Rapunzel in the modern world. About what Rapunzel is in modern animation

Almost every girl dreams of having long hair, but how many would agree to a toe-length braid?

To grow long hair, you need to have tremendous patience and hard work, but our heroines are ready to do anything for the sake of their luxurious braids!

Malgorzata Kulczyk

The most important wealth of Malgorzata Kulczyk from London is, of course, her long blond hair, which the girl has not cut for 25 years (since she was seven) and never intends to do so:

“I don’t think I’ll ever cut them off. I can’t imagine myself with short hair - no one will recognize me.”

Malgorzata pays the closest attention to caring for her curls: twice a week she pampers her hair with homemade coconut masks, and once every two months she strengthens the ends with a special product, without ever cutting them.

It’s amazing how Malgorzata manages to cope with such a huge mass of hair: in just a couple of minutes she manages to create spectacular hairstyles and braid various types of braids.

33-year-old American Andrea Colson lives in Micronesia, where she works with children. But she became famous not because of her noble work, but because of her mop of luxurious blond hair, the length of which is 164 centimeters. Andrea started growing her hair as a child and has no plans to cut it, for her it’s the same as losing a part of her body.

To maintain the beauty of her curls, Andrea makes a special mask from coconut and olive oils and eggs. In addition, she eats a spoonful of peanut butter every day - this saves her hair from dryness.

Andrea washes her hair only in cold water and never uses a hairdryer. Once every few months, the girl cuts off the ends. To create her hairstyles, she has to use a lot of hairpins and elastic bands, but the result is always amazing!

The Russian beauty from Barnaul has been growing her hair for 13 years now and has achieved impressive results in this field. And it all started with a bet: when Dasha cut her hair short at the age of 14, a friend told her that her hair would never grow back. The girls argued and Dasha won. But, apparently, the process fascinated her so much that she decided not to stop there and set herself the goal of growing her braid down to her toes. And now, judging by the photographs, there is very little time left before her dream comes true!

Every morning the girl applies sea buckthorn oil to the ends of her hair, and it only takes her 5-10 minutes to style her hair. Dasha hasn’t used a hairdryer for 8 years and regularly nourishes her hair with a variety of masks. However, she is not going to give up on her haircut:

“...as soon as I feel that my hair is difficult or uncomfortable for me, I will cut it a little and certainly will not torture myself.”

28-year-old British woman Lianne Robinson has not cut her hair for 17 years and has grown gorgeous hair that gives her an incredible resemblance to the fairy-tale princess Rapunzel. The girl admits that she doesn’t put much effort into her hair. She washes them with regular shampoo, never dyes them, tries not to style them and blow-dry them as little as possible.

This year, a 12-year-old resident of Novosibirsk was included in the Russian Book of Records as the owner of the longest hair among children in her age category. The length of her braid at the time the record was set was 139 centimeters.

Asha Mandela

Asha Mandela is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the owner of the longest dreadlocks in the world, the length of which reaches almost 6 meters! And one of the dreadlocks has grown to 17 m! The press calls the woman nothing less than “Black Rapunzel.”

Doctors warn Asha that her dreadlocks, which weigh more than 17 kilograms, pose a serious danger to her spine, but Asha doesn’t want to hear about parting with her luxurious hair!

Cen Yinyan

The height of 46-year-old Chinese woman Cen Yinyan is only 152 centimeters, and her hair length reaches 2 meters! Despite the fact that the braid requires careful care (it takes an hour to wash and half a day to dry), Tsen categorically refuses to get rid of the hair.

Xie Qiuping

57-year-old Chinese woman Xie Qiuping is officially recognized as the owner of the longest hair in the world and is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. In 2004, the length of her hair was 5.6 meters! No one has broken this record yet!

Aliya Nasyrova conquered social networks with her luxurious braid, 2.3 meters long and weighing 2 kilograms! The girl was born in Samara, grew up in Yevpatoria, and now lives in Latvia. Even as a child, Aliya dreamed of long hair and purposefully began growing it at the age of 7. According to the girl, her hair does not require special care. She washes her hair once a week and cuts the ends several times a month. Aliya never appears with her hair down on the street, but even with her hair up, it never goes unnoticed and attracts admiring glances.

I promised to write about female types, similar typologies Onegin-Pechorin-Casanova.

What is the difference between male types?

This is a different kind of frustration. Frustration is a blockage of energy due to experienced or imagined disappointment. That is, for some reason a person anticipates stress (from something) and blocks the attraction (towards it).

