How shy fat Adele, abandoned by her father, became a world pop star against all odds. Bold and the Beautiful: Adele starred in a photo shoot for Time Magazine and gave a candid interview

Adele - popular British singer, performer and poet. Creative biography Adele has only three studio albums, but the performer’s songs are known all over the world, Adele’s tracks are regularly heard in the top charts of major radio stations, appear as soundtracks in blockbusters and win prestigious awards. Moreover, in the international web encyclopedia “Wikipedia” a separate article is devoted to Adele’s awards and nominations.

Adele Laurie Blue Adkins, whom the whole world knows as the singer Adele, was born in London in 1988. Her mother Penny Adkins raised the girl herself: Adele was not even 3 years old when her father abandoned the family.

Adele discovered her musical abilities very early. The girl listened to the Spice Girls and Gabrielle and sang wonderfully, but did not see herself as a singer. Adele had a lot of complexes about her appearance: the girl considered herself too plump.

Everything changed when Adele turned 13. She first heard the songs of Dusty Springfield and Etta James. Only then did the girl realize that appearance is not the main thing, and she was quite capable of becoming like famous singers. Then Adele asked her mother to buy her a guitar and quickly learned to play it. Soon young singer went to Croydon, where teachers immediately considered Adele Adkins a future popular performer who would be able to make a name for herself in the world of music.

In 2006, Adele graduated from the prestigious London School of Performing Arts and began her rapid rise to fame. Then she turned 18 years old, and she already knew how to play not only the guitar, but also the piano.


Shortly after leaving school in Broughton, two of Adele's songs were published in the 4th edition of And the singer’s demo tape, given to a school friend several years earlier, appeared on the music resource MySpace. No one had yet signed up for a single famous performer a famous producer with an unusual velvet voice came across. Less than a year later, 19-year-old Adele received her first award and went on a tour of the UK.

The fame of the new one is growing at lightning speed. In October 2007, Adele's debut hit "Hometown Glory" was released, which was soon recognized as the single of the week. And in December this happy year the performer signed a contract with a famous recording studio and released a second hit called “Chasing Pavements.” The song spent 4 weeks at the top of the UK charts.

At the very beginning of 2008, Adele’s debut album entitled “19” appeared. Just a few days later, it rocketed to the top of the charts. Within a month, half a million copies of the disc “19” were sold, thus receiving “platinum” status.

In March 2008, the oldest American brand Columbia Records signed a contract with Adele. After this, the performer went on a tour of America and Canada. In 2010, the singer was nominated for a Grammy for best pop performance among women. This success came to Adele as a reward for the single “Hometown Glory”. The British woman’s career rise was so rapid that critics inevitably compared it to the success of the legendary Beatles.

At the beginning of 2011, Adele released her second album in her homeland. Critics noted some shift towards country style. One of the singles from the new disc, entitled “Rolling in the Deep,” stayed at the top of the Billboard Hot 100 for almost 2 months. This album, called "21", was able to last a month and a half in the charts of Britain, Ireland, Germany, Austria and several others. Western countries.

Adele performed the song “Someone Like You” at the annual British music awards ceremony “Brit Awards”. The single immediately reached number one on the UK charts. This was the second time in the history of music, after the Beatles, that a performer managed to achieve such a result.

A new victory awaited Adele in 2012. Her composition “Set Fire to the Rain” topped the “hot hundred” hits of the US national hit parade. In May of the same year, it became known that Adele’s album “21” had sold out more than 4 million copies in the singer’s homeland. In the same month, the performer, having received 12 awards in 20 nominations, becomes a triumphant " Billboard Music Award".

But greatest success, which came to Adele in 2012, was the receipt of the Oscar and Golden Globe awards. The British star earned both awards for her performance of the soundtrack to the next James Bond film. Somewhat later, the song’s two awards were joined by a third – Grammy.

The film was released under the title “007: Skyfall”; Adele recorded the track “Skyfall” for the film. The singer kept the work on the film's music secret. Adele first mentioned " special project"in the fall of 2011, but shared only hints with the press and fans. The singer's participation in the creation of Bond music was officially confirmed on October 1, 2012, 4 days before the track's release.

For her enormous services in promoting the country’s culture and art, in 2014 Adele was awarded the Order of the British Empire, which was presented to her by Prince Charles himself.

Fans of the singer have been waiting for four years for the appearance of the performer’s third album, which will traditionally receive a name symbolizing the number of years Adele was at the time of the disc’s release – “25.” The album was released on November 20, 2015.

