Strong conspiracies and whispers for all occasions. Video: whispers from evil people

To make their lives easier, people are ready not only to resort to various tricks, but also to turn to white or black magic. It's no secret that serious magical rituals are fraught with serious consequences. To avoid such troubles, you can resort to one well-known “grandmother’s” remedy called whispering. Let's consider whispers for all occasions that will help you cope with various life situations.

What is a magical whisper?

Slavic magical culture is rich in all kinds of conspiracies and rituals. Some of them belong to white magic and are not capable of harming other people. As for black rituals, they can not only negatively affect a person’s health or life, but also cause his death. One of the simplest and most harmless magical effects are whispers, which belong to village magic.

In ancient times, healer grandmothers lived in every village, whose whispers for all occasions helped people solve difficult life problems. In those distant times, the use of magic was not something “out of the ordinary.” People used its services constantly: getting up in the morning, doing household chores throughout the day, or going to bed in the evening. The everyday whispers of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers have survived to this day in a somewhat “reworked” but “working” state. These are various magical whispers of the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova, conspiracies of the famous Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga and many other famous and unknown healers and healers.

Love whispers

One of the most popular and sought-after influences are whispers of love. They are easy “quick” conspiracies that help correct the relationship between a man and a woman. Love whispers for all possible occasions will help improve relationships with your partner, return your husband to the family, and attract the attention of the guy or attractive girl you like. Let's look at some of them.

Whispering for the love of a girl or guy is a powerful and effective way to attract the attention of a member of the opposite sex. To arouse the interest of the person you like, you can use a love spell whisper on a photo of your loved one. To do this, before going to bed, light a white or red candle and pick up a photo of the man or woman you like. Then look closely into the eyes of the “object of your passion,” imagining that he is next to you, and quietly say the words of the conspiracy:

“Eyes to eyes, from heart to heart. I betray my love to you. I kindle the ardent passion in you, I urge you to love me with all my heart. Let it be so".

Then put the photo under your pillow, extinguish the candle, and go to bed.

If you see a loved one and don’t know how to attract his attention, use whispers in the back. Look closely at the man or woman, as if you want to “burn them with your gaze” and say:

“Darling (sweetheart), turn around, touch me with your gaze. Inflame with love for me, wish to be with me.”

“Let your body dry, let your soul dry. For you, only I, the Servant of God (girl’s name), is sweet and good. You and I can be together, only you can love me forever and ever, with endless love.”

You need to pronounce the words of the spell quietly and discreetly.

Considering effective whispers at a distance, I want to highlight the conspiracy to the wind. To carry out this ritual, you need to wait for windy weather, go outside, stand on a hill facing the wind and read the following plot:

“Veter Vetrovich, you fly everywhere, you see everything, you know everything. At my command, fly to distant lands, bring my beloved (name of a loved one) to my doorstep. Spin his head, bewitch him with love for me. We can be together forever, never part. My word is strong, but my desire is true.”

After finishing the recitation, you need to quickly leave without turning around or talking to anyone. You can perform the ritual for the “breeze” at any time of the day, on any day of the week and in any lunar phase.

You can whisper the love of a man or woman during a kiss. To do this, when kissing your loved one, you need to read the plot “to yourself”:

“Mouth to mouth, breath to breath. My love is for you, and yours is for me. Today and forever."

Considering the most effective conspiracies and whispers, it is worth dwelling in more detail on whispers for food and drink. When preparing dishes for your loved one, you should say:

“Food to the body - love to the soul.”

You can attract a man using a knitting spell:

“As thread is intertwined with thread, so the fate of the Servant of God (the name of a loved one) is united with the fate of the Servant of God.”

Using whispers, you can speak to any drink: water, juice, tea, coffee. Before serving it to your loved one, you need to take three sips of the drink from his cup or glass, saying the following words quietly:

“I should drink, you should finish your drink. You shouldn’t love anyone but me, don’t kiss anyone.”

This whisper is said with every sip. For the plot to work, your loved one must drink from the cup after you.

Whispers in bed

To tie a man to you sexually, you can use whispering in bed. During sex, in a quiet whisper or “to yourself” you need to say:

“You are my king, I am your queen. You are my lion, I am your lioness. We will be together forever, never part."

In all the whispers about love and sex, you need to invest as much energy and confidence as possible that everything will work out for you. In order for your man to experience sexual attraction only to you, during orgasm you need to whisper:

“Your body is in me, your desire is with me. If you give your seed, you will become mine forever.”

In the morning after sex, while in bed with your loved one, stroke and move his hair and whisper:

“I’ll twist my hair, I’ll bewitch you to me. My exhalation is your inhalation, I want you to dry without me.”

Black love spells, the peculiarity of which is that they use human biological materials or turn to dark forces for help, will help you “beat off” your “marvelous” husband from your rival. To make a black whisper, collect your husband’s sperm on a red cloth and say the hex:

“Your seed Servant of God (husband’s name) is here and here is your happiness. I will attract you with my seed, I will return you home from the homewrecker.”

Then wrap the sperm on the red cloth into a kind of package and place it by the front door. When your husband returns home, take the package and quietly whisper to it:

“You were called by your seed. From now on, you need to be with me and no one else.”

After reciting, quietly place the bundle under the mattress of your marital bed.

Whispers about marriage

What girl doesn't dream of a happy marriage? However, often harsh reality or simple bad luck cancels out bright dreams of a successful marriage. But don’t despair—whispers for marriage will help correct the situation and get rid of loneliness. They can be used by both a girl who wants to find a life partner, and a mother or father who wants to marry off their daughter or find a good wife for their son. In addition to slander and whispers for marriage, you can read prayers and “stock up” with the necessary amulets.

If potential suitors are not yet visible “on the horizon” of a girl, then a whisper will come to the rescue for a quick meeting of her “soulmate”:

“The roads creep and wind, but they converge into one. So my lonely destiny will meet another destiny. Everything that is planned and dreamed will come true.”

You can read the plot at any time of the day or night and on any day of the week, the more often the better. It doesn’t matter when it happens: before bed or in the morning - the main thing is the right attitude and a firm conviction that success awaits you. You need to pronounce the words in a whisper, while you need to imagine the person you dream of meeting.

What if the girl already has a groom, who, however, is in no hurry to walk her down the aisle? Among the many different whispers that can help with this problem, one ancient miraculous way to push a guy to make a decision in favor of marriage stands out. During the ritual, you need to take a crust of bread, sprinkle it with salt and quietly whisper for a successful marriage

“Wait for my guests at my house for the wedding feast. This year I will greet them with bread and salt. Feed them with food and live happily with your loved one.”

