Notes on drawing "Dandelion" for children of the second junior group. Summary of a drawing lesson in the second junior group “Dandelions - flowers of unprecedented beauty

Notes on drawing in the second junior group “Dandelions in the Grass”
Purpose: To consolidate the techniques of painting with paints; ability to carefully rinse a brush. Arouse the desire to convey in the drawing the beauty of a flowering meadow, the shape of flowers. Develop aesthetic perception and creative imagination.
Preliminary work: Reading poems about flowers, looking at illustrations about flowers. Watching dandelions on a walk.
Material: Easel, sample drawing, illustration of a dandelion. Gouache, painting brush, bristle glue brush, napkins, cups of water, sheets of paper

The course of direct educational activities.
Educator: Listen to a poem about a flower and tell me what it is called:
The sun just warmed up,
Along the path, in a row,
Dressed up the flowers
Your sunny outfit.
Basking in the sun
Bathing in dew
Glow like stars
In the short grass.
Time flies and so does the flower,
Turned into a bubble!
Blowed softly on him
- And it’s not in the palm of your hand!
Children: Dandelion.
Educator: That's right, it's a dandelion. Our dandelion wears a yellow sundress. When he grows up, he dresses up in a white dress. Let's look at it in the picture. What dandelion?
Children: Beautiful, yellow, round.
Educator: Look how long and green its stem is. Dandelion also has leaves. What color are they?
Children: green
Educator: What does a dandelion have?
Children: stem, leaves, flower.
Educator: What are flowers for?
Children: To admire them.
Educator: Yes, to admire, but not only. Flowers are needed for insects. Flowers are a piece of nature. The food of winged gourmets is hidden in the bright corollas of flowers. There is a lot of flower pollen here, which some insects feed on. Here lie light drops of sweet juice - nectar.
Yellow dandelions look very beautiful in green grass. There are a lot of them, but you shouldn’t pick them. Dandelions will not stand in a vase; they will die immediately.
Today we will draw a dandelion in the grass. But before we draw, we’ll do some physical education. Dandelion, dandelion! (They squat, then slowly rise)
The stem is as thin as a finger. If the wind is fast, fast (They scatter in different directions)
It will fly into the clearing, everything around will rustle. (They say “sh-sh-sh-sh-sh”)
Dandelion stamens will scatter in a round dance (They hold hands and walk in a circle)
And they will merge with the sky.
Educator: Now it's time to go to the workshop and draw a dandelion. What do we need for this?
Children: brush, paper, paints.
Educator: That's right, here's some paper and a brush next to you. Open the yellow gouache and draw a dandelion cap with a dry brush. It's round. We then paint the stem with the tip of a paint brush. The stem is thin and green. What else did you forget to draw?
Children: leaves.
Educator: That's right, green leaves. They are long. Here they are (I show you how to draw).
Dandelions grow in the grass. Therefore, we will also draw grass. Look at your drawings. What beautiful dandelions you got. Let's make an exhibition out of the drawings. We will have a large dandelion meadow.
The colors suddenly became like flowers, Lighting up everything around! In a new yellow sundress, Dandelion Meadow.


Teach children to convey the image of a flower using the poking method;

Strengthen the ability to hold a poke correctly;

Place the image across the entire sheet;

Strengthen knowledge of colors (yellow, green);

Develop children's creative imagination;

Evoke an emotional and aesthetic response to the topic of the lesson;

Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

Demonstration material: sample drawing, a picture of a dandelion in the grass.

Handouts: pokes and brushes for each child, napkins, yellow and green gouache, 0.5 landscape sheet, butterflies

Progress of the lesson

Q: The bell rings and gathers everyone in a circle.

Q: Guys, it’s a wonderful time of year. Who knows which one?

D: Spring.

B: Yes, guys!

Spring has come to us again,

How much light and warmth!

The snow is melting, the streams are babbling,

Sparrows are jumping in the puddles!

All nature wakes up from a long sleep. And guys, the flowers will bloom soon.

