A set of exercises that help burn fat deposits. Exercises to burn fat at home

Every year the statistics are simply amazing. Today, about half of the entire population is overweight. But the most terrifying thing is that every year this figure increases exponentially. And in order to avoid this fate, it is necessary to look for effective methods to combat this problem.

However, as research shows, it is not always possible to “start” the fat burning mechanism in the body through diet and a more active lifestyle, especially for those people who want to lose extra pounds in a short period of time, and even more, want to do your body beautiful, slim and fit.

In this case, you just need to take up fitness, and for this it is not at all necessary to sign up for a gym and spend fabulous money. You can quickly and easily get your body in order at home using fat-burning exercises. They will help tighten the abdominal muscles, remove fat deposits from the sides, thighs and buttocks. So what exercises should you do to lose weight quickly? Let's figure it out together.

1st complex

Of course, today there is no miraculous exercise or one hundred percent dietary system, thanks to which you can once and for all get rid of a sagging belly or remove fat deposits from the hips, buttocks and sides.

Fighting excess kilograms is only possible using a comprehensive method, using (sorry for the lack of originality) the principles of proper nutrition and a set of exercises. It doesn’t matter whether you work out in the gym or lose weight at home. The main thing is not to be lazy, but to lead a very active lifestyle.

As for proper nutrition, everything has long been clear to everyone:

  • we eat little, but often;
  • We don’t eat after 6 pm;
  • throughout the day we drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water;
  • more vegetables and fruits, and less junk food (fried, salted, smoked, pickled and spicy).

Fat burning exercises, in turn, are represented by a certain set of movements. The most effective of them, according to the majority of qualified trainers, is a combination of cardio and strength training. This combination is considered the most effective for the simple reason that cardio helps speed up the heartbeat and breathing, thereby activating metabolic processes and metabolism, which leads to weight loss.

It is for this reason that a set of exercises for burning fat must include cardio exercises:

  • swimming;
  • exercise bike or simple cycling;
  • treadmill or regular running;
  • jumping rope;
  • moving types of dances.

The second element of effective fat-burning exercises is strength training. However, do not be intimidated by this term, since we are not talking about pressing and deadlifting heavy sports equipment. Strength loads are exercises with your own weight: squats, push-ups, pumping the abdominal muscles, back and other muscle groups.

Only movements that force muscle tissue to actively contract can make the body shape smaller in volume. With the help of strength training, you can get rid of a flabby and sagging stomach, thighs, buttocks and sides. And the muscle tissue that has formed in their place will not “allow” you to “acquire” fat again (unless, of course, you regularly maintain your shape).

An approximate set of exercises that help burn fat

The presented set of exercises is aimed at working with the five most problematic areas of the female body. We are talking about the muscle tissue of the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, sides and triceps (that is, the place where fat deposits sag when lifting the upper limbs).

Thanks to these fat-burning exercises, you can get yourself in complete order in a relatively short period of time. And besides, you can exercise even at home, without spending additional money on purchasing a subscription to a fitness center. The only condition for home training is 15 minutes of free time.

2nd complex

A set of exercises for burning fat at home consists of ten exercises:

