Timur Batrutdinov blue. Timur Batrutdinov has been dating his first love for almost twenty years

The third "Bachelor" of the country was burned. Russian comedian Timur Batrutdinov, just recently came to best show according to YouTube “Zashkvarnye stories”. This show famous for its conversations about masturbation, sexual adventures and various incidents from life. An incident from Timur’s life amazed everyone.

It is useless to argue that the show “Zashkvarny Stories” is the best on the video site. If entertainment program If it wasn’t awarded the “best” label, it wouldn’t change the fact that it was watched by an audience of millions. And all because the audience is amazed by the frankness of the guests and the lack of censorship. The authors of the show are: Danila Poperechny, Eldar Dzharakhov, Ilya Prusikin and many others who are part of the society " modern youth" The guys decided to invite Batrutdinov to visit him so that he could tell his outrageous stories, after all, the man is 40 years old and has humorous experience behind him.

Batrutdinov told a lot of things, but the audience of “Zashkvarny Stories” was hooked by an incident from the “gay” category. The thing is that before the start of Timur’s career in Comedy Club, the highest step in the humorous field was KVN. Batrudinov was one of those who jumped at any chance to get on TV, at least as an extra. It was a privilege to be surrounded by cheerful and resourceful people. Luck did not pass over young Timur and he was invited to a “party” in the apartment of one of the most important ones.

Batrutdinov noted that he had never been a homophobe, because he simply did not know what it was and whether there were gays in our country. One of the owners of the apartment turned out to be him, the guy began to pester Timur while he was sleeping, and 20-year-old Batrutdinov considered the harasser to be a girl, since he was “half asleep” and responded in kind. The story ended with the future resident Comedy Club packed up his things and ran away, but he still remembers the caresses of a KVN participant from the blue front, according to the actor, “with disgust.” By the way, Timur did not name who it was, but hinted that “you may know him.”


Legends of gay « best friend"Kharlamov has been around for a very long time. But you can’t call them groundless, the man is 40 years old, and he has no children, no wife, no family. Even participation in the third season of The Bachelor did not give him a beautiful wife. Batrutdinov himself in the same “Zashkvarny Stories” opened up, saying that the Bachelor was “staged”, and Timur did not expect to find a life partner there, it was all for the sake of hype. It is unclear how long the 40-year-old bachelor will remain alone; haters wish him to quickly find a “lover”, not lie to people and admit that he has rear-wheel drive.

Timur Batrutdinov is a famous comedian, Comedy Club resident and simply a talented guy. Thousands of girls across the country find him very charming and attractive. They are interested in where Timur Batrutdinov grew up and what he is doing now. The artist also haunts his many fans. This article contains comprehensive information about the comedian.

Artist biography

Timur was born on February 11, 1978 in a village called Voronovo (Moscow region). Soon the family moved to nice city Baltiysk This did not happen because living in the capital region was not to the liking or affordability of the parents. It's just that Timur's father is a military man. According to his assignment, he was sent to serve in the Kaliningrad region. But this is news to no one at home. After all, Baltiysk is one of the greenest cities in the region. It was there that the future spent her childhood Comedy stars Club.

Timur was sent to school early - at the age of 6. At first, the boy did not stand out from the other guys. But already from the third grade he began to actively participate in theatrical scenes and productions. Batrutdinov’s favorite subject at school was literature. In high school, Timur led the ranks of activists, played school team KVN, and also organized cultural events.

Having received it in his arms, the future artist decided to follow in the footsteps of his mother. He went to St. Petersburg, where he successfully entered the State University of Economics and Finance. As a student, Timur continued to play in KVN. It cannot be said that he was a leader or a prominent character there. He had to perform as “back-up dancers.”

After graduating from university, Batrutdinov was sent to the army. He devoted a year of his life to service in the Podolsk Military District. And even there our hero did not stop joking. Returning to civilian life, Timur decided to work in his specialty. He managed to get a job at Peugeot as an economist. But soon the realization came: this is not what he should be doing.

Real popularity

Even 10-11 years ago, many of us did not know Batrutdinov. The personal life and biography of this person did not cause such great interest, like now. Everything changed thanks to the comedy show Comedy Club. Timur did not even suspect that participation in this program would make him a popular and in-demand conversational artist. But that's exactly what happened. Today, even small children know who Timur “Kashtan” Batrutdinov is. The personal life of a comedian is one of the most discussed topics among fans. Crowds of girls from 16 to 35 years old dream of marrying him.

Television career

The creativity of Timur Batrutdinov is not limited to Comedy Club. A famous comedian is invited to take part in the most different projects. For example, he managed to try on the role of presenter on MUZ-TV. The program hosted by Timur was called “Hello, Kukuevo!” It aired daily (15 minutes each) and had fairly high ratings. Why was Timur Batrutdinov appointed host of the show, whose personal life was already not going well due to his busy work schedule? According to the creators of the program, nowadays it is difficult to find an artist who jokes subtly and improvises well in front of the camera.

