Anastasia Smirnova personal life. Anastasia Smirnova latest news, rumors, gossip

Provocative project "Holidays in Mexico" blew up gray and cold Russia. The Internet is replete with photographs of participants, scandalous videos, where vacationers kiss, hug, drink, beat and even make love!.. And all this right under the gun of a dozen television cameras. The Russian “Brigitte Bardot” from Nizhny Novgorod, blonde Anastasia Smirnova, succeeded most in this matter. The beauty had already managed to live in “House-2”, but Anastasia exploded as a real bombshell after “Vacation in Mexico”, where she was immediately called the most beautiful girl project. And only then - Nastya showed her undisguised chic forms on the pages of men's Maxim magazine ().

And so, on a cloudy autumn day, a sultry beauty appeared in the editorial office of Komsomolskaya Pravda. She just refused to pose naked. For some reason.

- Nastya, do they recognize you on the streets?

Of course, when the first episode of “Vacations in Mexico” was on, I came to a cafe and sat with friends. And suddenly the waitresses ran up to me to ask for an autograph! And then only the first episode had passed. And now, when my mother and I are walking, she immediately says to me: “Nastya, put on your dark glasses!” The little one is directly chasing me, asking for a photo, autographs. Damn, why am I so popular today, everyone wants me (Nastya’s phone rings).

- How do you like communicating with the stars who stopped by to see you?- I became friends with Sati Casanova, I have great relationship with Zhanna Friske. Seryozha Zverev dissuaded me from doing bangs during the project, he said - I have beautiful hair and there is no need to spoil them. And I wanted bangs like Vera Brezhneva’s!

- Do you want to be like Brezhnev?- No, now I don’t want to. Now I am Anastasia Smirnova, on my own.

- How do your parents feel about your scandalous popularity?- Yes, good. Mom and dad support me. I told my mom that I'm the best sexy girl project “Vacations in Mexico” and that I starred naked in Maxim. She was glad that finally I wouldn’t bother her anymore. Because I whole year whined: “I want to go to Maxim!”

-Did you show them the magazine with your nude photos yourself?

I saw the magazine in the store, tore open the packaging right at the counter and burst into tears of happiness when I saw myself. I called my mom and shouted into the phone: “Mom, I’m at Maxim!” And she immediately called her dad and brother to buy the magazine. They only asked me not to show it to my grandmother.

-Has your life changed after “Vacation”?- Yes, of course, now I will be more eager to leave Nizhny for Moscow. And I have job offers in Moscow, so right after the new year I plan to rent an apartment in the capital and work for music channel leading. Well, then - not only on the music channel (squints mysteriously and predatorily). I hope everything works out for me, I’m at a loss.

- How did you feel about appearing on TV? sex scenes with your participation?- Calmly. Most of all I was worried about how my parents would perceive it. I was afraid to run into them. I thought my mom and dad would kill me. But in the end everything worked out, they didn’t say anything.

- What about friends?-Yes, the girls said, Nastya, you can’t do the same – have sex with the whole country. Well, what will you do? This is life, everyone has sex! We all came into existence through sex. I’m afraid, of course, that they will show them next...a tough guy (laughs).

- Will such fame hinder your career?-Yes, they definitely won’t hire me as a news anchor on Channel One after such nudity. But I don’t need it.

- Now, after filming “Vacation,” do you communicate with the guys from the project?- With some. For example, Demid and I often meet in Moscow and go to clubs. I have a good relationship with Orhan.

- What are yours now? interesting projects? - I host the Nizhny Novgorod reality show “You are No. 1.” There are girls models, there are more than 20 of them, in the end there should be 12 left. I host this show. I am like Ksyusha Sobchak, teaching girls life and show business.

-Are you a bitchy presenter?-Oh yeah! I tell them that if they don’t listen to me, they’ll go home quickly!

- Are they afraid of you?- Afraid. But...Everyone knows very well that yesterday they showed an episode where I run naked around the villa and suddenly I come here in a formal jacket, wearing long skirt to the floor and start pumping my license. But you need to consider: who they are and who I am! I have achieved more in life than them! And I will do everything to become a star!