After reading, you need to eat bread and salt. It is necessary to read the plot while in the house in which you live.

Whispers of betrayal

A correctly chosen special plot will help your “other half” to “remain faithful” to you and protect the relationship from betrayal. If you know that your man has another woman, say this whisper after him:

“Where you went, go there, you will return anyway. With me you are a brave fellow, and with the other you are a weak old man. Be as I said."

You can bring home a husband who has been on a spree using the following ritual. If you are sure that your husband has gone on a date with another woman, then take his indoor shoes by the toes and hit his heels on the threshold of your house. In this case, you need to say in an imperative tone:

“Go home immediately. I'm waiting for you".

A proven, powerful whisper - a quarrel, which works even at a distance - will help ruin the relationship between your loved one and your rival, and get him to return to you. This ritual can also be used to protect a son or daughter from unfavorable relationships. Let's look at its simple algorithm:

  1. Before going to bed, on the waning or full moon, light two black or white candles. The day of the week doesn't matter.
  2. Take photos of your loved one and his new “passion”.
  3. Place them facing away from each other and say: “I will put a high wall between the Servant of God (the name of your loved one) and the Servant of God (the name of your rival). I will dig a deep abyss between the Servant of God (the name of your loved one) and the Servant of God (the name of the homewrecker). They will never be together, I will separate them forever. Let it be so". Words must be pronounced clearly, quietly and without hesitation.
  4. Then burn the photo of your opponent with candles.
  5. Place the photo of the man under your pillow and go to bed.
  6. In the morning, take the photo out from under the pillow and hide it away.
  7. Candles and ashes from the burned photo should be taken out of the house and thrown away or buried.

A whisper of ordinary salt can put your loved one at odds with a rival. Take some salt and whisper into it:

“I whisper the right words, I want to set the Servant of God (the name of your loved one) at odds with the Servant of God (the name of your rival). You cannot live in peace, you cannot know peace. Let anger and hatred flow like a river. You should be like a cat and a dog. Let every quarrel end in a fight. My word is true, and my desire is strong.”

Then the charmed salt needs to be thrown to the threshold of the house where your rival lives and where your loved one often visits. A whisper to your hated rival, said behind her back, will help you get rid of her forever:

“You disgust him. I am loved by him. You're a hissing viper to him. I am an alluring sweet berry to him. You are bitter to him. I am a sweet treat to him. Not with you, but with me he should be. Not you, but he loves me. My words are spoken and tied in a strong knot.”

Whispers for longing and reconciliation

Whispers for melancholy will help to cause melancholy and boredom in a loved one and make him call or write. You need to carry out the ritual “for the coming sleep.” To do this, before going to bed, you need to light a white candle and, “resurrecting” the image of a loved one in your memory, whisper:

“I light a candle at night, I send sadness and longing to the Servant of God (the man’s name). As long as that candle burns, so much does my dear one yearn for me.”

After reading, go to bed, but there is no need to extinguish the candle - let it burn all night until the morning. You can perform the ritual as many times as you need - at least every day.

If your loved one is going on a trip, and you want him to be bored and sad when he is far from you, then quick short whispers to any item or clothing that he takes with him on the road will help. Take the thing and quietly whisper to it:

“Near or far, let this (name of thing) remind the Servant of God (name of loved one) of me. Let his heart ache and be sad. Let your loved one grieve for the Servant of God (your name) in separation.”

Every time your loved one looks or touches the enchanted thing, he will definitely remember you. He will want to see you or at least make one phone call.

Quick whispers for quick reconciliation will help restore peace in a family or couple. They act most strongly during the waxing moon and the new moon. You can read them at any time of the day: morning, afternoon, evening, and even if it’s “deep night” outside. You need to whisper the following:

“The quarrel burst into flames and burned to ashes. The wind will carry away the ashes, reconcile the Servant of God (your name) with the Servant of God (name of your loved one).

Whispers for happiness and luck

The “radius of action” of a whisper to fulfill a wish is quite wide. It is simply irreplaceable for those who are looking for a good new job or want to succeed in their old one. Whispers to fulfill a wish will help attract new clients and make the boss more restrained and tolerant. If your cherished desire is a successful sale of a house or a quick purchase of an apartment, then you cannot do without his help. Let's look at the best and simplest whispers for desire and luck.

The most famous whisper for luck can be read to anyone in any situation. The most important thing is to always get out of bed on the right foot in the morning. But the magical morning “exercise” does not end there. Standing up on your right foot, you need to quietly say:

“The right leg leads, and the left follows. Where one goes, so goes the second. Where I go, my luck goes.”

This whisper is a good help for those who are about to go on a long journey or who have to “survive” the first day at a new job.

If you dream of winning the lottery or want to get something for free, whisper:

“It will happen as I want. An angel flies above me, covering me with her wing.”

This conspiracy will help the student pass tests or exams, and with its help the responsible employee will be able to “get away with it” during inspections at work. By using whispers at work, you can make your boss less nagging and not take his anger out on you. If you feel like you are in for a scolding, when entering your boss’s office, whisper:

“I’m on one bank - you’re on the other. Scream - I won’t hear, get angry - I won’t recognize.”

Prayer - a whisper for happiness will help to ensure that prosperity and mutual understanding reign in your home. The ceremony can be performed both during the day and at night. Light a white church candle and, going around the whole house, room by room, whisper:

“Our Heavenly Father, just as our world is arranged rationally by You, so help me arrange my life rationally. Remove the scales from my eyes, bring me sense and show me the right path. Bring happiness and prosperity to my doorstep. Give me and my family health and success. Your Word and Your Will are always with me. Amen".

After reading the prayer, you can sprinkle all the rooms of the house with blessed church water.

Holiday whispers

There are a number of whispers that are read exclusively on relevant religious holidays. For example, in the Annunciation you can read a whisper against infertility or pregnancy. To get pregnant, a woman needs to whisper before having sexual intercourse with a man:

“Mother Holy Mother of God. Grant me your mercy. Send me a son, a falcon, and a daughter, a swallow.”

In addition to conspiracies, you can use special prayers and amulets.

Maundy Thursday and Palm Sunday are good days for curing illnesses and protecting from evil. During this period, with the help of special spells and prayers, you can remove damage, the evil eye and the curse. On Maundy Thursday and Palm Sunday, whispers for illness, whispers for health, and various protective holiday whispers for Thursday water and Thursday salt are read. To wash away the evil eye, damage or curse, you need to get up before dawn on this day and, while washing your face, whisper the words into the water:

“I wash away everything they said about me. What the heart and soul are tormented with is washed away with living water on Maundy Thursday.”

