Analysis of the favorite fairy tale “Cinderella” Case study. Olga Vaksa - Cinderella's cookbook

Hello, dear friend! We think that each of you has read a wonderful fairy tale Charles Perrault "Cinderella". In France her name is “Sandrillon”, in England “Cinderella”, in Germany “Anschenbrödel”, in Bulgaria “Pepelyashka”. As you can see, in every country Cinderella has its own name. But, no matter how different it may sound, the meaning of the name remains the same: “Cinderellas” are called kind, modest girls who know how to cook well and keep the house clean, sew and knit, and care for animals and plants.

You don’t have to be a dirty little girl, covered in ash, to be called “Cinderella”; it’s enough to love your family and try to please them. Sometimes a mother calls her little daughter: “Cinderella”, you are my dear, how you take care of me, how you help. Thank you, daughter!" We think that every girl would like to hear such sweet words from your mother or grandmother. To do this, you need to carefully read our book, in which Cinderella will share her skills with you, and then you will be able to help your mother with the housework.

This applies not only to girls, but also to boys. Mom will be doubly pleased when she comes home tired from work, and the apartment is clean, tidy, and there is a prepared dinner on the table. Imagine how happy your mother will be, how proud she will be of you and tell everyone she knows what a big boy you are. But while you should not take on the preparation of complex dishes, you can easily prepare some delicious salad and this will be enough for your mother to praise you.

Chapter first
Cinderella Menu

Dear friend, do you remember that when Cinderella’s mother died, her father married another woman. The stepmother immediately did not like the girl and assigned all the dirty and hard work in the house to her. Cinderella's duties included washing and cleaning dishes, polishing floors, cooking and much more. Cinderella never ate with everyone else; her place was in the kitchen. The stepmother did not spoil Cinderella with meat soups and delicious dishes. Cinderella received porridge with water, vegetable soups and crackers for tea. But a poor girl I never complained about my fate. She dutifully did all the work and ate what was given to her. Porridges and soups seemed to the girl herself delicious food in the world.

Of course, you understand that the food of a poor person is different from the food of the rich, but this does not mean that it is not tasty. You can cook extraordinary dishes from the simplest ingredients and, on the contrary, ruin expensive foods if you don’t know how to cook. As you remember, Cinderella was an excellent housewife, so the most ordinary porridge turned out to be so tasty that the richest man would envy her. We think that you can’t wait to try porridge according to Cinderella’s recipe. It's not difficult at all, take our book and ask your mom to cook you the porridge you want.

While mom is preparing you delicious porridge according to Cinderella's recipe, let's check how well you know this fairy tale.

To do this, dear friend, you will have to answer some questions. For each question there are three answer options, you must choose the correct one.


1. Why do you think the girl was named Cinderella?

a) she had golden hair;

b) she was an evil girl, and that’s why she was called Cinderella;

c) she hid in a corner by the fireplace and sat on the ashes;

2. Who called the girl Cinderella?

a) sister;

b) stepmother;

3. Why didn’t Cinderella go to the ball with her sisters and stepmother?

a) she didn’t want to;

b) she didn’t have a suitable outfit;

c) her stepmother did not take her;

4. How did Cinderella finally get to the ball?

a) the good fairy helped her;

b) her father returned for her;

c) her sisters returned for her;

5. Why did the fairy ask Cinderella to bring a pumpkin?

a) the fairy cooked porridge from pumpkin;

b) she turned the pumpkin into a carriage;

c) she turned the pumpkin into a beautiful palace;

6. What did the fairy warn Cinderella about before letting her go to the ball?

a) she ordered her to return before the clock struck midnight;

b) she did not allow her to eat sweets; if she disobeys her, the magic will lose its power;

c) she did not allow her to dance with the prince;

7. What happened at the ball with the arrival of Cinderella?

a) no one paid attention to her;

b) the prince didn’t even look in her direction;

c) the prince fell in love with Cinderella;

8. What shoe did Cinderella lose at the ball?

a) right;

9. What did the prince do with the glass slipper?

a) he threw it away;

b) began to look for the owner of the shoe;

c) left as a souvenir of the beautiful princess;

10. How did the prince find Cinderella?

a) using a glass slipper;

b) Cinderella herself came to the prince;

c) the prince met Cinderella on the street;

Let's summarize: if you answered all the questions, then you know the fairy tale very well and can easily travel with us and Cinderella.

If you answered 5 questions, You know the fairy tale well, but it wouldn’t hurt you to re-read it. In order to better remember everything that happened to the poor girl.

If you only answered 3 questions, then you better read this fairy tale again. And try again to answer the proposed questions. And only after that continue the journey you started.


– 4 tbsp. buckwheat,

– 200 g lard,

– 2 onions,

And we will cook like this: go over it buckwheat, lightly fry in a frying pan, pour boiling water over it, then drain this water, put the cereal in pots 3/4 of the way up. Cut the lard into squares, lightly fry, add finely chopped onion, fry along with it. Place lard and onions in pots, stir, add salt, pour boiling water to the edge of the pot and put in the oven.


