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The article talks about making money on YouTube.


One of the most popular Internet sites and the most popular video hosting today is “ YouTube" Everyone knows that on " YouTube» You can watch videos for every taste, and also upload your own videos. But probably not everyone has heard that you can also make money on this popular resource.

In today's review, we will look at how users can make money on " YouTube”, and also find out whether this company pays for the number of views, the number of subscribers and the likes left.

Monetization on YouTube

It’s worth noting right away that when you post a video on “ YouTube", the system will charge you cash not for the number of views, not for likes, and not even for the number of your subscribers. In the latter case, the company can only give souvenirs in the form of buttons, but not pay money.

Payment is made for advertising that is located inside the video (this could just be an advertising video at the beginning or end of the video). If the user clicks on this advertisement (actually a link), then money will be awarded to the owner of the video for this.

Monetization YouTube how much do they pay, how much do YouTubers earn How much does YouTube pay for subscribers, video views and likes

So, how can likes, views and subscribers help here? Of course, the more subscribers you have, the more people will watch your videos. The more users view your video, the more likely it is that you will get more likes. The more likes, the higher the rating of the video, and your video will be reposted (included in the recommended videos of those users who put these likes).

And in the end, the higher the rating, the more views, which means more guarantees that people will click on the advertisement in your video. This is, in fact, not a complicated mechanism. The main thing is to attract more users to view advertising, which is, in principle, what is done on all Internet resources. This is called monetization on " YouTube».

How much can you earn on YouTube?

Earnings on " YouTube“can be different, the main thing is what you do for it and how you strive for it. To start earning money, your channel must first meet the following requirements:

  • The channel must be at least one month old
  • The channel must have at least ten videos uploaded
  • The channel should be interesting to other users
  • The channel must contain its own unique video content that does not violate the copyrights of other users.

If all these conditions are met, you will need to send an application to this address (login, register, etc.).

If your video is viewed up to 30 times a day, then do not rush to insert advertising into it. This will only irritate the audience. The audience does not like advertising, even if it is embedded in the most popular video. If an unpopular video contains a lot of advertising, people will simply stop watching it.

Monetization YouTube how much do they pay, how much do YouTubers earn How much does YouTube pay for subscribers, video views and likes

Now let’s calculate approximately how much you can earn from “ YouTube" Let's say your video is watched by 1,000 people a day or more. When you enable monetization, for example, out of these 1,000 people, about 10 users will click on the advertisement in the video. Each click on an ad costs 10 cents. That is, we get 1 dollar. He'll take half of it" YouTube", and you will receive 50 cents. And this means:

  • For 1,000 views you get 50 cents
  • For 10,000 – 5 dollars
  • For 100,000 – 50 dollars
  • For 1,000,000 – 500 dollars and so on

These are just rough numbers. For each click on an advertisement, you can pay differently from 1 cent to 1 dollar, depending on who and how you agree among your partners who pay for advertising.

How much do other users actually earn on YouTube?

Theoretical figures are, of course, very relative indicators. We are interested in how much people earn from monetization on “ YouTube»?

For example, the most popular on “ YouTube" channel " PewDiePie"earned about four million dollars in one year. The channel itself specializes in video games, so if you want to know what interests users most, here is one example. Of course, you are unlikely to earn as much, but you should strive for it. Here is the channel report:

Monetization YouTube how much do they pay, how much do YouTubers earn How much does YouTube pay for subscribers, video views and likes

And here is another channel on “ YouTube" Here the channel user receives more than one and a half dollars for every 1,000 views. And it has up to six million views:

Monetization YouTube how much do they pay, how much do YouTubers earn How much does YouTube pay for subscribers, video views and likes

Monetization YouTube how much do they pay, how much do YouTubers earn How much does YouTube pay for subscribers, video views and likes

What kind of advertising should you make money on YouTube?