On Maundy Thursday, you can cast a spell on water in order to use it to treat various diseases and protect yourself from the “machinations” of evil people. To do this, you need to put a silver object in the water, and then whisper into the water:

“Clean water - help. Take troubles and illnesses away from me. Remove the evil eye and damage from me, give me health and strength.”

The charmed water with the silver item should be left overnight. The next morning on Good Friday you should wash your face with this water. To prevent the child from getting sick, he needs to be bathed in enchanted water.

In addition to the fight against evil and disease, on Maundy Thursday you can gain wealth, in which a whisper on your wallet will help. Take the wallet with money and whisper:

“Like the sky is full of stars. Like rivers full of water. So let my wallet be full of money. Let it be so".

On this day, to attract wealth, you can charm a small silver coin with the following words:

“Coin to coin, money to money. Wealth in your wallet, prosperity in your home.”

Then the charmed coin must be placed in the wallet and kept there constantly. It will help you make a good profit and spend your salary wisely.

Before Easter, by kneading Easter cake dough, you can speak to your family against illness and evil:

“A dove flew in and brought holy water. The bird pecked the grains and drove away all diseases. She flapped her wings, driving away evil and evil spirits. I will bow to the dove and ask her for some water. I will wash my face with that water, holy water.”

On New Year's Eve you can read the amulet - a whisper against the failures that haunted you in the old year:

“The old year will pass and it will take all the troubles with it. He will give good luck to the New Year, and the New Year will give it to me.”

To improve your health in the new year and make sure your child doesn’t get sick, you need to whisper with the clock striking:

“I forever cut off everything that was sick, rotten and decaying from the Servant of God (the person’s name). I attract health, strength and joy to him.”

On your birthday, amulets work well - whispers against lack of money and spells for health.

Whispers for children

Charms - whispers for children are designed to help parents cope with the difficult task of raising a child. To prevent your son or daughter from getting sick, you can read the following plot:

“An oak tree grew in the forest, strong and tall. No one can break that oak tree, my child won’t suffer from any illness.”

Among the variety of useful whispers to children, you can also find those that will help infants sleep well. During feeding, the mother needs to quietly whisper the following words:

“In a distant forest, in a dark forest, there is a dry oak tree. I will take the restlessness from my baby and send it to that oak branch. My baby can sleep, but the oak tree suffers from illness.”

If your child wakes up at night and cries, read the fright whisper over him. To do this, you need to pour water into a glass, you can consecrate it and, baptizing the child with this glass, say:

“You bad thought, go away from the Servant of God (Servant of God) (child’s name). From the legs, from the arms, from the body, from the head. Go away forever and never come back."

Then let your baby drink water from a glass and wipe him with that water. To help your child eat well, you need to whisper during meals:

“I cooked porridge for our baby to eat. The porridge is fragrant and tasty, our baby will be healthy and strong.”

If your child has been influenced by evil people, and you suspect that he has been jinxed, lick his forehead, spit over his left shoulder and read the whisper from the evil eye: “Salt and water in your eyes.”

To make money, after you take the change, say:

“In my wallet is your money. Now your treasury is my treasury.”

Whispers from inactivity and laziness will help make a lazy daughter-in-law or wife a good housewife. To make your plans come true, wash the dishes from which she ate, saying at the same time: “As I wash the dishes for you, I will give you a job.”

You can attract money by whispering on a thread and a needle. To do this, thread a red thread through a needle and sew the hem of your clothes directly on yourself. At the same time, you need to say: “Just as a thread is drawn to a needle, so money will be drawn to me.”

The following conspiracy, which in ancient times helped our ancestors fight ill-wishers, will help to punish the offender, make him sick, suffer and forget the way to you. To the enemy’s back you need to say:

“Go away, and pass by. Walk along the road, but along the curve. Where the path leads you, the devil will lead you.”

After this, a whisper in the back, “and the feet” of the offender will not be on the threshold of your home. To “ward off” evil people from your home, after a visit from such a person, you need to take a broom and sweep the floor in your home, saying:

“With a clean broom, sweep (person’s name) out of my house forever. Make sure that (the person’s name) no longer has a foot in my house.”

Find out the most effective whispers for all occasions. They are designed for daily use in frequent everyday situations. Goals can be different - getting rid of fatigue, good luck, gaining beauty and much more.

In the article:

Whispers for all occasions - it all depends on the situation

Our great-grandmothers knew whispers for all occasions. Magic often helped them in everyday affairs. In the old days, a woman could turn to otherworldly forces during the most ordinary household chores- cooking, cleaning and even weeding the garden. Our ancestors almost always managed to create strong families, have enviable health even in old age, receive good incomes and help their children and grandchildren with money. Their secret is knowledge that has been passed down from generation to generation.

Almost every person drinks tea or coffee in the morning. Even if you prefer milk or juice, you can whisper special words on them. They will give you strength and vigor, no matter how early your morning starts and how much sleep you managed to get:

I drink strength, I drink health, I drink the energy of this day.

Many people prefer to shower or bathe in the evening. True, not everyone thinks about the fact that a shower washes away not only physical dirt, but also fatigue, bad emotions and negative energy. In order to get rid of the stress and bad energy accumulated during the day, whisper while bathing:

I wash away the negativity, I erase the grievances, I wash away the melancholy.

You can say this while washing your hands. These magic words improve your mood and help you relax. You will quickly forget about such a problem as being in a bad mood for the whole day after a bad day at work.

Household chores - helpers in witchcraft

Cleaning is an important activity. By removing physical waste, you can also deal with energy pollution. For this, housewives used salt, holy water, decoctions of cleansing herbs and much more. Whispers that are read while cleaning the house have survived to this day:

I cleanse my house, fill it with luck, money and love.

During rearrangements and simply putting small things in their places, you can whisper like this:

I’m putting the house in order so that happiness (money, joy, love - depending on what you’re missing) lives in it.

While sweeping, you can hum a song for the brownie:

A broom walks across the carpet, walks from corner to corner, like an old brownie, you won’t be offended by me!

The brownie will be very happy with this display of attention and will definitely please you with something.

Not only cleaning can be a magical activity. This also applies to cooking. For example, when cutting cabbage you can:

I chop cabbage and add more money. Chopping cabbage, leaving money in my wallet.

In soups, while stirring and chopping the components of the dish, you can whisper for happiness, wealth and health:

I cook soup so that everyone can eat, become healthy and rich, so that whoever eats my soup will know happiness and love.

Porridge has always been considered a money dish, so it’s better to whisper to it while stirring:

The porridge is boiling, the money is going on, multiplying, adding.

