Sample student daily routine to print. The correct daily routine for a schoolchild, its rationale and strict observance

Primary general education

Correct daily routine for a first grader

A school teacher and a pediatric neurologist talk about excessive exercise, proper nutrition and the required amount of sleep.

A school teacher and a pediatric neurologist talk about excessive exercise, proper nutrition and the required amount of sleep.

“How to organize my first grader’s day?” - this question is regularly asked by parents, teachers, doctors and other experts. Indeed, a properly structured daily routine is extremely important for a child to smoothly and comfortably enter the educational process and maintain his health. Often parents themselves formulate rules that are not always enforceable and are not always really needed by a first-grader.

To correct possible mistakes of parents, we decided to turn to two experts - a primary school teacher and an experienced pediatrician. Let their advice and observations help us form an objective picture of what the daily routine of a modern first-grader should be.

Alexey Igorevich Krapivkin, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Director of the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Child Psychoneurology

Daily routine: keep the kindergarten norm

When a child goes to school, his life changes a lot. But even in first grade, it is quite possible to maintain the same daily routine that you had in kindergarten: with regular meals, afternoon rest and fairly active walks, albeit not so long.

Nutrition: variety is key

The body of a first-grader is in dire need of regular nutrition in order to replenish the lack of glucose in a timely manner. By the age of seven, a child should already have developed eating habits: a mandatory full breakfast, a hot lunch, proper snacks - second breakfast, afternoon snack.

My main advice to parents: feed your children a variety of foods. Any excess product can affect the child's condition, digestion, sleep and physical activity. Of course, it is better to avoid an abundance of sweet, fatty or spicy foods in a child’s diet - for the same reason.

At the same time, if the child does not have serious illnesses, then there should be no deliberate restrictions on food. Coming to a new children's group, the child reconsiders his nutritional norm: if everyone eats cookies, why should he completely refuse them? If everyone is snacking after third period, why can't he take a sandwich or an apple with him?

And one more piece of advice: in order not to risk your child’s well-being at night, try to feed him dinner about two hours before bedtime, no later. If you didn’t manage to have dinner on time, offer food that is as light and safe for the gastrointestinal tract as possible.

Sleep: the main thing is not to fight for performance

Not only a first-grader, but any person should sleep as much as his body requires. But sometimes parents put the child to bed at almost eight in the evening so that he sleeps as long as possible; this, in my opinion, is an unnecessary measure.

According to statistics, an adult needs at least 8 hours of sleep per day. A first grader needs a little more, but not 12 hours like an infant. The most important thing is that when putting your child to bed early, do not fight for his performance, but rather look at his condition. Is it easy for him to wake up in the morning? Do you have enough strength until the evening?

It is best to put your child to bed between 9 and 10 pm, preferably no later than 10 pm. At the same time, the child should have free time 1.5–2 hours before bedtime to carry out daily rituals: water procedures, reading at night, a glass of milk - and as little stress as possible, then the child will smoothly fall asleep and be able to fully rest.

As for daytime sleep, it seems to me that there is no reason to insist that the child sleep during the day. If he wants to go to bed after lunch, great; if not, don’t insist. The main thing is that daytime sleep should divide the day into two equal periods. Don't go to bed later than 4 pm: then your night's sleep may suffer.

Loads: achieve a state of reasonable fatigue

Nowadays there is a lot of talk about the fact that first-graders can barely withstand the exorbitant workload that the school and parents place on them with their clubs and sections. I like the idea that the level of exercise should be determined by tolerance. If your child has enough resources to practice the piano for two hours after school and enjoy going to the sports section in the evening, then why not? For parents, the main indicator of the level of stress should be the child’s condition in the evenings. If he falls off his feet, is capricious, cannot eat, he is so tired - you have clearly gone too far. If he is active and could do something enthusiastically for a couple more hours, it means that the daily load was not enough. But if his fatigue is not excessive, is natural, and does not cause him serious discomfort, then the volume of the load is sufficient.

Physical activity

It is important to remember here that for a seven-year-old child simply sitting at a desk for several hours in a row is a colossal burden. To remove it, it is more useful not to put the child to bed, but to let him run around properly, to release the tension.

The child’s need for movement is natural and physiological. Be sure to give him the opportunity to jump, climb, and run properly after school, and if necessary, also in the evening.