  1. Squats with side bends.
    We stand straight, spread our legs shoulder-width apart, and move our hands behind our heads and lock them in place. Now you need to sit down, trying to maintain your balance, then stand up and lean to the right. We squat again, stand up and lean to the left. The number of repetitions is ten bends in each direction. During this exercise, you can feel how the muscles of the buttocks and thighs work.
  2. We remove excess fat from the belly.
    To do this, you need to lie down on a hard and straight surface (the floor is perfect; if it’s not very comfortable to lie on it, you can lay a fitness mat) with your back up. Now we stretch our arms up and our legs down, while straining the muscles of the buttocks and abdomen. We fix this position for three seconds, after which we lean our hands and feet on the floor and do one push-up, and then return to the starting position. The number of repetitions is eight times.
  3. Wide lunges with legs raised high.
    We stand straight, spread our legs shoulder-width apart, and arms to our sides. Now take a deep lunge back with your right leg, and then pull it as close to your chest as possible. Changing the leg, we do the same thing. The number of repetitions is eight times on each leg. During this exercise, fat is burned from the hips, buttocks and sides.
  4. Removing excess belly fat again.
    We lie down on the floor surface (again, you can lay out a fitness mat) and do the well-known movements that imitate the work of scissors. Only the legs should not work crosswise, but up and down. Duration – at least half a minute. If you do everything correctly, you should feel how your abdominal muscles work.
  5. We make the bridge just the other way around.
    To do this, you need to lie on a hard and flat surface (the floor is perfect) with your back up, after which we rest our hands and feet on the floor surface. Now we bend our arms at the elbow joint and touch the floor with the surface of our thighs. After this, you need to straighten your arms and touch the opposite leg with one of them, and then return to the starting position and repeat the same for the opposite hand. The number of repetitions is ten times on each leg. During this exercise, the thigh muscles work, and fatty tissue is burned from the sides.
  6. We do lunges and push-ups using the upper limbs.
    We do one push-up, after which we alternately spread our arms to the sides and do another push-up. The number of repetitions is eight times.
  7. Run with your knees raised high, during which you should touch the surface of your buttocks with your heels.
    Duration – at least half a minute.
  8. We stand straight, spread our legs shoulder-width apart, and arms to our sides.
    Now we slowly squat down and move our right leg back, while touching our left leg with the corresponding hand. We change the position of the limbs, after which we return to the starting position. The number of repetitions is eight times on each leg.
  9. Jumping on hands.
    We bend down, trying to touch the surface of the floor with our palms without bending our legs. Now we jump out so that our feet come off the floor surface and our hands remain on it. The number of repetitions is ten times.
  10. We complete the set of fat-burning exercises with the most common jumping in place.
    Just before doing them, you need to touch the surface of the floor with your palms, and only jump out from this position. The number of repetitions is ten times.

Be healthy, beautiful and happy!

The holidays are over, it's getting warmer outside, which means it's time to get in proper shape!

Pay attention to your waist. Surely, small folds of fat have formed around it, which slightly hang over the belt when you put on your favorite jeans.

Yes, the size of these bulges is still within reasonable limits, but if you don’t start fighting them now, then the matter may end in the formation of a so-called “life preserver.”

In a word, we get up from the sofas, throw away the packets of cookies and start moving!

We present to your attention the 50 best exercises for building a toned and graceful waist!

1. Bent-over raises

This exercise will require a special bench that will allow you to bend over while keeping your lower body straight.

Without rounding your back, bend over and then begin to spread your arms with dumbbells to the sides.

Do 3 sets of 12 reps.

With regular exercise, the abdominal muscles will acquire a magnificent shape, and the hated fat accumulated on the sides will disappear without a trace.

2. Oblique crunches

Oblique crunches are aimed at strengthening the abdominal and core muscles.

Lie on your back, place your palms behind your head, bend your legs.

Raise your torso, trying to reach your right knee with your left elbow, and then lower yourself back down.

Do the same in the other direction.

The number of approaches and repetitions is 3/24 (three sets of 12 crunches to the right and then to the left knee).

3. Crunches on a fitball

Fitball has become a very popular gymnastic equipment because it allows you to do a huge number of exercises, including twisting, with greater efficiency.

Lie on the ball so that it is under your lower back, and spread your legs to the sides.

By doing the same 3/12 program, you will definitely feel how active your core muscles are in maintaining balance!

4. Incline crunches

This type of twist is lighter than others, but, nevertheless, it can provide a serious load.

Lie with your back on an incline bench, head down, slowly raise your torso at an angle of about 45°, and then lower it back down.

Watch your technique and don’t use your neck muscles!

The amount of work is the same: 3/12.

5. Raising and lowering the body

Sit on an incline bench with your feet at the top. Slowly lower your torso back at a 45° angle and then lift it back up.

This is one of the best exercises for burning waist fat, and it is more difficult than it may seem at first glance. If you do it several times a week, you will notice impressive results in no time.

The load is the same: 3/12.

6. Rowing machine

One of the best exercise machines for working on a slim waist.

Keep your back straight throughout the entire range of motion, otherwise the effect of the exercise will be reduced to zero, and there will also be a risk of injury.

The load should fall on the muscles of the arms and core.

7. Ellipsoid

An elliptical trainer will not only help you get rid of fat deposits on your sides, but will also put stress on your body in general.

Do an intense 30-minute session (with a high heart rate), including a 5-minute warm-up and a 10-minute cool-down.

If the workout seems too hard, then just distract yourself: listen to music or watch TV, and this half hour will pass much faster.

