Makeup for blondes: application techniques, styles, features of creating an image. What makeup suits blondes - advice from makeup artists.

At all times, blonde girls have enjoyed special attention among men. This is because blond curls themselves give freshness to the skin. In addition, notice how expressively the eyes stand out. Blonde hair emphasizes the advantages of the face and hides some shortcomings. But how to increase beauty? How to properly emphasize the expressiveness of your eyes? We will help you decide on the perfect makeup for blonde fairies.

  • Diversity is in fashion. The most popular eye shadows are pink, coral, emerald, beige and all natural shades.
  • Much attention this season is given to the eyes. Highlight and highlight them. But don't overdo it.
  • For evening makeup, smoky eye makeup and natural lips with transparent gloss are ideal.
  • For work and school, do not wear bright makeup. Minimum shadows. It is better to focus on mascara. Avoid bright lipsticks and opt for gloss.
  • For everyday use – natural makeup. Suitable for any occasion.
  • Don't make your eyebrows too dark. The more natural the better.
  • Don't get used to wearing the same makeup. Experiment within the boundaries of fashion trends and add variety to your style.

Correct application of daytime makeup for blondes

IN daytime Naturalness must reign in makeup throughout the day. Blondes usually have light-colored skin, eyebrows and eyelashes. Owners of white hair always run the risk of overdoing it when applying cosmetics, thereby making the makeup provocative. To make your makeup harmonious, you need to listen to the advice of makeup artists and stylists. Girls with blonde hair need to focus their interest on one thing when applying cosmetics: on the eyes or on the lips.

A selection of lipsticks and lip gloss for blondes

Choosing the shade of lipstick is the most important stage while applying makeup. Blondes can use light and matte lipsticks with a hint of pink or pale pink tones. Bright and catchy lipstick colors can only be suitable for evening and holiday makeup for blondes.

Correct application of eye makeup for blondes

During the day, fair-haired girls do not need to apply eye shadow. Brown or gray The mascara is perfect for everyday makeup. This will add significance, expressiveness and naturalness to your look. For eyebrows, you should not use a pencil, but shadows, which are applied with a very thin brush. However, makeup artists do not recommend using bright black eyeliner or pencil, as it looks vulgar. To choose mascara, you need to pay attention to the shade of your eyes. Dark eyes it will be just right to highlight them by painting them Brown mascara, blue, gray-green or gray eyes are preferable to make up with blue mascara.

Which powder and blush should blondes choose?

Firstly, you must immediately exclude all thick foundation powders and creams, including. During the daytime, blondes are required to wear light, barely noticeable natural makeup. The perfect solution can be a transparent and simple powder.

Blush should also be very easy to apply to the skin. To apply blush very easily, you can use a wide brush with natural bristles. You need to apply blush in a very thin layer. Try to focus attention on your cheekbones, adding a healthy blush to your cheeks. Makeup artists for blondes strongly recommend using powders in light pink, pinkish-white tones, in combination with pinkish-coral blushes.

Makeup for blondes with green eyes

For green eyes, all shades of brown are most suitable. Starting from golden to chocolate. Another win-win option is green or a combination of green and brown. Violet, gold, metallic and copper shadows, earth colors, khaki, and mustard look very good. It is worth noting that blue and pink shades are completely incompatible with green eyes. Therefore, try to avoid them.

As for the pencil, try to choose it a tone or two darker than your hair color. Gray or brown - depends on your general color type: a spring blonde will prefer a warm tone, and a summer blonde will prefer a cold tone. The same goes for foundation.

Most often, green eye color occurs in summer-type blondes, so you can choose sand-colored, ivory-colored foundation creams with yellowish and tanned notes, since in general you have slightly darker skin than other fair-haired young ladies.

Makeup for blondes with brown eyes

It's not often you see a blonde with brown eyes. This means that you need to emphasize the beauty of this combination. The ideal option for your daytime makeup would be peach and golden brown eyeshadow. Feel free to use olive, lilac and pink shades.

Mascara is suitable for both black and brown. Unlike light eyes, for which green and blue mascara are appropriate, you are better off not using them.

Your eyes are extremely expressive, so try not to let your lips in your makeup draw attention to themselves. Beige or pink lipstick – best choice. Conversely, if your eye color is light brown, yellowish, or your eyes are less highlighted in your makeup, use a brighter color lipstick.

