What were they playing on board the Titanic? Interesting facts about the Titanic that you might not know (13 photos)

Preface…………………………………………… ………………………. 3

1. History of eyelash extensions……………………………………………. 4-5

2. Structure of eyelashes……………………………………………………………... 6-7

3.Eyelash extension technology…………………………………………… 8-9

4. Methods of eyelash extensions…………………………………………… 10-12

5. Materials for eyelash extensions ………………………………….13-15

6. Eyelash extension technology……………………………...………… 16-19

10. Pros and cons of eyelash extensions……………………………………………21

11. You should remember!!! ………………………………………………………..…22

12. Price list……………………………………………………….23

13. Care for eyelashes after extensions…………………………………….24

14. Eyebrow extension………………………………………………………25

15. Creating a contour…………………………………………………………….26

16. Eye shapes and eyelash extensions………………………………………………………...27


Dear student!

This manual is a reference course on eyelash extensions. It describes the technique used in classical school eyelash extension training.

If this manual does not provide comprehensive information at some points or is lacking clarity and you require further information, please contact the specialists of our Training Center.

We believe that this guide will help you make your clients' eyelashes more beautiful.

  1. History of eyelash extensions

AND The history of the appearance of the eyelash extension technique goes far into the past. Back at the beginning of the 20th century, it was customary for Hollywood movie divas to lengthen their eyelashes. Luxurious eyelashes, elongated and lush, seemed much more attractive on the screen than their own, which, of course, attracted the eyes of millions of people.

The history of eyelash extensions begins in Hollywood dressing rooms. It was there that the legendary Max Factor, the most famous makeup artist of the 20th century, invented false eyelashes, whose name today has become famous brand.

There are many ways to make your eyes more expressive, and the most effective of them is eyelash extensions.

Working as a top Hollywood make-up artist, in 1927 Max Factor created the first artificial eyelashes for actress Phyllis Haver, who was the original performer of the role of Roxie in the musical Chicago. The film was silent, and the actress actively batted her expressive eyelashes, which immediately pleased both the public and Hollywood masters. In the American film dream factory, the first and simplest method of eyelash extension appeared - with the help of fringe. The fringe was carefully glued to the thread, and this entire structure was carefully attached to the eyelid. And although everything looked very unnatural up close, and such beauty was very short-lived and expensive to manufacture, it was quite suitable for film and television stars. Therefore, for a very long time, false eyelashes were the exclusive domain of film stars and they came out to the people only in the early 50s.

In the 50s, a new wave of popularity of eyelash extensions began, now among ordinary women. After all, the procedure has already been improved and is much more accessible than before. And the eyelashes looked much more natural... Of course, the wave of demand for eyelash extensions was again associated with cinema - it was film stars, such as Sophia Loren, who made fluffy and long eyelashes a mandatory attribute of makeup.

After several decades, eyelash extensions were already possible not only in specialized salons, but also at home. For many girls, especially in Western countries Eyelash extensions have become an integral procedure when visiting a cosmetologist, and are as popular as getting a manicure, hair coloring, etc. At the beginning of the 21st century, scientists are developing completely new eyelashes that copy natural eyelashes as accurately as possible. At the first stage of their existence, such modern eyelashes were used not one at a time, but in whole bunches, and accordingly a new technology for eyelash extensions appeared - bunch extensions. The resulting bunches were attached to the base of the eyelid using a special adhesive substance, and served their owner for a noticeably longer period than fringed eyelashes.

The beginning of the 21st century is a special milestone in the history of eyelash extensions, because it was at this time that Japanese scientists developed completely new technology eyelash extensions, and the work was now carried out with each eyelash separately. The Japanese were able to develop an eyelash that was completely indistinguishable from its natural counterparts. It is prone to natural curling, and its structure is noticeably different from its predecessors: the base of the eyelash is thicker, and the tip is noticeably thinner. Extending such eyelashes is not as easy as using a bunch method, because each eyelash needs to be glued, but the effect of this procedure justifies the time spent on it. It is believed that the first person who decided to extend eyelashes individually was the Japanese stylist and makeup artist Shu Uemura, this happened in 2003, and the first owner of the so-called mink eyelashes was the world-famous singer Madonna.

It is the people of Japan who pay special attention to eyelash extensions. The fact is that the average Japanese girl has eyelashes whose length does not exceed 6 mm. The length of Western girls' natural eyelashes is approximately twice this figure.

