Wu Xin Theory: Five Elements of Feng Shui. Elements of Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal

It's no secret that people born in one short period of time of the year have almost similar qualities.

Based on this feature, various horoscopes and characteristics are compiled, but today we will talk about how the elements are determined by feng shui date of birth. This system allows you to quite subtly determine a person’s character and highlight the most striking distinctive features of his personality.

Feng Shui element how to determine

First of all, let's figure out what the human element is in Feng Shui and how this parameter affects life. We all know about such a concept as zodiac signs. There are 12 varieties of them and each of them belongs to one of the four elements, these are: water, earth, air and fire, respectively.

With the help of information about the date of birth, one can confidently speak about the character traits of a particular person, which in one way or another influence his life.

For example, fire signs are more loving and hot-tempered, water signs are flexible and changeable. This system is based on the classical calendar by which we live.

When it comes to how to determine your element according to Feng Shui, then all calculations are carried out using the Chinese version of the calendar. Its difference from the standard one is that the New Year in Chinese countries is celebrated not in the period from December 31 to January 1, but in the time period from January 21 to February 21. The element here is tied not to a small period of the year, but to almost the whole year in the Chinese view. That is, people of one element are born in one year and in one month in the next year.

At first glance, this approach does not allow us to accurately determine the characteristics of a person and his prevailing character traits. However, those who have found out what their element is according to their year of birth according to Feng Shui, claim that this horoscope is sometimes even much more accurate than the classical version. You can be convinced of this or lose faith when you identify your element and read the description, but more on that below.

There are five elements in total according to Feng Shui by date of birth.

These are the basic elements: fire, water, earth, wood, metal. As you know, the location of the elements according to Feng Shui is associated with different directions of the world, but here they are not taken into account. Each of them has two varieties - hot Yang and cold Yin.

As a result, we get ten absolutely unique elements that have a number of distinctive features that make the representatives of each element absolutely unique. Although it is firmly established in our minds that one of these two energies is feminine and the other is masculine, this does not affect the qualities of a person of one sign or another and is in no way related to the person’s gender.

Of course, a Yin metal woman and a man will be different from each other, but this is for completely different reasons.

It is important to remember that the elements of the zodiac signs according to Feng Shui are strikingly different from what elements the signs belong to according to a regular horoscope. You should not think that if your sign is fiery, then in this system it will be so, not at all. Here it all depends on the year of birth and when it occurred in the Chinese calendar. That is why we recommend using this article and finding out your element according to Feng Shui based on the dates presented below.

Element of water feng shui

Yin variety

  • January 29, 03 – February 15, 04;
  • 6 February 13 – 25 January 14;
  • 16 February 23 – 4 February 24;
  • January 26, 33 – February 13, 34;
  • February 5, 43 – January 24, 44;
  • 14 February 53 - 2 February 54;
  • January 25, 63 – February 12, 64;
  • February 3, 73 – January 22, 74;
  • February 13, 83 - February 1, 84;
  • January 23, 93 – February 9, 94.

This element is incredibly mobile and changeable. He is distinguished by a rather subtle nature, but there is nothing dark or negative inside him. He does not deceive or betray. Such people are usually unpretentious and are content with even the smallest things. Any restrictions are very painful for Yin water; it tries to get rid of them as soon as possible and uses its innate resourcefulness to do this. But, as already mentioned, he does this without any malicious intent and only with the goal of getting rid of suffering.

This element also tries to escape from any conflict situations as quickly and painlessly as possible.

Such people are usually very wise and quite intelligent; they are popular with others as an adviser or judge, because they are simple-minded and have an independent opinion.

Sometimes it seems that a person of this element is too soft, however, as we know, water can be not only soft, but also destructive. Such “explosions” happen quite rarely and amaze others with their suddenness.

Yang variety

This element includes people born during the periods:

  • 8 February 02 – 28 January 03;
  • 18 February 12 – 5 February 13;
  • 28 January 22 – 15 February 23;
  • 6 February 32 – 25 January 33;
  • 15 February 42 - 1 February 43;
  • January 27, 52 – February 13, 53;
  • February 5, 62 - January 24, 63;
  • January 16, 72 - February 2, 73;
  • January 25, 82 - February 12, 83;
  • January 4, 92 – January 22, 93.

If Yin water is soft and sudden strong states occur quite rarely, then the Yang variety is always like this. These people create the impression of a powerful, stormy stream that destroys absolutely everything in its path.

If the problem is not solved by this method, then the yang water does not continue to beat uselessly, but uses its fluid property and bypasses it in this way. If you managed to calculate the feng shui birth element and it showed this element, then you can be sure that a true logician is hidden inside you.