If you decide to make money on " YouTube", then you can do it on this advertisement:

  • Ads next to your videos. In most cases, users make money from such advertising. Above we have already provided a link where you can start earning money this way. You will be able to choose from two options: contextual advertising or an advertising video at the beginning of your video. For your first ad, you will receive from 1 cent to 1 dollar per click on the ad. For the second ad, you will only be paid if your users watch the entire ad.
  • Advertising under your video (in the description). Everything is quite simple here. In the description of your video, you should leave text with a link that your subscribers will have to follow. They will pay you money for this advertising. You can advertise different things: websites, products, services, and so on.

Monetization YouTube how much do they pay, how much do YouTubers earn How much does YouTube pay for subscribers, video views and likes

  • Advertising in video recordings. As we already said, you can insert advertisements inside your video. If viewers click on these ads, then you can make money from it. But in in this case your channel must be very popular so that viewers are not annoyed by your advertising and their number does not decrease.

Monetization YouTube how much do they pay, how much do YouTubers earn How much does YouTube pay for subscribers, video views and likes

Video: HOW MUCH DO YOUTUBERS EARN - how much does YouTube pay bloggers for views and how much do they earn?

Today we will tell you what likes do on YouTube, why they ask you to like a video, and why you need likes on YouTube in general.

Likes on YouTube are an assessment of a video in terms of quality and the informational load they carry. With their help you can find out
number of people who watched the video, trust in the channel and video

What do likes do on YouTube?

When an audience watches a certain video on YouTube, they have a choice in front of them. If you like it, people give it a thumbs up. This way, it gets to those you like. When people visit the channel of the person who liked it, they will thereby view it again. Thus, the channel and video are promoted as the number of likes increases. This way the video becomes more famous and everyone knows about it more people.

In order for a person to want to like a post, he needs to be reminded of this:

1. There should be tips for subscribers on how to like
2. And feedback is very important. That is, you need to make a Like button at the end of the video, which will be a signal that in order to view similar content in the future, you need to mark me as liking it.

Why do you need likes on YouTube?

By liking, people express their attitude towards a particular video. The more impressions and likes, the more successful the channel becomes. Its owner can earn money in this way. Moreover, information must be posted regularly, and it must have a lot of likes. This makes it possible to gather a permanent audience around the channel.

Bloggers receive a certain monetary reward. The more likes and views, the more successful their work. That is, the owner has a good income.

Why do they ask to like on YouTube?

As the number of likes increases, the rating of the video increases. Thus, the video rises higher in the ranking. A person searches for what he likes, and the video with the most likes is shown to him. By watching it, the number of viewers increases and the channel's income increases.

Any user can give a like on YouTube.

For example, a person puts a like, and his friends will see this mark in their news feed. They can also go in and watch this video. As a result of this, the channel’s audience expands even more.
The channel will receive even more subscribers.

Eventually great reviews and views raise the video in the rankings. The number of users who watch the video is growing, thereby increasing its popularity. If a person writes a comment, this will make it even more successful for other visitors.

Recently one person asked me how much a like on my youtube channel. In this article I will tell you and show you why it is or is not worth buying likes on YouTube and how much they should cost.

First question: Where will you see that a channel has liked you?

Previously, it made sense to buy likes on YouTube, because there used to be a tab “all actions”, which displayed all the comments of channel owners on their own and other videos. All the likes they put on their own and other people’s videos were displayed by default.

Answer: Likes are displayed in the “all actions” tab.

But due to the fact that cunning traders began to sell their likes and comments, YouTube closed the display of comments in the “all actions” tab and now it is not visible under which video the channel owner wrote a comment, but the like is still visible, although not so clearly, Now the font is gray and not as eye-catching.

The “all actions” tab also displays published videos of channels to which you are subscribed.

Adding a video to a playlist is also displayed. That is, if some channel you subscribe to added a video to the playlist, you will see it in the “all actions” tab.

I used to notice in the "all activities" tab that Ray William Johnson's channel was liking and commenting on others' videos. I remember he wrote something like:

Hello, I was walking here mall and your mother met me. She said that you really like my show and that you would scream with happiness if I came to your channel and said hi to you. Here...Hello!