In the last few years, the process of eyelash extensions has become so popular that girls and women in most countries of the world use these services. This popularity of eyelash extensions is explained by two main reasons:

    aesthetic effect;

    practical significance.

The technology for individual eyelash extensions is noticeably different from previous technologies, and the main difference is that the eyelashes are glued not to the eyelid, but to the base of natural eyelashes, for which a special glue is used, which is based on resin. Now you can choose the most suitable one without any problems optimal length artificial eyelashes, because eyelashes can be long, middle length and short. Short artificial eyelashes are recommended for those with eyelashes whose length does not exceed 7 mm. If your eyelashes are longer (7-10 mm), then it is better to opt for artificial eyelashes of medium length, and long eyelashes(10-12 mm) it is better to extend eyelashes with longer than average length. A wide range of shades also makes artificial eyelashes as natural as possible.

2. Structure of eyelashes

(lat. Cilia) - hair, bordering the top and bottom of the eye section. On the upper eyelid there are from 150 to 250 eyelashes, on the lower - from 50 to 150. The upper eyelashes are slightly longer than the lower ones, numbering about 10 mm, while the lower ones are about 7 mm long. The function of eyelashes is to protect the eyes from dirt particles. In addition, eyelashes play an important role in female beauty. Eyelashes are 3% moisture and 97% protein. Protein substance - keratin, enriched with sulfur, microelements (iron, copper, zinc, chromium, manganese) and vitamins A, B, P, C, T.

Eyelashes live from 3 to 5 months, vellus - 7-10 months.

According to their structure, eyelashes are divided into the trunk (the part of the hair visible above the surface of the skin) and the root (the part of the hair located in the dermis in the root sheath). The root and root sheath together form the hair follicle. The trunk or shaft of the hair is located at an angle to the surface of the skin, and the angle can vary from 10 to 90 degrees.

Inside the eyelash shaft there is a medulla, a middle cortex and a cuticle. The medulla is not completely keratinized cells, the cortex is keratinized cells that contain pigments that respond to hair light. In different ratios, these pigments give the hair a certain color: brown, black, blond, red, ashen and gray, as well as their various shades. The cuticle is several layers of cells resembling scales, directed from the root of the hair to the center.

As for the hair follicle, this is the most important part of the hair, since it is at the root of the hair that there are cells that, dividing intensively, form the hair itself; as well as many vessels that provide nutrition to the hair. Adjacent to the bulb is the hair papilla, which contains blood vessels and is responsible for controlling the condition and growth of the hair. The papilla is extremely important in the entire hair growth system, because without it the hair dies. In addition to the papilla, the hair follicle is also adjacent to the sebaceous glands, the sweat gland, and the levator muscle.

Among the main parameters of eyelashes, it is worth highlighting its length, thickness, elasticity and porosity. The length and thickness of eyelashes depends primarily on race.

Eyelashes go through several stages in their development.:

anagen (eyelash formation cycle – 2-3 months),

catagen (rest period – 3-4 months)

telon (eyelash reflection 2-3 months).

Presumably the hair cycle begins with catagen. At this stage, atrophy of the hair papilla begins, as a result, cell division of the hair follicle stops and they undergo keratinization. Catagen is followed by a short telogen phase. Most hair loss is telogen effluvium. The telogen stage transitions to the anagen stage, which is divided into 6 developmental periods. After anagen ends, a new hair cycle begins.

Normally healthy person 80-90% of hair is in the anagen stage, 10-15% in the telogen stage and 1-2% in the catagen stage.

This is interesting!
A modern woman knows many ways to highlight her eyes and make them more expressive. And, perhaps, the best of them is eyelash extensions.

However, eyelash extensions were initially deprived of the look we are already familiar with; they were preceded by false eyelashes. The inventor of this miracle is a man whose name is now known even to people far from the world of cosmetics - this is Max Factor.

For real this outstanding person name was Maximilian Faktorich - he was an American businessman of Polish origin, but was a citizen Russian Empire, the founder of the famous cosmetics brand "Max Factor".

He is deservedly called father decorative cosmetics, he was a makeup artist, stylist and makeup artist. Maximilian was so good at his job that even now his makeup services would probably be in great demand among movie stars. However, the story of his life itself resembles an exciting film.