For this dish, ask mom:

– 3 tbsp. milk,

– 3/4 tbsp. oatmeal,

– 1 tbsp. l. Sahara,

- carrot,

And we will cook like this: Pour milk into a saucepan, boil, add salt, add sugar, add cereal and cook until tender.

At this time, grate the carrots. Mix the finished porridge with carrots and place on plates.


For this dish, ask mom:

– 1.5 tbsp. Hercules,

– 1 apple,

– 1/4 tbsp. wheat sprouts,

– 1 tbsp. l. water,

– 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon,

– 1/2 tsp. vanilla,

– 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

And we will cook like this: put cinnamon in a saucepan, add water and boil. Add vanilla and mix everything thoroughly.

Pour cereal, wheat sprouts, and apple slices into a separate bowl. Pour the prepared mixture over everything and mix well.

Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil, place the mixture on it in an even layer and place it in a low-heat oven for 40–45 minutes.


For this dish, ask mom:

– 3 tbsp. millet,

– 150 g lard,

– 1 onion,

– 1 carrot,

And we will cook like this: Sort and wash the millet. Lightly fry the lard, then add chopped onions and carrots and fry together. Mix the millet with the roast, put it in pots 3/4 high, add salt, pour boiling water over it and put it in the oven.


For this dish, ask mom:

– 3 tbsp. rice,

– 0.5 liters of tomato,

– 4 onions,

– 4 carrots,

– 2 heads of garlic,

And we will cook like this: Soak the rice for 30 minutes in cold water. Then rinse it, salt it, put it in pots up to half the height, pour hot water to 3/4 and put in the oven. Heat vegetable oil in a shallow pan, fry onions and carrots in it, pour in tomatoes, add chopped garlic and simmer for 7 minutes. When the rice in the pots is almost ready, pour the tomato mixture on it, stir and cook for another 10 minutes.


For this dish, ask mom:

– 2.5 tbsp. buckwheat,

– 3.5 tbsp. water,

– 2 tbsp. l. oils,

And we will cook like this: Melt the butter in a hot frying pan, then add the cereal and fry until the grains are browned.

Pour water into a saucepan, add salt and put on fire. When the water boils, add the cereal and cook until tender. After this, wrap the pan with the finished porridge thick fabric and leave for an hour, then put the porridge on plates.


For this dish, ask mom:

– 2 tbsp. millet,

– 4 tbsp. water,

– 2–3 tbsp. l. oils,

– 1 tsp. salt.

And we will cook like this: pour water into the pan, add salt, put 1 tbsp. l. oil, boil, add millet and cook until thickened.

To soak the pan with porridge, wrap it in a warm cloth and place it in a warm place for 50–60 minutes. Add butter to the prepared porridge.


For this dish, ask mom:

– 2 tbsp. water,

– 1 tbsp. pearl barley,

– 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil,

And we will cook like this: Soak the cereal for 2–3 hours. Then drain the water.

Pour water into a saucepan, boil, add cereal, salt and cook until thickened.

After this, place the pan with the porridge in the oven on low heat for 2 hours. When serving, add vegetable oil to the prepared porridge.


For this dish, ask mom:

– 2.5 tbsp. barley groats,

– 4.5 tbsp. water,

– 2–3 tbsp. l. oils,

And we will cook like this: Pour water into the pan, put 1 tbsp. l. oil, salt, boil and add cereal. Cook for 15–20 minutes.

To steep, wrap the pan with porridge in a warm cloth and leave for 30–40 minutes.

Exercise 1

We think that you did an excellent job with the first task and answered all the questions without looking at the book. Don't forget that you had to do this in just 5 minutes.

The next task will be for your attention. In 10 seconds, without moving your hand along the lines, you must determine which letter corresponds to each number. By writing out the letters in order, you can easily guess the key word. Keyword: character from a fairy tale by H.H. Andersen.

Get ready, time has come:

Now let’s take a break from the tasks for a while and move on to the recipes. Cinderella offers you recipes for soups that she cooked for herself when she lived in her stepmother's house. Of course, these soups are different from those that the stepmother and her children ate. Despite the preparation, such soups are very tasty and healthy. If you still find it difficult to prepare soup yourself, then you better call your mother for help, who will tell and show you everything.


For this dish, ask mom:

– 4 tbsp. peas,

– 4 onions,

– 4 large carrots,

– 4 small turnips,

– 200 g pumpkin,

– 200 g salted lard,

– 1/2 tbsp. vegetable oil,

– black peppercorns,

And we will cook like this: Soak the peas for 1–1.5 hours.

Fry the onion for vegetable oil until golden brown. Cut the remaining vegetables into small cubes and the lard into slices. Mix all the ingredients evenly in the pots, add salt, add peppercorns, pour boiling water and put in the oven for 20 minutes.


For this dish, ask mom:

– 1/2 liter of water,

– 200 g rye bread,

– 1 tbsp. l. raisins,

– 4 tbsp. l. Sahara,

– 1 tbsp. l. fresh cranberries,

– 1 apple,

– 4 tbsp. l. cream,

– a little ground cinnamon.

