Why modern Russian youth do not like Caucasians. Why do Russian girls love Caucasians? Why Caucasians don't like Russian women

Why do Russian girls love Caucasians? Why Caucasians don't like Russian women

Why Russians don't like Caucasians

Author: Site Administrator | 05/25/2013

In this article we have to discuss a very complex issue related to why Russians do not like Caucasians.

To tell the truth, you and I are on a site dedicated to women, where political issues are the last thing to be resolved. But since I promised that not a single letter received in my email inbox would be left unattended, I will try to highlight the Caucasian issue in this article.

Karim Vakhtangovich from the Chelyabinsk region asks where such dislike of Russian people for people of Caucasian nationality came from. Will it really never be possible to stop this interethnic hatred, and the Caucasian people will be able to proudly say that Russian people are the most hospitable representatives of the white race on this Earth?

The fact that Russians, to put it mildly, do not like Caucasians visiting from the mountainous surroundings is no secret to anyone. Conflicts between Russians and Caucasians continue to grow, and most often turn into brutal bloodshed.

Why don't Russians like Caucasians? And why don’t Caucasians accept Russian people into their clan.

Artem Sergeevich, an expert on sociological issues already familiar to you, agreed to voice his opinion on this issue.

Good afternoon, dear Karim Vakhtangovich.

If I were you, I would not generalize and boldly assert that all representatives of the Slavic diaspora, without exception, do not like people from the Caucasus. I am Russian by nationality, but despite this, I have never allowed myself to insult people of other cultural faiths. An Azerbaijani is working next to me, and an Armenian is working hard in the next office. Judging by their attitude towards me, I cannot say that Caucasians have hostility towards Russian people.

As for Russian Nazis and people of Caucasian nationality who came to large cities to make money through crime, this is a completely different matter. According to an independent sociological survey, we can conclude that Russian people do not like Caucasians for their too hot temper and demonstration not entirely restrained behavior in society. Persons of Caucasian nationality unite into friendly social groups and for the most part act together. Russians, on the contrary, live scattered and isolated. For this reason, people of Caucasian nationality treat Russian people with reproach.

People from the Caucasus are temperamental and quite noisy. Often, this is the reason for the sudden surge of indignation among Russian citizens. Persons of Caucasian nationality greatly respect their cultural traditions and communicate in their native language. Foreign speech greatly irritates those who consider themselves Russian nationalists and do not tolerate any dissent or foreign presence.

Russian people do not like Caucasians because they are rapidly occupying all sectors of the market economy. People of the Caucasian diaspora find themselves not only in the field of trade, but also in the automobile business and in the system of large cash flows. And this causes a protest among the Russian people: how come, he came and immediately became a queen.

The dislike of Russian people towards Caucasians forms a response on their part. Intolerance to dissent gives rise to conflict, which develops into interethnic strife.

In the minds of Russian people, Caucasians are a rather cruel nation who only know how to trade and fight. This is exactly how the majority of citizens surveyed answered me. Russian people do not like Caucasians for their humiliating attitude towards Russian women. In rare exceptions, a Russian woman becomes the legal wife of a Caucasian man.

But the most important reason why the most violent conflicts arise between the Slavs and Caucasians is legal territory. From time immemorial, each citizen had his own piece of land called the Motherland. When all the curtains began to open, the concepts of homeland and place of residence ceased to coincide.

The trend towards migration of Caucasians to large cities has given rise to protest from those who rightfully consider themselves the owners of the territory. Thus, the guests began to feel like full owners of someone else's Land.

As for not the survey results, but my personal opinion, dear Karim Vakhtangovich, I can say with confidence that there is no such thing as a bad nation. There are just people who disgrace her. But, apparently, someone wants Russian people not to like Caucasians, and Caucasians to hate Russians. This is big politics, where you can get into, but no one has yet managed to get out of there.

Let us right now try to get rid of the same cliches and generalized interpretations of the fact that all Russian people, without exception, do not like Caucasians. You and I are not like that. So let's mentally shake each other's hands.

From this article you learned about why Russians do not like Caucasians. Personally, I believe that we need to be more tolerant and kinder to those who managed to achieve heights in this life while remaining human.

The question was asked by: Karim Vakhtangovich from the Chelyabinsk region.

Expressed his opinion: Independent expert on sociological issues, historian Artem Sergeevich.

The material was prepared by me, Edwin Vostryakovsky.

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5 reasons why women choose Caucasian men

When I get together with my girlfriends, we talk about everything, especially about men! Especially the ones we like. The most popular criteria are: masculinity (master of the situation, confident), appearance (height, hair color, eyes), and character. And yes, by the way, I forgot one more point: CAUCASIAN!

The girls who like them don’t miss the opportunity to say in a gentle timbre of their voice: “Oooh, how I like Caucasian men...”

At this very moment, the group of girls is divided into two groups, those who like them and those who are indifferent to them.

So, I noticed one pattern: if there are 5 girls in a group, then two of them definitely like guys of Caucasian nationality. I think that's a pretty good 2/5.

1. In first place and the most popular reason: “They treat a woman differently - they respect her.”

Here I have a question: “What about you, that other (Kazakhs, Russians, Koreans) nations don’t respect?! Who do you have to be for some to respect you and others not? And then, how is your man (whoever he is was) maybe not respect you?"

I believe that the respect of other men depends on your own behavior, and not on your nation or nationality.

2. "He is a breadwinner - he brings food into the house."

