Theatrical skits for children of primary school age. Scenarios for performances at the Accord Theater-Studio


Petya is an adult (played by a teacher or parent)

Petya is a schoolboy




Clown (village Gosha)


Snow Maiden







Additional Christmas tree characters - Little Red Riding Hoods, snowflakes, dolls, etc.

Adult Petya.

I know this road by heart, like a favorite poem that I remember for the rest of my life. In the morning I leave the house and it seems to me that my mother is about to lean out of the window and shout after me: (voice from behind the scenes) “Petrusha, you forgot your breakfast on the table!”

But now I rarely forget anything...not very decently...after all, I have not been a schoolchild for a long time...

I remember once my best friend Valerik and I for some reason counted the number of steps from home to school. Now I take fewer steps, my legs have become longer, but the path continues longer, because I can no longer rush like before - headlong.

You walk along the road of childhood and seem to be looking for something...

I really have lost something that is impossible to find, to find, but also impossible to forget - my school years... However, they live in me. Do you want them to talk? And they will tell you many different stories? Or better yet, one, but one that, I’m sure, has never happened to any of you! This is my childhood friend, Mishka, and next to him is me in my deep youth...

Misha. Don't ask me how long until the bell rings: I'll sneeze every 15 minutes.

Peter. It's coming! Sneeze! Oh, how I love to relax!

Misha. There will be a change and you will rest!

Peter. What a change this is! Today is September 1st – there are 119….days left until the winter holidays.

Misha. And why before winter?

Peter. I like them the most!

Misha. Don't you like summer ones?

Peter. This is a special occasion, and in general, I love to relax! I dream that everything on the calendar will change.

Misha. What does it mean?

Peter. And so - let everyone go to school on the days that sparkle with red paint, and on the days that are marked with black paint, have fun and relax.

Misha. Wow, you screwed it up!

Peter. Yes, and then attending classes at school is a real holiday for us!

Misha. But still, why do you like winter holidays more?

Peter. Although they are shorter than the summer ones, they bring us Christmas holidays, Santa Clauses, Snow Maidens and elegant gift bags!

Misha. What's in the packages?

Peter. And in the bags there are m-m-m-marshmallows, chocolate and gingerbread! If only I could eat all this instead of breakfast, lunch and dinner, I would agree right away, without hesitation!

Misha. Wow!

Peter. Otherwise! So who do you all want to become?

Misha. Well, I would like to build airplanes, Valerik seems to want to become a sailor, Seryozhka wants to become a driver...

Peter. Yeah, Vitya is a fireman, Vasek is an athlete, and I’m the only one who wants to become a mass entertainer.

Misha. So what kind of profession is this? From morning to evening there is continuous fun...

Peter. Namely - from morning to evening - to have fun for yourself and others at the same time. Well... it's time for me to go home.

Misha. Bye, bye, entertainer! Wow, if you dream about something like this, you’ll be scared!

Scene 2.

(Petya’s apartment, mom and dad are arguing, Petya quietly enters and listens, undressing)

Mother. No, Volodya, Peter needs to be brought up in strictness.

Dad. I agree with this, but regarding books...

Mother. The main thing is books and school.

Dad. And yet, physical labor made a man out of a monkey, so Peter must help at home, in the yard and in general - everywhere!

Peter. Parents, don't argue, I'll be good!

Mother. The winter holidays are coming soon and the extent of your fun, Petenka, should be in direct proportion to the marks in your diary.

Dad. And yet, directly from labor success.

Peter. Okay, okay, will there be tickets for the Christmas tree?

Father and mother. Of course they will! Here you go, Petrusha!

Peter. Hooray! I'm going to the Christmas tree! I'm going to have fun!

Scene 3.

(House of Culture. Christmas tree. Petya meets D. Gosha in a clown costume)

Clown. Movement is life! Sit less and move more!

Peter. Could you tell my parents this?

Clown. For what?

Peter. But they tell me the opposite: “Stop running around the yard! If only I could sit down in one place!”

Clown. (confused) Ah! Go there, my young friend!

Peter. Wow, Santa Claus!

D.M. Hey hey! The most athletic, the fastest, the bravest, come here! This is the first time we have a bicycle race, the winner will receive the most extraordinary prize in the history of Christmas trees! We need a third participant!

Peter. Wow! I! I am running! I am the third participant!

D.M. Reade set Go!

(bicycle races across the stage - from backstage to backstage, Petya arrives first)

D.M. (raises Petya’s hand) He is the winner!

Clown. Hurray, this is our record holder, let's support him with applause!

D.M. We reward the winner!

Peter. How?

D.M. ABOUT! You can't even imagine! In fairy tales, sorcerers and wizards usually ask for three wishes, but I think that’s too many! You set a cycling record once and I will fulfill one of your wishes, but any! Think carefully, take your time!

Peter. Desire...One thing, right?

D.M. What do you want?

Peter. The path will always be a Christmas tree! And may these holidays never end!

D.M. So, do you want it to always be like today? How about this tree? And so that the holidays never end?

Peter. Yes. And for everyone to entertain me!

D.. Well, all these desires can be counted as one. I will make sure that your holidays and entertainment never end!

Peter. And for Valerik too?

D.M. Who is this...Valerik?

Peter. My best friend!

D.M. Or maybe he doesn’t want the holidays to last forever for him? He didn't ask me for this...

Peter. I’m running downstairs now... I’ll call him from the payphone and find out if he wants it too...

D.M. If you ask me for money to call a friend, this will be the fulfillment of your desire, although... I’ll tell you a secret... I now have to fulfill your other wishes, or rather requests.

Peter. Why?

D.M. ABOUT! Do not rush! In time you will find out! But I cannot fulfill this request: your friend did not participate in the race and did not take first place, so why should I reward him?

Peter. Well, okay, I don’t argue with wizards, I don’t have such a habit!

D.M. Why wizards? Am I the only one here?!

Peter. Well, it’s just that Valerik is also a wizard, he is a hypnotist!

D.M. Hypnotist?

Peter. Well, yes, he once staged a mass hypnosis session in the camp!

D.M. And what?

Peter. The counselor only had time to shout that this was quackery, and then immediately fell asleep, followed by everyone else... They snored, it was just terrible...

D.M. However…

Peter. Yes, and once he took me away from the survey... And in general - he is so good, he is all about public spirits, everyone is drawn to him, and he is my best friend!

D.M. Well, it's time to fulfill your wish! You will receive a ticket to the land of eternal vacation!

(Petya extends his hand)

D.M. No, no, in a fairy tale they don’t give you tickets or write out passes - everything will happen by itself! Tomorrow you will find yourself in the Land of Eternal Vacations!

Peter. Isn’t it possible today?

D.M. Today you are having fun without magic, and tomorrow everyone will go to school after the holidays, and for you the holidays will continue!

Scene 4.

(adult Petya)

The next day, miracles began right in the morning: the alarm clock, which I had set the day before and, as usual, placed on a chair near the bed, did not ring, but I still woke up, or rather, I had not slept since midnight, waiting for my departure to the Land of Eternals vacation...But no one came for me from there...the alarm clock was just silent...and then suddenly my dad came up to me and said sternly:

Immediately roll over to the other side, Peter, and continue to sleep!

I was amazed - this was said by my dad, who always demanded that I get up before everyone else... and then my mother’s voice was heard:

Don’t you dare, Petya, to go to school. Look at me!

I was simply amazed! And this was said by my mother, who believed that every day spent at school is a steep step up... By the way, according to my calculations, I have already climbed very high if I have been studying since the first grade. Miracles continued... That morning Valerik did not ring the doorbell as usual...

Petya (comes out). So what will I go with? Maybe a flying carpet? Either a rocket or a race will take me to a fairyland - and all the guys will see it...

(the tram exits with the sign “For repairs”)

Conductor. Sit down dear! Welcome!

Peter. But I don't need any repairs.

Conductor. Hey handsome, get in quickly!

Peter. But he’s going... for repairs, and I need to go to the Land of Eternal Vacations...

Conductor. Don't worry, my dear! We'll deliver it there.

Peter. I’ll buy a ticket right now...

Conductor. If you pay for the ticket, the controller will fine both you and me...Shh!

Peter. But…

Conductor. Aren't you shaking? You can sit here, anywhere, even in front, even in my place, for this they gave you a separate trolleybus!

Peter. And I like to shake a little, it’s so nice to jump up!

Conductor. Oh, you little bunny, if only you feel good! By the way, we’ve already arrived - your stop! Goodbye, dear child!

Scene 5.

Clown. Welcome to the land of eternal vacation!

(music, Petya is greeted by Foxes, hares, bears, a noise orchestra plays)

Clown. We welcome our young vacationer!

Peter. Whom?

Clown. Young residents of the Land of Eternal Vacations are called vacationers and vacationers.

Peter. Where are they?

Clown. There is no one... The entire population at this stage consists of you alone!

Peter. Where are these...well, who were yesterday? Well, young viewers?

Clown. Everyone is at school, studying... Let's welcome our only vacationer!

(show participants vie with each other to pull Petya)

Fox. I ask you to watch the acrobatic sketch!

Bunny. Now they will show you some magic tricks!

