Who is in the final of Bachelor 4 with Sparrow. Alexey Vorobyov surprised viewers of the Bachelor show with his final decision

// Photo: Press service of TNT channel

On June 4, the final episode of the new season of the “Bachelor” project on the TNT channel was shown with the participation of singer and actor Alexei Vorobyov. The ending of the show was unexpected for many TV viewers who thought that the artist would find love on the project. “There are no more words,” “The finale, of course... But, on the other hand, Who said that a fairy tale must have a happy ending,” “I’m shocked,” “I feel sorry for Lesha,” they wrote on social networks.

In the finals of the program, only two girls competed for Vorobyov’s heart - Natalya Gorozhanova and Yana Anosova. After the previous episode, Natalya Tkalina left the program. She later admitted in an interview with StarHit that she was not disappointed in her departure from the project.

The singer arranged final, decisive dates with the remaining contenders for his heart, at which he asked them to tell him the truth about their feelings. “It’s damn unpleasant for me to hear lies,” Alexey said during the program. As a result of Alexey's pressure, Natalya Gorozhanova admitted to Alexey that she did not love him. Previously, the artist admitted that he did not understand the girl’s feelings and did not know whether she felt something towards him.

“You are the kind of person you can love. Love is not born, it is created,” Natalya told the upset Alexei.

Passions raged in the finale of the show "The Bachelor" // Photo: Program frame

When Yana Anosova picked up the ice, symbolizing Alexei’s heart, she began to try to melt it. The girl believed that this was an excellent metaphor, and the artist would appreciate her gift. However, the artist did not like Yana’s act; Alexei was offended by her idea of ​​him. He said that the ice should, on the contrary, be returned to the cold. “Everyone’s hearts are different,” Vorobyov commented on his action.

As a result, Vorobyov could not decide on his feelings and decide which of the girls could become his companion. They looked amazing in their wedding dresses and accepted his choice with dignity. The project participants left the singer, leaving him alone with his thoughts. Alexey was left in splendid isolation, but this does not mean that the ending of “The Bachelor” turned out to be tragic, and all the previous episodes and the girls’ experiences were in vain. Just the opposite. Love, as the popular show showed, cannot arise out of necessity. In order to find your soulmate, sometimes it takes some time, and in other cases it requires effort on yourself. And everyone has their own idea of ​​what a serious relationship should be like. If it doesn’t work out with one person, then everything is possible with someone else.

Interestingly, at the end of the program, Natalya Gorozhanova spoke about the possible continuation of her relationship with Alexey. “I have feelings for him, and I know that our relationship will continue,” the girl said.

Well, time will tell what will happen to Alexey and Natalya in the future, whether they will continue to communicate. But then they will no longer be participants in the program, and this will not make the finale of “The Bachelor” any less significant. After all, this is how it happens in reality - in order to find the person with whom you want to spend your life, sometimes you need to go through serious tests, and not alone.

This is the incredible ending of the show “The Bachelor,” season 4: in the final episode, the main participant in the project, Alexei Vorobyov, arranged a surprise, both for everyone around him and for the two girls who were so hoping for his hand in marriage.

In the thirteenth final episode of “The Bachelor,” Alexey makes a difficult decision, guided by his heart. None of the girls receives the coveted ring from Alex.

Natalia Gorozhanova PHOTO

It seems that the girls who made it to the finals were worthy: Natalya Gorozhanova and Yana Anosova. By the way, many of those who left the project do not feel disappointed.

“Alexey is not my man, and I am not his woman,” said semifinalist Natalya Tkalina, who was the third to leave the project.

On the last final date, Alexey Vorobyov asked the girls to tell the truth about their feelings for him. As a result of frank conversations, Natalya Gorozhanova admitted to him that she did not love him and was simply playing a role, trying to win the competition.

Yana Anosova PHOTO

“You are the kind of person you can love. Love is not born, it is created,” Natalya told Alexey during a one-on-one meeting!

