Excommunication from Guards Komarovsky. How to wean a child from breastfeeding - can this be done painlessly? Use of medications

The benefits that breastfeeding can bring to a child cannot be overestimated. It is impossible to find a formula, even the most modern one, that could replace breast milk. But the baby will grow up over time. He will need to be weaned off somehow. If this does not happen naturally, you have to resort to special methods.

To wean your child without negative consequences, it is better to use the recommendations of real professionals. One of these is Dr. Komarovsky. It is mainly based on the recommendations of the World Health Organization, but also independently introduces some of its own observations from practice.

It is a well-established opinion that a child should be weaned when he turns 2 years old. At this point, a slightly older baby is able to begin to eat food specifically intended for children. But Komarovsky adds that you should not try to wean a child until he is one and a half years old. Otherwise, the child will not have time to physiologically develop to a level at which complementary feeding alone will benefit him.

Here is a video of Komarovsky talking about breastfeeding.

When to stop breastfeeding

Great attention should be paid to the development of the child during weaning from breastfeeding. True, sometimes the natural cessation of lactation in the mother comes first. Then the child will have to be weaned forcibly. Komarovsky recalls that lactation can stop much earlier than the desired period. If your baby stops eating enough during one feeding, you should think about stopping feeding.

The doctor warns that weaning should occur without serious stress. It is necessary to stop feeding him gradually. Komarovsky offers 5 ways that will make it easier for both mother and her child to cope with weaning. To wean your baby off breastfeeding, you should do the following.

  1. Mom should limit herself in consuming any liquids. The less fluid enters the body, the more difficult it is for the child to feed. He will feel difficulties and will gradually wean himself off this diet.
  2. Reducing the duration of feeding. Sometimes you can skip feeding and switch the baby to some interesting activity.
  3. Stop expressing milk.
  4. Increasing physical activity for the mother in order to remove the maximum amount of fluid from the body.
  5. Avoiding foods that may stimulate milk production.

Each of Komarovsky’s advice is aimed at making it difficult or uninteresting for the child to eat in the same way. As a result, it will be much easier to wean him off, and the process will not be overly stressful.

Forced excommunication

Sometimes it happens that there is no way to wean a child from breastfeeding. According to WHO experts, after 1 year, weaning is not premature. Until this moment, weaning off breastfeeding is not only difficult, but also dangerous. And yet sometimes you have to do this. Komarovsky suggests switching the offspring’s attention to other interesting activities and calming methods.

Mistakes of young mothers

Mothers, especially young ones, sometimes make serious mistakes when they want to wean their child. You cannot show too much enthusiasm and zeal. Therefore, Komarovsky warns against actions that could cause harm. The following should never be done.

  1. Avoid breastfeeding when your baby is sick. His body is weakened, and breast milk is the most important source of substances that maintain immunity at a high level.
  2. Wean before a sudden change of environment. This will be double stress for the baby. We need to keep at least something familiar so that the load does not become unbearable.
  3. Forcibly remove a child if he is clearly not ready or does not want to. There is no need to torture your baby, trying to wean him against his will. It's worth waiting at least 2-3 weeks and then trying again.
  4. Do not feed your baby milk for a long time. This action will not help you go through weaning painlessly. And the mother puts herself at risk, because she runs the risk of developing inflammation or mastopathy.
  5. Trying to do this in the summer. The danger of catching any infection is too great.

Should I believe the doctor?

Komarovsky’s recommendations cannot be taken as the only correct option for weaning a child from breastfeeding. After all, the doctor’s opinion is subjective. If you can’t follow his advice, there is no need to despair. To improve the health of a child, you can use, for example, Derinat. It allows you to strengthen your immune system and make it easier to endure potentially traumatic stages of development.

Termination of lactation is always an unpleasant situation for a mother and her baby. Especially when the baby’s sucking reflex has not yet faded. In this regard, the logical question arises of how to wean a child from breastfeeding. You can often find answers on forums that weaning is a long and painful process. Even when a toddler is more than one year old, you need to give up natural feeding gradually so as not to cause stress to him.

Baby's readiness for weaning

This problem is of interest to mothers who are physically and emotionally tired from daily feedings, have a desire to go to work, have become dependent on public opinion, or have difficulties with lactation. How can you understand that the time has come to wean your child from the breast and thereby replace natural feeding with another product?