Let's go to the magnetic board and look at the drawing. Look, one flower has already bloomed in our group. Do you know the name of this flower?

D: Dandelion.

Q: Correct. I'll tell you a beautiful poem about dandelion:

The sun dropped

Golden ray.

The dandelion has grown -

The first young one!

He has a wonderful

Golden color,

He is a big sun

Little portrait!

Q: Let's look at the dandelion flower. What shape is it? (Round) What color? (Yellow) Guys, what does a dandelion look like? (Into the sun) Yes, guys, “Dandelion flowers are yellow like the sun! »

Q: What does a dandelion have? (stem, leaves, flower)

Q: And also, guys, along with the flowers, bees, butterflies, and bugs will very soon wake up from their winter sleep.

Guys, we have a guest. Do you want to know who? (Yes) Then guess the riddle:

Morning. All in the flowers of the meadow.

But look: one flower

Suddenly he took off and flew,

And he sat down on a bush again!

Amazing flower:

Legs, eyes, stem,

There is a fold between the wings

Yes, that's it. (Butterfly).

Q: The butterfly found out that a dandelion appeared in our group. She woke up early after a long winter sleep, but the trouble was: the first grass had not yet appeared on the ground, the green leaves had not blossomed on the trees, and the spring flowers had not bloomed in the meadows. And without their nectar, aroma and sweet juice, butterflies may die. Guys, the butterfly is asking for help.

Guys, do you want to help butterflies? (Yes) How can we help them? Where can I get flowers for a butterfly? (children's answers)

And I know. You and I can draw flowers for the butterfly. Let's draw the most delicate meadow flowers for the butterfly - airy and light dandelions.

Let's go and sit down at the tables. The arms were placed on the knees, the back was straightened. (ready drawing on the board)

Q: Guys, please look at my drawing. What's on it? (Dandelion)

Q: Let's look at a flower:

What colour is he? (yellow)

What shape is it? (round)

What else does dandelion have?

D: stem, leaves, flower.

Q: What does a dandelion's stem look like? (on a stick)

What do the leaves look like? (on thick sticks)

We will draw the flower itself using the poking method. I take the brush near the metal tip, dip the entire bristles of the brush into a glass of water, and remove excess water on the edge of the glass. I'm picking up yellow paint; I hold the sheet with my left hand so that it does not move behind the brush, I hold the brush vertically and place it in the middle at the top of the sheet and remove it. It turned out to be a speck. And now around it we make a lot of spots close to each other in a circle. To make the dandelion bright, add more paint.

Let's practice with you. Take the brush with three fingers near the metal tip and, without picking up paint, apply it vertically in the middle at the top of the sheet; apply and remove and so on in a circle.

Before we get started, let’s stretch our fingers:

Here are my assistants, (hands forward, fingers straightened and unclenched)

Turn them the way you want: (turn palms down)

If you want it this way, you want it this way (clench and unclench your fingers to the beat of the poem)

They won't be offended.

Now let's get started.

Look at my drawing carefully: what is missing in it?

D: stem and leaves.

Q: What color is the stem and leaves of the flower?

D: Green

Q: What do they look like?

D: On sticks

Q: We will paint the stem and leaves with regular brushes. You need to take the brush near the iron tip with three fingers. We put green paint on the bristles of the brush and paint the stem, starting from the flower to the bottom of the leaf. The stem of the dandelion is thin. And then we draw the leaves, starting from the bottom of the stem to the sides. Dandelion leaves are thick.

Q: Guys, let’s make an exhibition of our drawings. Look how beautiful the flowers turned out.

Now let's close our eyes. (attach a butterfly to each drawing)

Let's open our eyes. Look how many butterflies have flocked to your flowers.

Flowers adorn the meadows and forests,

But this is not only natural beauty -

In them bees find a healing gift,

And butterflies drink sweet nectar from them.

There’s no need, friends, there’s no point in tearing them apart,

No need to make bouquets of them...

Bouquets will wither... Flowers will die...

And there will be no such beauty again!

Guys, let the flowers remain in your pictures and please us for a long time.

