The factory is all singers. Full history of the composition of the factory group

Within the framework of the “Star Factory” a lot of exciting musical groups, and many participants became famous, not least thanks to the project. Sharp-sighted producers immediately snatched up outstanding artists and created groups almost from scratch.

In 2002 women's group organized by a famous producer Igor Matvienko. Already in the first year of its existence, the “Factory” group took second place in the “Star Factory” project of almost the same name. The group continues to work to this day, but over 16 years the composition of the participants has changed several times.

Maria Alalykina

A lot of time has passed since the days when Maria appeared in public in revealing clothes and heavy makeup without any embarrassment. She was a member of the group from the very beginning, but after just a year she left the group, got married and converted to Islam in 2003.

Sati Casanova

If we talk about the participants who made the greatest contribution to the group, first of all you remember Sati Casanova. Bright, beautiful and undoubtedly talented, Sati made the Factory group unique. Just take the 2008 hit “It’s Not My Guilt.”

In 2010, Sati left the group and sang alone. It is worth admitting that Casanova’s solo career is quite successful - her voice has long been loved by many, so it is not difficult for her to pack stadiums.

Sati is married to an Italian photographer Stefano Tiozzo, and their wedding is rightfully considered one of the loudest in the 21st century. The newlyweds went out several times: both in Italy and at home.

Ekaterina Lee

Katya Li, who replaced Casanova, stayed in the team from 2010 to 2013. She would not have left the Factory if she had not had health problems. During the filming of the “Don’t Be Born Beautiful” video, Lee injured her spine due to multiple takes of riding a horse.

The actress simply could not tour, because she had to be constantly in sight of her doctors. Ekaterina announced her retirement from her career, now she is rehabilitating, playing sports and simply enjoying life.

Alexandra Popova

Igor Matvienko quickly found a replacement for Ekaterina in the person of Alexandra Popova, because the latter fit all the parameters - young age, model appearance, short stature and slender figure.

Now Alexandra is recording with the group Studio albums and performs songs. The band's compositions are still in demand - they are often heard on music channels, and on Youtube their clips collect millions of views!

Irina Toneva

Toneva- one of two participants who have been in “Factory” from the very beginning and remain loyal to the team to this day. In 2016, she announced the start solo career, still remaining a member of the “Factory”, thanks to which she gained popularity.

Irina got married for the first time at the age of 39. Her chosen one was a dancer Alexey Brizha, with whom Toneva secretly got married in 2017.

Alexandra Savelyeva

In addition to the Factory group, in which Savelyeva has been participating for 16 years, Alexandra is pursuing a solo career. Whatever one may say, a lot of time has passed since 2002, and not all fans know that the group existed before today and retained part of the original composition.

"Star Factory-7" (2007)

Margarita Gerasimovich (Dakota’s real name) and Vlad Sokolovsky met at the “Star Factory”, but then their relationship was friendly, especially since after graduation both went into their own projects. Vlad performed as part of the group “BiS” for three years, and Rita had (and still has) the group Monroe. The “factory” wedding took place last summer in Moscow.

Prokhor Chaliapin

"Star Factory-6" (2006)

Another brawler of the project is Andrei Zakharenkov, who took the pseudonym Prokhor Chaliapin. Thus, the artist tried to “become close” to the famous opera singer Fyodor Chaliapin. Despite his ambitions (the artist tried to perform abroad and graduated from Gnesinka), his songs never became national property, but Prokhor made a name for himself through noisy stories. In 2007, he decided to refuse the services of producer Viktor Drobysh and did so in full view of the whole country, accusing the composer of non-payment of royalties. In 2013, the singer married businesswoman Larisa Kopenkina, who was 27 years older than the singer. The public immediately dubbed the marriage a misalliance, but Chaliapin was flattered by any attention: he published in in social networks candid pictures with his wife and swore to her true love on various talk shows. Not having time to get a divorce, Chaliapin started new novel— in 2014, he announced a relationship with model Anna Kalashnikova. The celebrities became the parents of their first child named Daniel in March 2015, but a year later it became known that the boy’s father was ex-lover Anna. Anya admitted that she became pregnant from another man at the very beginning of her relationship with Prokhor, but did not lose hope of becoming the artist’s wife. May 24, 2016, when it was supposed to take place gorgeous wedding Prokhora and Ani, the unfortunate bride has come to wedding dress to the Kutuzovsky registry office and arranged a photo shoot there, but the deceived groom never showed up.