Be sure to remind your child to do small warm-ups after sitting for a long time at lessons: basic gymnastics will be enough. And send your child to a sports section: two or three times a week.

Elena Aleksandrovna Chulikhina, primary school teacher at the MBOU "Malodubenskaya Secondary School"

Daily routine: on weekends as on weekdays

There’s nothing to talk about here; every first-grader needs a full-fledged daily routine. It’s best if he doesn’t get lost on weekends, otherwise it will be difficult to adjust to the start of the work week.

Food: hot is better than cookies

Now almost all parents are very afraid that their children will go to school hungry. They are given sweets, cookies, buns, waffles and other “dry snacks” with them - despite the fact that the school has a canteen, where you can always eat a hot breakfast and have a good lunch. Naturally, having eaten enough sweets, the children in the cafeteria refuse to eat a full hot meal. Therefore, I want to give parents advice: teach them better to go to the canteen, eat porridge or omelet in the morning, and have good hot soup for lunch in the afternoon, not candy. I am not against you giving your children treats, but in moderation, and not in such a way that it interrupts their appetite.

Sleep: don’t nod off in class!

I’ll tell you honestly, it’s very unpleasant when children in your class nod off during the first lesson. Therefore, please put your children to bed on time, at best around nine in the evening. There is no need to hope that you will get fifteen minutes of sleep in the morning: this is where morning delays begin, and this also does not really help children concentrate.

Daytime naps are a useful thing, especially since children themselves, as a rule, require an afternoon rest: they come home from school and immediately go to bed. This means that they need it, which means that parents need to take this need into account when creating a daily routine.


Now, due to the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, first-graders are entitled to up to 10 hours of extracurricular activities per week. They usually start in the afternoon and last up to two academic hours a day - this is in addition to the normal school load. In addition, almost every child attends various clubs, some of them are very serious and are located on the other side of the city. It turns out that first-graders are very busy on weekdays, even if they don’t have homework in first grade.

Here I have no right to give parents any advice: they decide for themselves how, what and how much to load their children with, what achievements to require, etc. But I would insist that at least on weekends the children should be free to study doing your own thing, playing, going for a walk, spending an evening with your family. This is the best support we can give them.

Physical activity

We make sure that the children do warm-ups between lessons, can run around, and unload properly. It is important that parents care about the same. Be sure to let your children go for walks and exercise a lot. It's best when they walk home from school rather than driving.

A properly planned daily routine organizes the child, helps him to be collected and neat. Junior and senior schoolchildren should have their own daily routine, which would correspond to the physiological characteristics of a particular age.

In elementary school, special attention is paid to such processes as teaching perseverance, attention, and memorization. In a small schoolchild, these processes are not yet mature, but are in the stage of active development. In a high school student, attention should be paid to perseverance, since he is capable of writing, reading and remembering information, but due to entering puberty, perseverance is replaced by laziness.

For all age groups, it is very important not only to develop your intellect, but also to take care of your physical health.

How to structure your day so that you can do everything, not get tired and stay healthy?

Rise at 6.30 - 7.00.
The schoolchild's day should begin with an active awakening: pouring cold water on the face, hands and feet. This express method of awakening will not only force all the body’s forces to mobilize, but also has a hardening effect.

Breakfast at 7.10 – 7.30
Prepare a delicious hot dish for breakfast for your schoolchild. Breakfast should be rich and high in calories. Don’t worry about your child’s figure – all these calories will be “eaten up” by the brain during the first hours of school. It is known that after a rich, hearty breakfast, hunger sets in later, closer to 12 noon, and all the mental activity of a schoolchild is aimed at studying, and not at comprehending the feeling of hunger.

Road to school 7.40 – 8.00
Send your child from home to school 10-15 minutes early, let him spend this extra time outside, breathing fresh air. The blood is saturated with oxygen, providing the child with a “fresh” head and vigor.

School classes 8.00 – 12.00
Give your child a snack between breaks. Nuts, sweet buns, and sweet tea are very useful for mental activity. The snack should be not so much filling as sweet – the brain really needs glucose during the study period. A huge amount of energy is spent by the body on mental and mental processes. It would seem that the brain is very small compared to the whole body, but during intense moments of study, more energy is spent on its maintenance than on the muscles when running.