Most likely it was just a purchased like, but there is a tiny chance that it could have been a real comment.

Also, all liked (approved) videos are displayed in the playlist.

If the owner of the channel who liked it did not check the box “do not show information about saved playlists and what I liked” in the “privacy” section in the account settings.

Also, subscriptions used to be displayed, that is, you could see that such and such a channel subscribed to that and that channel. And now it’s also visible, but not so obvious.

How much does a like cost?

Now remember how many times you opened the “all actions” tab and looked at who liked whom? Did you even know about its existence?

Therefore, if someone is trying to sell you their like or comment, send it to ]|[op. And if you decide to buy a like, then think again. And if you want to buy a comment on YouTube, then also think about whether it’s worth it. The channel comment will be visible under the video, but only those who open your video and go down to read the comments will see it.

Personally, I don’t like the actions of channels that sell likes and comments or write their wallets under videos with the words “support the project” and so on. I also don’t like advertising channels at the beginning of the video, when with the words “And today I will recommend a channel to you...”. I personally always skip forward a minute like this and of course I won’t unsubscribe from this channel because of this, but I will know that this is a merchant’s channel.

If you still want to buy a like, then buy it from a channel with a number of subscribers similar to yours. If you have 600 subscribers, and the one from whom you buy 60,000 subscribers, then his subscribers most likely, due to the underdevelopment of your channel, will not love you and you will swim in poop. They will like you if your content is truly unique and interesting.

Other YouTube tutorials:

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Greetings to all.

And today, I want to tell and show how to get likes, subscribers and views on YouTube and several other social networks. networks.

Why do you need a well-promoted channel, as well as social networks?

Well, of course, first of all, for monetization. You enter into an agreement with YouTube and if your channel meets all the requirements, then YouTube pays you money for advertising.

Also, your channel becomes recognizable and if you have a personal blog or website, there will be additional traffic.

Well, let's look at some ways to promote a YouTube channel.

Promotion of a YouTube channel in a natural way

First of all, you need to capture the attention of the person watching the videos. And this happens in the first few seconds, if the person did not specifically come to watch this video.

And if the video is of interest, a person can thank the author with a like and social networks more spectators may come.

You need to intrigue and attract the visitor interesting content video.
Well, for example, ask a question about the topic of the video, and why do you need it, well, in short, you will see the answer to the question posed in the video.

And of course, in the first seconds of the video, you must tell what the video will be about. So that the person understands what the video will be about.

And after a short introduction, immediately, without chewing, begin to explain the essence of this topic of the video. People don’t like it when they beat around the bush when they can explain everything at once.

Well, basically, these are the most effective advice, for a natural set of subscribers.

Increase subscribers, views and likes on YouTube using services

There are many different programs and services for getting subscribers likes and views. There are paid services, as well as free ones. Well, for example, mutual subscription or likes and this is very effective.

Now I will list some services for cheating that I have tried myself.
These are links to services:,,,

Well, today we will consider only one service, this is the service which I will talk about today.

I won’t list a ton of services; one will be enough for you. Where you can get not only likes and subscribers, but even dislikes. And besides the YouTube channel, you can also get social media VKontakte, Twitter and Instagram.

Installation and work with the Vkmix service

Follow this link go to the service and register. Go to your Mailbox and confirm registration. After that, log in to the service and go to the column on the left, in "All tasks".

Here we are given four social networks, if you have them, you can become attached to them too. But we are considering this moment, YouTube only. Follow the link “Link” and there we provide data for your channel.

Here you can perform tasks manually. But you can click on the Online bot link, and as shown in the screenshot below, check three boxes and click on the button "Start Execution"

You see on the top screen on the left the tasks that have already been completed automatically. And the arrow indicates the total amount of points earned for the tasks.

Once you have scored a certain number of points, you can complete your assignment.

