Is it possible to lose weight by dancing? Dancing for weight loss: training at home, general recommendations, video lessons

Dancing for weight loss at home are enough effective way lose weight. By dancing, you don't just eliminate overweight, but also make your figure more precise and beautiful. Today, many people enroll in dance studios to weight loss classes, where a professional instructor will explain and tell you how and what movements you need to do in order to achieve results desired effect. But, unfortunately, not everyone can afford it.

What dances help you lose weight quickly at home? These include oriental, Irish, Latin, Latin American and other types of dances. The first and last options train, the second has a positive effect not only on the stomach, but also on other parts of the body, the third is a set of movements that will help you lose extra pounds from the buttocks and thighs. Stomach Latin dances will also help pump up.

Absolutely everyone loves to dance. Some people do it better, some do it worse. But everyone can master a few steps. What dances should you do at home to lose weight quickly and without harm to your health? For example, it develops plasticity, and Latin American dances are quite energetic and rhythmic. Extra pounds will gradually disappear if you exercise regularly.

You should not practice dancing without prior preparation. Before starting classes, you need to warm up properly, warm up each muscle and only then start.

It is worth noting the following benefits of losing weight with: dance program Houses:

  • Home training for weight loss can be done at any time convenient for you, and you do not have to adapt to the instructor and group, postponing your more important matters.
  • You won’t have to pay anything for this method of losing weight, since you will practice at home using videos on the Internet, and the classes will be effective.
  • All muscles take part in the dance process, so you don’t have to think about removing extra centimeters from your thighs separately and separately.
  • Dancing is a lot of fun; this activity will not only help you lose weight, but will also bring you a lot of pleasure.
  • In addition to a slender and toned stomach and other parts of the body, you will get healthy and strengthened muscles.
  • Dancing will help you relax.

In addition, during the classes you will master a lot of beautiful movements that you can later show off at any party. It is also worth noting that during dancing, blood circulation significantly improves, lymphatic drainage increases and thus, with the help of intense movements, excess fat is burned. body fat. Below we have selected the most interesting directions dances that are great for losing weight.


Belly dance


Dance aerobics


Irish step

So, with the help dance exercises. It's not that difficult if you follow the instructor's advice. And it doesn’t matter whether you went to dance with a professional or just watch videos on the Internet. First, you need to carefully read the general recommendations for dancing.

Important rules before starting training:

  • Never begin active movements during training without prior preparation. First, warm up your muscles with special exercises, and only then start training.
  • Choose exactly the weight loss dance that you like. Irish, for example, helps shape correct posture, Eastern and Latin movements - train the stomach and so on.
  • Find the maximum appropriate place dance. This could be a spacious living room or a large corridor; it is advisable that you see yourself in the mirror during training.
  • Eliminate all factors that irritate you. Turn off your phone, send your pet to another room, and it is advisable that you are alone at home, so no one will distract you.
  • The shoes and clothes you will dance in should be comfortable. If you are working out at home, wear socks (only if the floor in the house is not slippery), elastic shorts or leggings and a loose T-shirt.
  • If you have eaten beforehand, wait an hour or an hour and a half before you start moving.
  • For effective weight loss turn on rhythmic fast music, which you like.
  • Don’t expect phenomenal results from your first lesson, because at first not everything will work out, the main thing is to enjoy the process.

Anyone can learn to dance if they want. Therefore, remember that the main thing in this matter is numerous training sessions.

If you don’t know how much time you need to exercise to lose weight, then the best option is to exercise for 2 hours 3 times a week or 30 minutes 5 times a week. After training it is necessary. Just don't overdo it. Especially the first time.

On a note! There's no point in dancing if you open the refrigerator after class and start emptying it. Eat small portions 4-5 times a day, preferably healthy foods.

The biggest advantage of this method of losing weight is great mood. After all, dancing classes charge you with energy for the whole day. With their help, you will not only lose weight, but also gain self-confidence.

Contraindications for dancing

If you want to quickly lose weight through dancing or fitness, you should know that these activities have a number of specific contraindications.