People of this element are very good at finding a solution to any situation and finding the most profitable option, which is why quite often they achieve success in the commercial sphere.

Yang water cannot sit still, so she rarely becomes an exemplary family man.

Such a person is open to everything new and tries to get as much information and knowledge as possible from any source. At the same time, he is absolutely not susceptible to the influence of negativity. Very cheerful, strong and strong-willed.

Feng Shui element of wood

Yin variety

This element includes people born during the periods:

  • 4 February 02 – 24 January 06;
  • 14 February 15 – 2 February 16;
  • 25 January 25 – 12 February 26;
  • 4 February 35 – 23 January 36;
  • February 14, 45 - February 1, 46;
  • January 24, 55 - February 11, 56;
  • February 2, 65 - January 20, 66;
  • February 11, 75 - January 30, 76;
  • February 20, 85 - February 8, 86;
  • January 31, 95 – February 18, 96.

If the definition of an element according to Feng Shui indicated this element, this means that you are a rather vulnerable and gentle person. The best comparison is a young plant that needs sunlight and is quite defenseless. However, one should not think that such people are not adapted to life. In fact, tenderness also means flexibility; this is a rather resourceful element that is not so easy to drive into a corner.

Like grass that breaks through asphalt, these people are able to overcome absolutely any difficulties, even though at first glance it seems that this is impossible.

This is a very creative element, most often its representatives are people of art who, as you know, feel this world very subtly.

The practicality of the Yin tree is amazing; it is a real master who does not spend too much and competently distributes all the supplies in the house. In conflict situations, he behaves extremely tactfully and does not aggravate them.

Yang variety

This element includes people born during the periods:

  • 16 February 04 – 3 February 05;
  • 26 January 14 – 13 February 15;
  • 5 February 24 – 24 January 25;
  • 14 February 34 - 3 February 35;
  • January 25, 44 - February 13, 45;
  • February 3, 54 - January 23, 55;
  • February 13, 64 - February 1, 65;
  • January 23, 74 - February 10, 75;
  • February 2, 84 - February 19, 85;
  • February 10, 94 - January 30, 95.

Stubbornness and lack of any flexibility in absolutely all matters are the distinctive features of this element. The Yang tree will stand its ground to the last, and even when the dispute seems to have ended not in his favor, he does not admit defeat, although outwardly he can say that he was wrong. Deep down in his soul, he will still convince himself that only his position is correct. As you know, trees stand very firmly on the ground due to their roots; the yang tree also has an impressive base, which helps it defend its position.

These people are quite friendly and help others.

The process of growth occurs throughout life, here we are talking about moral development, gaining wisdom. In the later stages, such people make excellent leaders, since they are very organized and know how to organize other people.

Despite all the stubbornness and a certain degree of stubbornness, Yang trees are not gloomy or unsociable, they are quite cheerful and open to any communication, however, often negative traits still take their toll and lead to small conflicts. Their resolution depends on who exactly the Yan tree was quarreling with. The dispute between these two elements will most likely never end.

Element of earth according to feng shui

Yin variety

This element includes people born during the periods:

  • 22 January 09 – 9 February 10;
  • 1 February 19 – 19 February 20;
  • 10 February 29 – 29 January 30;
  • 19 February 39 – 7 February 40;
  • January 29, 49 – February 16, 50;
  • February 8, 59 – January 27, 60;
  • February 17, 69 - February 5, 70;
  • January 28, 79 – February 15, 80;
  • February 6, 89 - January 26, 90;
  • February 6, 99-January 27, 00.

This element is distinguished by kindness and a large number of positive qualities. The best comparison would be fertile soil that provides food for many plants and keeps them alive. These people also help others and do it selflessly. Often such a good character becomes the reason that they are used by not very conscientious individuals.

Yin land is susceptible to other people's opinions and influence.

A stronger person can easily remake representatives of this element in any way he wants.

Quite often, these people live far from highly developed centers, preferring to retire somewhere outside the city, where the ground is not rolled under asphalt. Yin land has a fairly developed intellect, but it does not use it to discover anything new, so often this quality disappears just like that.

An absolutely non-risky and calm person who cannot be offended for a long time and does not keep this feeling inside himself. Does not enter into conflicts and avoids them in every possible way.

Yang variety

This element includes people born during the periods:

  • February 2, 08 – January 21, 09;
  • 11 February 18 – 31 January 19;
  • 23 January 28 – 9 February 29;
  • January 31, 38 – February 18, 39;
  • 10 February 48 - 28 January 49;
  • 18 February 58 - 7 February 59;
  • January 30, 68 - February 16, 69;
  • February 7, 78 - January 27, 79;
  • February 17, 88 - February 5, 89;
  • January 28, 98 – February 5, 99.