Yana Anosova, trying to impress Alexey, took the ice in her hands, and she said that it symbolizes Alexey’s heart. She tried to melt it, but Vorobyov didn’t like it, and he asked to return the ice to the cold, since “Everyone’s hearts are different.”

Summing up the results of the final date and conversation with the girls, Alexey Vorobyov decided to remain alone, since Natasha and Yana did not become his favorites. The girls appreciated the artist’s decision and proudly left the project, leaving the bachelor alone with his thoughts. It's hard to say that the project ended tragically. Quite the contrary: the program ended in an instructive way; in some cases, love cannot awaken for the opposite sex after 13 episodes of adventures and romantic dates. Sometimes love takes a very long time to be born and, perhaps, the project participants will still meet their soul mates, but in a different place and at a different time.

At the same time, Natalya Gorozhanova cannot shake the feeling that she and Alexei Vorobyov will still be together, the girl herself said this at the end of the program.

“I came here not to get new emotions and not to meet a worthy girl, but to feel. This project gave me hope and faith that true love exists. I couldn't create it with my own hands. If it were possible to do this, I would have managed it,” said the main participant of “The Bachelor” Alexey Vorobyov.

Maybe Alexey and Natalya need some time to take a break from the project and meet without cameras. Then, perhaps, their feelings will flare up with even greater force.

Only three days left until the finale of the show “Bachelor” season 4, the hero of which was the artist Alexey Vorobyov. After Natalya Tkalina left the project last Saturday, only two girls are vying for the heart of the Bachelor - Natalya Gorozhanova and Yana Anosova. Viewers on the Internet staged a real debate, discussing the latest news - who will win in the Bachelor 4 project?

“Bachelor 4”: who left in the last episode

Last Saturday, an episode was aired in which Alexey consults with his family regarding his upcoming choice.

The Bachelor's parents and sister met three girls, and formed their own opinion about each. During the conversation, Alexei’s mother was briefly left alone with potential daughters-in-law.

Like any mother, Nadezhda Nikolaevna tried to understand how Alexey’s relationship with each bride would develop in the future. The artist’s mother was very disappointed with the answer from Natalya Tkalina, who frankly said that her and Alexey’s children would be raised by nannies.

With her careless frankness, Tkalina managed to turn both Vorobyov’s parents and his sister against herself.

Having listened to the advice of his relatives, the artist decided to break up with Natalya Tkalina in the last episode.

Finale of “The Bachelor” season 4: who is the winner?

Judging by the latest episode, even the main character of the project is in serious thought. One thing is clear: those who remained among the girls in the final of “Bachelor 4” have an equal chance of winning.

Another Saturday is approaching, “The Bachelor” has come to an end, but who Vorobyov chose still remains a mystery to the audience. Both Natalya Gorozhanova and Yana Anosova confidently walked towards the finale all season, so there is a difficult choice ahead for Alexey Vorobyov and bitter disappointment for that participant in “Bachelor 4” who will leave the project in the very last episode.

“Bachelor 4” - who Vorobyov chose in the final

Having tried to reveal the main intrigue of the Bachelor season 4 project - who Alexey Vorobyov chose, we decided to ask the opinion of viewers on social networks. However, there is no consensus among fans of the show. If at the beginning of the project many were confident that Alla Berger would win, now that the girl left two weeks ago, there is complete confusion among Internet users.

Some believe that from the first day Alexey Vorobyov chose Natalya Gorozhanova, who received the “rose of first impression.”

The second half of the project’s fans know for sure that Yana Anosova, who regularly received the first rose at ceremonies from Alexey, will win in the final of “Bachelor 4”, and was familiar with Vorobyov even before the project.

All fans of the popular television show on TNT were interested in who Vorobyov chose in the Bachelor. The ending of this project was unexpected for both the participants and the editors. In his interview, Alexey explained why he was forced to make such an unconventional decision.

Everyone who watched was amazed by the decision of Alexei Vorobyov. Now it’s no secret to anyone that the man chose to remain single and could not choose a bride. The fans were amazed.