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Star of "Vacation in Mexico" Nastya Smirnova in the editorial office of "Komsomolskaya Pravda".Ksenia PATRUSHEVA

According to the parents of this kitty, she has a great resemblance to Brigitte Bardot. “Hey, Bardo, wash the floor,” they turn to her. And she obediently washes. After all, you cannot refuse a request if you are compared to Brigitte herself! The words Nastya Smirnova, it is impossible to leave her, because she is a sultry beauty in Nizhny Novgorod. It would seem that everyone is obliged to love her for this. But it actually turns out the other way around, they can’t stand her and they envy her. Nastya cannot boast of Napoleonic plans for life yet. First, what do you think she wants to do? That's right, get married. But only for a little while, for a couple of months. The requirements for the chosen one are simple - as long as he is not Dmitry. Kolya, Petya, Sasha or Rustam are quite suitable. It was them that she went to Mexico to look for. Well, so that there would be even more envy, especially on the part of my mother.

And here it is short video presentation that each project participant must make before participating in the show. Watch Nastya Smirnova’s video presentation on the “Vacations in Mexico” project on our website.

Participant Nastya Smirnova on the reality show “Vacations in Mexico” is giving the heat!

Distinguished by scandals in " Dome-2“Nastya Smirnova got into a fight on the TV show “Vacation in Mexico.” Let's take a closer look at this... On yesterday's broadcast, MTV showed the first episode of the TV show "". The viewer was promised action, that the project would be provocative and scandalous, but no one expected this. The star of the first issue was Nastya Smirnova from Nizhny Novgorod. She was once a member of Dom-2, but she was kicked out of there because she was “nothing.” According to the terms of the new reality show, you need to find a couple, otherwise goodbye. But the main thing is that the participant should not be boring, which cannot be said about Nastya. In the first episode she got hit in the face. The “aggressor” turned out to be the fighter of the project Diana. The announcement of the next issue shows how Diana is now hit in the face by a guy with a Caucasian face. Then comes the next scene: the guys have to choose girls. Bald Staff has a crush on Lena. Nastya has a crush on Staff. Lena is friends with Nastya. But 15 minutes pass and Staff and Nastya kiss hotly and passionately under a palm tree. Lena and Nastya are no longer friends. Describe intrigue show participants there is no florid meaning. Everything is extremely simple, even primitive. And the viewers of “Vacation” are unlikely to approve more complex sentences. Then it was the girls' turn to choose the boys one by one. The couple must live together for a week: sleep together, fall asleep and wake up. Nastyusha was unlucky. Her turn to choose came last. Therefore, by that time, her rival Lena had chosen her irresistible Staff. Nastya chose Gamzat, but threatened in the light of midnight lanterns that she would do everything and fight so that the one she wants will be hers.

Now the passions seem to have subsided. But the audience rebelled: what about the continuation? Don't worry! The night's episode has already appeared on the Internet. In it you will see a completely naked Demid, his causal place is only slightly obscured by the editors, who have mercy on the audience. Next, the camera shows a scene in which the beauty Nastya and Gamzat have an intimate conversation about striptease. But after 15 minutes Nastya is already in Staff’s arms, they smack their lips, full program kissing by the pool... If you compare “Vacation” on MTV with “House-2”, then the latter is a place where old maids and a club for deep intellectuals gathered. For your information, on the VKontakte website they actively vote for participants. The voting results are as follows: the beauty Nastya Smirnova is in second position, losing several votes to Zhenya. Maybe after the next episode Nastya will snatch victory.

See information about other participants of “Vacation in Mexico” on our website

To view information about others

Anastasia Smirnova born in Nizhny Novgorod in 1990. The girl's father works as an architect, and her mother is a professional singer. Her parents raised her like a princess and did not deny her anything: Nastya wore the most beautiful dresses and played best toys. Despite this, the girl studied well at school and did her homework diligently.

