Daily value for men. Daily calorie intake

How many calories do you need per day to lose weight? If you follow some rules, it is possible to make your figures slimmer. In this case, you should engage in intensive physical exercise, regulate your diet, and adhere to the correct daily routine.

Losing body weight is also facilitated by calculating the calorie content of foods, taking into account one’s own weight, height, age and other parameters.

What is meant by calorie counting?

According to nutritionists, you should adhere to the rule - consume fewer calories than those consumed per day. In order not to cause harm to health, you can reduce calories by 20% per day. To calculate you need:

  1. calculate the possible calories consumed per day (using a calculator or formulas);
  2. calculate how much to reduce kcal.

If you want to know about the diet recommended by nutritionists, read the article

Norm per day

This is a superficial calculation, since each organism has its own characteristics. To achieve results, take them into account when calculating.

Calculation of the daily calorie intake is done taking into account:

  • how physically active the person is;
  • age values;
  • height;
  • weight indicators;
  • metabolic features.

Calorie calculation for females

For women, a smaller amount is required, since there is a difference in how physiological processes occur in the body. The activity of the sexes also differs.

The average is 2000 kcal. As we age, the body no longer requires such energy-dense foods, therefore, older ladies require less.

A woman with extra pounds needs to eat about 1800 kcal to lose weight.

However, lifestyle is taken into account. If women move little and do not play sports, then the following calorie standards are suitable:

  • from 18 to 25 years – 2000 calories;
  • from 26 to 45 – the same number;
  • from 45 – 1800 kcal.

During an active life, the calculation changes:

  • from 18 to 25 years – 2400;
  • from 26 to 45 – 2200 kcal;
  • from 45 – 2000.

How many calories do men need?

For young people, consuming 2400–2600 calories per day is sufficient. For older people, aged 30 to 50, 2200 kcal, for older people - no more than 2000. These are approximate data without taking into account physical activity.

To get the actual number of calories a man needs to lose weight, use a simple formula. Take the weight and multiply it by 20, the result will be normal calorie intake, if you do not take into account physical activity.

When playing sports, add 5 kcal per minute of exercise to the resulting number; if strength training was carried out, then add 10 kcal.

The main rule to lose weight

The main thing is to use more of the energy than what came from food. Calculating the calorie balance is not difficult. To find out how many calories you need per day to lose weight, you need to multiply your weight by 20 and reduce it by 200 or 300. You will get the amount of calories your body needs to properly lose weight.

However, these indicators vary, depending on how active a person is during the day. To calculate, you will need to multiply the result by the activity indicator:

  • 1.5 – with daily training;
  • 1.4 – if sports are given at least three times a week;
  • 1.3 – this applies to office employees;
  • 1.2 – recommended for those who are inactive.

Even if you know how many calories you need per day to lose weight, exercise is important, only combining these programs will help you lose excess weight.

Hello my dear readers! A real man should take care of his health. To do this, you need to know what and in what quantities you can eat. First of all, you need to determine what the daily calorie intake is for men.

The composition of the dishes is also important. It's worth eating a balanced diet. Each person should receive a certain amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. We need vitamins and microelements contained in foods. But, if you decide to take your health seriously, first calculate your daily calorie intake. This is the first priority.

Every person needs food. After all, we get energy from it. Many of us remember that the unit of measurement is the kilojoule. Indeed, the energy value on many products is also indicated in kilojoules. But for an ordinary person who is not keen on physics, this is inconvenient. Therefore, it was decided to equate 1 kilojoule to 4.186 calories.

The number of calories differs depending on the composition of the products. There are 9 kcal in 1 gram of fat. And in 1 gram of carbohydrates and carbohydrates there are 4 kcal. But not only the quantitative composition is important. All elements are absorbed differently. There are also carbohydrates. The latter are digested more slowly, and more energy is spent on this. Therefore they are more useful. But let's take a closer look at the quantitative indicators for now.

Do you know exactly how many calories you need per day? It all depends on energy consumption. If you play sports, your body expends more energy. Youth also has an influence. Young people need more energy.

Why do you need to know your norm?