8. Tilts with toes touching

The technique of performing bends is quite simple, but the load here will not be as great as in previous exercises.

Place your hands on your waist, straighten your legs, and place them shoulder-width apart.

Bend over and touch the fingertips of your right hand to your left toe. Stand up straight. And then repeat the movement in the opposite direction.

Do 3 sets of 24 reps (12 on each side).

9. Leg raises

You will be pleasantly surprised by the positive effect this exercise will have on your waist!

Lie on your back, straighten up, lower your arms to the floor along your body.

Lift your feet off the floor and lift them to a distance of approximately 15 cm.

Hold for 30 seconds (or as long as you can) and then slowly lower.

A burning sensation in the abdominal area is guaranteed!

10. Train different muscle groups

When working on a slim waist, people make one of the most serious mistakes - they forget about training the rest of the muscle groups of the body.

You should not ignore the muscles of the abdomen, back, chest and even buttocks.

As you can see, the approach must be comprehensive. But that's not the only thing to remember...

11. Work your core muscles

You also need to strictly follow the technique of performing the movements, as this will ensure that the core muscles are working.

If you neglect training these muscle groups, then no technique will help get your hips in order.

Don't worry, all the exercises given here are aimed at just that! They will also help strengthen your abdominal and buttock muscles.

In fact, if a training program is aimed at burning fat around the waist, then it involves the activity of all parts of the body.

12. Cardio

As you will see later, there will be a lot of cardio-based exercises here, so you need to pay special attention to them.

Cardio training will not only slim your thighs and strengthen your core, but it will also benefit your overall health, which is the most important thing!

13. Yoga and stretching exercises

Yoga is good for several reasons: it develops flexibility, strengthens the core, tightens and tones the stomach, and also makes it easier to tolerate cardio exercise.

Yoga is perfect for both warming up and cooling down after intense workouts.

14. Running in prone position (“Mountaineer”)

A simple but extremely effective exercise.

Take a lying position, resting on your palms and toes. Pull your right knee toward your chest without lifting your foot off the floor.

Then jump slightly and, while you are in the air, change position to the opposite - bring your left knee to your chest and throw your right leg back.

Repeat the movements as quickly as possible for 1 minute.

15. Push-ups

You can choose both regular push-ups and modified ones.

If you find it difficult to do them at first, lower your knees to the floor. This is completely acceptable.

Once you strengthen your arms, move on to the classic version.

When you start doing this exercise regularly, you will soon be pleasantly surprised at how easy it will be.

16. Push-ups

Here's another version of push-ups!

It may seem easy, but the muscles of the core and arms will work very intensely here.

Take the starting position of classic push-ups, but with support not on the floor, but on a bench (a chair or any other stable object will also do). Next, lower and raise your torso in the same way as in the usual version of this exercise.

The main advantage of this kind of push-ups is that you can do more repetitions, which means you will better pump up your arm and abdominal muscles. Just what you need!

17. Raising legs on all fours

Ideal for burning thigh fat while toning your legs.

Get on all fours, straighten your back and suck in your stomach. From this position, lift your right leg as high as possible, hold for 5 seconds, lower, and then repeat the movement with your left leg.

Do 10 reps for each leg.

18. Jumping rope

A simple and extremely effective way to quickly eliminate the emerging “lifeline”.

22. Water aerobics

The load here will be more intense (though not too much) than when swimming, since the water provides resistance to movement.

Again, you will be able to get a great cardio workout without overworking and fatigue.

Buy a subscription to the nearest pool, and if you have one in your home, you can do water aerobics on your own.

23. Classic aerobics

In addition to all its other positive aspects, classical aerobics allows you to train in the anaerobic zone (with a high heart rate).

This is a fairly easy way to give the body a cardio workout, and at the same time get rid of fat deposits on the hips. When you find it easy to train, you are able to do more work.

Try to find a gym where you can combine aerobics and dance classes to be able to do “double” workouts.

24. Squats

There are many reasons why squats are considered a great exercise.
They not only help you lose weight around the waist, but also tone the muscles of your buttocks.

With squats, your butt will undoubtedly become more elastic and toned.

The technique is very simple.

Give them just 5 minutes a day, even if you are at work.

25. Forward Lunges

This is a classic version of this exercise.

Stand up straight, take a step forward and lower yourself into a lunge position.

If you step with your left foot, keep your right buttock tense and vice versa.