The presentation of the first long-awaited single "Hello" took place in October of the same year.

Personal life

Adele has a tattoo in honor of her mother, Penny Adkins. The tattoo depicts a penny coin. It is known that the performer has a very warm attitude towards her mother and just as negatively towards her father, who abandoned his family when his daughter was a baby.

Since 2011, Adele's personal life has been connected with Simon Konecki. The singer and businessman lived in a civil marriage, despite the news that Adele was pregnant. In October next year The couple had a son, whom they named Angelo James Konecki. After the birth of her first child, Adele, who had previously been curvy, gained weight. The musician was not upset by the changes in her appearance.

Adele argued that fatness is natural. The singer never tired of explaining to fans that she does not work as a top model, and therefore does not have to meet beauty standards. In interviews, Adele more than once voiced the idea of ​​accepting oneself and loving one’s body and figure, spoke categorically about diets, calling them pointless, and condemned a society that forces girls to sacrifice their comfort for the sake of fashion.

The surprise of fans was all the greater when the singer radically changed her appearance in 2015. The singer has lost a lot of weight: before and after the diet, the girl looks like two different people. Adele admitted that she still hates sports, but she started training in the gym and especially fell in love with barbell exercises. Her appearance made the performer feel awkward during training, so Adele decided to lose weight, as the paparazzi found out.

The singer went on a strict vegetarian diet and stopped eating fatty, spicy and carbohydrate foods. As a result, the star lost 20 kg. Journalists give an example of the singer’s diet, where daily norm includes a cup of fruit salad, a cup of berries, a bowl of vegetable soup, nuts and a side of salad, but the singer did not share the recipes officially.

Adele is a passionate fan of tea, and when she started dieting, the singer fell in love with smoothies. These drinks are present in every meal of the singer and also have a beneficial effect on metabolism.

Fans saw the singer’s new appearance in the video for the song “Hello.”

Adele now

In January 2016, Adele presented and separately released the single “When We Were Young”, and in May - “Send My Love”, which belong to the singer’s already released album “25”. In May of the same year, a video for the song “Send My Love” was released.

In 2016, Adele won three of the four Brit Awards categories and also received a special award for World Success.

In 2017, the singer of the prestigious music award"Grammy". This victory made Adele the first artist to win the Album of the Year, Song of the Year and Record of the Year awards twice.

At a concert in Australia in March 2017, Adele told fans about Simon Konecki, with whom the singer has been living together for six years. The couple got married in a private ceremony at the lovers' mansion in Los Angeles.

On March 26, 2017, Adele gave a concert at Mt Smart Stadium in Auckland, according to the singer's official website. In addition to concert posters and the latest news, on Adele’s website you can listen to the singer’s latest tracks and go to the online store tab, where official T-shirts and accessories with the singer’s logo and photo are sold.

Adele also has a less formal way of communicating with fans. The singer maintains an account in “ Instagram", where 28 million people subscribe to the performer. Along with photos from the stage, Adele is not shy about posting shots from parties with friends, selfies in bathrobe or footage of grimaces and antics.


Adele's discography includes three studio albums with laconic titles:

It also includes two mini-albums: “iTunes Live from SoHo” and “iTunes Festival: London 2011” - and ten independent singles that were not included in the albums. In addition, Adele separately released the video album “Live at the Royal Albert Hall” in 2011 and presented 9 music videos during her musical career.


The bright and extraordinary Adele literally blew up the music world. Voice, songs, appearance and manner of communication. This Englishwoman showed that success and love from fans do not depend on slim figure and the ostentatious sexuality of the artist. She's just singing. He sings in such a way that he sells out huge stadiums, enjoys great popularity, is included in the list of the most influential people, according to Time, and wins countless Grammys. Some people adore her, others don’t see anything remarkable in her talent. In any case, interest in her person does not fade. What kind of Adele is she?

short biography

The story of Adele Laurie Blue Adkins began on May 5, 1988. She was born in Tottenham, an area of ​​London famous for high level unemployment and crime, although rich Londoners once vacationed here. Her mother, Penny, had to quit school to raise her daughter. After all, at that time the woman was a young student. Her father, Mark Evans, disappeared from the horizon and left for Wales when the girl was only two years old. Material difficulties, single-parent family and the unfavorable environment around - this is how the singer’s childhood passed. It's no wonder she doesn't like to talk about her early years.

Subsequently, Penny and her daughter tried to find the best place for life: first they moved to Brighton, a resort in southern England, then returned to north London and settled in West Norwood. Despite life's troubles, the girl did not give up. She sang. Her talent, influenced by her grandfather John, emerged when Adele was 4 years old. She just loved to sing and really enjoyed it.