Makeup for blondes with gray eyes

Many blondes have this exact eye color. At least in our country. When choosing makeup for a gray-eyed blonde, it is important to remember moderation, because gray eyes and blond hair look touching and gentle. A large number of cosmetics will look vulgar and unattractive, drown out the natural charm and roughen the appearance. Your type of makeup is based on femininity and naturalness.

When choosing foundation or powder, choose the most natural tones that suit your skin tone. Remember, hair color already perfectly brightens your face, don’t try to make a porcelain mask out of it. Bend in favor dark shades is also undesirable, excessive “tanned” shades will make the skin orange or “toasted”, which is undesirable for your generally cool type of appearance.

To bring out the depth and variety of colors in your eyes, wear shades of blue, silver, green, taupe, pink or purple shades. Remember, your eyes are also often called “chameleons”; they absorb surrounding colors and change their basic tone, depending on shadows, clothing and lighting. The ideal lipstick for you would be pink or coral. Use various glosses and shimmering lip balms more actively.

Makeup for blondes with blue eyes

Between makeup for blondes and grays blue eyes– the difference is not big. But it still exists.

If you have fair skin, a light pink powder will most likely look flattering on you. The foundation (as with gray eyes) remains invariably natural. But when choosing an eyebrow pencil, there is a single rule for all blondes with any eye color - just not black. Ideally, your eyebrow pencil should be a shade or two darker than your hair, which means you'll want to stick with beige, gray, and taupe shades.

The same goes for eyeliner. Better take a blue or light blue pencil. These shades will add some mystery to your eyes, and at the same time they will look completely appropriate and stunning.

Blue eyes should be shaded with turquoise, brown, violet, sand or gray shades. You should avoid a blue tint - a tone that matches your eyes, as this will discolor your eyes and make them look somewhat empty. When choosing shadows, be guided by the shade of your hair. For very light people, silver, pale blue and gray shades are ideal.

The image of a blonde is gentle, attractive and calm. Most often girls with blond hair are the owners of light eyes (blue, gray or Green colour). Effective makeup for blondes must take into account the shades of skin, hair and eye color - only in this case the image will be flawless.

General makeup rules for blondes

1. If your hair color is natural, then when choosing a palette of cosmetics you need to take into account your eye color. Dyed blondes should be guided by their skin tone.

2. Girls with blond hair should avoid using black eyeliner or eyeliner - such cosmetics weigh down the face and make the image rougher. perfect color pencil or eyeliner brown or gray.

3. The lighter the hair, the calmer the shades of makeup should be. By the way, blondes come in both cold and warm types. And this is also expressed in the choice of a palette of cosmetics.

Makeup for natural blondes with light eyes: basic palette

Step 1. To even out the complexion, use pink-beige or light pink foundations. The powder can be white and pink. If your skin tone is slightly yellowish, then you can use a nude tone or a tone with a pinkish-yellow tint.

Step 2. When doing eye makeup, choose gray, blue and silver shadows (for a cool type) or shadows from beige-brown tones(for warm type). The contour of the eyes can be emphasized with a blue, gray or light brown pencil. Gray or gray mascara is applied to the eyelashes of blue color.

Step 3. Cheekbones are slightly emphasized with blush in a soft pink or coral shade.

Step 4. As for the choice of lipstick, shades of coral or pink are suitable for “cool” blondes, beige and golden ones are suitable for “warm” blondes. For evening makeup, you can use the same shades, but in a more saturated version.

Makeup for blondes with green eyes

Makeup for blondes with blue eyes

Makeup for blondes with gray-green eyes

Makeup for blondes with blue-gray eyes

Makeup for blondes with light brown and dark brown hair and light eyes

Step 1. Apply a flesh-colored foundation with a pinkish tint to cleansed facial skin. When choosing powder, makeup artists advise paying attention to light peach shades.

Step 2. To emphasize the depth of the look, you should pay attention to gray, silver, blue and dark gray shadows (“cold” type) or light brown tones (“warm” type). The contour pencil is chosen in blue or gray. Mascara can be blue, gray or brown.

Step 3. Apply peach blush. The shade should be chosen depending on personal preference.

Step 4. Lipstick can be pink (light or deep), gold, beige or coral. By the way, blondes can use lip glosses without lipstick.

Makeup for a blonde with gray eyes

Makeup for a blonde with green eyes

Makeup for a blonde with blue eyes

Makeup for blondes with ash hair, light or dark eyes

Step 1. When applying tone, girls with fair skin and light eyes should choose nude or pink shade. If a girl has brown eyes, you can opt for ivory and yellowish-brown products.

