That we are drawing a psychological test. Interesting psychological pictures for self-knowledge

So, in order for the test results to be as accurate as possible, You cannot read the key before you draw the task. This is in your best interest, so show some willpower and Don't look at the answers ahead of time.

Stage 1. Take a sheet of paper (or draw in a graphics editor on your computer, it doesn’t matter). Draw a composition on the sheet, a complete picture on which the following will be located: house, lake, tree, sun, road, fence and snake.

Stage 2. After completing the drawing, look at the clue and decipher the picture.

it is you. This object shows a person’s self-esteem: the larger the tree in the general scale of the picture, the more confident the person is. If the branches of a tree stretch upward, you are an optimist, a sociable and cheerful person, if the branches stretch downward, you are a pessimist, or you are simply in a bad mood at the time of taking the test.

House a person's attitude towards money. A large and complex house in the picture means that material values ​​are very important to a person. If the house is small, for example, wooden, one-story, money is not the main thing for you. Someone who drew a cottage with many detailed details can be considered a materialist.

Lake represents mother. How close the lake is to the tree determines how close your mother is to you. If the lake in the picture is large in size, then your mother is an authority for you; if it is small, her opinion is not decisive for you in life, or you already have your own children.

Sun symbolizes the father. A drawn sun over a tree means that the father is a protector, you feel calm and comfortable with him. If the sun is somewhere behind a tree, breaking through from behind it, the father is not the main person for you. The further the sun is from the tree, the less your father means to you in life. The sun, which is not completely depicted in the corner of the sheet, may mean that you grew up without a father.

Road this is your career. If you draw a straight and wide road, this means success in your activity. A narrow and winding path of complexity in business. If a wide road leads to your home, it means that you have achieved a lot in life. A drawn road that goes beyond the edge of the picture in search of one’s place in life.

Snake your attitude towards sex. The larger it is, the more important sex is to you. If you drew a snake far from the tree, on the edge of the sheet you are dissatisfied with sex. A twisting, carefully drawn snake means the diversity of a person’s intimate life.

Fence it's your character. If you drew an ordinary wooden fence, you are a kind and honest person. If the fence is iron and has sharp bars, you have a difficult, difficult character. A stone fence shows that a person is strong and strong-willed.


The location of objects and their proximity is of great importance. If the house is drawn across the road from the tree, your material path is only at the start or there are obstacles.
The sun is over the lake, and there is a tree nearby - a harmonious family.
There is a beautiful snake drawn next to the tree, which does not touch the lake; there are conditions for sex (you live separately).
The tree and the lake are separated by a fence because of an insult to the mother or a quarrel with her.

(projective tests to help parents, teachers, those interested...)

Projective tests are used in the work of a psychologist to: a) diagnose the internal emotional state of a child and b) pull out problems that are deeply seated in the subconscious of an adult.

One of the most common projective drawing tests is DDH test- "House. Tree. Human". He works with archetypes and therefore very accurately diagnoses problems from our subconscious.

But the same can be said about adults! Smart reasoning by an adult about himself and his affairs does not clarify, and more often than not only confuses the situation even more. After all "language is used to hide the truth"...

For a more detailed introduction to this basic principle of psychoanalysis, I refer you to the article.

And we move on to the first part of the DDH test - actually, to the drawing Human.

I remind you that the drawing test should be created easily and naturally, without thinking that “You don’t know how to draw.” If you know how to draw, create a drawing in the “naive” style.

Nevertheless, no one should draw a “bummer” hastily either.

When creating a drawing, you need to try, you need to try to put all your momentary mood into it, you need to take your time, but also not worry about the fact that you are not drawing like a real Artist from the Academy.

1. Take a sheet of A4 paper.
2. Take a simple pencil.
3. Slowly draw your little man.

Now, if you have finished drawing, carefully study

Key to the test.

The first thing we will do is pay attention to


Weak pressure diagnoses

  • a) or general physical lethargy
  • b) or emotional depression,

Strong pressure diagnoses

  • a) strong emotional tension of the moment, or
  • b) impetuous, impulsive character in general.


Unshaded drawing(white background) means immaturity, infantilism, unwillingness to take responsibility for one’s actions.

A shaded drawing can be shaded in different ways:

Heavily “shaded” drawing (when the shading simply catches the eye) diagnoses:

Preoccupation with a specific problem, fixation on it;
- increased anxiety as a character trait.

Cross Hatching issues

Either hypercontrol (a person constantly controls himself, plays a role, does not take off his mask, does not trust anyone);
- or constant obsessive thoughts and an attempt to fight them.

Erase and correct lines- an attempt to control your anxiety and your behavior

Lines not completed
- clinical asthenia, exhaustion of the body.