Advice from Dr. Komarovsky! Every loving mother should and simply must breastfeed - this period can last 1, 2, or even 3 years. After all, no other product can compare with mother’s milk, which is the most nutritious and beneficial for the child.

If a woman decides to wean, then it is better to do it painlessly for the child. Sometimes there are cases when, closer to one year, the baby independently refuses milk. This behavior indicates that his body is stronger and ready to accept more adult food. At the same time, weaning your baby off breastfeeding will be much simpler and easier.

Breastfeeding weaning technique

  1. According to grandma's method.
  2. Through drug treatment.
  3. Natural or light.

All of these methods have their advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, the choice and final decision remains with the nursing mother.


This is one of the best methods for properly weaning a baby from night and day feedings. This method is somewhat reminiscent of shock therapy. The baby was left in the care of the grandmother, and in the meantime, the mother tied a sheet over her chest and walked like this for two weeks, trying to artificially stop lactation.

The downside is that in addition to worries and discomfort (fullness of the mammary glands), the mother puts her health at risk. As a result of lumps formed around the breast, there is a high probability of developing a disease such as mastitis, which very often leads to surgical intervention. It will also be difficult for the little one to adapt to the new diet, because his digestive system has not yet gotten used to the night feeding regime.

The only advantage of the “grandmother’s” method is that within 10-14 days you can very quickly stop breastfeeding.


A look into the past. Just a few decades ago, not a single woman could imagine that lactation could be reduced with the help of medications. One of these medications is Dostinex, which in the shortest possible time can suppress the production of prolactin, a hormone that is responsible for lactation processes in a woman’s body.

The medicine Dostinex is not effective if a woman continues to feed her child day and night. Of course, you cannot abruptly wean your baby from breastfeeding. Most pediatricians advise reducing the number of feedings gradually.

In some cases, this drug can negatively affect the mother's health and cause side effects. For example, dizziness, insomnia and frequent headaches. Such troubles are caused by hormonal imbalance in the body. Therefore, before taking Dostinex, you need to consult a gynecologist.

How to quickly and painlessly stop breastfeeding

In modern pediatrics, there are already established ways to painlessly stop breastfeeding a one-year-old child. The list of rules includes the following actions:

  • lubricate the nipple with mustard, brilliant green or wormwood tincture;
  • ask relatives for help. During latching, dad, grandma or grandpa should wean the baby off breastfeeding by talking to him, reading fairy tales, playing games or just having fun;
  • give up night feedings, and to make it easier to lull the baby to sleep, rock it in a cradle or in your arms;
  • do not wear clothes with an open neckline, as this provokes the baby to reach for the mother’s breast.

Weaning a child from breastfeeding using medication will not give quick results. Therefore, you need to be patient and wait a little.

In the first few days, the lactation process will not change much. Just like before taking the medication, a breastfeeding mother will feel like her breasts are full of milk. To alleviate your condition, you can express it little by little. You cannot empty your entire chest, as the flow will resume in the same volume. Gradually, lactation will decrease, and soon it will disappear altogether.

The downside is that any intervention in the female body can negatively affect the health of the mother.

Natural method to stop lactation

This is the longest journey, which can last more than 6 months. To quickly wean your baby off the breast, follow these rules:

  • Gradually reduce the number of daily feedings, even when the baby asks for comfort or is simply tired. Try to distract him with other activities, for example, show him a new toy, play entertaining games, or go for a walk outside;
  • Apply to the breast as little as possible before putting your baby to bed at night. To prevent your little one from feeling hungry, it is better to feed him a hearty dinner;
  • Reduce the number of night feedings by at least 2 times, replacing them with warm hugs and rocking.

Provided that the above points are followed in turn, it is possible to wean a child from breastfeeding even at one year. The main thing is not to rush, do everything gradually and luck will smile.

Dr. Komarovsky recommends taking note of the “natural way to stop lactation.” He considers him one of the most successful. This method allows mother and baby to quickly adapt to new living conditions. With smooth weaning, the child’s body does not experience sharp psychological stress, and the woman’s hormonal background is restored to its previous prenatal state. In addition, the lactation process decreases naturally and over time the milk will simply disappear.

Komarovsky is also a supporter of method 1 - “grandmother’s”. He believes that weaning from breastfeeding can be achieved by reducing the flow of milk or spoiling its taste.