The main ones:

  • Presence of certain diseases (renal failure, cardiovascular diseases, chronic and the like). IN in this case Dancing can cause serious damage to your health.
  • Pregnancy and lactation period. During pregnancy, you should under no circumstances lose weight, especially exercise your abdominal muscles, as this is fraught with unpleasant consequences not only for you, but also for the baby. And during the period breastfeeding Exercising can lead to milk loss.
  • In case of problems with the respiratory system, dynamic dancing is not recommended, as it can aggravate the disease.
  • If you feel unwell, have a cold or have a high temperature, it is not recommended to dance.
  • Do not do this during the menstrual cycle physical exercise, as there may be bleeding or severe stomach pain.
  • Varicose veins, hernia, certain neoplasms, and vertebral displacement are obstacles to some dance movements.
  • If you have joint problems, scoliosis, have had knee injuries, or are first-degree obese, then pole dancing is not recommended for you.

Today there are many types of dances for weight loss. If you wish, you can take private lessons from a professional, study in a group, or study on your own at home. The main thing is to follow certain rules and have fun. And if you have certain contraindications, consult your doctor.

Thus, dancing is one of the most effective and enjoyable ways to lose weight. They don't just help get rid of extra pounds, but also provide positive influence to your health. So, you will look younger, fresher, fitter. Your muscles will be toned.

Note! If you feel worse after exercising, consult your doctor immediately.

In addition, a person who is into dancing will be able to impress anyone on the dance floor during a party or corporate event without any problems. And if you choose the type of dancing that you like most, then the exercises will bring pleasure and improve your mood. And the main thing is that you don’t have to exhaust yourself with unbearable diets or disappear long time in the gym.

Any dance is quite a heavy load. However, there are types when dancing requires more dedication and physical effort. As a result, all metabolic processes in the body occur faster, and the weight loss process starts automatically. To achieve the desired effect - to make the body flexible and lose extra pounds, you need to choose the right type of dance.

What dances help you lose weight

Each dance affects the body in its own way. For example, classical dancing from the ballroom category, such as waltz, rumba, etc. help to acquire an even and beautiful posture, as well as achieve plasticity of the whole body. In addition, they will make a woman’s legs beautiful and slender. Samba, like belly dancing, helps tidy up the buttocks area. Flamenco straightens your posture and makes your arms more toned. Active trends, such as hip-hop and R"n"B, promote the fastest possible weight loss due to their rhythm. Strip dancing helps make your entire figure more feminine. Latin American program develops endurance and improves coordination of movements.

Remember, the more active you are in dancing, the faster and better the weight loss process goes. In addition, during the dance, certain muscle groups are tightened. This means that the skin will become elastic and taut.

What to choose: salsa, ballet or cha-cha?

  • More details

Of course, you should not expect that the effect will be instantaneous, since dancing has as its main goal artistic and choreographic development, and not reset excess weight. To feel tangible changes in your body, you need to attend classes regularly and not miss them. So, experts recommend following this sequence - at least four times a week. However, more often it happens that lessons on one or another type of dance are held only twice. In this case, it’s worth using a little trick to achieve the desired effect: sign up for one more type of dance, and as a result everything will be perfect. You will also master two types of dances at once, which will significantly expand your physical capabilities.

What to consider for a long-lasting effect

Even if you go dancing several times a week and already feel like you've lost a lot of weight, that doesn't mean you can start ramping up the pace and eating everything. The only thing that is allowed is to leave the quantity and quality of food eaten at the same level.

The main advantage of dancing is that it gives a feeling of comfort, calmness and fills a person with joy. This means that you will not need to additionally fuel yourself with sweets and chocolate to improve your mood. Accordingly, you will receive simply enormous health benefits.

What rules must be followed

To lose weight while dancing, it is not enough to just move actively. It is also necessary to take into account a number of nuances that help maintain the effect. One of them says that music should increase and decrease in tempo gradually. This sound principle musical compositions usually used in aerobics.