For the first time, Adele performed at school. She took the stage and performed the single “Rise” by the famous British singer Gabriel. This was the beginning. An interest in the musical world and an understanding of the power of her vocal abilities brought Adele Adkins to the threshold of the London School of Performing Arts and Technology. Due to her excess weight, the girl felt unsure of her capabilities, but the desire to enter a prestigious school and become a singer was stronger. She overcame her inhibitions and performed brilliantly before the admissions committee: her powerful voice and vocal range secured the future star a place among the students.

In May 2006, at the age of 18, she graduated from art school, where she honed her skills long and hard. A couple of months later, the girl’s friend posts a couple of her recordings on the Internet: he received them as a gift from Adele herself. The friend knew that a great future awaited her. The compositions did not go unnoticed. Representatives of the British label XL Recordings found the girl in social network and offered cooperation. In October of the same year, she signed the contract and began working on creating her first album.

The release of the disc was preceded by several singles. So, in 2007, it appears in rotation debut song"Hometown Glory", which brings the girl fame. The composition was recognized as the best on iTunes and was used as musical accompaniment for the TV series “Skins”, which ensured the second wave of popularity of the single.

Only two months pass, and the singer’s new single called “Chasing Pavements” is playing on the radio. It hits number two on the chart - fans are eagerly awaiting its release debut album. The fans' dreams were destined to come true in January 2008. It was then that studio album Adele with the symbolic name “19”. One month was enough for it to achieve platinum status. The British woman’s vocal abilities did not go unnoticed by American record companies. Literally two months after the release of “19,” Adele received an offer from the oldest label, Columbia Records. The new contract is followed by the release of the album on the American market and tours in the USA and Canada. Did you like the work of the extraordinary British woman on another continent? Judging by the 10th place the album took on the charts, yes.

People want to see Adele all over the world, and she doesn’t make fans wait long: in May 2008, the singer goes on her first world tour.

Hardworking 21-year-old Adele releases her second studio album in 2011, without changing traditions - it is called “21”. The new sound and country-style arrangements captivated the public, leading to number one position on the charts in 26 countries. At the same time, the album “19” lost ground slightly and entered the top five of the UK hit parade. It was a resounding success.

At the peak of her popularity, Adele had to be interrupted concert activities: the larynx is inflamed. For the singer it was a tragedy. But the support of influential artists, including Elton John, made me look at the situation differently and undergo surgery on my vocal cords.

Adele did not sacrifice her personal life for the sake of music and in 2012 gave birth to a son from businessman Simon Konecki. Adele's return was long awaited. After 4 years of silence, the singer releases her third studio album, “25.”

2017 began for the singer with a victory in five Grammy nominations and continued with a long-awaited tour, but it had to be interrupted. The reason was a problem with the ligaments. On her official page, Adele apologized to fans for singing too loudly at recent concerts and damaging her ligaments. The touching and lyrical letter made fans feel sympathy for their idol and... wait again. Waiting for Adele to envelop them with her magical voice again.

Interesting Facts

  • Second part of the name famous singer- Blue - given by my father. He decided to call it that because he loved listening to the blues.
  • The ideal relationship for Adele has always been grandparents. Grandfather died when she was 10 years old. The impressionable girl was very upset by the loss and decided to become a cardiac surgeon to treat hearts. The young British woman’s dream was not destined to come true. Although, when listening to her daughter’s songs, her mother once recognized her as a surgeon who heals with music.
  • Before the release of a new album, Adele buys a branded notebook, inhales its aroma and writes her age on the first page with a marker. Then he begins to compose.