Yes, it is customary for them for the woman to stay at home and the man to earn money. A man who is a breadwinner is good, I agree.

I understand why girls like it. So they are trying to secure their future, they say, my husband will always work and we will live in abundance. This is the clear desire of any girl.

Also, this is a good reason to throw all the responsibility onto a man, and leave for myself only what I learned at the age of fourteen: to cook, wash, clean the house and raise children. Then you don't need a diploma! By the way, the girls interviewed said: “Why do I need this? I don’t want to study! I just want to cook food for him and clean the house. More kids!”

My opinion on this matter is that no matter how hard a husband is, a woman should be able to feed herself (and her family when necessary), and not rely only on her husband.

3. "He is the boss: he has everything under control."

Yes, the man is the boss of the house. But to control how a wife dresses, to forbid her to communicate with someone and do something - in my opinion, this is too much in our modern world.

Firstly, a girl has a head in order to think and dress adequately. Secondly, she has a conscience (moral principles) in order to communicate and do business without violating morality and without betraying her man. If a girl is like this (dresses adequately and has principles), then there is no need to ban her. She can be trusted.

4. “They respect their nation! They honor traditions and speak their native language!”

My answer to this: All ethnic groups who find themselves outside their homeland do this! Kazakhs living in Mongolia know Kazakh better than any of us, Italians who moved to America have not forgotten pizza and the mafia, Koreans live in Kazakhstan and continue to make spicy cabbage kimchi. Love for your nation is a common phenomenon that intensifies when you are in a foreign land.

And one more thing, since a girl likes “respect for her nation” so much, maybe then she should start speaking Kazakh, learn how to roll dough and set a table for 40 people. So to say: “Start with yourself!”

5. The fifth reason and the most indisputable is: “Their temperament and appearance! Burning, noticeable, open!” “Caucasians know how to look after beautifully and do not skimp on praise.” Words here will be superfluous, but that’s true. All girls like it when they are beautifully looked after and given compliments.

So, here they are, five reasons why a woman chooses a Caucasian man: he respects a woman, he is a breadwinner, he is a master, he respects his nation and he is temperamental!

I want to say that in this post I wrote my reaction to each reason. And it may be different from yours. However, it will be interesting to know your opinion in the comments.

Thanks to all the girls who took part in my survey.


Why do many Russians, to put it mildly, do not like the Caucasian people?

Caucasians, or as you called them, Caucasian people, is a general term. Still, most of the reproaches expressed by other commentators who have responded here apply to representatives of Chechnya and Dagestan.

The current dislike is a kind of self-sustaining process. Let me explain: society already has a stereotype about Caucasians; it is more or less fully described in other answers. Therefore, one way or another, regardless of what kind of person he is, this attitude applies to a newly arriving Chechen or Dagestani. Those, in turn, also have stereotypes about Russians. And the fact that most often Caucasians prefer to communicate with representatives of their people also does not help in overcoming stereotypes associated with nationality, but rather perpetuates them. Here it is appropriate to recall a social experiment conducted in the United States at a time when racial prejudices were still strong. Although the schools already had mixed classes, white children and African-American children stayed apart from each other and, of course, were full of stereotypes about children of other skin colors. Educational work (and in fact, just words about equality) gave a result close to zero. But when the children were divided into groups in which there were both white and black children, and each group was required to do a project, then in the process of collective work most of the stereotypes disappeared. This practice was introduced throughout the United States, and this greatly improved the situation. I think that as long as Caucasians primarily communicate only with representatives of their own people, this situation will continue. Those Dagestanis I know who have perfectly integrated into society do not limit their social circle only or predominantly to Dagestanis of their nationality (Laks, Avars, Tabasarans and others), and there is no negativity towards them.

Another important point: in communication there is a moment of misunderstanding of culture and psychology, and this is also true for both sides. This is especially noticeable when communicating with people who have been affected by the war in one way or another, and these are Chechnya and Dagestan. In order to understand how differently we think, I would like to recommend watching this interview with a Chechen:

Misunderstanding of culture and related psychology also leads to incorrect communication tactics in conflict situations. In general, if you see that a Caucasian is doing the wrong thing, you can recommend the following tactics:

1. Appeal to the memory of ancestors, clan or nation: I have seen more than once that after the words “Why are you disgracing your family?” the behavior of the Caucasian changed radically;

2. Tell about the act committed by a Caucasian man to a mullah in a mosque (here we need to exclude Armenians, Georgians and Ossetians who adhere to Orthodoxy, but there are usually fewer complaints against them). At the same time, it doesn’t matter what kind of mosque it is and whether you can accurately describe this Caucasian - they will still find him, since he casts a shadow on all believers, and they will conduct an educational conversation so that he will try not to repeat this again.


yachtweek - 10/12/2016 Lately I've been lucky with Caucasians. Yes, lucky, without quotes. After all, they are good people! Why then so much negativity towards them?

I'll start in order. A man wrote to me on a dating site - a Russian name, a Russian city, far away, not Irkutsk. In my first message I wrote that I had been reading my blog for a long time without an account. After a short conversation, he admitted that in fact the name was not his, neither was the city, because he was Caucasian and was afraid that if he wrote real data, I would not answer him. And it was not in vain that he was afraid. Although in this particular case I would still answer, because I open every message. He turned out to be smart, well-read, cultured, well-mannered, very literate, that I even had doubts whether it was true that he was non-Russian. We exchanged photos and even talked on the phone (he doesn’t have Skype), I was wondering if he had an accent. Yes, there is, but barely perceptible, just a little bit, that if you don’t know, you might not even notice, competent speech.