Representatives of this element are distinguished by incredible rigidity. If in the previous description of the Yin variety we talked about comparing such people with fertile soft earth, then here we can compare a person with a rock. Firm and unapproachable.

Such a person is quite rude and always defends his opinion.

Although such people are rude, a huge number of all kinds of advantages are hidden inside them, which they reveal only to a narrow circle of people.

Do not forget that the tougher something in our world, the more fragile it is. The same applies to the Yan land. For all their firmness, such people are incredibly vulnerable and compassionate. However, when the conversation is about business, there is no trace of sentimentality here.

This element practically cannot be distracted from anything and never relaxes. Sooner or later, such overvoltage cracks and a person erupts, creating a conflict and falling on someone.

Element of fire according to feng shui

Yin variety

This element includes people born during the periods:

  • 13 February 07 – 1 February 08;
  • 23 January 17 – 10 February 18;
  • 2 February 27 – 22 January 28;
  • 11 February 37 - 30 January 38;
  • January 22, 47 - February 9, 48;
  • 31 February 57 - 17 February 58;
  • February 9, 67 - January 29, 68;
  • February 18, 77 - February 6, 78;
  • January 29, 87 - February 16, 88;
  • February 8, 97 - January 27, 98.

The best comparison to a representative of this element is the flame of a candle. It is quite weak, although it is fire and can burn everything to the ground. Any change in the environment can affect the small flame and make it flutter, changing shape and direction.

These people are quite straightforward and adhere to similar tactics almost all their lives.

Their fiery nature gives them passion and love.

Yin fire feels that it must serve people, which is why quite often it burns itself out trying to help someone. Such people have quite common problems with rest, they simply do not know how to do it and suffer from it. An excess of stress and anxiety leaves an imprint on the character - such people quite often have conflicts, but this is not their fault.

Yang variety

This element includes people born during the periods:

  • 25 January 06 – 12 February 07;
  • 3 February 16 – 22 January 17;
  • 13 February 26 – 1 February 27;
  • 24 January 36 – 10 February 37;
  • February 2, 46 - January 21, 47;
  • February 12, 56 - January 30, 57;
  • January 21, 66 - February 8, 67;
  • January 31, 76 - February 17, 77;
  • February 9, 86 - January 28, 87;
  • February 19, 96 - February 7, 97.

If in the Yin element of fire, Feng Shui is a small flame, then the Yang variety is a full-fledged sun. Such people completely and completely give their warmth to those around them and shine to them that they have strength. They are incredibly sociable, but also quite hot-tempered.

Quite often, conflict situations arise with such people due to their explosive nature, but one quickly moves away and returns to a complacent state.

In terms of relationships, Yang fire is very passionate. He does everything for his partner without asking for anything in return. A very positive person who literally attracts other people to himself and makes them truly happy. Sole of company.

Metal element according to feng shui

Yin variety

This element includes people born during the periods:

  • January 19, 01 – February 7, 02;
  • 30 January 11 – 17 February 12;
  • 8 February 21 – 27 January 22;
  • 17 February 31 – 5 February 32;
  • January 27, 41 - February 14, 42;
  • February 6, 51 – January 26, 52;
  • 15 February 61 - 4 February 62;
  • January 27, 71 - January 15, 72;
  • February 5, 81 - January 24, 82;
  • February 15, 91 - February 3, 92.

The first thing that comes to mind when it comes to Yin metal is jewelry. This is exactly what a representative of this element looks and feels like. Such people are endowed with an innate sense of style, they know how to present themselves correctly, and do not tolerate any kind of simplicity. They are very organized and have a high level of intelligence.

The circle of acquaintances of a Yin metal consists only of people who are useful to him, otherwise he simply does not need friends who would not be useful.

Likes to be in the spotlight and lead.

He values ​​material wealth very much and quite often makes achieving well-being his main goal in life. Influences and manipulates people in order to gain some benefit for himself.

Yang variety

This element includes people born during the periods:

  • January 31, 00 – January 18, 01;
  • 10 February 10 – 29 January 11;
  • 20 February 20 – 7 February 21;
  • 30 January 30 – 16 February 31;
  • 8 February 40 - 26 January 41;
  • 17 February 50 - 5 February 51;
  • January 28, 60 – February 14, 61;
  • February 6, 70 - January 26, 71;
  • February 16, 80 - February 4, 81;
  • January 27, 90 – January 14, 91.