Squirrel. This number is dedicated only to you! Rhyme! What do you choose, young man?

Peter. Rhyme!

(sits down in the hall)

Clown. Well, now with a special feeling,

We will get to know……

Peter. Art!

Clown. Well done, you will be a poet!

Peter. If only Valerka were nearby, if only he could see that everything was just for me. They puff there, cram, sweat at the blackboard, but for me it’s a Christmas tree celebration!

Squirrel. Well, now with great enthusiasm,

We will all sing, which means...

Peter. In chorus!

Squirrel. Bravo, start singing, Peter!

Peter. One?

Squirrel. You are our only vacationer, so sing!

(to the accompaniment of a noise orchestra, Petya tries to sing the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”)

Bunny. Gather all the people

We are starting...

Peter. Round dance!

Bunny. Well done! Come on, dance in a circle!

Peter. And you?

Bunny. We don’t have the right to do this, only vacationers lead the round dance!

(leads a round dance, everyone around claps and dances)

Fox. Wow Petechka, well done! What elaborate movements, what rhythm, and what hearing! Bravo, Petrusha! Well, you lead a round dance here, and we’ll run on and prepare festive events for you!

(they run away, Snow Maiden rides out on roller skates)

Snow Maiden. Grandfather instructed me to register in the Land of Eternal Vacations. Until now, I was without any work, there was no one to register! Do you have a passport?

Peter. Not yet!

Snow. Then I have nowhere to put a registration stamp.

Peter. At birth I was included in my mother’s passport, it seems...

Snow. But I can’t put a stamp there, because your mother has not expressed a desire to become a resident of the Land of Eternal Vacations. You are the first vacationer in your family and in your entire school, and in your entire city!

Peter. What then?

Snow. No problem, consider that you are registered anyway!


Clown. (brings a bicycle to Petya) But Petenka is smarter, more dexterous and faster than everyone else!

(Petit's race on a bicycle)

Clown. Here he is – our winner – the one and only!

D.M. The winner gets a prize! (hands over the package)

Peter. And if I guess right again, will I get a prize again?

D.M. No, no, there can only be one gift! The accounting department writes out gifts according to the number of spectators, so even if you replace the entire auditorium, there is only one gift!

Peter. How many times will there be these matinees?

D.M. ABOUT! As much as you want! After all, you are registered in this country forever, and if you want to have fun in some other way, just contact us - your desire is law for us!

Peter. But where will I turn?

D.M. You see, the method like: “Tell me a mirror and tell me the whole truth...” is already outdated. We now use the latest means of communication. The best thing is a phone! If you dial two deuces, the order desk will immediately respond!

Peter. A bit strange number. One deuce is unpleasant, but here there are two at once!

D.M. ABOUT! You are right! We specially selected just such a number so that it would be close to the vacationer’s heart! So call, Snegurka will take your orders for entertainment!

Peter. So she’s a passport officer!

D.. And there she works part-time. The land of eternal vacation was in forced downtime... due to the lack of vacationers, but thanks to you, it started working again!

Peter. What about school?

D.M. ABOUT! Don't worry about it, the teachers will be happy!

Peter. What about mom and dad?

D.M. And they too!

Peter. So this country is not only here?

D.M. No, here is its capital, and the country itself is everywhere...

Peter. And in the yard?

D.M. And in the yard too...

Scene 6.

(adult Petya)

...And I went to the yard. He walked down the street, alternately chewing marshmallows, chocolate, and gingerbread. I was terribly proud that I became the only vacationer in our city! And if I just want to, I’ll be faster than everyone else, more dexterous than everyone else, and most importantly, smarter! And then Valerik will find out that I am a champion, record holder and winner! I was daydreaming...Here I am the first stick in hockey, and here I am the first boot in football...

(guys come out)

Peter. Want to? (holding out a bag)

Zhora. What are you saying, Petenka! What you! You have to eat everything yourself, only you! And no one else! What if you don't have enough? It's scary to think about! And in general, it’s good that you came, you will be our goalkeeper!

Peter. I? Goalkeeper?

Zhora. Of course you!

(adult Petya)

At first I was simply stunned, and then I thought: “Aha, did you recognize the power of Santa Claus? He will also force you to do something else! You will also elect me as your captain, and maybe as your coach!”

The game started and I immediately put two pucks into my own goal, but no one scolded me, quite the contrary...

Zhora. Don’t be upset, the first damn thing is lumpy, and the first match is a goal!

Misha. Don't be upset, what can I do for you?

Peter. Valerie, do you despise me?

Valera. Why? You’ve been wanting to play hockey for a long time, and not just somehow, but in the national team - so the guys gave you pleasure!

Peter. Listen, did the teacher notice that I wasn't at school today?

Valera. Of course she noticed and told us...

Peter. Why am I skipping?

Valera. No, she said you're undergoing treatment.

Peter. How how? She apparently mixed up something... I now... I need to call...


Snow. Order table.

Peter. I would like to become the best goalkeeper in our yard.

Snow. We accept orders for entertainment only! We don't teach how to play football!

Peter. What about hockey?

Snow. Especially!

Peter. Do you provide information?

Snow. Which?

Peter. Would you like to know why our teacher said that I was undergoing treatment?

Snow. She just made a mistake - a course of entertainment! That's all. No requests for entertainment?

Peter. No…

(mother enters)

Mother. Peter, this is disgraceful! Haven't you eaten all the gingerbreads and sweets yet? To put this matter in order, we decided this: from now on, I will not prepare breakfasts, lunches and dinners, we must not distract you from the main food, we must not spoil your appetite. Dad and I will eat at the cafe, and we have developed a special menu for you. Listen carefully - for breakfast - mint gingerbread and coffee with milk, lunch - three courses - marshmallow, Tula gingerbread and chocolate medals, and for dinner - honey gingerbread with tea! And don’t even think about breaking this menu! Do you hear, Peter?

Peter. Yes, of course, hooray! I will eat whatever I want, go wherever I want!

(dials phone)

Snow. Order table.

Peter. Order table? I want to go to the circus!

Snow. The order was accepted and placed by Snegurka.

(adult Petya)

I was jubilant! Again I rode in a private trolleybus, watched a performance at the circus, ate sweets, and most importantly, I didn’t have to go to school and cram these lessons! Time passed and I gradually got tired of having fun alone, and from eating sweets every day I was already starting to feel nauseous... And I really wanted to invite my friends and especially Valerik to the holiday... I dialed the usual number again...

Snow. The order desk is listening.

Peter. I want my friends to go to the capital of the country of eternal holidays - to the Christmas tree!

Snow. We only serve vacationers!

Peter. And if as an exception.

Snow. Contact Santa Claus.

Peter. Connect.

Snow. Connecting.

D.M. I'm listening.

Peter. Help me with my request, I want...

D.M. I can’t, I’m a disciplined wizard, and I can’t have a Christmas tree in February! For a vacationer this is par for the course, but for normal kids...

Peter. Am I not normal? Am I crazy?

D.M. Oh, no, you’re just... not quite ordinary, I have to entertain you, mind you, at your own request!

Peter. Well, okay! (hangs up) We'll get through this! Masks...That's what we need! Just think, some disciplined ones were found, for me too...

Scene 7.

(Peter and the boys come wearing monkey, donkey and bear masks)

Clown. Why are you so early?

Peter. Yes!

Clown. And who is this? It seems like we didn’t have donkeys at the party!

Peter. This is with me, from a children's amateur performance!

Clown. Couldn't you put on makeup behind the scenes?

Zhora. We're from a different tree!

Valera. We were late and didn’t have time to change clothes.

Clown. What other Christmas trees are there in February?

Misha. (singing) A Christmas tree was born in the forest, born in February...

Clown. You feel bad?

Misha. On the contrary, it's good!

Peter. Here the orchestra is playing, for me alone, and there the artists are running, also for me...

Clown. (to Zhora) Which concert organization are you from? Why are you standing in one place? Why don't the monkey and donkey work?

Peter. I am very pleased that they are standing next to each other, it entertains me!

Clown. Your word is law for us!

Peter. (Valera) See how he obeys me! He will do whatever I want!

D.M. (from behind the scenes) Who is faster, who is more agile, who is smarter?

(comes out and looks at the guys)

Some strange animals, wearing only masks, without skins.

Clown. These are not professional animals, they are amateurs!

D.M. Oh, then explain to them that only vacationers and vacationers can participate in the competition: we work here, not have fun.

Misha. (monkey) Sing, help us, intercede, because you are all-powerful here!

Peter. I would be very entertained if they took part in the competition. I would get great pleasure, just pleasure!

D.M. The vacationer’s request is law for us!

Peter. Have you heard, my word is law!

Clown. (pushing 2 bicycles) Please! But only one by one!

(they compete in turns, the monkey wins - Misha)

D.M. Will it please you, Peter, if I give the monkey the winning prize?

Peter. (sarcastically) I'll just be happy, this will amuse me so much!

D.M. But there was pastille and a chocolate medal...

Peter. And more gingerbread! Let the monkey get it all, I lost the competition on purpose...

Misha. How is this on purpose? Then let's replay it.

Clown. It's immediately obvious that this is not a professional monkey. Professionals don’t argue with vacationers...