During classroom activities, the child’s intelligence increases, but his health deteriorates:

Long static posture while sitting causes the appearance of scoliosis and scoliotic posture
Muscles weaken
Blood supply to muscles and brain is disrupted
Periods of short-term but frequent stress harm the nervous system
At the end of the school day, the child is sleepy and tired.
Digestive problems may occur due to irregular and unhealthy diet.
Vision deteriorates

If you don’t care for a child and don’t organize his routine, then school can become, no matter how terrible it sounds, a crippling phenomenon.

For elementary school students:

The way home, a walk after school, sports section 12.00 – 14.00.
After school, the child needs some time to “blow off steam” in the fresh air. If he fell asleep in class, then outside he becomes physically active, his muscles are saturated with oxygen, fatigue is relieved, and his cheeks turn pink.

Daytime nap 14.00 – 16.00
If a child has been accustomed to sleeping during the day since kindergarten, then this rosy-cheeked, cheerful fellow must be put to bed during the day, according to the old habit, having been fed a hot lunch beforehand. Until approximately 15.00-16.00, the child will have a daytime nap.

Doing homework 16.00 – 19.00
After a nap, it's time to do homework with him. It should be remembered that elementary school students get tired very quickly, not to mention their poor perseverance and absent-mindedness. It doesn’t take long for them to write continuously – no more than 10 minutes. When reading continuously, they get tired even faster. Therefore, take short breaks for physical activity while reading or writing. After completing one lesson, take a long break and then move on to the next subject. There is no need to study lessons until the night; a couple of hours is enough. The fact is that after 19.00 the performance of a junior high school student sharply decreases and everything that he reads or writes will not be deposited in his head. And in order to complete all the homework in a couple of hours, use gaming techniques to complete the task: if the child does not understand mathematics well, analyze this example using his favorite toys, and instead of reading, arrange a small one-man show - this way the child will remember the images better, and the text will be easy for him .

Walks and sports clubs, time to socialize with family and friends 19.00 – 21.00
After 19.00 is the time for active walks or sports sections. During school years, it is best to send your child to active, play sports or the swimming pool. Of course, it’s good if you raise your child to be a comprehensively developed personality who speaks five languages, understands the paintings of Van Gogh and Picasso, and embroiders with cross stitch, satin stitch and ribbons. But, alas, this lifestyle will not improve your health. It would be ideal if you can combine all interest groups (often according to the interests of the parents, not the child) - both sports and handicrafts and intellectual ones, but, nevertheless, you need to choose in favor of sports and physical development.

Sleep 21.00 – 7.00
Night sleep for a primary school student should begin no later than 10 p.m. Before going to bed, parents should try as much as possible to balance the child’s mental state: reduce his activity, calm him down. To do this, dim the lights in the apartment, eliminate all noisy sources (TV, radio), give the child warm milk and honey, and ventilate the bedroom. In this case, falling asleep will be physiological, without overexcitation.

For high school students.

Adult students do not need to sleep during the day. But it is necessary to unload the nervous and musculoskeletal system. For this, the same walks after school and sports clubs are recommended. A high school student can go to the sections both immediately after school and after 19.00.

It is best to study lessons from 15.00 to 20.00. After 20.00 the student’s performance decreases and memory deteriorates. There is no point in studying further lessons - the nervous system is overloaded, the eyes are tired, the head may hurt, and symptoms of overwork appear.

High school students have a lot of extracurricular work - from clubs within the school itself to preparation for university. Sometimes all the time is spent on these preparations, and there is no time left for physical development. It is not right. Lack of muscle training leads to poor posture, flat feet, decreased tone and the appearance of asthenia. It is important for parents to organize sports activities on weekends when the student is busy on a daily basis. It is clear that strumming a guitar or communicating on the Internet is often more interesting than physical development. Therefore, the important mission of parents is to somehow influence their child and engage in his physical development.

Rise 7.30 – 8.00

Breakfast, water procedures 8.00 – 9.00
Second shift students are advised to get up no later than 8.00. You need to start the day with an invigorating douche of cold water on your face, hands and feet or a general contrast shower. Then be sure to have a tasty and hearty breakfast, giving preference to high-calorie but healthy foods.

Doing homework 9.00 – 11.00
After breakfast, ventilate the room and do some homework.

Lunch, getting ready for school 11.00 – 12.00
You need to have a hearty lunch before school. Lunch, unlike breakfast, should consist of meat dishes and, preferably, soup. A hearty meat lunch will help stave off the feeling of hunger for a long time.

