Maxim Shepelev. Shepelev Maxim Vladimirovich Maxim Shepelev 1978 on social networks

Member of the encyclopedia "Famous Scientists"

M.V. Shepelev graduated with honors from a bachelor's degree (2006) and a master's degree (2008) in the specialty "Chemistry" of the Ivanovo branch of the Higher Chemical College of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the basis of the Ivanovo State University of Chemical Technology (ISUCT), has a second higher education in the specialty "Economics" and enterprise management”, as well as diplomas for additional qualifications “Higher School Teacher” (2008) and “Management in Education” (2015).

M.V. Shepelev has the highest qualification category of a chemistry teacher (2009 and 2013), the highest qualification category of a teacher of additional education (2013), is a laureate of the Presidential Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of education for gifted youth (2008), laureate of the Governor of Ivanovo Prize region in the category “Best Teacher” (2008), twice winner of a grant from the Head of Ivanovo (2009 and 2010) and three times winner of the Municipal Prize (2010, 2011 and 2012) for working with gifted children in the field of intellectual activity, laureate of the Municipal Prize “Great Expectations” in the nomination “For success in work activity” (2011), as well as laureate of professional competitions at all levels. High results of pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical activities of M.V. Shepelev were awarded numerous letters of gratitude from the administration of the Ivanovo State Chemical-Technological University, the Department of Education of the Ivanovo Region, the Institute for Educational Development of the Ivanovo Region, etc.

Problem field of research by M.V. Shepeleva is in the field of theory and methodology of teaching chemistry, aimed at justifying, designing and implementing in the educational process of general education institutions a methodological system for the formation and development of students’ creative abilities to study chemistry in grades 5-9. He is the author of more than 150 scientific and educational works.

Currently M.V. Shepelev is the chairman of the certification commission for the certification of education workers (teachers and chemistry teachers) for the first and highest qualification categories in the Ivanovo region, the chairman of the commission for checking the written part of the Unified State Exam in chemistry in the Ivanovo region, an expert of the commission for checking the written part of the Unified State Exam in chemistry in the Ivanovo region . Since 2011 M.V. Shepelev is the head of course and inter-course training and retraining for teachers and chemistry teachers at the Institute for Educational Development of the Ivanovo Region.

Scientific publications:

Main scientific and educational publications of M.V. Shepeleva, specialty 13.00.02 – theory and methods of teaching and education:


1. Shepelev, M.V. Scientific and methodological foundations for organizing effective work with gifted children at the propaedeutic stage of studying chemistry [text]: monograph / M.V. Shepelev. – Penza: Scientific Publishing Center “Sociosphere”, 2012. – 153 p. – ISBN 978-5-94301-321-8.

2. Shepelev, M.V. Methodological system of pedagogical support for gifted children at the propaedeutic stage of studying chemistry [text] / M.V. Shepelev / Gifted children in the modern world: collective monograph / E.A. Omelchenko, M.V. Shepelev, I.A. Orlova [and others]. – Novosibirsk: Sibprint Publishing House, 2012. – P. 97–167. – ISBN 978-5-91990-083-2.

3. Shepelev, M.V. Methods for enhancing the educational and cognitive activity of gifted students at the propaedeutic stage of studying chemistry [Text] / M.V. Shepelev // News of higher educational institutions. Humanitarian sciences. – 2012. – T. 3. – No. 1. – pp. 71–74.

4. Shepelev, M.V. On the issue of designing individual educational trajectories of research activities of gifted students in chemistry in the “School – University” system [Text] / M.V. Shepelev // Bulletin of Oryol State University. Series: New humanities research. – 2012. – No. 2 (22). – pp. 114–116.

5. Shepelev, M.V. Organizational and pedagogical model of monitoring gifted students at the propaedeutic stage of studying chemistry [Text] / M.V. Shepelev // Scientific problems of humanitarian research. – 2012. – No. 4. – pp. 162–168.