Step 2. As for eye makeup for blondes, gray or blue shadows are suitable for light-eyed girls, brown-eyed girls can use bronze or brown shades. The same rules should be followed when choosing an eyeliner pencil, which can be gray, blue or brown. Mascara is used in gray or brown.

Step 3. Blush of brown or pink-beige colors is applied to the cheekbones.

Step 4. Girls with ash hair When choosing a lipstick color, you can pay attention to coral, carrot, pink or golden shades. Lip glosses are also chosen in the same color scheme.

Makeup for blondes with brown eyes (photo)

Makeup of a blonde with blue eyes

Makeup for blondes with gray eyes

Makeup for a blonde with green eyes

Makeup for brown hair with dark skin

Step 1. Beige or yellowish creams, as well as powder with a bronze tint, are suitable as the main foundation.

Step 2. When choosing eye shadow, focus on the color of the iris. Beige, blue and bronze shadows are suitable for blue-eyed girls. To the owners green eyes You should choose golden or gray shadows. For those with brown eyes, green, purple, beige and brown palettes are suitable. To contour the eyes of this type of girl, it is better to use eyeliner (pencil) of dark brown or dark gray color. Black mascara is acceptable.

Step 3. Choose blush with a brownish or bronze tint; raspberry and peach are also suitable.

Step 4. Those with blond hair and dark skin can be advised to use beige, golden, carrot and light red lipstick. For evening makeup, shades of plum, red grape and red-brown are suitable.

Makeup for a blonde with brown eyes

Makeup for a blonde with gray eyes

Makeup for blue-eyed blondes

Makeup for green-eyed blondes

Makeup for blondes with red lipstick

Makeup for blondes step by step

The key is to cleanse your skin before applying makeup. Blondes should have perfectly clean skin. If redness or peeling appears, it is necessary to cleanse the face and carry out the necessary nutritional and moisturizing procedures. If cosmetic defects cannot be eliminated, corrective agents can be used.

Step 1. Apply the base with a sponge dipped in water. The texture of the cosmetic product should be as airy as possible so that the face does not look “heavy”. Apply loose powder on top of the base, the shade of which is half a tone darker shade foundation.

Step 2. Eyebrow makeup for blonde. Blonde girls rarely have expressive eyebrows, so they definitely need to be further emphasized. For correction, you can take olive or light brown shadows and apply them along the hairline. The application brush should be pre-wetted with water to make the eyebrows look brighter. To avoid performing this procedure every day, we can advise you to do

The image of a blonde is gentle, attractive and calm. Most often, girls with blond hair have light eyes (blue, gray or green). Effective makeup for blondes must take into account the shades of skin, hair and eye color - only in this case the image will be flawless.

Naturalness, individuality, stylish and, if possible, maximally emphasizing the advantages given by nature are the main goals of daily makeup. To begin with, it is important to choose the right color scheme cosmetics. It is important to remember the basic rule: the darker the hair tone, the brighter the shades of cosmetics should be. Fair-skinned blondes should use muted shade options. This must be taken into account when choosing cosmetics for the eyelids and lips, because these are the main parts of the face.

Makeup for a blonde with green eyes photo 2018 ideas

A blonde with green eyes is very beautiful, but inept makeup can ruin everything. And first of all, this concerns the choice of colors for makeup. The general rule in makeup for green eyes of blondes is to use predominantly warm tones. Cold “summer” and “winter” shades most often do not suit green-eyed blondes.

Makeup for blondes with green eyes involves a combination of light, delicate and warm shades of cosmetics. Many blonde girls, when creating their image at home, do not apply makeup correctly, choosing forbidden colors. Thus, with their own hands they spoil appearance, pushing away prying eyes.

Makeup for a blonde with brown eyes 2018 photo

Such an unusual combination - a natural blonde with brown eyes is rare. You need to use this gift of nature wisely. Today we will talk about the types of makeup that can be used for this type of appearance. Remember one rule. You should not shade your eyes too much, because such makeup will look harsh against the background of blond curls.

However, too bright hues With your eye color, they are also contraindicated - light curls will completely extinguish them. You should not shade your eyes too much, because such makeup will look rough against the background of blond curls. However, too light colors are also contraindicated for your eye color - light curls will completely extinguish them.