Then another Caucasian accidentally showed up on LiveJournal. He, too, had been reading me for a long time, but somehow we didn’t really communicate. And then a conversation developed, and he asked for my photos, I asked him ahead, and he sent a few by email. I see he’s not Russian. I didn’t ask anything until the opportunity arose. And this is what he wrote about the first time he heard the expression “a person of Caucasian nationality.”

“I was born and raised in Baku. In my entire life I have not seen the difference between a Russian, a Jew, a Georgian and other nations. I went to a Russian kindergarten, studied at a Russian school, and in 1996 studied in England. In 1997 I flew to Moscow and, after living there for six months, I could not understand why people who don’t know me dislike me so much. But now we’re not talking about that, but about the attitude of a Russian girl towards a Caucasian man. Case 1. In a hostel I met a girl from the Far East. For some reason, at first she was afraid that I would beat her if she did something wrong. And I couldn’t understand why she always locked the cabinets. Case 2. I talked to one girl on the Internet, we talked for a long time, but after I sent her a photo and she saw that I was Caucasian, she stopped communicating. The reason is unknown. Case 3. I also met a girl online. When we met, she was shocked, her words: “Why are you so sweet and kind? You’re Caucasian!”

So why didn’t these girls want to communicate with a Caucasian man? The answer is in the spoiler.

Such text messages are sent to an unmarried girl by her neighbor. More precisely, there are two of them - they are brothers and live in the same entrance together with their mother, wife and children of one of them. And the girl is afraid of them.

I won’t be mistaken if I say that every Russian girl has encountered similar manifestations of sexual attention, if not in SMS, then simply walking past on the street, more than once or twice heard the clicking of the tongue followed by exclamations like “Listen, daragaya, go to the mine, you are waking up harasho! ”, which, due to her small age and inexperience, she is not able to stop, and that makes them even more unpleasant.

Therefore, I personally only had a negative attitude towards Caucasian men; I don’t have such an attitude towards women at all. Because of these intrusive, uncultured, inadequate boors, this is the attitude towards all Caucasians, they are all perceived as such, and no other is expected from them. And if almost every woman has encountered these boors, that means there are a lot of them. And it’s even a shame for good men that they have to undeservedly endure such an attitude because of all sorts of freaks.


Why do Russian girls love Caucasians?

Perhaps because they have charisma, self-confidence, and sometimes brutality, which our men sometimes lack. Of course, it’s difficult for me to understand these girls (I’ve only dated Slavs), but I have several friends who date Caucasians. As they say, they have scope, generosity, a desire to extol the girl, and besides, they have their own small business, so they have money (albeit small), but there is plenty. And they can afford to give the girl flowers and take her to a restaurant.

Not all girls love Caucasians. And other girls love because Caucasians know how to care and say the right words, women love with their ears and this approach captivates them, which in turn provides Caucasian love. In addition, many Caucasians have honor and will not take advantage of a girl. Of course, it would be more truthful to say that the nation does not play a role, education plays a role, and with them it differs in many respects from the Russian one.

Who said??? Maybe there are some. And there is even a reason - unlike most Russians, there are few alcoholics among Caucasians, and they know how to have fun without fighting, wine, and they sing, dance, and are gallant (my neighbor answered this to me)

Not all Russian girls prefer Caucasians, but those who choose them are probably more sexual and are looking for the same partner for themselves. And Caucasians love to show off, give gifts, try to be generous, support the myth that they are all rich.

Of course, it’s incomprehensible to me and a little unpleasant that our girls choose Caucasians. After all, they beat them periodically, they can take her to their place and she will never come back.

Caucasians know how to woo, speak beautiful words - and this turns our girls’ heads.

Caucasians are very jealous - they can beat a girl to death, and then come running with flowers and gifts.

By the way, but don’t forget that there are plenty of moral monsters everywhere. And different nationalities. Of course, we shouldn’t paint everyone with the same brush.

From some of the answers one gets the impression that all Slavic men are indecisive, uninteresting, can neither sing, nor dance, nor give compliments... In general, they are mattresses and that’s all. As for me, Caucasian girls are looking for material benefits (gifts, a restaurant, etc.) and some kind of extreme something (accent, skin color, demeanor). Yes, and all this is not as widespread as the author of the question positions it. As they say: There are no comrades according to taste and color.

All with a big impression that they are Russians. that the Caucasus.

Everyone only knows how to blow smoke.

Russians are always whining, always dissatisfied with something.

Caucasus I am I am an eagle I am a hero I am a man.

Complete ass.

In the end, the chick is left alone with a bunch of kids. Or a grater with a greasy head and a fat ass.

If her brain is not made of wood, she will have time to escape.

Advice to girls: don’t be fooled by the wrong ones. Look at women who are married to Russians, look at women who are married to Caucasians, the same thing will happen to you

They can speak beautifully, but girls love with their EARS...

Yes, and they can look after you.

It's my opinion...


Why do girls love Caucasians?

On Russian streets you can increasingly see people of Caucasian nationality. Russians treat them differently: some are indifferent, some are contemptuous, some hate them, and some like them. Each person has his own personal opinion towards Caucasian people. But recently, many have noticed that Russian girls are increasingly dating Caucasians and marrying them. And such people have an interesting question: why do girls love Caucasians, for what?