  • In West Norwood, Adele lived next door to Shingai Shoniwa. The black neighbor also had a musical career: she became a member of the British indie group Noissetes. Together they composed songs and improvised.
  • Adele is known as a lover of catchphrases. The girl really does not mince words: if you touch on a sensitive topic, then a stream of obscene language is guaranteed. Someone even tried to count the number of curse words said by the performer in one interview. It turned out to be an impressive number.
  • In addition to foul language, Adele has been noted to be partial to alcohol and cigarettes. At least until ligament surgery in 2011, she did not deny herself the pleasure of drinking cider or smoking. After surgery, the girl changed her attitude towards bad habits to save your voice.
  • Adele does not like to be on social networks, and is not interested in entertainment programs, except for the series “Mothers and Daughters,” which drives her crazy.
  • At the age of 21, the singer was not only busy receiving prestigious awards, but also took her license for the first time.
  • Despite her extensive experience in public, the famous Englishwoman experiences terrible anxiety before the stage. But this does not prevent her from behaving naturally and openly towards her fans. During concerts, she jokes about herself, invites those who want to come on stage and invites them to sing.
  • Attitude to own weight Adele's is transitory. Previously, she was very complex about this. It is difficult for a girl weighing more than 100 kg to live in a world focused on thinness and slimness. But thanks to determination and perseverance, the singer changed social stereotypes. Now the success of a performer is not tied to his figure: the main thing is his vocal capabilities. Adele herself is very calm about extra pounds. According to her, she sings for the ears, not for the eyes.
  • The singer’s creativity is admired not only by ordinary people around the world, but also by politicians. So, in 2009, Adele received a letter from the British Prime Minister. In it, Gordon Brown thanked the girl for supporting England in difficult times. After 5 years, the singer expressed their favor differently: she was awarded the Order of the British Empire.

  • Adele owes her popularity in the United States to Sarah Palin. In October 2008, Sarah, the former governor of Alaska, attended the filming of Saturday Night Live, which ensured high viewing figures for the show. It was watched by 17 million people that evening, a record number. What does Adele have to do with it? She was invited to the show as musical guest and performed two songs from the album “19”. This was enough for the album to reach number one on iTunes.
  • Second after The Beatles- This is Adele. Following the Fab Four, she managed to achieve the impossible: simultaneously, two of her albums and two singles were in the top five in the respective charts.
  • Adele admitted that after the birth of her son she experienced all the pangs of postpartum depression. She didn’t want to escape in the company of the same mothers, so she decided to choose a day for complete loneliness. This is the only way she can restore emotional balance and feel like a good mother. By the way, the singer considers motherhood a very difficult period of her life, but the most important.
  • The unpredictable and eccentric British woman is one of the best-selling and wealthiest musicians in the world. More than 100 million albums have been sold, which ensured her a comfortable life for years to come.

  • Adele's character can be described in two words: impulsive and sensitive. Literally everything that comes to mind comes off her tongue. She was remembered for similar behavior at the Grammys. In 2017, the singer refused the award in the category “ Best Album” in favor of Beyoncé. The girl simply broke the figurine into two parts so that justice would prevail, and confessed her love to her idol.
  • The performer treats her fame as something secondary. She is not attracted by red carpets and constant being in a circle famous people. Music for her is a hobby. Family comes first.
  • Adele is often compared to Amy Winehouse. They are similar in their behavior, in their indifference to bad habits, both grew up without fathers and graduated from the same art school. Even the image is very similar: black arrows and lush bouffant on the back of the head... Adele admits that she really loves Amy’s work, that she likes the singer’s voice, which inspired her to write new compositions. The girl also states that she has never known Amy personally, as the press writes, and does not like it when they are compared.
  • When the release date of the album “25” became known, Justin Bieber and other musicians decided to postpone the release of their own discs. Otherwise, commercial rivalry would be inevitable.
  • After the first resounding success, Adele and her mother had to change their place of residence. After all, they lived on the second floor, and it was easy for fans to climb into the apartment via the balcony.

Adele's best songs

As of the summer of 2017, Adele’s work includes 13 singles, five of which are particularly popular.

  • « Hello"was the singer's return to her career and anticipated the release of her third album. According to the singer, this song is not only about love, but also about attitude towards one’s own maturity. The first line of the chorus, “Greetings from another life,” speaks of the need to look at yourself from the outside. By the way, in the video Adele had to cry while talking on the phone. She did it very naturally. Secret acting simple - she listened to one of her favorite songs.

"Hello" (listen)

  • « Rolling in the Deep" - a bright and strong track, recognized as the best in 2011. The history of its creation is connected with the singer’s failed personal relationships. With the help of this composition, she expressed everything she thought about her ex. They didn’t even re-record the demo version of the recording: the British woman put all her emotions into it after the breakup. It would hardly be possible to repeat this.
  • « Someone like You" This single impresses with the clarity of the voice, which is accompanied only by the piano. A beautiful and touching composition tells the story of a girl who regrets the lost relationship and the pain she caused to her lover.

“Someone like You” (listen)

  • « Skyfall" - the composition became the title soundtrack for the James Bond film and was released in 2012. She brought the singer an Oscar and universal adoration.

"Skyfall" (listen)

  • « Set Fire to the Rain" is another commercially successful and powerful single about love, lies and trying to get out of it.