Peter. Heard? So, let's have some riddles!

Clown. So, fox, squirrel, here, the vacationer wants a riddle!

Fox. Petrushenka, my light, of course, this is a riddle!

With a long long beard,

Almost gray beard,

He is very friendly with us on holiday,

We all really need this holiday!

Give me an answer quickly

What is the name of this item?

Petya, Zhora and Misha. Father Frost!

Fox. A common mistake, this is not Santa Claus at all!

Valera. Of course, is Santa Claus an object?

Peter. Animated object!

Clown. And it is forbidden to argue with a vacationer! Next riddle!

Squirrel. Give us an answer quickly

What is the name of this item?

But think first

This item is called...

Valera. Bast!

Clown. Well done, even though you are an amateur donkey, well done!

Peter. Just think!

Misha. Listen, Pete, what is a vacationer? They call you that on the Christmas tree, I heard... it comes from the name of the disease, right?

Peter. What disease?

Misha.'re undergoing treatment. You know, a person with a diseased heart is called a heart patient, whose liver is acting up - a liverwort, but then what is your disease called?

Peter. Leave me alone, that's it, enough entertainment for you, I'm going home!

Scene 8.

Mother. I need to talk to you seriously, Peter! Very seriously!

Peter. About what?

Mother. One thing worries me!

Peter. Which?

Mother. You rarely go to the movies! 3, 4 times a month is catastrophically not enough! From now on you will watch one picture a day!

Peter. But where can I get so many films?

Mother. It’s okay, some of them can be watched several times! You shouldn't have any spaces! And keep in mind, I will check your attendance, and Aunt Dasha will help me with this.

Peter. What is Aunt Dasha like?

Mother. This is a friend of my youth, she recently became an usher at a cinema that opened around the corner from us!

Peter. In "Young Friend"?

Mother. Yes, that's where she works. From now on you will have your own office chair!

Peter. Can I go there with Valerik?

Mother. But Aunt Dasha only has one official chair!

Peter. We will sit on the same chair!

Mother. Well, if Valerik wants...

Peter. I’m quick, I’m going to see Valerik...

Scene 9.

Valera. Oh, it's you, come in!

Peter. Now we will go to the movies every day and for free! We will sit on the official chair...

Valera. I'm sorry, but I can't.

Peter. Why can not you?

Valera. I simply won't have time.

Peter. What are you so busy with?

Valera. Firstly, the test is coming soon, we need to prepare, and secondly...

Peter. And what secondly?

Valera. Can not say.

Peter. And why is that?

Valera. You don’t go to school anymore, you live in your own vacation world...

Peter. So what, are you jealous?

Valera. Not at all, you live there, and we have many plans, but, unfortunately, you don’t fit into them! (leaves)

(adult Petya)

I really didn’t fit into the guys’ plans, and to be honest, I was tired of living in the Land of Eternal Vacations. Their entertainment schedule was very busy. Every morning I left the house, boarded an empty trolleybus, arrived at the Christmas tree, there I sang in chorus, danced in a circle, competed with myself, won, took all the prizes and went home... After lunch with sweets, I went to the cinema, and in the evening Dad made sure I looked through the filmstrips. So I was seriously exhausted. And most importantly, witchcraft and enchantment had no effect on Valerik and I decided to escape from the land of eternal vacation... With a habitual movement, I scored two deuces and heard the cheerful voice of Santa Claus...

D.M. I'm listening!

Peter. I don't want to celebrate New Year in February anymore.

D.M. I'm sorry, what?

Peter. I won't come here tomorrow...

D.M. Won't you come?

Peter. Please get me out of this country!

D.M. This is very difficult to do!

Peter. Why?

D.M. Have you thought about us? We will be left without work, we will have to close the Land of Eternal Vacations, after all, you are our only vacationer and we must cherish and take care of you!

Peter. Well, close it, who needs it, this is your country?! And you can retire...

D.M. Hm! But what about the Snow Maiden, she’s young!

Peter. Young people are welcome everywhere, even if they go to the passport office, even if they go to the secretarial office...So you’re letting me go?

D.M. Just write a statement...

Peter. Grandfather, I have one last request for you.

D.M. In parting, so be it, I’m ready to fulfill it, what is it about?

Peter. I missed almost an entire academic quarter. Can't you put knowledge into my head, well, the ones that I missed?

D.M. No one, even the most qualified wizard, can do this. Without labor, without learning knowledge? No, it's you yourself!

Peter. What about the acquittal? They won't let me into school!

D.M. The Snow Maiden will decorate!

(Snow Maiden rides out on roller skates)

Snow. Is today our closing day?

D.M. Yes, today is closing day!

Snow. So the Land of Eternal Vacations is closing and the order table is closing?

D.M. Exactly!

Snow. Well, so be it, I think I won’t be left without work!

Scene 10.

(guys come out)

Valera. Sing, let's go, we have so much to tell you! I am very glad that you are with us again!

Misha. Whoa, whoa, he’s a vacationer, you know! Steep!

Zhora. Come on, for a change I tried myself in the role of a loafer, who doesn’t?!

Peter. Guys, I really miss assignments, exercises, problems, poems!

Misha. Wow!

Valera. Great, but we just want to tell you about our society, about animal protection, about many, many things...

(go backstage)

(adult Petya)

The tales end happily: some with a wedding, others with a feast. On the occasion of my return from the Land of Eternal Vacations, I also threw a feast, if not for the whole world, then for the whole yard for sure! This is where all the prizes and gifts came in handy! There was no honey, but there were honey gingerbreads! And I was there, drinking tea with gingerbread, nothing flowed down my mustache, because I didn’t have a mustache then, but a lot got into my mouth!

This is the story that happened to me, believe it or not!

The artists bow to the music.

Svetlana Kovalenko


The curtain is closed. The musical composition “Kostroma” (ensemble by Ivan Kupala) is playing.

Pair dance (4 couples) - choreographic performance. At the end of the dance, the outer dancers open a stylized accordion on which the title of the fairy tale is written. (after the dance the Jester and the Cracker remain)


Whether it happened or not... to know for sure!

Vanya lived in the world with his mother. Their life was not easy...

Year after year they suffered grief, in general, they lived without embellishment.

And now you will find out what happened!

There will be evil guys in the fairy tale, a stupid king and a merman,

Good little animals will help anyone in trouble!

You will learn that only good deeds are valued.

Open the curtain quickly! A fairy tale has come to visit you!

The curtain is open. Mezzanine: Upper room. Mom is sitting at the spinning wheel, Vanya is sitting on the stove.


Oh, what a dream I had: a glass of foamy kvass,

A big tub of pies,

Fried partridge...

What's for lunch today?


There is nothing edible!


We are going to die of hunger!

No! This won't happen!

I’ll take my hat to the market...

Put on the samovar, mom!

(Vanya’s theme music plays. A little man comes out from behind the curtain, pulling the Cat Masha on a rope)


Why are you torturing the cat?

You'll get it from me now (shakes his fist)

Little guy:

The tattered cat is mine,

So the owner is me.

If you want it, buy it!

Well, no - walk past!


Buy - not a ruble...

Where is my hat?

I'll exchange with you:

Your hat is my cat!

Man: (following)

What a fool, simplicity...

You can't make soup from a cat! Ha ha ha….

(Vanya’s theme sounds. Vanya brings the Cat to Mom)


Did you manage to change your hat?

Let's feast today!

I’ll make pancakes, okroshka...


I changed my hat to... a cat.

The cat's name is Masha.

Where there is a cat, there is comfort.


The Lord sent me a son!

What do I need cattle here for?

What do I need, your comfort to chew?

Oh, I'm going to bed hungry again...

Vanya (hugs his mother):

There will be something to eat tomorrow!

I have a shirt!

The holidays are just around the corner...

I'll take the shirt to town!

(Vanya’s theme sounds. He meets the Peasant again. Zhuzha the Dog is on a leash)


You again? Now a dog!

You're looking for a fight!

Little guy:

Wait, don't get angry!

This is not a dog - a lynx!

I thought I would never part with her...

But I’ll exchange it for a shirt!


It's a pity for the festive shirt...

But I feel sorry for the dogs too...

Okay, take it and more

Don't keep animals in captivity!

Little guy (following):

I sold the dog from my hand (rubs his hands)

There will be kebabs for mom....Ha-ha-ha!

(The theme Vanya is coming. Vanya brings Dog Juju to Mom)


Mother! I changed my shirt

For a wonderful dog!

Marvel at her:

This is not a dog - a lynx!


Apparently you've gone crazy...

Where did you find this “treasure”?

You won’t be satisfied with kindness...

You will destroy us with your pity!


Teach the fool, mom...

It's time for the jacket...


Oh look, I guessed it!

You got it from your father... (cries)


What will it be good for me?

I'm in no hurry to get married!

And for such a jacket on the market

They'll give you two rubles and a fifty!

(Vanya’s theme sounds. A peasant comes out and drags the Snake Speedy)


You're back to your old ways again!

Now you can't get enough!

Little guy:

If you don't like me, don't look.

If you need a snake, take it.

It’s not easy, listen, it’s a snake...

But apparently you don’t need...


No, I'm not a simpleton...

