Toys that were famous in the 18th and 19th centuries. Children's toys of noble origin

Additions A. Zakharov

Kings and pawns

Short stories about the history and hierarchy of the criminal world, thieves' professions, thieves and fraers

Abridged version.

"Bitch War"

Even in the wild, thieves take care of the formation of their personnel. Thus, the late Far Eastern thief in law Jem (Evgeniy Vasin) created “educational” camps for street children and “difficult” teenagers. “Thieves in law”, and indeed the leaders of organized crime groups, for the most part finance various “rocking chairs”, children’s sport sections and clubs. And not only to train new “criminal” personnel, but also to ensure the loyal attitude of teenagers towards criminal authorities in general. There is also information that thieves in law are behind the informal youth movement AUE (Prisoner Way of Being United).

Those spheres of influence that traditionally were controlled by thieves in law and which feed the criminal community remain unchanged: gambling, prostitution, drugs, car service (especially roadside, like almost all roadside service structures), hotel and restaurant business, and the assets of the common funds will be equal with assets of the largest Russian banks.

Thieves in the pen

The idea of ​​​​creating a new type of correctional labor institutions was proposed to Stalin in 1927 by Naftaliy Frenkel, a Turkish Jew. The Soviet Union already had a camp system designed to “correct through labor,” but it was imperfect. The Soviet prisoner was viewed primarily as a criminal, and not as cheap labor.

Naftaliy Frenkel was born in Constantinople. After graduating from a commercial institute, he opened a timber trading enterprise in the Donetsk province. The company was located in Mariupol. Frenkel's commercial endeavors were a dizzying success. A few years later, he earned the first million, which was used to buy ships. The GPU remembered the enterprising timber merchant in the mid-20s and did not forget about him until his death. As long as the exchange was successful, he was free and invulnerable. When stock exchange transactions began to fade, Frenkel was arrested and sent to Lubyanka. Apparently, there the plan to build new camps and reconstruct old ones was born. To avoid Solovki, Naftaliy Aronovich decided to prove his necessity and indispensability for the young Soviet state. Frenkel was nevertheless sent to the Solovetsky Islands.

In 1929, Joseph Vissarionovich himself wanted to see Naftaliy Aronovich. A plane flies to the island and takes the inventor-innovator to Moscow. The conversation with Stalin took place behind closed doors. When the doors opened, Frenkel had special powers and unleashed his wild imagination to its full potential.

For his services in the construction of the White Sea Canal, the former Turkish citizen received a new appointment and headed the construction of BAMlag. For the most fruitful idea, Naftaliy Aronovich was awarded the Order of Lenin.

With the beginning of perestroika, in 1985-86, the camp thugs faced a new test. The Ministry of Internal Affairs and the KGB of the USSR, having announced the fight against criminals among government officials, did not forget about the criminal ranks. The renewing power suddenly “discovered” the thieves in law and opened a “second front” - it unleashed the KGB on them, which it endowed with an additional function - the fight against corruption and organized crime. Very soon, the sensitive clan of thieves discovered someone’s vigilant attention. The threat came from a new enemy, frightening with its uncertainty. These were no longer cops. The security officers got down to business with their usual energy and fire.

Thieves and power.

The fusion of criminal concepts, money and power began to occur in the Soviet Union long before its collapse. And in many ways it predetermined the processes that Russia is reaping today. Thus, in 1979, during a gathering of thieves in Kislovodsk, an “alliance” was formed between thieves in law and “tsekhoviki” (underground entrepreneurs), who undertook to pay ten percent of their income to the criminal community. In 1982, another very important meeting took place in Tbilisi, at which thieves in law gathered to discuss whether they would infiltrate power (See Lev jumped and subsequent articles).

Four years later, this issue was raised again. One of the most respected thieves in law, Vasya Brilliant, spoke out against it. He defended the provision of the thieves' law, according to which there should be no cooperation with the authorities. Georgian thieves opposed Diamond’s position. But no definite decision was made on this issue. Soon one of the most famous thieves in law Georgian nationality Jaba Ioseliani became one of the closest assistants to the future President of Georgia Eduard Shevardnadze, and later this thief in law became the Minister of Defense of independent Georgia. Thieves in law have become so popular in Georgia that during one survey of schoolchildren, 25 percent of them indicated that they would also like to become thieves in law.