Lines that don't hit the right spot- hyperactivity in children, impulsiveness in adults.

Neat lines- the perception of one’s environment as threatening.


Large figure- anxiety and stress “here and now”,

Giant figure- desire for expansion (filling the whole world with oneself), inability to build boundaries (“Everything yours is mine”), impulsiveness

Small figure- depression, low self-esteem, chronic anxiety


Picture above- a high self-evaluation

Picture below- low self-esteem

Drawing in the corner- guilt, depression

The drawing goes off the sheet- fear (or impulsiveness)


Lots of different details in the drawing- demonstrativeness or creative imagination (often one and the other are closely intertwined)

Many monotonous details in the drawing- it's either:

  • a) rigidity (stubbornness, standing one’s ground, lack of interest in innovations),
  • b) anxiety “here and now”,
  • c) the desire for perfectionism.

The drawing is schematic- completely different options are possible (attention!):

- still the same impulsiveness,
- low emotionality,
- isolation as a character trait,
- depression “here and now”


The figure stands with its back- negativism, conflict,
Figure in profile- negativism,
Three-quarter figure does not mean anything, it only means the Author’s ability to draw,
Figure face- means nothing.


Rich/poor- fixation on the topic of money,
Military- aggressiveness (healthy or not - other details will show),
King, princess- very high self-esteem,
Robots and Aliens- they are drawn by people who experience loneliness in a group, who do not fit into the team, introverts,
Clown, jester- low self-esteem,
Caricature of a man- demonstrativeness, negativism, desire to “get away from the conversation.”


If (besides the genitals) any parts of the human body are missing in the picture, are missed - this always means one thing: the person denies the function of this part of the body. For example, by “forgetting” to draw ears, a person shows that he does not want to hear someone or something. This is often interpreted as being closed to criticism. However, this may also mean that a person is simply tired of criticism from a very specific person, and not from criticism in general as such.

Enlargement of any part of the body
- always means increased interest in its function,

Distortion on the right side of the picture- non-compliance with social norms and conflicts with people who control these social norms.

Too large body- unsatisfied needs,

Too short torso- low self-esteem.

Too elongated figure
can talk about:
- asthenia,
- or about the character of an introvert.


Long arms- passion for hoarding,

Short arms:
- introvert character
- tendency not to go all the way, to “retreat”

Hands pressed to the body- strong internal tension,

Hands clenched into fists- an attempt to openly protest,

Palms missing- lack of communication or inability to communicate,

Very large palms- very high dissatisfaction with the need for communication,

Shaded (blackened) hands and fingers
- conflict,


Long legs- desire for autonomy from other people, family members (desire to escape),

Short legs
- depression,

Wide Legs:
- either the character of an extrovert,
- or need for support

Tightly pressed legs
- introvert character

Small or unfinished feet:
- impracticality, poor orientation in everyday matters,
- passivity,
- sometimes - dependence on other people.
- clearly drawn legs - self-confidence.

Don't want to or don't know how to draw? No problem! This exercise can be done usingpsychological maps !

Exercise 1 on the “1000 Roads” maps: “Supposedly body parts.”

The need for this exercise is its high environmental friendliness, accuracy and novelty!

So, you remember the “golden basics” of this test: even when drawing a “little man” ineptly, the experimentee must remember to draw everything for the little man, except perhaps the genitals, which, out of modesty and fear of appearing “preoccupied,” usually no one draws and no one sane a psychologist, by the way, won’t require this :)

But! If something “ordinary and decent” is still missing, it means one thing: you are denying the function of that part of the body! There are no ears in the picture - it means that in life I don’t want to listen to anyone...

Let’s trust the Unconscious in the Jungian way and do the same thing, but with the help of the “1000 Roads!” cards

It’s even better - you don’t have to draw and embarrass yourself because you’re ridiculously unable to draw.

This, by the way (natural shame and irritation from the inability to draw - although psychologists deny this) is one of the reasons for “nervousness in pressing lines”, “evil shading” and the general poor quality of the drawing, including grotesque and satire in the depiction of figures.

It’s not that the client is “neurotic and psychopathic,” it’s just that he, an adult, is naturally infuriated right here and now that he wasn’t taken to drawing as a child, and now he’s being made a fool of and forced to demonstrate his ineptitude in some practice, like running in sacks or catching an apple on a string with your mouth.

Wouldn’t you be enraged by a psychologist’s request to “skate” or “sing something like Lensky’s aria” if you don’t know how to do it? A psychologist should not turn into an animator at a wedding and remember that he needs to work with the client in an environmentally friendly manner and try not to humiliate him with his creative requests to “present something” and other jokes.