Q: Now let us turn into flowers ourselves:

The flower says to the flower:

Raise your piece of paper, (raise and lower your hands)

Get out on the path

Yes, stamp your foot; (walking in place)

Shake your head

Greet the sun in the morning! (head rotation)

Tilt the stem slightly (bend forward)

Here is a charger for the flower.

Now wash your face with dew (imitate washing)

Shake yourself off and calm down. (shaking hands)

Finally everyone is ready

Start the day in all its glory.

Q: Guys, what did we draw today?

For whom did we draw flowers?

Who flew to you and sat on dandelions?

How should you treat flowers?

Did you like our lesson?

Open lesson summary

Drawing in the second junior group

“Dandelion flowers are yellow like the sun.”


Teacher of the children's educational institution "Kolosok"

Yushina A.Yu.

Natalia Anatolyevna

Target: - teach children to convey the image of a flower using the poking method;

Strengthen the ability to hold a brush correctly while performing work (poking);

Strengthen knowledge of colors (yellow, green);

Develop children's creative imagination;

Evoke an emotional and aesthetic response to the topic of the lesson;

Foster a caring attitude towards nature;

Tasks: Continue to teach children to draw dandelion flowers using the method of poking along the contour, strengthen the ability to paint over leaves with the tip of a brush; expand children's knowledge about the first spring flowers. Enrich children's vocabulary and instill an interest in poetry.

Materials: Landscape sheet with drawn outlines of dandelions, yellow and green gouache, two brushes (thin (No. 3) and hard (No. 7), jars of water, stands for brushes, napkins, 12 sheets of paper, samples of painted dandelions, a flower pot with planted dandelions, illustration.

Preliminary work: observation on walks, looking at illustrations and dandelion flowers, transplanting the plant into a flower pot; didactic games: “Fold the picture”, “Find by description”; memorizing the poem "Dandelion".

Progress of the lesson:

The music is “How beautiful the world is around” by T. Gomez

Educator: Guys, let's sit down at the tables. Hands placed on knees, back


Educator: Spring has come, all the snow has melted, the sun is shining brighter.

The leaves bloomed on the trees and the first dandelion flowers appeared. We

We looked at them while walking with you. Listen to the poem.


The sun dropped

Golden ray

The dandelion has grown -

First, young.

He has a wonderful

Golden color.

He's a big sun

Small portrait.

O. Vysotskaya.

Educator: On a walk, you and I watched a dandelion and planted it in

flower pot. Look, you and I have our own little

Educator: Let's look at the dandelion flower.

Educator: What shape is it?

Children: Round.

Educator: What color is it?

Children: Yellow.

Educator: Guys, what does a dandelion look like?

Children: In the sun.

Educator: Yes, guys, “Dandelions are yellow flowers like the sun!”

Educator: What does a dandelion have?

Children: Stem, leaves, flower.

Educator: What color are the stem and leaves?

Children: Green.

Educator: What does the stem of a dandelion look like?

Children: On a stick.

Educator: What do the leaves look like? Look how beautiful the carvings are

dandelion leaves.

Educator: Guys, let’s draw dandelions for the exhibition “Spring”

red with flowers”... for the graduation party of the children of the preparatory group.

Educator: We will draw a flower using the poking method. Look at me everyone and

I take a special hard brush in my right hand to paint.

above the metal tip with three fingers.

Let's do our warm-up exercise with a brush. We took everything

hard brushes in the right hand with three fingers, above the iron one

tip, the hand should be on the elbow.

Educator: Children perform the following movements:

Hold the brush like this:

It's difficult?

No, nothing!

Right left,

Up and down

Our brush ran.

And then, and then the brush runs around.

Spun like a top.

After a poke comes a poke! Hand on the elbow.

The brush is held with three fingers above its metal part.

Movements of the hand along the text.

The brush is held vertically.

Perform pokes without paint on a separate piece of paper.

Educator: Now we take a brush, dip it in yellow paint, take a little paint, make a test poke on a separate piece of paper. Did everyone succeed?