Max factor, by nationality Polish Jew, was born in the city of Lodz, which now belongs to Poland. Their family was huge and consisted of 10 children.

From the age of 7, he immersed himself in the world of theater, and this sealed his fate. True, he started out selling sweets in the theater lobby. But already at the age of 14, Max became an apprentice to cosmetologists and wig makers. At the age of 15, he moved to Russia, where he worked alongside a make-up artist for the Russian Imperial Opera.

By the age of 22, he opened his own shop in Ryazan, where he sold cosmetics own production. However, at the beginning of the 20th century he decided to emigrate to America. It so happened that he ended up in Los Angeles and opened a store there again.

In addition to cosmetic accessories, he also made wigs that closely resembled real stripes. Besides, Hollywood stars I absolutely loved it when he personally applied makeup before filming. And he had plenty of experience.

In those days, Los Angeles was the heart of the film industry, so all the new Max Factor products appeared under the influence of the development of cinema. He came up with foundation, waterproof cosmetics, mascara in a compact package, a small powder compact, and all this because this was the need for some film works, and sometimes for individual film stars. So, he created a special line of cosmetics for actress Jean Harlow, and before that, with his help, she became the world's first "Platinum" blonde.

And in 1916, his cosmetics appeared on the public market. But Max's passion was stage makeup, and he continued to make developments in this direction. He was the creator of the images of Greta Garbo, Twiggy and even Charlie Chaplin.

Maximilian created the first artificial eyelashes for the actress Phyllis Haver, who was then the first to play the role of Roxy in the musical “Chicago,” which is still very popular to this day.
Roxy's eyelashes immediately attracted the attention of the Los Angeles elite and makeup artists. The extension method was the simplest - using fringe. It was carefully glued to a thread and the resulting structure was secured to the eyelids. Such eyelashes looked very unnatural from close up, were very impractical to wear and were expensive, but they were perfect for the film and TV industry.

For a long time, false eyelashes were the prerogative of secular divas and only in the fifties they entered the masses. By this time, extension technology had been significantly improved, eyelashes took on a more natural look, and their prices became more affordable. Of course, the wave of demand for eyelash extensions was again associated with cinema - it was film stars such as Sophia Loren who made fluffy and long eyelashes a must-have makeup attribute.

The Land of the Rising Sun has long been distinguished by the creation of innovations that make it possible to correct defects in appearance.

Therefore in beginning of XXI century in Japan, the method of extension with bundles was invented, and in 2003, a technology was born there that allows you to extend each eyelash separately. At the same time, all eyelashes became very similar to natural ones. They have a natural curl and a thickness that decreases from start to tip.

First time implementing this idea famous master Shu Uemura, and the singer Madonna then became the first woman who was able to show off this chic invention of his. The procedure invented by Shu Uemura takes much more time and requires completely different efforts from the master, but the effect is worth it: each eyelash glued on top of a natural one looks beautiful and natural!

Today, the eyelash extension method is considered the best, but this does not mean that other methods have been consigned to oblivion. The beam extension method is also widely used these days, but its scope of application is somewhat narrower than that of the eyelash extension. Eyelash extensions with bundles are very short-lived and require more frequent correction, however, there are cases when this method will the best solution. For example, if you want to look as impressive as possible at a party or celebration, you can also use false eyelashes.

In recent years, the procedure for eyelash extensions has become widespread throughout the world, not only due to the aesthetic effect, but also practicality. Thanks to eyelash extensions, girls now don’t have to waste time removing and applying mascara, or they are afraid that their “Eyes will run.” They are always beautiful, wherever they go - to the sauna, shower or pool. And all day long their eyes are expressive and bright.

Today, eyelashes are produced from high-quality synthetic materials, identical in quality to natural ones. Conventionally, artificial eyelashes are divided into so-called mink and silk. Mink eyelashes are characterized by a more matte color; they are usually less elastic than silk eyelashes. Today, silk materials have been significantly improved; silicone is added to them, which gives them a glossy gloss and makes them softer and more elastic.

Eyelash production technology is a very complex and painstaking process. First, “Tubes” are produced from fiber with a thickness from 0.07 mm to 0.25 mm and a length of 7 cm. Then the tubes of the selected thickness are attached to a special metal roller of the required diameter, thus forming a smooth and beautiful bend in, c and CC. Afterwards, the excess length is cut off and the eyelashes are sent to a high temperature oven.