Films about Adele and with her participation

Like many artists, Adele films her concerts so that fans can watch them at home at any time and remember their feelings from the singer's live performances. In the recording you can see:

  • "Adele: Live at the Royal Albert Hall";
  • “Adele. Concert in New York";
  • "Adele: Live in London", etc.

The singer does not neglect participation in various television shows. David Letterman, Jimmy Fallon, Carlon Daly and other famous presenters spoke with her.

Adele's music in films

IN musical career The lively and energetic British woman is featured in more than 100 films, series and television shows, the soundtracks of which are her compositions. Let's only touch on films.



"Otorva" (2008)

"Chasing Pavements"

"Love You, Man" (2009)

"Right as Rain"

“Love and Other Circumstances” (2009)

"Hometown Glory"

"Once Upon a Time in Rome" (2010)

"Make You Feel My Love"

"I am the Fourth" (2011)

"Rolling In The Deep"

"007: Skyfall Coordinates" (2012)


"5th Wave" (2016)


"Dirty Rotten Partners" (2016)

"Rolling In The Deep"

"Bridget Jones 3" (2016)

"Right As Rain"

Adele – a beautiful woman and an excellent singer, she writes songs and performs on various radio stations around the world, invariably causing enthusiastic applause.

The girl’s home country is Great Britain, but her work is known far beyond home country, as all her fans adore her unforgettable voice.

At the same time, Adele was a child prodigy, whose perseverance and work helped the beauty become rich, famous and self-confident. By the way, the woman realized herself not only as a singer and author of numerous hits, but also as a happy and beloved wife, and also as a caring mother.

Fans of the young and independent singer strive to clarify the singer’s parameters such as height, weight, age. How old is Singer Adele? This is the second most popular query on the Internet, since the woman looks incredibly young and confident beauty.

It is worth noting that the singer Adele: the photos in her youth and now are almost identical, since the woman was born in 1988, which means she was barely twenty-nine years old. Adele received the sign of an ambitious, stable, strong, bright, persistent, talented Taurus.

The eastern horoscope gave her the character traits of the Dragon, namely, caution, wisdom, brightness, prudence, dignity, and inner peace.

The height of the singer Adele was one meter and seventy-five centimeters, and she weighs no less than ninety kilograms, although excess weight has never bothered the woman, since she considers it her highlight.

Biography of Singer Adele

The biography of Singer Adele is the story of one child who was a genius, no matter what. A baby with the name Adele Laurie Blue Adkins was born in the capital of Great Britain, but in its most disadvantaged area, and her parents had nothing to do with the world of cinema or show business.

His father, Mark Evans, who worked as a plumber, and his mother, Penny Adkins, were far from the richest people who did not live together for long.

The baby was talented, because already at the age of four she sang with all her might for the family, and at primary school performed Gabriel's hit at a school concert. By the way, Adele graduated from the School of Performing Arts and Technology hometown, and in 2006 managed to publish two songs in the online magazine

In 2007, the buxom girl who hit the highest notes was offered her first contract, she released three albums and even won a Grammy Award.

Adele’s most famous hits include “Hello”, “Someone Like You”, “Skyfall”, “Rolling In The Deep”, “Set Fire To The Rain”, as they were constantly nominated for awards and took first place in chats.

Personal life of Singer Adele

The personal life of Singer Adele was a secret, shrouded in darkness, because the girl did not want to wash dirty linen in public. That is why one could only guess about her numerous novels.

Adele was credited with having an affair with DJ Mark Ronson, as he became her first producer who was ready to support talented girl, which was no different unearthly beauty. However, the singer does not comment on this gossip, and Mark says that he simply physically could not start a relationship with his ward. The fact is that in 2008 Ronson managed to meet model Lowe, drummer, actress Josephine de la Baume.

Another potential partner for Adele is James Corden, who became famous as a talented comedian, but he denies this relationship, saying that the love of his life is Julia Carey.

After Adele appeared in public with Klaxons lead singer Jamie Reynolds in 2008, they started talking about the guys dating, although the guy said he didn’t fit the singer’s ideal, and they only hung out once.

Adele was also credited with a relationship with bassist and womanizer Slinky Sunbeam, with whom they often walked around Soho, but broke up due to the man’s love of love and outrageousness, and also because of his statement that he loves skinny girls.

By the way, a girl recently admitted that her first boyfriend and true love turned out to be a latent bisexual; he left an eighteen-year-old prude for a guy. Adele abused alcohol and was in depressed state, during which she even wrote her first album. Ex-boyfriend turned out to be so terrible that he demanded compensation for the suffering he caused as the basis for his debut album, which made a profit.