Onegin's frustration consists of many small and medium-sized blocks, which sometimes begin from the very beginning of a love relationship. If the blocks are very large or there are a lot of them, then Onegin turns into a wise minnow, he doesn’t want anything at all. But it must be taken into account that due to circumstances (physical, climatic, political, financial, social), the level of onegin’s oneginism may fluctuate. It either opens towards the flow of desire (the free river bed), or closes. Onegin usually does this not on purpose; it is an unconscious and semi-conscious process, although most often the block is preceded by some impressions and conclusions.

For example, Onegin came on a date with a woman, was in a rather passionate and active mood (free channel), and she was in a short skirt and flirting with the waiters, or was late for a long time, or showed dissatisfaction that he was late, or ordered the most expensive wine (no, he is not greedy, but he saw that she was clearly trying to order more at his expense, and he was shocked), in general, something happened that caused his mood to deteriorate, the so-called Onega rolls began, memories, habitual ideas that there is always more from a woman problems than pleasures. Sometimes Onegin didn’t even analyze what exactly hurt him, but just suddenly he didn’t want to invite a woman to his home (any sudden thing is an unconscious, but real reason; nothing happens without a reason).

Or you seemed to like everything about the woman and had the intention of inviting him over, but during the conversation about politics, the mood still deteriorated and I didn’t want any romance. Or suddenly there was a feeling that the woman was not very eager to see him, he would have to persuade her, and perhaps run into refusal. And again there is a roll or a threshold, or even a hole. This is how the Onegins’ libido works.

But please note, this is not a psychotype, this is a type of frustration, that is, these are states of the system, and not a constant characteristic of the system. A person can change his states, albeit not easily, since the integral system maintains the status quo, but a person is not only an integral system, but also a living one, which means he still changes, is rebuilt if circumstances change (and a woman can act as such circumstance, if it is proactive, that is, it will not passively fit into the Onegin system, but will influence this system). Well, Onegin himself can change himself if he wants, also not directly, but by changing circumstances.

I hope this complex metaphysics is at least partially understandable to most regular readers.

Pechorin and Casanova also have frustrations (without frustration a person, relatively speaking, is optimal, has no problems in the love sphere at all, he loves and is loved, he is constant and is able to develop relationships with one person in harmony), but of a different type. For Pechorin, from the beginning of his relationship with the woman he has chosen, the flow is open, and even intensified, in comparison with a conditionally optimal person, love begins quickly, violently, develops rapidly like a waterfall, the river bed looks like a mountain, rushing from a cliff, seething and demolishing almost any woman , except for the most stable and strong, and then a large and impenetrable frustration arises in the form of a rock.

If for Onegins these are blocks that arise every now and then, which sometimes go away on their own during certain pauses in the relationship (that is, Onegin sat, rested, calmed down, and now he’s asking for a date again, or he broke up, and the next day he writes that he was wrong ), then the Pechorin rock is huge and usually impassable. The approach of the Onegin roll is indicated by smaller pebbles that appear every now and then in the bed of the free section of the path, and the Pechorin rock can grow suddenly. The Pechorins themselves suffer from the rocks and sometimes, even in their youth, turn into Onegins, because they are shocked by their unexpected cooling or even disgust for the woman they loved yesterday. But if Pechorin remained Pechorin and accepted his peculiarity, then he will cultivate a certain cruelty in himself, so as not to experience suffering and stress every time, but to put on the cold shell of a villain. That is, the cruelty of the Pechorins is a consequence of their frustration, and not the cause. Once Pechorin gets rid of frustration, cruelty often disappears, and they can become very sentimental and sensitive.

Casanova's frustration is perhaps the most curious. Unlike Pechorin, who can be said to be monogamous, serially monogamous, that is, he falls head over heels in love with one, loves passionately, then burns out, searches for some time, then falls in love with another, and only sex between novels does not deliver Pechorin pleasure, he seeks passion, Casanova is built differently. He is fundamentally polygamous and believes that this is his nature, and sometimes he believes that all people are like this, but artificially direct themselves towards monogamy. In fact, Casanova also has frustration (attention, frustration - in love, and in sex there can even be addiction or just everything is fine), which does not allow him to direct attraction into the channel of one relationship, develop it in depth and length, but forces him to divide its flow into many small channels, or one larger one (if Casanova has a beloved wife, usually an equally free woman) and many small ones.

Most cazans are convinced that small riverbeds feed the large riverbed, and without small riverbeds the large riverbed also becomes shallow. For many cauldrons this is true, but this is precisely their personal identity. Their flow cannot withstand restrictions, fear of suppression arises and, as a consequence, suppression itself. For Casanova, freedom is a condition and any restriction, no matter internal or external, causes frustration. That is why a real Casanova is practically uninfluenced, although he occasionally changes himself, but this does not always benefit him as an individual, so it is better to accept Casanova as he is or get rid of him in his life.