6. Shepelev, M.V. Organizational forms, means and methods of working with gifted children at the propaedeutic stage of studying chemistry [Text] / M.V. Shepelev // Bulletin of Oryol State University. Series: New humanities research. – 2012. – No. 4 (24). – pp. 89–91.

7. Shepelev, M.V. Quantitative determination of vitamin P in various types of tea (from the experience of working with gifted children at the propaedeutic stage of studying chemistry) [Text] / M.V. Shepelev // Chemistry at school. – 2012. – No. 6. – pp. 60–65.

8. Shepelev, M.V. On the issue of forming a methodological system of pedagogical support for gifted children at the propaedeutic stage of studying chemistry [Text] / M.V. Shepelev // Science and school. – 2012. – No. 4. – pp. 121–124.

9. Shepelev, M.V. Basic approaches to organizing effective work with children gifted in the field of chemistry in domestic pedagogy of the late 20th – early 21st centuries [Text] / M.V. Shepelev // Bulletin of Oryol State University. Series: New humanities research. – 2012. – No. 5 (25). – pp. 152–156.

10. Shepelev, M.V. Working with gifted children at the propaedeutic stage of studying chemistry: an organizational and pedagogical model of preparation for chemical olympiads [Text] / M.V. Shepelev // News of higher educational institutions. Humanitarian sciences. – 2012. – T. 3. – No. 3. – pp. 240–244.

11. Shepelev, M.V. Journey into the world of chemistry [Text] / M.V. Shepelev // Chemistry at school. – 2012. – No. 7. – pp. 48–52.

12. Shepelev, M.V. The use of a digital laboratory in the educational process as an innovative approach to working with gifted children at the propaedeutic stage of studying chemistry [Text] / M.V. Shepelev // Science and school. – 2012. – No. 5. – pp. 74–77.

13. Shepelev, M.V. Innovative technologies in working with gifted children [Text] / M.V. Shepelev // Chemistry at school. – 2013. – No. 1. – pp. 19–21.

14. Shepelev, M.V. Methodology for using qualitative tasks in extracurricular activities of gifted schoolchildren at the propaedeutic stage of studying chemistry [Text] / M.V. Shepelev // Science and school. – 2013. – No. 1. – pp. 96–99.

15. Shepelev, M.V. Designing the modular content of advanced training courses for teaching staff working with students gifted in the field of chemistry [Text] / M.V. Shepelev // Profile school. – 2013. – No. 1. – pp. 14–18.

16. Shepelev, M.V. Integrated lessons: from experience working with gifted children [Text] / M.V. Shepelev // Chemistry at school. – 2013. – No. 2. – P. 30–34.

17. Shepelev, M.V. Scientific and practical conference as a form of continuous professional development [Text] / M.V. Shepelev, E.V. Rumyantsev, A.S. Vashurin // Chemistry at school. – 2013. – No. 4. – pp. 36–39.

18. Shepelev, M.V. Propaedeutics of chemistry as a didactic condition of continuity in the system of continuous chemical education in secondary school [Text] / M.V. Shepelev // Bulletin of Oryol State University. Series: New humanities research. – 2013. – No. 2 (31). – pp. 111–114.

19. Shepelev, M.V. Meta-subject content of education as a basis for advanced training of chemistry teachers in regional conditions [Text] / M.V. Shepelev // Profile school. – 2013. – No. 3. – pp. 36–39.

20. Shepelev, M.V. Formation and development of students’ creative abilities during practical classes in chemistry [Text] / M.V. Shepelev // Chemistry at school. – 2013. – No. 7. – P. 46–50.

21. Shepelev, M.V. Organization of research activities of students in the “School – University” system: experience of a regional university [Text] / M.V. Shepelev, E.V. Rumyantsev, A.S. Vashurin // News of higher educational institutions. Humanitarian sciences. – 2013. – T. 4. – No. 3. – pp. 210–214.

22. Shepelev, M.V. How to develop the chemical abilities of primary school students [Text] / M.V. Shepelev, A.S. Vashurin // Chemistry at school. – 2014. – No. 5. – pp. 38–42.