For your own convenience, create your own program, where the rhythm of the music will change as convenient and comfortable for you. However, this recommendation is only relevant for home exercises.

How to lose weight through dancing?

  • More details

The duration of the dance should be at least half an hour (and this is only the active stage). As a result of such training, the muscles will warm up and metabolic processes in the body will accelerate. As a result, you will achieve maximum effect when fat is burned in a particularly efficient way.

After dancing, you will feel hungry, and this is normal. After all, after any physical activity I really want to eat. However, this does not mean that you need to eat everything. Allowed only to eat low-calorie foods - apple, raw vegetables etc. In addition, it is worth remembering that during active dancing the body is deprived of water, which actively evaporates and comes out with sweat. Reserves definitely need to be replenished, since dehydration of the body threatens quite serious problems - weakness of the whole body, lethargy, drowsiness, intestinal dysfunction, etc. All these problems negatively affect the process of losing weight, slowing it down to the limit.

Pole dance, or pole dance (pole dance, as it is also called) includes all types of exercise - strength, aerobic and stretching, as well as elements of acrobatics. Therefore, it all starts not with approaching the pylon, but with basic exercises on the mat, aimed at developing all muscle groups. Fans pole dance claim that while dancing, muscles work that you didn’t even know existed ordinary life! But they will definitely start to get sick after the debut lesson.

As a rule, girls who come to their first pole dancing lesson without good physical preparation discover a desire to play sports and tone their muscles - otherwise how to perform all these difficult, but so sexy pole dance tricks?



Incendiary reggaeton is a dance that requires good physical preparation. It appeared in Panama and Puerto Rico, but soon became widespread, first in Latin America and then throughout the world. Unlike smooth salsa or bachata, reggenton is based on a hard and fast rhythm, so after class you can literally wring out your T-shirt!

The main load during the dance goes to the legs, hips, buttocks, and if you dream of a round, pumped up butt, choose reggaeton. By the way, this dance is also an excellent fat burner, since during active “shaking” all muscles work and your body receives high-quality cardio exercise.

Belly dance

Belly dancing is most often associated with rather plump oriental beauties who have something to “shock”. Throw away these prejudices and feel free to go to class if you dream of toned abs. During dancing, the stomach is constantly tense, the oblique muscles are especially active, which are not so easy to pump even in a gym.

Moreover, belly dancing will help you work your thigh muscles without doing boring classic squats. So quickly buy an oriental outfit with ringing monists and go ahead!

Irish step

Irish step is deservedly considered one of best dances for weight loss. It will replace you with jumping rope, running, and step aerobics... In a word, Irish dance - interesting option cardio exercises for those who cannot bring themselves to go for a morning run.

True, the upper body is practically not involved in it, but if you dream of slim and toned legs- then this type of dance is definitely for you!


Passionate spanish flamenco is able to use all the muscles of the body, providing your body with an even load. The dance sets a very fast pace and has a lot of different movements, so you definitely won’t get bored during the class.

Firstly, the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle will become toned, and secondly, flamenco requires ideal posture, which means the dance is very useful for the spine. And finally, flamenco is plastic and smooth movements, which will not harm anyone.

Since ancient times, man has expressed himself by dancing. Dance is one of the most ancient forms of art; it is a way to tell people around them about their emotions, to perform a ritual; with the help of body movements, people even communicated with deities. Today, dance is a way to demonstrate your sexuality, a beautiful figure, and cheer yourself up. Many people prefer to dance with professionals in studios - this is not only an opportunity to improve their skills, but also to communicate with like-minded people. However, some women prefer dancing for weight loss at home, without prying eyes, allowing themselves to relax and be alone with their thoughts and emotions. In addition, not everyone can afford classes in studios; the reason for this may be a lack of time or financial capabilities.

Dance classes at home – good way lose extra pounds accumulated after childbirth, because a young mother cannot always leave her baby. Pleasant music and rhythmic body movements will lift the mood of both mother and baby. So, which dance to choose for weight loss, of course, the one you like: belly dancing will help you get rid of extra centimeters in the waist and strengthen the abs, fiery Irish dancing will make your legs and buttocks slender, and sexy strip dance will use all the muscles.