Educator: Well done. Now let’s take a sheet with a drawn stencil and draw a flower with yellow paint along the line of the circles, and then inside them.

Physical education moment.

Educator: Everyone stood up and walked over to the carpet. Guys, imagine that

you are dandelions. Here in the clearing you will grow. Sit down.

Teacher Children

Dandelions are starting to grow.

They grow, they grow, they grow.

Wind started to blow,

Dandelions are swaying.

Evening came,

Dandelions close up.

The sun came out

Dandelions have woken up

They shake their heads,

Enjoying the sun. They begin to slowly get up.

Hands up, slight swaying.

Squat down, hands on head.

Again they slowly stand up, arms up, swaying in place.

They smile.

They go to their places.

Educator: Look at the pictures carefully: what is missing from them?

Children: Stem and leaves.

Educator: Stem and leaves, what color will we paint?

Children: Green.

Educator: Correct. But we will paint with a different brush. Take a regular, thin brush with your right hand with three fingers near the iron tip. Dip the brush into a glass of water and remove excess water on the edge of the glass. We put green paint on the bristles of the brush and paint the stem, starting from the flower to the bottom of the leaf. The stem of the dandelion is thin. And then we draw the leaves, starting from the bottom of the stem to the sides. Dandelion leaves are thick. We carry out the work carefully, without going beyond the contour.

Educator: What great fellows! Look how beautiful our clearing turned out to be.

Educator: Guys, what did we draw today?

How should you treat flowers?

Did you like our lesson?

Publications on the topic:

Summary of the open integrated lesson “Lullaby” (first junior group) Goal: To cultivate interest in oral folk art. Objectives: to form an idea of ​​lullabies; introduce the meaning.

Lesson summary for junior group (drawing) “Let’s decorate the doll’s dress” Educator: Yankovetskaya Olga Leonidovna. Goal: to strengthen children’s ability to use a brush. Objectives: To develop children’s skills correctly.

Summary of the modeling and drawing lesson “Kolobok rolled along the forest path” (second junior group) Objectives: Children learn to create expressive art.

TECHNIQUE: Modeling and drawing on dough. PURPOSE: To generate interest in creating images on the test. Show different ways to obtain images:.

Summary of a lesson on non-traditional drawing in the first junior group. Topic: “Beads” Purpose: To teach children to draw in an unconventional way -.

Summary of the drawing lesson “Chickens on the Lawn” (junior group) SUMMARY OF DRAWING CLASSES Junior group

Svetlana Bykova




Subject: « Dandelion yellow»


Bykova S. L.

Technique drawing: "Finger painting"

Subject: « Dandelion yellow»

Program content:

Learn to convey the image of a flower, its structure and shape using your fingers.

Develop a sense of color, shape, composition.

Cause an emotional and aesthetic response to the topic classes.

Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

Material: Landscape sheets, napkins, yellow and green gouache, drawing dandelion, butterflies.

Preliminary work: Looking at grass and flowers while walking.

Progress of the lesson:

V-l:- Guys, what time of year is it now?

Children:- Spring

V-l:- Well done, what changes in nature occur after winter?

Children:- leaves bloom on the trees, grass grows, flowers bloom.

V-l: -What kind of flower did you and I look at on our site?

Children:- Dandelion.

V-l:- Guys, listen, I’ll tell you a beautiful poem

“The sun dropped a golden ray.

Increased dandelion - first young!

It has a wonderful golden color,

He is a big sun, a small portrait!

Look at dandelion how handsome he is. What colour is he?

Children:- Yellow

V-l:- Here is the leg on which it stands, it’s called "stem". And these are the leaves, what color are the leaves and the stem?

Children:- Green.

V-l:- Guys, what about dandelion is like the sun?

Children:- Same round and yellow.

V-l:- Look, a butterfly came to visit us, she saw what we had in a dandelion appeared in the group, but she did not arrive alone, but with her butterfly friends.

V-l:- (brings butterflies) Guys, there are many butterflies, but one flower. What do you think we should do so that we have a lot dandelions?

Children:- Draw.