Singer Adele's Family

Singer Adele’s family was incomplete, since her father left his wife when the baby was two years old, so she doesn’t remember him. All the time she was raised by her mother and grandmother, who transported her around London to find a good school and give her a quiet life.

It was the grandparents who were the first listeners of little Adele, who did everything to ensure that the girl developed her talent. The girl admits that she erased her father from her life for a long time, since he never helped her, and appeared in her life only when the baby became famous.

He was an alcoholic, constantly spent money in pubs, and then gave paid and far from truthful interviews about his daughter. At the same time, Adele admits that she hates her father and would gladly spit in his face if she met him on the street.

Children of Singer Adele

She has children of Singer Adele, but only in small numbers, since she recently gave birth to a long-awaited baby from her beloved man. She said that after the birth of the boy she fell into postpartum depression, and even said that she regretted having a child.

The fact is that Adele had to leave the stage, she was so tired that she took it out on the baby and even refused to be alone with him so as not to harm his health.

Everything was resolved in one moment, when the singer decided to cry to her only true friend, who had recently become a mother. The fact is that the girl only cried in response and said that she felt the same. Adele realized that she was not alone and began to look only for the positive aspects of motherhood and stopped drinking and smoking.

By the way, Adele is raising the baby in a democratic style; when he wanted to dress like Anna in the cartoon “Frozen,” the woman helped him, which greatly surprised Disneyland visitors.

Son of Singer Adele - Angelo James Konecki

The son of Singer Adele, Angelo James Konecki, was born in 2012, his father was Simon Konecki. The baby was born out of wedlock because the guy was in no hurry to propose to the mother of his child.

At the same time, Adele did not disclose the name of her newborn son for almost a year, repeating that family members call the baby nothing more than “our little nut.” Then the singer finally decided to tell reporters about the name of her first-born, but she did it in an interesting way, since she began wearing a medallion with the name Angelo.

The blond baby is incredibly similar to his mother, this could be seen in the first photo posted on the singer’s Instagram in 2013. Now Angelo goes to a private kindergarten, he sings, dances and draws.

Singer Adele's husband - Simon Konecki

Singer Adele's husband, Simon Konecki, is thirteen years older than his chosen one; he owns an investment holding company. The young people dated for five years, they had a son, but they were in no hurry to get married because they wanted to get to know each other better.

Simon and Adele got engaged in 2016, and the same year the couple secretly got married, as evidenced by the ring on ring finger. Adele officially announced that this event did happen only a year later at a concert in Australia.

Currently, the guys are raising a son and live in a cottage located in West Sussex.

Instagram and Wikipedia Singer Adele

Instagram and Wikipedia Singers Adele are quite official, they contain reliable and up-to-date information. From the Wikipedia article you can learn about childhood, parents, education, her creative path and history of appearance music albums. The fact is that there is quite a bit of information about the singer’s personal and family life, but you can actually read about each released album in separate blocks on Wikipedia.

Adele’s Instagram is followed by no less than 32,400,000 people who can rate and comment on the singer’s posts. At the same time, photos and videos from concerts or home archives appear on the page with enviable frequency, which makes all fans incredibly happy.

Adele (Adele Adkins)

Adele Adkins

Singer Date of birth May 5 (Taurus) 1988 (30) Place of birth London Instagram @adelemusic

British-born singer Adele is an author and performer of songs in the style of R&B, pop and soul. Her concerts are sold out at the best stage venues in the world. She released three solo album, songs from which became hits, comparable in popularity to the Beatles' compositions. The girl is the winner of a huge number of music awards. She was awarded the Order of the British Empire for outstanding achievements in music.

Biography of Adele

Adele Adkins (full name Adele Laurie Blue Adkins) grew up in north London. Her father left the family when she was little. The girl was raised by her mother and grandfather. Many years later, when she was already a celebrity, Mark Evans gave several interviews to English-language media, to which the singer reacted sharply negatively. Singing was the girl's favorite pastime. From the age of four, she amazed those around her with her vocal talents.

Her first public performance took place in school years: She sang the song “Rise” from Gabrielle’s repertoire. Thanks to her outstanding vocal abilities, the girl easily entered the London School of Performing Arts, where she studied vocals with the best British teachers. One of the demo versions of her songs was posted on her friend's page on the MySpace social network. The composition attracted the interest of producers, and the girl signed a contract with a record company, with which she released her first single, “Hometown Glory.” The song was later included in the soundtrack of the popular TV series Skins and was nominated for a Grammy.