Polina Gagarina

Winner of “Star Factory-2” (2003)

After the end of the second “Star Factory” it was unfairly forgotten. The girl was not even accepted to Eurovision, although the organizers of the Factory promised that the winner of the show would automatically represent Russia at the competition. It took the singer four years to re-establish herself. Long silence the best way affected the image of the star: she lost weight, changed her image, hired Konstantin Meladze as a producer and released two successful albums. Finally, the performer’s long-time dream came true - she took part in Eurovision and brought Russia second place.

There have also been noticeable changes in Gagarina's personal life. Unsuccessful marriage with actor Pyotr Kislov, from whom the girl gave birth to a son, ended two years later. In the fall of 2014, the singer walked down the aisle again. This time the artist’s chosen one was photographer Dmitry Iskhakov.

Elena Temnikova

"Star Factory-2" (2003)

Lena Temnikova gained popularity thanks to Serebro group under the leadership of Max Fadeev. Modest girls who performed in black and white dresses at Eurovision in 2007 (the girls took third place) quickly transformed into brawlers, each video and appearance of which was accompanied by nudity. In 2014, Lena, tired of Fadeev’s dictatorship, left the group. The singer began a solo career and improved her personal life: in June 2014, she married businessman Dmitry Sergeev and gave birth to a daughter, Alexandra.


"Star Factory-4" (2004)

Timati (according to his passport Timur Yunusov) is one of the most controversial personalities of the Star Factory. The questions begin with the very fact of the artist’s participation in the show: why does a rap artist familiar with American producers need the Russian pop project “Star Factory”? The image of the singer also raises doubts. Either he plays a gentleman in a GQ video and takes a selfie with the president of the country, or he attracts attention with scandalous antics, for example, accusing Dima Bilan of being unconventional sexual orientation and drug addiction.

Today Timati has his own production company, from which musicians Kristina Si, L’One and Yegor Creed came out, and a designer Black label Star, he acts in films and conquers Western show business.

The personal life of the golden boy is also in plain sight. Timati changed his status as a womanizer to fatherhood - his ex-girlfriend Alena Shishkova gave him a daughter, Alisa.

Pierre Narcisse

"Star Factory-2" (2003)

Pierre Narcisse's fame began with the hit "Chocolate Bunny". However, this song became the only noticeable one in the work of the Cameroonian singer. Further mentions of the artist’s name are associated with his wife Valeria Kalacheva. An ideal marriage and a daughter they had together turned into family quarrels. Pierre's wife repeatedly accused Pierre of assault and filed for divorce in 2009, but later the couple finally reconciled.

Irina Dubtsova

Winner of “Star Factory-4” (2004)

Unlike his colleagues, Artemyev has not decided on his wife. The artist constantly goes out in public, accompanied by new girlfriends.

Victoria Dayneko

Winner of “Star Factory-5” (2004)

Vika Daineko’s solo career, to the envy of her colleagues, turned out just fine. Immediately after the show, Igor Matvienko began collaborating with the singer, under whose auspices the singles “I’ll Just Leave You Right Now,” “The Film Is Not About Love,” and “Needle” were recorded. In 2011, the girl took part in the Star Factory project. Return”, where she competed with project graduates from different years. Victoria won this competition as well.

Things were sadder on the personal front. Romances with singers Pasha Artemyev, Dmitry Pakulichev and Alexey Vorobyov ended a few months later, leaving the girl with nothing. But in this area too, Daineko managed to gain the upper hand. Last April, Victoria became a happy wife, having married musician Dmitry Kleiman. Now the family has a daughter growing up, whose name the artist hides.