If we start consuming more than we should, our body reacts instantly. Extra centimeters begin to appear on the stomach and sides. Unspent calories are converted into fats. The figure loses its relief and begins to “float”. In addition, overeating has a negative impact on health. After all, obesity leads to many diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver and kidneys.

Hunger doesn't do us any good either. By starting to sharply reduce the number of calories, we force our body to “panic”. As a result, muscle mass is destroyed, not fat. We become lethargic and irritable. However, without getting the desired result.

To keep yourself in great shape, you need to watch your diet and exercise. To always look your best, you don’t need to be afraid to ask for help. I really like the fitness trainings of Vladimir Molodov. He has good training for girls. And of course there is a great one training « Super relief" for men. He is the champion of Russia in bodybuilding and trains many celebrities. He will inspire anyone with his example!

Daily value for men

Approximate figures for daily calorie intake are known. On average, each man needs from 2400 to 3000 kcal. However, this figure may increase or decrease depending on lifestyle. Plus goals are important. If a person wants to lose weight, then the number of calories needs to be reduced.

For a young person from 19 to 30 years old, 2400 kcal is considered the norm. Provided that he leads a sedentary lifestyle. A man with the same data, but aged from 31 to 50, requires 2200 kcal. And from 51 years old, even less - 2000 kcal per day. If a man plays sports, then energy consumption increases. Therefore, the daily calorie intake should increase. To be more precise, your daily calorie intake depends on 4 main factors:

  1. Your weight - the higher it is, the more you need to consume so that your weight does not change.
  2. Your height – tall people need to eat more :)
  3. Your age – as you age, your body consumes less energy
  4. Your physical activity - if you work physically or go to workout regularly, then you need more calories than an office worker who has never seen a gym.

Formulas for calculating the daily value

The most common 2 formulas for calculating calorie intake are:

  • Harris-Benedict formula
  • Mifflin-San Geor formula

The first was proposed in 1919 (a modified version is now used). For a long time she was the only one. Now the Mifflin-San Geor formula is becoming more popular. It was developed quite recently, and nutritionists prefer to use it because... it is easier for calculations. On the jelly itself, the results of both formulas are very close.

Below I will give calculations using both formulas with examples. You can decide for yourself which formula suits you best.

First, measure your height and weight. Also determine what kind of lifestyle you lead. This information is needed to select the physical activity ratio:

  • if you do not play sports and spend most of the day passively, then your coefficient is 1.2;
  • when playing sports 3 times a week – 1.375;
  • at 5 times a week – 1.4625;
  • when you are engaged in physical labor and train intensively – 1.55;
  • if your sports activities are daily, then your coefficient is 1.6375;
  • your daily classes are intensive or not once a day – 1.725;
  • and, if you also work physically, then the coefficient is 1.9.

Harris–Benedict formula

The formula itself is:

(88.36 + 13.4 * weight in kg + 4.8 * height in cm – 5.7 * age) * physical activity coefficient

Let's do the math for an example. A 40-year-old man weighing 88 kg and height 184 cm goes in for sports 5 times a week:

(88,36 + 13,4 * 88 + 4,8 * 184 – 5,7 * 40) * 1,4625 = 2812 kcal

Mifflin Formula - St. George

(10 * weight in kg + 6.25 * height in cm – 5 * age + 5) * physical activity coefficient

And again an example with the same man:

(10 * 88 + 6,25 * 184 – 5 * 40 + 5) * 1,4625 = 2684 kcal

As you can see, the difference in calculations using different formulas is within 5%, i.e. essentially not significant. You can take the average :)

If you want to simplify the task, you can use . He will easily calculate your norm.

That's all I wanted to tell you. Don't forget and share the article on social networks.

Calculating the daily calorie intake is the first step from which to begin drawing up a successful diet for weight loss or nutrition for gaining muscle mass, since without determining the individual daily calorie intake it is impossible to calculate the optimal composition of your diet for the main macronutrients (that is, proteins, etc.).

There are two formulas by which this rate is calculated, but the Harris-Benedict formula is most often used. Any calorie calculator on the Internet, in a smartphone app, in a cardio machine, or in a fitness bracelet will use it. However, this formula has significant errors that no one mentions.