Will you exchange it for a jacket?

Little guy:

The jacket is ours - and the snake is yours!

(following) There will be porridge for you, mother! Ha ha ha….

(The musical theme “Along and Along the River” plays, Vanya and Skoropeya enter the house)


It would be better if you sat down, mom.

Tea, you are very tired...


Oh, there is excitement in my chest!

Speak without hesitation...

What's behind you?


So... an ordinary snake!

Mom (faints)

Snake (sings):

I'm free, I'm free...

Oh, thank you, Vanya!

Thank you for everything...

And I’ll give you a ring!


That's how the snake Skoropeya is!

Well, now I can do everything!

For the Grand Mercy ring!

What should you ask first?

Mom (gets up from fainting):

Ask for food, Vanya...


It will be done, mom! (puts ring on finger)

(THREE SERVANTS' THEME from the hemp sounds, three servants appear, dance)

During the dance, the servants place food and beautiful dishes on the table...


Here you are, fed and dressed!

Thank you, servants, for this!

I have now become an important bird

And now I want to get married!


Oh, we have a lot of brides!

Every day they look out the window.

Lisa, Katya, Varya, Glasha, -

One is cuter and more beautiful than the other!


No! I want to match myself

Take the king's daughter as your wife!

So mom, get ready

Go to the royal palace.

Let them get ready for the party

Tsar, queen and... Ulyanka.

(Mother leaves. The curtain closes)

The Jester and the Cracker appear:

As in every fairy tale, we need a royal tower!

And on the throne, and on the throne, so that the king sits wearing a crown.

And with him were the queen and their daughter, a maiden.


Everyone is stupid, lazy, but arrogant in public!

They spit on the common people, but they drink with the overseas prince

And they eat bizet with biscuit…. And at the same time: “bitte” - “dritte”!

(The curtain opens. The mezzanine: the throne on which the king sits, the queen sits on a bench, knitting a sock, Ulyanka is bored in front of the mirror.

Song of the Tsar (phonogram). Mom comes in.


Hello, you are our King - our hope!

I came to you...



The time has come for Vanya to get married.

Your daughter is a girl.

We offer our heart, our hand...


Are you out of your mind, old woman?

Ulyana has suitors,

There are bedbugs in your closet!

Englishman, ex-Prime Minister,

And the Frenchman is a millionaire!

You can't help yourself with Vanka!

Have we gone wild or what?


Dad, why are you silent?

Drive the peasant woman away!

There is nothing to interpret here:

You need to know your place!


Tsits! And here is my solution:

Place an ad in the newspaper -

If he wants to become a son-in-law,

I have to please my father-in-law.

Let him build a crystal bridge

The design is perfect.

If he does everything like this,

I give my consent to marriage!

(The curtain closes. Vanya with a ring and servants with a crystal bridge appear in front of the curtain.) A pantomime is in progress: a bridge is being built. Musical accompaniment.)

(The curtain opens. Vanya places a bridge in front of the king.)


Well, Ivan, you’re not so simple,

Once he managed to build a bridge!

I won't break my word:

You will be Ulyanka’s husband!

(Wedding march, Ulyanka is put on a veil. The Tsar brings her to Vanya, they walk in a circle, approach the table, raise their glasses, the Tsar and Queen hug, shed a tear, Vanya’s mother brings the icon in a towel for blessing, gradually everyone leaves. Only Vanya remains with Ulyanka.)


Still, I want to know

Where did you manage to get the bridge?

And where did such means come from?

How did you manage to dress like that?


I won’t hide it from my wife -

Yes, a miracle happened to me...

(Takes off the ring, Ulyanka puts it on her finger, pushes Vanya away, runs away. Vanya grabs his head. The curtain closes)

The dog Zhuzha and the cat Masha come out:

Cat Masha:

If our Vanyusha knew,

What is Ulyana up to?

She has a fiance after all -

The Frenchman is filthy!

Zhuzha the dog:

The ring was stolen from Ivan

And she ruined our whole house!

We will not tolerate deception!

Let's give him back the ring!

(Musical theme of Dogs and Cats) – knots on sticks. They go in circles. The curtain opens. The music “Mysterious Forest” plays.


I'm so scared to go into the forest...

Who will we meet along the way?


Oh, something rustles in the bushes,

The dog was overcome by fear!

(The Hedgehog's theme sounds, Hedgehog comes out, Squirrel a little further away)

What are you afraid of, friends?

It's just Squirrels and me here!

Even though I have a prickly side,

Don't be afraid of me, my friend!

1 Squirrel:

Where are you going and why?

2 Squirrel:

Now tell everyone!


We need to get to Paris quickly

And take the magic ring!

Maybe you saw the fugitives

Why did they take Vanino’s ring?

Chorus: We'll go through the field, through the forest!

We will see many miracles!

And we'll come back with a ring!

Vanya, our host, will be glad!

I haven't heard anything...

I didn't see anyone...

How to cope with trouble?

Vo-dia-noi will help you!

1 Squirrel:

You go to Vodyanoy,

He lives in a swamp

He has been living in the world for a long time,

He knows everything, he will understand everything!

2 Squirrel:

Just go now

Otherwise he will go to bed!

And then, guys,

You can't even lift it with a cannon!

(Theme of the Dog and the Cat. They make a circle and end up in a swamp.)

Music of Mermaids sounds. Dance of the Mermaids and the Merman.


I haven't seen you in the swamps for a long time

Living people and animals.

Where are you in a hurry, where are you from?

Well, answer quickly!

(Song of the Dog and the Cat)


I haven't heard anything...

I didn't see anyone...

Have you seen it, big eyes?

Mermaids (in chorus):

Haven't seen it! Haven't heard!

Will meet you ahead

Gypsy camp. Ask there (yawns)

Time to sleep…. Sorry...

(Mermaid music).Zhuzha and Masha leave in a circle. Meet the Gypsies.


Give me the cards, I’ll tell you my fortune...

I’ll find out everything about you now...

I see the young man’s face...

And a magic ring...


Do you want the ring back?

Dog and cat (together):

Help, help!


This is not an easy matter...

But I'll tell you a secret!

Here's some sleeping powder for you,

You, when the time comes,

Add it to the villains' tea

And grab the ring quickly!


Well, now the luck is ours!

We're off to Paris! Goodbye, Masha!

(The theme of Zhuzha and Masha sounds. They make a circle and go behind the curtain.

The theme “France” is playing. Scene: Ulyanka and the Frenchman are drinking coffee.)


Voldemar! Mil-pardon!

Let's go out onto the balcony!


Do you want some coffee?

I’ll pour it into your cup (Mashka the cat quietly pours the powder)


Drink sleeping powder

So that everyone falls asleep on time!


Something makes me sleepy...


Yes, and I want to sleep...

(They fall asleep. Masha and Zhuzha take off the ring and run back. The curtain closes)

Musical theme “Samovar” Vanya sits, saddened with his mother and Skoropeya. Animals run in.


Zhuzha, Masha! We didn’t expect it!

Zhuzha with Masha (in chorus):

We are not empty-handed!

We walked around the whole world

And they found your ring!

Vanya puts the ring on his hand. (Theme song "Magic Bells")


I have become wiser, friends!

Why do I need the royal family?

Thousands do not bring happiness!

They don’t seek good from goodness!

All artists go on stage.

The story about the magic ring has come to an end!

We tried, we played to amuse you!


We'll come back to you with a new fairy tale,

But a little later!

And now it's time to say goodbye

Goodbye friends!

Sections: Extracurricular activities





Papa Long Ears

Little Bunny Fluff

Hamella monkey

Children participants in the auditorium .

The Wizard’s large chest suddenly rolls out onto the festive stage. There are dolls and toys in the chest. We need to come up with a way for the chest to open and future participants in the play to jump out of it. Maybe it will be a cut in the back of the stage, from where young artists appear magically and fabulously. The Wizard enters to the music and does tricks, dances and bows to the children.

Wizard: Hello children and parents! I am a magician! Today, guys, I conjured a whole chest of toys to make the holiday more fun!

(Opens chest)

Wizard: Hey, beautiful girls, show yourself quickly!

(Girl dolls appear to the music)

1st doll: I am Olya!

2nd doll: I'm Ksusha!

Wizard: These are the beauties! Well, I would have kissed him!

Olya: Oh, no need, our cheeks are painted, we are going to perform.

Ksyusha: Yes, yes, we are beautiful dolls, we will sing and dance!

Olya: Wizard, will there be music?

Wizard: It will happen, girls! Look! (He claps, magically spreads his arms, and Ivanushka appears from the chest with a balalaika. Ivanushka looks like a buffoon in disguise, painted like a doll).

Ivanushka: The balalaika is ringing and cheerful, play at the holiday! (The sound of a balalaika is heard)

Come on, girls, dance and sing along with the guys!

(The girls start singing and while dancing invite the children from the audience to dance too)

Wizard: Aw, well done, kids!

Well done Ivanushka! Only, hello, I didn’t tell everyone.

Ivanushka: Oh, excuse me. Hello children! I'm so tired of sitting in a chest. Oh, and the furry Hamelka began to pinch.