Makeup for a blonde with blue eyes photo 2018

Blue eyes and blond curls are a truly gentle, seductive and incredibly beautiful combination. Young ladies with such an appearance only need to competently emphasize their beauty, and properly executed makeup can be a faithful assistant in this. Blondes should opt for diluted watercolor shades: pearl, light blue, gray, soft purple, silver, lilac, pastel pink. For daytime make-up, you don’t need to get carried away with pearlescent glosses, while for an evening out they will be an excellent choice.

It should be taken into account that delicate blue-eyed beauties rarely suit turquoise and bright blue colors. It should also be taken into account that blond strands can make the skin tone even lighter than it is. It would be nice to highlight this golden glow of the skin cosmetics warm, slightly shiny tones. In this case, an excellent solution could be a liquid transparent foundation for future makeup with reflective particles, which will “illuminate” the skin.

Makeup for a pink dress for a blonde 2018 photo new

The pink dress evokes associations with childhood. Of course, the tradition of buying girls mostly pink clothes is to blame for this. However, we have to take this into account. Therefore, makeup for a pink dress should not be rough, heavy, or too bright. When applying makeup to your skin, try to give preference to shades that best match yours. natural colors. The foundation is natural or slightly darker than your true skin color.

You should not artificially lighten your face - it will look too pale against the background of the dress. Blush - light, golden or peach. When choosing shadows, it is better to give preference matte tones. An abundance of glitter in makeup in alliance with pink dress will make you look like a lollipop. The smartest option is to choose sand or beige shades. These tones are suitable for both neutral daytime and expressive evening makeup. If you are a blonde with fair skin, it is better to use brown mascara and eyeliner.

Makeup for a blue dress for a blonde 2018 photo options

Blue color is considered one of the classic tones in the design of women's outfits, restrained and sophisticated at the same time - from soft blue to dark cornflower blue shades. This is undoubtedly the color that all fashionistas, without exception, like, because it is perfect for anyone. special occasion. Brunettes and blondes with gray, blue and green eyes can use shades of shadows that match the eyes, enhancing the metallic component of the makeup with a shine of silver or gold.

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Makeup for a red dress for a blonde photo 2018 ideas

Not all girls will gather the courage to wear a red dress. But in vain, because red is a shade that has the power to attract. And accordingly, this outfit requires appropriate makeup. For girls who are hesitant to wear a red dress, we advise you to remember the legendary Marilyn Monroe - it was her favorite color. Dear girls, remember how men ran after her. It's definitely the color red here. Create yourself good mood and sparkle in the eyes. In combination with bright dress gentle makeup the eye will look amazing. If you are having a celebration with a large number of guests, we advise you to use fashion trend this season's smoky eyes. You will definitely outshine everyone with your beauty.

How to guess the color of lipstick in this image and not look ridiculous and vulgar?

  • For the Winter color type, use red lipstick in all shades - a restrained red tone and a bright scarlet lipstick.
  • Also, red lipstick will visually enlarge the lips of those girls who are not naturally given this. Don't worry, everything can be corrected with makeup.
  • Blonde girls will also suit these tones, but still, before leaving home, look in the mirror. Often red lipstick vulgarizes the look of delicate blondes, in which case it is better for them to use gloss with a slight shade of scarlet.
  • For those who don't like lipsticks, we advise you to pay attention to red lip glosses.

The main thing to remember is that lipstick should not dull the color of the dress; it has the role of complementing a bright outfit. When it comes to makeup, women are all individual, so it’s not always worth listening to fashion trends, but just put on some lipstick and look in the mirror.

Makeup for a black dress for a blonde photo 2018 ideas

A black dress is a universal option for both business style, and for an evening look. In combination with blond curls, the image evokes interest and looks impressive. Selected makeup plays an important role. When choosing makeup, you should keep in mind that you need to highlight one thing: lips or eyes. Focusing on the eyes, use a soft lipstick or gloss that matches the color of your lips. Blondes under black dress The following eyeshadow colors are suitable: white, beige, brown, chocolate, gray, smoky.

If you focus on your lips, use shades of red lipstick - a win-win option. You should not think that red is the color of fire, and only it; the palette of shades is different. Also suitable are coral, raspberry, pink, beige colors. A foundation that matches your complexion, combined with a properly applied concealer, can hide imperfections and highlight your best features. Blush should look as natural as possible. Apply light pink or warm beige to your cheekbones - remember, the emphasis is on the eyes or lips.