What is a calorie?

The term “calorie” itself is derived from the word calor, translated from Latin as “heat.” In classical physics, calories had nothing to do with food - even a hundred years ago they measured exclusively the energy released during the combustion of fuel (coal, wood), and only at the beginning of the 20th century did food begin to be considered as fuel for the body.

It is necessary to understand that the calorie content of a product is a purely conditional amount of energy that will be obtained when it is burned in a special device. However, in reality, the human body digests food completely differently - in fact, the share of absorbed energy may differ by 20-25% from the figures.

Formula for calculating calorie intake

The direct formula for calculating the daily calorie intake consists of two parts: 1) the most accurate calculation of the basal metabolic rate - the calories needed by the body to maintain life, or the so-called “resting energy”, and 2) the individual activity coefficient of a person, determined most often “by eye” "

It is in this coefficient that the main problem of the Harris-Benedict calorie calculation formula lies. After accurately calculating your basal metabolic rate (for example, 1765 kcal), you need to multiply this figure by your individual activity factor, ranging from 1.2 to 1.9. The final result will be from 2118 kcal to 3354 kcal. The difference is 1236 kcal.

Harris-Benedict formula

As we have already mentioned, first of all, the Harris-Benedict formula determines the basic metabolic rate of a person (basal metabolic rate, BMR) - this is the body's calorie needs for brain function, maintaining body temperature, digesting food and other metabolic processes. However, the formula does not take into account energy for physical activity.

It is also important that the basic level of metabolism depends on a person’s gender, age and build. However, any calculations using this formula are accurate only for average builds - for those who are overly thin, overweight, or even for those, the Harissa-Benedict formula is not suitable, since it does not take into account individual characteristics.

Formula for calculating basic calorie needs:

How to quickly lose fat - a strategy for fat-burning workouts and nutritional recommendations.

Individual activity level

The Harris-Benedict formula for calculating daily calorie intake divides five types of physical activity - minimal level (no physical activity), low level (physical activity 1-3 times a week), moderate level (3-5 days a week), high level ( 6-7 times a week) and very high level (training more than once a day).

In theory, everything looks simple and clear. To determine your total daily calorie and energy needs, multiply your baseline BMR for your gender, age, and weight by a factor based on your average level of physical activity for the current week:

  • Minimum level - calorie norm = BMR x 1.2
  • Low - calorie allowance = BMR x 1.375
  • Average - calorie intake = BMR x 1.55
  • High - calorie intake = BMR x 1.725
  • Very high - calorie intake = BMR x 1.9

What ratio should you use?

If your professional activity is a lumberjack or miner, use a coefficient of 1.9, if you take care of cows - 1.55. These are precisely the recommendations of the Harris-Benedict calorie formula, obtained back in 1919. Modern professions (especially the “office worker” category) are, of course, not on this list.

By entering your age, height and weight into a cardio machine or advanced fitness bracelet, you get the most accurate figure for your daily calorie intake, but it is not at all clear what coefficient the device uses in the calculation. If you are lucky, it will be within the range of 1.4 – 1.7, and the final error will not exceed 15-20% (approximately +/- 500 kcal).

If you are a man, you are 25 years old, you work in an office and do strength training three times a week, then the recommendation for your daily calorie intake will be from 2600 kcal to 3200 kcal - however, you need to understand that any a more precise figure would be merely a random choice and would not guarantee any reliability or additional validity.

Among other things, calories from food are not absorbed 100%. For example, - but this is never taken into account in the product composition figures. As a result, it is better not to try to calculate the daily calorie intake using a “smart” formula, but simply follow the basic recommendations (1) and listen to your body.

Daily calorie intake for men:

Daily calorie intake for women:

Daily calorie intake for children and adolescents:

Age Activity level Calorie norm
14 yearsShort1000 kcal
Average1200-1400 kcal
High1400-1600 kcal
5 – 8 yearsShort1200-1400 kcal
Average1400-1600 kcal
High1600-1900 kcal
9 – 11 yearsShort1500-1800 kcal
Average1800-2000 kcal
High1900-2200 kcal
12 – 16 years oldShort1600-1800 kcal
Average2000-2500 kcal
High2500-3000 kcal


The formula for calculating the daily calorie intake can only determine the level of the body's basic energy needs without taking into account physical activity. To determine your total calorie needs, you need to know a unique coefficient that cannot be determined accurately. That is why any devices for calculating calorie norms give an error of +/- 500 kcal.