Bachelor - Alexey Vorobyov.

After all, each of the girls is an individual, beautiful in her own way, and everyone was sure that each of them could be a perfect fit for Alexey. Despite this, none of the brides received a ring from Vorobyov.

Why didn’t bachelor Alexey Vorobyov choose anyone?

The prince admits that participating in the show was a serious stress for him. As the man notes, for many months it was not the girls who fought for his attention and heart, but it was he who fought for the right to be near them. He hoped to meet on the project not just a girl with whom he would feel good, but one who would love him, and who would love him.

Yana Anosova

Unfortunately, the beautiful fairy tale was not destined to come true. Yana, despite 3 months of warm communication, turned out to be very cold. Everyone noted that Alexey was most likely harsh and even cruel with the contender. However, according to the main character himself, the girl’s heart was cold and she was not even able to answer his question: “What do you feel for me?”

Of course, what kind of love and relationships can we talk about after such a conversation? Already after this dialogue, Alexei was in a bad mood, he could not believe that the girl was dishonest with him all the time and hid her true feelings all the time.

Vorobyov also did not appreciate the gift that Yana presented. She took a small piece of ice, which symbolized the bachelor's heart, and tried to melt it. The guy couldn't believe that the girl really thought his heart was as cold as ice.

Natalia Gorozhanova

It’s no secret that after the failure with Yana, everyone predicted an alliance with Natalia for Alexei. And what was the surprise of the audience when this girl was not awarded the coveted ring. Of course, it was all her fault that she said she didn’t love a man. The artist told reporters that at that moment he was in so much pain that it seemed as if everything inside had broken off.

On the other hand, Alexey is grateful to Natalya for being sincere with him, since most of all he does not like lies. Perhaps the conflict occurred due to the fact that Alexei put a lot of pressure on Natalya. Previously, he admitted that he did not understand how the girl really felt, and decided to use all his might to get the truth from her.

Bachelor Alexey Vorobyov - final

Season 4 of the popular TV show The Bachelor didn't end with a happy ending. The girls were rejected, and the offended Alexey Vorobyov was left alone. Many TV viewers did not understand why he ignored Natalya. Many were inclined to believe that the girl told him a lie, deceived him, and for some reason did not confess her true feelings to him.

The public was confused by the fact that Vorobyov did not do anything about this, did not become indignant, did not start fighting for Natalya’s heart, but simply gave up and accepted what had happened. Perhaps this is really the best option, since none of us knows how the relationship between the prince and Natalia would actually end if he continued to fight for her attention.

Interview with Natalya Gorozhanova

Interesting fact: at the end of the final issue, Natalya said that it is possible that the relationship with Vorobyov will continue. The girl hinted that she was going to maintain a relationship with the bachelor after the project, she actually had feelings for him and was convinced that anything was possible in the future. However, Natalia's dreams were not destined to come true.

In one of his interviews, Alexey stated that he was not going to maintain relations with any of those who participated in the program. He is sure that if it didn’t work out to create love there, then there’s no point in trying again. Gorozhanova’s reaction to what happened was truly amazing.

If Yana made a similar decision with tears, but without scandal, then Natalya behaved too self-confidently. She claims that she told the guy that she didn’t love him only because he put pressure on her. Another girl noted:

I would never be able to admit my feelings, say that I love him, understanding that Alexey is choosing between the two of us. I knew that she and Yana had kissed and slept, and it haunted me.

But at the same time, even subconsciously realizing that with such a phrase she was ruining her relationship with Alexei, she firmly believed that she would still receive the ring, and, as she admits, Vorobyov’s choice upset her.

This is how the popular television show Bachelor 4 ended. Unfortunately, this season did not have a happy ending. We can only hope that in the next season of the show the bachelor will still be able to find the one with whom he can build a serious relationship.