In 2007, Adele received the British Critics' Choice Award for Young Artists. A year later, the singer’s next single and album “19” were released, which instantly went platinum. After that, she began touring with performances throughout the United States and Canada. The singer released two more albums, “21” and “25,” in 2011 and 2015. They have been recognized not only by public recognition around the world, but also by numerous British and foreign awards. Her R&B, country and soul songs topped the music charts.

In 2012, the girl recorded the song “Skyfall”, which was included in the soundtrack of the next Bond film and earned Oscar, Grammy and Golden Globe awards. In 2014, the singer was awarded the Order of the British Empire for her services to the arts.

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Having triumphantly returned to the stage after a three-year break, Adele decided to get in shape a little and even went to the gym. No, no, there is no talk of radical weight loss, the singer is just removing the weight that appeared during pregnancy

She triumphantly broke into show business in 2007, releasing a successful album and winning the love of harsh British critics. However, real popularity fell on her relatively recently, a little more than a year back. Our new “Artist of the Week” is the main triumph of 2011, an incredibly gifted performer, a first-class composer, winner of 8 Grammy awards, and the best-selling album of the last 10 years - Adele.

Adele Laurie Blue Adkins was born on May 5, 1988, in a place called Tottenham (north London). The parents of the future star were Englishwoman Penny Adkins and Welshman Mark Evans. Unfortunately, Adele's family broke up when the girl was barely 3 years old. Adkins became interested in music very early, and oddly enough, she calls the British pop group Spice Girls her main inspiration. “They made me who I am now,” the singer admits in one of her future interviews. Adele was lucky enough to study at one of the most prestigious institutions in Foggy Albion, the London School of Performing Arts and Technology (BRIT School). It is there, in different time The basics of music were learned by such superstars as Amy Winehouse, Jessie J, Keith Nash, Leona Lewis and many others.

Adele's career, as often happens in modern show business, began with the music site MySpace, where she posted several demo versions of her songs. The popularity of the tracks grew at an incredible speed and, as a result, the fame of the new, talented performer reached the managers record company"XL-Records". The label's executives, with difficulty, still managed to get Adele, and already in the first half of 2007 she began recording her debut album. The first single of the album “19” was the lyrical “Hometown Glory”, dedicated to the London area called East Norwood, where Adkins lived for a short time with her mother.

The composition received rave reviews from an overwhelming number of British music critics. It was this song that allowed Adele to take first place in the most prestigious music list“BBC the Sound of 2008”, and also won the “Critics’ Choice” nomination at the “BRIT Awards 2008”, ahead of his closest competitor in the person of Duffy. The second song on the album was “Chasing Pavements”, which started at number two on the UK Singles Chart.

2 weeks after the release of the second single, the record itself appeared. The mysterious name, over which perplexed fans puzzled, meant only the age at which the British woman began writing the album, namely 19 years. The album achieved almost the impossible for a debutant - it started from first position in the UK national album chart. But Adele's joy from the success of her debut album was overshadowed by a breakup with her boyfriend, who, according to rumors, left her for a relationship with another man. “I drank a lot, cried a lot. It was a terrible period in life, which is still painful to remember,” the singer later openly admits.

At the 51st Grammy ceremony, Adele wins in two prestigious categories at once: “Best New Artist” and “Best Female Pop Vocal.”

The third single from the album “19” is “Cold Shoulder”. In support of the composition comes out original clip, in which Adele “declares her love” to figures made of ice.

The singer’s final, fourth single was a cover of Bob Dylan’s hit, the song “Make You Feel My Love.” Same name music video To date, it has over 52 million views.

But, despite the success of all the released songs, the singer’s fans were a little disappointed that the album’s promotion ended so soon. Unfortunately, truly interesting compositions went almost unnoticed.

Melt My Heart to Stone

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Adele is considered one of the most atypical stars. While other performers squeeze all the juice out of their singles, performing them several times at all kinds of shows, Adele sings only what she really wants. Often, her cover versions of her colleagues’ hits turn out better than the originals.

In an interview, Adele revealed the secret of creating her second album. So, according to her, heading into the studio, she wanted to write a song into which she could put all her pain from the breakup. However, producer Paul Epworth literally forced the singer to direct all her emotions in a different, more aggressive direction. This is how the track “Rolling In the Deep” appeared. If you believe the legends, the album version of the song was recorded the first time, and despite the fact that several more recordings were made later, it was decided to leave the first version, since it sounded the most expressive. It was this composition that was chosen as the lead single of the second record. As it turned out, this was a fateful decision that forever changed both the fate of Adele and all modern music...