And we will cook like this: Pour boiling water over toasted rye bread crackers, let them brew and strain. Rub the crackers through a sieve and combine with the resulting broth, add raisins, cranberry juice, cinnamon and thinly sliced ​​apples, then simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Cool the soup; before serving, add a piece of ice and whipped cream to each plate.


For this dish, ask mom:

– 1 liter of chicken broth,

– 200 g potatoes,

– 200 g green peas,

– 100 g butter,

– dill greens,

And we will cook like this: Make small balls the size of a hazelnut from the potatoes by cutting them with a knife (you can use very small young potatoes for these purposes), put them in cold water and keep them on the fire until they boil. Then drain the water, let the potatoes dry, place them in a frying pan with hot butter and fry until golden brown.

Boil green peas separately for 30 minutes, rub them through a sieve and add to chicken bouillon. Pour the resulting mixture into the prepared potato “balls”, and before serving, do not forget to sprinkle the soup with herbs from the heart.


For this dish, ask mom:

– 2 tbsp. l. beans,

– 2 potatoes,

– 1 onion,

– 1 carrot,

– 1 tbsp. l. rice,

– 1 parsley root,

– 1 liter of water or meat broth,

And we will cook like this: Soak the beans in water for several hours or overnight, then cook until tender. Peel the potatoes, cut into cubes, cook in boiling water or broth. Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots and parsley root, fry everything in oil and add to the soup along with rice, cook for about 15 minutes, at the end of cooking add boiled beans, salt, and spices. Serve the prepared soup hot, with sour cream.


For this dish, ask mom:

– 200 g potatoes,

– 200 g cabbage,

– 2 carrots,

– 1 onion,

– 100 g mushrooms,

- greenery.

And we will cook like this: Place shredded cabbage, diced potatoes, and chopped mushrooms into boiling water. Peel the carrots, grate them, finely chop the onion and fry in vegetable oil, then add to the soup along with salt and pepper. Cook the soup until all the vegetables are cooked. When serving, sprinkle with herbs.


For this dish, ask your mom:

– 1/2 tbsp. peas,

– 2 small carrots,

– 1 tomato,

– a small onion head,

– 1 dessert spoon of butter.

And we will cook like this: soak the peas in cold water for one hour. Chop the carrots, cut the tomato and onion into slices and set to cook, adding the peas.

Task 2

So, you’ve probably already tasted the porridge and soup that Cinderella ate; it’s time for us to move on to tea. As you know, Cinderella was a poor girl and, unlike her sisters, did not eat sweet pies and buns. But the girl did not suffer from this; instead of pies and buns, Cinderella prepared herself crispy crackers and croutons. Believe me, dear friend, it is very tasty. And Cinderella will be very happy to share her cracker recipes with you, but on one condition, if you guess the name of the place where:

1. Bake bread -

2. Grow vegetables -

3. Sell products -

4. They sow wheat -

5. Clowns perform -

6. Store potatoes in winter -

7. Gather mushrooms and berries -

8. Fishing -

9. They lend books -

10. Treat animals -

If you find it difficult to answer some task, you can look at the answers, which are located at the end of each chapter. But it will be better if you try not to peek into the answers, but decide everything yourself.

And now the promised recipes.

Rusks, croutons

For this dish, ask mom:

– 200 g black bread,

– 2–3 cloves of garlic,

- ground black pepper.

And we will cook like this: Cut the bread into small cubes, place on a baking sheet, sprinkle with salt and pepper. put in a hot oven to dry. When the crackers are ready, spread them with grated garlic. Place these crackers in a clear broth before serving. They will add variety to already boring soups.


For this dish, ask mom:

– 1 loaf,

– 1 tbsp. milk,

– ground cinnamon.

And we will cook like this: Cut the loaf into thin slices (the knife should be well sharpened), dip in warm milk, sprinkle with cinnamon sugar. Now place the bread on a baking sheet and put it in the oven so that the crackers dry.


For this dish, ask mom:

- black bread,

And we will cook like this: Cut the bread into thin slices in the form of cubes and diamonds. Sprinkle the slices with salt and cumin. Place on a baking sheet and put in the oven to dry. These crackers are very tasty, crumbly and can serve as an excellent addition to soup.


For this dish, ask mom:

– 200 g bagels,

– 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil,

– 1 onion,

– pepper to taste.

And we will cook like this: Break the dry bagels into pieces, pour over boiling water, cover and when they swell (do not boil), drain the water, add vegetable oil (preferably mustard), chopped onions or green onions, salt and pepper. Stir the mixture and, before it cools down, serve for breakfast.


For this dish, ask mom:

– 200 g wheat bread,

– 200 g of green peas,

– 4 tbsp. l. butter,

– 1/2 tbsp. milk,

– 1 tbsp. l. flour,

– salt to taste.

And we will cook like this: Stew green peas in a small amount of water, add sugar and salt. Then season with flour first, and before removing from the stove with oil. Cut the bun or loaf into slices, soak in milk and fry in oil on both sides. Place stewed peas on one part of the croutons, cover with the remaining part and serve with the soup.