Dancing - good alternative low-calorie diets. Their effectiveness for weight loss is confirmed by many experts, including psychologists. Moving to music always helps produce endorphins, elevate your mood and relieve stress, as opposed to the feeling of hunger that accompanies all diets. Stress accompanied by dieting is bad for your health. In terms of its effectiveness for weight loss, dancing can compete with fitness: in one dance lesson The same amount of fat is burned as during sports training. Each woman decides for herself which dance to prefer.

Oriental dances are the most feminine, and this is understandable; their benefits for weight loss can hardly be overestimated:

  • with their help, the muscles of the abdomen, butt and thighs are strengthened;
  • blood flow in the abdominal area increases;
  • intimate muscles are strengthened;
  • is improving women Health, including reproductive function;
  • joints become more mobile, the spine strengthens.

The most energetic are hip-hop and break dancing, but not everyone can learn them. Zumba is a good cardio workout; with the help of such movements you can not only quickly lose weight, but also strengthen your heart muscle and increase your endurance. While dancing for weight loss, blood circulation improves, metabolism accelerates, muscles strengthen, calories are burned, and lymph is cleansed.

Incendiary Latin American movements are no less beneficial for health, with their help:

  • legs and hips are strengthened;
  • the fat layer on the abdomen decreases;
  • the silhouette becomes slender and feminine;
  • the walls of blood vessels are strengthened and blood circulation increases, which is a good prevention of varicose veins.

How to lose weight and have fun

Losing weight will be more productive during more rhythmic workouts. Before you decide which dances to do at home to lose weight, you can visit trial lessons in the studio, they are usually free. For those who don’t have time for this, we can recommend video tutorials.
It is important to achieve results in losing weight, to create comfortable conditions for this at home, namely:

  • choose a spacious place in the apartment so that furniture does not interfere;
  • prepare comfortable clothes and shoes;
  • choose suitable music;
  • It is better to spend the first lesson alone with yourself, so that no one confuses or distracts you.

It’s good if there is a mirror in the chosen place, it will help you practice movements and see imperfections. It’s better to turn off your phones; one call can change all your plans or distract you from your workout. The choice of clothing for dancing has great importance In order to set the mood for him and admire his reflection in the mirror, the outfit must be sexy and emphasize every movement, then the benefits of training will not only be for weight loss. Shoes are also of great importance; they should be comfortable and preferably not new, so as not to develop blisters. To create the mood when performing flamenco, you can decorate your hair with flowers; when performing oriental dance, a scarf tied to your hips will help. To achieve results in losing weight, it is recommended to dance at least 5 times a week, and the duration of the workout should be at least half an hour.

Tips for beginner dancers:

  • for weight loss it will be more effective if you do not empty the refrigerator immediately after training, you should eat no earlier than half an hour later and only healthy foods: protein and vegetables;
  • It is also not recommended to eat before the start of classes; it is better to do this an hour before the dance;
  • Energy drinks, for example, will help you master difficult movements and cope with the load. green tea with ginseng or coffee without sugar.

If at first everything doesn’t work out, there is no need to be upset; in the next workout, the movements will be more confident and the muscles will be stronger.

Caution doesn't hurt

Despite all the benefits of dancing for the body, you should be careful with their choice, since each type has its own contraindications. The choice of dancing for weight loss should be influenced by the attending physician; he will tell you what type of training is suitable in a particular case.

Fast Latin dances, as well as Zumba, hip-hop and break are contraindicated:

  • for cardiac pathologies;
  • asthmatics;
  • hypertensive patients;
  • if you have spinal problems.
  • with venous insufficiency;
  • in the presence of gynecological diseases of an acute inflammatory nature or oncological ones;
  • if there is a displacement of the spine or hernia.

People who have a history of:

  • scoliosis;
  • joint and ankle injuries;
  • severe obesity.