Element by date of birth feng shui yang metal is incredibly hard. For such people, the whole world is divided into white and black. They do not consider many options, but stick to only one thing.

The spirit of competition is very strong in them; they do not come out of any dispute or conflict until they become winners.

They cannot accept criticism addressed to them; they do not accept it, but try to criticize the critic even more. At first glance, it seems that a person is indifferent to those around him, in fact, he becomes attached to someone alone and is faithful to him to the last. Quite rude and straightforward.

According to Feng Shui, the metal element is one of the main elements and is responsible for prosperity, well-being, communication, the favor of superiors and corresponds to the northwestern and western directions. Elemental color: white, silver, gold, gray. In the Feng Shui tradition, metal symbolizes endurance, will, and the ability to withstand the blows of fate. Metal represents the harshest and most dangerous side of Chi energy. It reveals divine impartiality and firmness. This is the element of control and compression. The energy of Metal has centripetal motion, and its main purpose is to maintain the form of all manifested matter in the Universe. Thanks to this energy, the molecules do not disintegrate and maintain their shape. The Metal element represents the western and northwestern directions, and is characterized by its own crystalline structure.
Strong energy shining with a cold brilliance demands that one either obey it or step aside. In the Feng Shui tradition, it is believed that the element of Metal manifests itself in nature in the form of precious crystals in the depths of the earth and air. There are only 4 significant crystals in Feng Shui and each of them is associated with a certain element: diamond (diamond) - Metal, sapphire - Water, fire - ruby, emerald - Wood. Metal includes silver, like the energy of the Moon, and gold, like the energy of the Sun. The main color of Metal is white, considered the color of divine love and in the Feng Shui tradition it unites and controls the entire palette in this world. The colors of this element are also considered to be gold, silver and gray. Yin colors are white and silver, Yang gold. Gray is neutral. The element Metal is presented in oval or round shape. The direction is West and North-West, they are used when they want to increase the energy of Metal in a person, as well as activate the zones of helpers, travel, good luck for children and creative inspirations. Years of strong influence of this element, which end in 0 or 1. This is a very contact element of the personality, although outwardly it may seem cold and indifferent, but this impression is often deceptive. Representatives of this element are ambitious, they like to compete and take risks, but at the same time they feel the point of no return, so they are often successful. They accept criticism addressed to them. They make excellent military leaders, lawyers, politicians, and heads of government agencies. They need to learn flexibility, find compromises, and without this there will be no agreement, only forceful conquests, and this does not always lead to the desired results.

Wu-hsinor five elements- This is one of the categories of Feng Shui teachings. According to Chinese philosophy, the basic five elements are Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal. They arise as a result of the interaction of the feminine and masculine principles - Yin and Yang - and contribute to maintaining a harmonious life.

The element of Water is considered the basis, from which all other elements come.

Element colors: dark blue, black.

Element shapes: smooth, wavy, curving.

: mirrors, mirror surfaces and objects, glass elements, images of water, fountains, containers filled with fresh water.

When used correctly, Water cleanses, refreshes and helps restore strength. However, an excess of the element leads to indecision, lethargy and constant fatigue.

The Wood element represents growth, development, change and creativity.

Item color: green, light green.

Element shapes: oblong, rectangular, elongated.

Symbolic manifestation of an element in space: wooden furniture and objects, flowers and plants, images of plants, green objects.

Using the Wood element helps to make changes in life, eliminate stagnation, and develop creative abilities.

The Fire element symbolizes activity, vitality and energy.

Item color: red, orange.

Element shapes: pointed, triangular.

Symbolic manifestation of an element in space: candles, fireplace, light bulbs and all kinds of lamps, objects of fiery colors, images of fire, sunrise or sunset.

When used skillfully, the Fire element helps eliminate stagnation, increases the level of activity, helps to gain self-confidence, and brings recognition and glory to a person. An excess of the element, however, leads to irritability, short temper and other negative consequences.

The Earth element represents the strength of relationships, stability and reliability.

Element colors: brown, terracotta, yellow.

Element shapes: square.

Symbolic manifestation of an element in space: clay and ceramic objects, images of planet Earth, ceramics, porcelain, crystal.

The Earth element helps strengthen faith in oneself and the future, brings calm and tranquility. At the same time, too strong an influence of the element threatens the appearance of stagnation and an obstacle to normal activity.

The Metal element symbolizes enterprise and versatility of personality.

Element colors: white, gray, silver, gold.

Element shapes: round, oval.

Symbolic manifestation of an element in space: metal objects and images with them, coins, metal surfaces, objects of metallic colors.