For this dish, ask mom:

– 200 g white bread,

– 300 g carrots,

– 100 g butter,

– 50 g cheese,

And we will cook like this: Fry chopped carrots in butter, pour in a little water, add salt, sugar and simmer until soft. Then rub through a sieve and spread the resulting mass onto slices of white bread. You can sprinkle grated cheese on top of the sandwich. Now bake the prepared sandwiches in the oven until golden brown. Serve these delicious croutons with pureed meat soups.


For this dish, ask mom:

– 200 g white bread,

– 1 onion,

– 100 g butter,

- greenery.

And we will cook like this: cut the bread into slices, fry on both sides in a frying pan with heated butter. Add fried onion, salt, pour beaten eggs and bake in the oven. When serving, sprinkle with chopped parsley and dill.

And the last test that awaits you in this chapter is a crossword puzzle. If, without looking at the answers or consulting with your mother, you solve the crossword puzzle yourself, then you can be proud of the fact that you know the animal and plant world well.

Crossword “In the animal world”


2. River fish.

4. Large lizard.

6. Marsupial bear.


1. Sea predator.

3. Songbird.

5. What did Mother send Little Raccoon to the river for?

7. Kidnapper of the Tsokotukha Fly.

9. The one who kidnapped Thumbelina to marry her.

As a rule, every child wants to become an adult faster and learn to do everything himself. Thanks to our book, you will not only learn how to cook well, but also how to sew. To begin with, Cinderella and Mrs. Needle will teach you little lesson, and then share their secrets.

First of all, you need to remember some rules:

1. The place where you sew must be clean, each tool must be in its place (a needle in a needle bar, threads and scissors in special drawers designed specifically for them).

2. Under no circumstances stick a needle into clothing, as this is very dangerous.

3. The needle must be with thread so that it does not get lost.

4. Remember that you cannot put a needle, a thread, or a button in your mouth - this is dangerous.

5. While sewing, you need to keep your hands suspended, you can’t bring the work close to your eyes, you need to sit up straight when working.

6. The thread in the needle should not be too long, it will not be comfortable for you to sew.

7. You should not bite off the thread with your teeth; there are scissors for this.

8. And the last thing you should always remember when working with tools is that scissors should only be passed with the side where the rings are located, a needle and pin only with the blunt end.

To ensure that the thread does not get tangled when sewing and no knots form on it, it is necessary to measure the thread correctly. This is done using a ruler.

To prevent the thread from slipping out of the needle, you need to make a small knot at the end of the thread. This is done like this: take the end of the thread right hand between the thumb and forefinger, wrap once around forefinger, and then remove it from the finger and tighten it. This way you will get a small knot.

It is necessary to thread the needle from the end that was cut off from the spool, since this end twists less and will be more convenient to insert into the needle.

You can secure the end of the thread not only with a knot, but also with a loop. To do this, you need to thread two ends of one thread into the eyelet at the same time. On the opposite side of the double ends there is a fold. From the inside out to in the right place First, a puncture is made on the front side and retreating a little, then a reverse puncture is made from the face to the back. The needle is passed into the resulting loop. The thread is tightened, the double end of the thread remains firmly attached.

We think you can handle a needle, so it's time to move on to more difficult things, such as sewing on buttons.

When you sew on a button, the fabric must be pierced with a needle from the front side so that the knot is hidden under the button.

Do not tighten the thread too much. The button should seem to swing on a “leg” made of threads.

In order for the item to look neat from the inside out, punctures are made in the places of the first two punctures.

After you have finished sewing the button, wrap the so-called “leg” several times and secure the thread. You will get a column that helps to fasten the button.

Dear friend, you will probably be interested to know that there are many different buttons. Firstly, they are different in purpose, in the material from which they are made, in size and color. In addition, buttons come with two, four holes and with an eye. Cinderella will now tell you how to sew on such buttons.

Remember that buttons with four holes can be sewn on with parallel stitches, a cross stitch, or a curly stitch.

If you had to sew on a button with an eye, then you must remember that you sew the button tightly and tighten the thread while working. But you must not forget that the knot remains on the front side.

If you sew a button to outerwear, then you will need another button, which is attached to the wrong side of the product. This button should be flat and have the same number of holes as the main button. It is sewn to prevent the fabric from tearing through the product.

Olga Vaksa

Cinderella Cookbook

Hello, dear friend! We think that each of you has read the wonderful fairy tale “Cinderella” by Charles Perrault. In France her name is “Sandrillon”, in England “Cinderella”, in Germany “Anschenbrödel”, in Bulgaria “Pepelyashka”. As you can see, in every country Cinderella has its own name. But, no matter how different it may sound, the meaning of the name remains the same: “Cinderellas” are called kind, modest girls who know how to cook well and keep the house clean, sew and knit, and care for animals and plants.

You don’t have to be a dirty little girl, covered in ash, to be called “Cinderella”; it’s enough to love your family and try to please them. Sometimes a mother calls her little daughter: “Cinderella”, you are my dear, how you take care of me, how you help. Thank you, daughter!" We think that every girl would like to hear such kind words from her mother or grandmother. To do this, you need to carefully read our book, in which Cinderella will share her skills with you, and then you will be able to help your mother with the housework.