Wizard: Yes, and I forgot about her. (Claps his hands and a monkey jumps out)

This is the monkey Khmelka. It's winding, it runs on batteries, and everything happens to it. She is ill-mannered, teases, calls names, sticks out her tongue, fights: And she still strives to steal something! Here's the problem:

Hamelka: Ha-ha-ha: Stay happy, and I’ll go somersault! (somersault).

Wizard: Stop, stop! And greetings to the guys? Look how many of them are gathered in the hall!

Hamelka:(looks at the children) Oh! Look! Yes, the worst ones are here. And they probably study poorly! Yes, I’m giving everyone a slap now! (she moved into the hall, the Wizard stops her): One boy called me Okhamelka, and another Ophigelka, here!

Wizard: How are you not ashamed? After all, you are on a holiday!

Hamelka: I don't need your holiday! You have only one joy here, but I can’t stand it.

I would like to deceive someone:? Bye! (ran away).

Wizard: Let's not be discouraged, children! Oh, and meet some kind animals!

(Papa Long Ears crawls out of the chest, then Mama Zaya and then the little bunny Fluff)

Zaya's mom: Hello children! How cute you all are! Well, just like my son Fluff. Son, say hello to the guys.

Little Bunny Fluff:(shy): Goodbye, guys!: Oh, I wanted to say hello!

(Suddenly Hamelka runs onto the stage, she blows her whistle, as if whistling and deafening everyone. Seeing Fluffy, she looks at him intently. In her paws she has a large bag so that the bunny can fit in it)

Hamelka:(To Mom Zaya) Hello, Paw-eared! I brought a gift! Look everyone! Here I have a bag, and there is something in it. (Walked up to Pushka). Come to me, baby: Give Auntie her paw. (Fluff gives her paw) Let me kiss you, baby: (Fluff runs away from her behind Mama Zaya). Oh! What a stupid little bunny. SNICKERS in the bag! Get it out: well, well, quickly, baby: (Fluff climbed into the bag and is looking. The monkey quickly ties the bag and yells)

Hamelka: And now, Paw-eared, you will feed me, water me and change the battery! If you don’t, I’ll starve your Cannon to death! Farewell! (she stole the bag with the bunny).

Papa Long Ears:(I still haven’t looked up and read the newspaper on the side without reacting to what’s happening around me) Did something happen here?: Did I hear some kind of scream?

Zaya's mom: :God! I'm fainting!!! (falls).

Papa Long Ears: God! My darling! What's wrong with you? (picks her up)

Zaya's mom: Hurry up, go there! Son! My son: (Dad and Mom run away).

Wizard: You see how unpleasant it all turned out. But you will definitely see what happens next. Let me conjure a forest. (He clapped his hands and a Christmas tree and a stump appeared where Fluffy was sitting, and next to him a gluttonous monkey took out a carrot from a basket)

Fluff:(Crying) Aunt Meatball, please give me a carrot.

Hamelka: What-o-o! I'm no Meatball! I am the bravest monkey Hamelochka! So here it is. Did you get one carrot yesterday?: Got it! You've had enough!

Fluff: You are greedy and don’t love anyone.

Hamelka: How can I not love it?! I love myself! (hugs himself, kisses his ponytail): Oh, what’s wrong with me! (speaks in a chant) I can’t even move my paw: Fluff, help me, call everyone here: my battery is out: Save eeeeeee:.

(Ivanushka runs in, followed by all the participants in the performance)

Ivanushka: Look everyone, what kind of rag is this? Olya! Ksyusha! Hurry here! (girl dolls run in) Look, girls, the tweezer is lying there. Does it really look like a rag?

Hamelka:(chanting) This: is not a rag: it’s me - I-I-I-I-I-I::..

Zaya's mom:(runs in) My Fluff!

Papa Long Ears:(runs in) Hurray! Our son! (everyone hugs).

Wizard:(To the monkey) Oh, you are evil and greedy! The bunny was stolen! I wanted to ruin the holiday!

Hamelka: It's not my fault: My battery is out: (roars).

Wizard: Well, guys, let's help her? :After all, today is our holiday!

Ivanushka: Yes, I feel sorry for her. She will be lost without us.

Olya and Ksyusha: Yes, it's a shame!

Olya: She needs to be saved. Let's run for the battery!

Wizard: Stop, friends! There's everything I don't have in my chest. Here is the new battery.

(Inserts a battery into the monkey's back)

Hamelka:(Like a spring sat down, paws spread out) So I moved! (looks at others) Forgive me! : Take me to live with you!:? (she cried) It’s not my fault: After all, I’m kind and I know how to climb trees. I'll collect nuts for you:

Wizard: Well, guys, how are we going to take it?!

ALL: Let's take it!

Hamelka::(touching) Thank you all!!! Forgive me for being stupid. I'm kind:

Now I will educate myself all my life! Let me kiss you all!!!

(Ivanushka started playing the balalaika again. And the monkey runs among the spectators, kisses them and distributes nuts and candies from a basket to the children: And dancing and songs began).


A script for a theater studio for schoolchildren with ditties and stompers.

(Repertoire of the theater-studio “Rostok”, school No. 95, Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory)

Funny Buffoons-Criers run onto the stage. They dance and tumble.

Then the Rooster runs out and crows. The button accordion began to play and the people danced in circles accompanied by folk singing)

In a nameless village,
Beyond the Nenazvanka River,
Emelya lived young,
Not married, single!
Oh-la, yes oh-la-la,
NOT married, single! (repeat)

Nearby in the king's chamber,
A beautiful daughter lived
Tanya wanted to get married
Day and night she roared...

Oh-la, yes oh-la-la,
Roared day and night... (repeat)

The heralds bring out scrolls with the Decree of Tsar Egorka. They announce it all over the area)

Heralds: (together) DECREE! Whoever makes Princess Nesmeyanochka laugh and amuse her, the Tsar will marry her!!!

(The King runs in and hits him with his staff)

KING: Yes, yes! I'll give you in marriage, and he'll live in a palace!

MUM: Father Tsar! Meet your beloved...Pretty girls are leading their daughter!

(the girls seat Nesmeyanochka on the throne, where the princess begins to fake cry as much as she can)

KING: Well, here she roared again. All over me! Fulfill the Tsar's Decree! (everyone ran away)

MUM: (to the princess’s roar) Yes, here I am, princess! Here I am, honey! What do you want beauty?

Nesmenochka: Harness the sleigh. I want to go for a ride in the forest.

Mom: And there are wild animals in the forest. What are you, my dear?

Nesmeyanochka: I want, I want to go to the animals! A-a-a... (continues to fake roar)

Mom: Don’t cry, don’t cry, darling! I'll bring you some food. (she leaves and immediately brings in a tray with a goose)

Here, princess, is a white-winged goose stuffed with apples and garlic plums. How delicious!

Nesmeyanochka: I'm afraid of the goose, it bites. Ahhh...

Mom: Does it bite?! But he is not alive, but fried.

Nesmeyanochka: It’s all the same, and the fried one bites....Ahh...

Mom: Come on, try the pies. This one with cabbage. (The princess spins from the pies)

But this one with meat... This one with jam.

Nesmeyanochka: I don’t want to with this!

Mom: What do you want with it, beauty?

Nesmeyanochka: I want pies with... with frogs!

Mom: (dropped the tray) With la, with la...with frogs?! Ugh, ugh! There have never been such pies in the world.

Nesmeyanochka: I want it! (stamped her foot) I want it with frogs! Ah-ah-ah...(roars)

Mom: (has already come running with ice cream) Here, princess, eat the ice cream. It melts in your mouth.

(The princess reluctantly took the ice cream, licked it and spat it out capriciously)

Nesmeyanochka: I don’t want white ice cream!...I want black! Ahhh...

Mom: Yes, what to make black ice cream out of?

Nesmeyanochka: Out of tar! Out of the Tar!!!

Nurse: But they smear soldiers’ boots with tar...

Nesmeyanochka: Oh, I want, I want... Well, what are you doing with ice cream, I’m cold! (roars)

Mom: And I’ll cover you. (throws a large scarf over the princess’s head, so that the scarf hangs to the floor, and she shakes her head and roars even more).

Nesmeyanochka: Oh, it’s hot! Blow on me!

(The mother takes off her scarf and blows on the princess)

Oh, it's cold...

Mom: And I’ll cover you again! (covers)

Nesmeyanochka: Ah-ah.... It's hot...

Mom: I’ll blow again. Oh, the Tsar Father is coming!

Tsar: Well, mom, tell me, who came to make my daughter laugh?

Mother: He has come, Father Tsar, how can he not come! (she waved her handkerchief and Eastern music started playing)

King: Call the suitors, quickly!

Nesmeyanochka: (leaning out from under a scarf) I’m bored-eee... (roars)

Heralds: (announce as much as possible)

Because of the sea, the blue sea,
Because of a distant island,
Obrazina came,
Showed me a wonderful bird!

(A foreigner-Turk appeared to the music. A handsome motley man walks with him in a large hoop, this is the Butt Parrot)

Stranger: (bows with folded hands, then dances) Tu Bantu! Tooumba Rumba!

And this... (pointed to the parrot) Araura Poki! Coki-coki.