To do this, I press the button "New task", in the column on the right. As shown in the screenshot below. In the column on the right from social networks, I select YouTube. Well, the last action is the choice of promotion. I select subscribers to the channel.

Here we get to a page where we must make the appropriate settings. In short, give the price of the task and the markup number.

1.Here we enter the address of your YouTube channel. If you are doing the task of getting likes, then here you enter the address of the video where you want to get likes.

2. Well, here we set the price for the task. It is recommended to set it from 2 to 4 points.

3. Well, here we register the number of subscribers or likes. But not less than 5 pieces.

In the screenshot below, you see that the created task has already been completed, the specified 33 subscribers have been fully recruited.

Look at the screenshot below, before the cheat I had 96 subscribers.

After recruiting 33 people, I got 127 subscribers and this happened within a minute.

From the viewer's perspective, you can immediately understand several factors that form the rating of a channel on Youtube. Such nuances as “thumbs up”, subscription, comments and even just a click on the channel and any influence of viewers on the channel can increase its rating and bring decent bonuses to its owner. Moreover, it does not matter at all how the viewer reacts: good or negative to this or that video: any attention becomes a monetization tool. Therefore, in this case, a negative reaction is also welcomed to the indignation of the responder.

Every day, millions of people consciously and not very much visit the service, click on videos and pay attention to the video content that interests them. Viral videos and various entertaining and shocking images are so popular for a reason: fear and laughter are the main irritants for attracting a large number of views. Therefore, the channel’s income depends on the subject of the content and the number of views per month. Subscriptions, comments and thumbs up only affect popularity, which in turn forms the channel’s rating; due to it, the channel becomes more and more advertised and noticeable for new views, which already directly affect the channel’s income.

However, of course this is not the only source income of the channel owner. For Youtube itself and for the individual blogger, the phenomenon of advertising plays the most profitable role - we can say that most of this content exists for the sake of it. The advertiser also benefits from any kind of popularity of the content.

What does YouTube pay for?

In fact, the income from views is allocated to the channel not from YouTube itself, but from advertisers who pay a certain amount, depending on the number of viewers who saw the advertising banner in the video. When watching a video, you can notice a yellow line on the scroll bar, when viewing which, an advertising banner appears at the bottom of the video window. To be more precise, advertisers pay not just for viewing their banner, but for clicking on it. But the development of automatic clicking on the banner at the moment the video is turned on made the concepts of watching a video and viewing a banner almost identical.

Monetization of a channel is the connection of certain functions with the help of which the rating of the channel correlates with the accrual of payments that come from advertisers.

  • Advertising banner
  • contextual advertising
  • Ads
  • Blogger advertising goods or services
  • Partnership programs

Thus, a blogger, depending on the content of his channel and the relevance of advertising, can choose any method of monetizing the channel. The content itself plays a role here: what is the topic of the video, so is the advertising. The price of an advertising video has not been established precisely, as it somehow depends on the type and duration of the advertisement. Basically, YouTube keeps 45% of the profits from advertisers and gives the rest to the channel owner.

Advertising of goods and services to bloggers themselves is usually offered to already established and popular channels. However, this type of advertising is not always positively welcomed by the viewer, but it pays well. Also, in this case, the blogger has such a privilege as free goods that are sent to him for advertising. This type of advertising is well accompanied by various links in the description and explanations by the blogger himself.

The affiliate program helps the channel owner receive additional passive income. For example, one affiliate program offers payment for 1000 views from $0.8 to $20. This type Cooperation is characterized by the fact that income can be passive, but in this case the blogger depends on only one affiliate, which cannot always send payment in good faith and on time. Funds for views are withdrawn mainly through popular services such as Webmoney or Yandex.

In the affiliate program, withdrawals are made automatically within a 45-day period.

How to make money on Youtube

It is already becoming clear that in order to make money by making videos for YouTube, you need to use advertising. Then the question arises: how to attract advertisers to you, for how long and what exactly needs to be filmed so that the channel can be magnetized?