This applies not only to girls, but also to boys. Mom will be doubly pleased when she comes home tired from work, and the apartment is clean, tidy, and there is a prepared dinner on the table. Imagine how happy your mother will be, how proud she will be of you and tell everyone she knows what a big boy you are. But while you shouldn’t take on the task of preparing complex dishes, you can easily prepare some delicious salad and this will be enough for your mother to praise you.

Chapter first

Cinderella Menu

Dear friend, do you remember that when Cinderella’s mother died, her father married another woman. The stepmother immediately did not like the girl and assigned all the dirty and hard work in the house to her. Cinderella's duties included washing and cleaning dishes, polishing floors, cooking and much more. Cinderella never ate with everyone else; her place was in the kitchen. The stepmother did not spoil Cinderella with meat soups and delicious dishes. Cinderella received porridge with water, vegetable soups and crackers for tea. But the poor girl never complained about her fate. She dutifully did all the work and ate what was given to her. Porridge and soups seemed to the girl the most delicious food in the world.

Of course, you understand that the food of a poor person is different from the food of the rich, but this does not mean that it is not tasty. You can cook extraordinary dishes from the simplest ingredients and, on the contrary, ruin expensive foods if you don’t know how to cook. As you remember, Cinderella was an excellent housewife, so the most ordinary porridge turned out to be so tasty that the richest man would envy her. We think that you can’t wait to try porridge according to Cinderella’s recipe. It's not difficult at all, take our book and ask your mom to cook you the porridge you want.

While mom is preparing you delicious porridge according to Cinderella's recipe, let's check how well you know this fairy tale. To do this, dear friend, you will have to answer some questions. For each question there are three answer options, you must choose the correct one.

1. Why do you think the girl was named Cinderella?

a) she had golden hair;

b) she was an evil girl, and that’s why she was called Cinderella;

c) she hid in a corner by the fireplace and sat on the ashes;

2. Who called the girl Cinderella?

a) sister;

b) stepmother;

3. Why didn’t Cinderella go to the ball with her sisters and stepmother?

a) she didn’t want to;

b) she didn’t have a suitable outfit;

c) her stepmother did not take her;

4. How did Cinderella finally get to the ball?

a) the good fairy helped her;

b) her father returned for her;

c) her sisters returned for her;

5. Why did the fairy ask Cinderella to bring a pumpkin?

a) the fairy cooked porridge from pumpkin;

b) she turned the pumpkin into a carriage;

c) she turned the pumpkin into a beautiful palace;

6. What did the fairy warn Cinderella about before letting her go to the ball?

a) she ordered her to return before the clock struck midnight;

b) she did not allow her to eat sweets; if she disobeys her, the magic will lose its power;

c) she did not allow her to dance with the prince;

7. What happened at the ball with the arrival of Cinderella?

a) no one paid attention to her;

b) the prince didn’t even look in her direction;

c) the prince fell in love with Cinderella;

8. What shoe did Cinderella lose at the ball?

a) right;

9. What did the prince do with the glass slipper?

a) he threw it away;

b) began to look for the owner of the shoe;

c) left as a souvenir of the beautiful princess;

10. How did the prince find Cinderella?

a) using a glass slipper;

b) Cinderella herself came to the prince;

c) the prince met Cinderella on the street;

Let's summarize: if you answered all the questions, then you know the fairy tale very well and can safely travel with us and Cinderella.

If you answered 5 questions, you know the fairy tale well, but it wouldn’t hurt you to re-read it. In order to better remember everything that happened to the poor girl.

If you only answered 3 questions, then you better read this fairy tale again. And try again to answer the proposed questions. And only after that continue the journey you started.


– 4 tbsp. buckwheat,

– 200 g lard,

– 2 onions,

And we will cook like this: Sort out the buckwheat, lightly fry in a frying pan, pour boiling water over it, then drain this water, place the grain in pots 3/4 of the way up. Cut the lard into squares, lightly fry, add finely chopped onion, fry along with it. Place lard and onions in pots, stir, add salt, pour boiling water to the edge of the pot and put in the oven.


For this dish, ask mom:

– 3 tbsp. milk,

– 3/4 tbsp. oatmeal,

– 1 tbsp. l. Sahara,

- carrot,

And we will cook like this: Pour milk into a saucepan, boil, add salt, add sugar, add cereal and cook until tender.

At this time, grate the carrots. Mix the finished porridge with carrots and place on plates.


For this dish, ask mom:

– 1.5 tbsp. Hercules,

– 1 apple,

– 1/4 tbsp. wheat sprouts,

– 1 tbsp. l. water,

– 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon,

– 1/2 tsp. vanilla,

– 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

And we will cook like this: put cinnamon in a saucepan, add water and boil. Add vanilla and mix everything thoroughly.

Pour cereal, wheat sprouts, and apple slices into a separate bowl. Pour the prepared mixture over everything and mix well.

Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil, place the mixture on it in an even layer and place it in a low-heat oven for 40–45 minutes.


For this dish, ask mom:

– 3 tbsp. millet,

– 150 g lard,

– 1 onion,

– 1 carrot,

And we will cook like this: Sort and wash the millet. Lightly fry the lard, then add chopped onions and carrots and fry together. Mix the millet with the roast, put it in pots 3/4 high, add salt, pour boiling water over it and put it in the oven.


For this dish, ask mom:

– 3 tbsp. rice,

– 0.5 liters of tomato,

– 4 onions,

– 4 carrots,

– 2 heads of garlic,

And we will cook like this: Soak the rice for 30 minutes in cold water. Then rinse it, salt it, put it in pots up to half the height, fill 3/4 with hot water and put it in the oven. Heat vegetable oil in a shallow pan, fry onions and carrots in it, pour in tomatoes, add chopped garlic and simmer for 7 minutes. When the rice in the pots is almost ready, pour the tomato mixture on it, stir and cook for another 10 minutes.


For this dish, ask mom:

– 2.5 tbsp. buckwheat,

– 3.5 tbsp. water,

– 2 tbsp. l. oils,

And we will cook like this: Melt the butter in a hot frying pan, then add the cereal and fry until the grains are browned.

Pour water into a saucepan, add salt and put on fire. When the water boils, add the cereal and cook until tender. After this, wrap the pan with the prepared porridge in a thick cloth and leave for an hour, then place the porridge on plates.


For this dish, ask mom:

– 2 tbsp. millet,

– 4 tbsp. water,

– 2–3 tbsp. l. oils,

– 1 tsp. salt.

And we will cook like this: pour water into the pan, add salt, put 1 tbsp. l. oil, boil, add millet and cook until thickened.

To soak the pan with porridge, wrap it in a warm cloth and place it in a warm place for 50–60 minutes. Add butter to the prepared porridge.


For this dish, ask mom:

– 2 tbsp. water,

– 1 tbsp. pearl barley,

– 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil,

And we will cook like this: Soak the cereal for 2–3 hours. Then drain the water.

Pour water into a saucepan, boil, add cereal, salt and cook until thickened.

After this, place the pan with the porridge in the oven on low heat for 2 hours. When serving, add vegetable oil to the prepared porridge.


For this dish, ask mom:

– 2.5 tbsp. barley groats,

– 4.5 tbsp. water,

– 2–3 tbsp. l. oils,

And we will cook like this: Pour water into the pan, put 1 tbsp. l. oil, salt, boil and add cereal. Cook for 15–20 minutes.

To steep, wrap the pan with porridge in a warm cloth and leave for 30–40 minutes.

Exercise 1

We think that you did an excellent job with the first task and answered all the questions without looking at the book. Don't forget that you had to do this in just 5 minutes.

The next task will be for your attention. In 10 seconds, without moving your hand along the lines, you must determine which letter corresponds to each number. By writing out the letters in order, you can easily guess the key word. Keyword: character from a fairy tale by H.H. Andersen.

Get ready, time has come:

Now let’s take a break from the tasks for a while and move on to the recipes. Cinderella offers you recipes for soups that she cooked for herself when she lived in her stepmother's house. Of course, these soups are different from those that the stepmother and her children ate. Despite the preparation, such soups are very tasty and healthy. If you still find it difficult to prepare soup yourself, then you better call your mother for help, who will tell and show you everything.


For this dish, ask mom:

– 4 tbsp. peas,

– 4 onions,

– 4 large carrots,

– 4 small turnips,

– 200 g pumpkin,

– 200 g salted lard,

– 1/2 tbsp. vegetable oil,

– black peppercorns,

And we will cook like this: Soak the peas for 1–1.5 hours.

Fry the onion in vegetable oil until golden brown. Cut the remaining vegetables into small cubes and the lard into slices. Mix all the ingredients evenly in the pots, add salt, add peppercorns, pour boiling water and put in the oven for 20 minutes.


For this dish, ask mom:

– 1/2 liter of water,

– 200 g rye bread,

– 1 tbsp. l. raisins,

– 4 tbsp. l. Sahara,

– 1 tbsp. l. fresh cranberries,

– 1 apple,

– 4 tbsp. l. cream,

– a little ground cinnamon.

And we will cook like this: Pour boiling water over toasted rye bread crackers, let them brew and strain. Rub the crackers through a sieve and combine with the resulting broth, add raisins, cranberry juice, cinnamon and thinly sliced ​​apples, then simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Cool the soup; before serving, add a piece of ice and whipped cream to each plate.


For this dish, ask mom:

– 1 liter of chicken broth,

– 200 g potatoes,

– 200 g of green peas,

– 100 g butter,

– dill greens,

And we will cook like this: Make small balls the size of a hazelnut from the potatoes by cutting them with a knife (you can use very small young potatoes for these purposes), put them in cold water and keep them on the fire until they boil. Then drain the water, let the potatoes dry, place them in a frying pan with heated butter and fry until golden brown.