Cornelia Mango

"Star Factory-7" (2007)

fotoimedia / Grigory Shelukhin

Unlike other graduates, Cornelia Mango made a name for herself not through her solo career and romantic history, but through her struggle with overweight. The girl always said that her exotic appearance (Tatar-Portuguese genes were mixed in the star’s pedigree) was the subject of controversy. To fit into the standards, the girl actively took care of herself and lost 10 kilograms. On the Internet you can find different ways losing weight from Cornelia: from participating in TV shows and communicating with famous nutritionists to sports exercises and various diets.

In the singer’s personal life, everything also fell into place. After a series of unsuccessful romances, the artist married musician Bogdan Durdya.

Natalia Podolskaya

"Star Factory-5" (2004)

Natalya releases a single every year, but her relationship with Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. interests the public much more. The musicians met in 2005 on the set of the program “Big Races”, and since that time they have not parted. Five years later, the wedding took place, and on June 5, the singer gave birth to her long-awaited first child, who was named Artemy.

Dmitry Koldun

Winner of “Star Factory-6” (2006)

Dmitry Koldun periodically appears on Russian channels, but the artist’s heart belongs to his native Belarus. In 2007, the artist showed the best result among Belarusian performers at Eurovision, bringing the country 6th place.

Sorcerer - an exemplary family man. His first serious relationship with Victoria Khomitskaya (the young people studied at different classes one school) ended in marriage ten years later. The couple has a son, Ian.

Mikhail Grebenshchikov

The first “Star Factory” (2002)

Mikhail Grebenshchikov, also known for his controversial antics, settled down over time. Today, not a trace remains of the role of a pop hooligan: the 40-year-old artist is married and has two daughters.

Mikhail failed to outdo his great namesake Boris Grebenshchinkov, but he basked in the rays of fame immediately after the end of the project. Grebenshchikov got used to the image of a joker and a womanizer, who successfully sold his debut record “Hit” in 2003. After this, the artist released two more albums, but they were never able to repeat the success of the first. But Mikhail became his own guy on television: he hosted the program “12 Evil Spectators” on MTV, “5 Songs on the Fifth” on Channel Five, and hosted programs on radio DFM and Megapolis.

Grebenshchikov also has more serious projects in his baggage - he owns his own production company and does not for a long time was the art director of the Moscow club “Paradise”.

Stas Piekha

"Star Factory-4" (2004)

Changes are coming in the life of 36-year-old Stas Piekha. Recently Stas gave frank interview OK! magazine, in which he spoke about his family for the first time. It turned out that not everything was going smoothly in his relationship with his wife, 27-year-old model Natalya Gorchakova: the couple had been living separately for almost a year. According to the singer, he realized that he was not ready for a serious relationship and took a break to pursue his career. The artist’s creativity also took a new course: Piekha admitted that he finally decided to give up performing pop songs, which he never liked, and diversify his sound.

Yulia Savicheva

"Star Factory-2" (2002)

Yulia Savicheva's career was given a powerful start by her collaboration with producer Max Fadeev (he was a good friend of the singer even before her participation in the show). The peak of Julia's popularity came in the mid-2000s. Then the girl took part in Eurovision, took 11th place, released the album “Vysoko” and recorded the soundtrack for the series “Don’t Be Born Beautiful.” The last album to date was released in 2014.

October 13, 2002 many remember this date as launch of the first of its kind Russian music show « Star Factory"! Their reporting concerts riveted viewers to the screens every Friday, their songs purred under the breath of millions of fans, and their tours across the country filled stadiums. Let's remember all the participants in the first " Star factories“and we’ll find out what happened to the people’s favorites, how and with what they live today. I warn you right away that this is only the first part, so look forward to the continuation tomorrow!

Maria Alalykina (32)

An inconspicuous nine-story building on the outskirts Moscow strikingly different from the apartments where the current members of the group live “ Factory" Masha lives a secluded life, and her mother answers calls from journalists in a tired voice Svetlana. “We are tired of attention and constant calls,” the woman admitted. – Masha He won’t communicate with you, and I don’t have time. There's a lot to do. And anyway, my dinner is burning.” Maria does not contact the press, and her life is more like the life of a recluse, which is surprising, because at a young age she won beauty contests (“ Beauty of Russia") and her photographs were published in a popular men's magazine.