That’s why we will work with the “1000 Roads” maps, thus “drawing” the parts of our little man’s body!

In our exercise “Body as a whole, Silhouette” there are only the following concepts-Positions:


    Arms and hands

    Legs and feet

    “Right” and “left” parts of the picture.

Shall we start?


Ask the client to imagine (present) his Little Man using (spontaneous!!!) “1000 Roads” cards.

Explain to the client that a person (like any object) has a right and a left side, separated by an imaginary axis of symmetry.

Explain to the client that a living person is always asymmetrical, because his “left side” is always creative and “magical”, childish, and the right side is business, adult, serious and responsible for our communications with the world (and housing and communal services).

Now let the client pull out spontaneously (after thinking well) two cards and put them side by side - to the right and to the left, while saying:

    This is how the “childish” part of my Little Man symbolically looks like,

    and this is what his Adult side of personality looks like.

    It’s as if he was created from these two halves!

Now let's analyze the cards!

How to read "right-left"?

This question is asked often, but here everything is very simple: we always read the drawing the way we, the audience, see it! This is the simplest and most correct (but if your client wants to argue, God bless him, let him read the drawing the way he “sees”).

Do you remember that: " Any distortions on the right side of the picture mean non-compliance with social norms and conflicts with people who control these social norms.".

What card did the client's hand draw? Harmonious? Peaceful? Or aggressive, problematic? How does the client interpret this card? (It is most important!)

So what is his relationship with the norms of society and with society in general? How does he resolve conflicts? How do you generally treat people? Are there people on this map at all?

Now is the time to carry out therapy - after all, you have seen the problems with your own eyes!

Together with the client, come up with a mini-fairy tale based on this card, the purpose of which is to extinguish the conflict, calm fears - help the client with this! A fairy tale based on a problem card may begin “for peace,” but it must end “for health”!

And now we also analyze the “left” – the creative and childish-magical side of our Little Man.

What are our girls made of?..

What is the client’s imagination and “spiritual thoughts”, humor and “flight of consciousness”? By analogy, notice the problems of the second card (if any), listen to the client’s story about the card and compose a second, healing fairy tale with him.

Is symmetry harmonious?

You should be wary if both cards of the client are “adult”, or both are “fantastic”. In the first case, he himself blocked his channel of miracles, self-healing and growth, in the second case, he is simply unable to withstand the battle with housing and communal services, even the simplest one.

When writing fairy tales, level the balance, joyfully “ground” the card that requires healthy down-to-earthness (show the client that society is also healthy and not painful), and “raise” the card that requires Fairy Tales and Dreams.


The first two cards are like the “coat of arms” of your Little Man. They are displayed at the top of the table as a symbol of work, like a banner on a tower.

Now ask the client “ fold a man" from the cards "1000 Roads": body, two arms and two legs.

Let the client think slowly, savorily, tastefully, and say out loud: “Here are his hands (both cards are pulled at the same time), here are his legs, here is his white body...”

Now we look at the cards and remember the basics, adapting them (essentially) to our new work.

Legs. Legs are the most important thing.

“What does the little man stand on?” What is its support – symbolic, philosophical? Is it good for him where he finds himself (isn’t it a swamp)? Is it clean and safe? (Ask the client how he likes it). And who is there on the map - lying with his legs up in the air? Why doesn’t he use his legs for their intended purpose? Are you tired or something? From what?

Who left traces here? And who has been standing here for three hours, shifting from foot to foot?

And who here flies on wings without legs? Who's riding in a carriage using the legs of a horse?

Legs are grounding and support, lack of fear of existence, clarity and audacity, the ability to live and survive, not to fall face down in the mud.

Sometimes the weakness of the legs is compensated by something else (fantastic wings, for example, or a carriage with horses - you take me).

Your task is to find out how well this “other” compensates the client for the weakness of his “real legs”?.. Maybe it doesn’t compensate at all?

The client should tell the Story on the card, and you should record whether he has problems with the topics “Legs”, “Stability”, “Confident Movement” and “Grounding”.

How to strengthen a client’s legs? Correct his Story as you see fit, using in the story symbols and images of feet, shoes, magical medicines and potions - according to your feeling and spontaneous insight. The client must have legs. Strong. And walkers.


Hands are an attitude towards money and property, towards hoarding and greed. And also the attitude towards aggression, towards war, towards weapons. And finally, to communication, to friendship, to mutual assistance.

In general, there are hands: raking, pounding the head with fists and, finally, outstretched in a friendly manner, with a tangerine in an open palm...

And what kind of hands does your client have? What do the two "1000 Roads" cards say? What can be fixed here? How many sessions?

