Julia from Ukrainian supermodel 3. Julia Mochalova about childhood, self-acceptance and modeling career

Our children in kindergarten play during walks different games on the street. And of course, I would like to make the space around them beautiful, both on the site and on the verandas. And not only beautiful, but also interesting, developing and teaching children shapes, colors, logic, letters, and counting through play. Creative ideas about how to decorate a children's veranda, how to decorate a children's area where kids play in kindergarten.

The walls of the veranda can be beautifully decorated by drawing flowers, clouds, animals, forests, hedgehogs or episodes from fairy tales. Children really like the various characters in fairy tales. You can come up with a whole landscape!

If you have a private house and it has a veranda, then it can be painted in the form of some images, for example in the form of postcards, photographs, or add decor.

You can also use it to decorate crafts made from plastic bottle caps for the veranda on the playground in a kindergarten.

The simplest decorations from lids are to make a caterpillar, flowers, using multi-colored lids of different diameters.

You can also use children 4-5 years old to “help” select lids that are the same in diameter for one flower per verana, by color, and determine the location of the flower or caterpillar.

These are the most simple ways decorate a children's veranda in a kindergarten, which parents can do for their kids. After all, every area in a kindergarten can be used for the development of children through play! Only by playing do children learn and develop.

You can also decorate the veranda beautifully by decorating it with spray paints. The most extraordinary parents who know how to do this can dare to do this.

For example, you can draw interesting and everyone famous characters from cartoons. Or simply decorate it in the form of pictures of living nature. You can also draw flowers and on each flower there are letters and numbers on top.

Such decorations of verandas will help you learn letters and numbers while playing right on the playground on the street.

Beautiful artistic drawings The kids will be happy and can be an additional incentive to go to kindergarten in the morning!

Do you want your child to go to kindergarten with pleasure? Then help decorate the space around him and other children - i.e. playground space! Create, as far as possible, a gaming space that is not only for play, but also for unobtrusive development and learning.

A child who knows that this drawing on the wall of the veranda was drawn by his parents will not only remember this, but also to some extent understand that his dad and mom give him their love and care.

And the personal example of parents’ attitude towards their child will help him feel the space of love around him, which will help him form a caring attitude towards his children later.

And thus, the help to the kindergarten will be strong and the question for kindergarten It will be decided to diversify the playground. And the kids will have a good time too!

I hope these examples of how to decorate a children’s veranda in a kindergarten will help you come up with new ideas on how to make the surrounding space of your children in the kindergarten more interesting, fun and useful for their development.

Sincerely, .

Teachers from MBDOU No. 2 in Kemerovo share with us their recommendations on how to make it interesting and unusual.

Summer is a fun time! And the beauty and fabulousness of the kindergarten areas delight both children, parents and guests of our preschool educational institution.

At the entrance everyone is greeted by cheerful people. They are made from waste material: large drinking water bottles.

The top of the bottle is cut off with scissors, and the outside of the craft is covered with bright paint, for example, from a spray can. When the paint dries, glue on the eyes and mouth from self-adhesive paper.

You can plant flower seedlings or a bunch of ordinary grass inside. You can make original ponytails by tying bunches of grass into one or tying two ponytails with satin ribbons of different colors.

When designing the plots, the teachers of each group chose their own theme.

For some, it is a cheerful clearing where beetles and butterflies live. They delight children and help reinforce their knowledge of colors.

But on the veranda with marine theme you can meet fish and fancy sea ​​shells, and also play with water. The fish on the sea veranda are quirky and different, so the children and I fix the size, find differences and similarities.

The veranda is decorated with flowerpots in the shape of fish, which are made from the same plastic bottles as the little men at the entrance. Only the technique differs - the hole is cut from one side. Fluffy tails are easily cut from colored plastic bags, and the eyes are made from self-adhesive paper.

And here is another flower meadow in the form of a bright garland, where Christmas trees, berries and mushrooms grow.

Next to the flowers in the clearing there are other forest inhabitants - a hedgehog and a butterfly.