Scientific sources:

  1. Estimated Calorie Needs per Day by Age, Gender, and Physical Activity Level,

A balanced diet with correct calculation of calories is the key to health, beauty and good mood. Excess nutritious foods lead to excess weight, while lack of nutrition leads to a decrease in BMI (overweight). Let's find out how calorie intake per day is calculated for men.

Calculations of food value and BMI for men

We determine daily food consumption using formulas. Calorie is the body's energy that comes with food. The daily norm for men is 2200-4100 Kcal. We will calculate our value individually; many factors will influence this - the style and rhythm of existence.

If you lead an active lifestyle and play sports, then your daily consumption will be higher. Sitting without moving is correspondingly less. There are many calculators that calculate the daily calorie intake for men, ideal weight, degree of obesity or underweight.

Are you asking yourself, “Why are you gaining weight?” The main thing is to analyze how many times a day you eat and what exactly. If your diet contains cereals, vegetables, fruits, beef, fish, then you are eating right.

But such unhealthy foods as fast food, sandwiches, and fatty dishes are harmful to your figure. Let's take the calorie content of pizza; one slice of it can replace 2 servings of porridge or meat.

Of course, it’s better to eat “proper” food more often, up to five times a day, than to eat sandwiches and pizza twice a day. Daily calorie intake for men leading an active life based on 1 day:

  • Up to 31 years - 3000Kcal;
  • 31-50 - 2700-3200 Kcal;
  • Over 51 - 2300-2700Kcal.

There are standards for a calm and measured life.

  • From 31 - 2300 Kcal;
  • 31-50 - 2200-2250 Kcal;
  • Over 51 - 2100 Cal.

Generalized food consumption for men is given, but there is a calculator for individual calculation of calories per day. Activity affects this.

First, let's determine our movement coefficient

  • Sedentary work, zero - 1.2;
  • Light loads - 1.375;
  • Above the norm (for athletes) - 1.55;
  • Heavy physical labor - 1.75;
  • Particularly strong - 1.9

Harris-Benedict formula for men's basal metabolism:

  • 66+(13.8* in kg) +(5 in cm) -(6.8*age)
  • Consider an example, you are 35 years old, height 175, weight 75:
  • 66+(13.8*75) +(5*175) -(6.8*35) =1738.

Daily energy requirement formula

(KA) Activity coefficient * (FCB) Harris-Benedict = (SNK) daily calorie intake for men. You have a sedentary job: take (KA) activity coefficient (1.2) *1738 (our previous example) = 2085.6 Kcal needed per day.

By sticking to your daily energy needs, you will always be in impeccable shape. To increase the amount of food per day, you need to add physical activity; sports are the ideal solution. Before determining the norm, a man calculates his body mass index using the following formula: BMI = weight in kg/height in cm*2*100

BMI for men:

  • Dystrophy - less than 20.
  • The norm is 20-25.
  • Excess weight – 26-30.
  • Obesity – 31-40, everything above this is divided into 3 degrees.
  • Using our example, we find out BMI:

75/175*2*100=21.428571428571427. BMI is within normal limits.


If using BMI you have determined that you are overweight or underweight, you need to calculate the calorie intake for men using the formulas presented above. By sticking to the calculations, you can adjust your parameters.

By determining the number of calories per day, you can stabilize your weight and improve your metabolism without limiting your food intake.

  • The key to rapid weight loss and metabolism is to include protein and fiber-rich vegetables in your diet.
  • Drink up to 2 liters of liquid per day.
  • Eat 5 times, in small portions, preferably pour food into saucers. After training, do not drink for 45-60 minutes and do not eat for 2 hours. Before going to bed, take a glass of kefir.

Monitor your weight using the formula for calculating the number of calories per day for men and your figure and weight will be ideal.