Why girls love Caucasians

If we put aside all the negative aspects of stereotypical perception, we can highlight several advantages inherent in Caucasian men. Russian women themselves, as well as some men, write about them on some forums, heatedly discussing this issue. Among the most popular answers are the following:

  1. Ability to care. Caucasian men know how to beautifully look after a woman, give luxurious compliments that, although they smack of flattery, are still pleasant. Many Russian women have been waiting for this kind of attitude from their Russian men for years, but only a few get it.
  2. Strength and sexual temperament. It’s not for nothing that they say “hot blood” about Caucasians. Sometimes a commanding look from under dark eyelashes or confident behavior can charm Russian women once and for all. For Russian women, Caucasian men are exotic, something new that they have not encountered before, and that is why these men attract them so much.
  3. Proper attitude towards a woman. For the most part, Caucasian men perceive a woman as a woman, and not as a friend, a source of income or a draft horse to ride. It is the correct perception of a woman that can keep a Russian close for a long time. That's why Russian girls love Caucasians.

Stereotype and reality

Now you know why girls love Caucasians. But there are also many Russian girls who can’t stand Caucasians. Russian men usually perceive with hatred and malice women who cast their lot in with Caucasians, believing that they betrayed their Motherland and are simply, to put it mildly, prostitutes who were seduced by money. There are also plenty of those who date for money, but often a woman just wants to be happy, and if she chooses such a man, then it’s her own business. And some Russian men should learn from Caucasians how to care for a woman, and then Russian women will certainly look at Russian men with much more obvious interest.

In recent years, nationality has been the most discussed topic in our country, or maybe it has always been this way? Some openly declare their dislike for people of Caucasian nationality, while others swear that they will never allow a Russian girl or boy into their family. In any case, both should understand that a bright future is prepared for Russia and the Caucasus only if they are together. Separatist and nationalist sentiments only lead to destruction. But the central topic of the article will not be politics at all, but rather personal, romantic relationships. Namely, we will discuss a question that torments many: why do Russian girls love Caucasians?

I don’t know whether such total love on the part of Russian girls towards Caucasians actually exists, but the possible development of such personal relationships can be discussed. The following text will discuss only natives of the North Caucasus. Because the author is familiar in detail with the traditions and customs accepted in these republics and because almost all of them are Muslims, which is of no small importance.

Why Russian girls love Caucasians

On the Internet you can find a million assumptions: because they drink less, they are more courageous, bolder. But excuse me, is a person loved for belonging to a certain nationality? It's the same as falling in love with a man because of what he wears. There is a strong opinion that Russians and Caucasians simply love a person because they love him.

At the same time, it is impossible to deny that almost all Caucasians are endowed with a brutal character and are not shy about expressing their emotions. Perhaps some of these features attract girls.

But still, looking for the reasons for the emergence of tender feelings in a girl for a man or wondering why Russian girls love Caucasians is pointless. However, if the nation is not a defining factor early on, then in later life it can become an obstacle to mutual understanding.

with a Caucasian

In this case, no difficulties should arise. After all, almost any Caucasian living in a society where there is a strict ban on premarital relations between a guy is happy to experience some carnal joys in the company of a Russian girl. It should not be forgotten that the beauty of Russian women is recognized by almost the entire planet. Such a relationship without any obligations will undoubtedly be a pleasant pastime for both parties.

Marriages between a Caucasian man and a Russian girl

Family is the most important thing in every person’s life, therefore, when choosing a wife or husband, you need to try to take into account all the nuances. Very often, interfaith marriage does not withstand everyday tests.

To say that it will be difficult for a Russian girl entering a Caucasian family is to say nothing! In addition to the obligatory respectful attitude towards all numerous relatives, the ability to cook, you will need to learn and adhere to traditions. Traditions, by the way, are not always simple. For example, among the Karachays, after the wedding, the daughter-in-law does not speak to her husband’s relatives until a certain time, and the Chechen bride stands in the corner during the entire wedding ceremony.

Of course, you can live far from your husband’s relatives and not learn the language. But in this case, it will be very difficult for children who will be Caucasians by nationality and do not know their customs and native language.

Thus, marriage with such a striking difference in lifestyle and mentality is a risky step. Still, a loving heart cannot be convinced by logical arguments, and if there is real feeling between two people, then they will overcome any obstacles.

So, there is simply no answer to the questions: why Russian girls love Caucasians or why girls love Caucasians. Every person in this world has a soulmate who will love him, regardless of nationality, skin color and brand of sneakers!

Why don't people like Caucasians in Russia? What are the political, social and everyday reasons for growing interethnic tension? Why do young people coming from the Caucasus ignore the traditions and way of life that has developed in Russian megacities? One of the

Why don't people like Caucasians in Russia? What are the political, social and everyday reasons for growing interethnic tension? Why do young people coming from the Caucasus ignore the traditions and way of life that has developed in Russian megacities? One of the most famous journalists in Russia tells Rustam Arifjanov.

Roman Romanov: R mouth, I’ll ask a short question. Please give me a short answer. Do you think Caucasians are loved in Russia?

Rustam Arifjanov:Caucasians are Russia. Therefore, do we love ourselves? Alas. We don't love ourselves. Or we love little. We sometimes love America more and say: “Oh, how good it is there!” Or Europe. “Oh, how I want to live in Europe!”