In 2012, Smirnova graduated from the Nizhny Novgorod Law Academy with a degree in jurisprudence ». Studied at Moscow state university named after M.V. Lomonosov at the Faculty of Journalism from September 1, 2016 to August 2017.

While studying at the academy, Nastya refused financial help from her parents and began to try herself in the modeling business. In 2010 Smirnova was recognized as the winner of the beauty contest “Miss” Nizhny Novgorod" In 2011, the popular men's publication awarded Anastasia the title "Miss Maxim", as the majority of readers voted for her.

“I found the magazine in the store, tore open the packaging right at the counter and burst into tears of happiness when I saw myself. I called my mom and shouted into the phone: “Mom, I’m at Maxim!” And she immediately called her dad and brother to buy the magazine. They only asked me not to show it to my grandmother.”

Television career of Anastasia Smirnova

First star appearance Nastya Smirnova on television took place in the fall of 2009 in the reality show “Dom-2”. The audience immediately realized that behind the girl’s angelic appearance was hidden a bitchy character. Anastasia Smirnova came to the main macho of the project Nikita Kuznetsov with a specific goal: to take him away from his bride - Nelly Ermolaeva. The story ended with a scandal and a fight between two contenders for Nikita's heart.

“I'm in love with the reflection in the mirror. My life is a reality show. I have to create new stories, be different, change, but at the same time always remain myself. Even my mother sometimes envy me,” Nastya admits.

Nastya Smirnova also announced her sympathy for Sergei Pynzar. But none of the guys reciprocated her feelings. Nastya Smirnova lasted three and a half months on the project. At that moment, when Anastasia went home for several days, the participants plotted against her and drove her out of the project in a women's vote.

In September 2011, the girl again became a participant in the reality show. This time her choice fell on the MTV channel “Vacations in Mexico” project. In Mexico Anastasia Smirnova was going to prove to everyone that she would definitely receive the title of the most beautiful participant in the project and force her former men bite your elbows out of resentment.

In 2012, Nastya took part in one of the episodes of the “Let's Get Married!” program. on Channel One. Then the girl imagined herself as “ music producer, an excellent student, a lover of taking nude photographs and gossiping with friends.” 21-year-old Smirnova admitted to presenter Larisa Guzeeva that she needs a man who is attractive in appearance, but not metrosexual; she "would like him to be caring and able to control her."

In 2015, Smirnova, together with YouTube star Masha Way, blogger Zaur and TV personality Valeria Dergileva began talking about the world of fashion, beauty and show business in the youth show “#LoveStyle” on the CTC Love channel. The presenters did interviews with Russian and foreign celebrities, as well as reviews stylish new products from the world of music and gadgets.

In 2016, Nastya Smirnova also appeared in the dating show on CTC Love - “Terrible Love. The girl appeared in the image of a charming witch, for whose heart guys dressed in masks fought ant, piggy and troll.

In the winter of 2017, Nastya came to the “Instagram Girls” project, a provocative reality show on the “Friday!” channel, in which the stars of the same name took part social network. For a couple of months, the girl had to compete with Mila Blum, Evgenia Feofilaktova and her long-time rival Nelly Ermolaeva for the title of “Queen of Instagram”. According to the rules of the project, glamorous bloggers accustomed to a carefree and luxurious life returned to ordinary life and began to earn money not by appearance, but by work. The girls lost their apartments for a while and moved to rented apartments and dormitories. On March 10, 2017, Smirnova became the winner of the program.

In 2018, Nastya took part in the casting of the show “Bachelor on TNT Season 6”, the main character of which was one of the most popular Russian young singers

Anastasia Smirnova decided to appear on the show “Bachelor” in gift box. He and Yegor have known each other for a long time and the young man experienced mixed feelings. When Yegor later talked with Nastya, he admitted to the girl that he was shocked by what was happening here and he liked the sincerity. The girl was very doubtful whether she should stay on the project. At the rose ceremony, Creed was one of the first to present Smirnova with the treasured scarlet flower.

Interesting facts about Anastasia Smirnova

Anastasia Smirnova loves to spend her holidays traveling to warm countries; she has vacationed more than once in Bali, Sardinia and London.

