawing a rooster with a pencil step by step. Enough to have Blank sheet paper to try yourself as an artist and prepare a surprise for everyone for the New Year's series of holidays.

Beautiful drawing will be a pleasant gift for loved ones. And don’t worry about the presence or absence of inclinations to fine arts.

Thanks to the step-by-step simple instructions, pictures of a rooster will be easy for everyone. All you have to do is choose which of the proposed schemes you like best and implement it yourself.

Green-tailed bully

Roosters are quite bullies, they love to bully each other, and strive to constantly rush into battle. A beautiful tail and long spurs help them to always be among the leaders. This is exactly the kind of fighter we will try to portray.

First, to draw a rooster with a pencil, you need to identify the main elements.

Singing alarm clock

History says that in the past, roosters were planted on the very top of houses and kept there so that he would wake up the owners in the morning with his singing.

Nowadays no one tortures the poor bird in this way, but the tradition of “rising with the first roosters” remains. Of course, people living in the city hardly know about it, but everyone in the village knows it firsthand.

Next, we invite you to draw a rooster, step by step, like the one with which the most distinguished nobles used to decorate their mansions in the old days.

Hero from fairy tales and cartoons

Petya is the favorite hero of all kids. A lot has been written about him fairy tales, many exciting cartoons have been created. The characters are smart, reasonable and always truthful. That is why the guys dote on him.

Together with your child, you can try to portray a fairy-tale handsome man. And the following diagram will help you figure out how to draw roosters from magical world accessible and very simple.

For children, these pictures will be more understandable if we draw an analogy with geometric shapes: head-circle, beak-triangle, body - two arcs, wing-oval.

What they say about the cockerel in the world

You can’t even imagine that this small bird is held in high esteem by many peoples on earth. Many writers in their works claimed that the rooster expels ghosts and frees them from evil spirits. And this happened precisely when he first shouted his “ku-ka-re-ku” after the night.

Therefore, painted pictures stored in a visible place in the rooms will be an excellent protection against any evil spirits. Hurry up, grab your pencils and immediately create a bright symbol of protection for yourself.

The more colorful the shades, the happier the mood will be when looking at the picture with the cockerel.

    The rooster itself is a very colorful bird, and when drawing the symbol of 2017, you can turn on your imagination and draw a rooster unprecedented beauty and brightness.

    You can draw a rooster according to this scheme:

    Or this one a little simpler:

    It will be very easy and simple to draw such a symbolic rooster:

    Drawing a rooster is not difficult. We start drawing with a pencil and color it with paints.

    You need to make a small circle. In it we draw an eye, add a beak and a neck.

    Use straight lines to sketch the contours of the body using straight lines.

    Making the cockerel more streamlined, smoothing out the transitions and finishing the wing

    We begin to design the head: draw a comb on top, draw an earring on the bottom, and erase all unnecessary lines with an eraser.

    Draw the upper parts of the legs to the body. Let's start with the feathers and make a color transition

    All that remains is to draw the legs and sketch out the tail. This will be the middle of the tail feathers

    At the top of the tail we draw feathers, at the bottom we simply use curved lines to make the tail fluffy

    When the rooster has taken shape, you just need to imitate feathers with a pencil and apply shadows

    Drawing a rooster is extremely simple if you follow certain proportions. It is advisable that the beginning of the drawing be a small sketch. As you can see, the download pays attention to the outline of the body, and then finer details are worked out.

    The drawing will start playing if special role pay attention to the colorful and warlike coloring of the rooster.

    Trying to depict a rooster with photographic accuracy will require certain skills, because this bright and conspicuous bird is not the easiest subject for a novice artist. Let's try to go the simple route, depicting a somewhat simplified version (). First, let's draw the body of the bird:

    Then add the comb, beak and eye:

    Now we can understand what kind of bird is in front of us - let’s draw the beard and breast:

    Now let's outline the wings and tail:

    Finish drawing the fluffy tail:

    All that remains is to finish drawing the legs:

    We paint the eye and work out the details:

    We decorate the rooster as our imagination, visual experience, or fantasy tells us:

    A few strokes of paint and the beautiful rooster, the symbol of 2017, is ready. First we draw the head, and then we draw the rest of the rooster according to the diagram step by step. Then we’ll erase the light pencil strokes, and then go over the main drawing with paints. How brighter than paint, the more noticeable the cockerel.