R.R.: Why does this happen? After all, look: in the Soviet Union quite recently, Caucasians... Although the word, in my opinion, was not in use... Caucasians were treated rather with sympathy. Georgia was perceived as a small Soviet France. If there was negativity somewhere, it was more of a humorous negativity, in the spirit of the film “Mimino”. Yes? And suddenly everything changed. Why?

R.A.: Well, the answer is simple, although of course it may be a little conspiracy theory. Because relationships need to be dealt with. You need to take care of your relationship with a girl - give flowers or sweets. Look after her. In the same way, a girl should somehow deal with her relationship with a man. Relationships between people, between processes, they still exist and need to be dealt with. Relations between different ethnic groups in the Soviet Union, and now in the Russian Federation, also need to be dealt with, and this is dealt with by the object called “national policy”. The Soviet Union was engaged in national politics.

R.R.: But Russia - no?

R.A.: Russia does little. This is the first part of the answer. But, if Russia, represented by its power structures, is little involved in this process, then non-Russian structures are engaged in this. Russia, like any federal state, like a state in which, despite 80% of the population being Russian, 20% of the population is not Russian, but different, always has some tiny, tiny cracks. Because between different peoples, due to differences in mentality, customs, rituals, different understanding of certain processes, these cracks exist. So - national policy is either covering up these cracks, or explaining why this exists. And external structures, on the contrary, are broken by these cracks.

R.R.: So you are telling me again that agents of Western influence are to blame for everything? Yes?

R.A.: Not necessarily Western influence.

R.R.: What then? What are these external forces?

R.A.: These are external forces. They can be either Western influenced or Eastern influenced. What do you think? - Do some sheikhs sitting in some Arab countries love Russia that much? Or do they really want it to be a strong state? Yes, at least we are their competitors in oil and gas. Therefore, to be honest, the special services of the Russian Federation are probably doing something outside our country to weaken other competing states. This was used successfully against us. These well-known small cracks were found, and then they began to split them.

R.R.: What tools do they use?

R.A.: A tool, including the one we present to you - the media. Certainly. This includes working with public opinion. Including the impact on everyday nationalism. And it exists in any, even peaceful, state.

R.R.: Tell me, why for Caucasians the local way of life seems to be lacking? After all, when a girl in a short skirt walks down the street, it doesn’t mean that she is a prostitute, our women dress like that, and it doesn’t mean that you need to treat her the way he would treat her in his small homeland. What a thought! You don't have to be an academic to understand it. You just need to be raised normally in your family. You come to someone else's house and they have their own traditions. Why do Caucasians who come to us here think that we don’t have these traditions? And they point blank don’t want to notice that everything has been here for a long time. And we live by these traditions, and you live by them, and all the people who are present here also live by them. But someone doesn't want to see them. Why?

R.A.: Good question! Because it's great to stick to the local ways. But let's understand - what is the local way of life? So, when I come to the Caucasus, in general, I understand quite clearly... Well, I haven’t lived in the Caucasus for almost 30 years... But still, I understand that there is a local way of life. Coming to Moscow and St. Petersburg, I will not talk about the depths of Russia; I don’t really understand that there is a local way of life.

R.R.: Rustam, if in someone’s homeland a woman walks around wrapped in a blanket, this does not mean that she should walk like that here too. Why are we again called upon to understand someone else’s tradition? We must somehow correspond to it, but representatives of this tradition want to sit with their hands folded, and they do not try to understand us at all.

R.A.: It's not the blanket. Well, who told you that in the Caucasus they wear blankets? I have been to all Caucasian cities. These are units. Only a few, and maybe even in Moscow, as you call these outfits, only a few. And in St. Petersburg - only a few. Units. And it’s exactly the same there. Yes - there are fewer miniskirts and maybe less cleavage. Yes. We men may not like it, but that’s the way it is. I'll say it again. Conservative segments of the population do not like this. Caucasian society is conservative. The Russian Orthodox Church does not like this, because it is also conservative. I don’t know how to get out of this. Because to say: “Yeah, okay. Let them do whatever they want”... It seems to me that this will lead in the future to a certain loss of moral guidelines, primarily for the Russian people. For the Russian population. But I absolutely do not justify Caucasians coming here and behaving impudently. Because let these rules not suit you... If you are not satisfied with the rules of walking on the streets of Moscow or on the roads of St. Petersburg, sit in Makhachkala.

R.R.: Rustam, don’t you think that in general this interethnic crisis, which is becoming very acute in our country, is connected with the fact that Russian society itself is in crisis? That the Russian people have become weak. That they don't feel well. And therefore they react very painfully to the fact that if they were in a strong state, they would simply not notice or forgive, and so on. And in this sense, what should the Russians do?

R.A.: Absolutely, absolutely agree with you. We haven't dealt with Russians for a very long time. You know, in my Soviet past there was an ABC book. There is such a song that Vladimir Vladimirovich really likes to sing when his colleagues from his former work come home to the Russian Federation. “Where the homeland begins.” And there is the following phrase: “from the picture in your primer.” Here I had a primer. There were 15 union republics in the Soviet Union. And there was a map of the Soviet Union, and along the edges stood 15 boys and girls. 14 were dressed in national costumes, the 15th boy was in a school uniform. Now I’m not talking about bast shoes, samovars and so on. Do you understand? But once upon a time we... The Russian people began to sacrifice themselves for the sake of “Sovietism”. Now I don’t want the Russian people to sacrifice themselves for the sake of “Europeanism”.