V-l:- Look, we have paints, but no brushes, what will we do? paint?

Children:- With fingers.

V-l:- We always have 10 brushes ready, which are always with us, of course, these are our fingers. And before we start finger painting, we'll play with them. Look at my fingers and do as I do

(finger play)

"Our hands are like flowers,

(show hands)

Fingers like petals

(movements with fingers, close into a fist)

The sun wakes up -

Flowers open

(open fists slowly)

In the dark they are again

They will sleep very soundly.

(slowly fingers gather into a fist)

V_l:- Well done guys, our fingers played, and now they will draw. Let's dial on the index finger yellow paint, put a bright dot in the middle of the sheet, and then there are many dots around it in a circle. (I accompany the explanation with an example).

This is how the flower turned out yellow and fluffy.

What else do you think we have forgotten? draw?

Children:- Stem and leaves.

V-l:- Let's take a napkin and wipe our finger from yellow paint. Draw the stem and leaf with green paint using straight lines. Like this (show) We draw a stem from top to bottom of the flower, put some green paint on our finger and add a leaf to the stem. Well, what did you do beautifully?

Children:- Yes!

V-l:- How wonderful they turned out dandelions, now put the flowers together - we get a golden meadow. Our butterflies will fly in, sit and admire our flowers. All the guys did their best, the butterflies are happy. Well done!

Notes on artistic creativity (drawing) in the second junior group “Dandelion”

Target: learning the ability to draw a dandelion using the “dipping” method.

Tasks: to form in children an idea of ​​a dandelion, teach them to name its parts; develop an emotional response to the beauty of the surrounding nature and fine motor skills; cultivate respect for nature

.Preliminary work: watching dandelions on walks, looking at illustrations, reading and memorizing poems about dandelions.

Equipment: photographs of a dandelion, yellow gouache, brushes, a container of water, napkins, album sheets with images of a dandelion stem and leaf.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, today we will draw a portrait of our old friend. Look, do you recognize it?

Children: Yes, it's a dandelion.

Educator: That's right, what poem did we teach you?

Children: Wears a dandelion

Yellow sundress.

When he grows up, he will dress up

In a little white dress.

Light, airy,

Obedient to the wind.

("Dandelion" by E. Serov)

Educator: That's right, well done. Dandelion is a wild plant because no one takes care of it. It opens its petals with the first rays of the sun, and closes them with sunset. Dandelion loves the sun very much and turns its head after it. Time passes, and the yellow petals are replaced by white fluffs - seeds. A breeze will blow, the seeds will scatter far, far in different directions, fall to the ground, and new flowers will appear. Let us turn into a “gray-haired” dandelion for a moment.

Phys. minute: “Dandelion” Dandelion, dandelion!

(Slowly squat and rise.)

The stem is as thin as a finger.

(Standing on your toes, stretching upward.)

If the wind is fast, fast

It will fly into the clearing,

(They scatter in different directions,

Everything around will rustle.

(They say: “Sh-sh-sh-sh...”)

Dandelion stamens

They'll scatter in a round dance

(They lead a round dance)

And merge with the sky

(Sit on chairs.)

Educator: Guys, look at the picture. The dandelion has a yellow head, a thin stem, green leaves, and a root in the ground.

So, what color is a dandelion?

What does he look like?

Children: Yellow, in the sun.

Educator: That's right, well, let's draw our friend.

Children draw.

Educator individually shows how to work with a brush correctly.

At the end of the work, the children admire their drawings.

Educator: The dandelions turned out beautiful. And in our clearing on the site they are also wonderful. How will we treat them?

Children: Admire.


Try not to break it.

Educator: That's right, we will try to preserve the beauty, and the bees will thank us for saving the flowers for them.

Educator: Guys, what have we been doing?

Children: We looked at the dandelion.

We drew a dandelion.

Educator: That's right, well done!

The sun dropped

Golden ray.

The dandelion has grown -

The first young one!

He has a wonderful

Golden color,

He's a big sun

Small portrait.

(O. Vysotskaya)

Thanks everyone for the lesson.