Everyone knows the sign about spilled salt - this means a scandal. To avoid such problems, folk signs recommend many different manipulations. You can also do the following - take a pinch of spilled salt with your right hand and throw it over your left shoulder. In this case, you need to whisper like this:

Salt, salt, salt, pain, pain, pain, but I don’t care. Amen.

A bad omen after such a whisper of salt will not come true. You don’t have to be nervous in anticipation of a scandal or showdown.

Whispers for weight loss and beauty

Every girl knows how important a beautiful hairstyle is in creating an image. However, if your hair grows slowly and medications either don’t help or are too expensive, you can try to do what women did a couple of hundred years ago. It is known that girls used to have very long and thick braids, and the secret of such luxurious hair is simple.

On the waxing moon, you need to cut off a small strand of hair and throw it into any fast stream of water. It could be a river or stream, but if there is nothing similar to such a body of water nearby, even a toilet will do - it can provide a fast flow of water, you just need to immediately press the flush button. At the same time, you need to whisper the following words:

Grow my hair as fast as this water flows.

Angel of water, give beauty, health, vigor, remove wrinkles.

And this is how you can whisper into the washing water to smooth out wrinkles and look much younger than your age:

My smooth, delicate skin is only similar to the skin of a baby.

Weight loss tips can turn any woman into a top model. But that doesn't mean you don't have to put in any effort. Magic will not do everything for you; you will still have to stick to a diet and exercise. However, thanks to such witchcraft, the desired result can be achieved much faster.

If you have the opportunity to pour at least a glass of water on the ground where pigs walk, the whispering for weight loss, which is still used in villages, is suitable for you. During the waning moon, try to take a bath more often, and whisper to the water:

It's the pig who gets fat, not me. It's not for me to get fat, it's for the pig. Amen. Amen. Amen.

After bathing, pour any remaining water where the pigs are. You need to pour it out immediately after bathing, do not delay this process, otherwise it will not work.

Of course, not everyone who wants to lose weight is familiar with pig owners. There is another whisper about losing weight; it is said during the waning moon. In this case, you need to look at the moon. Whisper three times:

As you decrease, so do I decrease. The fat goes away and goes onto the pig. Amen.

The more often the whispers about losing weight are repeated, the better the result will be. Ideally, you need to whisper such words every day, but only on the waning moon.

Whisper to fall asleep quickly and have good dreams

It is difficult to find a person who would not like to get rid of bad dreams forever. Every person dreams of them from time to time, and we don’t always see such dreams as a sign of something bad. There is an old trick that will help you get rid of such dreams that can greatly ruin your mood. When you make a new clean bed, whisper to it:

No nightmares!

Just two simple words can provide only pleasant dreams. There is also a special whisper to quickly fall asleep and see only pleasant dreams. As soon as you put your head on the pillow, whisper:

Pillow-pillow, warm my ear. Send me a good dream, like a fairy tale.

If you suffer from insomnia, before going to bed, place your slippers in different corners of the room and whisper to them:

You stand in these corners, but I don’t wake up to sleep until dawn. Amen. Amen. Amen.

If a small child does not want to sleep, whisper in his ear:

Little sleepyheads, come here, little howler monkeys, come away.

Whispers for fatigue and good health

Health is a truly important part of our life. Preserving it until old age is not so easy, especially taking into account modern ecology and the rhythm of life. However, even in the distant past, people seemed to need magic words to improve health and increase vitality.

Every time you wash your hands or wash your face, you can whisper the following words:

Dew of Solomonia, water of Iritsa, wash away the sickness from God’s servant. Amen.

Likewise, while washing your face, washing your hands or showering, you can get rid of fatigue from illness with the following words:

Water-water, God's sister. Wash off me what you know.

Another whisper for fatigue and to increase vital energy levels:

I wash my face with clean water and gain strength!

Whispering at the enemy - how to protect yourself from ill-wishers

Whispering at the enemy will protect you from the possible evil eye, someone else's negative energy, which is inevitably released into the world around us during quarrels and scandals. Do you need such negativity? It can be returned to the person who is the “author” of such energy. There are also special whispers that protect against more material problems that ill-wishers may cause.

So, if the enemy expressed a bad wish, read the following whisper in the back of the departing ill-wisher:

Whatever you want for me, take it for yourself.

Almost every person knows that turning your back on the enemy is dangerous. Don't do this, it's better to wait until the enemy makes such a mistake and whisper in his back. You can also use the following text to protect against bad wishes and negativity:

Your speeches are on your shoulders.

In public places you often meet people whose goal is to be rude and thereby improve their mood. By the way, most of them are energy vampires who feed on the energy of other people. If a lot of verbal slop has been poured on you, use this whisper:

Your negativity, you have to live with it, but I don’t need someone else’s.

Have no doubt, if a boor really deserves punishment, he will definitely receive it. What else can you say after an unpleasant conversation or quarrel with neighbors, colleagues and other people? Here are some examples of strong whispers of negativity. For example, this will cool emotions and prevent the quarrel from continuing. Whisper, looking at the base of the enemy’s neck from behind:

Go in peace and I will go.

And this is how you can whisper to get rid of the negative energy of the evil eye or quarrel:

I’m giving away what you gave me for free. There is no need for someone else's evil.

Of course, it is better to protect yourself from evil people in advance, right at the exit from the house. For this, our ancestors called upon a guardian angel:

My angel, come with me, you go ahead, I will follow you.

These are strong protective words, they will protect you from any troubles.

If you are afraid of thieves, whisper anti-theft whispers at your front door:

Take away the arms and legs of the thief on my doorstep.

These simple words will protect your property from attacks by people who make a living by stealing. But if you are leaving for a long time and are worried about the safety of your things, whisper to the brownie:

The owner is a brownie! Don’t be a fuss in the night, lie down on the stove, take care, house-house, I’ll put the dishes, I’ll arrive soon. Rotok key lock. Amen.

Whispers for every day of the week - in accordance with the calendar

There are many different whispers. Not every person is able to learn their texts and remember the situations in which such witchcraft is used. There are whispers for every day of the week, and if you repeat them regularly, you can whisper yourself away from all problems and troubles, gain wealth and find love. Start using them on any Monday.

On Monday they make a wish while still lying in bed in the morning, and then get out of bed on their right foot with the following whisper:

It will come true, I believe it will come true. Let it be so!

On Tuesday, you are supposed to invoke good luck by leaving the house with the following words:

Tuesday for good luck, I won't pay. Amen! Amen! Amen!

On Wednesday, while washing your face in the morning, they whisper about luck:

I wash my face and call on good luck. It will come true!