When the eyelashes take the desired length and curl, the tips are made thinner; they are, as it were, “sharpened” by hand with a special tool, making the eyelashes look as close as possible to natural ones. Color eyelashes by adding different pigments to artificial material receive.

Modern society places ever higher demands on the image of women. We all know how much effort and time it takes just to “Be Beautiful”. Eyelash extensions are just the thing that is designed to make daily work on your image easier. After extensions, you no longer need to apply mascara, which means you can save this time for more pleasant things.

Concerning evening makeup"On the way out", here eyelashes will also help us out: there are many options to make yourself brighter. To do this, you can use rhinestones, the newly popular “Diamond” dust, a new product this year - beads, as well as many other magnificent delights.

As you can see, eyelash extension technology has come a long and difficult way so that we - modern women could use them with pleasure and ease for the benefit of their beauty. All you need to do is choose suitable image or ask your master about it. To get a lot of pleasure from wearing your eyelashes, contact reliable professionals. Experiment with styles, materials and colors, and then just enjoy the resulting effect.
Material from the first magazine about eyelash extensions - Lashmaker number 3, number 2 2010.

Every woman has her own secrets of beauty and attractiveness. The eyes are the mirror of the soul. It is the look... languid and attractive that makes you beat faster men's hearts. The easiest way to achieve this is with extensions, because not everyone is blessed by nature with long and fluffy eyelashes.

The father of this amazing procedure and decorative cosmetics in general is Max Factor, known to everyone as the founder of a large global cosmetics company.

He lived a beautiful and rich life, which could become the plot for a film. Max was born into a large Jewish family in the small town of Lodz, and from childhood he was forced to earn money by selling sweets in a theater buffet. Already at that time he fell in love with theater arts. And at the age of 14 he became an assistant make-up artist. A year later he was forced to leave for Russia and began working as one of the make-up artists at the Russian Imperial Opera. Much later, he started producing cosmetics and opened his own small store in Ryazan.

Despite the good demand for his cosmetics, Max left Russia and went to the United States of America. His cosmetics store opened in Los Angeles. Experience and professionalism helped him quickly take a leading position among makeup artists who worked with movie stars. It was thanks to the film industry that foundation and waterproof cosmetics were born, as well as small, compact packaging of various products.

Even after his cosmetics became available to everyone, Max was faithful to cinema and stage makeup of stars, for whom he even created individual lines cosmetics. Thanks to the efforts of Max, actress Phyllis Haver, who played the role of Roxy in the all-time mega-popular musical Chicago, became the first owner of artificial eyelashes. It was a real sensation, despite the simplicity of the method, in which the fringe was glued to a thread and secured to the eyelids. Unnaturalness, impracticality and too high a price did not allow women to use these eyelashes for everyday wear. But they were absolutely irreplaceable and became a real salvation for make-up artists and make-up artists who could not imagine working without this miracle.

Much later, somewhere in the fifties, when false eyelashes looked more natural, thanks to new technologies that Max Factor actively introduced and used in their work, they became available to everyone. And again, cinema contributed to the development of the extension procedure, because women, looking at Sophia Loren and others film stars, We couldn’t deny ourselves the pleasure of having the same long and luxurious eyelashes!

Eyelash extensions were further developed in Japan, where at the beginning of the 2000s a method of extensions in bundles (beam extensions) appeared, and later the ability to extend each eyelash separately (lash extensions). These eyelashes look as natural as possible, are slightly curled and have different thickness at the base and at the tips. Shu Uemura first used this technology when he extended the eyelashes of singer Madonna.

Today, eyelash extensions are the most popular eyelash extension method. Lets you emphasize natural beauty eyes or make your look bright and expressive.

It all started in Hollywood dressing rooms. It was there that the legendary Max Factor, the most famous makeup artist of the 20th century, invented false eyelashes, whose name today has become a famous brand. While working as Hollywood's premier makeup artist, in 1927 Max Factor created the first artificial eyelashes for actress Phyllis Haver, who first played the role of Roxie in the musical Chicago. The film was silent and the only way to draw attention to the heroine's face was to make her eyes more striking.