School classes 13.00 – 17.00

After classes, it's time to go to the sports section. For high school students, when they are heavily loaded with additional classes, it is optimal to spend time in sections at least twice on weekdays and always on weekends.

Walks, sections, clubs 17.00 – 19.00

Doing homework 19.00 – 21.00
After 19.00, when the student returns home, you can learn some of the lessons. Go to bed no later than 22.00-23.00.

The life of a student cannot be regulated by lessons and strict discipline. The child has a lot of other important things to do - friends, a computer, a skateboard, shopping, riding a bike and much more.

Important! At the beginning of the week, the child becomes accustomed to the learning process. It lasts until the middle of the week, when peak performance is observed. By the end of the week, performance decreases sharply; Thursday and Friday are especially difficult days. If we consider performance during the day, it reaches its peak at 12.00-13.00 and at 16.00-19.00.

Based on the weekly peaks of performance, it is necessary to plan the section schedule for Tuesday and Wednesday, as well as weekends. On weekdays, a child attending school during the second shift must go to the section immediately after school, and on weekends - after 10.00 or in the evening from 16.00-19.00

A separate complex topic remains the computer and television in the student’s daily routine. Nowadays, all children, starting from diapers, know how to handle technology. By the time they graduate from school, many children become gambling addicts. This menacing trend worries both parents and pediatricians and psychologists. It is extremely difficult to wean a child from the computer, because the attachment formed in childhood is very difficult to give up. Therefore, only by their personal example can parents show their child that there are many things in life that are much more interesting than a computer. Pediatricians advise spending no more than 2 hours a week on the monitor.

Attention! While doing homework, do not distract your child with small errands: turn off the kettle, open the door, hand over something. Such little things distract attention and disorganize. For subsequent work, the child needs a lot of effort to “pull himself together” and get back into learning.

Make sure that everything is prepared for school in the evening - clothes are ironed, shoes are clean, books are in the backpack. Constant disorganization neuroticizes and slows down the child - he becomes sloppy and forgetful.

Consistency is important for a child - help him go to bed and get up at the same time every day, always prepare a fresh breakfast, check his lessons, the main thing is that this should not be done in bursts, but systematically. A child's educational success largely depends on the parents!
my article

The first school bell has rung and your child has entered a new stage of his life. What will his fate be? Will he be able to study successfully without having problems absorbing a huge amount of new information? This largely depends on how correctly the parents create a daily schedule, taking care of proper rest, physical development, and walks. Today we will talk about how to plan the day of a primary school student.

Sleep duration

In the primary grades, the success of learning is determined not only by the child’s diligence, but also by adequate rest, including nighttime rest. The sleep requirement of younger schoolchildren is 10–11 hours. If your child is in the first grade or already in the second or third, but is often sick, it would be a good idea to take a nap after lunch, during which the baby will regain his strength and gain energy for doing homework. In this case, its recommended duration is 1 hour.

Put the schoolchild to bed in the evening sleep at 21–22 o'clock- depending on how early he needs to get up in the morning in order to get ready for classes. Try to create a favorable and calm atmosphere at home - this will make it easier for your daughter or son to fall asleep. Under no circumstances swear at your child just before bedtime, otherwise his nervous system will be excited and he will not be able to fall asleep for a long time, worrying about what happened.

Getting ready for school

Preschool children want to get older as quickly as possible, so they feel the urge to go to school. He is haunted by many fears and doubts. How will your relationships with your classmates be? Will there be any difficulties in studying? Will you be able to cope with all the problems? Almost every child experiences these worries, so parents need to support the child, focusing his attention on the positive aspects. We offer a range of activities to prepare for school:

  • Role-playing games. In them, a child can be both a student and a teacher. In the process, you will be able to explain to your child the basic rules of behavior at school, clarify the difference between lessons and breaks, and tell them that during classes you cannot walk around the classroom and talk, but need to focus on the information that the teacher is telling.
  • Classes with copybooks. Today there are a lot of all kinds of aids for teaching children to write. Regularly offer exercises that will help your child learn to write letter elements - this will make his life easier in the future.
  • Completing simple tasks on logical thinking, studying elementary geometric and physical concepts.
  • Assembling a portfolio. Tell your child what items he might need in class. Go to the store together, invite your daughter or son to take part in choosing notebooks, a pencil case, a work folder and other accessories. Both girls and boys usually do this with great pleasure.