Maria Alalykina was versatile developed person and tried herself not only in music, but also in dancing (for some time she danced in the show ballet " Todes"). Only she quickly became bored, uninterested, and she was looking for something big. Even in the project " Star Factory“The girl’s euphoria quickly disappeared. She wanted to convey her thoughts to the public through songs. But instead, she sang what they said, in the composition in which they ordered. In addition, Masha arose serious problems with studies. They threatened to expel her from the university. Therefore, she made a firm decision to leave the group - two months after its creation, having managed to star in a single video for the song “ About love" Soon Masha married a businessman Alexey Zuenko, gave birth to a daughter Katya, returned to university and re-entered the jazz college. It would seem that life is getting better. Moreover, the changes affected not only family life Maria. She became a Muslim! There were rumors that it was her husband who influenced the girl in this decision. Herself Alalykina She said more than once that she converted to Islam of her own free will. Moreover, in one interview she said that faith helped her improve relationships with her parents.

Unfortunately, happiness and harmony did not reign in her family for long. The year on the calendar was 2008, when Maria introduced her husband to her ill-fated friend. On the picture Maria, to your surprise, on the right, and in the arms of your husband is that same homewrecker. Later in the Internet Diary Maria an entry will appear: “...My best friend together with my beloved (former, if one dares to talk about love in the past) I saw them tenderly walking by the hand. I introduced them personally two months earlier in Sevastopol. And she helped them become closer spiritually. Still love both. But it’s hard to get used to the idea...” During that difficult period Alalykin fired from work linguistic center at Moscow State Linguistic University, which she herself finished at one time. According to Masha, the reason for this was the scarf she wore to class.

Now Maria or Maryam, as she calls herself, keeps her diary in " LiveJournal"and does translations for Muslim websites. She knows 6 languages: 5 European and Arabic. From colleagues on " Star Factory» supports communication only with Sati Casanova(32) and regularly congratulates her on all Muslim holidays.

Mikhail Grebenshchikov (39)

Who doesn't remember this fiery guy? It was impossible to stand still from his songs, and your feet in “orange boots” just started dancing. Graduate Voronezh Assembly College and a student of the local journalism department, who served in the border troops, DJ “ Russian radio", a collector of beer mugs, a self-employed entrepreneur and a man who put his whole life into building an unforgettable image of a crazy funny guy - all this Mikhail Grebenshchikov! Among the participants of the first " Star factories“He had a rare zest for life and seemed to really enjoy every day he spent on the reality show. And the audience loved it too Mikhailthe artist was the leader in online voting for a long time and eventually won third place. But we got ahead Mikhail not at all the more talented and independent soloists - in such a fight he would probably defeat anyone. Producer's projects set the dashing guy up " Roots" and "Factory».

As before, Michael- this is a person who makes an action out of every step in his life, a performance out of two, and a meaningful artistic gesture out of running in place. It doesn’t matter what he’s actually doing: sitting in an Indian costume at a festival youth culture in Vladivostok, stars as a referee in a Russian TV series or advises dousing yourself with dill water on Channel One. Brand " Mikhail Grebenshchikov"stands firmly on his feet. Now he himself can produce “manufacturers”, argue with his former producer Igor Matvienko(55) and even teach young talents.

In the photo the ill-fated sheepskin coat

True, sometimes scandals shake him. One of them took place in February of this year, when Mikhail accused of stealing a sheepskin coat made of wolf fur. Grebenshchikova, like other celebrities, was invited to the opening of a fur salon and, according to him, was given this sheepskin coat as a gift. The artist even thanked the salon owners into the microphone for such a generous donation. But before he could cross the threshold of the store, security stopped him and demanded that he take off his sheepskin coat. When Michael still left in his new clothes, the store owners contacted its administrator and demanded a return valuable thing, otherwise they will contact the police. Michael laughed it off and returned their “gift” to the salon.

As you know, he is now a musical creative producer V children's vocational school creative development Alla Pugacheva (66) Future Star. Grebenshchikov is also an employee Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, and he is a frequent guest at parties in the capital, where he spins his DJ sets. And you probably remember the twins who appeared in the video Mikhail Grebenshchikov. He subsequently married one of them and now has two lovely daughters.