    2017, one might say, is already over high mountains. Therefore, it’s time to slowly think about how to start preparing for it. Slow, unfussy, but systematic. :)

    Let's assume that we have a sheet of paper, a pencil and red paints. Let's try to draw a Rooster on the entire sheet, larger. This bird is respectable, proud, and it is impossible to draw it as tiny as a sparrow. At the first stage, we will draw the comb, head and contours of the body of the New Year's Rooster:

    So far we have some kind of chicken. But let's not despair. Knowing the saying of livestock specialists that every rooster grows from a chicken. And now we will grow it. At least on paper. Let's give the chicken some signs of plumage and eye sockets:

    Still, the symbol is still weak. He clearly requires eyes and a tail. What kind of symbol is it without a tail, right? It won't be symbolic. And he has no legs (don’t forget about them):

    Might as well stop. But the pencil itself asks to write the number 2017. And the red paints that we have want to paint some parts of the Rooster in the appropriate color:

    Now the Symbol is clear, beautiful and even with a slight pedicure of the claws.)

    • Draw an oval.
    • Start drawing a sausage on top - this is the neck and head of the rooster. At the back there is the same sausage for the tail.
    • Now at the bottom of the abdomen there is a semicircle and two sticks - legs.
    • In the second picture, the details are drawn as in the photo.

      On the third, small details are drawn.

    • And the fourth picture is how to color the rooster which was drawn in stages.

    The rooster is a beautiful, luxurious, colorful bird with a bushy tail, bright red comb and beard. This is the symbol of the year in 2017, which will be the year of the Fiery Red Rooster. It’s important to draw a bird step by step and learn how to draw beautifully. Then you can make cards, embroider on fabric or make other crafts with the image of the symbol of the year for good luck.

    You need to draw the body, head and neck of the rooster, luxurious tail and paws, beak, comb and beard in stages. You can make a drawing with a pencil and then color it in color with pencils, lozenges or paints.

    First, we will draw the bird on a separate sheet, for example, whatman paper, and then we should transfer it to a watercolor sheet and paint it, redrawing it or tracing the contours on the glass.

    So, first we present the contours on whatman paper.

    Let's make the body a little larger and the neck longer:

    First we introduce the background, starting with the lighter details, then making it darker and thickening to show the light and shadow areas:

    We draw the body of the rooster in watercolor: first, only the lighter areas, then painting over, first of all, only with a clean brush wrung out of water:

    We paint over the neck and imagine a bright comb:

    Making the comb brighter and more contrasting:

    The tail feathers and the tail itself are even clearer:

    This is such a beautiful rooster!

    If you wish, you can sign the drawing with a New Year's accent:

    The symbol of the 2017 New Year is the Rooster, the question arises - how to draw it with your own hands beautiful Rooster on a postcard, newspaper, Whatman paper, poster, calendar, etc. and so on. This is very easy to do for those who can draw well, and for those who do not have this talent, step-by-step drawing schemes in pictures or video lessons have been created. With their help, everyone can do desired drawing fast and easy. Let's look at a couple of options that I liked.

What New Year's drawing should I prepare for a competition at school or kindergarten? This question is asked by many students and parents in December. It would seem that there are no restrictions in the plots and you can choose absolutely any one, but not all children are able to effectively depict a bright and attractive picture with their own hands using pencils, markers and paints. New Year's composition. It is for those who are not natural artists that we have put together a collection of lessons showing how to make a beautiful, original and eye-catching holiday picture on paper. After studying the step-by-step instructions, you can easily draw Santa Claus, the symbol of 2017 - Fire Rooster and other thematic images, and the video will tell you how you can create color portraits of traditional New Year and fairy-tale characters, cell by cell.

Step-by-step drawing for the New Year 2017 with a pencil for beginners

Beginning artists should not immediately take up complex works, requiring careful study and high detail. It's better to try your hand at simple tasks and, so to speak, get better. The lesson below will help with this, telling you how to draw an interesting New Year’s drawing with a pencil step by step.