Cook the green peas separately for 30 minutes, rub them through a sieve and add to the chicken broth. Pour the resulting mixture into the prepared potato “balls”, and before serving, do not forget to sprinkle the soup with herbs from the heart.


For this dish, ask mom:

– 2 tbsp. l. beans,

– 2 potatoes,

– 1 onion,

– 1 carrot,

– 1 tbsp. l. rice,

– 1 parsley root,

– 1 liter of water or meat broth,

And we will cook like this: Soak the beans in water for several hours or overnight, then cook until tender. Peel the potatoes, cut into cubes, cook in boiling water or broth. Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots and parsley root, fry everything in oil and add to the soup along with rice, cook for about 15 minutes, at the end of cooking add boiled beans, salt, and spices. Serve the prepared soup hot, with sour cream.


For this dish, ask mom:

– 200 g potatoes,

– 200 g cabbage,

– 2 carrots,

– 1 onion,

– 100 g mushrooms,

- greenery.

And we will cook like this: Place shredded cabbage, diced potatoes, and chopped mushrooms into boiling water. Peel the carrots, grate them, finely chop the onion and fry in vegetable oil, then add to the soup along with salt and pepper. Cook the soup until all the vegetables are cooked. When serving, sprinkle with herbs.

Olga Vaksa
Cinderella Cookbook

Hello, dear friend! We think that each of you has read the wonderful fairy tale “Cinderella” by Charles Perrault. In France her name is “Sandrillon”, in England “Sinderella”, in Germany “Anschenbrödel”, in Bulgaria “Pepelyashka”. As you can see, in every country Cinderella has its own name. But, no matter how different it may sound, the meaning of the name remains the same: “Cinderellas” are called kind, modest girls who know how to cook well and keep the house clean, sew and knit, and care for animals and plants.

You don’t have to be a dirty little girl, covered in ash, to be called “Cinderella”; it’s enough to love your family and try to please them. Sometimes a mother calls her little daughter: “Cinderella”, you are my dear, how you take care of me, how you help. Thank you, daughter!" We think that every girl would like to hear such kind words from her mother or grandmother. To do this, you need to carefully read our book, in which Cinderella will share her skills with you, and then you will be able to help your mother with the housework.

This applies not only to girls, but also to boys. Mom will be doubly pleased when she comes home tired from work, and the apartment is clean, tidy, and there is a prepared dinner on the table. Imagine how happy your mother will be, how proud she will be of you and tell everyone she knows what a big boy you are. But while you shouldn’t take on the task of preparing complex dishes, you can easily prepare some delicious salad and this will be enough for your mother to praise you.

Chapter first
Cinderella Menu

Dear friend, do you remember that when Cinderella’s mother died, her father married another woman. The stepmother immediately did not like the girl and assigned all the dirty and hard work in the house to her. Cinderella's duties included washing and cleaning dishes, polishing floors, cooking and much more. Cinderella never ate with everyone else; her place was in the kitchen. The stepmother did not spoil Cinderella with meat soups and delicious dishes. Cinderella received porridge with water, vegetable soups and crackers for tea. But the poor girl never complained about her fate. She dutifully did all the work and ate what was given to her. Porridge and soups seemed to the girl the most delicious food in the world.

Of course, you understand that the food of a poor person is different from the food of the rich, but this does not mean that it is not tasty. You can cook extraordinary dishes from the simplest ingredients and, on the contrary, ruin expensive foods if you don’t know how to cook. As you remember, Cinderella was an excellent housewife, so the most ordinary porridge turned out to be so tasty that the richest man would envy her. We think that you can’t wait to try porridge according to Cinderella’s recipe. It's not difficult at all, take our book and ask your mom to cook you the porridge you want.

While mom is preparing you delicious porridge according to Cinderella's recipe, let's check how well you know this fairy tale. To do this, dear friend, you will have to answer some questions. For each question there are three answer options, you must choose the correct one.


1. Why do you think the girl was named Cinderella?

a) she had golden hair;

b) she was an evil girl, and that’s why she was called Cinderella;

c) she hid in a corner by the fireplace and sat on the ashes;

2. Who called the girl Cinderella?

a) sister;

b) stepmother;

3. Why didn’t Cinderella go to the ball with her sisters and stepmother?

a) she didn’t want to;

b) she didn’t have a suitable outfit;

c) her stepmother did not take her;

4. How did Cinderella finally get to the ball?

a) the good fairy helped her;

b) her father returned for her;

c) her sisters returned for her;

5. Why did the fairy ask Cinderella to bring a pumpkin?

a) the fairy cooked porridge from pumpkin;

b) she turned the pumpkin into a carriage;

c) she turned the pumpkin into a beautiful palace;

6. What did the fairy warn Cinderella about before letting her go to the ball?

a) she ordered her to return before the clock struck midnight;

b) she did not allow her to eat sweets; if she disobeys her, the magic will lose its power;

c) she did not allow her to dance with the prince;

7. What happened at the ball with the arrival of Cinderella?

a) no one paid attention to her;

b) the prince didn’t even look in her direction;

c) the prince fell in love with Cinderella;

8. What shoe did Cinderella lose at the ball?

a) right;

9. What did the prince do with the glass slipper?

a) he threw it away;

b) began to look for the owner of the shoe;

c) left as a souvenir of the beautiful princess;

10. How did the prince find Cinderella?

a) using a glass slipper;

b) Cinderella herself came to the prince;

c) the prince met Cinderella on the street;

Let's summarize: if you answered all the questions, then you know the fairy tale very well and can easily travel with us and Cinderella.