How many thieves in law are there? modern Russia (2013). How the census of thieves in law took place

Boys, sixes and lightning rods

Boys, sixes, bulls and lightning rods are the camp servants of the thief in law. They often serve lawyers in freedom, but there their services are of a different nature. In this row, the boys have the most advantageous position.

The boys include deniers who sympathize with thieves. When a thief unfreezes the zone, that is, starts mass riots, the boys serve as a striking force, inciting the men to drunkenness and sabotage. Men (or hard workers) are those who have taken the path of correction, work conscientiously and do not conflict with the ITK staff. Men most often end up with prisoners convicted for the first time, guild workers and robbers who are far from primitive criminality. The men sign up for active duty, trying to earn early release. Two powerful camps of boys and men are created in the colony. A beginner, if he is not a “professional,” must take one of the sides. During camp riots, the boys, on instructions from the authorities, do not allow men into the industrial zone, drug them with vodka (sometimes by force) and provoke them into fights.

The thieves take the most loyal and authoritative boys into their circle. Special attention are given to the youth, from whom worthy replacements are forged. The boy may be recognized as a candidate, that is, a potential candidate for the crown of thief. Many oaths during the coronation began with the words: “I’m like a kid who wants to serve the brotherhood of thieves...”.

Guys are less organized and do not engage in mass resistance.

Sixes They serve for general services: they pass notes, collect money, carry out wet cleaning daily near the thief’s bunk, get cigarettes and alcohol, report disorder, work for the thief in the industrial zone, do laundry, and even read books out loud. In the zone, the sixes are obliged to protect the thief, playing the role of bodyguards. In the event of his unauthorized killing or mutilation, the authorities are responsible. Authorities often recruit people with experience in security activities as servants.

To get acquainted with tattoos, I advise you to visit the site “Beyond the Law”

Behind last years the number of thieves in law in Ukraine has increased six times. Caucasian kings of crime are coming to Ukraine, being pushed out of Russia and Georgia. Edition bisocnetcollected a dossier on the most influential Ukrainian thieves.

According to sources of the publication in the Criminal Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, of course, one of the most authoritative after the deportation of Antimos (Anthimos Kukhilava was deported in 2009 to Georgia, now lives in Antalya (Turkey) and the death of Mamed (thief in law Sergey Mamedov, controlled Donetsk criminal clans , died in 2011 from cancer at the Boris clinic in Kiev) a thief in law, Sergei Lysenko, nicknamed Lera Sumskaya, continues to remain on the territory of Ukraine.

Thief in law Lera Sumskaya (Sergey Lysenko). Ukrainian lawyer

Thief in law Lera Sumskaya

His Pale of Settlement previously was the Sumy region, but now operatives in Kyiv are increasingly seeing him. He received the title of thief in 1993 at a meeting in the Sumy restaurant "Vechornitsi". In the 90s, he was involved in collecting “tribute” from artisanal vodka traders. The last time he went to prison was in 1998 for extortion. Now, according to unofficial data, it controls the flow of illegal migrants, mainly Vietnamese, through the Belopole border department of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.

According to sources in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he has extensive connections in the border service and allegedly, even with his assistance, they often arrange demonstrative fake disclosures of channels for the illegal migration of Vietnamese citizens from Russia to Ukraine. Has influence on the famous Barabashovo market in Kharkov, where a considerable number of the Vietnamese diaspora, mainly illegal immigrants, trade.

Sumskoy also controls underground gambling establishments - a business in which he has firmly merged with the law enforcement “roof”. He is engaged in the registration of land plots through dummy people, and in the old fashioned way, through trusted people, he supplies alcohol and cigarettes to the zones for a lot of money. Lera Sumskaya, like a real thief in law, is actively involved in “warming up zones.” That’s why the prisoners respect him. He was detained more than once for trying to organize thieves' gatherings, but so far they could not or did not want to charge him with any serious crime and convict him.


Even before the Maidan happened, according to operational data in Greece, at a gathering of thieves in 2012, Donetsk resident Andrei Nedzelsky, better known in narrow criminal circles by the nickname Nedelya and Andrei Lvovsky, was crowned (endowed with the title of thief in law).