Torso. Heart or Womb?...

There are people whose heart is so huge that it takes up their entire body. And there are people for whom the main thing is their belly, their belly. And it’s best if everything is equal. And if not, then we either have an obnoxious hysteric or an animal, stupid and also obnoxious.

Your client pulled out one card - the torso of the Man. What does the "1000 Roads" map say? What does the client himself say about it? What is more there - heart or belly? Balance, psychologist, balance the client’s balance!

    Ask the client: “What and how do your lovers eat?” Let him answer in detail.

    Ask: “What does your billionaire dream about, what does he sometimes cry about?”

Exercise-2 Putting the Man’s Head or “Types”

So, we have everything ready, all that remains is to put the head on the shoulders. The head is a social thing... Therefore, we take the “1000 Lives” deck.

Let the client (after thinking carefully and taking a sacred pause) pull out the head of his Little Man at random from the “1000 Lives” deck! Ta-da-da-damm!!

And now the client must say a few words about his person. Pay attention to the following points:

    theme “rich/poor” – the client is fixated on the topic of money,

    theme “kings, monarchs, princesses and queens” – the client has high self-esteem, is childish,

    the topic “military” is aggressiveness, but whether it is healthy, constructive or not, you will understand

    the theme of any “fantastic fictional creatures”, “cyborgs” - the client is very lonely and a strong introvert, it is difficult to get him to talk, he is vulnerable,

    the theme “not a person but a caricature of a decent person, a criminal, a scoundrel and a scoundrel” - strong negativism in general, reluctance to work with a psychologist.

In general, you better look not at the diagram, but listen to what the client himself says! You can adjust the “head” of the man in the same way as in the previous part of the work!

Do you want to know how else you can work with psychological maps? Come to ourofficial online store .

Elena Nazarenko

It's been a while since you did any soul-searching with us. Therefore, we have found for you a psychological test that is simple to perform, but very effective in terms of the results obtained. Go through it - and such secrets of your “I” will be revealed to you that you will want to destroy all our servers out of harm’s way.

So, first of all, you have to run away and hit your head against the wall (preferably on the corner) as hard as you can. Now let's count the points. Stop! We're a little confused. This is a completely different test.


For today's test you will need a pencil and an A4 sheet of paper.

Got it?


Now draw an animal that definitely does not exist anywhere in the world, even in Australia and Pripyat.

The main condition: avoid ready-made templates, your animal must be absolutely unprecedented. You cannot draw either incredible characters already invented by someone else (Cheburashka), or those creatures that you have loved to draw since school (the five-armed sparrow). Draw an animal that is completely new to our world.

And don’t forget to call her by the same new name for this dimension.

Draw in silence, without witnesses.

Draw! What are you waiting for? For the purity of the experiment, you should not know any more details about this test. To make it easier for you to stop reading and start drawing, we'll fill the next couple of lines with some nonsense. Pew-pew-pew! Smoke-smoke! Woo-woo! Zhzhzhzhzhzh. Bloop-blup-blup! Let's draw already! Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Plop plop plop!

Projection spotlight

It's time to explain what you just did.

The psychodiagnostic test “Drawing of a non-existent animal” belongs to a very large group of projective techniques (“Rorschach Blots”, for example, from the same opera). Perhaps you will feel some pride if you find out that the author of the “animal” test was not some Viennese psychoanalyst, but psychologist Maja Dukarevich, who developed this technique in the last century in the wilds of the Institute of Forensic Psychiatry. Serbian.

“The projective technique assumes that the features of your personality are projected onto everything you do, say or, as in this case, draw,” explains consulting psychologist, self-attitude specialist, candidate of psychological sciences Tatyana Sviridova.

When you draw without relying on ready-made templates (that’s what you did, right?), your personal characteristics begin to crawl out of you onto the paper and leave traces in every squiggle.

The brain follows the path of least resistance, and it is easiest for it to project itself onto the sheet.

This is (very, very briefly) the theory.

Now, when we begin to analyze the drawing point by point, looking for your conscious and unconscious ideas about yourself in it, you will either agree (“Yes, that’s exactly who I am!”), or go into deep unconsciousness (“Bullshit!”). Both are indicators that the test is working. In the second case, rejection is the result of the work of defense mechanisms, since, while drawing, you tried to hide a lot from yourself. (Alas, nothing can be done: you are just a platypus raised by a human family.) This, of course, does not mean the infallibility of the technique. “Many factors can affect the result, from fatigue to the length and sharpness of the pencil.” Be that as it may, possible deviations are not critical and, in general, the test gives a fairly accurate indication of your personal characteristics.