First you need to register an account, in case you don’t have one. Then you can start developing your videos. The main question should be: how to film it in a way that a lot of people want to watch? The video must be accompanied by a good picture - quality, since this is primarily a visual hosting. The picture should not be darkened, bright and of high quality. To do this, it is advisable to purchase more or less high-quality equipment.

Next, the work is up to the presenter himself, depending on the format and purpose of the video. The content should be interesting, not long, well-developed and original. Since you are only allowed to post your own video, the entire review must be organized by the author. Music for the video is only allowed by the author or from the music library. It is not necessary to use only a camera as a camera; you can use a digital camera or a phone with a high-quality camera. Three rules for a successful video: high-quality sound, pleasant review and interesting material.

To start monetizing, you need to go to the “Video Manager”, then click on “Channel”, then on “Status and Functions” and then you can start monetizing. You need to check in advance whether it is possible to monetize the channel, since in some countries this function is not enabled. If there is no such function, then you need to change the country to the USA.

The monetized income itself comes from cooperation with the paying network. There are quite a lot of them, so you need to familiarize yourself with the conditions of each and choose the most profitable one.

The channel must exist for at least one month, have more than 3,000 views, more than 100 people subscribed, and more than 10 videos made. Also, the channel can be monetized only by persons over 14 years old, and at a lower age only with the permission of a guardian.

Of course, for video filming to be profitable, it must happen, if not constantly, then at least in such a way that there is enough material for a more or less long-term regularity. The optimal option for the video embedding period is 2 times a week. In popular and promoted accounts it is possible less often. But only with frequent regular and high-quality shooting You can attract monetized income. In addition, each video must be accompanied by links, descriptions, and various key queries. This is necessary so that search engines can display relevant content for a key query on the first pages.

So, in order to become a candidate for income from video hosting, you need to follow the following steps:

  • Survive for 1 month in active mode.
  • Popularity must progress regularly.
  • Post 10 or more videos.
  • Do not post plagiarism.
  • Submit an application for monetization in the appropriate navigation section.

To grow the number of subscribers more quickly, you can start making short, but regular videos, and when you reach 1000 subscribers, start making longer, but less frequent ones.

How much does YouTube pay?

At the moment, becoming a partner is not at all difficult, even if the channel is just starting to exist. Approximate logic for views on YouTube today, for example:

  • For 1000 views - $0.5;
  • For 10,000 views - $5;
  • For 100,000 views - $50;
  • For 1,000,000 views - $500.

But often the logic of payment is far from structural. It is not known how much they can pay for 100,000, as it depends on many nuances. To earn more or less decent money, you need to have at least 1 million views. Therefore, bloggers often resort to additional advertising with cooperation. Earnings depend both on views and separately on clicks. For example, if out of 100 people viewed, 30 people click, then the payment for these 100 views will increase by about 6 dollars.

The impact of likes and dislikes on income

Individual buttons like “Like” or “thumbs up” don’t actually cost you anything. They affect the channel's rating, nothing more. The higher your video is when searched on a hosting or in a search engine, the more people are likely to click on it. The more “Thumbs Up”, the higher the rating. A negative rating such as "Thumbs Down" is the same rating. Of course, it can affect the reputation, but the number of views is always the same, whether it is a positive or negative rating result. And if the video negative character with a negative reputation will gain a large number of views, then this will only spread it further across the network and bring even more dividends to the author.

With a positive reputation, the video can be included in the “Recommended” column. Once there, the video will begin to appear additionally on the right when viewing any video, in a variety of topics.

Impact of Comments on Revenue

Comments also affect the rating of the video and its visibility, however, not all people who have watched the video want to describe the comments. Therefore, writing comments has a greater impact on the popularity of the blogger himself and his connection with the audience. Comments help the video spread across various social networks. This is a kind of PR for a blogger. Often, channel owners resort to so-called “black” or dishonest PR: they pay for fake comments in order to increase their rating in the eyes of other viewers. Such unsubscribes are also called “viral comments.”