Jam Sheriff (40)

In project " Star Factory» Jam Sheriff(full name Jam Sherif Musa) attracted attention not only with his extraordinary appearance, but also with his talent. In 2005 the name Jema again sparkled in the media, as his duet with Elena Terleeva(30) won the first semi-final " Eurovision" Their track No more war showed how " Star Factory"popular among the people. After all Jam And Lena, having completed their participation in the project, almost did not appear on television and nevertheless received more audience votes than Anastasia Stotskaya(32) and (33). Few people know, but before " Star factories» Jam Sheriff worked as a consultant in a private Moscow clinic.

2005 was for Jam Sherif intense: he participated in the television reality show " Last Hero“However, he failed to take away the cash trophy.
Now Jam turned to directing and thoroughly began his education in this field. “My outlet is directing, because I see words and music in pictures and feel my own stories,” said the artist. He recently graduated First national school television and received a second diploma higher education specialty " TV director».
Director's Path Sheriff It's going more or less successfully. His graduate work « Moscow - my love"in the comedy genre nominated as best foreign film at the prestigious short film festival in Australia.

Pavel Artemyev (32)

Even those who were not a fan of the project remember his curly hair and charming burr. Star Factory». Pavel Artemiev became one of the most popular “manufacturers”, and his name was replicated by all Russian media. Let me remind you that the group “ Roots"took first place in the final of the popular music show Channel One and throughout for long years gathered halls and stadiums throughout the country. From the very beginning, Pavel understood that participation in the group was a temporary stage, so he did not stay in the team for long. After he left in 2010, he said: "It was a great experience, but I never saw myself being in this band at 40."

Now Paul continues to make music. He gives solo concerts, the last of them, by the way, took place not so long ago, on September 10, in a Moscow bar “ Music Pub».
Pavel Artemiev I decided not to focus only on music. He also tries himself theater stage, although it does not have vocational education, To apply to acting school Paul no plans yet. Artemiev believes that each of his performances, each role in a film is his university, the practice that hones his facets as an artist. Today Paul plays in performances of the Moscow theater " Practice"and is the ideological leader and lead singer of the group Artemiev. Pavel Artemiev and his group are frequent guests at all kinds of festivals and clubs Moscow And St. Petersburg.

Fans of the charming Pavel there is a separate reason for joy: Channel One has launched the series “ Tatyana's night", Where Artemiev plays one of the main roles.

Yulia Buzhilova (32)

Yulia Buzhilova, participant of the first " Star factories", called new Linda(38) and compared with Renata Litvinova(48). The producers predicted a great future for her, and her fans avidly listened to her music.
Today, the girl who once successfully appeared on TV is not listed either in the charts or in the yellow press. She disappeared as suddenly as she appeared.
At one of the reporting concerts of the first " Factories" song " Sleep", written Buzhilova, captivated everyone: project participants, producers, and fans. Igor Matvienko(55) then realized that he had made the right choice by inviting a young girl to the casting of a popular reality show. Buzhilova and the famous producer had known each other for a long time. After graduation Kyiv Musical College and touring Ukraine Yulia turned to him. Matvienko saw in her real talent and charisma and offered to go to " Star Factory».
Buzhilov, unlike other manufacturers, instead of cheap shocking, love scenes And constant scandals chose the image of a mysterious and enigmatic singer. Even on the Internet you can't find much about it.