Timur Batrutdinov: personal life

Our today's hero is extremely rarely seen accompanied by a beautiful lady. Is there really no girl in the whole country for whom Timur Batrutdinov has deep feelings? Personal life in 2014 has not changed at all. The comedian is still alone. You can only see him in the company of girls in movies and music videos. Gossips immediately they began to talk about the artist. Such rumors only amuse Batrutdinov.

Giving interviews to various print media, Timur has repeatedly stated that he dreams of starting his own family soon. But this will happen when he meets true love. His future chosen one should be attractive not only externally, but also internally. In a word, Timur is interested in a complete personality with a rich spiritual world, a good figure and a pretty face.

Now you know all the information about where Timur Batrutdinov studied, lived and worked. Biography, personal life and career serve as further proof that we have before us a talented, good-natured and purposeful person. Let's wish him good luck in his work and on the personal front!

In order to get a Comedy Club star into bed, you need assertiveness and big tits

The St. Petersburg love of the joker refused to give birth to him, and future star"Сomedy Club" ran away from his girlfriend to the army

Timur Kashtan BATRUTDINOV, on his own initiative, became known as a freedom-loving man, a womanizer and a man who dreams of a patient, economic wife who can bear him many children. On the forums, fans write all kinds of things about their favorite - even that girls are not interested in him at all. We did not hold a candle, so we will not say anything about this. But we managed to find out something about the young ladies of the Comedy Club star.

Timur studied in Baltiysk, a small town in the Kaliningrad region, where the Russian Navy base is located. There for the first time I fell in love with an exemplary excellent student Katya Svatko. True, unrequited.
- I sat at the same desk with her. And Katya constantly complained, because when I wrote, I shook the table a lot. And in this way I tried to attract her attention. But she eventually managed to get a transplant, she recalls. Batrutdinov.
Katya had no idea about Tim’s feelings.

“It was a revelation for me when I found out that he was in love with me,” smiles Svatko, now a wealthy businesswoman living in Kaliningrad and having her own fashion boutique. - We were very small then. Timur studied well, did not misbehave, and participated in amateur performances. I can't say anything bad about him. And I want to wish Timur that he will definitely wait for his soul mate and meet the one and only.
One day Batrutdinov met one of these. When I studied in St. Petersburg at an economics university. I lived with her for four and a half years and were planning to get married. But on the eve of the important step, the guy found out that his beloved was dating someone else.

“This was a huge blow for him,” said Timur’s classmate, Natalia Potapova. “He walked gloomily, didn’t talk to anyone, closed himself off. I heard from the guys with whom he was friends that the problem was also that Tim wanted a son, but his girlfriend kept putting it off, saying that it was too early, he needed to get on his feet. But he did not let up. It seems that they even succeeded, but Lena refused to give birth. Once he even got terribly drunk and slept with the scariest girl on the stream. In revenge. But Lena didn’t care - she was already preparing for a wedding with a wealthy adult man.
And then, having graduated from high school with grief, the future Comedy Club star went into the army. They sent him to the Podolsk region. His parents lived nearby. And then, apparently harboring a grudge against the entire female population, Batrukha went into all serious troubles.

Hot but fast

Here it is worth going back a little to the past. Timur had his first sexual experience in the tenth grade during the school holidays. Galya lived in his yard, but studied at another school. One day mutual friends invited them to their dacha. They drank, ate and walked, and at night, when everyone had already gone to bed, Galya woke Tim up, took him by the hand and led him to the bathhouse, which was located on the site. There was no light there. But Gali already had several experiences with men, and she took everything into her own hands.
- I felt extremely awkward, very worried that I would do something wrong. But, thank God, the young body did not fail. Galya even said that she liked it. True, after that time we were no longer close,” Batrutdinov shared with our correspondent several years ago.
So, we can say that our hero is an early guy. And he knows a lot about ladies. And when Timur plunged into the life of the capital, Moscow, his eyes widened. I picked up girls quickly, met mostly in clubs. And with the start of filming in “Comedy...” the girls themselves began to hang themselves on him in bunches. A remarkable episode happened in Egypt, at the Comedy Club festival. The long-legged, busty Christina charmed Timur so much that he, pumped up with sambuca, took her to the room and seized her right on the balcony.