If possible, ensure that your child goes to school with a basic knowledge base: he can read, write in block letters, can perform simple arithmetic operations, including counting to one hundred, and understand the essence of basic natural phenomena - rain, rainbows, sunshine, wind. Teach your child not only to notice various events, but also to be able to analyze them, establishing a cause-and-effect relationship between events. Of course, using the simplest examples. Let's say that fallen snow serves not only for entertainment, but also protects the soil from freezing. Using examples like these, the child will learn to assess the consequences of current events.

Morning marathon

  • clothes and briefcase should be prepared in the evening;
  • everything you need to get ready for school, from underwear to shoes and a hat, should be in the designated place - then in the morning you won’t have to run around your home looking for the things you need;
  • 10–15 minutes of morning exercises is a supply of energy for the whole day, just don’t leave your child alone at this moment, do the exercises with him, and to make the classes take place in a pleasant atmosphere, choose an interesting set of exercises and upbeat music;
  • breakfast - it is better to offer it almost just before leaving, when enough time has passed after waking up and the child is already fully awake.

Think in advance about how much time you will need to get ready, wake up your child with plenty of time. Some parents, a month and a half before the start of school, accustom the future student to the new regime. This is correct, as it is easier for the child to adapt.

Is breakfast required?

A common mistake many parents make is persistent attempts to feed their child before leaving for school. Usually this problem is caused by an incorrect daily routine. If the baby wakes up, washes himself and is immediately offered breakfast, he will most likely be capricious, sluggishly spreading food on the plate. This behavior is due to the fact that the child has not yet fully woken up. The best option: waking up, exercising, washing. While the baby completes all the procedures, most likely, an appetite will appear. Do not try to force feed a schoolchild - this will only cause negative emotions in him and you.

Road to school

In elementary school, mom or dad almost always accompany the child to school. Try to leave the house with a little time to spare so that you don’t have to rush like crazy through crowded city streets. Think over your route in advance - the fewer intersections with heavy traffic and uncontrolled crossings, the better. Useful tips:

  • On the way to school, explain to your child the meaning of all road signs.
  • Always pay attention to the actions of other road users who violate safety rules. Inform your child about the possible consequences.
  • Tell us about the rules for crossing the street, invite your child to “lead” you, taking into account the traffic light, the presence of a zebra crossing and other signs.

Important! Explain to the student that even when the traffic light is green, you need to look for any approaching cars. The same must be done when crossing the road at a zebra crossing.

Home activities and relaxation: how to achieve balance

Strict parents always sit the child down to do his homework right after lunch. It’s easier this way: you don’t have to look for a child who has been on a spree, and the upcoming communication with friends encourages him to quickly solve problems and write essays. But is this right? Adults, returning home from work, always rest for at least half an hour, and only after that do they begin their household duties, but do you want a first-grader to do his homework immediately after school without rest?

Give your baby the opportunity to relax for at least an hour and a half. Thanks to this, he will fully recover and will be able to start doing homework with renewed energy. Other recommendations:

  • help your child only in the first days of school - your task is to support him and help him adapt, but do not turn into a tutor; in the future, limit yourself to only checking homework;
  • create a suitable atmosphere for completing lessons - limit noise if possible, do not distract the child with other errands;
  • be ready to help at any time - but this does not mean that you have to solve the problem or give a hint; explain to the student those points that he did not understand well, help him cope with a similar exercise.

Optimal distribution of time after school: 30 minutes - lunch, 1–1.5 hours - rest, 1.5 hours - doing homework, 2–3 hours for a walk. Try to limit the time you use digital technology. Computers, smartphones and tablets are certainly useful things and you cannot completely prohibit your child from playing, but let it be 30–40 minutes a day, no more. Only in high school it is possible to increase the length of time a student spends at a PC to 1–1.5 hours a day.