R.R.: In general, Rustam, how do you feel about this point of view (it is very popular among our liberals, we often hear) that there are no Russians! You see, it’s a strange thing, when we talk about the Tatars, the question does not arise, Why are there no Tatars? Nobody says that there are no Georgians. And so on. No matter who we point our finger at, everything is there. But as soon as you start talking about Russians, you immediately remember the Finno-Ugric peoples with whom the Slavs mixed. We are immediately reminded of the Tatar-Mongol yoke. And they say there are no Russians! It's a construct. This is just a certain brand that is transferred by franchising in Russia from group to group. You sit on your butt exactly, with your Russians! It's just a word. There are no Russians! There are Russians, there are everyone else. And this is just a kind of collective image. Do you agree?

R.A.: Absolutely, I disagree! Because.. About the fact that there are Russians, right? There is an article in our constitution that states that the state language of the Russian Federation is Russian. There is a language - there is a people. Yes, we are different! Conventionally, I am a Russian Azerbaijani, and someone else is a Russian Jew. Yes. And someone is Russian-Armenian. Yes? Maybe we still remember, and our names and patronymics remind us of our origin. Yes? But maybe my grandchildren will be reminded of the surname... Although, you know, there are Russians with such strange surnames, whose roots can only be studied...

R.R.: Russian Russian is possible?

R.A.: Yes, sure.

R.R.: If there is a Russian Azerbaijani, is a Russian Russian possible?

R.A.: Certainly. Of course it is possible. It’s not that it’s possible, it is! Although, now looking for pure Russians is a difficult problem. Because this is a problem of all large nations. There are no pure Hanis, well, very few. Well, the Chinese... All people mix. Large nations mix even more. Therefore, of course, the construct that the Russian people is made up of different people exists. But these are the victorious people! Because the Russian people conquer all others... The Russian language defeats all other languages. And as long as there is a Russian language, there will be a Russian people.

R.R.: Okay, Rustam. You talk about national politics quite a lot. I want to ask a specific question: “What to do?” What should we all do with this surge of interethnic confrontation? Because I don’t want to ask you the question: “Where should I run?” Yes. What specific measures would need to be taken?

R.A.: The first is to begin to understand each other. You know, we know the French, Japanese, and English better than... We in Moscow and St. Petersburg... We know better than the Chuvash, Mari, Mordovians and Udmurts. That is, what do the Japanese eat for lunch and breakfast? Sushi. We know better how the British make tea at five o'clock in the afternoon than the behavioral stereotypes of the Chechens and Mordovians. We need to study each other. And understand... Yes... That sometimes this behavior is not just caused by aggression against us. There are simply certain behavioral norms that are harmless. There are nine million people in the Caucasus, and the scum among them is maybe a hundredth or a thousandth of a percent. The rest are normal, hard-working people, if we talk about girls, then beautiful people, and about men too. Yes. But we don’t see them because they live at home. And we form our impression of this people based on the marginal part of this people, which broke out here and, having lost some roots, a parent who would hit you on the head and say: “how dare you walk around like that, come on, get yourself in order”... Yes . This is not the case. So - talk more about the Caucasus. How real he is. Not what he is like here.

R.R.: But the problem needs to be solved here!

R.A.: You have to do it there! I'll say it again. Create jobs, create opportunities for training there, fight the enclave psychology of representatives of the Caucasian peoples. Here is Russia, and here is the Caucasus. Fight our psychology: “Let’s cut off the Caucasus, and everything will be fine with us.” Seventy-seven thousand Russian people, ethnically Russian people, well, maybe a little more Bashkirs and Ukrainians died while conquering the Caucasus for the Russian Empire. Seventy-seven thousand! This is more than we spent on Central Asia. Yes. With what carrot should we give away the Caucasus, as some hotheads say, and we will be fine? Well, we cut off Central Asia. That we have fewer Tajiks and Uzbeks on the streets? More! Impossible to cut!

R.R.: The Great Caucasian Wall. Impossible…

R.A.: Impossible! They will still get here anyway, and it will be worse for us. Therefore, of course, we need to develop the Caucasus.

Today, relations between Russia and the North Caucasus are experiencing perhaps the most difficult times in the entire history of their joint existence. This relationship has survived many disasters. What kind of trials did not befall their joint fate? But what’s interesting is that today, when Russia is more financially wealthy than ever before, when everything is better in Russia than ever before and “human” life is getting better, calls suddenly arise: “stop feeding the Caucasus” and “it’s time to separate the Caucasus.” For some reason, precisely at the most prosperous time for the country, the inhabitants of Russia began to be “unbearably” irritated by the Caucasians. For almost two hundred years, the Caucasus lived with thoughts of freedom and independence. And today, when separatist sentiments have gradually begun to subside in this region, they are emerging from the other side.

Russia has always been wary of the North Caucasus republics. In times that were not so successful for the country, mistrust was not so strongly expressed. This is probably understandable. Like, what’s the point, suffer, suffer together, it’s even “more fun” together. But that's not what I'm talking about.

Still, I would like to understand why the Russian people do not like the inhabitants of this mountainous region, and what generates such “all-consuming” dislike.