And the most effective method To do this, get eyelash extensions. The actress actively clapped them, the public was delighted, and so were the Hollywood masters. Thus, at the American Dream Factory, the first and simplest method of eyelash extension appeared - with the help of fringe, carefully glued to a thread, which in turn is attached to the eyelid. Up close, this design looked very unnatural, was very short-lived and expensive to manufacture, so false eyelashes were the exclusive privilege of film stars until the early 50s.

When the procedure had already been improved and made cheaper, and the eyelashes themselves looked much more natural, the wave of demand for eyelash extensions by everyone was again associated with cinema and television, because it was stars, for example, Sophia Loren, who made fluffy and long eyelashes a mandatory attribute of makeup. The good old fringe, which lasts for several days, is still used, but new techniques have emerged.

The 21st century has brought extension procedures designed for eyelashes that exactly replicate real ones. At first they were collected in bundles, but at the very beginning of the millennium, technologies were developed in Japan that made it possible to grow each hair separately. In this case, each eyelash is curled and has a shape similar to the natural one: a thicker base and a thin tip. This type of extension is somewhat more complicated than gluing beams and requires more time and skill. Piece eyelash extensions are called Japanese, regardless of the material used in it: silk, mink, chinchilla, squirrel, sable, etc.

The essence of the procedure is that The master performs eyelash extensions one at a time, coating each individual eyelash with a special adhesive and strengthening it at the base of the native eyelash. Eyelashes extended in this way look completely natural, because their number remains the same, and the attachment of natural eyelashes to artificial ones is done so carefully that even with close examination it is impossible to notice the joints.

Eyelash extensions come not only in different lengths (6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15 mm), but also in diameter (0.1 mm, 0.15 mm, 0.2 mm and 0.25 mm). Typically, 60 to 80 lashes are required to achieve the “velvet eye” effect. different sizes.
By choosing the right length and direction of eyelash extensions, you can correct the shape of your eyes, make your eyes look childishly open, or give them a mysterious and even sly expression.

For determining suitable length The master of artificial eyelashes starts from the length of natural ones, guided by a sense of proportion and the rule: man-made should not be longer than natural. It's not important here quantity and quality: a real professional must be an artist, distributing artificial eyelashes along the edge of the eyelid, varying the frequency of gluing. After all, “old,” “medium,” and “young” eyelashes coexist on our eye at the same time. Along with the change of hairs, eyelash extensions fall out. If the eyelashes are glued ineptly and unevenly, then it may turn out that after a couple of days the eyelashes will fly off on one half of the eyelid, but on the second they will still be long and fluffy.

Now let's look at mink eyelash extensions (or mink eyelash extensions). This refers to the process of creating especially long and voluminous eyelashes that will become the real pride of every girl. Despite the fact that mink eyelash extensions are a rather difficult and painstaking procedure that requires a significant amount of time, the effect will be noticeable not only to the girl herself, but also to everyone around her. Mink eyelash extensions do not involve the use of natural fur at all. As you know, animal hair is a strong allergen, and it is unacceptable to use it on one of the most sensitive organs. IN best case scenario this would risk conjunctivitis. That is, mink eyelash extensions are individual extensions of artificial synthetic eyelashes. As with other extension technologies, monofilaments are used.

To perform mink eyelash extensions, you need fairly strong and thick natural eyelashes. The fact is that mink eyelashes have a larger diameter of synthetic fiber compared to silk eyelashes. Accordingly, they are heavier, but they have a number of advantages compared to other types of eyelashes: they look more “rich”, beautiful and expressive, they are as thick, shiny and beautiful as mink fur; the extension of this particular type of material allows you to forget about mascara and eyeliner - the look is very expressive without it; eyelashes extended using the mink method are not afraid of exposure to water and high temperature.

For girls who are for some reason afraid of eyelash extensions, I recommend doing mink eyelash extensions not along the entire length of the eyelids, but only in the outer corners. Eyes with such eyelashes will look more flirtatious. Mink eyelashes, if corrected in a timely manner, will be in perfect condition for several months.

The silk extension procedure first appeared in beauty salons a little more than a year back. As with mink lashes, no silkworm thread is used here. Monofilaments from Swiss, American, German and Japanese companies are especially popular.

Silk extension technology is more suitable for everyday wear, since such eyelashes look the most natural. You can add short silk eyelash extensions to make your own eyelashes thicker and fluffier. Or you can extend it to one and a half centimeters in length, but such beauty will not last long, so such extensions are done only for a special occasion: a wedding, a photo shoot or another significant occasion.