Daily regime

Please note that we only offer scheduling options. In any case, you will have to take into account the start and end times of school, the distance of the educational institution and many other nuances that affect the daily routine. So, the schedule for a primary school student:

  • 06:30 - awakening;
  • 06:30–06:45 - making the bed;
  • 06:45:07:00 - exercise, choose a simple set of exercises sufficient to stretch all muscle groups;
  • 07:00–07:15 - washing;
  • 07:15–07:30 - breakfast;
  • 07:45 - leaving home, you need to adjust this item of the schedule taking into account the time it takes to get to school;
  • 14:00 - return from school;
  • 14:00–14:30 - lunch;
  • 14:30–16:00 - rest;
  • 16:00–17:00 - completing homework; in second and third grades this may require more time;
  • 17:00–19:00 - walk;
  • 19:00–19:30 - dinner;
  • 19:30–20:30 - free time, the child can read a book, watch TV or play checkers or dominoes with one of his relatives;
  • 20:30–21:00 - getting ready for bed.
  • 21:00 - night rest.

You will probably have to shift some items on your schedule; we suggest taking it as a basis. Please note that attendance at extracurricular activities and sports sections is not taken into account here. Try not to overload your child with many hobbies, otherwise he will not have time to relax.

Second shift

The difficulties of the second shift are familiar to many parents. Often children who attend school from lunch sleep longer in the morning, getting up at 10-11 o'clock. As a result, they miss time for walks and doing homework, their daily routine is chaotic, and they do not have time to do anything. Possible schedule for the first half of the day:

  • 07:00 - rise;
  • 07:00–07:30 - morning exercises, it will be much more effective if a mother or father joins the baby;
  • 07:30–07:45 - washing: the student is already able to take care of himself, just do not forget about periodically replacing the toothbrush;
  • 07:45–08:00 - cleaning the room - arranging all things in their places, wiping off dust, washing the floors;
  • 08:00–08:30 - breakfast.

A short walk before doing homework will only be beneficial. Of course, at this time your child’s friends may be at school (if they study in the 1st shift), then it is better to send your son or daughter to the grocery store or take a walk with him. The estimated duration of the tasks is 1.5 hours. During this time, you should take 2-3 short breaks. Before leaving for school, be sure to feed your child - he simply needs a supply of energy. In the evening after school, it is no longer worth doing homework, since it is the end of the day, the child is already tired and is unlikely to be able to study productively and with full dedication.

A well-planned daily routine for a first-grader who adapts to a new rhythm of life has a positive impact on overcoming a huge number of problems and difficulties that await a child at the beginning of his education. Parents whose children have already completed first grade are well aware of the stress experienced by their child in the early stages of school. They can cause chronic fatigue, and in some cases become the cause of more serious problems - dangerous diseases. If a 1st grade student’s daily routine, which is initially correctly organized, does not help to avoid difficulties, it will certainly significantly alleviate them. Another extremely important point: with the help of the regime, the child learns discipline, and this is useful both for himself and for everyone around him.

Consequences of lack of daily routine

The first warning sign if a first-grader does not have a daily routine will be a rapid decline in overall performance, which also manifests itself in restlessness of a motor nature. If a student in class is unable to sit quietly for more than fifteen minutes without being distracted, and doing homework becomes torture for him and his parents, then this is a reason for action. But you should not fight inattention with reproaches, screams or insulting words about how “stupid” he is, because the child himself cannot understand the reasons for his condition. In fact, this behavior is direct evidence that it is time to create a daily schedule for a first grader in order to streamline the learning process.

Approximate daily routine

Creating a daily schedule for your own child is not such an easy task. Today, first-graders, in addition to school, usually attend several clubs, study in sports and music schools, and learn foreign languages. We offer you an approximate daily routine for a first-grader, which will help avoid rapid fatigue. The time, of course, may vary, because lessons start at 08.00, 08.30, 9.00 and even 10.00, which depends on the class schedule at a particular school.

  • climb;
  • taking water procedures;
  • breakfast (necessarily hearty, healthy, easily digestible);
  • way to school;
  • classes (with a snack during the big break);
  • way home;
  • lunch (a first course is a must!);
  • sleep, if the child still needs naps during the day;
  • doing homework;
  • active games, preferably outdoors;
  • dinner;
  • free time (quiet games, reading, communication with parents);
  • evening water procedures;
  • night sleep.
Important points

Modern pedagogical rules prohibit giving homework to a first grader. However, some teachers believe that small and simple tasks that should be completed at home every day are the key to automating a student’s skills. That is, the point of “homework” is not to teach, but to teach to learn. In addition, the level of knowledge of some first-graders requires the completion of additional individual tasks.