List of main actions:

  • perform physical exercises as often as possible, which help reduce lactation;
  • use garlic to spoil the taste of milk;
  • during the weaning period, reduce the amount of liquid intake (water, tea);
  • stop breastfeeding at night;
  • gradually reduce the number of feedings during the day;
  • start weaning the baby when he is not yet ready for change;
  • if the child is sick (ARVI, infectious diseases);
  • when the first teeth begin to cut.


Remember that the weaning process will not be easy and can take up to 1.5-2 months. It will be especially difficult at night. After all, the child has already developed the habit of eating several times during this period of time.

Komarovsky considers weaning to be a purely individual process, but is sure that both the mother and the baby should be prepared for it. The country's most famous doctor has discussed the topic of breastfeeding more than once in his television programs and each time informs parents that weaning should be slow and painless for the baby. Komarovsky believes that it is useful to breastfeed a child until 1.5 - 2 years old, but the most important period when a child needs breast milk is the first 6 months from birth.

For some women, weaning a baby from the breast can often become a painful and lengthy process. Many specialists in the field of pediatrics, like Dr. Komarovsky himself, believe that if the mother follows some rules and behaves correctly, then weaning will be easy and unnoticed. There is an opinion among young mothers that the older the baby, the more difficult it is to wean him. Therefore, many, in order to avoid problems in the future, stop lactation at the age of 6 months, which is a big mistake.

There are many reasons why a woman decides to stop breastfeeding. Some women simply don’t have the patience, but considering the benefits such feeding brings to the baby, it’s worth being patient. Others do not have enough milk to satisfy the needs of the little man, and for others a situation arises when it is time to go to work or feeding becomes impossible due to health reasons. Regardless of the reason, it is very important that the process of weaning the baby from the breast is slow and painless. Dr. Komarovsky does not agree that the sooner weaning, the better. The doctor believes that after 1 year it is easier to wean a child from the habit of breastfeeding, since during this period the baby can eat well and is quite capable of doing without lactation.

At the same time, Valery Olegovich repeatedly repeated to parents that breast milk is simply an invaluable product for a child, so mothers, before making hasty conclusions, need to think carefully and choose the right time to wean their child. The most important period when a baby needs mother's milk is the first six months from birth. It will not be superfluous to feed until 1 year. Some doctors believe that after 1 year, breast milk is no longer as important as it was a few months ago, but mainly allows the baby to feel the closeness of the mother. Every mother has to stop feeding, but some do it before 1 year, while others do it before 2–3 years. In order for weaning to proceed correctly and the child not to get stressed, Komarovsky gives parents useful advice, and also shares information from his own observations on how to properly wean a child from mother’s milk. Before considering Komarovsky’s tips and techniques, it is worth mentioning to mothers how beneficial breast milk is for a child and how it affects his growth and development!

Benefits of breastfeeding

Breast milk is an invaluable and irreplaceable product for a child. Manufacturers of infant formula have been trying to develop an alternative to breast milk for several years, but so far they have only been able to create formulas that are close to the composition of this miracle product. Many doctors, like everyone’s beloved Dr. Komarovsky, are sure that in the first 6 months a mother should do everything possible and impossible to breastfeed her baby. It is mother's milk during this period that is a strong foundation that allows 100% to provide the baby with all the necessary substances for healthy growth and development.

Even when, for medical reasons, a mother has to interrupt feeding, she needs to express milk and direct all her efforts to establish breastfeeding in the future. According to research by American scientists from the Association of Pediatrics, it was found that breastfeeding after 6 months and up to 1.5 years provides the child’s body with necessary substances by 75%, and complementary feeding during this period is only a supplement. If a woman cannot or does not want to feed her child for some reason, she should think not only about how to wean the baby from the breast, but also about whether she is doing the right thing by depriving the baby of such a useful product. And so the main benefits of breast milk are as follows:

  1. Breast milk is the main supplier of useful, valuable and essential substances. This product contains a huge amount of vitamins, enzymes, microelements, as well as protein. It is the composition of breast milk that ensures healthy development and growth for the baby.
  2. Strong immunity. It is known that children who are breastfed get sick many times less than those who are given artificial formula.
  3. The incidence of allergies is reduced. In breastfed children, allergic reactions occur 5 times less than in those who try formula.
  4. Correct bite and speech. The same studies by American scientists have shown that infants begin to speak much earlier than artificial babies, and they also develop a correct bite, which in the future allows them to avoid many dental problems.
  5. Correct development. Infants very rarely have problems with being underweight or overweight, and they are also less likely to suffer from digestive disorders.
  6. Significant savings on the family budget. It's no secret that good quality artificial formulas have exorbitant prices, and sometimes it is very difficult to choose the formula that will be ideal for the baby and mothers have to conduct a real experiment in selecting the right artificial nutrition. In addition, as the child grows, his need for the amount of formula will increase and literally by 6–8 months, 1 package of formula will be enough for 3–4 days, which will significantly affect the financial capabilities of the young family.

This is not all the benefits of breastfeeding, but in any case it is up to the mother to decide, because she bears full responsibility for the health of the baby. The most unpleasant moment is that some women, having enough milk, refuse to feed the baby, citing a change in figure. Such mothers are always scolded by doctors, because it is less offensive when a woman does not have milk or, for medical reasons, feeding is impossible, but it is another matter when the woman herself does not want to, but has the opportunity. After all, every mother should take care of her child and create all conditions for his full growth, comfort and development.

The best period for weaning

There is no consensus on when it is best to wean a child, since different situations happen in life and the woman herself must make the decision. However, there are recommendations from experts who unanimously say that it is important to continue breastfeeding for at least 6 months. Starting from 6 months, the baby begins to be introduced to complementary foods, so doctors are sure that breastfeeding can be reduced from this moment. Some mothers are of the opinion that after 6 months it is not necessary to breastfeed, but Komarovsky, like his colleagues, is confident that breast milk is useful at any period of a child’s life and, if possible, it can be continued until 2 years or more.

Experts do not recommend weaning too early, since this is harmful not only for the baby, but also for the woman herself. Thus, early weaning threatens a woman with lastostasis, in which dense and very painful lumps appear on the chest. The risk of hormonal disorders also increases, which can lead to prolonged release of milk from the mammary glands, too rapid weight gain and other conditions that will worsen a woman’s overall well-being.

The World Health Organization considers the ideal period for breastfeeding to be up to 2 years of age and beyond. However, at the moment it is difficult to find a woman who would breastfeed a child for more than 2 years. The reason for this phenomenon is considered to be not only the lack of milk, but also going to work, the baby entering kindergarten and other situations that do not allow prolongation of breastfeeding. Breast milk is useful at any stage of a baby’s life, so doctors recommend, if possible, feeding the baby as much as possible.

Grandmother's methods - how effective are they?

If a woman has decided to stop breastfeeding, she needs to think about how to properly complete lactation so as not to harm herself and the baby. There are several popular methods that promise to painlessly wean a baby from the breast, but almost all methods are not praised by doctors because they have certain risks or do not bring any effect.

One of the methods that has been known for decades is breast tightening. But doctors are confident that this technique will not wean the child from the breast, but will only lead to the development of mastitis in women. Many people believe that tight breasts reduce the amount of breast milk, but this is far from true.

Some believe that lactation can be completed if you consume too little liquid, but experts are also of the opinion that this method will not bring the desired results, and the amount of breast milk produced directly depends on the baby’s appetite.

Many mothers, in order to wean their baby off the breast, resort to smearing the nipples with mountain foods: mustard, brilliant green, but doctors believe such methods cannot be carried out, since they can be dangerous for both the woman and the baby. For example, mustard can cause a burn to the oral mucosa in a child and cause the development of stomatitis. The use of brilliant green causes a certain stress in the child, since he does not understand what happened to his mother’s breasts, which always calmed and fed him.

Another method that many people resort to is taking medications whose mechanism of action is aimed at stopping lactation. Such medications do indeed exist, but they should only be taken as prescribed by a doctor. Most of these drugs are hormonal, so after their use in a woman’s body, various disruptions of the hormonal system may appear.

Komarovsky is confident that in almost 80% of cases, folk methods do not bring the desired result, but only worsen the situation and often become the reason for the development of mastitis.

What do the experts say?