Without losing your balance, perform a total of 20 repetitions.

26. Side Lunges

Take a step to the right, with your left foot facing forward and the entire surface in contact with the floor.

Keep your left leg straight and bend your right leg to lower yourself into a lunge position.

Squat as low as possible, hold for 2 seconds, then perform the movement in the opposite direction.

10 reps for each side is a good starting point.

27. Back Lunges

Another great way to say goodbye to those hated protruding sides!

Stand straight, foot to foot.

Take a big step back with your left foot, bend your right knee.

Lower yourself into a lunge as low as possible, pause for 2-5 seconds, and then repeat the exercise on the other leg.

28. Plank

Are you wondering if planking will help you tone your waist? And how!

This may seem like a strange statement, but it really is an extremely effective exercise, and, as you will see, there are several variations.

To perform a classic plank, lie on your stomach, straighten your body, and then slowly, leaning on your palms and toes, rise to the prone position.

If this position seems too difficult, you can lean on your forearms.

The main thing is to keep your stomach pulled in and your back straight.

You need to hold on for at least 10 seconds, but if you can do more, then continue to hold the position for as long as possible.

29. Side plank

The side plank is especially good at working the abdominal and core muscles. It is a little more complicated than the classic version, but over time you will no longer have difficulty performing it.

Lie on your right side. Stand up straight. Take a plank position, leaning on your right hand, and place your left on your side along your body.

If this seems difficult, you can lean on your forearm.

Hold the position for at least 10 seconds, then move to the other side.

30. Plank supported by a fitball

Yes, this gymnastic apparatus will also come in handy here!

The exercise is best suited for beginners.

The technique of execution is basically the same as in other versions of the plank, with only one significant difference - you need to rely on a fitball.

However, because it will be easier for you to maintain the correct body position, the exercise should be performed longer, for 1 minute.

31. "Bouncer"

A simple “jumper” will also help fight swollen sides.

And although the exercise may seem funny or ridiculous, this does not prevent it from being extremely effective.

Start with 10-20 jumps. If you do the jumping jack every day, add some variety to it, for example, combine it with lunges or bends. This will also add intensity to your workout.

32. Russian twist

The Russian twist is great for working on your abs.

Again, you will need a fitball, dumbbell or some other weight.

Sit on the floor and bend your legs so that your feet are completely in contact with its surface.

Pull your body back until you feel tension in your abdominal muscles.

Holding the exercise ball (or other chosen apparatus) in front of you, turn your torso to the right. Try to reach the ball to the floor.

Hold for a few seconds and then turn the other way.

33. Strength training

To truly effectively work on your own body, you can’t do without strength training.

If the muscles do not experience loads with weights, then good physical shape and fat burning are out of the question.

Create a personalized class schedule that suits your skill level and needs.

Start with light weights, then increase the load at a moderate pace, and gradually reduce the intensity at the end of the workout. This approach will provide the body with cooling, which is an important part of any well-designed program.

34. Walking

Even though walking is not as intense as running, it can still be beneficial in the fight against unsightly sides and is a good starting point to start exercising.

Over time, you will notice that you can walk much faster.

In addition, long walks help develop endurance.

35. Walk at a brisk pace

Once you've mastered long-distance walking, it's time to move on to a vigorous pace!

You should walk faster, actively swinging your arms and maybe even swaying your hips slightly.

This is a cross between simple walking and running.

Monitor your heart rate - it should be high enough, since frequent heartbeats directly lead to burning calories and losing excess weight.

36. Jogging

After a brisk walk, you'll be ready to start jogging.

Jogging works out many muscle groups and is a good assistant in the fight against extra pounds.

In addition, it perfectly develops endurance, so the longer the run lasts, the better.

Even if you are not able to run for long periods of time or long distances at first, you will need to make sure that your heart rate remains high.

37. Work on your posture

Correct posture is the key to success in the fight for a slim waist.

Slouching only aggravates the problem and worsens the appearance of the body, while a straight and “proud” back will effectively emphasize a toned tummy.

You can even practice the famous exercise with a book on your head!

Work on your posture, even while sitting at your desk in the office. Don't slouch, keep your spine straight, and this will have a positive effect on your results.

38. Pilates

Like yoga, Pilates increases the flexibility of the body and allows you to work on those muscles that are responsible for a slimmer waist.