The presence of the Metal element in space helps to attract good luck in financial and material matters, wealth and abundance. On the other hand, an excess of the element leads to carelessness, haste and recklessness in business and further negative consequences.

Element interaction cycles

All five Feng Shui elements and their energies are constantly “moving” in space, influencing and influencing each other. Therefore, in Feng Shui, there are three cycles of interaction of elements: the cycle of generation (creation), the cycle of destruction (control) and the cycle of depletion (weakening).

The cycle of generation (creation) of elements represents a smooth movement in a circle from one element to another: Water feeds Wood, Wood feeds Fire, Fire turns into Earth, Earth becomes Metal, and Metal in turn again forms Water.

When decorating your interior in accordance with the art of Feng Shui, it is very useful to use this knowledge. For example, for the southwestern sector (the zone of love and marriage), the main element is Earth, and the generative element is Fire. Therefore, it will be favorable to use the colors and symbols of the Fire element for this sector. The same is true in other sectors.

In addition, sometimes in order to activate the energy of a particular zone and eliminate stagnation, Feng Shui masters advise recreating a symbolic circle of the generation of elements. To do this, it is enough to place objects representing the five elements in the correct sequence in the place of your choice. For example, Water can be personified by a glass bowl of water, Tree - an image of plants, Fire - a beautiful candle, Earth - a clay figurine, Metal - a few coins.

Element destruction cycle is always placed in opposition to the cycle of generation. In other words, the properties of one element are incompatible with the properties of another, and therefore are destroyed in the event of their interaction: Water destroys Fire, Fire destroys Metal, Metal destroys Wood, Wood destroys Earth, and Earth destroys Water.

Cycle of depletion (weakening, softening) of elements should be considered as the same movement from one element to another, only in the opposite direction. Thus, Water weakens Metal, Metal in turn weakens Earth, Earth weakens Fire, Fire weakens Wood, and Wood weakens Water.

Knowing this, you can skillfully balance the elements in cases where it is necessary. For example, for the glory sector, the main element is Fire, which means that using this element will be the right decision. However, if the source of fire is very strong, it can “burn” all your efforts and bring your efforts to nothing. In this case, the element of Earth can be added to stop the destructive effects, and balance will be restored.

Good luck to you!

Wood, water, fire, metal and earth are the five main elements of Feng Shui. The energies of each of these elements should be harmoniously present in your space. There are several ways to bring in the power of the basic elements of Feng Shui. The influence is exerted by color, shapes, symbols, as well as the presence of other elements that influence the basic law of the cycle of “generation-mitigation-destruction”. For example, to enhance the energy of water, in addition to the symbols, color and shape of the water itself, you can add the energy of metal, using the influence of the cycle of generation. Accordingly, water can be neutralized by adding Earth (destruction cycle). You can reduce the influence of water by adding the element of Wood..."

Feng Shui elements: water, fire, metal, wood, earth.

Feng Shui elements: Water element.

Meaning. Emotional sensitivity.
Color. Black, dark blue.
Forms. Wavy and smoothly curving.
Symbol and image. Mirrors, glass, aquariums, fountains, images of fish, waterfalls, seascapes.
Strengthening (generation cycle). Add water or metal.
Weakening (destruction cycle). Add soil.
Softening (softening cycle). Add a tree.

Feng Shui elements: Wood element.

Meaning. Stimulates creativity, growth and development.
Color. Green.
Forms. Tall, oblong and rectangular.
Symbol and image. Wooden objects, plants, bentwood furniture, wicker chairs, reed mats, images of trees and plants.
Strengthening (generation cycle). Add wood or water.
Weakening (destruction cycle). Add metal.
Softening (softening cycle). Add fire.

Feng Shui elements: Fire element.

Meaning. Action, motivation, passion, intelligence.
Color. Red, orange.
Forms. Triangular, pointed.
Symbol and image. Triangular objects and ornaments with a triangular pattern, candles, light bulbs, images of light or fire, sunrises and sunsets.
Strengthening (generation cycle). Add fire or wood.
Weakening (destruction cycle). Add water.
Softening (softening cycle). Add soil.

Feng Shui elements: Earth element.

Meaning. Gives reliability, stability and self-confidence.
Color. Yellow, brown.
Forms. Square.
Symbol and image. Ceramics, stone objects, crystals, images of earthly landscapes.
Strengthening (generation cycle). Add earth or fire.
Weakening (destruction cycle). Add a tree.
Softening (softening cycle). Add metal.

Feng Shui elements: Metal element.