Dr. Komarovsky, like many of his colleagues, have an extremely negative attitude towards early weaning. They unanimously insist that such weaning can cause significant harm to the health of both the woman and the baby. A child who has been torn from his mother’s breast can greatly change in behavior, become irritable, refuse to eat through a bottle, his sleep and, accordingly, the mother’s peace of mind will be disturbed. It is known that when weaning quickly, the baby experiences some stress, since breastfeeding strengthens the bond between mother and child. For a woman who has given up breastfeeding, the consequences may also not be pleasant, since 75% of women develop mastitis. Doctors are sure that it is necessary to wean a baby from mother's milk at the age of 1.5-2 years. It is at this age that the child is completely ready for separation from the breast; he begins to eat other more tasty foods. Quite often, even when a woman no longer has milk or its quantity is minimal, the child remains a habit. For example, many children will not fall asleep without their mother’s breast even when they are well over 2 years old. In such cases, weaning should be slow, and a separate crib for the child will be an assistant in such a situation.

Weaning using the Komarovsky method

Dr. Komarovsky more than once in his television programs told parents what weaning from breastfeeding should be like. It all depends on the situation, but in any case, such separation should not disturb the child’s peace of mind and not harm the mother. The doctor gives some advice to parents and offers his own methods to painlessly wean the baby from the breast.

In the first case, the mother needs to go away for several days, leaving the baby with relatives. Initially, the baby will be capricious, but after a few days he will get used to falling asleep in a new way, without his mother’s breast. In the absence of the mother, relatives can give the child to drink from a bottle or teach him to eat from a spoon and drink from a mug. At night, a mixture from a bottle or plain water can replace mother’s breasts. This method is quite good, but the mother does not always agree to leave the baby with her loved ones, and sometimes even close people do not want to stay with the baby.

The second and quite good way of weaning is considered to be the same separation from the mother, but only at night. The baby should sleep separately in his own crib, and dad, grandmother, nanny or sister can try to put him to bed. After a few days, the baby will get used to the new faces and forget about his mother’s boobs.

It is good to carry out weaning during the period of involution, when the mammary glands produce little milk. Quite often, after 1 year of age, children suckle at the breast out of habit, so mothers need to create conditions that will help the child forget about the breast. Dr. Komarovsky, as always, gives useful tips for “soft” weaning of children after 1 year:

  1. Starting at 6 months, the mother begins to introduce complementary foods. Initially, these are small portions and not a large range of food. After 1 year, the baby’s menu needs to be diversified, then, having eaten, the baby will not remember the breast.
  2. From 7 to 9 months, parents should teach their baby to eat or use spoons or drink from a mug. Children generally like this activity and after a few weeks the child will forget about both the bottle and his mother’s breast.
  3. If a woman has decided not to breastfeed, then at night, when the baby wakes up and cries, you can give him water from a bottle or make a light formula. After a while, the child will not look for his mother’s breast in his sleep and will be able to sleep peacefully the whole night.
  4. Before going to bed, the child needs to be fed, bathed and put to bed in clean linen and a well-ventilated room. You cannot steam a child, otherwise he will sleep poorly, wake up at night, and therefore intuitively look for his mother’s breasts.
  5. There is no need to rock your baby in your arms before going to bed, because this can also become a habit, which is also difficult to get rid of. The child should fall asleep in the crib, but the mother should be nearby, rocking him, singing, stroking his head and calming him down. If the baby is capricious and demands his mother's breast, you can give him milk or water to drink.
  6. If a child refuses to sleep in his crib, the mother can take him in with her, but try not to breastfeed.
  7. If during the daytime a child is capricious because there is no mother’s breast, he can be distracted with something, and he will quickly forget about his demands.
  8. If a woman decides to wean her baby from the breast, she does not need to pick up the baby and hold him as she does when feeding, since the baby remembers these positions and will wait for the next feeding.
  9. Hiding your breasts from your baby is another effective way. A woman needs to wear more closed clothes so that the child does not see the mother's breast.

Komarovsky believes that almost every second mother faces problems with weaning a baby, but in any case, weaning should be correct and completely safe. Of course, it is impossible to wean your baby from breastfeeding in one or even two days. A woman needs to be patient and she will definitely succeed.