Another advantage of silk extensions is the ability to choose the color. Both black silk eyelashes and purple, dark brown, and blue-black are available. Using black resin to glue eyelashes is quite convenient, because it will look like high-quality eyeliner.

The question is often asked: is it possible to use mascara after eyelash extensions? In principle, this is not prohibited, but usually it is not required, since the eyelashes themselves are quite bright and beautiful. And then, you must remember that it is excessive touching of eyelash extensions that reduces their wear time.

If you still want to use mascara (for example, colored or with glitter), you need to apply it not from the roots of the eyelashes, but approximately from the middle. This will avoid contact of the mascara with the adhesive and will extend its service life, and therefore the time you will have a magnificent silk eye frame. Makeup should be removed with extreme caution and under no circumstances should you use greasy or oily products.

By the way, this rule applies to any extension technology.
Another question that is often asked is: Which extension is better to choose, mink or silk, and which one is more in demand in beauty salons?

When I started working with eyelashes in beauty salons, people were told that mink was animal fur. We now know very well that this is monofilament, because natural mink wool is short. The legend and name were invented to create a stir and double the price.

Today, mink is equal in price to silk, and these two materials are equally in demand. How to distinguish a mink? It’s very simple, you don’t need to be a master to figure it out: silk eyelashes are thin, soft, identical to natural eyelashes, and mink eyelashes are thick, dense and shiny.
If you decide to get eyelash extensions, remember: silk looks natural and your eyelash lengthens. General form Silk eyelash extensions are delicate and neat.

These lashes last longer as they are easier on their lashes. Mink gives the eyelashes the effect of being painted, and the look - emphasized expressiveness. Eyelashes with mink extensions are visually fuller and blacker. The technology of mink and silk eyelash extensions is absolutely the same and does not require special retraining. Caring for mink and silk eyelashes is also the same.

As for extension materials such as chinchilla, squirrel, sable, etc., these are also synthetic monofilaments made to resemble the fur of the corresponding animal.

Special mention should be made of the new progressive technology of eyelash extensions "3D-lashes". These eyelashes are made from a special synthetic material identical to natural human hair - micropolyester threads. These eyelashes are very flexible and durable, resistant to the sun, water, human sweat and tears, but at the same time beautiful and voluminous. They are slightly thicker than regular eyelashes, darker in color and longer, which makes the look deeper and more expressive.

“3D-lashes” eyelashes are more resistant to bending, and the resin-based glue used for gluing them, after drying, creates polypeptide bonds that allow the eyelashes to remain flexible and elastic.

I would also like to remind you about eyelash extensions in bunches, because some girls and women, without having large quantity their eyelashes, were faced with the fact that the extension specialists were unable to offer them individual extensions, and were forced to refuse to carry them out. This method of extension is suitable for those who do not plan to wear eyelashes constantly, but are preparing for some event or a vacation trip (such eyelashes last 2-2.5 weeks). This method of extension also has its advantages: it is cheaper and takes less time.

The artificial eyelash is removed from the box using special tweezers with tips curved for safety. The base of the artificial eyelash is immersed in glue and glued to 2-3 natural eyelashes, at a distance of 1 mm from the eyelid. Eyelash extensions begin from the outer corner of the eye and gradually, tuft by tuft, the entire eyelid is extended. But most often this method is used to extend eyelashes on the outer edge of the eyelid.
At the end of the procedure, the specialist can use scissors to slightly profile the eyelashes along the entire growth line to correct the length and give a natural look.

Care for eyelash extensions

· Take the choice of a master seriously so as not to fall into the hands of an amateur amateur. Transformation “in the kitchen” is a dubious advertisement, and the price of incorrect extensions is, at a minimum, depletion and loss of natural eyelashes.

· You need to understand your desires and learn everything about eyelash extensions before starting the procedure. This will allow you to speak with the master “in the same language” and get a result that meets your expectations.

· Do not wet your eyes for 3 hours after the procedure!

· Do not direct the shower stream towards your eyes!

· Don't rub your eyes. If necessary, you can scratch around the eyelash area!

· Apply eyeliner, pencil, shadows 1 mm above the lash line!