There was also a place for dancing people.

A cheerful nesting doll is walking under the birch trees.

Birds and their chicks sat in the trees nearby.

And a bear climbed up the tree and smelled honey. The bear is cut out of a plastic bottle. A little imagination and you're done.

To make bees you will need milk bottles.

A wise owl hid among the branches.

Ladybugs sat down to rest on a birch tree, and you can count the dots on their backs. It can be seen that they are made of disks.

On another veranda, your favorite Smeshariki go on a journey on a steam locomotive. Garlands for verandas are printed on a color printer, the pictures are laminated.

We were awarded for the design of the plots letter of thanks Department of Education of the Administration of Kemerovo for creativity and skill.

We thank senior educator M.S. for the material provided. Gaponenko and teacher additional education A.S. Tikhomirov.

Parents always think about how to decorate a kindergarten with your own hands, after all, it’s not uncommon to see a situation where teachers receive a group room in “pristine condition.” Of course, in such a room there will be wallpaper, there will be cribs in the bedroom, etc., but at the same time, both parents and teachers need to work hard to create the proper comfort.

How to decorate a kindergarten group with your own hands

Corner fine arts

Each kindergarten has a corner of fine arts, which will only become more beautiful with the help of “homemade crafts”. In order to create wall decor in the form of pencils, you will need to stock up on colored cardboard. Multi-colored pencils will look very cute, and you can make either a couple of pencils or a whole lot - it all depends on the amount of free space on the wall. The finished craft looks quite colorful and will certainly attract the attention of preschoolers.

The finished pencils will be equal in width to a cardboard sheet. Choose a suitable color and draw 3 cm stripes across the entire width. You should have 6 stripes in total. Along the drawn lines, bend the cardboard from the inside out and glue the resulting base using Titan glue.

Take a sheet of cardboard with a metallic sheen and cut out a pencil tip. Glue the blank with “Titanium” and stick a paper cone on top of the same color as the pencil itself. The cone on the tip will act as a stylus. Using the same adhesive composition, connect the cardboard base and the metallized tip together.

To decorate the finished craft, cut out cardboard eyes, legs and arms, and glue them to the “body”. Also additional detail there will be a brush or palette, “let the pencil hold them in your hands.

Corner of nature

Naturally, it is necessary to take care of the proper design of the corner of nature, because this is where children will study careful attitude to animals and plants. Also here, teachers will store teaching materials that will allow preschoolers to learn the time of day and the change of seasons. That's why we recommend that you make a toy house that will turn learning into fun game. The house itself can be made of chipboard or cardboard, and then covered with fabric. A picture should be installed in the window of the house that will clearly demonstrate to children the change of seasons. By the way, excellent pedagogical method will hide this picture behind a curtain, because curious children will certainly want to look behind it and find out what is hidden there.

Sports section

The process of designing a sports corner is a very creative process. So, for example, you can decorate the shelves on which the inventory is placed using colorful stickers, you can also decorate them using paints. Sports equipment is usually placed in plastic buckets, which can also be decorated. An excellent choice would be colored paper with a sticky layer - you can cut out a wide variety of details, for example, leaves or flowers, and then simply glue them in in the right places on the outer surface of the bucket. You can also use corrugated paper.

It’s very good if parents can sew orthopedic rugs that will only bring health to their children’s feet. Such tracks are very easy to sew - certain fillers are placed inside, for example, chestnuts, buttons or rounded pebbles. It will be very useful to run on such a rug after a night's sleep - it will be a real hardening process.

To make such a rug, you should make several fabric squares; the more there are, the longer the path will be. On one side, the squares should be left unsewn - this way they can be filled with the necessary items, and then sewn together. In order to create not only a useful device, but also a decoration for the group, you need to take fabric of different colors.

How to decorate a kindergarten with your own hands - photo

Naturally, we cannot ignore decorating the group for some holiday. For example, you can decorate a group with New Year, and by May 9, together with the children, you can build a thematic composition.