In addition, this training system will improve your psychological state and bring overall peace.

Among the many programs, choose the one that suits your needs and abilities.

Do you think Pilates is very easy? Wait for your first workout!

39. Pedal

Whether it is a bicycle or an exercise bike does not matter. Both options are equally useful. Although, of course, the weather may interfere here, and then you will not be able to do without a stationary simulator.

Cycling helps to work the muscles of the legs and buttocks, as well as trim the fat folds around the waist.

Whenever possible, use a bicycle rather than a car for commuting to work or other errands.

Classes will become much easier and more enjoyable if you listen to your favorite music.

40. Deadlift

The deadlift is a great tool for working your core muscles.

Place 2 dumbbells (or a barbell) on the floor, stand close to them, straighten your legs and place them shoulder-width apart. Keeping your arms and back straight, bend down and grab the dumbbells.

Slowly straighten up to return to the starting position.

Hold the position for 3 seconds and then lower the weight.

Repeat the movements about 5 times.

41. "Lumberjack"

A slightly more complex, but also useful exercise for working on the abdominal muscles.

It can be done both in a weight block simulator (crossover) and with a medicine ball.

To better understand the lumberjack technique, check out the tutorial on Ace Fitness.

42. “Caterpillar” with push-ups

This is a kind of hybrid of 2 exercises.

Take an emphasis - lying down, and do 1 push-up.

Then, without lifting your palms and feet from the floor, lift your pelvis up as high as possible.

You should move slowly, taking small steps towards your palms without bending your legs.

Then, moving your arms, straighten your body and move forward to take the starting position (lying position).

At first, try to do 10 repetitions.

43. Pull-ups

The exercise is difficult, but it's worth it.

The movements you make during pull-ups are extremely effective in getting rid of fat deposits in the waist area.

They also develop arm strength, which is required for many of the exercises listed here.

Pull-ups to the chest may seem too difficult at the beginning of your workout, so replace them with the traditional version (chin-up).

44. Press - standing in a crossover

To perform this exercise, you will need a handle, a bar or rope, and, of course, a good weight block machine.

You can find it in most gyms.

45. Treadmill

Is the weather bad outside? Or you just don't feel like walking or running in your local park? In such situations, a treadmill always helps!

It will allow you to train under any circumstances and at the intensity level that suits you.

Remember: any workout is better than none.

When working out on the treadmill, don't forget about intensity. Keep your heart rate fairly high as this will have a positive effect on your results.

As with the elliptical, try to move at different speeds for at least half an hour.

46. ​​Kickboxing

Firstly, it provides cardio, which means it makes the heart work faster.

Secondly, kickboxing involves almost all parts of the body.

Plus, it's a lively, intense, and fun way to get rid of that unwanted baggage on your sides.

On top of that, your muscles will look sinewy, “lean” and very defined!

Find a suitable kickboxing club and invite your friends with you - together you can learn more.

47. Karate

Karate is useful for the same reasons as kickboxing, but due to its philosophical component, this martial art is a little more calm.

You will be able to enter a meditative state while training.

Plus, you'll learn to stand up for yourself! This is perhaps one of the best aspects of karate.

There should be no problems with searching and choosing, since most cities have at least several places where this martial art is taught.

And again, invite your friends with you!

As a last resort, study using educational DVDs.

48. Interval training

Interval training is more of a technique than a specific exercise.
It allows you to burn more calories without overloading your body.

Essentially, you simply alternate several high-intensity exercises that get your heart rate up with short periods of rest.

Interval training allows you to achieve greater results while avoiding excessive fatigue and fatigue.

49. Spinning

Want to know what a real intense workout is like? Take up spinning!

Most likely, at first it will seem like a difficult challenge, but over time you will get the hang of it and will wonder why you didn’t try it earlier.

Spinning is similar to cycling, but here you work at a much faster pace.

To avoid overload, start at low speeds. Over time, you will be able to exercise for much longer while burning tons of calories!

50. Roller skating

Last on the list, but not least, is roller skating.

This is another fun and stress-free way to say goodbye to thigh fat.

You have fun, and the movements of your legs and hips do their job! Isn't it great?

Since it is not an exercise (and therefore does not involve any excessive stress), you will be able to ride for a very long time.

Bring your favorite iPod or MP3 player, or invite friends to make your workout even more fun.

Print out this list and use it as a plan to fight for a beautiful and slender waist!