As the girl herself states, she tends to fight, swear and make trouble. She dreams of finding a man who will “tie her to the radiator and pacify her.”

Nastya Smirnova is a participant in the popular projects “Vacations in Mexico” and “Dom-2”. The girl attracted the audience thanks to her pretty appearance - slender Nastya with lush white hair is able to amaze anyone with her beauty.

Nastya Smirnova was born on June 18, 1990. The girl is a native of Nizhny Novgorod. Her parents belong to creative people- The father works as an architect, and the mother makes a living by singing professionally and preparing children for vocal competitions. Maybe that's why with early years she participated in various competitions and ranked from the very beginning top places. There is no shortage of confidence in the girl - she was raised as the only beloved daughter, putting all the warm parental feelings into her upbringing. At the same time, little Nastya had everything - the family did not experience financial difficulties, so the child was regularly bought the latest advanced toys and gadgets. It cannot be said that Anastasia grew up as a spoiled child - she knows the value of money and parental help.

School years

IN school years nothing special happened in the life of the young girl. From the first grade, she tried to study diligently, demonstrating her excellent behavior in front of her teachers. Bad marks appeared extremely rarely in Anastasia’s diary, which made her parents very happy. Nastya went in for sports and loved gatherings with her friends. Over time, she gained a reputation as a “nerd,” since Nastya knew all the subjects perfectly.

University and adult life

After graduating from school and receiving secondary education, the girl decided not to leave her hometown. That is why I applied to the Academy of Law, having successfully passed entrance exams. At that time, Nastya Smirnova was already studying at one of the prestigious universities and dreams of conquering the capital with her appearance and intellect, but she still doesn’t know how to do this. Having successfully entered the desired faculty, the girl decided to become much more independent in all areas of life and not depend on her parents and friends, either morally or materially. The next stage of development was planned modeling career- Anastasia’s parameters corresponded to her model appearance. However, beyond participation in men's projects and publishing photos in adult publications, my career did not take off. The girl also managed to sign a contract with a prestigious Nizhny Novgorod modeling agency.

"House-2" and "Holidays in Mexico"

Participation in the scandalous program increased the girl’s popularity, which spread beyond the boundaries of one city. Participant Nastya Smirnova, for whom “Dom-2” became a second home, decided to combine good earnings with the desire to become famous, so she came to one of the castings and immediately moved on. In the clearing, she told everyone that she showed equal sympathy for two guys at once - Pynzar S. and Kuznetsov N. But neither Seryozha nor Nikita decided to commit themselves to a relationship with the girl. It became clear to all the other participants that the girl did not have an excellent character - she could not keep silent and got into fights. Not a single man wanted to get involved with the bitch, and Anastasia herself ended up staying on the project for only three and a half months. They kicked the girl out in a very mean way - while Nastya decided to go home for the weekend and see her friends, the participants hatched a conspiracy and kicked her out by voting. Almost everyone decided against it. She found out about this outside the perimeter - she called and told about everything. The decisive vote belonged to Sergei Gorbachev. Later the guy apologized for his behavior, but the situation could not be corrected.

After graduating from school and participating in popular projects, the girl became a media person who was recognized not only in hometown, but throughout the country. Participation in the program “You are No. 1” on the Nizhny Novgorod TV channel and in the beauty contest “Miss Nizhny Novgorod” only increased the girl’s popularity. After some time, she again decided to participate in a reality show, but this time she chose Nastya Smirnova’s “Vacations in Mexico,” where she showed herself in full force.

This show is an analogue of "House-2", but tougher and more frank. Nastya was the fastest to understand the behavior in the group, since she already had experience working in the same TV show. Its essence is in finding a partner. Those participants who could not find love leave forever. Grand Prize project "Vacations in Mexico" - one million rubles. There, Smirnova became friends with the late Zhanna Friske, who replaced a loved one for some participants.

Nastya Smirnova, "Holidays in Mexico."