Meaning. Gives strength and brings success in financial matters.
Color. White, gold, silver.
Forms. Round, domed, crescent shaped.
Symbol and image. Metal objects, swords, coins, images of things made of metal.
Strengthening (generation cycle). Add metal or earth.
Weakening (destruction cycle). Add fire.
Softening (softening cycle). Add water.

One way to determine the compatibility of people is based on the principle of interaction of five elements. We are naturally more drawn to people whose elements in the cycle of generation are located on either side of ours. And, most likely, we will have problems in relationships with those who belong to the elements adjacent to ours in the cycle of destruction.

FIRE: 1946, 1947, 1956, 1957, 1666, 1967, 1976, 1977, 1986, 1987, 1996, 1997.

TREE: 1944, 1945, 1954, 1955, 1964, 1965, 1974, 1975, 1984, 1985, 1994, 1995

WATER: 1942, 1943, 1952, 1953, 1962, 1963, 1972, 1973, 1982, 1983, 1992, 1993

METAL: 1940, 1941, 1950, 1951, 1960, 1961, 1970, 1971, 1980, 1981, 1990, 1991.

EARTH: 1948, 1949, 1958, 1959, 1968, 1969, 1978, 1979, 1988, 1989

Find your year of birth and the year of birth of your loved one. Determine which elements you and he belong to. Below is a description of possible types of relationships for different combinations of elements.

Compatibility of Feng Shui elements:

Compatibility of Feng Shui elements: Fire-Fire.

Fire people are full of enthusiasm and optimism. The combination of two Fires can be an extremely powerful combination. Fire people can bring out the best in other representatives of this element, which makes such a union long-lasting, since neither part of it gets tired of the other.

Compatibility of Feng Shui elements: Fire - Earth.

In this harmonious combination, the parties stimulate and excite each other. The magnificent imagination of Fire combined with the sensuality of Earth determines relationships that are successful on all levels.

Compatibility of Feng Shui elements: Fire-Metal.

Fire has the ability to melt metal, and this makes the couple's relationship difficult. The metal representative will try to impose his will on his partner, which is fraught with catastrophic consequences. The fire will gradually destroy the Metal. Both of them are prone to fighting and will try to defeat each other. Fortunately, they do not lack a sense of humor, with which they can resolve the most difficult situations. They should have some item in their home that relates to the earth element in order to somewhat reduce the negative effect of such a combination.

Compatibility of Feng Shui elements: Fire - Water.

This combination is considered unfavorable, since Water extinguishes Fire. However, Water can bring a creative touch to the energy and enterprise of Fire, and Fire natives can inspire Water natives. Although both parties have excellent communication skills, they will find it difficult to convey their deepest feelings to each other. Such a couple needs to keep some symbol of the wood element in the house in order to neutralize the negative aspects of this combination.

Compatibility of Feng Shui elements: Fire-Wood.

This is a harmonious combination of elements. The Wood person gives stability to the impulsiveness of the Fire. The energy and enthusiasm of Fire can push Wood to greater achievements than those that he would achieve on his own. They are both optimists and like new ideas and concepts.

Compatibility of Feng Shui elements: Earth-Earth.

This is a very good combination because both parties will care about meeting the highest standards and taking care of each other's needs. Such relationships may seem boring on the surface, but in reality they will be deep, strong and passionate. Problems can arise due to mutual stubbornness. However, if both parties show love and goodwill, there will certainly be a way out of these temporary difficulties.

Compatibility of Feng Shui elements: Earth - Metal.

This is an excellent combination, since the parties in this union will support and respect each other, and have admiration for each other. A metal person is by nature patient, which is necessary in relations with the Earth, which requires time to make any decision. In this pair, Metal will open wider, more exciting prospects to the Earth. Earth will nurture Metal's financial ambitions, which will ensure a secure financial position for this couple.

Compatibility of Feng Shui elements: Earth - Water.

This is a difficult union because the parties can hurt each other emotionally. Earth provides the stability that Water lacks, but Earth's stubbornness will cause constant irritation to the more sensitive Water. This union can be extremely effective in business terms, as the creativity of Water, combined with the common sense and practical approach of Earth, inevitably brings success. Such a couple needs to keep objects symbolizing metal in the house in order to neutralize possible conflicts.

Compatibility of Feng Shui elements: Earth - Wood.

The tree dries up the Earth, and this makes this combination unfavorable. Earth is stable, conservative and cautious while Wood is progressive, sociable and expansive. Once they decide to help each other instead of arguing and picking, this can be a successful combination, provided that both are willing to openly express their feelings. Such a couple needs to keep some item of the fire element in the house in order to neutralize the negative aspects of the combination.