You should not engage in any type of dancing during pregnancy, during acute respiratory diseases accompanied by an increase in body temperature, or if you have previously experienced limb cramps. For everyone else who wants to lose weight, welcome to the dance floor at home!

Making a choice is quite difficult

If you have never practiced before, it is difficult to make a choice and decide which dances will help you lose weight quickly. In fact, any dance will help you lose weight, the main condition is regularity of classes.

Single exercises will help you get rid of excess weight better than double exercises. This is explained by the fact that during pair training you have to focus on your partner and his movements, while individual lessons attention is paid to how the muscles of the body work. What to look for when choosing? In terms of which zone you need to lose weight and which muscle groups you need to strengthen, you shouldn’t forget about personal preferences.

  • Belly dancing is suitable for those women whose problem area is the stomach and who want to strengthen the muscles of the arms and back;
  • rhythmic Latin American dancing helps strengthen all muscles - this is the most reliable way to lose weight, but when choosing them, contraindications should be taken into account;
  • flamenco for the graceful and passionate women, it will help improve the tone of the leg muscles and strengthen the buttocks;
  • strip plastic consists of elements of Latin American and oriental dance, with its help you can not only demonstrate your sexuality, but also get rid of your belly, strengthen your back and tighten your buttock muscles.

Any movement improves health and strengthens certain muscle groups, but for women the best way Losing weight and creating a beautiful silhouette is belly dancing.

The advantage of belly dancing is that to perform its most feminine movements you do not need any special conditions. So, for example, to perform a strip dance you need a pole, for flamenco you need special shoes. The main factor for correct execution Belly dancing is the ability to keep the body in balance. Mastering oriental movements is not so difficult; video lessons will help. Do right choice in favor of any of the directions, you can only try its movements and feel inspired. Home dance classes are not competitive demonstrations, so don’t be upset if your movements turn out awkward. Regular training will help you gain experience, and then excess weight will disappear, your gait will become graceful, your back will be straight, and a mischievous twinkle will appear in your eyes.

Of the many ways to lose weight, did you choose dancing? Then you better know in advance that in the first weeks, and maybe even months, you will have to work hard. If we compare the load on the muscles, then 1 hour of exercise is equivalent to 40 minutes of running, 30 minutes of swimming or 20 minutes of strength training. You shouldn't rely only on fun and fiery music - the body has to work until it sweats. But in a month, losses can amount to 10 kg. Such results are worth the patience and effort!

What's the benefit

Intense movements, fast pace, and rhythm force the body to produce a lot of energy. For 1 hour there is enough quiet vog (one of modern styles) you can spend 300 kcal (= 1 hamburger), an incendiary zumba - up to 900 kcal!

A high pace makes you sweat profusely, and excess fluid leaves the body.

The dance movements seem airy and easy to perform only in appearance. In fact, they are exercises that are part of basic sports complexes: with arms, twisting the torso, etc. Only here they are further complicated by the high pace of execution. All this increases the load on different groups muscles, forming a slim body and burning fat deposits in the most problematic areas.

Blood circulation accelerates, which increases the flow of oxygen and nutrients to tissues. With regular exercise, heart function improves, cholesterol decreases, atherosclerotic plaques dissolve, cellulite gradually disappears, and the skin becomes more elastic, which is a warning after losing weight. All these processes have a beneficial effect on weight loss.

Metabolism accelerates under the influence of accelerated blood circulation. It is he who activates the processing of food into energy. If the metabolism is slow, then calories will be stored in the form of fat depots. If it is normalized, the body is quickly cleansed of waste and toxins, improving the functioning of internal organs, and health is the first step to losing weight.

Despite fatigue and difficulty performing movements, after exercise your mood improves. Psychologists say that this is one of the best cures for depression. This means that this is also the prevention of compulsive overeating - there will be no problems that you will have to eat in the kitchen at night.

It turns out that in dance everything works for losing weight and shaping beautiful figure. But is everything so rosy?