Slow weaning

Slow weaning is a long but effective method, since it does not bring any psychological or physical discomfort to both the baby and the mother. Dr. Komarovsky is confident that if you replace unnecessary breastfeeding with walks, games or spoon feeding, within 1 - 2 weeks the baby will refuse the breast. The doctor also advises not to use the breast as a sedative, even when the child requires it. Many mothers cannot stand the child’s crying or whims, but all babies cry, because in this way they show their displeasure. The doctor also believes that it is better to give the child porridge in the morning, then soup and so on. If you diversify the child’s menu, then he will not have time for his mother’s breast.

Komarovsky assures parents that after 1 year, the child needs to be offered adult food, so he will quickly forget about mother’s milk. Weaning a child from the breast is not as difficult as it seems at first glance; the main thing for the mother is to be patient and not succumb to the little one’s provocations.

Emergency weaning

Of course, slow weaning is the best and most acceptable way, but sometimes situations occur when a woman is forced to abruptly stop feeding. This most often happens when the mother is ill or the woman takes medications. If the illness is minor, then breastfeeding can be stopped for a certain period, but there are situations when feeding becomes completely impossible. The following maternal illnesses are considered common reasons when emergency weaning is required:

  1. HIV infection.
  2. Hepatitis.
  3. Syphilis.
  4. Open tuberculosis.
  5. Purulent mastitis.
  6. Taking medications that pass into breast milk.

When breastfeeding becomes impossible, a woman needs to regularly express breast milk, while feeding the baby with a formula recommended by a pediatrician.

When is it unnecessary to wean a baby?

Sometimes there are situations that even if the mother wants to wean the child from the breast, it is not worth doing. A woman must understand that breasts for a child are not only a way to receive food, but also a symbol of stability and security. Komarovsky reports that it is strictly forbidden to refuse breastfeeding to a baby in the following situations:

  1. Moving a child to another room or apartment.
  2. Child's illness.
  3. Vaccinations.
  4. Anxious night's sleep.
  5. Thumb sucking habit.
  6. Disorders of the nervous system or its immaturity.
  7. Premature babies.

It is these children who are not ready for early weaning, so the mother needs to be patient and feed the baby as much as the situation requires.

Weaning - parents' mistakes

Sometimes, when a mother has a strong desire to wean her child, parents make mistakes without thinking about the possible consequences. The most common mistakes parents make are the following actions of adults:

  1. If the child wants to receive the mother's breast, the woman goes into another room and leaves the crying child alone, hoping that he will calm down.
  2. They wean off feeding during the period when the baby is sick.
  3. Various products that have a bitter or unpleasant taste are applied to the nipples.
  4. They push the child away when trying to get the little one to the chest.

All these methods can sometimes help wean a child off breastfeeding, but they are quite painful and cause stress to the child, who will subsequently have difficulty sleeping, eating, and gaining weight. There are also risks for the mother herself, since if she does not regularly express milk, she can develop inflammation of the mammary glands or mastopathy.

Dr. Komarovsky repeatedly warns parents that weaning should be gentle and completely safe for the child’s health. The doctor once again gives parents advice that every woman who wants to wean her baby should follow:

  1. Mom should limit her fluid intake. The doctor believes that the less a woman drinks any liquid, the more difficult it is for the child to feed.
  2. Reduce the frequency and duration of feeding.
  3. Reducing the duration of feeding. Sometimes you can skip breastfeeding and switch the baby to some interesting activity.
  4. Stop expressing milk.

All the methods that the doctor suggests are aimed at making breastfeeding not easy for the child. The doctor believes that the more the baby understands that breastfeeding is impossible, the sooner it will become uninteresting to him and he will refuse to breastfeed on his own. Despite the advice that Komarovsky gives to parents, he believes that a woman should strive to create all the conditions for full breastfeeding, since not a single formula or soup can detect mother’s milk.

At what age should this be done? We will also learn the advice of experienced mothers on how to wean a child from breastfeeding.

The process of breastfeeding can drag on for years.

Christina, 25 years old: “I think that the optimal age for stopping breastfeeding is somewhere around 1.5 years. My daughter had already started kindergarten at this age, so I decided. We managed it quite easily."

Of course, the ideal time to stop breastfeeding is when the baby refuses his treat on his own, but few mothers wait until this time.

Statistics say that in recent years only 50% of women are breastfeeding, and the majority feed until 1 year. Only a few retain this invaluable product in the second year.

Signs that baby and mother are ready to wean

  1. The child has doubled his weight since birth.
  2. Receives all types of complementary foods.
  3. A baby can survive without breast milk for 12 hours or more.
  4. The child does not suck pacifiers, fingers, or bottles.