Which of the following exercises have you already tried?

Which ones were more effective for you?

Did you do them alone or with friends?

Tell us about it!

Before you start improving your body, decide on the goal you plan to achieve. There are many sports trainings that have certain directions. Some help build muscle mass, others develop endurance and body flexibility, and others burn the maximum amount of fat. It is precisely these activities that we will talk about today.

Effective exercises for burning fat

Workouts aimed at burning fat mass should be performed regularly. The best option is to exercise every other day. Then the body will have the opportunity to rest and recover, and the metabolism accelerated during training lasts about 48 hours.

If your goal is to lose weight through exercise, buy a heart rate monitor that will monitor your condition throughout the exercise. Experts have proven an interesting fact that active destruction of fat occurs under certain circumstances. For example, the number of heartbeats plays a leading role in this. After all, blood, circulating through the vessels, supplies oxygen to the cells, as a result of which the decomposition of fatty tissue occurs. How can we determine this level? There is a very simple formula for this:

220 - your age (in years) = HR (heart rate reading at which fat is burned).

Moreover, for combustion to be active, you need to ensure that the reading does not fall lower than 65% of the calculated value. But you shouldn’t exceed it too much. If your heart rate increases by more than 85% of the calculated reading, it can negatively affect your health. Such active training is only permissible in the presence of a professional trainer.

Today, functional, circular, Taibo, Tabata, and CrossFit have become the most popular for weight loss. All of them include both strength and cardio exercises. In addition, the complex must include a static load, which helps the smallest muscles to engage in work.

Only by working together can you get the desired result. Pay special attention to nutrition, review your diet, remove fast carbohydrates from it, i.e. sugar and baked goods, limit salt intake. These are general nutrition recommendations; you will find a lot of useful information and tips on.

And now we will give several options for exercises aimed at burning fat.

Cardio exercises to burn fat

This part of the exercise directly affects fatty tissue and helps reduce it. Here are some of the most effective exercises:

  • Running with high knees. Keep your back straight and raise your legs as monolithically higher.
  • Jumping over the fence. As you jump up, tuck your legs under you as much as possible. If at first it’s difficult for you to do this exercise, then alternate them. For example, two regular jumps, and the third with tucking the legs.
  • Climber. Starting position lying on your stomach, raise your body with outstretched arms. From this position, imitate running, preferably intense.
  • Jump squats. Standing straight, do a squat, while being sure to follow the technique. Bend your knees at an angle of 45 degrees, keep your back straight, and move your buttocks back as far as possible. Then jump as high as possible.
  • Jumping rope. Simple equipment, but with regular use it brings amazing results.
  • Exercise "skater". Standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart, first jumping on one leg, bring the other as far back as possible, then in the opposite direction. Use your hands to imitate the movements of a speed skater. Perform exercises at maximum intensity.
  • Jumping lunges. Make a lunge, while watching your knees and back, lingering in this state for a while, change the position of your legs while jumping.
  • It is very good to do exercises from Taibo for weight loss. Standing straight, bend your knees slightly and use your hands to imitate the movements of a boxer at maximum speed.
  • Running with your heels touching your buttocks. In addition to your legs, actively work with your arms, lifting them up.
  • Lunges with impact. Lunge back, then suddenly lift your leg, simulating hitting a wall. The exercise must be performed with maximum intensity.

Strength exercises to burn fat

Despite the fact that cardio training burns fat directly, strength training is still necessary for exercise aimed at losing weight. After all, they allow you not only to form beautiful muscles, but also to accelerate fat burning due to muscle mass. Remember, the more muscles a person has, the more calories he expends during training, and, therefore, the faster he loses weight. You can try the following exercises:

  • From the plank position, lower your buttocks to the right and left. At the same time, try not to raise your pelvis high.
  • Lying on your side, lift your body using your straight arm and toes. Lower and lift your pelvis. Don't forget to do the exercise on the other side.
  • Push-ups can be performed in several variations. The most difficult one is when the hands are close to the body at chest level and the elbows look up. Raise your body and smoothly lower it back.
  • Standing straight, back without arching, feet shoulder-width apart, take weights and tilt your body forward, hold in this position and rise. While lifting, try to additionally tense your gluteal muscles.
  • Lying on your back, press it firmly into the mat. Raise your legs slightly straight and write different numbers.
  • The starting position is the same, but raise your legs perpendicular to the floor, lower them alternately to the right and left.