According to thieves' traditions, at the "coronation" authoritative thieves must vouch for the newly minted - as they say in thieves' language - "to make an approach." Kutaisi thief in law David Sebiskveradze, nicknamed Dato Kutaissky, vouched for Nedzelsky.


Vasily Rusan - 42 years old, lives in Kyiv and Odessa. He got his nickname because of his protruding ears. Although, according to the old thieves’ concepts, he could not receive the title of lawyer, because he served in the army, and this is strictly prohibited for thieves, he was crowned by one of the most respected Caucasian thieves, Antimos Kuhilava.


Another authoritative thief, especially in the eastern part of Ukraine, even despite the ATO and military operations, is Alexey Salnikov, nicknamed Lekha Krasnodonsky. Became a thief in law in 1999, crowned a lawyer nicknamed “Gypsy.”

IN better times wandered between Lugansk, Gorlovka and Kiev. Registered in Molodogvardeysk, Lugansk region. Repeatedly detained for drug possession, firearms. Last time in 2013, but avoided a criminal record thanks to a certificate from a psychiatric dispensary, most likely a “fake” one. Formerly a hand-to-hand athlete.

When asked by operatives during an arrest: “Are you a thief in law?”, he often likes to laugh it off: “It’s not written in the work report.” Krasnodonsky is still of operational interest: he was able to take root under the LPR regime. Its traditional “theme” is facilitating the transit of contraband from Russia, which flourished wildly with the collapse of the state border.


The oldest Ukrainian thief in law - Sharik

Valery Sheremet - born in 1949 - elder of the domestic thieves' world. Born and lives in Odessa. Has seven convictions. Sharik has chosen to protect the aces of the thieves' craft - Odessa pickpockets who work with the virtuosity of magicians.

How many thieves in law are there in Russia? This question is of interest not only to domestic newspapers and online publications, but also to foreign ones. Of course, no one knows the exact figure. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, today there are 184 people living in our country who have the status of thief in law. The heroes of the world of thieves existed in parallel with the history of the country.

An exclusively Russian concept

With the beginning of perestroika, the old thieves began to new life- showdowns, shootouts, gatherings and criminal wars for the redistribution of spheres of influence new Russia. Having managed to survive where more than one major businessman went bankrupt, the old guard of thieves in law in Russia retained not only the “scepter and crown”, but also power over the most important financial spheres of the country’s life.

The names of many heroes of the thieves' life of yesteryear can be found on the Forbes list, and their names are increasingly associated with the word “power.” So who are they, Russian authorities, whose faces, despite the closeness of the clan, still appear on the open spaces of the Runet and on the pages of newspapers? Who is the main thief in law of Russia? And what does the concept “in law” even mean? Let's look at everything in order.

“Thief in law” - the highest criminal suit

According to the traditions of the underworld, to be ranked among major league Only a person who has had repeated convictions under the “correct” articles and has gained authority among his fellow tribesmen can become thieves in law. However, in Lately A new concept appeared in the criminal environment - “oranges”. This is what they called rich and influential people, but who did not have any prison time behind them and who bought their “coronation” with money.

Created in the thirties of the last century, the caste of “legalists”, unlike other criminal communities and groups, is built on the principle of equality of its members and strict compliance"Thieves' Code" The supreme authority of such a community is a meeting of thieves, resolving complaints and claims from representatives of the criminal world (the so-called analysis of “presentations”, “thieves’ runs”, “babies”), disposal of the “common fund” (money belonging to all members of the criminal community), interaction with similar organizations at home and abroad.

The goal of the “supervisors” in places of deprivation of liberty is to subordinate to their authority and order all who are serving their sentences. To do this, carrots and sticks are used. Those who could not be bribed or won over are threatened, and often physical measures are taken against them.

Despite the endless internecine war among thieves in law, in Russia it is this caste that ensures the stability of the criminal world and coordinates all movements of organized crime. The influence of a small group of crime bosses (up to 15 people) extends to economic and political processes in the country.

History of origin

The appearance of thieves in law in Russia in the thirties of the twentieth century was provoked by the policies of the young Soviet government. Against the backdrop of an intensified fight against the criminal world, the Cheka pursued a policy of collectivization and dispossession, the number of those dissatisfied with the new order grew, which inevitably led to the creation of an opposing non-political force in the form of “legalists” who proclaimed themselves guardians of thieves’ traditions Tsarist Russia.