Let's get started!

Position of the picture on the page

In an ideal world, an ideal person who accepts himself for who he is would draw his unknown animal in the center along the middle line of the sheet.

Congratulate yourself if you are just such an ideal individual.

“The closer the animal is to the top edge, the higher your self-esteem,” our consultant is quick to please you. Perhaps you really are that good, but it also shows dissatisfaction with your current situation. In addition, you lack the recognition of others, and, having climbed higher, you have betrayed your desire to please everyone (for this, you strive with all your might to meet the norms accepted in your circle).

If your drawing is located at the bottom, you are not too confident and indecisive. It looks like you've already accepted your fate. However, perhaps it’s all about ordinary fatigue or the handcuffs with which you are fastened to the radiator in this dark basement.

Having dealt with the top and bottom, let's move on to other coordinates. According to Carl Jung and the collective unconscious:
the left side of the sheet means the past;
right - future;
and the middle is the present.

Left? You are prone to introspection and reflection. You tend to replay an old conversation in your head for a long time and come up with new witty remarks that you didn’t think of right away (“How come I didn’t think of telling the hooligans that they shouldn’t hit me?!”). You are a man not of action, but of intention.

Is your amoeba's head pointing to the right? Good sign! You not only plan something, but you always begin to implement your plan.

The animal that you depicted full-face, not taking its eyes off you, speaks of egocentrism. This can also be interpreted in such a way that you are a contact person who easily makes acquaintances.

“You should also pay attention to which direction the entire figure is more shifted,” says Tatyana.

In a picture of a cheerful, healthy, successful person (such people usually live in bank advertisements), the animal should be evenly located in all three times and directed from the past to the future.

If the pattern is pressed to the left side- perhaps this is due to a negative experience gained in childhood that still comes back to haunt you (your parents’ divorce or the meatball that your singing teacher threw at your collar in the second grade). Or maybe recent events have again reminded you of an old experience and moved the beast to the left.

A strong move to the right can be interpreted as a defensive reaction. You are running from the present (or the same past) to the future. You live in hope for tomorrow. However, if tomorrow is Saturday, you can understand.

General impression

Non-existent animals, like those existing on the Animal Planet channel, are divided into those who:

threatens others(for example, something toothy);

who everyone threatens(something hare-like);
who hasn't decided yet(saber-toothed hippopotamus).

Whoever you choose as your totem is a reflection of how you see yourself in this world. Are you a bug or an elephant - draw your own conclusion.

If your specimen wears human clothing or is too anthropomorphic(at the same time, she doesn’t have to resemble a humanoid, just being upright is enough), then you, baby, are emotionally immature and infantile.

Our expert is almost one hundred percent sure that you, being a normal person, cannot draw the genitals of your beast(“This is typical only for young children who are not yet sufficiently aware of the norms”). Otherwise, you are not completely healthy, your control functions are weakened. Even the banal udder (the image of a woman’s breast) on your owl reveals your unhealthy fixation on sex.

Dimensions and proportions

Medium size drawing, looking harmonious on the page (it may be clumsy, but organically inscribed on the sheet), indicates a positive attitude towards the world and oneself.

Too big animal- narcissism. Alternatively, the hefty creature may appear as a personal defense mechanism. “Very large animals are most often drawn by preschoolers. Children invest their high self-esteem in drawings of huge animals,” explains Tatyana. Your gigantomania may also be caused by a reaction to recent stress.

Little critter at the bottom of the page- a sign of mental problems. This is unlikely to apply to you, but keep in mind: nanoanimals are usually drawn by schizophrenics and other people with an interesting brain structure. So that tiny winged booger* that Carlson once drew, alas, makes one look at his actions in a new light.

* Note Phacochoerus "a Funtik:
« A Very Lonely Rooster,” watercolor, 1955. Exhibited at the Stockholm Museum of Modern Art »

“In addition, mentally ill people tend to be sketchy and sophisticated in their interpretation of drawings,” added our consultant. To our question about how a drawing can be schematic and sophisticated at the same time, Tatyana gave an example: “A man draws a stick with legs and says that this is Emperor Paul.” Hm, but the stick with legs really looks like Pavel!

Quills, horns, shell - in general, everything that serves as protection for the animal can be replaced in the drawing simply by a careful outline drawn several times.

Therefore, immediately note for yourself: even if your creation at first glance is defenseless in front of the world, this is not at all true if some lines and protrusions are thicker than others.

The most important thing is which side of your animal the armor is on.

If the shell covers the animal from above, you protect yourself with it from those in relation to whom you are in a subordinate position. This could be management, government agencies, or just parents.