King: Hmm...What are you talking about? Isn't it boom-boom in Russian?

Alien: Tum-thum, not boom-boom!

Mom: Tsar-father, I can talk a little in gibberish. And he said that his bird was a scientist and spoke Russian to all questions.

King: That's it! Come on, little bird, tell me, what’s your name?

Parrot: Parrot-butt! (3 times)

Tsar: But tell me, little bird, what should I call the Tsar?

Parrot: Stupid! The king is a fool, fool, fool!

King: (bows to the bird with pleasure) Well, well.....What-oh-oh!

Nesmeyanochka: They call Father a fool... (roars, and the people laugh).

King: Why are you standing here! Ears hanging open! Out! (the heralds ran away).

What did you bring?
Is the image grimy? A?
Alien: Poki-poki...

King: Poki-koki! What does she call me?

Parrot: Tsar Yegorka is a fool, fool, fool!

King: Wow! Have you heard? I'll put you on a stake, I'll hang you! Go away, grimy little Obrazina! (The king runs after the bird, then after the guest. They run away, the king falls)

Mom: Oh, the Tsar-Father fell! (The Tsar lies dead, suddenly Emelya’s accordion plays, he enters and bows)

Emelya: Hello, or something! (To the princess) Why are you crying?

Nesmeyanochka: I’m bored....A.a..a...

Emelya: If you look at such a king, you will inevitably get bored. So small and tiny!

King: But, but, but! There's no point in you staying here. I order you to make the princess laugh!

Emelya: But I don’t want to!

Tsar: How can you not want it?

Nesmeyanochka: But I still won’t laugh!

Emelya: I won’t laugh, you say?

Nesmeyanochka: I’m not laughing! (stomped her foot)

Emelya: You will laugh, and even dance!

Nesmeyanochka: But I won’t dance!

(Emelya whispers to the side, “According to the pike’s command, the princess laugh and dance!” The accordion sounds and flows. Everyone begins to “twitch”, and their legs themselves kick out some kind of dance. Puffing out her cheeks, Nesmeyanochka gets up from the throne and begins to move her hands )

NESMEYANA: But I won’t laugh!

EMELYA: You will, you will... Come on, our Kamarinskaya accordion!...

(The princess, the king and the rest are dancing so hard that they all fell in line, and their feet are dancing. Suddenly there was silence. The accordion fell silent. All the people and the royals lay dead. Suddenly Nesmeyanochka LAUGHED, then Mother followed her, and so let’s all take turns laugh, then everyone stands in a semicircle).

Oh, you laughed!? Oh yes Emelya!
Listen to my Decree:
Call Princess Nesmeyanochka Tatyana!
And, Emelya, call him a groom!

People: Mirkom, ok, yes to the wedding!

Hey-yes Tanya-motanyushka,
You have a fiancé, Emelyushka,
Here is an accordion with ingenuity,
With a Russian stove, with a village!

Oh, the groom is such a daredevil,
With a beautiful, beloved wife...
The fairy tale now has a good ending!
Oh and the pike, well done too! All!

ALL: Mirkom, ok, yes to the wedding!!!

The script for the play “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows!”

Enter the artists:
1. The fairy tale is a lie,
yes there is a hint in it -
good fellows - a lesson.
2. Let there be many hints in the fairy tale,
Don't judge her harshly.
3. A fairy tale teaches all people
Be wiser and kinder.
4. A fairy tale is not a deception, but a mystery,
Don't make a mistake by accident.
5. A fairy tale is a treasure, a clear light,
An answer to any question.
6. Good fellow, come on,
Open the book of fairy tales!
7. You will enjoy
This is a magical read!
They go backstage to their seats.
Song "Alyonushka"
Buffoons appear:
1. Like in the village of Fly Agaric
Fences bloom in spring,
And if where the log lies,
It will grow into a hut.
There are enough miracles for everything -
The garden is digging itself,
And a hundred buckets at a time
Carries water in a sieve.
2. Thieves steal garbage there...
But where are those Fly Agarics?
Look for them on the map,
What a waste of time to drag a bug by the tail.
And it’s just like that with us
There won't be even a nickel.
3. You enter the village
Look at the geese!

Two geese

Dramatization of the fable
Duration of the performance: 2 minutes; number of actors: from 2 to 5.
First Goose
Second Goose
In the foreground, left and right, are bushes and trees. In the background is the sky. A Crow flies in and sits on a tree.
Crow (to the audience)
One day along the path along the edge
Two geese were walking - two girlfriends.
The crow flies away. The First Goose and the Second Goose emerge from behind the trees.
Geese (singing in chorus)
Lived with grandma
Two cheerful geese -
One is gray, the other is white,
Two cheerful geese…
A Pig comes out from behind the trees to meet the geese.
Oink-oink - for you!
First Goose
And to you - Ha-ga!
Second Goose (feignedly friendly)
Hello dear friend!
First Goose (feignedly friendly)
Oh, how glad we are to see you!
Second Goose
You are the joy of hearts and eyes!
First Goose
Gorgeous! Crazy mountain!
Second Goose
Queen of the barnyard!
Pig (touched)
I'm so pleased to hear this!
There is no one better in the whole world than you!
The pig hugs and kisses the geese and dances off into the trees.
First Goose (with contempt)
What a nightmare!
Second Goose (with contempt)
What a horror!
First Goose
Now I can't sleep for three nights!
Second Goose
Why live with such an image,
It’s better to have a basket on your shoulders!
First Goose
The pig is fat!
Second Goose
The pig is dirty!
First Goose
She is the stupidest person in the village!
Second Goose
The sea will not wash away such a thing!
First Goose
And it smells like a bucket of slop!
A Cat comes out from behind the trees to meet the geese.
Mur-mur - for you!
First Goose (feigningly affectionately)
And to you - Ha-ga!
Second Goose (feigningly affectionately)
Hello dear friend!
First Goose
Oh, how glad we are to see you!
Second Goose
You are the joy of hearts and eyes!
First Goose
How elegant!
Second Goose
How slim!
First Goose
And the wool is so smooth and long!
Echoing Goose
Oh, what a ponytail!
First Goose
What legs!
Cat (flirty)
Purr purr! You flatter me a little!
Second goose
No, not at all!
First Goose
Not at all!
Love you!
The cat hugs and kisses the geese, and then, dancing, disappears behind the trees.
Second Goose (with contempt)
It's just creepy!
What a flea-ridden freak!
First Goose (with contempt)
And the tail is shabby, like a brush!
Second Goose
First Goose
Second Goose
First Goose
Second Goose
And the color of rotten borscht!
Geese (singing in chorus)
Lived with grandma
Two cheerful geese -
One is gray, the other is white,
Two cheerful geese…
Geese, singing a song, walk across the stage.
First Goose
It's time for us to say goodbye to you!
Second Goose
It was nice to chat!
First Goose
Yes, you are like a sister to me, -
Smart and sharp-tongued!
Second Goose
And you, my friend, are lovely.
You are my double, I’ll tell you honestly.
I'm delighted with you, but
You still have to say goodbye.
Geese kiss and hug. The second Goose is hiding behind the trees. The First Goose waves after her.
First Goose (to viewers)
This goose is a fool!
No smart thoughts, no figure!
And how chatty she is, it’s just creepy -
She bored me the whole way!
The first Goose goes in the opposite direction.
First Goose (singing)
Lived with grandma
Two cheerful geese -
One is gray, the other is white,
Two cheerful geese…
The First Goose is hiding behind the trees. A Crow flies onto the stage from a tree.
Crow (to the audience)
Alas, there are people too
They are very similar to those geese:
In the eyes of their speech, like honey,
And for the eyes - a complete litter.
The crow flies away.
Song "Fair"
Buffoons: 1. Like being in the village all day
Crazy stuff is happening!
2. Horses fly in the sky!
The cats on the fence are barking!
How a cat hired a dog

Dramatization of the fable

Duration of the performance: 2 minutes; number of actors: from 1 to 5.
On the stage left and right there are two houses with porches.
The cat was unhappy with his feeding,
He became lazy and was fired for it.
The door of the house on the left creaks open. The Cat flies out of it head over heels with a loud meow. After him, his bundle of things is thrown away.
Cat (grumpily)
Just think! Not a great honor
Serve all day and not eat enough!
With my talent and willingness to work
I'll find a better job.
I just need a chance.
The Magpie postman flies out from behind the house with a newspaper and flies past the Cat. The cat takes the newspaper and opens it.
Cat (joyfully)
And here he is!
(reads syllables)
Need a dog... Address... Phone...
Feeding twice a day... housing...
(with enthusiasm)
I'll go and work as a dog.
With my mind and such a mustache
I'm much better than any dog!
The cat takes the bundle, goes to the porch of the house on the right and knocks on the door. The Master opens it for him.
I came to get hired based on an advertisement.
Boss (surprised)
But you're a cat!
Born a cat, not my fault.
I really need this work.
I can definitely handle it, just give me time!
Well, am I hired?
No! Bark first.
Why bark? It’s clear that it’s true
That any fool can bark.
Yes, I have a lot of talents:
I can roll balls, play with a bow,
I can purr and catch mice,
I can rock and nurse babies.
I can still climb a tree.
How can a dog compete with me?
I'm much better, believe me...
The Dog appears with a newspaper and approaches the porch.
Woof! Woof!
Master (Dog)
You suit me perfectly!
The job is yours!
Guard the house from the thief
The dog was hired without further ado.
And the cat was left on the porch with nothing.
The dog enters the house. The owner closes the door in the cat's face.
Cat (indignantly)
Why does he need a dog? Well, why?
The owner looks out the window.
Because you don’t have the skill -
Although you are good to everyone, you can’t bark.
This is how it happens: people sometimes
They've been looking for work for years,
Not understanding what's at work
Skill is not the same as hunting.
Song "Porushka Paranya"
Buffoons: 1. How we have a wedding in our village!
The bear is getting married!
2. And the bride is a fox!
Let's watch the matchmaking!
Bear and Fox
(or How the Bear Wooed the Fox)