If you answered 5 questions, You know the fairy tale well, but it wouldn’t hurt you to re-read it. In order to better remember everything that happened to the poor girl.

If you only answered 3 questions, then you better read this fairy tale again. And try again to answer the proposed questions. And only after that continue the journey you started.



– 4 tbsp. buckwheat,

– 200 g lard,

– 2 onions,

And we will cook like this: Sort out the buckwheat, lightly fry in a frying pan, pour boiling water over it, then drain this water, place the grain in pots 3/4 of the way up. Cut the lard into squares, lightly fry, add finely chopped onion, fry along with it. Place lard and onions in pots, stir, add salt, pour boiling water to the edge of the pot and put in the oven.


For this dish, ask mom:

Sarah, I can't marry you! - Why?

- No, what are you talking about! I haven’t tried such yummy food?

Darling, I still can’t marry you!
- Why?!
- They say that you have already had many men...
- Don’t you like the way I cook?

“Then maybe you don’t like the way I clean the house!”
- What are you talking about? Your place is cleaner than an operating room!
- Maybe you don’t like the way I receive guests!
- What are you talking about! Everyone is just delighted!
- Maybe I don’t suit you in bed!!!
- Yes, I didn’t even imagine that you could get such pleasure...
- So do you think that I learned all this in correspondence courses?!!

Crocodaill: Anh, by the way, I’m your Cinderella
Crocodaill: and not because he took up cleaning and cooking
Anya: Why?
Crocodaill: found my favorite white shoe
Crocodaill: but only the right one
Crocodaill: I’m sitting thinking which prince found the left one
Anya: Or a princess
Anya: Maybe you're a cinderella?))

xxx: I recently separated from my girlfriend because “I’m fucking tired of being a housekeeper. All I do is wash, clean, cook, etc...”. But we remained friends. Now he comes 2-3 times a week to cook, wash, clean, etc.
xxx: How to unravel this insidious plan?

Cinderella is going to the ball. The fairy casts a spell over her and waves her wand.
And Cinderella weeps burning tears.
- What happened to you? - the fairy asks her.
“I have a date with the prince today, and I’m not a virgin,” she answers.
Well, the good fairy waved her Cinderella over our with a magic wand And
- Now, Cinderella, you are a virgin, hurry up to the ball, but make it before
twelve o'clock... Otherwise your virginity will turn into a pumpkin.

Lisa: I'm not your wife yet)

Lisa: Not really) I don’t wash your socks!

Lisa: And I don’t cook!
Kuzya: Yes, I can do it myself...
Lisa: And I don’t clean the house!

Kuzya: It must be nice to watch a movie with beer and your beloved wife...
Lisa: I'm not your wife yet))
Kuzya: But you fulfill your duties =)
Lisa: Not really)) I don’t wash your socks!
Kuzya: Yes, I can wash them myself...
Lisa: And I don’t cook!
Kuzya: Yes, I can do it myself...
Lisa: And I don’t clean the house!
Kuzya: Yes, I can handle it myself...
Lisa: Damn, I’m so glad that I’m having sex with you, and not you yourself...

Husband and wife in bed.
- Honey, let's do it again.
- Darling, I can’t take it anymore.
- It seems to me that you drink too much beer, and you start to have
female hormones predominate.
- Don’t you think that female hormones are beginning to predominate due to
the fact that I wash dishes, cook food, wash and iron clothes, clean

A student writes an essay: “I help mom and dad with everything, clean, cook,
I’m doing laundry, I’m going to the store!” And my mother comes up and says:
“You don’t do any of this, why are you writing about it?”
He says: “That’s why it’s an ESSAY!”

Sarah, I can't marry you!
- Why?
- They say that you have already had many men.
- Don’t you like the way I cook?
- No, what are you talking about! I have never tasted such deliciousness!
- Then maybe you don’t like the way I clean the house?
- What are you talking about? Your place is cleaner than an operating room!
- Maybe you don’t like the way I receive guests?
- What are you talking about! Everyone is just delighted!
- Maybe I don’t suit you in bed?
- Yes, I didn’t even imagine that you could get such pleasure!
- So what, do you think that I learned all this in correspondence courses?

Cinderella found out that the Prince was cheating on her. Asks Good Fairy so that she
- Okay, Cinderella, but you have only one single desire,
which will take place exactly at midnight. Speak.
- I want to have many, many things that my Prince adores so much.
No sooner said than done.
Exactly at midnight, Cinderella enters the Prince’s bedchamber and asks:
- Well, how?
“It’s normal,” the Prince answers. - But I don’t understand, Cinderella, why
Do you have tits like a pig?