"Manufacturer" BuzhilovaI always dreamed of being popular, but I never wanted to be a star. She wrote poetry and music herself, but for some reason she was not a producer.Matvienko, neither million rubles donatedChannel Onethe aspiring singer did not get any help after the project. Many believed thatYuleThis million came from connections, and not from talent. Be that as it may, we did not hear new songs and albums for which that same million rubles were allocated. By the way, now the producer doesn’t really know anything about his former ward.
“No one gave me a million,” she saidJulia, - They gave me a huge piece of paper with “million” written on it. I still have it somewhere at home. I joked at one time that I would go to the store with her and give her to the seller, like a food coupon in Soviet times.”
It is known that Yulia Buzhilovamarried a sound engineer and became a mother. She does not advertise her personal life. Tired of waiting for support fromIgor Matvienko, JuliaInstead of a solo career and the love of millions of fans, she chose the love of one person and, apparently, she was right. She writes lyrics forVicky Daineko(28) and groups " Factory”, but never got around to his solo album. NowBuzhilovadreams of creating an anti-feminist movement, building the safest plane in the world and learning German, Bulgarian and Polish languages. And let her dreams come true!

Alexander Astashenok (33)

Alexander Astashenok remembered us as one of the participants popular group « Roots" The team existed for a long time after the end of the project " Star Factory", but the collapse was inevitable when, following the departure of the frontman Pavel Artemyev left the group and Astashenok. But don't worry Alexander Still creative, he did not see his future in music and began studying acting. Astashenok graduated from the acting department GITIS and began performing on the theater stage. Friendship from " Roots” grew into friendship in the theater. Alexander shared the stage Russian Theater With Pavel Artemyev in the production " Until the death separates us…».

Astashenok greedy for roles, so he tries himself not only in the theater, but also on television. Besides feature filmsStill alive») Alexander He also starred in television series. If you're a fan of " Closed school ", then you probably remember the secret agent whom he embodied on the screen Astashenok. His dream role is James Bond. Alexander Astashenok does not give up studying music, although now he writes it not for his solo album, but for the films in which he is starring, or for other performers, while acting as a composer and producer.

Konstantina Dudoladova (39) is not about singing and music at all, but about style and makeup. Many believed that the project " Star Factory» Konstantin, comes from Nakhodki, got in thanks to his bright appearance. Anything is possible, because this appearance has saved him more than once! Finding yourself in the capital penniless, Konstantin I had to earn my living somehow, and there was little choice. Dudoladov worked as a stripper in " Russian troika" And " Firebird", he worked part-time as a model, but his shocking antics once disrupted a show, and after that he stopped receiving invitations...

He realized that he needed to move on, since the measly $20 that he was given for his shift “at the pole” could not feed a person in an expensive metropolis. At the moment when from the project " Star Factory» ran away Zhanna Cherukhina(32), many in the social circle already knew Constantine. The organizers had to urgently look for a replacement for the vacant place. And a tall blond man with a charming smile approached like no one else. His appearance was bright, his image was memorable. But after final show « Star factories"fans haven't heard a single track from Dudoladova and didn’t see a single video with his participation. The guy completely disappeared from the screens and from rotations.

Konstantin I decided to return to where I started - to style and makeup. And he achieved great success. Today Konstantin Dudoladov is the owner of a chain of salons " Eco Beauty Service DUDO", and he is also an image maker and exclusive stylist. He has a 15-year-old son, and he dreams of opening a couple of shops in Tokyo, because he believes that he sews clothes specifically for such freaks as the Japanese.

The first “Star Factory” ignited the talents of many popular artists. Back in 2002, we were looking forward to the reporting concerts, hopefully sending “saving” SMS and hoping that our idol would make it to the finals. 15 years have passed since then, the tenth project is already in full swing, and it’s time to find out what happened to the pioneers of the project.

Group "Factory"

“Star Factory-1” by Igor Matvienko gave birth to a girl quartet that still exists. True, since the founding of the group, its composition has changed three times; initially it included Irina Toneva, Sati Casanova, Alexandra Savelyeva and Maria Alalykina. By 2017, the group turned into a trio: Alexandra Popova joined Irina Toneva and Alexandra Savelyeva.

The girls not only sing: Ira is building a career in cinema and has already starred in the films “Cinderella”, “Snow Angel”, “Women on the Edge”. And Sasha can be seen on the covers of Playboy, XXL, Maxim, and there is talk about her plans for a solo career.

Sati Casanova

The ex-soloist of the Factory group left the project, but remained under the wing of Matvienko. She periodically releases new hits, hosts television shows and appears at social events. After an unsuccessful experience as a restaurateur, the singer devoted herself to spiritual development: Founded the Culture and Life Foundation and teaches yoga.