A “thief code” was developed, based on the complete rejection of generally accepted moral norms and principles Soviet society. So, the thief in law was “stuck” not only to have children and a family, but even to maintain long-term love affairs. A ban was imposed on any assistance government agencies- from assistance in solving a crime to participation in peaceful gatherings and festive demonstrations.

Top thieves in law

Really hard to line up influential kings criminal world like songs in the M1 hit parade. It is almost impossible to delimit their spheres of influence and indicate who is more important. Photos of thieves in law in Russia are not easy to find; this closed group does not like to show off their lives.

But let's name the most famous names. The table below shows a list of thieves in law in Russia and other post-Soviet countries.

Full Name

Year and place of coronation

Babushkin Vladimir Petrovich

Vaska Brilliant

1950 (Karlag, Kazakhstan)

Ershov Alexander Alekseevich

1998 (Moscow, Russia)

Aslan Usoyan

Grandfather Hasan

Tariel Guramovich Oniani

1979 (Georgia)

Kalashov Zakhary Knyazevich

Shakro Molodoy

1971 (Tbilisi)

Sergey Ivanovich Lysenko

Lera Sumskaya

Mikhailov Gennady Alexandrovich

1987 (Chelyabinsk)

The first Russian thief Vanka Kain

Ivan Osipov, who received the nickname, or, as is commonly called in the underworld, “chased” Cain, began his career as a thief at the age of thirteen. Escaping, he robbed his master and joined the gangs of the lower Volga.

For a long time he was part of criminal group led by Mishka Zarya, then moved on to “solo” robberies. Favorite place His criminal trade was the Makaryevskaya Fair - a well-known place on the Volga River.

Ivan received his nickname in 1741, appearing at the Detective Department of the city of Moscow and offering himself as an informant for the gendarmerie. Vanka Cain skillfully combined his two difficult occupations - he continued his robber raids, while simultaneously turning over petty thieves to the police. He skillfully hid representatives of the thieves' elite by opening a gambling house to launder illegal money.

Despite receiving the title of informer of a detective order from the tsarist gendarmerie, Vanka Cain warmed up real criminal “raspberries” under his wing: thieves, robbers and swindlers of all stripes, the number of which in the capital of tsarist Russia only increased thanks to him.

It was possible to defeat Cain and disperse his “raspberry” only with the help of the regular troops of Major General Ushakov, who initiated the creation of a special commission to consider Vanka’s case. In 1755, Ivan Osipov was sentenced to death penalty, which, however, was replaced by corporal punishment and exile. Ivan did not last long at hard labor and died about a year or two after his conviction.

The Russian people tend to romanticize criminals. So Vanka Cain’s personality acquired a romantic aura over the years. His name became a symbol of a brave young man, a fighter against injustice.

Lenya McIntosh - "influencer" and writer

Leonid Bilunov, better known as Lenya Makintosh, was born in 1949 in a small town near Kiev with a poetic name White church. Mother alone pulled Lenya and little brother, and he so wanted delicious sweets, new boots and to do something great.

And Lenya did become famous. Having served a total of about 15 years for his 4 convictions (robbery, robbery, hooliganism, fraud and extortion), he led the crime of the Lyubertsy district of Moscow.

And then the realization came. Awareness of why and why he lives his life. I wanted to radically change the vector of my activities, and perhaps warn others. Leonid leaves the country. For some time he lives in Cyprus, then in Hungary. And finally he finds a “new himself” on the Cote d'Azur.

Now Bilunov lives in France and cooperates with international banks on issues of doing business in Russia. Free time The former crime boss devoted himself to literature. Yes, not simple. He began writing a biography of a thief in law in Russia. Who better to tell about the great Mackintosh than Leonid himself? From his pen came a trilogy of memoirs called “Three Lives.” Beautifully bypassing the slippery parts of his biography, Lenya McIntosh managed to truthfully “drown” everyone who stood in the way of the former crime boss. Bilunov did not forget to give a couple of “compliments” to Russian law enforcement officers. By the way, according to unofficial data from these law enforcement officers, the respected comrade Bilunov even today guards the “common fund” of his Russian colleagues.