“Rolling In the Deep” topped the music charts in 11 countries. The song achieved phenomenal success in the United States, spending 7 weeks at the top of the Billboard Hot 100, with an incredible circulation of 8 million copies. In the rest of the world, the song turned out to be just as successful, becoming the best-selling song of 2011 (approximately 8.5 million copies). It remains to be added that according to data from the YouTube video hosting service, the music video for this composition has been watched more than 300 million times!

After such a resounding victory, an equally worthy continuation followed, in the form of the second single, the song “Someone Like You”.

The song became Adele's first number one in her homeland, the United Kingdom. The song spent 5 weeks at the top of the UK Singles Chart, and headed the Billboard Hot 100 for exactly the same amount of time. It is worth noting that the leadership of this song in America became pleasant surprise for many, because such tracks rarely topped the predominantly dance chart. As a result, “Someone Like You” took first place in 15 countries, and was certified platinum in 10. Views official video To date, we have surpassed 180 million views.

But a much bigger shock for all music lovers was the success of the third single, the song “Set Fire to the Rain”. There was no official video released in support of the track, which contributed to the amateur video with the lyrics gaining over 200 million views. The song easily topped the music charts in seven countries. Considering the zero promotion of the track, it’s simply incredible. She also soared to the top of the good old Billboard Hot 100. Total sales of the song amounted to more than 4 million copies, which allowed it to become one of the best-selling songs in 2011. In November of that year, YouTube channel VEVO posted a video of Adele performing “Set Fire to The Rain” live at the Live at The Royal Albert Hall concert. Views of this video to date amount to 40 million.

Surprisingly, even though Adele was very reluctant to promote her album, its sales broke all possible records. IN present century piracy, when selling 500 thousand albums is considered a success, Adkins sold over 22 million copies, which undoubtedly makes the “21” album the most successful work of the last decade. Even the aforementioned concert video “Live at The Royal Albert Hall” managed to add another record to Adele’s collection. The DVD of the performance became the best-selling concert video in the United States, selling over 96,000 copies in its first week. Just 2 weeks after the start of sales, the concert became the most popular disc in 2011. The DVD held the lead for 23 weeks, becoming 9 times platinum, which turned out to be an absolute world record. The success of the concert helped many of the songs from the album “21” (not released as singles) to enter the charts. For example, the track “Rumor Has it,” written together with Ryan Tedder without any promotion, received platinum status in the United States (1 million copies), and also topped the South Korean music chart.

And the composition “Turning Tables” managed to become “platinum” in Italy, as well as “gold” in the USA and Canada.

Without the slightest exaggeration, the album “21” can be called brilliant. The record does not contain a single passable song; on the contrary, it is filled with hit tracks. Many critics noted that the material on this long play would be enough for several more years of full-fledged existence.

And of course, such a magnificent album simply could not help but become a triumphant of the main music award in the world. Adele managed to repeat the success of Amy Winehouse with her legendary “Back to Black”, receiving statuettes in all major categories. In total, Adkins took home 6 awards: “Record of the Year” (“Rolling in the deep”), “Album of the Year” (“21”), “Song of the Year” (“Rolling in the deep”), “Best Pop Performance” (“Someone like you”), “Best Pop Vocal Album” (“21”) and “Best Music Video” (“Rolling in the deep”).

That evening, the performer once again performed her biggest hit, the song “Rolling In the Deep.”

Adele Adkins is one of the brightest musical phenomena of recent years. An unusually strong, deep voice and inhuman charisma. Adele managed the impossible: “by showing middle finger“She introduced “her” music into fashion with all the latest musical trends. Adkins has become a kind of unconventional hero, breaking established stereotypes. A rebel and a true musical revolutionary, she paved the way for many young talents, popularizing the almost forgotten genre of soul music. “Adelemania” should be included in the list of official, incurable diseases, because even the main fashion magazine of all time, the legendary “Vogue” could not resist the charm of this charming plump and for the first time made the “model of size +” the hero of the issue. The success of the smiling British woman seems incredible, but absolutely deserved. Her story is exactly like the story of another great soul diva, Amy Winehouse. Adele became an excellent successor to Winehouse, taking only the best from her... And just the other day it became known about one very joyful event in the singer’s life: Adele and her current boyfriend Simon Konecki are expecting the birth of their first child! The editors of the site sincerely congratulate the expectant mother and hope that the birth of a child will become a great inspiration for her to write equally great albums.