Another important rule is that a correct daily routine without a first-grader’s diet is impossible. If the body is not fed with “fuel” from the inside, then it will quickly become a target for overwork, vitamin deficiency, loss of strength and, as a result, a complete inability to study normally.

Don’t worry, it will take a little time and your student will get used to the new role. But now your duty is to help him and make sure that studying is not a heavy duty, but a way to learn a lot of useful, interesting, new things.

Schoolchild's daily routine


according to the model

What do you need to know?

  1. Daily regime - this is a rational distribution of time for all types of activities and rest during the day.
  2. A daily routine is necessary to ensurehigh performance throughout the entire waking period.
  3. The regime is built on the basis biological rhythm of the body's functioning.

Increased performancenoted from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. .

Second rise at 16 - 18 o'clock lower intensity and duration.

Basic elements of a schoolchild's daily routine

  1. Educational activities at school and at home
  2. Active holiday with maximum exposure to the fresh air
  3. Regular and adequate nutrition
  4. Physiologically complete sleep
  5. Free activity of individual choice.

! When organizing a regimen, one should take into account the health status and functional characteristics of a given age period. With a clear daily routine, a habit is formed when a specific time is a signal for appropriate actions.

At 6-7 years old There is an increased sensitivity to unfavorable external factors and rapid fatigue during training.

At primary school age The processes of ossification and growth of the skeleton, development of small muscles of the hand and functional improvement of the nervous system continue.

Age 11-14 years characterized by sudden hormonal changes and intensive growth. Rapid development of internal organs occurs: the heart grows faster than the lumen of blood vessels, and juvenile hypertension occurs.

At 15-18 years old Puberty ends, and the predominance of general arousal and mental imbalance persists.

Morning work-out

It is no coincidence that morning exercises are called exercises; they relieve drowsiness and “charge” the body with vigor for the whole day.

Gymnastic exercises strengthen the functioning of the heart and lungs, improve metabolism, and have a positive effect on the nervous system.

! The exercises must be performed in a certain sequence: firstsipping,then exercisesfor arms and shoulder girdle, then torso and legs. Finish chargingjumping and running, after which they docalming breath. Charging duration depending on age from10 to 30 minutes. The exercises gradually become more complex, and the pace of movements accelerates. It is advisable to change sets of exercises every 7-10 days. It is mandatory to ensure an influx of fresh air during classes.

In addition to exercise, physical education includes outdoor games . Outdoor games and sports are considered the best. The game improves motor skills and increases emotional tone.

In addition, outdoor games provide a good healing effect. Pay attention to swimming, skiing, cycling and other sections depending on your inclinations.

Team games are well disciplined: volleyball, basketball, football. Don't forget about dancing.

It is especially important for a child to stay outside in the evening before bedtime. It has been proven that the best regimen is 3-4 walks with a total duration of 2.5-3.5 hours.

! H The younger the child, the more time he should spend outside .

Water treatments

After morning exercises, water treatments await you. School-age children should take after each physical training comfortable shower .

The temperature is gradually reduced: from 30 to 20-15 degrees at the end. This is a good hardening procedure. A contrast shower with alternating warm and cool water flows is possible. Nothing drives away sleep better than washing your face with cold water in the morning.

The weakest water procedure is rubbing, so you need to start water procedures with them.


Breakfast must be hot and quite filling, accounting for a quarter of the child’s daily needs.

Meals should take place in a quiet, calm and friendly environment. There is no need to read books or talk while eating.

Lunch around 13-14 hours, dinner no later than 19.30.

Adherence to a regular eating schedule will ensure family meals, sufficient variety of dishes and no snacking.

After school, rest

Upon returning from school, the child should have lunch and be sure to relax . Afternoon rest will be about 1-1.5 hours, without reading books or watching TV. Weak and often ill children should devote this time to sleep.

During rest, the processes of restoration of substances in the tissues are enhanced, the metabolic shifts that have occurred are eliminated and proper performance is restored.

The largest Russian scientist I.M. Sechenov proved thatThe best rest is not complete rest, but the so-called active rest, i.e. changing one type of activity to another.

The best active recreation is physical activity, especially outdoors. Fresh, clean air strengthens the body, improves metabolic processes, the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and increases its resistance to infection.

The best types of mobile activities are movements chosen by the children themselves, performed by them with pleasure, joy, and emotional uplift. Such movements are outdoor games and sports entertainment (in the warm season - games with a ball, jumping rope, small towns, etc.; in winter - sledding, skating, skiing).