Modern orders

Capitalist foundations also affected the criminal environment. Fewer and fewer of today's thieves in law in Russia adhere to the thieves' code of honor. Everyone is attracted by luxury, money, power. Less and less remains of the old order. This inevitably provokes conflicts between the old guard and the youth.

The old-timers of the criminal world are trying not to lose the reins of power and take control of the young tribe.

The other day it became known that thief in law David Alkhanashvili, known in criminal circles as Dato Pankissky, was shot dead in Turkish Istanbul. Most likely, the murder of a crime boss is revenge for the torture of a thief in law (Dato Krasnodarsky), nephew of the leader of the Russian underworld (Shakro Molodoy). The liquidation of Alkhanashvili forced experts to talk about a new escalation in the war of thieves’ clans and that fighting for a number of reasons, they will apparently move to Turkey. I tried to figure out the plot of the endless series about the game of thieves’ thrones together with the Prime Crime portal.

Death Sentence

The events that led to the death of Dato Pankiski began several years ago. In August 2009, newly arrested thief in law Tariel Oniani (Taro) ended up in the capital’s “Matrosskaya Tishina”. Shortly before this, MUR officers detained Taro in the elite village of Gorki-2 near Moscow on charges of kidnapping and extortion of 250 thousand dollars. Oniani is a very significant figure among thieves in law. In terms of his influence in the criminal world, he, according to some sources, could compete with the famous one (Yaponchik). The latter, together with (Ded Khasan), were the main opponents of Taro - and when he ended up in the famous “Sailor”, his opponents did not fail to take advantage of the moment.

A thieves' “run” (message) was sent to the pre-trial detention center prisoners, which was signed by 36 crime bosses, including Yaponchik and Ded Hassan. Here is the text of this message (the author's spelling has been preserved):

“THEFT'S RUN! Greetings Decent People! With this RUN, the prisoners will put you in the know - Tariel Oniani - ***** (a girl with the most underestimated social responsibility). OUR THIEVES have made a DECISION for this ***** (same girl). Located on this moment at the Central Sailor's Silence. When you meet him, act accordingly!”

This message was sent so that the prisoners knew how to treat Tarot - or rather, how to treat someone. For Oniani, “drive away” actually meant a death sentence, which directly stated that “every decent person should act in accordance,” that is, kill or strangle at the first meeting. By the way, according to their law, such a “performer,” in the absence of insurmountable obstacles, is immediately entitled to a crown of thieves. For many, this is a serious incentive to action.

According to Victoria Gefter, conflicts and mutual correspondence decoronations between Taro and his opponents began earlier. But it was Oniani who was the first to feel the real consequences of this confrontation and went to jail.

“There is every reason to believe that the charges were fabricated: getting rid of competitors with the wrong hands, especially the hands of the police, was in the spirit of Ded Hasan. And the "run" became official leadership to action in relation to Oniani,” explains Gefter.

Meanwhile, not the entire world of thieves was on the side of Yaponchik and Ded Hasan: many authorities stood up for Taro. This is probably what helped him survive until the trial. On July 19, 2010, the Khamovnichesky Court of the capital found Oniani guilty of paragraphs “a” and “h” of Part 2 of Article 126 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Kidnapping”) and paragraph “b” of Part 3 of Article 163 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Extortion”), sentencing him to 10 years in prison. Taro went to serve his sentence in penal colony Kemerovo region, where in May 2011 a new “run” was sent - this time from 30 of his supporters. This message returned Oniani’s status as a thief in law, lost after the previous dispatch; This ended the first round of the thieves' war.

Replied for words

In October 2009, 69-year-old Vyacheslav Ivankov was shot and killed in Moscow. In January 2013, the same fate befell 75-year-old Aslan Usoyan. Most likely, the murders of Yaponchik and Ded Khasan are connected with their conflict with Taro. Although there are other versions.

Of course, smaller figures also had to answer for the “run” against the Tarot. One of those who signed was a thief in law (Zhora Tashkentsky). However, on July 25, 2016, he lost his status as a thief: supporters of Tariel Oniani decried him in Turkey. According to Victoria Gefter, Zhora was not even beaten: he was simply declared not to be a thief after he admitted that he had done wrong.