· Remove makeup with a special WATER-based product, either light foam or soap and water. You cannot use cosmetic milk!

· You can use mascara, but it is not advisable. Mascara shortens the lifespan of eyelashes!!!

· You can use creams around the eyes, but only with light textures. Thick, greasy creams should not be applied to the area around the eyes!!!

· You can’t sleep with your face on the pillow! You might accidentally rip out an eyelash!

Expressive eyes, long and fluffy eyelashes are the dream of every girl. With the help of professional eyelash extensions, eyelashes become length, fluffiness, and the eyes - brightness. It is also possible to replenish lost eyelashes, the growth of which has stopped. The eyelash extension procedure has recently appeared in beauty salons.
Eyelash extensions- this procedure allows you to increase the length and volume of eyelashes, giving your look depth and expressiveness, and also visually enlarges your eyes. The result of the extension looks very beautiful.

A well-advertised mascara does not always give the result that the advertisement promised us. But not everyone knows that the eyelashes of beauties in advertising actually become long and thick not with the help of mascara, but with the help of glued eyelashes or through eyelash extensions.

Lash eyelash extensions
Eyelash extensions by Japanese technology (lash extensions) or silk extensions e. It is also called - eyelash to eyelash. A huge advantage of eyelash extensions is that you don't have to worry about dyeing them - you can forget about mascara and eyelash dye. This is very convenient on vacation, on the beach, in the pool. The beauty of your eyes will be magnificent.
Eyelash extensions look very natural and no one will suspect you of being unnatural. Eyelash color you can choose: black, blue or purple.

Before eyelash extensions, there should be no mascara on them. The master degreases the base of each eyelash with a special preparation. The extension procedure consists of carefully attaching eyelashes to the base of your eyelashes using a special hypoallergenic resin: one to the other. Use natural eyelashes from silk, mink, sable and column. The length of eyelash extensions is selected depending on the individual characteristics and the wishes of the client. Eyelash extensions start from the outer corner of the eye, where longer eyelashes are used, and gradually, eyelash by eyelash, they reach the inner edge. This method differs from the traditional one in that the eyelashes are extensions individually rather than in bunches, which makes the result completely natural and the flutter of your eyelashes effortless. The session lasts from 2 to 3.5 hours, and this beauty lasts up to three months. Price from 3000 - 5000 rub.

Eyelash extensions with bundles
The traditional extension procedure consists of attaching neat lashes to the base of your eyelashes using a special gyroallergenic gel. bunches of artificial eyelashes. They are attached either to each of your eyelashes separately (to increase length), or between the eyelashes (to give additional volume). There are three types of eyelash bundles: short, medium and long. It is best to choose medium ones, since long ones may not look entirely natural. The gel is used in two types: black and colorless. The colorless one masks adhesions, while the black one looks like eyeliner.

The extension procedure itself lasts about 50 minutes, and the effect of bundle eyelash extensions lasts from 2 weeks to 1.5 months, after which the eyelashes can be removed or correction can be made. Price from 1000 - 1200 rub.

The lifespan of our real eyelashes is known to last from 2-3 months. As your own eyelashes fall out, the eyelash extensions are corrected.
1. If you want to keep your new eyelashes longer, it is not recommended to rub your eyes too much or use greasy makeup remover creams. Be careful when washing. For those who often visit the pool and sauna, it is better not to have eyelash extensions, because their lifespan will be short-lived.
2. There is no need to paint your new eyelashes; they already look quite bright and expressive. And then, by removing the paint from them, you greatly risk shortening their life.
3. If you have light eyelashes, then before extensions we recommend painting your eyelashes with black paint.
4. Before and after the procedure, do not curl your eyelashes.
5. You cannot wet your eyelashes for 2 hours after the procedure.
6. You cannot take facial steam baths within 48 hours after the procedure.
7. Do not use waterproof mascara and avoid getting makeup remover on your eyelashes.

Eyelash extensions are not recommended for allergy sufferers, women prone to conjunctivitis, or those with weak eyelashes, although it should be noted that the adhesive resin is hypoallergenic. By the way, doctors do not see any danger in eyelash extensions for people wearing contact lenses. The only problem is that due to the daily tugging of eyelashes when using lenses, the life of eyelash extensions is sharply shortened. There are also contraindications if there is increased sensitivity of the eyes, lacrimation, blepharitis.