23. Shepelev, M.V. Designing the modular content of course training for chemistry teachers in the field of project activities for schoolchildren [Text] / M.V. Shepelev // Science and school. – 2014. – No. 3. – pp. 48–52.

24. Shepelev, M.V. From the experience of implementing the “Family Chemistry” project [Text] / M.V. Shepelev // Chemistry at school. – 2015. – No. 6. – pp. 17–21.

Educational and methodological aids:

25. Kuznetsov, V.V. Chemistry. Recommendations for preparing for the unified state exam: methodological manual / V.V. Kuznetsov, I.P. Guskov, M.V. Shepelev. – Ivanovo: Publishing House of the Ivanovo Regional Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of Teaching Staff, 2008. – 33 p.

26. Shepelev, M.V. Chemistry. 5–6 grades Additional material for the textbook “Physics. Chemistry. 5–6 grades.” (authors: Gurevich A.E., Isaev D.A., Pontak L.S.) / M.V. Shepelev, I.P. Guskov. – Ivanovo: Publishing House of the Autonomous Institution “Institute for Educational Development of the Ivanovo Region”, 2009. – 136 p.

27. Guskov, I.P. Chemistry programs for grades 5-9: methodological manual / I.P. Guskov, M.V. Shepelev. – Ivanovo: Publishing House of the Autonomous Institution “Institute for Educational Development of the Ivanovo Region”, 2010. – 68 p.

28. Guskov, I.P. Derivation of formulas of inorganic and organic compounds: methodological manual / I.P. Guskov, M.V. Shepelev. – Ivanovo: Publishing House of the Autonomous Institution “Institute for Educational Development of the Ivanovo Region”, 2011. – 42 p.

29. Shepelev, M.V. Qualitative analysis of inorganic compounds. Methods for equalizing redox reactions: methodological manual / M.V. Shepelev, I.P. Guskov. – 4th ed., revised. and additional – Ivanovo: Publishing House of the Autonomous Institution “Institute for Educational Development of the Ivanovo Region”, 2012. – 58 p.

30. Guskov, I.P. Chemical reference book. Hydrocarbons: methodological manual / I.P. Guskov, M.V. Shepelev, E.A. Zubanova. – Ivanovo: Publishing House of the Autonomous Institution “Institute for Educational Development of the Ivanovo Region”, 2012. – 23 p.

31. Shepelev, M.V. Chemistry in Olympiad problems: from theory to practice: textbook / M.V. Shepelev, A.S. Vashurin, E.V. Rumyantsev; under general ed. M.V. Shepeleva. – Ivanovo: Publishing House of ISUTU, 2013. – 95 p.

32. Shepelev, M.V. Organization of research activities of schoolchildren and students in the system of additional education: textbook / M.V. Shepelev, A.S. Vashurin, G.V. Leontyev; under general ed. E.V. Rumyantseva. – Ivanovo: ISU Publishing House, 2013. – 80 p.

33. Guskov, I.P. Thermodynamics and kinetics of chemical reactions. Chemical equilibrium: methodological manual / I.P. Guskov, M.V. Shepelev. – 2nd ed., revised. and additional – Ivanovo: Publishing House of the Autonomous Institution “Institute for Educational Development of the Ivanovo Region”, 2014. – 51 p.

34. Shepelev, M.V. Inorganic and physical chemistry in problems and solutions: textbook / M.V. Shepelev, A.S. Vashurin, O.V. Lefedova, S.G. Pukhovskaya; under general ed. M.V. Shepeleva. – Ivanovo: ISU Publishing House, 2014. – 107 p.

35. Rumyantsev, E.V. Chemistry in the summer - Yes! Educational and methodological materials, recommendations, diary and work schedule of the Summer School of Young Chemists 2014: study guide / E.V. Rumyantsev, Yu.S. Marfin, A.V. Solomonov, A.S. Vashurin, M.V. Shepelev. – Ivanovo: ISU Publishing House, 2014. – 95 p.