To create carnations, you need to take corrugated paper, cut a rectangular piece from it, fold it into a square and staple it in the center. Cut out a circle - it is best to use curly scissors for this purpose. Make cuts to the center of the round blank from different sides and straighten the bud. Cut a strip of green corrugated paper and wrap it around a stick to make a stem. Glue the flower to the stem, and attach paper leaves. You can make the required number of such carnations.

To make a vase, you will need colored paper - cut out a rectangular piece of black 12 cm wide, as well as orange stripes, the width of which will be 2 cm. Glue the parts to a toilet paper tube.

To make flags, you need to cut out a red rectangle (12 cm wide) for the first flag, a rectangle of the same color 4 cm wide - this will be the second flag, you will also need blue and white elements, respectively 12 and 4 cm. Glue red and white elements onto the white element. blue stripe. Glue the finished flags to cocktail straws.

To make a star, make a circle on a cardboard sheet and make the necessary markings, then cut out the circle and make cuts. Fold the star along the lines and glue it together, insert the “fire” into the very center (use corrugated paper for it). Now all that remains is to draw a dove on a piece of paper, cut out a bird of peace and create a festive composition.

And you will find best options crafts for the New Year, be sure to make “homemade crafts” with your children on the eve of the holiday.

How to decorate a kindergarten veranda with your own hands

Of course, not only while they are indoors, children should enjoy bright colors and interesting artistic solutions. So, you can decorate the veranda with a cute garland of flags and then every day the children will be in a festive mood.

The first step is to print a triangle on a piece of paper; its size should be exactly equal to the size of the flag in full size. Cut out this triangular template.

Prepare a lot of scraps of fabric for work; the more colorful they are, the better and more fun. Attach the template to the fabric and trace it with chalk, then cut out the resulting flag. Do similar manipulations with all the other scraps.

Prepare brown yarn, as well as a needle and white thread. Hem the flags with white thread so that one edge is picked up and the flags are held on with brown yarn. Sew the elements one by one to create a beautiful garland, now all that remains is to stretch it out on the veranda.

How to decorate the kindergarten yard with your own hands

During a walk, children also want to see interesting and fairy tale characters- for their manufacture we recommend that you use waste materials, because there are many original ideas on their use. decorated, will attract maximum attention. How to decorate a kindergarten, areas with your own hands This is exactly what our publication will tell you.

So, for example, you can make a cute ladybug - for it you should prepare a pile of sand, into which you stick the bottoms of plastic bottles. The final stage will be painting it red and black so that the craft looks like a real one. ladybug. By the way, plastic bottles will be the optimal material for creativity, because there are many of them in every home, they are very easy to process, giving the required form. You can use our ideas, or you can dream up your own “makeshift”.

You can create a cute caterpillar using an old vacuum cleaner hose (a rather creative solution), aluminum wire and a ball.

If you fence a small area with the help of identical bottles, and put mown grass and a couple of cute pigs inside, you will get a barn. By the way, the pigs are made from the same plastic bottles, only in a larger capacity, and then painted with pink paint.

You can attach a cute little sun to any tree or porch support. The basis for it will be a plastic box lid (for example, from a cake). Of course, it’s not enough to just cut out identical rays; you also need to draw a cheerful face.

How to decorate a kindergarten playground with your own hands

Another “ladybug” can be made from old tires - such a bright flowerbed will serve as an excellent decor for a kindergarten.

To do this, take an old tire and paint it red, wait until the piece dries.

On a regular A4 sheet, draw a pair of identical circles with a diameter of 15 cm, then cut them out - these will be the templates. Using a piece of foam rubber, black paint and slits in the sheet (templates), stamp black circles on the surface of the tire, like a real bug. Wait until it dries again.

Take two springs, open two Kinder Surprise containers and put the parts on the springs, make a loop for fixing on the end of the wire, and then put on the remaining parts of the containers to make ladybug horns. Paint the horns with black paint and wait until dry.

