Positive influence of horror films on people. How it works

The influence of horror films on the psyche of teenagers

scientific work

1.2 The influence of horror films on the human psyche

To determine what impact watching horror films has on a person, it is necessary to consider different views on this problem. Scientists' opinions fall into two expected types: negative and positive. As an example of the positive impact of horror films, the following article is offered: “...high-quality horror films are good training for human nerves. The leader of the study, Professor David Rudd, argues that when watching horror films we get a kind of pleasure, since our brain adequately assesses the reality of the threat. Realizing that in reality there is no danger, the viewer experiences an exciting sensation from the release of adrenaline. Professor Rudd also argues that repeating a similar fear over and over again creates a certain “habit” in the brain, and it stops responding to it as a threat. According to the Texas scientist, this fact can provide indispensable assistance in the treatment of phobias and other mental disorders.”

But there are other facts confirming the negative effects of watching horror films on a physiological level. For example, consider the following article: “Biochemists at the University of Washington have discovered that watching violent action and horror films triggers the body’s self-destruction program. According to scientists, such pictures have a detrimental effect not only on the psyche, but also on human physiology. During the experiment, a group of volunteers was asked to watch several films - a melodrama, a documentary and a brutal action film. After each film screening, a blood test was taken from the participants. According to his results, melodrama and documentary had no effect on the composition of the blood, while the action movie made the blood of the test subjects “boil.” The subjects showed increased production of antibodies. These cells are usually produced in response to a virus or infection entering the body. However, sometimes antibodies can attack healthy cells in the body, which further leads to damage and destruction of normal tissue.

Scientists explain this destructive behavior of the body by the fact that strong fear and internal tension when watching a film full of violence, they act as a signal of danger to the body. But since a person does not try to stop this stress and react in accordance with the natural self-preservation program, the body believes that the stress factor is inside. Antibodies are sent to search for the internal enemy, which begins to destroy healthy cells of the body.”

Consider also the article from “ Russian newspaper", in which the director of the State scientific center social and forensic psychiatry named after V.P. Serbsky tells us about the true influence of horror films: “...Unfortunately, not only films, but also life around is such that a child sees too many horrors not only on TV. As he grows up, he turns from a victim of violence to a criminal. After all, he adopted this standard of behavior from his stepfather, mother or mentors at school.

Films, of course, are not the first to play here, but important role. One of the most serious crimes, which passed our examination, was associated with films about vampires, which, in my opinion, cause the greatest harm. 14-year-old boys committed the murder of their classmate: they lured her into the forest, forced her to dig her own grave, cut her throat and drank her warm blood. This is all taken from the film. And the examination showed that they were all mentally healthy and sane. Moreover, one of them - the leader - was more interested in films about vampires than the others, and forced the rest - the followers - to drink blood. They choked, but could not help but do so. After all, the law of the pack is a specificity of adolescence.”

Based on the above, we can conclude that horror films influence a person physiologically and psychological level, while carrying both negative and positive character. Namely, due to watching films, uncontrollable reactions occur that affect mental condition a person, his behavior, his actions. In addition, experiencing emotions of fear, horror, and anxiety together with the characters in the film, he has the opportunity to overcome them, “rise” above them, “subdue” them and cope with his fear. In other words, the situation of watching a film creates comfortable conditions for the viewer: the events on the screen cannot cause real harm, create a real threat, no matter how frightening they may be. The viewer is in a situation of complete safety.

Comfortable conditions when watching a movie, absolute protection from danger - the tip of the iceberg. In reality, our body reacts to an unreal danger as realistically as possible, which has a detrimental effect on our health. But over time, one becomes “accustomed” to cruelty and violence. Empathy for the suffering of another being does not appear, and it becomes quite easy to overstep the ban on aggressive behavior.

In this regard, the term “aggression” should be introduced.

Aggression is the manifestation of aggressiveness in destructive actions, the purpose of which is to harm a particular person.

Aggressiveness is a personality trait that consists in the willingness and preference to use violent means to achieve one’s goals.

Aggressive behavior is most often understood as motivated external actions that violate the norms and rules of coexistence, causing harm, pain and suffering to people. However, when working with aggressive behavior It is necessary to remember about other aspects of the manifestation of aggression. The emotional component of an aggressive state is feelings, and above all anger.

The most common types of aggression are:

physical - manifested in specific physical actions, directed against any person, or causing harm to objects (a person breaks, throws objects, etc.)

· verbal - expressed in verbal form(the person shouts, threatens, insults others)

· indirect - indirect aggression (a person gossips, snitches, provokes, etc.).

But aggression is not always accompanied by anger, and not all anger leads to aggression. Emotional experiences of hostility, anger, and vindictiveness also often accompany aggressive actions, but they do not always lead to aggression.

Thus, the need for security among people from the so-called “group of horror movie fans” is manifested in an increased interest and desire to experience moments that frighten them in a fairly safe environment, which gives them the opportunity to cope” with the threat, at least in the imagination, and more successfully adapt to such an imaginary or real threatening situation. These aspirations remain, as a rule, unconscious; only the interest in films of this genre is realized.

film horror psyche teenager

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