So, why love the North Caucasus? This is not oil-rich Siberia, with its rare and silent inhabitants. Not just any European country. At worst, it would be at least partially inhabited by some ethnically related people. Besides everything else, the whole story is just a headache. The North Caucasus today, for Russia, is like an inflamed appendix; if neglected, it can lead to peritonitis, with disastrous consequences for the entire body. In a good way, he should behave quietly and distract attention in proportion to his importance to the country. It turns out on the contrary, there is little importance, but it takes a lot of effort and money. What can I say? Russia wanted it - Russia got it!

But, in any case, Russia now has no other way but to “swallow and digest” the North Caucasus. No matter how bitter it tastes. Winces and swallows. These are the rules. As they say, I took up the tug, don’t say it’s not strong. If only to spite the skeptics, they said back then that Russia was too tough for the Caucasus.

Everyone doesn't like Caucasians for their own reasons. There are all sorts of chauvinists, xenophobes, etc. - understandable. And the rest do not like, as they say, for inappropriate behavior and defiant actions. But where does “such behavior” get its legs?

Indeed, many features of the national character of the Caucasians, to put it mildly, are not entirely acceptable for the Russian mentality, and some of them cause especially persistent rejection.

The most textbook example is “Lezginka” on the street. In the Caucasus, this would only make passers-by smile, but in the rest of Russia they say that this is disrespect for local culture and customs. I also heard the version that dancing in the street is “a cheeky demonstration of one’s difference and national identity,” or something like that. In a word, this dance, performed suddenly and for no apparent reason, frightens people. Maybe sudden hand movements are to blame, maybe the “aggressive” look of the dancer.

The population has always been dissatisfied with the behavior of some Caucasians who come to central Russia and their “unwillingness” to take into account the local culture, but recently they have been especially active, I would even say aggressive. But here it is important to note that the vast majority of the children who come adapt perfectly to the new social environment. They understand that there is another culture, that it is imperative to seek consensus with its carriers. They understand that what is normal for one may not be acceptable for another. That they came to visit, and not the other way around. They find a common language with the local population, respect their customs, respect their culture and spiritual values. There is nothing special here, this happens all over the world. These are the laws of migration and hospitality. There are no problems with them. The problem is with the part that does not understand or does not want to understand, due to their illiteracy, stupidity and outright lack of culture, anything other than the model of behavior to which they are accustomed at home.

But for the sake of fairness, it should be noted that for the local population, in any country, the behavior of visitors is always the subject of “close attention,” not to mention offenses. Even a minor offense by visitors resonates with special concern in the hearts of the local population. And one more important observation. Any nation is more favorable and more tolerant towards representatives of those nations whom they subconsciously consider “above” themselves. But, be that as it may, there are problems.

Perhaps one of the reasons for this behavior is the fact that in the Caucasus there are “specific” relationships between people. Here, unlike the rest of Russia, society plays a large role in the formation of personality. A person grows up under close public attention, all his actions are certainly discussed. He always acts with an eye on his neighbors, villagers, and relatives. He gets used to focusing his actions on public opinion and reacting sensitively to it. When he leaves, he is lost, he is disoriented. No one discusses his behavior (condemns or approves of his actions) and, therefore, he does not receive society's feedback on his actions. After all, he is accustomed to the fact that through reaction, society “corrects” his actions and “shapes” his behavior.

Maybe there's another reason. Experts say that if Christian morality is based on the fact that a person is an individual and gives him the “right” in every situation to do as he sees fit based on his moral and ethical qualities, then Islamic morality does not. "...Islamic morality comes from a low level of moral consciousness of a person, suggesting that a person can do the right thing only if it is indicated to him that his given action in any environment, in any situation, will be correct. Such morality orients a person to "mindless" behavior."

And one cannot ignore the fact that the bulk of Caucasians coming to Russia are from “hard-to-reach” mountain villages. They live there isolated in their ethnocultural enclaves. This circumstance contributes to the fact that many of them do not develop communication skills with speakers of other cultures. And this is also one of the reasons for “peculiar” behavior and many conflicts.

It is also important to understand that the standard of living in the North Caucasus is very low compared to the rest of Russia. The majority of the population there lives on the brink of poverty. The guys who come from these families, they all work, they are busy, they are not in public life. Mostly, intolerance is “generated” by criminals, marginalized people, thieving officials and children of wealthy parents.

Of course, all these moments cannot in any way be an excuse for people with unclean thoughts and actions, and even more so cannot relieve anyone from responsibility. The culture, language, local customs and national characteristics of the host country must be learned, honored and respected. This is a common "practice". There is a law, any offense must be adequately punished. Visitors should not create discomfort for the local population and people should not “suffer” from their proximity. The police must be incorruptible and work professionally, performing their duties honestly. If any offense is identified and punished inevitably, regardless of the nationality or religion of the offender, because everyone is equal before the law, both visitors and locals, then there will be much fewer violations, and people will feel safe. Consequently, tension in society will subside, and visitors will “take a deep breath.”

Today, relations between Russia and the North Caucasus are experiencing perhaps the most difficult times in the entire history of their joint existence. This relationship has survived many disasters. What kind of trials did not befall their joint fate? But what’s interesting is that today, when Russia is more financially wealthy than ever before, when everything is better in Russia than ever before and “human” life is getting better, calls suddenly arise: “stop feeding the Caucasus” and “it’s time to separate the Caucasus.” For some reason, precisely at the most prosperous time for the country, the inhabitants of Russia began to be “unbearably” irritated by the Caucasians. For almost two hundred years, the Caucasus lived with thoughts of freedom and independence. And today, when separatist sentiments have gradually begun to subside in this region, they are emerging from the other side.