Drill a couple of holes in an old bucket without a handle and insert the horns into them. Make a loop at the end of the spring and secure it with a rivet to create a head with horns. Draw a mouth and cheeks on the bucket, glue on the eyes and nose using hot glue. Using two self-tapping screws, carefully attach the head of the bug to the tire.

Now all that remains is to pour the soil inside the tire, placing it on permanent place, and plant flowers that will delight you throughout the summer bright colors. And in the cold season, use original ones to decorate the site. For example, you can make a strawberry out of snow, and then paint it with dyes in suitable colors.

Now you know, how to decorate the territory of a kindergarten with your own hands, we haven’t forgotten about decorating the group - let your kindergarten always be bright and colorful thanks to skillful hands and an inquisitive mind!

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They decided to extend the Ukrainian Supermodel show for a fourth season, in which both girls and boys will be able to take part. We invite you to remember how the lives of the participants turned out. Find out what participants Dasha Maistrenko, Katya Svinarchuk, Sasha Kugat, Sasha Litvin, Sveta Kosovskaya, Yulia Mochalova are doing after the project.

Life after the show Ukrainian Supermodel 3: Masha Grebenyuk

Masha became the winner of Supermodel in Ukrainian 3, which opened up many opportunities for her. After SMPU 3, Masha Grebenyuk took part in two shows at Mercedes-Benz Kiev Fashion Days with Victoria Gres and Liliya Litkovskaya. At Ukrainian Fashion Week SS 2017, the model walked in 12 shows: Navro, Andre Tan, FROLOV, ALONOVA, ARTEMKLIMCHUK, LARISA LOBANOVA, LITKOVSKAYA, The Coat by Katya Silchenko, ELENA REVA. The “supermodel” also starred for the lookbooks of ALONOVA, Lake Studio and participated in filming for The Brow Bar Kiev.

Masha Greberyuk and Dasha Maistrenko at SMPU 3

Masha Grebenyuk at the Andre Tan show

Life after the show Supermodel in Ukrainian 3: Dasha Maistrenko

Dasha has an impeccably model appearance and excellent physical characteristics. After Supermodel in Ukrainian 3, Dasha became very popular in the modeling business. She walked at the 39th Ukrainian Fashion Week wearing outfits from Andre Tan, Poustovit, Label One, Nadya Dzyak, A.M.G., Lake Studio, Navro, Bobkova, ELENAREVA, Olena Dats’, The COAT by Katya Silchenko and Kir-Khartley. Moreover, at Mercedes-Benz Kiev Fashion Days, Dasha Maistrenko had an “exclusive”: designer Liliya Litkovskaya liked the model so much that she took it on the terms under which Dasha could participate exclusively in the show of Litkovskaya’s brand. According to Sergei Nikityuk, this is a very good start in the modeling business. In addition to shows, Dasha can be seen on the pages of such Ukrainian magazines as Pink, Viva, Elle and in photos for The Brow Bar Kiev.

Life after the show Ukrainian Supermodel 3: Katya Svinarchuk

Everyone who watched the show knows about Katya Svinarchuk’s main achievement - she starred in Dima Monatik’s video for the song “Smile.” Katya's face is simply meant for the cameras - we have already seen this more than once. For this reason, her portfolio already includes experience working with makeup artist Elena Glyva. Katya herself is aware that the catwalk is closed to her due to her height, but she plans to go to work in China as a fashion model. True, for now these are just dreams.

Katya Svinarchuk

Life after the show Ukrainian Supermodel 3: Sasha Cugat

Thanks to her thinness, Sasha Cugat received both offers and refusals at castings. But the girl was not upset about this, but looked at the situation with a smile. After the show, Supermodel in Ukrainian 3 Alexandra Cugat walked at Ukrainian Fashion Week SS 2017 at the Poustovit, Sayya by Luba Makarenko, Lake Studio, Elena Burba shows and at two Fresh Fashion Day shows (Sadovskaya for Gepur and Kir-Khartley). But most interesting work Sasha after SMPU 3 began filming in, where she became the main character. The video is called PM breakfast. All participants in this project were satisfied with the work of the model, as was the designer himself.