Now you, knowing your ideal parameters, excess or deficiency of body mass index, will share useful information with your friends.

Counting calories: accurate calculation for weight maintenance and weight loss.

You want to be beautiful all year round, but this issue becomes especially acute in the spring and summer. Grueling workouts are good, but not for everyone. Mono diets are fast-acting, but very harmful to the body. Is there really no way out? Of course there is! Regularly observe the correct amount of calories, eat carbohydrates in the morning, proteins in the evening, combine them at lunch and consume no more than 40-60 grams during the day. fat Nobody cancels an active lifestyle, but with the correct distribution of nutrition, you will begin to lose weight with an hour-long walk, and not an exhausting workout after which it is difficult to get home.

But there are also myths about calories that quite often mislead people and thereby harm their health:

  • It's not what you eat that matters, but how many calories it is. You can really count the calories in chocolates and hamburgers, and eat them in the required quantity, and yes, you will start losing weight. But with this you will get a bad complexion, gastritis, and possibly an ulcer.
  • The perfect combination of proteins, carbohydrates and fat. Unfortunately, there is no such combination, but if you add the number of calories and only healthy foods, then you won’t need to calculate to the milligram. And remember - a protein diet is a huge harm to the body without the possibility of recovery;
  • We've been eating calories for a week, but there's no effect. Indeed, this is not an instant solution and you will see the first results only after 20-30 days. But if you add physical activity from the first days, you will feel the first results after just 5 days - a surge of energy!
  • If I eat according to calories, I can quit sports. Again, not true. If you reduce your activity, your metabolism will slow down and, accordingly, your weight loss will slow down;
  • Subtract 50% from the amount of calories I need and I will immediately lose weight. And again, a mistake, you will not only slow down your metabolism, but also force the body to starve and, accordingly, accumulate fat;
  • Meal frequency is more important than calories. It is indeed recommended to eat 5-6 times a day, but in smaller portions than 3 times a day, observing the overall proportion of calories;
  • Adjust your hormones and you don’t have to worry about calories. If everything depended on hormones, it would be simpler, but as practice shows, it is excessive calorie consumption and an inactive lifestyle that often disrupts the body’s functioning, followed by hormone imbalance. You adjust your lifestyle and quite often the hormones fall into place.

Calorie consumption and burning rate per day for men, women, teenagers

If with children everything is quite simple, they all follow approximately the same daily routine every day, and they most often have the same lifestyle, then for adults the situation changes radically. Depending on how a person works and rests, his daily calorie intake differs.

Load group Number of calories for a woman Number of calories for a man
Teenagers from 11 to 13 years old 2500–2700
Teenagers from 14 to 17 years old 2700 3150
Adults from 18 to 40 years old with a sedentary lifestyle 2400–2850 2800–3300
Adults from 18 to 40 years old with average activity level 2550–3000 3000–3500
Adults from 18 to 40 years old with an active lifestyle 3150–3600 3400–3800
Adults from 40 to 60 years old with a sedentary lifestyle 2200–2550 2600–3000
Adults from 40 to 60 years old with average activity level 2500–2850 2900–3300
Adults from 40 to 60 years old with an active lifestyle 2900–3250 2900–3250
People who work in physically demanding jobs and professional athletes 3500–4000 4500–5000
People from 60 to 70 years old 2100–2300 2350–2650
People over 70 years old 2000 2200

Knowing this information will allow you to adjust your calorie menu as accurately as possible and achieve an optimal balance.

With the advent of new life in the belly of the expectant mother, a woman needs to radically reconsider her diet. It is worth eliminating all preservatives, dyes and junk food, since the body will already work in an enhanced mode. Regarding calories, they will also be increased.

On average, a pregnant woman should consume 3,200 calories per day, but for a more accurate calculation it is necessary to know the exact weight of the pregnant woman, as well as the activity of her life.

As soon as a woman gives birth to a pregnant woman, she immediately goes to the nursing section. And her diet should not be reduced, but, on the contrary, increased by 300 calories and reach 3500. Tell me, is it time to get her figure in order? To do this, as soon as your condition allows, you need to add physical activity, more walks (having a child obliges you to spend 3-6 hours a day outside).