Underwater rocks

Fast pace and a serious load on the muscles and internal organs can lead to deterioration of health in the following diseases and conditions:

  • problems with the spine, joints, bone tissue;
  • brain diseases;
  • flat feet III and IV degrees;
  • recently performed abdominal surgery (must pass at least 3 months);
  • mental disorders;
  • pregnancy and another six months after the birth of the child;
  • hypertension;
  • III and IV degrees;
  • elevated temperature;
  • severe diseases of the lungs, liver, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract;
  • varicose veins;
  • painful and heavy periods;
  • oncology stages III and IV;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

In addition to the list of contraindications, individual species There are other disadvantages to dancing as a way to lose weight:

  • require skills rhythmic gymnastics, flexibility, good stretching (contempo, strip plastic);
  • increase the risk of injury, fraught with fractures, damage to ligaments, joints, tendons (breakdancing, voguing, pole);
  • only overdevelop separate groups muscles, which forms incorrect body proportions (twerking - buttocks, voguing - arms);
  • require the presence of a partner, who can be very difficult to find (Latin American, ballroom);
  • require a keen sense of rhythm and good hearing(flamenco);
  • movements are difficult to master (street, oriental).

At home or in the studio?

Decide where the dance classes will take place. Home workouts can be your choice if...

  • ... a simple dance was chosen that is easy to learn using video lessons;
  • ... it is not paired;
  • ... you are embarrassed to dance in public;
  • ... saving money is necessary;
  • have patience and self-discipline.

When practicing at home, there is always a risk of incorrectly mastering the technique of movements. This is fraught with uneven distribution of the load on the muscles, which can result in injury and an unattractively shaped figure.

It is also necessary to have a large enough space so that nothing restricts the dance, and a mirror to control your own steps. It is necessary to ensure the complete absence of distractions (children, phone calls, unexpected guests). Please note that if you have questions, there is no one to consult with.

Advantages of training in a studio under the supervision of an instructor:

  • correct execution of movements: the trainer will point out mistakes and help correct them;
  • development possible different directions, the most intense of which allow you to lose greatest number kilograms;
  • responsibility: you need to attend paid classes according to the schedule, otherwise you will be ashamed in front of the group and the instructor;
  • a professional will answer all your questions.

But studio dancing - expensive pleasure. And it’s not just about renting a hall, group classes and a personal instructor. A number of areas require specialized shoes and clothing, and this is a large expense item.

What to choose?

It is best to consult with an instructor, providing him with information about your health (do not hide the presence of diseases), degree of physical fitness (have you been involved in sports and dancing before) and (be sure to say that your goal is to lose weight). Based on this data, he will select the appropriate direction.

As a rule, for beginners you need simple dances with movements that are easy to master. This is an adapted contempo, disco, zumba, something from a fitness area.

It is mistakenly believed that for fat girls There are some special directions. In fact, no: if excess weight exceeds 20 kg or more, it is better to choose any programs for beginners with simple movements and at a slow pace. For example, pole dancing or break dancing with such indicators will be difficult to master. But as you lose weight, you can move on to more complex techniques.

Choosing effective dancing to lose belly fat, take a closer look at belly dancing, Body Plastic, strip plastic, tribal, lambada, hip-hop, and Latin American styles.

For fast weight loss you need to choose the most energetic dances with a clear rhythm: hip-hop, breakdance, zumba, disco, salsa, rock and roll. They burn the most calories per session.

When choosing, be guided by your preferences. Measured, calm person A slow strip is better to work on your body flexibility. For the impatient and active, incendiary Zumba will help you use up your overwhelming energy. Age matters too. For example, women over 35 prefer belly dancing or foxtrot, while young people prefer street and modern trends(twerking, hip-hop, breakdancing).

There is no need to combine dancing with other intense methods of losing weight. Diets, pills and strength training in the gym will contribute to exhaustion of the body, overtraining of muscles and deterioration of well-being. The result is a refusal to exercise and the return of the previous weight. What is allowed in sports:

  • morning exercises;
  • jogging/treadmill;
  • walking/walking;
  • swimming.