Sasha Cugat in a video for Ivan Frolov

Life after the show Ukrainian Supermodel 3: Sasha Litvin

Young model Sasha Litvin selflessly fought for victory in the show and even made it into the top five, but, as you remember, she never flew to Munich. Model life after Supermodel in Ukrainian 3 Sami is not very active; she does not have many works to her credit yet. She participated in the Kir-Khartley show as part of Fresh Fashion Day, and also starred for small brands and showrooms (MIA, Yemmy lingerie, Lacy, REDLIPS).

Sasha Litvin

Life after the show Supermodel in Ukrainian 3: Sveta Kosovskaya

Sveta Kosovskaya admitted that she did not actively go to castings and was not eager to get on the Ukrainian Fashion Week catwalk, since she considers herself primarily a fashion model. But still she worked at the Kir-Khartley show as part of Fresh Fashion Day. The model herself admits that she really liked the atmosphere, so who knows, maybe next season Sveta will appear on the catwalk more often.

Sveta Kosovskaya at SMPU 3

Life after the show Supermodel in Ukrainian 3: Yulia Mochalova

Yulia Mochalova is one of the most scandalous participants in the project Supermodel in Ukrainian 3. Her “male” past added a zest to Yulia’s image. But most Mochalova did not pass the auditions for another reason - because of her tattoos. After Supermodel in Ukrainian 3, Yulia Mochalova attended the shows of Olga May, CHUYKO,. The model can also be seen in the photo for the online clothing store N&S woman.

Yulia Mochalova at SMPU 3

Yulia Mochalova at Elena Filonova's show

Text: Anastasia DIDENKO

Yulia Geltsman, whom the public also knows under the names Yulia Mochalova and, - Ukrainian fashion model and DJ, one of the participants in the reality show “Ukrainian Supermodel”.

Yulia was born on April 26, 1994 and at birth she was named... Vasily. The fact is that today's fashion model was originally a boy. But later Geltsman felt like a woman in male body. As she says in one of her interviews, one day she woke up and clearly realized that she was actually a girl.

Having collected the amount necessary for the operation and completed all the required documents, Vasily leaves for St. Petersburg to see a highly qualified plastic surgeon and after some time leaves the clinic as Yulia.

Portal of models "Podium.Life"

Transformed beyond recognition, Geltsman begins labor activity as a DJ at a nightclub for the people gay. Also, the newly minted girl is becoming very popular as a fashion model. Moreover, many photographers do not even suspect that they are dealing with a transsexual.

In addition, Yulia Geltsman often appears in Sasha Shapik’s video blogs, as well as together with another unusual model Andriana Doronina, whose real name is Andrey.

TV show

Yulia Geltsman was invited several times to various Ukrainian and Russian talk shows, since the topic of transsexuals, transvestites and androgynes remains challenging and incomprehensible to the public. Thanks to these programs, as well as photo shoots, Yulia learned to act freely and naturally in front of the cameras.

Portal of models "Podium.Life"

And in 2016, she took part, along with two dozen of her colleagues, in the third season of the popular reality show “Ukrainian Supermodel.” The broadcast of this program on television started on August 26.

Personal life

Today Yulia Geltsman-Mochalova is only 22 years old. She purposefully moves towards her goal - to make successful career in the field of modeling business. The girl also says that she would like to create a full-fledged strong family with a loved man.

Portal of models "Podium.Life"

By the way, in her interviews, Yulia talks very openly not only about how she went through Plastic surgery on gender reassignment, but also about the severe physical pain that a person experiences during this process. In addition, Geltsman emphasizes that a transsexual will not be able to feel 100% like a woman, since, for example, he will not experience intimate relationships classic orgasm. But for Yulia, feeling like a girl from a moral point of view turned out to be a more important factor, so she was ready to come to terms with all the disadvantages of changing gender.