36. Damrina, I.I. A journey into the world of chemistry, or simply about complex things: a textbook / I.I. Damrina, M.V. Shepelev. – Ivanovo: Publishing House of the Autonomous Institution “Institute for Educational Development of the Ivanovo Region”, 2015. – 64 p.

Articles in journals not included in the List of Higher Attestation Commissions:

37. Shepelev, M.V. Author's educational program of the scientific society of students “Erudite” [Electronic resource] / M.V. Shepelev // Innovations. Development. Experience: electronic information and methodological journal. – Ivanovo: Publishing house IROIO, 2012. – No. 4. - Electron. wholesale disk (CD-ROM).

38. Shepelev, M.V. Research activities of students gifted in the field of chemistry in the “School – University” system [Text] / M.V. Shepelev // Chemistry. September 1. – 2013. – No. 9. – P. 36–40.

39. Mishin D.S. Experimental determination of the kinetic characteristics of the reaction of homogeneous catalytic decomposition of hydrogen peroxide. Implementation of the project method in the system of additional education for students. Profile level [Text] / D.S. Mishin, M.V. Shepelev // Chemistry. September 1. – 2015. – No. 7-8. – pp. 54–58.

Main scientific and educational publications of M.V. Shepeleva, specialty 02.00.04 – physical chemistry:

1. Shepelev, M.V. Thermodynamic characteristics of the adsorption states of hydrogen bound by the surface of nickel and nickel catalysts in individual and binary solvents: dis. ...cand. chem. Sciences: 02.00.04 / Shepelev Maxim Vladimirovich. – Ivanovo, 2011. – 136 p.

2. Shepelev, M.V. Thermodynamic characteristics of the adsorption states of hydrogen bound by the surface of nickel and nickel catalysts in individual and binary solvents: abstract of thesis. ...cand. chem. Sciences: 02.00.04 / Shepelev Maxim Vladimirovich. – Ivanovo, 2011. – 16 p.

Publications in publications included in the List of Higher Attestation Commissions:

3. Barbov, A.V. Influence of pH of aqueous solutions on the thermodynamic characteristics of individual forms of hydrogen adsorbed on the surface of porous nickel [Text] / A.V. Barbov, M.V. Shepelev, S.V. Denisov, M.V. Ulitin // Izv. Universities. Chemistry and chem. technology. – 2007. – T. 50. – No. 8. – pp. 25–29.

4. Barbov, A.V. The influence of the nature and composition of the solvent on the thermodynamic characteristics of individual forms of hydrogen adsorbed on the surface of porous nickel [Text] / A.V. Barbov, M.V. Shepelev, D.V. Filippov, M.V. Ulitin // Journal. physical chemistry. – 2010. – T. 84. – No. 9. – S. 1757–1763.

5. Lukin, M.V. Dependence of the thermodynamic characteristics of hydrogen forms adsorbed on the surface of porous nickel on the degree of deactivation [Text] / M.V. Lukin, D.A. Prozorov, M.V. Ulitin, M.V. Shepelev // Journal. physical chemistry. – 2013. – T. 87. – No. 7. – pp. 1113–1117.

6. Barbov, A.V. On the possibility of regulating hydrogen adsorption on skeletal nickel by the action of a solvent [Text] / A.V. Barbov, A.A. Merkin, M.V. Shepelev, M.V. Ulitin // Journal. physical chemistry. – 2014. – T. 88. – No. 12. – S. 1992–1998.

7. Voronina, A.A. Association of sulfo derivatives of phthalocyanine Co(II) and Cu(II) in the presence of creatinine [Text] / A.A. Voronina, A.S. Vashurin, N.A. Litova, M.V. Shepelev, S.G. Pukhovskaya // Izv. Universities. Chemistry and chem. technology. – 2014. – T. 57. – No. 9. – pp. 51–56.