  • Quickstep

This couple dance gave many trends and styles the so-called “quick step”. A flying, light gait, akin to running, allows you to burn a lot of calories in one session. Easy to perform, so suitable for beginners. The only downside is that you need a partner.

  • Foxtrot

The founder of quickstep. It is also based on steps, but smaller and not as fast. Looks like a waltz. Gives an excellent load on the back, which automatically affects the retraction of the abdomen and weight loss in the sides and waist. Suitable for beginners.

  • Tango

Of all ballroom dancing, suitable for weight loss, this one is the most difficult. The load falls on the muscles of the back and legs, so fat burning primarily occurs in these places. Those who regularly practice tango have very beautiful hips and a thin waist.

Latin American

  • Samba;
  • cha-cha-cha;
  • paso doble;
  • rumba;
  • jive.

One of the most popular destinations to date. Energy, freedom, opportunity to work in pairs, excellent load on the abdominal and thigh muscles. Despite the fact that Latin dances are called simple, many beginners who decide to lose weight with their help stop training precisely because some movements are very difficult to repeat if they are overweight.


  • Breakdancing, dubstep (Dup Step), popping, electric boogie (Electric Boogie)

These energetic directions are recommended for weight loss for young guys (primarily) and girls. They teach you how to control your body and keep you the most complex elements, requiring excellent physical shape. You don’t need to think that extra pounds are an obstacle to such activities. You’ll arrive looking plump, and in a couple of months you’ll be rocking the battlefield, showing off a beautiful, toned figure. The downside is the high risk of injury.

  • Shuffle, house, electro-dance, tectonic, C-walk

Active dancing that is ideal for losing weight. They burn maximum amount calories, very energy-consuming. They involve wide swings and jumps. Have enough complex technology implementation and require a large area for practice. But once you get carried away by them, it’s impossible to stop. Weight decreases in fast pace. They are chosen mainly by young people.

  • Hip-hop

A popular style, training programs adapted for weight loss are offered on the Internet and in studios. Basic movements: swing - rhythmic swaying of the body to music and step dances - steps (from the middle, diagonally and crosswise). The abs and legs work, although the load on the arms and shoulders is also considerable. The exercises are energy-intensive, so many young people solve the problem of excess weight with the help of hip-hop.

Dance and sports studios for weight loss can also offer such street directions as:

  • locking;
  • krump;
  • R’n’B (Rich and Beautiful - rich and beautiful);
  • freestyle;
  • hustle.


  • Pylon, strip plastic

Pole dancing on a pole, the strip is distinguished by sensuality and frankness. Both directions are readily chosen by young girls. Reveals femininity and sexuality. At the same time they give powerful physical training. The downside is that they require gymnastic skills and good stretching.

  • Go-go (Go-Go), Vogue (Vogue)

The choice of young girls who dream of the big stage. Very beautiful movements, but quite complex in technique. Vogue is hand waves of varying intensity, so for those who urgently need to lose weight in this part of the body, Vogue is what they need. Go-go - mixing different styles, it is demonstrated mainly by nightclub dancers.

  • Jazz-modern, contemporary (contempo)

Very fashion trends, V classic version not too intense: calm, in compliance with aesthetic traditions and choreographic rules. But due to their wide popularity, instructors have adapted them for weight loss - these are the programs that are quite suitable for beginners. One of the positive aspects is that during the training, flexibility develops and a beautiful body is formed.

National dances

  • Flamenco (Spanish)

Beautiful costumes, maximum drama, National character- all this makes flamenco popular among different segments of the population. As for losing weight, the main work here falls on the arms (the choreography of the hands is very specific) and legs (you will have to tap dance). Minus - required good feeling rhythm. Beginners should definitely not choose this direction.

  • Tribal

An original version of belly dance, developed by Carolina Nericchio specifically for weight loss. More intense, less complex. Those who are afraid to start with can start with it. Aimed at creating beautiful abs.

Now you know the names of the main dance directions that you can choose for weight loss, and what they are characteristics. This information will allow you to make the right choice and achieve maximum results in weight loss.