Compatibility of Feng Shui elements: Metal - Metal.

This union is successful because the parties intuitively understand each other. They will have the usual ups and downs for all couples, but they are always willing to help each other for the common good. From the outside, their relationship may not seem too close. This is due to the fact that metal people usually prefer to go their own way and do things their own way. However, they get along well with each other and form strong, long-lasting relationships.

Compatibility of Feng Shui elements: Metal - Water.

Such an alliance is very successful, since the parties reliably support each other. Both are guided by intuition and feelings and are able to communicate effectively on a subconscious level. Metal teaches Water not to be too influenced by others. Water helps Metal express their feelings more effectively and go with the flow instead of stubbornly clinging to the past.

Compatibility of Feng Shui elements: Metal - Wood.

This couple may experience difficulties because both strive for dominance and will insist that they know best how to act in certain situations. Wood will strive for company, while Metal feels great alone. This tendency towards solitude will infuriate the naturally sociable, sociable Tree. Both of them have a high sense of responsibility. Wood is easy to get along with and will likely adapt to Metal's occasional need for solitude. Metal will often despair of Wood's desire for perfection. If Metal gives in a little and agrees with Wood's ideas, their relationship will improve, but the parties will often have to make compromises.

Compatibility of Feng Shui elements: Water - Water.

Water-Water relationships often seem heavenly. Both feel a deep kinship and instinctively guess each other's desires and needs. Such an alliance strengthens the determination of both, their relationship is less susceptible to outside influences. Each side draws strength and self-confidence from the other.

Compatibility of Feng Shui elements: Water - Wood.

This is a pretty good combination because water nourishes the tree, helping it grow and bloom. Wood helps Water by giving it stability and a sense of purpose. Water gives the Tree a sense of compassion and helps it express itself. Wood gives strength to Water, which is prone to frequent changes in mood. Both are honest, tactful and capable of empathy. An intuitive connection is formed between them, which develops and strengthens over time.

Compatibility of Feng Shui elements: Wood-Tree.

This is a very active, harmonious combination. Wood people are usually naturally inclined to all sorts of activities; they like to do everything. When two Trees unite, this quality is enhanced, and they, in addition to their own careers and a lot of hobbies, will have many common interests. Such a union may seem exhausting from the outside, but both Trees literally blossom in it. These are patient, trusting, tolerant people, always ready to help each other.

Naturally, the descriptions given cannot give a complete picture of the compatibility of people. For this you need complete horoscopes of both parties. Chinese astrology is a complex art, and what we have covered in this section is similar to determining the compatibility of people by their zodiac signs in Western astrology.

People who study Eastern astrology and Feng Shui initially perceive the five elements: metal, water, wood, fire and earth as unimportant components of Chinese alternative sciences. People consider information about how these elements interact to be additional, and therefore they do not understand why teachers are pushing it on them. They do not realize that the main thing in the named unconventional sciences is to learn to understand the combinations and interactions of energies - the five elements of the universe.

Only by understanding how energies are combined can you learn to easily interpret the pillars of destiny, quickly eliminate problems that arise in life, and recover from serious illnesses. This publication discusses the metal and its properties. If you want to study Feng Shui, you should understand that the five elements are the basis that helps you navigate the jungle of Eastern science.

Metal qualities

Like each of the five elements of Feng Shui, metal has its own qualities. The geometric shapes of metallic energy are circle and oval. The latter is more related to the liquefied metal element, which is formed due to the effect of water and fire on the metal. And it has the shape of a regular circle. It can be used to neutralize negative combinations of flying Feng Shui stars or to heal the body and cleanse energy.

The huge palette of shades that is available in the manifested world and the part of it invisible to people represents the five elements of Feng Shui. Each color belongs to an element. Metal shades are:
- white;
- grey;
- silver;
- golden;
- bronze;
- copper;
- all shades of the listed colors.

How does the metal element interact with others?

If you look at the circle of generation of the five elements of Feng Shui, you cannot help but notice that metal is born from the earth. The same energy process is observed in the physical world - in the depths of planet Earth, huge reserves of metal ores appear and are stored. When studying the five elements, you should carefully remember the principles of their interaction, because this is the key to the secrets of the physical and energetic worlds.

In addition to the fact that the circle of the five elements of Feng Shui can be generative, it can also be depleting. In this case, the five elements of Feng Shui interact according to the principle of weakening one element due to the influence of another. So, according to Feng Shui, metal takes away strength from the earth. After all, its resources are spent on creating a metal element and maintaining its usefulness.