For outdoor outdoor games, first-shift students should be given time after lunch before starting homework. Total duration staying outdoors, including travel to and from school, should be For for younger students at least 3-3.5 hours, for older students - at least 2-2.5 hours.

In your daily routine, you should set aside time for freely chosen creative activity, such as designing, drawing, modeling, music, reading fiction. On this for a day for younger students it takes 1-1.5 hours, and for older students - 1.5-2.5 hours.

Every schoolchild should be involved in feasible work around the house. The younger ones can be entrusted with cleaning the room, watering flowers, washing dishes; for older people - a walk with the kids, buying groceries, working in the garden, etc.


To prepare home lessons during the day schoolchildren junior classes need to spend 1.5-2 hours, middle classes - 2-3 hours, senior classes 3-4 hours.

With such a duration of homework, as special studies have shown, children work attentively, concentratedly all the time and by the end of classes they remain cheerful and cheerful.

! If the preparation of homework is delayed, then the educational material is poorly absorbed. You can’t do your homework right after school! In these cases, the student, after mental work at school, without having had time to rest, immediately receives a new load. As a result, he quickly becomes tired, the speed of completing tasks decreases, and memorization of new material deteriorates.

! The break between studying at school and starting to prepare homework at home must be at least 2.5 hours. Students will spend most of this break walking or playing outdoors.

! Students studying in the first shift can start preparing homework no earlier than 16-17 hours. When doing homework, just like at school, every 45 minutes you should take a break for 10 minutes, during which you need to ventilate the room, get up, walk, and do a few breathing exercises.

In many cases, students have to prepare assignments when there is loud talking, arguing, or the radio in the room.

These extraneous external stimuli distract attention (which happens especially easily in children), inhibit and disorganize the smooth functioning of the body.

As a result, not only does the preparation time for lessons lengthen, but the child’s fatigue also increases, and in addition, he does not develop the skills of concentrated work, he learns to be distracted.

Interest classes

The child can use one and a half to two hours of free time for activities of interest (reading, drawing, playing, watching television, etc.).

! Duration of watching TV shows - no more than 1.5 hours 2-3 times a week. L The best pastime would be a walk in the fresh air. Classes in hobby groups are very useful.

! A child can participate in no more than two clubs.

Approximate diagram of the daily routine of schoolchildren of the first shift (classes start at 8:30 a.m.)

Type of activities and recreation

Age of schoolchildren

7-9 years

10 years

11-13 years old

14-17 years old






Morning work-out

Water treatments

Bed cleaning, toilet

7.00 – 7.30

7.00 – 7.30

7.00 – 7.30

7.00 – 7.30

Morning breakfast

7.30 – 7.50

7.30 – 7.50

7.30 – 7.50

7.30 – 7.50

Road to school

7.50 – 8.20

7.50 – 8.20

7.50 – 8.20

7.50 – 8.20

School lessons





Hot breakfast at school

about 11 o'clock

about 11 o'clock

about 11 o'clock

about 11 o'clock







sleep or rest



Games and sports

outdoor activities





Afternoon snack














Dinner and free

activities (reading,

music lessons,

manual labor, help

family, activities

foreign language, etc.)




For 14-15 years old:


For 16-17 years old:


Getting ready for bed

(cleaning clothes, shoes,











For 14-15 years old:


For 16-17 years old:


! On weekends and holidays, the student’s daily routine should differ from the usual in that much more time should be provided for being outdoors, for visiting cinemas, theaters, museums, etc.

! Rest should be active - a hike in the forest, picking berries, mushrooms, medicinal plants, collecting material for collections, a variety of outdoor games, swimming. Doable physical labor in the air, in the garden, is also useful.

! A properly organized daily routine for students during the holidays is the basis for proper rest and contributes to the complete restoration of the child’s body’s performance.

Durationvarious types of daily activities(in hours)











in circles














11 – 10,5


1 -1,5




11 – 10,5


1,5 - 2




11 – 10,5


2 – 2,5




10,5 -10


2 – 2,5




10 – 9,5


2,5 - 3




9,5 - 9


3 - 4




9,5 - 9


3 - 4




9,5 - 9


3 - 4




9 -8,5


3 - 4




8 - 8,5