In order to wean a child from breastfeeding, there is three ways:

  • separation of mother and child;
  • medicinal method;
  • planned, gradual, soft.

“Soft” weaning method

One of the safest methods from the point of view of maintaining psychological comfort is systematic weaning.

The baby should not be weaned during the following periods: the child is sick, has a fever, the baby is teething, the vaccination period. It is better to wean a child from the breast in the cool season. It should not be taken away in the summer, in hot weather.

How to properly and gradually wean a child from the breast?

  1. If you have ruled out these four points, then you can safely prepare for weaning. You should start by refusing one feeding. It’s better for mom to choose which one.

    Distract your baby with games and walks in the fresh air. Include dad and grandma in the weaning process. The child should feel your care and love.

  2. Observe your child for three days. As a rule, giving up one feeding is well tolerated by babies.
  3. After three days, we switch to giving up two feedings.
  4. And so, gradually, we remove all daytime feedings.
  5. We’ll talk about avoiding feeding in the evening and at night below.

Do not replace breasts with bottles and nipples. This way you will not get rid of the baby's desire to suck. Use cups and sippy cups.

Take your baby in your arms more often. Don't undress in front of your child.

Natalya, 30 years old:“When I started weaning my baby, I tried to surround her with care. We walked longer, distracted ourselves by playing games.”

Of course, it is more difficult to wean when the child is already over a year old and he understands a lot. On the one hand, it’s difficult to explain that “you can’t have boobs,” but you can come to an agreement with some kids.

Some mothers smear the nipple with green paint. We can say that mom’s breasts are “sore” and should not be touched. Also, some women cover their nipples with a bandage. I would not recommend this method, since tearing it off is painful and traumatic for the delicate skin of the areola. Not everyone succeeds in weaning with these “cruel” methods.

How to wean your baby at night?

Probably the worst thing for any nursing mother is the problem of how the child will fall asleep without a breast. After all, most children fall asleep while sucking, since this is a very energy-intensive process. How to wean a child from night feedings? Let's consider some tips:

  1. Create rituals that will help your child fall asleep - a bedtime story, evening kefir, lights off. You can leave a night light that the baby will specifically choose for himself.
  2. Children often love to fall asleep to their mother's lullaby.
  3. Give your child a bath before bed. You can use soothing herbs - chamomile, valerian root.
  4. You can replace the sucking process with rocking in your arms, pressing it to your chest.
  5. Try to place the baby separately in your own crib. When your baby sleeps with you, he smells the milk and will be even more fussy.

If the child begins to eat poorly and has severe problems, then wait a little while weaning. This means that the baby is not yet mature enough for this.

At night, 2 - 3 hours before bedtime, you can feed your baby porridge or give kefir. You sleep better on a full stomach. Weaning at night is a long process, be patient.

A “pill” against human milk or how to quickly wean a child off the breast?

If it is difficult for you to endure for a long time and prepare for gradual weaning, but you want to quickly discourage this habit from your baby, then on the modern market there are medications to suppress lactation in the shortest possible time.

A prominent representative of this group is the drug Dostinex.

Its action is based on reducing the production of the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for milk production. The drug has a selective effect and does not affect other hormones.

Its disadvantage is side effects, which occur in 70% of cases. These are rapid heartbeat, headaches, nausea, vomiting, deterioration in general well-being, and apathy.

This drug is taken ½ tablet at an interval of 12 hours for two days. Courses are used only for the treatment of disorders associated with excessive production of prolactin.

Elena, 25 years old:“I learned how to stop breastfeeding with the help of Dostinex from my gynecologist. 2 months after giving birth I needed to go back to work. One tablet solved my lactation issues. True, there was a very strong headache and weakness throughout the body, but it went away in just a couple of days. The milk has disappeared."

Another drug in this series is Bromocriptine. It also reduces the secretion of prolactin and suppresses physiological lactation. Unlike Dostinex, it must be taken in a course. Has more pronounced side effects.

If we compare these drugs from a price position, then Bromocriptine is two times cheaper than Dostinex.

Weaning by separation method

This is one of the less pleasant ways of weaning. It consists of sending the child to live with his grandmother or other relatives for a few days. During this time, the child not only loses his breast, but also does not see his beloved mother. This can cause severe psychological discomfort in the baby and, as a result, stress and hidden resentment towards the mother.