If the animal's bottom is closed, you are afraid of those whom you consider your equal, or those who are even weaker than you. That is, you fear for your authority.

Armor on the sides shows your readiness for self-defense in any life situation. “At the same time,” Tatyana emphasizes, “drawing the lines on the right indicates that you value your taste, preferences and beliefs very much and are ready to fight for them.” (By the way, although we disagree with your beliefs, we are ready to sign somewhere in a collective letter for your right to express them.)

If any of the details stand out due to careful drawing or stronger pencil pressure (lines are noticeable on the back of the sheet), this signals your alarm.

Unfortunately, you can only give an explanation for why you drew something more thoroughly than anything else.

There can be any number of interpretations.

For example, in an animal, anxiety is localized in the legs. If you rely on the interpretation of the images of the collective unconscious, it turns out that you are not confident in yourself. But maybe you just walked a lot today. So we leave you alone to struggle with the interpretation of the riddle of why you tore through the paper while drawing a hump for a marsupial partridge.

Feet are another mirror of the soul. Drawn legs show self-confidence and thoughtful decisions. If the animal has no legs at all or they are very frail, this emphasizes the impulsiveness of the character of the artist and his frivolity. (NB! The powerful pedestal painted under the seemingly weak legs plays the role of the missing strong legs. After all, it is this pedestal that serves as a support for the figure.)

It is also important how the legs are connected to the body. As is this connection, so is your control over words and decisions. The legs are poorly or not at all attached to the body - you are not very careful about the accuracy of your words, you do not attach much importance to your own speeches. The legs are well attached to the body - your judgments are balanced and, at least for you, convincing.

Now study the shape of your legs. If both legs are the same (exactly repeated lines, size, bend), you are a conformist, and your creative solutions do not sparkle with novelty and invention. But if the lower limbs of your animal are different (one leg is raised for a kick, and your other animal is scratching the third), you are our person. You are independent in your judgments and generally have a creative nature. Hand, comrade!

By the way, if we are talking about creativity: people with clichéd thinking use ready-made templates (fish, pig, bird). A cow with wings is not original, it is just a formal connection of two blanks - a cow and a bird. And in general, this is not a non-existent animal, but an ordinary Skliss!

The more elements and the more unexpected their combinations, the higher your creative potential and vital energy in general.

If you drew a headless pendelpop, skip this step. But if your creation has any kind of face, you will have to analyze it.

Big head shows that the artist attaches special importance to erudition and, in general, to the rational principle both in himself and in those around him.

Prominent ears- a sign that it is important for you to know how others treat you. Plus, this is an indicator of your interest in the world, in the information that you draw from it.

Mouth. Open, and with a tongue, it screams about your talkativeness. The drawn lips convey sensuality (sorry if this sounds like a quote from an astrology manual). A toothy mouth is drawn by people prone to verbal aggression. Moreover, this aggression is often defensive in nature (you snap, scold everyone and everything). If the mouth in the picture is open, but neither the tongue, nor the teeth, nor the tari bird is visible there, there is an opinion that you are suspicious and always afraid of something.

Although the nose is a phallic symbol, in drawings of men it does not carry much additional information. But if you analyze a drawing of a girl in which the animal has a particularly long or overly drawn snout, feel free to assume that she is not sexually satisfied.

Eyes. An emphasis on the pupil (for example, strong shading) indicates that you are now in anxiety. You're clearly afraid of something. Did you draw eyelashes? Oh no no no! You attach too much importance to your appearance. It is generally not appropriate for men to draw eyelashes.

In the drawings made by girls, eyelashes in many cases signify a hysterical and demonstrative manner of behavior.

“This is the manipulation of other people’s feelings for one’s own purposes,” Ms. Sviridova translates the dark term into understandable language. Don't be so quick to gloat. Hysterical-demonstrative behavior is also found in men. We hope this is not your case, but if... In short, here's a gun - you know what to do with it. (A shot muffled by the door is heard, and then the sound of a falling body.)

Well, we've reached the top. Hair (mane, dreadlocks, bald patches) most often simply corresponds to the gender of the person drawing. Although in some cases, a distinctive hairstyle may indicate sexual orientation. Horns and other piercing growths indicate aggression. But whether it serves as protection from others or for attacking them, you yourself can say more precisely. A harmless feather or crest is interpreted as a desire to stand out.

Any non-functional, but purely decorative details that go beyond the boundaries of the drawn figure - such as lush feathers, tassels on tails and curls - indicate some unnatural behavior and a desire to attract attention.

We wouldn't be surprised if your car, tattooed on the back, has an airbrushed drawing of a tiger that was swallowed by a dragon.