Life after the project The girl starred in an erotic photo shoot for Maxim magazine and became a presenter on the TV channel. Nastya Smirnova continued her studies at the Faculty of Law and began attending auditions for beauty contests more often. The girl admits that she gets hired everywhere because of her outstanding appearance. After participating in “House-2,” my personal life did not go well at first. There was a relationship with a guy, but the couple quickly broke up. On this moment nothing is known about the girl’s personal life and plans. Rumors are actively spreading in the media that Nastya Smirnova got married, but no one knows whether this is true or just another provocation.

Anastasia Smirnova is single

In 2018, she took part in the 6th season of the show Bachelor. One of the most popular became the main bachelor Russian singers- . The girl did not hide the fact that she knows Yegor Creed personally. Will Nastya find common ground with Yegor?!

Zodiac sign: Twins

Age: 27 years

Place of Birth: Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Height: 172

Activity: participant in the show “Bachelor 6”, model, participant in other reality shows

Family status: Single

Anastasia Smirnova, along with other participants in the 6th season of the show “The Bachelor” on TNT, will compete for victory and the heart of Yegor Creed.

Anastasia Smirnova on social networks

Biography of Anastasia Smirnova

Anastasia Smirnova was born in Nizhny Novgorod in 1990. The girl's father works as an architect, and her mother is a professional singer. Her parents raised her like a princess and did not deny her anything: Nastya wore the most beautiful dresses and played with the best toys. Despite this, the girl studied well at school and did her homework diligently.

In 2012, Smirnova graduated from the Nizhny Novgorod Law Academy with a degree in jurisprudence. Studied at Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov at the Faculty of Journalism from September 1, 2016 to August 2017. While studying at the academy, Nastya refused financial help from her parents and began to try herself in the modeling business.

In 2010, Smirnova was recognized as the winner of the Miss Nizhny Novgorod beauty contest. In 2011, the popular men's publication awarded Anastasia the title "Miss Maxim", as the majority of readers voted for her.

The girl is very self-confident and considers herself a Russian copy of the legendary Brigitte Bardot. I love it negative information Anastasia Smirnova takes hostility towards herself and explains to everyone that people are simply jealous of her beauty and success. Anastasia Smirnova lives by the principle “let them write anything about me, as long as it’s not an obituary.”

Nastya's participation in other reality shows

"House 2"

Nastya Smirnova’s first star appearance on television took place in the fall of 2009 in the reality show “Dom-2”. Anastasia Smirnova came to the main macho of the project, Nikita Kuznetsov, with the specific goal of winning him away from his bride, Nelly Ermolaeva. The story ended with a scandal and a fight between two contenders for Nikita's heart.

I'm in love with the reflection in the mirror. My life is a reality show. I have to create new stories, be different, change, but at the same time always remain myself. Even my mother is jealous of me sometimes.

"Holidays in Mexico"

In Mexico, Anastasia Smirnova was going to prove to everyone that she would definitely receive the title of the most beautiful participant in the project and would make her ex-men bite their elbows out of resentment. However, in the end, “Vacation in Mexico” turned into a real school of survival for the young “star”.

Anastasia Smirnova was caught in a tropical downpour, learned to suck out the poison of various reptiles, fought seriously with her main rival Diana and made love under the lenses of television cameras.

Her chosen one was Svyatoslav Bystrov, nicknamed Stuff, but their relationship ended before the finale of the “Holidays in Mexico” show was announced.

This project changed my life. There was everything: love, quarrels, passion, and disappointment. To stay in this Mexican paradise, you had to find a mate. The girls said, Nastya, you can’t do the same – have sex with the whole country. Well, what will you do? This is life, everyone has sex! We all came into existence through sex. They definitely won’t hire me as a news anchor on Channel One after such nudity. But I don’t need it.

Personal life of Anastasia Smirnova

After participating in “House-2,” my personal life did not go well at first. There was a relationship with a guy, but the couple quickly broke up. At the moment, nothing is known about the girl’s personal life and plans. After “Vacation in Mexico,” the media actively spread rumors that Nastya got married, but this information was not confirmed.

Perhaps after the show “Bachelor 6” with Yegor Creed, there will be dramatic changes in her personal life?