Russia has always been wary of the North Caucasus republics. In times that were not so successful for the country, mistrust was not so strongly expressed. This is probably understandable. Like, what’s the point, suffer, suffer together, it’s even “more fun” together. But that's not what I'm talking about.

Still, I would like to understand why the Russian people do not like the inhabitants of this mountainous region, and what generates such “all-consuming” dislike.

So, why love the North Caucasus? This is not oil-rich Siberia, with its rare and silent inhabitants. Not just any European country. At worst, it would be at least partially inhabited by some ethnically related people. Besides everything else, the whole story is just a headache. The North Caucasus today, for Russia, is like an inflamed appendix; if neglected, it can lead to peritonitis, with disastrous consequences for the entire body. In a good way, he should behave quietly and distract attention in proportion to his importance to the country. It turns out on the contrary, there is little importance, but it takes a lot of effort and money. What can I say? Russia wanted it - Russia got it!

But, in any case, Russia now has no other way but to “swallow and digest” the North Caucasus. No matter how bitter it tastes. Winces and swallows. These are the rules. As they say, I took up the tug, don’t say it’s not strong. If only to spite the skeptics, they said back then that Russia was too tough for the Caucasus.

Everyone doesn't like Caucasians for their own reasons. There are all sorts of chauvinists, xenophobes, etc. - understandable. And the rest do not like, as they say, for inappropriate behavior and defiant actions. But where does “such behavior” get its legs?

Indeed, many features of the national character of the Caucasians, to put it mildly, are not entirely acceptable for the Russian mentality, and some of them cause especially persistent rejection.

The most textbook example is “Lezginka” on the street. In the Caucasus, this would only make passers-by smile, but in the rest of Russia they say that this is disrespect for local culture and customs. I also heard the version that dancing in the street is “a cheeky demonstration of one’s difference and national identity,” or something like that. In a word, this dance, performed suddenly and for no apparent reason, frightens people. Maybe sudden hand movements are to blame, maybe the “aggressive” look of the dancer.

The population has always been dissatisfied with the behavior of some Caucasians who come to central Russia and their “unwillingness” to take into account the local culture, but recently they have been especially active, I would even say aggressive. But here it is important to note that the vast majority of the children who come adapt perfectly to the new social environment. They understand that there is another culture, that it is imperative to seek consensus with its carriers. They understand that what is normal for one may not be acceptable for another. That they came to visit, and not the other way around. They find a common language with the local population, respect their customs, respect their culture and spiritual values. There is nothing special here, this happens all over the world. These are the laws of migration and hospitality. There are no problems with them. The problem is with the part that does not understand or does not want to understand, due to their illiteracy, stupidity and outright lack of culture, anything other than the model of behavior to which they are accustomed at home.

But for the sake of fairness, it should be noted that for the local population, in any country, the behavior of visitors is always the subject of “close attention,” not to mention offenses. Even a minor offense by visitors resonates with special concern in the hearts of the local population. And one more important observation. Any nation is more favorable and more tolerant towards representatives of those nations whom they subconsciously consider “above” themselves. But, be that as it may, there are problems.

Perhaps one of the reasons for this behavior is the fact that in the Caucasus there are “specific” relationships between people. Here, unlike the rest of Russia, society plays a large role in the formation of personality. A person grows up under close public attention, all his actions are certainly discussed. He always acts with an eye on his neighbors, villagers, and relatives. He gets used to focusing his actions on public opinion and reacting sensitively to it. When he leaves, he is lost, he is disoriented. No one discusses his behavior (condemns or approves of his actions) and, therefore, he does not receive society's feedback on his actions. After all, he is accustomed to the fact that through reaction, society “corrects” his actions and “shapes” his behavior.

Maybe there's another reason. Experts say that if Christian morality is based on the fact that a person is an individual and gives him the “right” in every situation to do as he sees fit based on his moral and ethical qualities, then Islamic morality does not. “...Islamic morality comes from a low level of human moral consciousness, suggesting that a person can do the right thing only if it is indicated to him that his given action in any environment, in any situation, will be correct. Such morality orients a person toward “thoughtless” behavior.”

And one cannot ignore the fact that the bulk of Caucasians coming to Russia are from “hard-to-reach” mountain villages. They live there isolated in their ethnocultural enclaves. This circumstance contributes to the fact that many of them do not develop communication skills with speakers of other cultures. And this is also one of the reasons for “peculiar” behavior and many conflicts.

It is also important to understand that the standard of living in the North Caucasus is very low compared to the rest of Russia. The majority of the population there lives on the brink of poverty. The guys who come from these families, they all work, they are busy, they are not in public life. Mostly, intolerance is “generated” by criminals, marginalized people, thieving officials and children of wealthy parents.

Of course, all these moments cannot in any way be an excuse for people with unclean thoughts and actions, and even more so cannot relieve anyone from responsibility. The culture, language, local customs and national characteristics of the host country must be learned, honored and respected. This is a common "practice". There is a law, any offense must be adequately punished. Visitors should not create discomfort for the local population and people should not “suffer” from their proximity. The police must be incorruptible and work professionally, performing their duties honestly. If any offense is identified and punished inevitably, regardless of the nationality or religion of the offender, because everyone is equal before the law, both visitors and locals, then there will be much fewer violations, and people will feel safe. Consequently, tension in society will subside, and visitors will “take a deep breath.”