Necessary materials for a step-by-step New Year's drawing

  • simple pencil HB
  • simple pencil 2B
  • A4 sheet of paper
  • eraser
  • compass

Step-by-step instructions on how to draw a drawing for the New Year 2017 with a pencil step by step

Drawing step by step for New Year 2017 - DIY rooster for school

This step-by-step lesson will tell you how to draw a bright, colorful Rooster, the symbol of the upcoming New Year 2017, with your own hands for school. To create the work you will need a simple pencil, paper and a set of pastels. But if you don’t like to draw with crayons, you can replace them with felt-tip pens, watercolors, acrylic paints or gouache.

Necessary materials for a step-by-step New Year's drawing for school

  • A4 sheet of paper
  • simple pencil HB
  • colored oil pastel
  • eraser

Step-by-step instructions on how to draw a Rooster for school with your own hands

DIY drawing for New Year 2017 in pencil - Santa Claus for elementary school

On the eve of the New Year holidays, elementary schools often hold competitions and shows children's drawing, where children demonstrate their small artistic masterpieces. The subjects for such works can be winter landscapes, fairy-tale characters and traditional New Year's paraphernalia, but the most relevant, of course, will be the image of Santa Claus. Moreover, following the instructions in this lesson, even a child who is very far from painting can easily and quickly draw an active bearded man with a bag of gifts.

Necessary materials for a New Year's drawing of Santa Claus for school

  • A4 sheet of paper
  • simple pencil HB
  • eraser
  • ruler

Step-by-step instructions on how to draw Santa Claus for elementary school with your own hands

Children's drawing for the New Year 2017 in kindergarten - Rooster step by step with paints

In kindergarten, drawing a Rooster, symbolizing the coming 2017, will not be difficult if you use the recommendations of this simple lesson. Children from the preparatory and senior groups can easily cope with this work on their own. Younger children will need a little help from the teacher, but only for last stage when you need to make a clear and neat outline.

Necessary materials for children's New Year's drawing of the Rooster

  • A4 sheet of paper
  • simple pencil HB
  • eraser
  • paint set
  • brush
  • blue marker

Step-by-step instructions for drawing a Rooster step by step with paints

  1. Create a preliminary sketch of the body on paper. Approximately in the middle of the sheet, closer to the left edge, draw a semi-oval line from top to bottom, sharpen it a little towards the bottom, and then move it up and make triangular bases for the tail. Add to them a more magnificent tail part, divided into feathers.
  2. Draw a wing in the center of the body and make three outlines for feathers on it.
  3. Below, under the body, draw “pants” and legs, consisting of fingers and a back spur.
  4. Draw the neck from two tiers and the head. Draw the counter of the crest on top, and the silhouette of the beak and beard in front.
  5. Paint over the bird's body light orange, the wing is yellow, pink and green, the feathers on the neck are blue and beige, and the head is yellow. Cover the beak, comb and beard with red paint, and draw an eye on the head with black paint.
  6. Shade the legs with a black shade, and the “pants” with light gray.
  7. Decorate the tail as brightly as possible. Cover the base adjacent to the body green, and the edges of the tail are blue, red, yellow and pink.
  8. Leave the drawing to dry very well. When this happens, trace the outline with a thick blue marker.

Drawing competition for the New Year in school and kindergarten - a selection of works

At the end of December, schools and kindergartens always hold a drawing competition for the New Year. Such events give children the opportunity to show their imagination and demonstrate their artistic talents to friends, teachers and guests. Subjects for your works young painters choose on their own or consult with teachers, mothers and fathers. Images of Father Frost, the Snow Maiden, a Christmas tree with toys, a snowman and various fairy tale characters made with pencils, paints or felt-tip pens. Great success They use colorful winter landscapes and compositions where the family celebrates the holiday while sitting at the New Year's table.

No less popular are pictures in which there is a symbolic creature, patronizing, according to eastern horoscopes, the coming year. The approaching 2017 will pass under the sign of the Fire Rooster, which means that bright, colorful images of the magical bird, made by students with their own hands, will be quite appropriate at a children’s drawing competition.

If a child does not have a natural talent as a painter, there is no need to despair. They will come to your aid step by step lessons, With detailed explanation all the subtleties of creating a beautiful and harmonious image on paper.

For those who don’t want to waste a lot of time fiddling with pencils and paints, a video will help that teaches how to quickly and effortlessly create an original New Year’s image, piece by piece.