- Half the hotel saw how they had sex. It was something! - remembers Diana Trunova, which tries not to miss a single “Comedy...” festival. - It’s easy to drag Timur into bed - you don’t need much intelligence here. The main thing is assertiveness, big tits. He somehow stuck to my friend. She went to him. In a fit of passion, Timur kept whispering that he would marry her, take her around the Maldives, and make her a star. And after I slept with him, even after a couple of days I forgot her name. A friend, by the way, said that in bed Timur is hot, inventive, but fast. He hit on me too. But I refused - I Le Havre I like it, but he's married. But for me this is taboo. Although all the guys from “Comedy...” at these gatherings behave like they are at a bachelor party. Well, you know what I mean...

At one of these events Batrutdinov met Rodilina Sambrish, a Playboy star. The owner is almost ideal parameters- 88-60-90 - for 10 years younger than Timur, but experienced: she won a lot of beauty contests, starred in a video Timur Rodriguez, where a half-naked woman rode him erotically. And to be in in the right places V right time actively helped her Peter Listerman. Once he even brought her to the “Let’s Get Married!” program, when he participated there as a groom, and introduced her as his assistant.
“Lina clearly knows what she wants: a rich husband and fame,” noted her former friend, also a model, not without envy Rita Star. - We crossed paths with her at competitions. At banquets, she skillfully singles out the most worthy men from the crowd and charms them with one smile. Moreover, he pretends to be so innocent and modest. That's all underway.
The relationship with Timur did not last long. They say she left the joker as soon as she met some oil worker, who immediately gave her a fancy car. Batrutdinov does not give such gifts - he has big family, to whom he, as an exemplary son, actively helps financially. True, without depriving myself and my beloved: I changed cars several times, bought an apartment, which I decorated in a fashionable Japanese style- everything is in black and red colors.

Diluted with lemon

Close communication with fans is another page in Batrutdinov’s biography. Many girls are happy to describe how insatiable, passionate and affectionate Tim is. What is noteworthy is that these young ladies usually end their speech with the words:
- I know that he just used me, but I forgive him everything. He is so cool!
But not everyone is delighted with communication with the comedian. For example, one day a girl contacted our editorial office who met Batrutdinov through social networks. With tears in her eyes, she told how cruelly the “white and fluffy” Timur treated her:
- He said that he was sick and that I should come to his home and get treatment. He asked me to buy lemons and something tasty. He begged him to rush over quickly, said how bad he felt alone and lacked tenderness and caring hand.

I melted and went to the other end of Moscow, dropping into a store. I'm ringing the doorbell. He opens it, takes the bag and slams the door in my face. For about two minutes I stood there like an idiot and tried to understand what it was. I call again - silence. About ten minutes later I hear a voice: “Why are you standing there? Go home! I'm sleeping." No one has ever done this to me! I was in a stupor for two days. After all, I still had to catch a taxi - it was one in the morning. And then I talked to other girls on the Internet and found out that I wasn’t the only one who was such a fool and fell for this scam. He probably filled half the refrigerator for himself this way.
Naturally, we could not help but ask Timur how to explain his behavior.
- I don’t discuss such topics. And I don’t account for my actions to strangers,” Batrutdinov snapped.

I'm waiting for Timur in the photo studio. He arrives a little late and looks a little tired. Batrutdinov admits that he has just arrived from America and is still suffering due to the time difference. However, this does not stop him from giving his best. After shooting Cosmo, he will have another one - for Old Spice (Batrutdinov is the face of the brand). Before our conversation, I am asked not to ask Timur questions about his participation in the show “Bachelor”. But the Comedy Club resident is not afraid to talk about this project. And he rather laughs at his still “single status” (spoiler: girls, good news - Timur is serious about getting married!). However, in life he turns out to be a little more serious than on the screen.

“When I get married, I won’t talk about it publicly”

You recently wrote on Instagram that your dream has come true - to be on the cover of Men's Health magazine. Did you also dream of an interview in Cosmopolitan?
Cosmo and I are old friends. Although in Lately You’ve forgotten me a little, but apparently I’ve earned your attention again. But for some reason you won’t let me on the cover...

We don't allow men on the cover at all.
Then thank you to Cosmopolitan magazine for still considering me a man! (Laughs.)

In January, the film “Zomboyashchik” will be released, starring all the stars of the TNT channel, including you. You’ve been working on television for so many years and the film was called so dismissively...
If you laugh at yourself, you can joke at everyone else. A TV is definitely a zombie box, what else? Many people watch it and then act not as they think, but as shown. And now, more and more often, the zombie box is reduced to the size of a phone, and the result is a zombie phone. Everyone watches everything on social networks.

Don't say you're ashamed of the past!
Of course not! Previously, I could timidly ask: “Please don’t take pictures of me without asking.” And now there are so many of my ridiculous pictures, rumors, and stupid stories on the Internet. What's the difference now?

What's the most incredible thing you've read about yourself?
They are still discussing that I am still not married. They fantasize about my sexual orientation, some invent entire stories. This is almost part of my story. Sometimes I even think that when I get married, I won’t talk about it publicly and keep the intrigue.