On Thursday you need to get out of bed and immediately turn to the east to whisper to yourself from problems and troubles:

Thursday Thursday, grant me no bitterness!

On Friday, when you put on your clothes, invoke joy:

Holy Friday has come and brought me joy.

Saturday is a day of protection from enemies and requests for retribution for enemies. When combing your hair and putting yourself in order in front of the mirror in the morning, whisper to all your enemies:

Saturday, Saturday, may all enemies die.

Sunday is a great day for fulfilling wishes and the magic of luck. When you open the front door for the first time in the morning, whisper three times:

Lady of the week - Sunday, let me live this day according to my wishes.

In general, whispers for all occasions are not too difficult to remember. They can be used in almost any everyday situation where magical help is needed. Using such folk wisdom is not too difficult, but it can seriously improve life, attract good luck and wealth, help you feel better, preserve beauty and youth for many years.

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Whispers are special conspiracies with which you can attract good luck and protect yourself from troubles. But unlike conspiracies, whispers can be pronounced at any time in any place, or rather when the situation requires it. This is a kind of magical ambulance that will always help in difficult times.

Whispers for good luck

If you want to attract good luck, then, when crossing the threshold of your home, whisper: “The truth is that beyond this threshold is my strength.”

If you want to protect yourself from the wrath of your boss: “I’m on the left bank, you’re on the right. Scream or don’t scream, you still won’t finish shouting.” This whisper should be said before talking to your boss if he is not happy with something.

If you want your day to go well, get up on your right foot in the morning and say: “Where your right foot goes, your left foot goes. Where I go, my luck goes.”

Whispers for money

When receiving money, whisper: “Money in your pocket, soon there will be a whole suitcase.”

Whisper to your wallet: “My wallet is ringing, money is making me fat. Every day my luck gets greener.”

If you give money: “I’m giving money, but I’m waiting for it back.”

Whispers in the back

Whispers in the back are spoken in order to punish the offender or protect himself from his evil intentions.

If they wish you something bad, then say: “What you wish for me, take it for yourself.”

If you are rude in a public place: “Your negativity, you have to live with it, but I don’t need someone else’s.”

Whisper at the enemy’s back: “Your speeches are on your shoulders.”

Whispers for love

If you want to attract a person’s attention, say a loving whisper after him: “As the grass spreads in the spring, so you will spread before me.”

If you want to discourage your loved one from another woman, discreetly put a head of garlic in his pocket and say: “If you throw away the garlic, you’ll throw (the name of your rival) out of your heart.” Naturally, if a man finds garlic in his pocket, he will take it out and throw it away.

If your husband leaves, say after him: “Just as water returns from earth to heaven, so you are destined to return to me.”

These conspiracies will help in difficult situations, put you in the right mood and attract good luck. Remember that when pronouncing any whisper or conspiracy, it is important to put all the energy and strength into your words.

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Whispers are short folk conspiracies for all occasions that can be spoken every day during ordinary everyday activities. Using whispers, you can fulfill all your desires for free and quickly.

Whispers that you say in the morning are considered especially effective. It is immediately after waking up that your subconscious is most sensitive, so conspiracies will have incredible power.

Examples of morning whispers:

  • When you first wake up, remember to get out of bed and step on the floor with your right foot. You need to say the following words:
    “I get up and attract good luck to me. Everything I set my mind to turns out easily, luck is with me.”
  • Be sure to read the spell for a glass of water to drink on an empty stomach. Water “remembers” all the information that you put into it. For example, you can say with a smile:
    “I drink water, my health is good, I am full of strength and energy”
  • Don't forget to look at your reflection in the mirror. Be sure to smile at him and repeat these words:
    “I’m irresistible, all eyes are on me. I attract good luck and have success"
  • During your morning shower, imagine that streams of water wash away all drowsiness and bad mood. You are filled with energy and happiness. Say:
    “Son, get out. Resentment, irritation and anger are not about me. I am a happy and harmonious person"
  • When making your bed, don’t forget to whisper: “See you in the evening, thank you for the strong and happy dreams”. This whisper will start “working” the next night, saving you from insomnia and nightmares
  • Opening your eyes after a night's sleep, immediately think about something pleasant, smile and whisper:
    “All my wishes come true, today is a wonderful and happy day”

Using short morning spells, you will give yourself a great mood, create flows of positive energy and attract good luck. All things during the day will go well.

Whispers for good luck

If you dream of something, repeat the whispers to make your wish come true, and everything will come true, as if by magic.

  • Every time you cross any threshold (at home, at work, on a visit or in stores), remember the whispers and say:
    “The next door opens up new opportunities for me to fulfill my cherished desires”
  • If you want to improve the situation in your relationship with a person, then while communicating with him, mentally imagine that you are giving him some kind of gift. At the same time, say quietly and in a whisper:
    “My gifts are your gifts. I wish you happiness, and myself prosperity and fulfillment of desires."
  • On the eve of some important event, the outcome of which you are very concerned about:
    “The situation will end the way I need it, because I am the darling of fate and all my wishes will come true”

Use your imagination - come up with your own options. The wording is not as important as your attitude and belief in luck. Strive to think positively, use any opportune moment to practice your spells.

Whispers to attract money

Let's be honest: raising money with the help of whispers is the most difficult thing. By pronouncing the cherished words, you call on the help of Higher powers, and for them money is just pieces of paper. Therefore, it is much more effective to ask for what you plan to buy, then the desire will come true faster and the probability is higher.

Examples of money conspiracies:

  • Buy yourself a nice wallet. Don’t skimp: let it be an elegant thing made of genuine leather, expensive, but pleasing and pleasant to you. Every time you look into your wallet, say:
    “The money in my wallet is not transferred, I have enough of it for a comfortable life”
  • When receiving a salary or some other income, take a couple of bills in your hands, rub them together and say:
    “I am multiplying money, I don’t know what to do with it, there is more and more of it, but I am getting richer and richer”
  • Whispering is very effective for pregnant women. If you see a girl in a pregnant position somewhere, whisper in her back:
    “She will have a child, and I will have a profit.”
    Such a conspiracy helps to attract a large sum of money; it will not appear soon, but very unexpectedly

Watch the video with other interesting whispers:

Love spells

Important: If you are trying to attract love, do not read conspiracies for a specific person. They will not work, because you cannot interfere with the intentions of other people - this is already a love spell, and love spell magic always ends with negative consequences.

It is better to imagine in your mind the image of an ideal partner, and “whisper” so that he will appear in your life as soon as possible.