Much more serious consequences awaited David Ozmanov (Dato Krasnodarsky). He is the nephew of Zakhary Kalashov (Shakro Molodoy), who, according to investigators, after the death of Aslan Usoyan, headed the criminal world of Russia. In 2011, Ozmanov, who was in Belgium, was set up by thieves in law Roin Uglava (Matevich), Irakli Kalichava (Hutu) and Gia Gurchiani (Svan). Akaki Tugushi (Enzo Batumsky) and David Alkhanashvili (Dato Pankissky), who were accepted into the thieves’ “family” later - in December 2012 at a meeting in Dubai, were also present at the massacre.

Matevich, Khutu and Svan inflicted numerous stab wounds on Ozmanov, including his face and head.

Dato Ozmanov miraculously survived and spent a long time healing his wounds in a hospital bed, they say in Prime Crime. His executioners were sentenced to death in absentia. Since then, Dato himself has been constantly teased for not giving back, although he knew or could easily determine the whereabouts of his offenders.

According to Victoria Gefter, Dato’s offenders most likely did not want to cripple him, but to kill him. They did not think that Ozmanov would survive: such an outcome for the attackers was dangerous with revenge on the part of their victim. And so it happened - although five years later.

Belated revenge

36-year-old Dato Pankiski, one of David Ozmanov’s offenders, was shot dead in Istanbul last Friday, December 22. According to a Prime Crime source, the execution of the crime boss clearly shows the “handwriting” of Shakro Molodoy, who more than once in his life resorted to the most radical methods of resolving disputes. Obviously, in this way the thief in law’s supporters decided to take revenge for the torment of his nephew.

It is possible that this murder is the beginning of the next round of the thieves’ war. If supporters of Dato Krasnodarsky really began to take revenge on his offenders, then they can get to the remaining four. By the way, of all those who participated in the massacre of Ozmanov, the murdered Dato Pankissky was considered the most harmless. However, representatives of the Georgian thieves clan, to which the deceased belonged, now have a reason to shed the blood of Ozmanov’s supporters.

As Victoria Gefter notes, one of the clan leaders, Tariel Oniani, who stood at the origins of the thieves’ war, cannot be envied now.

“There are still a lot of thieves who have enormous authority in Russia and are among those who signed the “run” against the Tarot. In theory, Tariel needs to sort things out with everyone. But life may not be enough for this - Oniani is no longer young. Besides, he first needs to serve his time. In general, nothing was really heard about Oniani for almost 10 years. It is unknown what and how he was influenced all these years and what is on his mind now,” says the expert.

Dangerous Türkiye

Turkey, where Dato Pankiski was killed, has every chance of becoming a “ hot spot» thieves' war. At the beginning of December, Kutaisi thief in law from the Tariel Oniani clan, Gochu Alpaidze (Alfason), was shot there. He did not die, but is still recovering from his injuries.

“The only person with whom Alfason has had a conflict lately is another representative of Shakro Molodoy’s inner circle, Nodari Asayan (Nodar Rustavsky). It’s no secret that behind the disagreements between Nodar and Alfason, together with Gaioz Zviadadze (Gia Kutaissky), are their diametrically opposed interests in the Rostov region, which Nodar single-handedly controlled for many years,” explains Victoria Gefter.

On the Turkish shores, events are developing not only along the line of the Shakro clan and its opponents. As previously reported, in the spring of 2016, the head of the Sukhumi thieves clan, Merab Dzhangveladze (Merab Sukhumsky), who was released from an Italian prison, settled in Antalya. He did not show much activity there - but only until Shakro’s arrest at the end of the summer of 2016. After this, Sukhumsky, together with like-minded people, began to organize various gatherings and sort things out with opponents, preparing for an attack on Kalashov.

In Turkey, Nadir Salifov (Guli) is the main contender for the thieves’ “throne” after Zakhary Kalashov. As noted, Salifov, who began forming his own clan, wanted to enlist the support of one of the experienced thieves in law, and one of the main contenders for the role of “senior comrade” was Merab Sukhumsky. It seemed that Guli and Merab Sukhumsky, united by a common goal, had every chance of a successful union. But it was not there.