Russian folk tale for reading and performance

Duration of the performance: 3 minutes; number of actors: from 1 to 3.
We lived in the thicket next door
And we knew each other since childhood
Brown bear and fox
Forests of local beauty.
It's not good to live alone,
And the Bear decided to get married.
Everyone recommended
Go to the fox to woo.
Knock-Knock! Fox maiden,
The Bear is knocking on your house.
Will you marry me?
Well, Bear! Wow!
I won't marry you
I'll find a better husband.
Look at your paws
Short and clubfooted,
Wool is like felt boots, and you
Not the hero of my dreams!
Well, okay! Well, let!
I'll marry another fox!
And the Bear went home.
And the fox:
Oh my god!
I shouldn't be doing that! Rich bear -
He shovels honey.
Stop toiling around alone
I will become his wife.
And the fox went to the bear.
Who's there?
I refused in vain
I agree to get married!
Should I marry you?
Am I my own enemy?!
You are a red fox
The redhead is shameless!
And I heard from the mole,
Your paws are unclean!
Get out!
These are the words
I'll marry someone else!
I'm leaving forever!
She burst into tears from shame
And the little fox went home.
A Bear:
What a hysterical girl!
But it seems she's into me
Very much in love!
I shouldn't have gotten so excited,
I almost married her
After all, she is a beauty
And everyone likes it in the forest.
What a fool, what am I waiting for?
I'll go get married again!
And the Bear went to the fox.
Knock-Knock! Who is home?
That's it, dear fox,
I decided to get married again!
Marry me!
Get out of here! Leave!
Well, why are you standing there?
You'll see, even a mouse
This won't work,
Find a better groom!
I come to you with all my heart...
Yes, a small gift!
Well, I'll leave
I'm going to woo the mouse!
The mouse will be happy!
You'll spend your whole life with girls!
And the Bear left with nothing.
And the fox is completely alone.
What have I done?
The most important thing in life is family!
But Mishenka is handsome,
At least a little thick-skinned.
Where can I find this?
I'd better go for him!
But when she came, the Bear didn’t want to,
He's fooling his head again,
And the fox to him for it
Pays with the same coin
Afterwards the tears pour into the pillow.
That's how they match each other!

Buffoons: 1. I had a beautiful chicken.
Oh, what a smart chicken she was!
She sewed caftans for me, sewed boots,
She baked sweet, rosy pies for me.
2. And when he manages, he sits at the gate -
He will tell a fairy tale, sing a song.

Dance "Bird Yard"
Three Klushi

Dramatization of the fable

Duration of the performance: 5 minutes; number of actors: from 2 to 8.
First Chicken
Second Chicken
Third Hen
In the foreground on the right is a fence and a spreading pear tree, in the middle is a fence with a torn board, and on the left is a bush. In the background is the garden.
On a hot day under the fence near the pear tree
Young blackbirds were sitting nearby.
Three hens and chicks come out from behind the right wing to the music. The hens sit decorously under the tree, and the chickens begin to play near them. While the chickens are talking, they play around and move further and further away from them.
While their chickens are in the yard
We played on the trampled grass,
They, without annoying the restless ones,
They had a sedate conversation among themselves.
First Chicken (enthusiastically)
Oh, how good our little ones are!
Second Chicken (with affection)
They're so beautiful, you can't paint a picture of them!
At this time, the chickens play around and offend each other, but the mothers do not pay attention to this.
Third Chicken (proudly)
Yes, they have everything - both intelligence and education!
Not like those obnoxious creatures
That some mothers will be born,
Which just to feed quickly
And fly away from the nest in the same minute.
First Chicken (confused)
I think that being an orphan is hardly worse!
And there is no need to be surprised later,
That half was eaten by the cat,
And the one who unfortunately survived,
He steals and loiters around.
I can't wait for winter to come
And he will drive them away.
Second Chicken
You're right, godfather!
Their proximity is our only loss!
First Chicken (sympathetically)
Poor things! After maternal torture
Never expect anything good from them!
Third Hen (grumpily)
I think it's time to pass a law
What if the mother went away somewhere,
Remove the chicks and put them in an incubator,
To eradicate vice and evil natures
And raise them to be exemplary chickens!
Second Chicken (disdainfully)
They still won’t become like our children -
There are few talents.
Third Hen (arrogantly)
Yes, not everyone in the world
Fly high through life like we do.
First Chicken
But at least they will be able to say: “Ko-ko!”
For them, believe me, this is not enough!
While these three were chatting,
Their chickens, walking around the yard,
A hole was found in the fence
And we got out.
The chickens go through the hole in the fence to the left half of the scene. The chickens don't pay attention to this.
One was caught by a cat.
The Cat runs out from behind the bush, says “Meow!”, grabs the squeaking chicken and drags it off the stage.
Another drowning in a spring on the path.
There is a gurgling sound and the second chicken disappears.
The third one was hit by a passing tarantass.
There is a roar, neighing, a horse harnessed to a tarantass rushes past the chickens, and the third chicken disappears.
The fourth fought with the fifth - he pecked in the eye.
Two chickens fight desperately and run into the bushes.
Those who remained were driven back by the children.
A boy with a stick runs out from behind a bush, he chases the squeaking chickens and drives them back into the yard.
No one noticed the loss from the cows,
While the rooster learned about the trouble
I didn't pluck all the fluff out of all three.
A Rooster appears on the fence, crows loudly, flies down and, with an indignant cackling, chases the chickens around the stage and pecks them. Chickens rush about, fluff and feathers fly.
Rooster (angrily)
There you are! So that the tails are not rubbed in vain,
And the children were properly supervised!
And it happens to people sometimes
Such adventures with kids.
So that the children of others grow up no worse,
No chatter - they need supervision.

All the actors come out
1. Why do we need fairy tales?
What does a person look for in them?
2. Maybe kindness and affection.
Maybe yesterday's snow.
3. In a fairy tale, joy wins,
A fairy tale teaches us to love.
4. In a fairy tale, animals come to life,
They start talking.
5. In a fairy tale, everything is fair:
Both the beginning and the end.
6. The brave prince leads the princess
Definitely down the aisle.
7. Snow White and the mermaid,
Old dwarf, good gnome -
8. It’s a pity for us to leave the fairy tale,
Like a cozy sweet home.
9. Read fairy tales to children!
Teach them to love.
10. Maybe in this world
It will become easier for people to live.

Theater club lesson for primary school children “Amazing Children”

Characters: Presenter, Presenter assistants (students).

Dramatization "Change"

Characters: Vovka, Student, Student, Classmates, Girl, Boy.

Dramatization “Got a bad mark and sings”

Characters: Vovka, Dad, Mom.

Dramatization “Standed Its Character”

Characters: Katya, Dad, Mom.

Dramatization “Two Gifts”

Characters: Alyosha, Father, Teacher Maria Nikolaevna.

The recording includes the song “Everyone wants to know salit” from the film “The Adventures of Petrov and Vasechkin, music. T. Ostrovskoy, lyrics. V. Alenikova.

The film tells about boys and girls with whom various interesting stories happen.

Leading. Today we will talk about this topic. I ask for assistants on stage!

A boy and a girl come on stage.

You know,

How many guys are there in the world?

One hundred thousand, five hundred,

Million, billion!

And even more!

That's how many of us there are, children!

And we all live

On a huge planet!

Leading. What else can you offer us?

Boy. And here it is! There is a secret, the name of our topic today.

Invites the girl to open the rolled up poster.

Girl. We will unroll the roll and you will read what is written there.

Unrolls the roll. Children (lesson participants) read: “Amazing Children.”

The recording shows the school bell ringing. The doors swing open and the growing noise of children's voices is heard.

Leading. This is a change. What is she like?

Student (running out from behind the scenes).

Turn! Turn!

The call is ringing!

Vovka will definitely be the first

Flies out of the threshold.

Students (throw up their hands in bewilderment). It flies out of the door!

Pupil. Knocks seven people off their feet!

One after another, children fall onto the stage from behind the scenes. There are seven of them. Vovka jumps from above, using his arms and legs. Everyone is floundering. A real ball!

Student (in amazement). Is this really Vovka?!

Students (classmates). Dozed off the whole lesson

Is this Vovka really

Five minutes ago, not a word

Couldn't say at the board?

Vovka, smiling from ear to ear, waves her head in agreement. Classmates are finally freed from under Vovka.