Maria Alalykina

Unfortunately, this participant in “Star Factory-1” never achieved recognition. She sang in the “Factory” group for only two months, starred in the only video “About Love” and left the project. Afterwards the girl got married, divorced and converted to Islam. Masha is a polyglot, knows 5 European and Arabic languages, which is what he now earns by translating texts for Muslim websites.

Mikhail Grebenshchikov

Misha became a “person-brand”: he released 3 solo album, participated in " The last hero", hosted shows on Channel Five, MTV, DFM radio and Megapolis. Afterwards he opened a production center, was the creative director of the “Paradise” club and worked for two years as a musical creative producer at Pugacheva’s Variety Art Workshop, from where he quit with a scandal. Now the artist performs in clubs as a DJ.

Group "Roots"

Each reporting concert at “Star Factory-1” became a real event for the guys. Pavel Artemiev, Alexander Berdnikov, Alexey Kabanov and Alexander Astashenok were adored by the audience. “Roots” sold out stadiums and recorded soundtracks for TV series, but then their popularity began to wane. Then Artemyev and Astashenok left the team. The remaining members of “Roots” continue to delight fans with new tracks and concerts.

Sasha and Pasha found themselves in the theater. And if the first one completely devoted himself acting, then Pavel was unable to give up music and is now performing with the group ARTEMIEV.

Read how the rest of the “First Star Factory” participants are doing now. In the meantime, follow the lives of young factory owners. Watch the reporting concerts "" every Sunday on Yu and at any time on.

FABRIKA group awards:

2004 - “Stopudovy hit”

2007 - “Golden Gramophone”

“Factory” is a Russian female pop group from the “Star Factory-1” project and took 2nd place in the project.

Factory girls make any audience gasp in admiration, because beauty, as we know, is always a terrible force.
From the beginning of the formation of the group, the participants were: Sati Casanova, Irina Toneva, Alexandra Savelyeva and Maria Alalykina.
In 2003, Maria Alalykina left the group after leaving the group, continued her studies and a year later gave birth to a girl, who was named Ekaterina. Maria never returned to show business.
Then, for a long time, the Fabrika group included: Sati, Irina and Alexandra, the three of them performed.
In May 2010, Sati Casanova left the team, who decided to take up solo work. In her place was invited former soloist Russian pop group "Hi-Fi" - Ekaterina Lee.
In 2011, the group took part in the “Star Factory” project. Return", where graduates of the "Star Factory" of different years compete, each of whom once began their career in " Star House" “Factory” is part of the team of producer Igor Matvienko.
The current composition of the FABRIKA group: the group consists of Irina Toneva, Alexandra Savelyeva and Ekaterina Lee. This is the third lineup of the group in history.
FABRIKA group awards:
2003 - “Golden Gramophone” for the song “About Love”
2004 - “Stopudovy hit”
2004 - “Golden Gramophone” for the song “Lyolik”
2005 - Glamor (pop group of the year).
2006 - “Golden Gramophone” for the song “It’s not my fault”
2007 - “Golden Gramophone” oh love, Factory girls, The sea is calling, Fish, It’s not my fault, We are so different, Ali Baba, I’ll kiss you, Oh, mom, I fell in love,” Romance.

On the official website vipartist.rf you can get acquainted with the work of the Factory group, see interesting photos and new video clips, and use the specified contact numbers to invite the factory with a concert to your event. You can also order a performance by the factory group for a celebration, or invite the factory to a corporate event, or order it for a wedding. When organizing a show program for an event, you can supplement the program with artists of the original genre, DJs, DJs, order a host for the event, professional photo and videography, magicians, animators, show ballet or dance group.
The company will provide technical rider Factory groups at your event (rental of sound equipment, rental of lighting, rental of podiums and stage structures (stages), rental of video projectors and screens, etc.).
In order to find out the conditions for inviting a group to your event: fee, technical and household rider Factory groups - fill out the form and click on the "send" button. The manager will contact you to clarify the details of the order, or call us. Check and book available performance dates for the Factory group in advance.