The presence of seemingly extra, but still practical limbs(tentacles, spare legs, wings, proboscis) - an indicator that you want to cover (and maybe cover) many areas of activity at once. All these shoots are your many hobbies or simply your multi-tasking at work. Or it means the same thing, but with a minus sign: you often meddle in your own affairs, disturbing others with your know-it-all attitude.

The tail is what trails behind you. Your deeds, your intentions, your words. Here again the timeline will come in handy (if you go to the left, you will go back in time, etc.). Follow where the tail points. To the right - you have some important plans for the future, to the left - you are still remembering and analyzing past actions. To figure out whether your future or past deeds cause positive or negative feelings, pay attention to whether your tail is pointing up or down. The tail sticks out - you are either proud of something you have done, or you are looking forward to future victories. A fallen tail means fear of the future and regret about the past.

Among other things, the tail, who would doubt it, is a phallic symbol.

Therefore, the direction (up and down) may simply be a momentary indicator of your potency. Nothing, nothing, this happens to every man.

In rare cases, an inquisitive eye will discover inanimate parts in the body of an animal(wheels, batteries, propellers, USB inputs). Such additions appear either from a great mind (the draftsman uses all his imagination, trying to invent a non-existent animal), or, conversely, from a damaged mind - in patients with schizophrenia.

Those details that your animal does not have are also important.

No legs - you are not confident in yourself (see the meaning of the lower extremities). There are no hands or tentacles - you do not influence the world, but prefer to passively wait for something to happen.

If you carefully read the task and gave your non-existent animal an unprecedented name, and did not just call it, as usual, Vitaly Sergeevich, you will probably find among these options a name somewhat similar to yours.

A rational combination of two or more semantic parts: elephant, creeping horse, dog eater. Shows practicality, rational thinking, strict adherence to the assigned task, and the desire to comply with norms.

Pseudo-scientific name: Latinomenius, Eastern European burdock goat eater. It shows that you are proud of your erudition and erudition. And in general, you don’t consider yourself a fool.

A meaningless set of sounds: vomit, hivoramira, vomit. Characteristic of a frivolous person who does not think about the consequences of his actions. In addition, such a kulyuvlya may emphasize that for the person who came up with this name, the aesthetic element is more important than the rational one.

Funny name: chuchuchka, popencia. An indicator of your ironic and condescending attitude towards the pitiful people around you.

Repetitive sounds: flu-flu, viz-viz, zhum-zhum. Infantility. Sorry, but we didn't come up with this.

Title too long: zelofukiropoestoral, colibarnofurucase. Typical for someone who likes to fantasize and have their head in the clouds.

Finishing touch

Now that you have found out all the ins and outs about yourself and are sitting over a drawing dripping with tears, try to take it out on your friends. Of course, practice is necessary to improve your skill.

“The more of your own drawings you analyze, the easier it will be to analyze the drawings of others,”- our expert promised, and then she spoke in the sense that you should beware of an unambiguous approach to the interpretation of fictional animals. All of the above is just the basics and cannot explain all the cheek pouches and tentacles. Trust your intuition. If you think the Hitler mustache on your girlfriend's drawing of the mountain penguin signifies her secret desire for a threesome, then it probably is.

About one artist

Here's a taste of what our expert found out after taking a look at the fitness editor's drawing of the umbrella toadhorse.

The creature has no arms. And where they are expected is the mouth. It can be assumed that verbal contact is the main way of interaction with the environment. An umbrella with needles - a person expects an attack, but with some provocations from the outside he is inclined to behave quite aggressively. Zhabokon is a name with a certain amount of irony. The attitude towards oneself is ambivalent. The toad is perhaps what is ironized by the person, and the horse is what she is proud of and what is more accepted by her.

Every person would like to know the secrets of his character and see himself from the outside. The best way for self-knowledge is a psychological projection drawing that will reflect all the features of your personality.

When we do something we don't think about, the result shows not the logical side of the brain, but the emotional side of the brain. Our experiences, joy, anger and everything else can break through and are unconsciously projected on paper.

To take the test below, you need privacy. No one should distract you from the process. Take piece of paper, preferably A4, handle or pencil. Divide the sheet into equal four parts and number them so that it looks something like this:

The final preparation of the sheet will look like this:

  • in the first sector draw a dot in the middle
  • in the second sector draw a small square or rectangle
  • the third sector should contain something similar to the “=” sign
  • the fourth sector remains empty

You should end up with something similar to this:

So, free your thoughts, there will be no difficult tasks - draw only what comes to your mind right away.

In the first three sectors, just finish drawing what you want. Draw what you feel without thinking. There is no need to draw anything complicated - spend about 10 seconds per sector. After that, move on to the last task.