Examples of love whispers:

  • If you are currently single, have some matching items in your home. For example, you can buy two pairs of slippers - women's and men's, or put a pair of toothbrushes in a glass. Looking at these objects, say:
    “Just as this sweet couple stands in my house, so I am inseparable from my man.”
  • While putting on your underwear, stroke your body and say:
    “I radiate love and happiness, I attract happy relationships, I wish for the attention of men”
  • While combing your hair, whisper:
    “Just as my braid is long, so my life with my husband will be cloudless and happy. Love is always with me, it comes from me and attracts everyone."
  • From adultery. If you suspect that you have a rival, it’s worth saying a whisper of loyalty. You need to put a head of garlic under your husband’s pillow and whisper into it:
    “The smell is disgusting, the same as from my rival. You love only me, you forget about the other one, you don’t say her name anymore.”
  • A spell for success for a beloved man - pronounced on the food that you prepare for the man. Whisper for each dish:
    “I love you so much, just as much you are smart, rich and successful.”

Important: All whispers must be used constantly. The more often, the more efficiently they will work.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Since ancient times, people have been helped by whispers that have been collected for many generations for all occasions. When there is no time for long rituals, circumstances do not work out as planned, short conspiracies come to the rescue, which must be pronounced confidently, quickly and not loudly.

Whispers exist to quickly help a person

Whispers are short magic words that exist to quickly help a person. They are usually used in situations where urgent protection from negative influences, the evil eye, and unkind people is required. They can also attract good luck into your life, count on quick profits, and improvement in affairs in the love field.

In magic, whispers are used everywhere, as an additional influence on a circumstance or as an independent short request from higher powers to help realize what you want. Sometimes a person utters a special wording, without even suspecting that he is sending energy requests into space. In order for whispers to work unconditionally for all occasions, it is important to adhere to some recommendations:

  1. Read in a sober mind, realizing that a connection is being established between higher powers and the reader reading conspiracies and whispers.
  2. Understand what working with magic is and that one day you will have to pay for the magic done.
  3. You need to pronounce it in half voice. If the ritual is not performed for yourself, you should pronounce the words into the object’s ear, stroking it clockwise with your palm.
  4. Emphasize fast words. It is advised to strengthen the intonation on the words “Amen”, “So be it”, and other formulations. This will strengthen your connection with the cosmos and expect that higher powers will help quickly.
  5. The rules indicated for each of the situations when help would not hurt will help you whisper correctly.

Responsibility for the rituals performed falls entirely on the one who undertakes to read the magic words.

Love whispers will help you attract the man you like

To attract the man you like, make him sad and attract his attention, the following whispers are used:

“I look at you point blank, feel me with your back, love me with your heart.”

It is important to speak words energetically, in half a voice, looking at the back of a passing object. Another option for whispering to your beloved guy sounds like this:

“You don’t see me in front of you, feel my love with your back.”

This plot will greatly help especially those girls who for a long time cannot achieve reciprocity from their lover.

For more courageous girls who are not afraid to look a guy in the eye, even from a great distance, this option is suitable:

“My gaze is sharp, my gaze is tenacious, it touches your heart, it instills love for me in you.”

This will quickly spark a person’s interest in himself and force him to take the first step. After communication is established, you can think about having your loved one call or come visit. To do this, on the way home, you need to carefully look at the path leading to your place of residence and firmly say:

“You will soon learn my way, you will walk towards me as if attached.”

This call is triggered within a few hours.

A love ritual will help you get closer on a date and push your significant other to kiss the girl. All you need to do is walk around the apartment or cafe where the couple is, and, imagining a moment of intimacy, whisper:

“Even the walls want to kiss me, and you cannot resist kissing me, so that your lips can take and kiss.”

Recommendations from Vanga have always been effective. The seer advised whispers that strengthen relationships. In order for peace, harmony and love to settle in a couple, you need to wake up next to your lover, kiss him tenderly and say to yourself:

“My soul, my thoughts and heart are always with you.”

These words will connect two souls, an energy channel will open that will support feelings even over long distances.

If it is not possible to meet your chosen one, you should try to perform a ritual over a photograph. Wait for the waxing moon, buy a wax candle and print a high-quality image of your other half. Before going to bed, light a candle and take a photo. Without taking your eyes off, say:

“I’ll set my eyes on you and bewitch you to love. Now you will be connected to me - you will follow me like one tied. You can’t live a day or a night without me, you can’t eat without me, you can’t drink. Amen".

You need to sleep that night with a photo under your pillow. The candle is left to burn out until the morning. In the morning, take out the photo and hide it from prying eyes. It is recommended to throw the cinders into the water. In urban environments, a toilet is suitable.

Sometimes even people who love each other very much can get tired of each other, quarrel, and not want to compromise. To correct the energy of a quarrel and direct a man toward reconciliation, you can whisper:

“I remember you, my beloved, and I miss you, just as I miss you, so do you miss me.”

This conspiracy will help to do everything so that the young man gets in touch in the near future, asks for forgiveness and tries to smooth out any corners that have arisen.

If you really want to get married, then marriage whispers will help you

If you can’t bear to get married, you want to unite hearts and souls with your loved one as quickly as possible, you can perform a salt ritual. Place a pinch on your tongue, suck it and say the following words:

“I’m trying salt for my soon to be married, soon they will eat it on the loaf.”

It is not a rare case that not a single guy nearby is worthy of becoming a husband. When you are unlucky in this regard, you should look around while on walks and trips. When you see a beautiful horse, say:

“Nice horse, bring me a nice husband on you.”

No one should hear the spoken conspiracies.

Whispers of betrayal

Sometimes a crack appears in a relationship, but there is no desire to leave. I want to return love, loyalty, and put everything right. The anti-cheating spell is cast after your husband crosses the threshold of your house and leaves for someone else. Read the whispers in the back:

“Go where you went, you’ll still come back. From me you come as a gelding, in my house you will be a stallion. As I say, so it will be.”

If there have been no cases of betrayal yet, but there are suspicions, say magic words over the item purchased for your lover:

“You take a thing from me, you give me your peace. So that neither in the middle of the day nor in the middle of the night will you have peace and urine without the servant of God (your name).

You can give a charmed gift and not worry about infidelity. But if, after all, your lover has left for another woman, it’s worth trying to bring him back with magic. When you see your husband on the street, say after him:

“As moisture returns from earth to heaven and from heaven to earth, so return to me.”

If it is not possible to meet a man, whisper words into his photograph.