8. Voronina, A. Heterogeneous catalysts based on sulphonated phthalocyanine macroheterocycles and solid matrixes [Text] / A. Voronina, I. Kuzmin, A. Vashurin, S. Pukhovskaya, N. Futerman, M. Shepelev // European Chemical Bulletin. – 2014. – V. 3. – No. 2. – P. 187–189.

9. Voronina, A. Complex formation of 1,4-diazabicyclooctane with copper(II) tetrasulfophthalocyanine in aqueous solution [Text] / A. Voronina, N. Litova, I. Kuzmin, M. Razumov, A. Vashurin, M. Shepelev , S. Pukhovskaya // European Chemical Bulletin. – 2014. – V. 3. – No. 9. – P. 857–859.

10. Lukin, M.V. Thermodynamic characteristics of hydrogen adsorbed by a partially deactivated skeletal nickel catalyst in aqueous solutions of sodium hydroxide [Text] / M.V. Lukin, D.A. Prozorov, M.V. Shepelev // Physical chemistry of surfaces and protection of materials. – 2015. – T. 51. – No. 3. – pp. 269–274.

11. Voronina, A. Solvation effect on self-organization of cobalt complexes with substituted phthlocyanines [Text] / A. Voronina, A. Pilippova, M. Razumov, I. Kuzmin, M. Shepelev, A. Vashurin, O. Golubchikov / / European Chemical Bulletin. – 2015. – V. 4. – No. 7. – P. 335–339.


12. Maslennikova, A.N. Liquid-phase systems and materials in chemistry and technology: textbook / A.N. Maslennikova, A.A. Otletov, K.V. Damrina, A.A. Ksenofontov, M.K. Serebryakova, M.A. Volkova, V.V. Makarov, E.G. Odintsova, S.O. Kruchin, K.A. Sitnikova, A.S. Vashurin, M.V. Shepelev; edited by A.S. Vashurin and M.V. Shepeleva. – Ivanovo: Publishing House of ISUTU, 2014. – 54 p.

Shepelev Maxim Vladimirovich has awards:


He received his higher education at Kuban State University, where he graduated with a degree in World Economics in 2000.

In 2001, he completed his studies at the School of Business and Economics of the University of Exeter, UK (University of Exeter), and has a Master's degree in Economics (MA in Finance and Investment).

Labor activity

At the end of 2001, he got a job at the Bank of Moscow as a specialist. While working here until October 2008, he worked his way up to head of the investment project analysis department of the bank’s corporate and investment business department.

From November 2008 to November 2015, First Vice President of OJSC Stolichnaya Insurance Group.

In May 2009, at the same time, he took up the position of head of the financial unit, executive vice president of SG MSK JSC. From April 2015 to November 2016, he served as General Director of JSC SG MSK.

In August 2017, he was appointed financial director of Rosgosstrakh.

Family status

Married, has a daughter and son.

Shepelev Maxim Sergeevich

Graduated from the School of Programmers in 2010. He is a winner and prize-winner of many robotics competitions. Currently he is raising a team of champions himself. Obviously, he is well versed in computer hardware.

64 words about yourself


My lessons will not include classic high-level programming languages ​​and simple compilers. I am sure that you will appreciate such subtle sciences, such exact arts as assembler and computer hardware. There is no need to be chosen or have a predisposition, I can teach everyone.

I'll teach you how to program artificial intelligence and connect sensors. I'll tell you how to create robots, how to solder chips, and even how to write machine code...

  • Moscow State Forest University, Mytishchi. Informatics and Computer Science

Having arrived at the School of Programmers back in 2013, for a long time I taught only individual lessons with students and a training course. But by September 2014, he taught a wide range of courses in programming languages, including: Delphi, PHP, Java and Pascal. At the same time, he began to actively teach courses in the field of Computer hardware, and by 2015 this direction became a priority for him.

Today he is one of the main teachers in the courses of Computer hardware, Microcontrollers and Robotics. Not forgetting, of course, about programming, adding to the school’s line of courses with a special approach to learning Assembly language and its own updated Delphi methodology.