The finale of the show “The Bachelor” season 4 came as a complete surprise to loyal fans of the project. Instead of the expected happy ending with a ring and a lucky winner in the role of Alexei Vorobyov’s bride, the Bachelor screwed the audience by violating the main rule of the project, which requires the presence of a winner.

Why didn’t Alexey Vorobyov choose anyone in the final of the show “Bachelor 4”

First of all, “The Bachelor” is a show, which means it has acting and staging, otherwise there won’t be a beautiful picture on the screen. It’s unlikely that anyone could seriously believe that only two people were present on the dates. Nothing like that - at least ten people, a whole film crew. And how sincere can a one-on-one conversation be with such a company of witnesses?

Initially, there cannot be sincere emotions on a project of this format. And if Alexey Vorobyov, who had an incomplete acting education at the Moscow Art Theater School behind him, behaved quite confidently in front of the cameras, then for many girls, working on the set turned out to be a serious test.

The awareness that your every step and gesture is being recorded hardly contributed to the emergence and manifestation of sincere feelings.

On top of that, after the first three seasons of “The Bachelor,” interest in the project noticeably decreased. What could raise the program's rating? That's right, an unexpected ending. The creators of the project made the right calculation by sending the finalists home: Internet users have been unable to calm down for several days, heatedly discussing the latest news.

Moreover, now viewers will definitely monitor any information about how the former participants and Alexey Vorobyov are building their personal lives after the show “Bachelor 4.”

Personal life of Alexey Vorobyov before and after the show “Bachelor 4”

Long before coming to the show “The Bachelor,” Alexey Vorobyov gained fame as a ladies’ man. Next to the artist one could often see his famous colleagues from the show crowd. So, for about a year, Alexey Vorobyov and the star of “The Thaw” Anna Chipovskaya tried to build a relationship:

The office romance between Alexei Vorobyov and Oksana Akinshina was short-lived, but the young man was not stopped by the fact that the actress was married:

Alexey Vorobyov dated singer Victoria Daineko for about eight months, but the couple broke up suddenly and for no apparent reason in May 2012:

Despite his publicity, Alexey Vorobyov prefers conversations about creativity to conversations about his personal life. On Alexey Vorobyov’s Instagram it is impossible to find information about the affairs of the heart of the star of season 4 of “The Bachelor”: the topic “Aleksey Vorobyov’s Girlfriend” is a taboo on his microblog.

The only love of Alexey Vorobyov, whose photographs regularly appear on his Instagram, is a cute corgi named Elvis-Melvis, who did not leave the Bachelor even on the set of the show “Bachelor 4”.

Which of the project participants is Alexey Vorobyov dating after the end of the show “Bachelor 4”?

While viewers of the project watched and then discussed the latest news from the finale of episode 13 of “Bachelor 4,” Alexey Vorobyov himself went on tour to Kazakhstan.

Judging by the pictures that appear on the Internet, the artist enjoys increased attention from women during his tour.

But for the second day now there has been no news on Alexey Vorobyov’s Instagram. Subscribers are waiting for an explanation from the artist, but he continues to pause and remain silent.

Alexey Vorobyov and Alla Berger did not resume their romance after the finale of the show “Bachelor 4”

Many fans of the project are sure that Alexey Vorobyov, after the finale of the show “Bachelor 4,” is dating one of the participants. At one time, viewers believed that Alexey Vorobyov would remain with Alla Berger after the show “Bachelor 4”.

... our bachelor @mr.alexsparrow remained a bachelor. Lesh, be happy! Find your soul mate in this world

Will Alexey Vorobyov and Natalya Gorozhanova be together after the show “Bachelor 4”?

In the 13th episode of the Bachelor 4 project, many viewers predicted victory for Natalya Gorozhanova. Despite the staged format of the show, some managed to discern obvious sympathy in the relationship between Alexey and Natalya. Leaving the show, Gorozhanova made it clear that she was ready to continue her relationship with Alexey.

If we remember our acquaintance with the actor’s parents, then Natalya Gorozhanova, according to the artist’s mother, is the ideal wife for Alexei Vorobyov.