1st classmate.

If he is, then undoubtedly

Classmates (in unison). Big change!!!

Vovka again begins to rush around the entire stage. His classmates try to stop him, but all attempts are in vain.

2nd classmate. You can't keep up with Vova!

Look how bad he is!

3rd classmate. He made it in five minutes

Redo a bunch of things!

The recording sounds like a clock ticking. Classmates bring out a large model of a clock with adjustable hands. Children move the hands to measure 5 minutes.

Girl. He tripped him up three times.

Classmates (one after another, stumbling). Kolka, Vaska and Seryozha!

Classmates, rubbing their bruised areas, shake their fists at Vovka.

Rolled somersaults

He sat astride the railing,

He dashed off the railing.

Got a slap on the head.

He gave someone back on the spot,

He asked me to write off the tasks.

In general, I did everything I could!

Children move on stage in different directions. The recording shows the call again. Everyone freezes.

Children. Well, here comes the call again.

Vovka instantly wilts and walks, her legs tangled, into the classroom.

Girl (sighing). Vova trudges back to class!

Children. Poor! There's no face on it!

Vovka (wiping sweat from his forehead). Nothing!

Leading. Vova sighs.

Vovka. Let's relax in class!

Leading. Are there students like Vovka in your class?

Children. Yes! Eat!

Leading. And the wonderful poet B. Zakhoder wrote the poem “Change,” which was staged.

Shows a portrait.

Who read this poem? Where is it found?

Children. In the textbook! In a collection of poems.

Leading. Well done! Right! What grade do you think Vovka could have received that day in one of the subjects?

Children's answer.

What was stopping him? (He did not listen to the teacher’s explanations in class; he wanted to sleep and lay on his desk.)

And what else? (Bad behavior.)

How will parents react to this?

Children's answers.

Leading. We learn how parents reacted to a bad grade from the dramatization “He Got a F and Sings.”

The song “Deuce” plays, music. V. Schneider, lyrics. E. Mogikovskaya.

Vovka is on stage. He came home before his mother.

Vovka (sad). How to hide an ill-fated two from your parents? Suddenly they demand a diary. A frown will bother mom and dad. I'll pretend to be cheerful and sing. This will save me. Which song is suitable?

Invented! The Russian folk song “We lived with grandma...” will do. After all, geese resemble a deuce in profile.

And Vovka sang loudly. Mom smiles. She is glad that her son is so cheerful. He puts a string bag on a stool; it contains a lot of tasty things.

Mother. You, son, are very cheerful today. You can even sing a song. Yes, how loud! Apparently things are going well at school. Well done!

He strokes his son's head. Vovka grins.

Vovka. I'm having fun today! There is no reason to be upset.

He sang even louder. Dad comes out of the next room. He was resting after a night shift.

Dad. Why is he yelling like that?

Mother. It always makes you feel happy when you do something good. He probably got an A, so he sings.

Dad (friendly). Okay, Vovka, please your father and show him your diary with an A.

Vovka (wilted, stopped singing). For what?

Reluctantly he hands the diary to his father and goes into another room.

Dad flips through the pages of the diary, sees a deuce, and there is amazement on his face.

Dad. Look, he got a bad mark and is singing. This was not enough yet! What, is he crazy? Vovka, come here! Do you happen to have a fever?

Dad (waves his hands in confusion). Then you should be punished for this singing.

Mother. Son, it would be better if you confessed right away, otherwise you started singing...

Vovka. I'm having no luck...

Silent scene. All you can hear is the ticking of the clock.

Leading. Vovka received a bad mark and sang a song. Why don't we sing about a deuce? Let's focus on ditties.

Katya ran boldly into the circle,

Spun like a spinning top

And she sang to the music

About familiar things.

Lisa sat for five hours,

Nose buried in the TV.

And the next day on the line

The swan in the diary grew up.

“Two” squats on a leg

And tilts his head

It bends your neck so beautifully,

Swims straight like a swan.

Her appearance is like a comma,

The tail is crocheted, and it’s no secret:

She loves all lazy people

But lazy people don’t!

There is this bird at school:

If he lands on the page,

That with a bowed head

I'm returning home.

Before us is the number two.

Admire what it's like:

The deuce arches his neck,

The tail is dragging behind her.

Leading. Everyone scolds the deuce! The ancient Greeks said that two is a symbol of balance. It is between light and darkness, between good and evil, heat and cold. The number two symbolizes a changeable character. And so it is. The girl Katya, having received a bad mark, always changed her character. That's how it was! In the new dramatization you will see how Katya changed depending on the circumstances.

The guys bring in a long sheet of paper with the name of the performance.

Children are reading.

She told her parents about the deuce

Katya (to parents). I showed my character very well today.

Dad (pats his daughter on the head). Well done! I'll buy you a gift if you keep your word!

Kate. The teacher asked me for a lesson, but I didn’t answer her.

Mother. Perhaps you didn’t know the lesson?

Dad. Perhaps you forgot your lesson?

He wants to scream and stamp his feet.

Parents (waving their hands). No! No! No need!

Kate. So, they gave me a bad mark for nothing.

Dad. No way?

Kate. I promised myself to remain silent and fulfilled it with honor!

Mom (in amazement). Why did you give this word, can you explain?

Kate. To fulfill it!

Dad. Hmmm...

Mom (pats her daughter on the head). I can’t understand anything!

Katya (smiling boldly). By the way, you both are called to school tomorrow.

Parents (surprised). For what?

Kate. Because I have a strong, unshakable character. Don't you understand this?

Dad. And we will have to answer for it?

Mom (to father). Why be surprised if your daughter has your character?

Dad. But I have never confused anyone at my job, and no one has confused me. And when I was at school, I didn’t confuse my teachers.

Mother. Leave the child alone!

Dad. Hmmm...

Katya (sighs with relief). I realized that they gave me a bad mark for nothing!

The recording sounds of computer-processed children's laughter.

Leading. Guys! Draw a conclusion: what kind of character does Katya have? What feeling arises towards her?

Children draw conclusions. An argument ensues.

Leading. Let's play a little while the guys prepare the next number. Rhyming game.

Even a block of ice will melt

From a warm word...

(Thank you)

The old stump will turn green,

When he hears...

(Good afternoon)

The boy is polite and developed

He says when meeting...


When we are scolded for our pranks,

We're talking...

(Excuse me, please!)

Both in France and Denmark

They say goodbye...


It's time to end the game.

We all hope that with her

You have become kinder and smarter.

Leading. What good words!

Now let's start staging. Enter the required details!

They bring in a poster with the name of the performance written on it. Children read aloud.

Two gifts

The theme song is “Happy Birthday to You!”

Father. Alyosha! Congratulations on your birthday! I give you a pen with a golden nib. Study with straight A's!

Alyosha, having thanked his father, examines the pen and discovers a dedicatory inscription on it.

Alyosha. Thank you dad! I like her. I want to read you a dedicatory inscription: “On Alyosha’s birthday from dad.” Great!

I'm proud of you, dad! Can I show your gift to my teacher Maria Nikolaevna?

Father. Of course, show me! Don't brag too much!

Alyosha. I understand!

Father. I'm going to work. Mom will come at two o'clock in the afternoon. Learn your lessons.

Alyosha (talking to himself). What if Maria Nikolaevna forgets her pen at home, then I will give her the pen given by dad so that she can put a grade in the magazine. She will praise daddy's gift. And I’ll tell her that the pen has a golden nib!

Alyosha, of course, didn’t learn his lessons. So I went to school. Maria Nikolaevna forgot her pen at home that day. The lesson has begun.

Teacher. Alyosha, go to the blackboard! Write a sentence about autumn. Then you will tell the rule about unstressed vowels.

Alyosha. I forgot to learn the rule. I... I have...

Teacher. This is very bad!

He is looking for his pen, but in vain.

Alyosha. Maria Nikolaevna! Take my pen!

She expects her to admire her. But in vain.

Teacher. I'll give you a two!

Doesn't pay attention to the dedicatory inscription and the golden pen. Returns the pen to Alyosha.

Alyosha. How does this happen?

Teacher. What are you talking about, Alyosha?

Alyosha. About the golden pen... Is it possible to give twos with a golden pen? My dad gave me a pen!

Teacher. This means that today you do not have golden knowledge.

Alyosha. It turns out that my dad gave me a pen so that I could use it to mark a two?

Teacher. Your dad gave you a pen, but today’s gift you gave yourself!

Alyosha drooped, lowering his head.

Leading. All performances are instructive. I think that you have drawn conclusions for yourself. I would like to wish everyone good luck in everything. Know how to correct your mistakes.

The final song from the t/f “The Adventures of Petrov and Vasechkin” plays, music. T. Ostrovskoy, lyrics. V. Alenikova.

The script addresses the age-old problem of schoolchildren - assessing knowledge. What does the ill-fated two give rise to? This can be understood from the dramatizations. They were based on stories from Viktor Golyavkin’s collection “I Always Wait for You with Interest”; B. Zakhoder’s poem “Change” for writing the dramatization “Change”.


2. Tables, chairs.

3. Posters with the names of the performances.

5. Diary.

6. Magazine.

7. Backpacks.