Whispers for longing and reconciliation

If a couple quarrels, then you can measure it out with the help of a small ritual

From time to time, conflicts happen with your loved one. It is not always possible to resolve disagreement and resolve discord in a peaceful way. Sometimes you don’t want to make peace, you don’t have the courage to take the first step. At the same time, my soul is heavy, worries do not allow me to sleep peacefully or work. You can try to correct the situation with the help of a small ritual. You will need to take a photograph of your loved one, touch it with your right hand and carefully peer into the person’s eyes. Whisper persistently and confidently:

“You love me, you won’t forget me, your heart beats faster in a quarrel, you want to make peace with me, I give you a kiss, after which you will come to me.”

You can kiss the image and visualize how the guy himself goes to reconciliation, trying to correct the situation.

If the couple quarreled more strongly, the person does not even want to listen and discuss the current circumstances, or look for a way out of the situation, then with all passion and love the following words are read:

“There is resentment in your heart, dear, forgive me, beloved, I love you with all my soul, answer my dear heart, bring him to me, beloved.”

This whisper simultaneously causes melancholy in a man; he strives to be close to the object of love and makes every effort to reconcile.

To appease higher powers, attract happiness and wealth, you need to cook porridge with love for family and home

Healer and author of spells from Siberia Natalya Stepanova recommends paying attention to Fedot Day, March 15. To appease higher powers and attract happiness and wealth, you need to cook porridge with love for family and home. Pour three tablespoons of honey over the finished dish, saying:

“Fedot, yes, help! I’m cooking porridge and calling my husband. Honey porridge, with love and respect. Fedot, blow, blow happiness. Fedot, don’t be cold, give me passion. In the name of all saints. Amen!".

While your husband is eating, you cannot say a word. This whisper will only have an effect on the fulfillment of all blessings if no one finds out about the ritual performed.

To help a loved one and give him luck, you should look at his back and whisper:

“In your mercy, Lord, I hope and trust you, our Guardian, servant of God (name). Amen".

A person should not hear the spoken prayer.

Whispers for wealth and good luck

When buying a new wallet, a ritual is performed so that the money is always safe and there is prosperity in the house. To do this, put large denomination bills in your wallet and say:

“Just as coins collect from coins, so wealth with happiness strives and gathers towards me, money flows to coins into my new wallet. And in my wallet there is always a ringing and rustling sound, enough for a shiny ring, for new clothes, and enough for everything. My word is strong. To them are earth and sky, lock and key. Amen".

Putting your wallet in your bag, say:

“My wallet, my wallet is ringing, wealth is already flying to me.” You should remain silent about the ritual and not tell others about it.

If you are lucky enough to buy a new piece of clothing or jewelry, you need to whisper quickly 12 times for the new item:

“Just as a squirrel wore a fur coat and didn’t take it off, so this (name the thing) would bring me good luck. Today, tomorrow, always! Let it be so! Amen".

The enchanted item will bring good luck, and if you wear it to work, it will definitely attract money to its owner.

You cannot miss the opportunity to attract wealth by walking past a pregnant woman. In the event of such a meeting, read the magic words:

“It’s up to you to give birth, and to me to increase goodness.”

Meeting a pregnant woman is a good omen.

When preparing porridge for your family, you can also appease higher powers. You need to look at the porridge, stir it and say:

“It’s porridge to cook, there’s money in the family, it’s growing, it’s increasing, it’s going to be useful.”

If luck suddenly left a person, someone probably performed a magical influence on the success fence. To do this, you should take holy water and whisper over it:

“Whoever stole my luck, luck will turn away from him and turn back to me. Black eye, gray eye, white eye - get away from me, leave me alone, stop ruining my life, and if you don’t stop, you’ll become a forest stump, you won’t say a word, you won’t look with your eyes, you will dry up, wither - not because of my evil intent, but because of evil to your heart, and according to your thoughts and deeds, what you gave to me, you will get back, your sticky evil will come unstuck from me, stick to you, and with me is my luck, and peace, and tranquility, and God’s grace, so that I can see happiness sooner . Amen".

This prayer will allow you to attract luck into your life again and not allow anyone to take it away again.

Whispers for wish fulfillment

If your cherished wish has not come true for a long time, you need to say before going to bed:

“The blanket and sheet are my protection, and the pillow is my girlfriend! Everything I plant for her will come true in reality!”

Don't talk to anyone until the morning. If someone finds out about what has been done, whispering will have no effect. Carry out the ritual all week. Another whisper is aimed not only at making a dream come true, but also at nighttime protection from evil spirits:

“Even in my dreams and in reality, it will be the way I want.”

The main thing in carrying out these rituals is to avoid negative thoughts until the wish comes true.

The main thing in holiday whispers is to believe in the power of that day

Some quick words are said strictly on religious holidays. For example, on Annunciation, you can ask higher powers for help to get pregnant. Before sexual intercourse, say to yourself:

“Mother Holy Mother of God. Grant me your mercy. Send me a son, a falcon, and a daughter, a swallow.”

On Palm Sunday and Maundy Thursday, healing whispers are read. Treatment occurs at the moment when a person washes himself before dawn, washes away the negativity and says:

“I wash away everything they said about me. What the heart and soul are tormented with is washed away with living water on Maundy Thursday.”

Before Easter, you can also perform a special ritual that will save your family and loved ones from all evil and illness. To do this, you need to say while kneading the Easter cake dough:

“A dove flew in and brought holy water. The bird pecked the grains and drove away all diseases. She flapped her wings, driving away evil and evil spirits. I will bow to the dove and ask her for some water. I will wash my face with that water, holy water.”

On New Year's Eve, before the chimes strike, you need to say goodbye to the negative events of the outgoing year in this way:

“The old year will pass and it will take all the troubles with it. He will give good luck to the New Year, and the New Year will give it to me.”

While the clock strikes 12 at night, you should say hello to the New Year, ask him for health, happiness and wealth:

“Everything that was sick, rotten and decaying, I forever cut off from the Servant of God (name of the person). I attract health, strength and joy to him.”

The main thing in whispers for the holidays is to believe in the power of the day when a quick word of help is spoken.

To be beautiful, whispering on the water will help

Every woman strives to look attractive and young. A beautiful hairstyle can complete any look and highlight your appearance. However, not everyone can boast of gorgeous hair. In this case, you shouldn't be disappointed. It will help solve the problem of whispering water.

The girl must wait for the waxing moon, cut off a small lock of hair and throw it into a fast water stream. The best option would be a river, but if there is no open source nearby, you can use a toilet:

“Grow my hair as fast as this water flows.”

“Angel of water, give beauty, health, vigor, remove wrinkles.”

A conspiracy will help you get rid of hated wrinkles and the first signs of skin aging:

“My smooth, delicate skin is only similar to the skin of a baby.”