What a mysterious Timur! I like that you use the word "when". Eat exact plan for the future?
I used to plan everything clearly. For example, get married and conceive your first child at 27. But, as you know, if you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans.

You'll turn 40 in February. Are you worried about age?
I don't worry about it. The older a man is, the more valuable he is. He becomes more experienced, more handsome... Although it is better not to say about a man that he is handsome.

They'll say he's gay again! (Laughs.) A man should be a little prettier than a monkey.

It seems to me that this is coquetry. You take care of yourself and collaborate with Old Spice.
Well, I try to be a well-groomed monkey who smells nice. (Smiles.) It doesn’t cost me anything to wash myself, dress decently and comb my hair. Women like you better that way, and you like yourself too.

“I don’t want to be a strong and independent man”

Let's talk about female beauty. You know, I recently sat on a plane and watched as five absolutely identical girls got on: with big lips, small noses...
Yes Yes! This is a trend. I don’t want to judge anyone, but I don’t understand at all why they do this to themselves. Is there really a demand?

You, as a man, tell me if there is a demand.
Don't know. I don’t mind when a person who is not satisfied with something in his appearance makes an “upgrade”. Maybe he will feel better. But there must be some limit. I believe that girls “reshape themselves” not for the sake of men, but for themselves, first and foremost. This is a struggle with one’s own complexes. I can only wish plastic surgeons more creativity in their work. And I tell the girls: “It’s better to be small, but your own. Men love you not only for your breasts!”

“I try to be a well-groomed monkey that smells nice.”

Do you have bachelor habits that have developed over the years?
The habit of self-sufficiency and loneliness. I'm fine alone. This may sound terrible, but I actually enjoy it. Whenever possible, I like to be alone with myself, read a book, watch a movie or play on a console. After conflict situations at work, it’s cool to run around and save the world. (Laughs.)

In such situations, it’s still good to pet the cat...
Yes, by the way, I want to get a cat. But I don’t do this for two reasons. Firstly, due to constant touring. And secondly, I'm afraid that this will distance me even more from family life. First one cat, then a second, a third, and then - like in memes about strong independent women. In this sense, I don’t want to be a strong and independent man. First you need to decide on people, and then get animals.

The finale of the TV show “The Bachelor” on TNT is approaching. His hero Timur Batrutdinov will choose his one and only on May 30 in Sochi. Meanwhile, StarHit learned that Timur’s first love still lives in his heart...

Did you call the toastmaster?

Student of the St. Petersburg State University of Economics Timur Batrutdinov drew attention to classmate Tamara Aronova at one of the rehearsals of the KVN team. “The girls, of course, liked Tim. Cheerful, witty. But Toma is the only one he looked after,” Tatyana Popova, who studied with Batrutdinov in the same class, tells StarHit.

IN free time together with Tamara he ran to discos, roller-skated around the city at night and even bought sauerkraut On the market. And as part of the KVN team they went on tour. Tamara got Timur a job with her father. Georgy Aronov, an expert in the restaurant business in St. Petersburg, back in the 1980s created the “PRAZDNIK” complex, a company that provided services for organizing celebrations: banquet halls, wedding salon, saunas... Knowing that Timur is a wonderful artist, the girl recommended him to her father, and he hired him.

“I knew Timka from the age of 18,” Georgy Zinovievich himself shares with StarHit. – As soon as he and Toma started dating, his daughter brought him home to introduce her mother and me to her boyfriend. It’s true that Tamara invited him to officiate our weddings. Timur turned out to be good toastmaster, and the scriptwriter he came out with was simply amazing.”

Family matters

According to Tamara’s father, Timur spent a lot of time with his family. "When our eldest daughter Natasha gave birth, and not only Tom, but also Tim, was busy with the baby,” Aronov continues. – They walked with Anyutka, fed her... Timur loves children very much! He’s actually a great guy: he joined the army after university! Toma and the guys went to him for the oath... Once I watched a program on TV in which they talked about Timur. Like, he loved a girl whose father, a banker, gave her a restaurant. And, they say, they broke up with her because of incompatibility in status... Nonsense! Timur had only one girlfriend - my daughter. He still comes to us and meets with Toma. He sends us tickets, we go to restaurants together. He hasn't become a star since then. Nothing changed. I don’t interfere in their business with Toma – it’s personal. But Timur is still very close to our family, we can say that he is part of it. Tom recently went to Moscow, they met, walked..."

Despite the fact that Timur and Tamara continue to communicate, they never went to the registry office. He was never married at all, and she never got married. At the university, Tamara fell ill. Later, she revealed her diagnosis on social networks: “After the operation, I began to experience surgical menopause.” According to doctors, this
means that a woman cannot have children.