We have given several options for strength and cardio exercises, combining which, you can notice significant changes in your image within a month. The main thing is to try to do everything correctly and adhere to the above tips.

Nutritionists believe that the rate of accumulation and burning of fat in the body of one person can be completely different, even with the same calorie intake per day. The process of burning fat is influenced by various factors: stressful situations, physical stress on the body, proper breathing, as well as the timing of meals and the diet itself. If you combine several of these factors, you can get a very good result in a short time.

The most effective exercises for burning fat are combined with proper nutrition. There are a huge number of different sets of physical exercises that allow you to quickly and effectively lose excess weight. Therefore, you need to choose the most suitable set of classes. You can work out either in the gym or perform exercises to burn fat at home. At the same time, do not forget about healthy eating. You need to eat no more than 2 hours before training. Food should be balanced, but not greasy. It is also not recommended to exercise on an empty stomach; such exercises will not give the desired result.

A set of fat burning exercises

If you want to speed up metabolic processes in your body and get rid of extra pounds, then it is best to choose the appropriate set of exercises and perform them regularly. The choice of complex depends on the part of the body in which you would like to lose weight. The most popular exercises are to burn belly fat. This part of the body is problematic for both women and men.

  1. This is the first exercise that must be performed to destroy fat in the abdominal area. So, squats, but you need to do it on one leg. Stand straight, place your feet hip-width apart. Tighten your abdominal muscles and lift your left knee toward your waist. Then start doing 15 squats on your right leg, and then on your left. This fat burning exercise also helps strengthen your thighs and abdominal muscles.
  2. Exercises called "pendulum". To do this, you need to stand straight with your hands on your waist or upper thighs. Pull your stomach in and bend forward slightly. Now try to shift your body weight to one leg, stretching the other to the side. These fat burning exercises can be easily done at home. But the main thing here is to do everything correctly, this is the only way you will achieve the desired result.
  3. This is another exercise from a set of fat burning exercises. The squat crunch is especially suitable for women. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, pull your stomach in, and keep your back straight. Now begin to lower yourself slowly until your thighs are vertical to the floor. Then bend over and try to touch the floor with your hand. Stay in this position for a few seconds and return to the starting position. You need to perform this exercise to burn belly fat 15 times in one approach.
  4. Jump exercise. First you need to take a position like in the first exercise. We transfer our body weight to one leg, then jump from one leg to the other. Perform for 2 minutes with each leg.

Effective fat burning exercises for women

Cardio exercises, which include cycling, swimming, running, are ideal for effective fat burning; fitness is also useful. Such exercises help not only burn excess fat, but also strengthen different muscle groups.

  1. The best fat-burning exercise you can do is jumping lunges. Regular lunges in this case are not very effective, since they only help strengthen and tighten the muscles of the buttocks, thighs and legs. But jumping is the most effective exercise for burning fat throughout the body. To do this, you need to take a step forward, while squatting at the knee. Then jump up sharply and change legs. You can do it as many times as you want until you get tired.
  2. This exercise must be performed with a fitness ball. With it, you can perform a lot of different exercises to burn fat, develop different muscle groups that will help strengthen your lower back and tighten your stomach. To perform this, you need to rest your elbows on the fitness ball, put your feet back, and your back should be straight. After this, use your hands to move the ball forward, and pull it back with your press.
  3. A fat-burning exercise called “lateral transitions.” It is extremely effective for burning fat in the body. To perform it, you must have a lot of free space; it is best to do it on the sports ground. The main task is to walk a certain distance, but you must move exclusively in large lateral steps.

Nutrition during training

It doesn't matter if you go to the gym or just do exercises at home, nutrition is still an integral part of the weight loss process. You will have to change your usual diet and strictly monitor your calorie intake throughout the day. Fat-burning exercises must be supported by a healthy diet, because you must attend workouts well-fed.

Pre-workout meals should not contain any fat, it can only be proteins and carbohydrates. The caloric content of food before starting a workout should be normal, as in your usual meal. But you need to eat 2 hours before starting exercises to burn belly fat or other parts of the body, so that the food has time to be digested and your stomach is empty when you start the workout.