The theory of the five elements also assumes a cycle of destruction. This is when all five elements destroy one another. In this case, the metal shreds the wood. Like, for example, an ax cutting down a tree trunk. If you look at the circle of interaction in which the five feng shui elements destroy each other, you can see that metal energy turns into water due to the influence of fire energy. In other words, fire destroys metal.

The effect of metal on living organisms

The five elements that are the basis of Feng Shui and Eastern astrology: metal, water, wood, fire and earth, manifest not only as energies, but also as parts of the physical world. Essentially, everything consists of them, their combinations and the mechanisms they create. Therefore, by purposefully influencing yourself and your environment, one of the five elements, taking into account the rules of Feng Shui, you can achieve favorable changes in energy, in everyday life and in fate.

If you look at the five elements of Feng Shui, it is difficult to conclude which of them could be called dominant. Metal is one of the most important energies for any living being. After all, the protective layer of the body is etheric and consists of the metal element. Physically, this layer is manifested as the immune system. Therefore, by strengthening according to the rules of Feng Shui, it is possible to strengthen the immune system and get rid of many diseases.

All five elements can help get rid of health problems. Metal, for example, helps eliminate diseases:
1. Fire: cancer, inflammation, tumors, hemorrhoids and blood diseases.
2. Earth: sclerosis, problems with the stomach, bones, tendons and skin.
3. Trees: seizures, epilepsy, viral and bacterial diseases.

If we recall the five elements of Feng Shui, we cannot help but notice that this list does not include diseases of the water and metal elements. The reason for this is that diseases caused by the energies that nourish and support them cannot be cured.

Each of the five feng shui elements can be the main one in any alcoholic drink or drug. Addictions caused by addiction to the energies of wood, fire and earth are easily removed by metal. For example, alcoholism is the body’s getting used to the energies of earth and fire. They give alcoholics a feeling of joy and inner balance. Most narcotic substances enhance the energy of fire in the body’s energy system, and therefore cause euphoria in drug addicts. In principle, all five elements are capable of increasing the feeling of happiness in different types of people, but fire does this more clearly than the others.

According to Feng Shui theory, smoking and the habit of drinking strong coffee increase the fire in the energy of the body, and therefore smokers and coffee lovers experience a feeling of satisfaction after receiving the dose they need. If you take a metal in tablets daily, for example, zinc without vitamin C, you can easily get rid of alcoholism, drug addiction, the desire to smoke a cigarette or drink another cup of coffee. After all, there is no euphoric effect from eating anything harmful to health.

Where can I find metal?

According to Feng Shui theory, the five elements are contained in literally everything that can be seen, heard and felt. The metal is found in the following food products and dietary supplements: zinc, edible gold and silver, cocoa, rice, black pepper, radishes. The full list is presented in the article.

Metal manifests itself physically and in the form of crystals. These may be rocky crystalline structures or made of frozen water. Therefore, cooling with ice and taking crystals in powder form internally helps eliminate inflammation and even the most terrible tumors. The five elements of Feng Shui allow you to completely get rid of diseases. The main thing is to know which of them need to be used and for how long to do it.

Frost, cold and coolness are all manifestations of the metal element. Therefore, people and animals suffering from inflammation and tumors should spend more time in the cold. This is easy to do when it's winter, early spring or late autumn. Well, in the summer you need to create coolness in the room using an air conditioner in order to balance the five elements of Feng Shui in the body’s energy and thereby recover from a serious illness.

The sectors of the metal element are the west and partially the northwest and southwest. Looking at the geomantic compass, you can see that the metal is arriving:
- from the southwest-3 (232.6° - 247.5°)
- from the west-1 (247.6° - 262.5°);
- from the west-2 (262.6° - 277.5°);
- from the west-3 (277.6° - 292.5°);
- from the northwest-2 (307.6° - 322.5°).

It is worth walking in these compass directions in the evening if you are overcome by diseases of wood, fire and earth. Or place your bed in one of the listed metal sectors, with a headboard.

The metal is also contained in the energy of any living organism. But how strongly this element is manifested depends on the date of birth, place of residence and environment of a particular living creature. To allow this energy to manifest itself more powerfully, you should sleep more often and immerse yourself in meditation. Inactivity when turning off mental processes is necessary in the fresh air, for example, in a room with an open window, it helps the energy to cool down, and therefore strengthens the most useful energy for living things, which is part of the circle called the “Five Elements of Feng Shui”.

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The use of Feng Shui techniques, which help improve health by harmonizing the body’s energy, does not imply an immediate refusal of the services of doctors and medications prescribed by a doctor.

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