Nowadays, only the lazy don’t talk about blondes. There are many anecdotes and jokes about the intelligence of girls with blond hair. But it is unlikely that one can find a connection between hair color and mental abilities. Therefore, we will leave jokes about blondes to the jokers.
Let's dwell on the beauty of girls and women with blond hair, which have attracted the eye since ancient times. The goddess of beauty must certainly have golden hair. Also in Ancient Greece The beauties bleached their skin, rubbed their hair with goat's milk and sat in the sun for a long time so that their hair would fade.

During the time of Napoleon III, whose wife was blonde, the ladies of the court tried to imitate her in everything. A Parisian hairdresser found a way to help court fashionistas and used hydrogen peroxide to bleach hair. So there was not a single dark-haired woman left at court.

Applying makeup

The natural beauty of blondes must be emphasized with high-quality makeup.

To do beautiful makeup for blondes, you need to determine the shade of your hair and take into account the color of your eyes. It's no secret that eyes express mood and emotional condition, inner world person. Depending on the blonde’s eye color, it is necessary to select the desired color of mascara, shade of eye shadow, and eyeliner. In addition to recommendations for each specific eye color, there are general recommendations for all fair-haired beauties.

Day makeup

When creating for blondes, it is necessary to emphasize the girl’s natural charm, hide flaws, that is, make the girl’s image individual and unique.

First of all, you need to prepare your face - moisten a cotton pad with tonic and wipe your face along the massage lines.

Next, the tone is applied. Should be paid Special attention on the area under the eyes. Use a corrective pencil to mask problem areas of the face. Afterwards, apply the tone onto your face using a sponge. It is recommended to start with the area of ​​the nose and forehead; this area should be made a little lighter than the side areas. So you can give beautiful shape to your face.

After this, you need to fix the tone with powder.

The next step will be eyebrow correction. Blondes should not use eyebrow pencil because it will appear too bright; it is better to use simple shadows to highlight the shape and make the eyebrows look fuller.

To enlarge your eyes, you need to apply white shadows under the eyebrow, on the inner corner of the eye and on the moving eyelid. Then you can combine several different shades, applying the second color to the eyelid, the third color to the outer corner of the eye. The same can be done on the lower eyelid, going from dark to light. Draw the corners of the eyes with a thin brush. You can lengthen your eyes using arrows. Lastly, mascara is applied.

Having done this for blondes, you need to draw the outline of the lips with a pencil.

The tone of the lipstick should match the tone of the shadows.

Daytime makeup for blondes can be complemented with a small amount of blush.

Remember that it is better not to overdo it with daytime makeup, otherwise it will be heavy and unnatural.

Daytime makeup for blondes - video

evening make-up

For blondes, it involves giving a woman’s image brighter, more expressive notes. To create the effect of radiant skin, you will need powder in pink and bronze shades. Corrective products will also be useful to you, since any skin defects in the light of the lamps become more noticeable, therefore, they need to be corrected in order for the image to be exceptional. Having prepared the skin for, you need to apply loose powder, thereby making it silky and eliminating oily shine. Next, you need to draw your eyebrows with a pencil and apply shadows that suit you.

Blondes can safely use sparkles and rhinestones to create an attractive and unique evening makeup. A greater effect can be achieved by using false eyelashes.

For evening makeup for blondes, a coral-colored lipstick is suitable, which will give a sexy and attractive shade to a woman’s lips. The main thing is not to simultaneously emphasize the lips and eyes, so when creating an evening look, decide for yourself what exactly you want to emphasize.

Makeup for blue-eyed blondes

Makeup for blue eyes of blondes is characterized by a predominance of blue, gray, purple and blue flowers in him. The combination of cornflower blue or sky blue eyes with blond hair can be called classic. Therefore, the owner of just such a combination can allow her imagination to manifest itself to the highest extent.

To achieve successful makeup, you need to match the blue color of your eyes with the shade of your hair. So, if your hair has a honey shade, you are better off choosing silver or light blue shades. Mascara can be blue or brown. With this, it would seem unusual combination You can present your image in a more favorable light. The powder must be matched to your skin tone. Lipstick for such girls and women should be pink-coral (better suited for evening makeup) or light pink.

If blue-eyed blondes Brown hair, it is better for them to take blue or blue eye shadow. Peach and pink-flesh powder fits better Total. It is better to take lipstick pink-golden or light pink. A coral lipstick color is suitable for evening.