In early November, Turkish police captured about a dozen members of a local organized crime group at a time when they were preparing to burst into one of Guli’s villas with weapons and kill everyone there, including Salifov himself. The killers had a detailed plan of the building in their hands, which could only be drawn by someone who often visited the residence. After this incident, the Sukhumi clan led by Merab came under Guli’s suspicion; Salifov's supporters believe that Dzhangveladze at least could have been aware of the impending attack. Now Guli is looking for allies among the sworn enemies of the “Sukhumi people,” and the criminal world is hiding in anticipation of a big showdown on the Turkish shores, which, by the way, is attracting more and more crime bosses.

“Türkiye borders Georgia, from where several dozen thieves were expelled. There is a culture, mentality, climate, familiar to Georgians, and a large Russian-speaking diaspora. But the Turkish police are quite corrupt and generally do not see foreign thieves as a threat. Crime bosses are easily paid off. IN different parts Georgians from different warring clans live in Turkey. Although it is the Russian “common fund” that is the main trophy in this war, all the showdowns between thieves have long been transferred outside of Russia, which, by the way, is of considerable merit,” believes Victoria Gefter.

Understands who thieves in law are. The list of such people has been published dozens of times in the public domain, but many people know too little about who these people represented and are, and how they got there.

Gennady Aleksandrovich Karkov (Mongolian)

First of all, it is worth noting Gennady Aleksandrovich Karkov, who is one of those who started these same thieves in law (this is why he opens the list). A once-famous criminal named Mongol is one of the pioneers of the criminal world of our days.

Mongol went to prison for the first time at the age of 30 for committing theft. After that, he tried to work in an ordinary construction organization, which quickly bored him, and subsequently he directed his efforts exclusively into criminal activity. Karkov stood out among other criminals for his ingenuity, independence, intelligence, and sharpness in almost any situation. He almost always carried out all actions personally, for which he was especially revered by other thieves in law. He also opens the list of thieves in law for the reason that one of the main people in his gang was Vyacheslav Ivankov, better known modern citizens post-Soviet space, nicknamed Yaponchik, and one of the versions of the appearance of this nickname is precisely that the Mongol himself christened him that way.

The main activity of his gang was committing robbery attacks on apartments belonging to high-ranking officials, and it is worth noting that in the vast majority of cases the victims did not even intend to contact the police, since for certain reasons they hid the origin of the stolen things.

In the process of carrying out their actions, the gang was characterized by excessive cruelty, and if anyone refused to voluntarily give up money, he was taken to the forest and severely tortured. It is worth noting the fact that the sophisticated torture of this gang was not only physical, but also psychological. For example, some people were placed alive in a coffin and began to saw it with hacksaws, as a result of which people told all the necessary information.

The attitude of other thieves towards Karkov

It is worth noting that at the time of the commission of the crime, Karkov’s actions constituted a direct violation, and later it became common to call it “racketeering.” Over time (around the end of the 70s), at a meeting in Kislovodsk, it was decided that racketeering could still be done, as a result of which capital gradually began to merge more and more with the criminal environment, that is, ultimately As a result, the initiators of this idea were the thieves in law themselves. A list of all the people who were present has not been published.

In the 90s, Mongol’s fate was extremely successful for him, as he became the overseer of several districts of the capital at the same time and was able to buy a house in France. However, he soon fell ill with cancer and died in 1994.

Vyacheslav Kirillovich Ivankov (Yaponchik)

One of the most famous criminals, who is also the leader of the Moscow crime clan, is Vyacheslav Ivankov. He got the nickname “Jap” from his teacher Mongol, and he received it for his characteristic

Early life

As a child, Ivankov entered circus school and began to actively engage in achieving good results. However, during one of the training sessions, an accident occurred - he fell from the trapeze, as a result of which he received a closed skull injury. It is worth noting the fact that he never addressed this to any medical institutions, despite the fact that in certain situations it came to fainting.

Criminal life

Like Mongol, for the first time Ivankov was brought to justice for pickpocketing, and at the time of his arrest he behaved so aggressively that psychiatrists diagnosed him with a chronic mental illness in the form of schizophrenia and insanity. Immediately after Yaponchik learned his diagnosis, he chose to radically change his behavior - he began to actively communicate with others, became interested in board games etc. He would hardly have joined the list of Russian thieves in the Law if he had remained with such a diagnosis, but in the end the doctors reported that he had suffered psychosis.