Before gaining a certain level of popularity, the blogger first works for comments, then the comments work for him. For example, it is not uncommon to see in the comments under a video how other bloggers invite you to go to their channel; or even trying to advertise certain products. However, this type of PR is not encouraged, it is called spam and is punishable by blocking.

So, the result of the benefits of comments in income is to increase the popularity of the channel and attract additional views. Therefore, through sensational and flashing videos, certain bloggers can be forced to involuntarily click on the video, thereby creating a viral effect and increasing views exponentially.

What are the famous affiliate programs used on Youtube?

The most popular is the Adsense affiliate program, which is used and trusted by most video hosting users. The terms and conditions of this program include the ability for the user to select advertisements. Pay per views ranges from $0.01 to $1.

Another way of cooperation is to advertise certain products or services in a video. The user independently places the place and time where to insert the commercial. But this method depends on the topic of the channel itself and the desire of advertisers to cooperate.

The Adsense affiliate program is not the only one. There are others with different conditions and contracts. For example, AIR is in demand due to its low threshold for withdrawing earnings. On it, withdrawals are made from $0.5. It's also light functional features, that’s why they love him for his simplicity. To start collaborating with this program, the channel must have at least 1000 subscribers and at least 3000 views.

It is very important to carefully check the terms of the agreement for inconsistencies with the agreement of another affiliate program.

Another popular affiliate program is YouPartnerWSP. It is in demand due to the possibility of passive income. Also, withdrawal of funds from this affiliate can be carried out in several ways: web money, Yandex money or payment transfers. A characteristic positive advantage is round-the-clock technical support. This program is actively involved in the development and education of users in improving the activity of the channel: webinars are held and training materials are printed. To cooperate with this affiliate program, you need to get at least 1000 views and at least 30 subscriptions. Prices for this program range from $0.7 to $20.

First you need to understand that making a video is also work. There is no need to rely on various tricks and viral videos. It is best to approach this issue from the side of a hobby and shoot truly out of personal desire. The topic is also important, since, for example, a channel with a narrowly focused topic will be visited only by certain users, but entertainment and home channels are available to a larger audience.

For greater efficiency, it is better to post videos 2-3 times a week. You can do more - at least every day, if time allows. However, it is worth remembering that quality is still better than quantity. Therefore, it is better to shoot 2-3 very high-quality content than daily video waste paper.

Don’t be shy about asking and encouraging your audience to give them a “Thumbs Up” and comment. Feedback is very important and it is necessary to show that the blogger is not an exorbitant and ephemeral representative, but is quite one of his own and an ordinary person. The public loves simplicity and openness.

The video can be shared on other social networks. For example, you can post a video in the appropriate VKontakte or Facebook groups if it suits the topic. You can also search for relevant networks on different forums. Sometimes you can resort to a little trick and share videos from fake pages.

You also need to come up with a title and description for the video consciously and correctly, using queries. You can enter a potential name in the appropriate resource and see how many requests there were for these words. If there are few requests, then the video will be displayed less efficiently in search.

We constantly need to develop the channel and introduce innovations. Regularly come up with new topics, sections, competitions and other manipulations. Also, don’t be afraid to change the theme of your channel. The principle of any entertainment portal is this: not to let the public get bored. Another audience will bring other subscribers, which will increase the rating.

Video design

Channel design also plays an important role. How the video cover, avatar, channel name, blogger nickname, header is designed sometimes depends on a lot. It's kind of " business card» blogger. Ideally, you need to select everything that is most organically in harmony with each other, so that the channel turns into a kind of “brand”. This will make the blogger more memorable. Also, if such a blogger is mentioned, it will be immediately clear who we are talking about.

When making a cover for a video, you need to take into account its context. For example, in a video about a certain product, this product should be displayed on the cover. Or in a vlog colored with certain emotions, you can depict the corresponding emoticon. The viewer will react primarily to the visual side of the video, which may be the reason for visiting the channel.