Komarovsky E. O.: “When weaning a child, you can send him to his grandmother for a couple of nights. Nothing wrong with that. This way the baby will learn to fall asleep without the breast. But keep in mind that here you need to look at the degree of attachment of the child to his mother. If you know that your child will not be able to get along with his grandmother and will cry, then it is better not to risk it.”

Of course, weaning is stressful not only for the child, but also for the mother.

A nursing woman may experience breast pain and hardness.

If you notice severe pain in the mammary gland, redness of the parapapillary area, or increased temperature, consult a doctor immediately. Mastitis may be developing.

You can cope with such symptoms in the following way:

  • if you feel swelling of the mammary gland, you can express it manually or with a breast pump until the condition eases;
  • Apply the cabbage leaf for a couple of hours, softening it beforehand. It's better if it's cold. This will relieve symptoms;
  • you can drink No-shpa or;
  • a warm shower will also help in facilitating breast emptying;
  • gentle massage of the mammary glands from the base to the nipple.

These symptoms usually occur when lactation is abruptly interrupted. Therefore, a gradual abolition of breastfeeding is recommended.

To prevent a lot of milk from coming in, you don’t need to express often. This should be done only in case of severe pain and swelling of the glands.

Weaning is a complex, multi-step process that requires both mom and dad to be involved. The most important thing is that the child feels your care and love. Do not scold your baby if he cries or is capricious at this moment in his life. Remain calm and the question of how to wean will be resolved soon.

I would be interested to know your opinion about best time to wean your baby. Now on many parent forums and auxiliary medical services. sites on breastfeeding there is a wave of opinions and accompanying scientific research that best weaning age– child’s second birthday. Experts use such concepts as “involution”, that it occurs only by the age of one and a half years and it is too early to wean before its onset... At the same time, I hear that by the age of one year human milk loses its properties and, in principle, you should no longer expect anything useful from it, you can “drop it” with feedings. What to believe? What to prefer? I myself believe that after a year this is a purely voluntary matter, plus it is worth paying attention to the condition of the mother’s body for “worn-out”. But being well-read does not give you peace; I would like to reach the logical end with this important period in the baby’s life. And one moment. My one-year-old son began to latch on to the breast much more often, including at night at intervals of 40 minutes to 2 hours. There is a lull in our teeth situation right now. My milk yield is slowly increasing. Is it worth starting a campaign in this case or is it worth paying attention to something?


Biological feasibility feeding baby up to two years, it is quite possible that it exists, although this is a controversial issue. Theoretically, a woman, as a female of the species Homo sapiens, may well feed one cub until the next one is born, and so on ad infinitum. It turns out interesting. Why did they take up specifically the question of biological expediency? weaning dates? The whole life of a modern woman has no connection with biological norms, with the laws of Nature. All this chemicals, stress at home and at work, terrible air, tap water, smart grandmothers, the entire healthcare system. And when child A seven year old sits at a desk for six hours - is this normal? So maybe it's better to fight this? This applies to all children. A feeding up to two years - the problem is not frequent. Long time fans natural feeding, in my opinion, they forget that a woman is also a social object (mainly social) and only then a biological one - i.e. She is a female to a very small extent, and a Woman to a large extent. The implementation of social functions is not particularly compatible with natural feeding. How many women are there who will never get sick in two years, and even so that they will need to take medication? And then how to feed? What if a man doesn’t like it when he’s covered in milk during sex? What if a woman wants to dye her hair, have a drink with friends, eat chocolate, and take a break “from you all” for at least a few days? What if you go on a business trip and meet your lover? So what, deprive yourself of all this for years? If a woman raises a child in a remote forestry area, when social functions are reduced to a minimum, she can feed her for up to five years - there will be no harm from this (biological harm). But, and I am absolutely convinced of this, a woman who, within a year after birth fed his breastfeeding baby- fulfilled her maternal duty one hundred percent. And he can “indulge” in the implementation of social tasks. There are many ways to improve children's health. Doing this at the expense of the mental and physical health of moms and dads is immoral. Specifically in your situation: “Is it worth starting a campaign on stopping breastfeeding in that case?" - it’s worth it, and this is unambiguous. You are a wonderful mother...