Hard physical labor without enhanced nutrition is a sure path to rapid wear and tear of the body and serious illnesses. Therefore, depending on age (more details in the table above), you need to consume from 2500 to 5000 calories! The last note, of course, applies to men with heavy physical labor (diggers, builders, loaders, etc.), as well as athletes preparing for competitions.

How many calories a day should a woman eat to lose weight?

BA means basal metabolic rate, or more simply put, the amount of calories you need to consume per day.

So, the formula for girls, women and grandmothers: OO = 10*weight (kg) + 6.25*height (cm) - 5*age-161

But this amount does not include a lifestyle, because depending on whether it is active or passive, more or less calories are required.

We multiply the resulting amount by:

  • Passive (sedentary) lifestyle - 1.2;
  • Passive lifestyle with 1-2 workouts per week for 1 hour - 1.375;
  • Inactive lifestyle - 1.55;
  • Active lifestyle - 1.725;
  • Active lifestyle with constant physical activity (hard physical work or professional sports) - 1.9.

Let's look at an example:

A woman working as an accountant, aged 35 years with a weight of 90 kg and a height of 162 cm.

We count: OO=10*90kg+6.25*162-5*35-161=1576.5 kcal

1576.5*1.2=1891.8 kcal

In total, a woman needs to consume 1891.8 kcal in order not to gain weight, and if she decides to lose weight, her diet must be reduced by 20%.

1891.8 kcal*0.8=1513 kcal

Remember: when reducing your diet to less than 1200 kcal, you must see a doctor daily!

How many calories per day should a man eat to lose weight?

Formula for boys and men: OO=10 *weight (kg) + 6.25*height (cm)-5*age+5

The coefficients are the same as for women.

Let's look at an example:

A 36-year-old man, height 162 and weight 70 kg. Leads an active lifestyle.

So, we calculate: OO=10*70+6.25*162-5*36+5=1537.5 kcal

Now we apply the coefficient: 1537.5*1.725=2652 kcal

In order for a man to lose weight, it is necessary to reduce his diet by 20%. Total: 2652*0.8=2121.75 kcal

Remember: when reducing your diet to less than 1800 kcal, you must see a doctor daily!

The formula is quite simple: OO (taking into account lifestyle) -20%.

For dramatic weight loss, under the supervision of a doctor, you can bring the kcal reduction to -40%.

It is believed that a man needs from 2800 to 5000 kcal per day. But as you can see, the difference is quite large, so for more accurate data we recommend calculating according to your individual data.

We provide a table that shows how much energy a man burns in the gym, so you can choose the optimal quantity and quality of exercise.

And for those who want to know how many calories they burn in everyday life, we provide another, more fun table.

With a sedentary lifestyle, on average, men spend 2800, and women 2400 kcal. But due to many factors, including the quality of food consumed, even with such a menu, excess weight may occur.

But in order to start an active lifestyle, you don’t need to pay money or urgently sign up for a gym. We present elementary calculations of seemingly everyday matters.

If you are on the path to fighting excess weight, the first thing you need to start doing is walking for 60 minutes or more without stopping. And then progressively.

How to properly distribute calories throughout the day?

We calculated the required calories, and sat down to have breakfast... by the end of breakfast, only 50 kcal may remain free, or, on the contrary, eat a cracker for breakfast and wait for the weight loss effect. But no, calories must not only be calculated, but also distributed correctly.

So, we give an example of calculating calories for a woman losing weight with an active lifestyle with a diet of 1500 kcal and 5 meals a day.

  • Breakfast - 400 kcal
  • Lunch - 300 kcal
  • Lunch - 300 kcal
  • Afternoon snack - 300 kcal
  • Dinner - 200 kcal

Have you noticed that calories are distributed proportionally, but with a shift to breakfast of 100 kcal, removing them from dinner? Please note that there is an equal amount of time between meals, and dinner should take place no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

Daily calorie table for losing weight and restoring the energy balance of the human body

Below we provide a scale table of calorie consumption for a wide variety of activities. Thanks to it, you can accurately calculate the number of calories you burn per day, and thereby give your body the opportunity to rest or, on the contrary, increase your load.