During training, you will definitely become thirsty as your body becomes dehydrated. But it is necessary to adhere to a special drinking regimen while performing exercises to burn fat. Before starting your workout, you need to drink a glass of water, then during your workout you can drink a little water every 20 minutes. If the workout lasts more than an hour, you need to drink special drinks that athletes drink instead of water.

5 out of 5 (5 Votes)

The exact answer to the question of whether certain exercises help you quickly burn fat and lose weight has not yet been found. However, there really is a fat-burning workout at home, it just has to be done according to a scheme in compliance with certain rules.

It is very important at the beginning of the journey to be patient and stick to the set pace, doing the exercises regularly. It is always necessary to deal with accumulated deposits under the skin in a comprehensive manner, observing proper nutrition in the process. Exercise alone won't help much if you're constantly overeating. But before you start training, you should know the following:

  • It is better to eat in small portions, but several times a day.
  • Do not eat 3 hours before bedtime.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day.
  • Eat more boiled food, vegetables and fruits.
  • It is best to exercise in the morning, when there is almost no glycogen in the body.
  • The duration of training should be at least 40-50 minutes.

Fat burning training should combine strength and aerobic exercise, and be accompanied by a balanced diet. Then we can expect that it will give the desired effect. It is also useful to walk more in the fresh air.

Exercises to do at home

You don't have to go to the gym to do fat burning exercises. Many of them can be easily performed. However, they will be more effective when combined with cardio exercises. For example it could be:

  • Swimming.
  • or an exercise bike.
  • Jogging or running on a treadmill.
  • Jumping rope.
  • Fast walk.
  • Moving types of dancing, for example, are effective.

The second important point will be power loads, and this concept should not be confused with lifting heavy sports equipment. At home, it will be enough to do:

  • Squats.
  • Push-ups.
  • Loads on the muscles of the back and arms.

Such exercises are especially useful for women, as they allow you to get rid of flabby and sagging hips, buttocks, or restore skin tone after rapid weight loss. In addition, such approaches build muscle mass, which will then prevent fat from being deposited in this area. It is advisable to warm up your muscles a little before starting the fat burning complex. Charging should not take more than 10 minutes.

The best exercises to burn fat

As already mentioned, for men, approaches aimed at burning fat should be comprehensive. That is, it means working with several problem areas at once, where fat usually accumulates. For girls, this is the abdomen, buttocks, sides and triceps. Here is a compiled complex that will allow you to study at home for 15 minutes a day, the main thing is to be patient and not be distracted.

The best completion of the complex would be jumping in place or on a skipping rope. Ten repetitions will be enough to consider the workout complete. Another type of fat burning workout can be seen in the video.

The process of fighting fat deposits is always accompanied by a hundred difficulties and exercise alone cannot cope with it. Experts know what is best to do throughout the day so that lipids are broken down faster and training is carried out with maximum efficiency.

  • You should remove all harmful foods from the refrigerator; the less they are in a visible place, the less temptation there will be to break the regime and break loose. Let there be more raw vegetables and fruits on the shelves, which can satisfy a slight hunger. It is better to completely avoid snacking at night.
  • To increase metabolism, cardio exercise should always be combined with strength exercises; the intensity of the workout directly affects its effectiveness in burning fat. It is advisable to create a set of exercises together with a specialist and adhere to the recommended training regimen, without making changes at your own discretion.
  • At least once a week you should undergo a workout that targets all muscle groups. Let it be pull-ups and push-ups, working out the abs, arm and leg muscles. This will promote faster metabolism and burn extra calories.
  • In addition to following the drinking regime, you can also start drinking green tea. This storehouse of health will help speed up metabolism, saturate the body with useful substances and antioxidants, and allow muscles to recover faster after training. Green tea perfectly adds energy and working out after such recharging will be a pleasure.
  • You should consume more complex carbohydrates in the first half of the day so that hunger does not increase and the body receives enough “fuel” in the intense work mode.
  • During the period of performing a fat-burning set of exercises, you should get enough sleep, because healthy sleep is the key to successful training and faster burning of lipid tissue under the skin. During sleep, the body produces many beneficial hormones, so do not underestimate this point if you want to eliminate fat.
  • Before each meal, you should drink a glass of clean water in order to reduce the amount of portions you eat. In addition, this will allow the body to receive the required amount of water per day in a comfortable manner.
  • It is better to switch to monosyllabic foods during intense training to lose weight faster, maintain good health and feel energized. And regular exercise will allow you to quickly achieve visible results.