After Yaponchik had been one of the most influential people in Mongol’s gang for a long time, he created his own group, which essentially did almost the same thing. Under the guise of police officers, gang members began searches of those people who lived on “unearned” income, as a result of which they took absolutely everything from their homes. At the same time, cases of taking victims into the forest with subsequent torture, during which money and other valuables were extorted, were also practiced from time to time. After such well-known criminals as Sliva and Asaf joined the group, it began to “work” throughout the territory Soviet Union, and in each region the gang left a fairly large number of corpses.


It is worth noting the fact that many cultural figures, including Alexander Rosenbaum and Joseph Kobzon, petitioned to achieve the release of Yaponchik in 1991. For a long time after that, he stayed in Europe and the United States, but then he was extradited to Russia, where the prosecutor's office opened a case against him for the murder of Turkish businessmen. However, this case completely fell apart by 2005.

After his acquittal, Ivankov said that in the future he did not intend to return to any criminal disputes, but at the same time, while living abroad, he constantly acted as a kind of “arbitrator” in the process of disputes between various groups. In particular, he decided to take part in the famous conflict that occurred between the most influential clans of his time - the clan of Tariel Oniani and Aslan Usoyan (better known as Ded Hassan).


In 2009, an attempt was made on Yaponchik’s life, which was a shooting during the crime boss’s exit from a restaurant called “Thai Elephant”, where he was seriously wounded. For almost a month, doctors tried to cure him, however, despite all efforts, he died from peritonitis, never recovering from his injury.

Aslan Rashidovich Usoyan (Grandfather Hassan)

Aslan Usoyan is one of the most famous criminals, who spread his influence over almost the entire territory and, in particular, at one time personally supervised the affairs conducted by the Rostov thieves in law (their list also mainly consisted of Hassan’s people). It was due to such wide influence that he gained great popularity in the post-Soviet space. They appointed a large number of leaders in various cities, and, by the way, this includes thieves in law in Omsk, whose police list was headed by Usoyan’s man. This can be noted in almost every region of Russia.

An interesting case is the discord between Hassan and the Oganov brothers, as a result of which he, fearing for his life, decided to leave for the south, despite the fact that many thieves in law of the Rostov region worked with him, the list of which largely consisted of such people.

At one time, the crime clan of Ded Hassan was one of the most powerful in Russia, despite the fact that it took part in quite a lot large quantities major criminal wars. In particular, under his patronage were many well-known criminals and even Krasnodar thieves in law, the list of which was often headed by Vadik Krasnodarsky. In 2010, he was seriously wounded, but not fatally, but already in 2013, Usoyan died from a sniper shot.

War with the Taro clan

The most famous conflict for many modern people is the war with the Tariel Oniani (Taro) clan, which occurred due to the division of a huge business empire in Russia and Western Europe, which followed the arrest of Zakhary Kalashov, nicknamed “Shakro Molodoy”.

Initially, the resistance consisted of gathering meetings that included people at the top of the list of the most influential thieves in law. Each clan tried to gain their favor. In addition, both groups were actively recruiting new supporters.

One of the first to suffer as a result of this conflict was restaurateur Gela Tsertsvadze, who was considered right hand Taro and managed Oniani's legal business. After this, a series of murders of crime bosses occurred. It is worth noting the fact that full list The crime of thieves in law extended not only to the territory of Russia, so murders also occurred in other countries, including Greece and Spain.

The decisive factor in this conflict was the assassination attempt on Yaponchik, after which Usoyan was able to convince the entire thieves’ community that the Taro people were involved in this, and also became the organizer of a letter that was signed by the majority of famous lawyers and testified to Oniani’s death sentence.


On January 16, 2013, Ded Khasan went out into the courtyard of a restaurant called “Old Phaeton,” after which almost immediately a sniper shot him in the head. After that, he was taken by ambulance, but they could not save him - he died in the intensive care unit of the Botkin Hospital. Some sources say that his death occurred on the way to the hospital.

Despite the fact that many wanted to bury him in a prestigious manner, it was ultimately decided to fulfill Usoyan’s will and bury him next to his brother and mother in Tbilisi.