Whisper for sale

“Deeds, Lord, spoke it with His most pure lips, as if without me you cannot do anything. My God. Lord, by faith in the volume of my soul, help me, a sinner, the servant of God (name), in this life of ours through trade in buying, selling, bartering and in everything. You, Master Lord, accomplish it yourself in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Holy Archangel Michael, in your holy name we trade. Save, preserve and bless with the Holy prayers of the servant of God (name) to begin and carry out a happy and prosperous trade. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen".

The moment the buyer picks up the product, you should whisper to yourself:

“Here and now, if you buy it, you will remove the evil eye. Amen".

In order to protect the child from diseases and problems, whispers should be said while stroking the baby’s head

Every parent wants everything to be fine with their child. In order to protect him from diseases and problems, and to attract health, whispers should be said while stroking the baby’s head. The words are:

“An oak tree grew in the forest, strong and tall. No one can break that oak tree, my child won’t suffer from any illness.”

If the baby is not sleeping well, during feeding the young mother can use a whisper:

“In a distant forest, in a dark forest, there is a dry oak tree. I will take the restlessness from my baby and send it to that oak branch. My baby can sleep, but the oak tree suffers from illness.”

Sometimes a child wakes up in the dead of night and cries loudly for no apparent reason. It is believed that the child was afraid of something. Above the crib you should whisper in fear:

“You bad thought, go away from the Servant of God (Servant of God) (child’s name). From the legs, from the arms, from the body, from the head. Go away forever and never come back."

Since the energy field of a little person is not yet stable, soft and easily broken by the influence of evil people, you need to pin up your daughter or son’s clothes with a pin, which will protect the child from negativity.

This option for attracting good luck is especially suitable for those who live in a private house. To ensure that fate turns out the way you want, there are whispers for all areas of life. You will have to go out into the yard, face east, saying:

“Mother of Cheese Earth! Stop every unclean reptile from love spells and dashing deeds!”

Turn West:

“Mother of Cheese Earth! Absorb the evil spirits into seething abysses, into flammable resin.”

Looking south, whisper:

“Mother of Cheese Earth! Quench the midday winds with bad weather, calm the shifting sands with blizzards.”

Standing facing north, say:

“Mother of Cheese Earth! Calm the midnight winds with the clouds, hold back the frosts and blizzards.”

To ensure that everything turns out the way you want, there are whispers for all occasions

Such a ritual can protect against all troubles and give more energy to the person reading whispers for all occasions. There is no doubt about the forces that can attract prosperity and complete harmony in everything into your destiny.

Every day there are a lot of ill-wishers who are capable of attracting dark forces and destructive energy with their whispering. To reflect the bad, there is a whisper:

“Whatever you want for me, take it for yourself.”

If you say it every time the enemy wishes something bad, you don’t have to worry about the fulfillment of evil slander. Aggression can also be encountered in public transport. When you hear someone rude to you, say:

“Your negativity, you have to live with it, but I don’t need someone else’s.”

Especially a lot of envy and negative energy comes from enemies at work who want to annoy a colleague. There is a whisper that is aimed at quickly reflecting negative thoughts and words spoken by an employee:

“Your speeches are on your shoulders.”

This way you can protect yourself until the end of the day and do your work calmly. To prolong the effect, it is important to say such a whisper every day before going on shift.

When you lack vigor, you should brew coffee or tea and say over the drink:

“I drink strength, I drink health, I drink the energy of this day.”

After drinking, you can immediately feel how energy spreads throughout the body.

When cleaning the house you should say:

“I cleanse my house, fill it with luck, money and love.”

Whispering will help drive away evil spirits and appease the brownie. If the little housekeeper periodically plays pranks, hides things, makes a mess, he is advised to pour milk and put some candy for the night.

“Blow, blow, brother Veter Vetrovich, drive away and take away everything bad from me. So that bad and bad things don’t stick to me. So that it goes away with the wind and doesn’t come back. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

Experts recommend creating small conspiracies for all occasions in life yourself. You just need to concentrate all the energy, the desired message into words and read them when your heart tells you.

If you regularly use whispers for every day of the week, happiness will definitely come

There is an option for whispers by day of the week:

  1. On Monday, make a wish immediately after sleep, get up on your right foot, saying: “It will come true, I believe it will come true. So be it!".
  2. On Tuesday, when crossing the threshold of the house, you need to invite luck with you: “Tuesday is for luck, I won’t pay. Amen! Amen! Amen".
  3. On Wednesday, wash your face in the morning and invite good luck: “I wash my face, I invite good luck. It will come true!”
  4. On Thursday, after waking up, look to the east, protect yourself from problems: “Thursday Thursday, grant me no bitterness!”
  5. On Friday, by putting on clothes, you can bring joy throughout the day: “Holy Friday has come, it has brought me joy.”
  6. Saturday is the time to get rid of your enemies and fight back. Stand in front of the mirror, comb your hair, saying: “Saturday, Saturday, let all your enemies die.”
  7. Sunday is a great day for whispers to fulfill cherished desires and improve fortunes in life. Cross the threshold of the front door early in the morning, whisper: “Mistress of the week - Sunday, let me live this day according to my desire.”

Popular wisdom says that if you regularly use whispers for every day of the week, happiness will definitely come and a happy occasion will arise.

Protective whispers

You always need to think about your own safety. Whispers for every morning are useful for anyone who wants to protect themselves for the current day. The prayer goes like this:

“You can do everything, you know everything in the world. Today I am like that too.”

Morning whispers are spoken every day. They will allow you to create a magical shield around a person, prevent negative energy from breaking through and help in all your endeavors.

When you feel like someone is staring at the back of your head, say without turning back:

“What he gave me, he took back for himself!”

To complete the protective ritual, you will need to use your tongue to draw a cross on the sky three times.

Whispers can also be protected from those who direct magic at a person and try to harm him. If there are suspicions that the enemy is up to something wrong, you should curl your toes, clench your fists tightly, hide your thumb in your palm, and mentally say three times:

“I don’t know anyone but God, I’m returning what’s yours. Amen".

Such a whisper can destroy the effect of even the most powerful ritual on damage. The last method is used as cleaning, and when work on death was carried out. Needles stuck in the doors of a facility bring disaster to the house. Having seen such a picture, you need to perform the ritual according to the advice given above and pull out the needles with a rag, burying them away from the house.

In order for whispers to have a positive impact on all areas of human destiny, on all everyday events, it is recommended to carry them out comprehensively - at the same time attracting health, love, wealth, and good luck into life. In order not to lose good spells, it is advisable to start your own collection of whispers for all occasions. Then they will always be at hand and can help at any time.