If a blonde with blue eyes has ash-colored hair, then the makeup of such a girl should be in warm colors. The powder should be flesh-colored. Shadows are blue and dark blue. Lipstick – peach, pink and coral colors.

Makeup for green-eyed blondes

Makeup for green eyes for blondes is not easy to do because there are not so many natural women with green eyes and blond hair. The safest thing to do is contact a specialist who can help you choose colors. If you decide to do makeup at home, it is better to use general recommendations cosmetologists. Products for highlighting the beauty of the eyes (mascara, pencil) of brown color are ideal. It is best to give preference to natural colors, although green mascara is also allowed, but it is still better to experiment not before going to work.

To create a winning makeup for blondes with green eyes, you need to pay attention to the shadows. It is best to focus on warm shades, such as peach, brown, golden, avoid blue eyeshadow. Green-eyed blondes should generally avoid cool tones in their makeup.

Makeup for blondes - video

Wedding make-up

When applying makeup, a fair-haired bride should take care to preserve her natural beauty.

The most popular one for blondes is designed to refresh a girl’s blush, give her lips seductiveness, her eyes depth, and her skin velvety.

Brides need to choose brown or gray mascara. For lips it is better to take a shimmering gloss. Emphasize the cheekbone line with light blush. You can apply transparent powder or mattifying cream with a moisturizing effect to the skin.

When choosing bridesmaid makeup, blondes, like other girls, should listen to themselves, what you like best, what look you feel comfortable in. The way you like yourself, the way your future husband will like you!

Makeup for blondes - photo

Main rules

It is quite difficult to say what makeup is suitable for blondes of any type, because their skin, eye and hair color may differ. And the type can be different: daytime, evening, natural, wedding, etc. But a few general rules can still be derived:

  • As with any makeup, there should be one accent - either the eyes or the lips. Dark shadows with bright lipstick will make your face look vulgar and unnatural.
  • Beautiful makeup for blondes requires extremely careful handling of cosmetics; it is better if there is less of it than too much.

  • It is even more difficult to apply permanent makeup for blondes. All trends remain, but you need to choose a craftsman very carefully, without skimping on work and materials. After all, you won’t be able to get rid of such makeup using a makeup remover, and if you fail, you’ll have to look for a new specialist who will cover up the flaws.
  • The most difficult thing is to choose daytime makeup for blondes with dark skin and brown eyes. As a rule, their hair color is not from nature, but from good dye. General rules makeup for blondies is not one of them, and brighter and more saturated colors are allowed here.

  • If your skin color is shifted towards the pink spectrum, then it is better to choose a beige tone to compensate for it. Only girls with very pale skin can afford a pinkish tone and blush.

Any beautiful makeup for blondes must comply with these rules. But the rest is where the differences begin.

Makeup according to eye color

Both daytime and evening make-up for blondes it is selected primarily according to color type:

  • “Cold” color type:blue or gray eyes, pale skin, platinum, silver or other similar shade of hair.
  • “Warm” color type:brown eyes, darker, tanned skin, golden or honey-colored hair.

Of course, pure color types are rare. In mixed cases, skin tone is chosen based on their hair and skin tone, eye makeup is chosen according to the color of the iris.

Doing the evening or wedding make-up for blondes, the main thing is to choose the right range of shadows, because they will be most noticeable. There are several general trends.

  • Brown eyes allow golden, brown, beige, pink, lilac colors.
  • Green eyes will suit any shades of green, brown, olive, gold, beige and gray tones.
  • With blue and gray eyes Gray, blue, lilac, lilac, violet, white, silver shadows look best.

Also, you should not mix several tones, unless the type of makeup requires it (Arabic, oriental, fantasy, and so on). When choosing natural makeup for blondes, it is better to do without shadows altogether or limit yourself to the lightest ones.

Any texture can be used, but satin, pearlescent, shimmering, and matte look especially good. Mix them together with extreme caution.


Makeup of any type begins with creating a beautiful, even skin tone. By nature, ideal skin is not given to everyone and only for a short time. The rest have to resort to small tricks:

  • The first rule is tone.Only the owner of a unique dress can refuse foundation and powder. perfect skin. There is no need to be afraid that it will turn your face into a mask or ruin your skin. If treated correctly, it will only get better. You need to choose a very light foundation, preferably water-based, so as not to weigh down the blonde’s transparent skin.
  • Don't forget about corrective products.On fair skin, any imperfection is more noticeable, so inflamed areas, bruises and shadows under the eyes, and wrinkles should be retouched by a concealer.