In the fourth sector, draw a boat that floats on the waves. The drawing should also be primitive - also don’t spend a lot of time on it.

Interpretation of drawings

Sector one

This sector represents your isolation or openness. If there are round figures in this sector, then you are a closed person. The same applies, for example, to a drawn spiral leading to the center (point). If you just drew a lot of dots, then you are very sociable and open. Roughly speaking, the more elements you apply, the better. The only exception is circles. There should be as few of them as possible.

Sector two

This sector shows your kindness and responsiveness, as well as the level selfishness. You can consider yourself a kind person if what you drew is somehow connected to the original rectangle. The smaller the contact area, the more selfish you are. Open people often draw a wall, which indicates their focus on the company and team. Many people draw a house, which is also very good. If your drawing does not touch the rectangle, then this indicates that you need to think about it - maybe you are an egoist.

Sector three

This sector will show how much you consider yourself successful or successful with the opposite sex - is it easy for you to communicate and flirt. There should be as few additional drawing elements as possible and they should not touch the equal sign (as most people call it). People who are satisfied with their relationships with the opposite sex usually add a smiling emoticon to make it look like “=).” The worst thing is if the drawing turns out to be symmetrical and heavily cluttered - this is an indicator of your lack of self-confidence in communicating with the opposite sex.

Sector four

Everything here is extremely simple. This sector shows you what you are like love and in relationships. If the sea turns out to be turbulent, then you prefer dynamic love that blows your mind. If the sea is calm, then love for you is calm, warmth and only pleasant, orderly emotions. As for the boat itself, you should pay attention to whether it is complexly drawn, as well as what is happening around it. Any excesses like sails or people (which were not discussed), stars, living creatures, the Moon, the Sun - speak of your romance. If you don’t have any of this, then you are strong in character and romance is alien to you.

Thus, the simplest test at first glance can show each person his true face. Psychological personality tests of this kind are the most accurate because the test taker does not need to think - he is driven only by the emotional part of the brain. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Everyone has a desire to understand themselves from time to time: it happens that something is not going well at work or in the family, there is a constant feeling of dissatisfaction inside, and when you wake up in the morning, the first thing you want to do is change something. The best thing you can do in this situation is to listen to your inner voice and try to find yourself.

Often psychological drawing tests help you know yourself better than a qualified specialist! The visual test you are about to take will send you straight to your own subconscious: answer quickly and get the most truthful result.

"So simple!" invites you to look at the image above and immediately answer what caught your eye first. In the meantime, we will try to look into your subconscious. Well, are you ready?

Psychological tests based on drawings

  1. Man and woman
    If the first thing that catches your eye is the man and woman in the foreground, you are one whose energy moves forward tirelessly and whose mind acts immediately. Powerful, bright, fiery energy is seething inside you, and you are ready to plunge headlong into your favorite business. Your desires are strong and your passions are fierce.

    You know perfectly well what you want and confidently move towards your goal. When you are happy, you literally glow with warmth, but remember: everything should be in moderation. To balance the energy seething within, give yourself mental and physical rest, change your environment more often, enjoy soothing aromas, practice meditation and find time for walks in the fresh air.

    © DepositPhotos

  2. Face
    If the first thing you saw in the picture was the face, underneath your appearance lies an emotional, dreamy and artistic nature. Your character traits are especially pronounced in moments of strong emotional shock, immense happiness and love. You are characterized by a calm and harmonious lifestyle, love of love and a positive type of thinking.

    You make friends easily and quickly find a common language with people of very different personalities, and your fragile nature is as easy to hurt as it is to charm. Perhaps your loved ones wonder why you are so calm and at times careless when everyone around you doesn’t find a place for themselves, but you were simply lucky to be born with such an enviable character.

    © DepositPhotos

  3. Figure in the foreground
    We are sure that you are a focused, intelligent and extremely curious person, because you were the first to notice the barely noticeable figure in the foreground of the picture. You are often thoughtful and silent, but at the same time you have a special love for all kinds of disputes and debates, because you are one hundred percent sure that you are right. Asking questions and just as quickly finding answers to them is something you can do endlessly.

    Your bright head contains many extraordinary ideas, which you happily share with others. In general, you are an excellent organizer and purposeful leader, but your stubbornness and excessive self-confidence can cause a lot of trouble. To keep your energy in a healthy balance, communicate only with friendly people, learn to control your hot temper and avoid aggressive situations.

    © DepositPhotos

Of course, only a certified psychologist can conduct professional personality tests and interpret their results, and our home subconscious test- just a way to understand yourself again without outside interference. Spend 5 minutes and look into the depths of your own consciousness - we are sure