Now about female types.

It goes without saying that female types are similar in energy functionality to male ones, the laws of frustration are the same for any living system. Gender only affects the manifestations of this functionality.

The male type of Onegin corresponds to the female type rapunzel.

Rapunzel- this is the type of “maiden in the tower”, that is, a woman who seems to agree to have a love relationship, but due to frustration has many internal barriers (fears, doubts and complexes) that prevent her from starting this relationship. This is expressed in the fact that the Rapunzel woman doesn’t like anyone at all (the stage of the crystal coffin, similar to the male stage of the wise minnow) or likes it, but not very much, or whether she likes it or not, she herself cannot understand, but since a relationship is needed, she always gives a man a “chance”, wants him to surprise her, conquer her, guess three of her riddles, make the fool laugh, kill the dragon, in general do something so that she finally wants love with him, so that her doubts disappeared.

A man who tries to please Rapunzel, thinking that it's all about exploits, has very little chance of pleasing her. Since she looks at him from the tower, that is, from top to bottom, he always seems small to her, and no matter what he does, it will all depreciate. Almost all the tasks that in fairy tales are set before the suitors of the maiden in the tower are aimed not so much at identifying the hero, but at killing these heroes in some dark places. In general, the law of imbalance is such that while you are in the minus, and they are looking at you from the plus side, it is very difficult to impress with your feat, since they are looking at you from above and all your feats are reduced by a hundred times.

Therefore, the only opportunity for a hero who wants to get Rapunzel as his wife is to catch her by the braid or persuade her to shed her braid, intrigued by something, and climb up, standing level with her. Only then will Rapunzel appreciate the man as worthy of herself and her frustration will recede. However, you need to take into account that in life sometimes it’s not enough to go up to Rapunzel’s tower, it’s important not to fall down from there again, and not see the sour face of the Tsarina-Nesmeyana above you again. And yet, getting up at least once is already half the battle.

The male type of Pechorins corresponds to the female type Cinderella.

Cinderella- this is a type of “runaway bride,” that is, a woman who at first willingly approaches intimacy, sometimes initiates a relationship herself, seduces a man, makes him fall in love with her, and then suddenly loses interest in him and runs away from the relationship. Just as Pechorin at some point experiences fear of the inevitable swamp of marriage relationships or disgust at the image of a henpecked husband and therefore gets rid of the woman who has clung too tightly to him, so Cinderella at some point in the developing relationship suddenly begins to throw tantrums from frustration or hide from a man because he is afraid of the dress turning into rags, the carriage into a pumpkin, and the prince into a bore or a tyrant.

Like Pechorin, Cinderella is sure (sometimes unconsciously) that intimacy brings with it nothing but a burden of worries, boredom or the inevitable disappointment of her partner in her, his betrayal. Therefore, she may suddenly experience intense frustration, even horror, when it seems to her that the clock has already started counting down.

Many Cinderellas run away regularly, not always physically, that is, they remain in a relationship, but throw hysterics to men like “I don’t know what I want, or whether I want something.” Hysterics arise due to the fact that Cinderella begins to imagine a prop, she does not feel attracted to a man, it seems to her that her life is in vain, and somewhere there is a ball and her prince, who cannot find her. Then the hysteria passes and Cinderella can repent and ask the man for forgiveness. Usually, a Cinderella running away waits for the man to catch up with her and is offended by the man who did not stop her and allowed her to escape. Unfortunately, chasing after Cinderellas is effective in the short term, but ineffective in the long term. It is very difficult to treat such frustration, and I will talk about this later.

The male type of cauldron corresponds to the female type Snow White.

Snow White- this is the type of “wife of seven brothers,” that is, a fundamentally polygamous woman who feels that loyalty to one man will limit her ability to be happy. She may love one man more than others, but his desire to achieve fidelity from her is always seen by her as possessiveness, frightens and upsets her. Just as a Tibetan woman married all her husband’s brothers at once, so Snow White is convinced that there should be several men, this is much more convenient, pleasant and safer than being confined to one.

Just as Casanova does not understand and does not want to understand why it is necessary to limit her sexual desire, and not try to stimulate it more often in all possible ways, including new connections, so the Snow White woman does not want to give up polygamy. This is her second nature, although the essence of this second nature is frustration, just such a peculiar one, associated with the fear of restrictions. This is similar to a phobia of enclosed spaces or a fear of the dark. But such frustration is much more difficult to treat than a phobia, since it is built into the complex structure of the personality and is not removed like a weed.

Unlike Kazans, who are almost unable to hide their nature and therefore marry only those who fully accept their polygamy (ideally, they themselves are polygamous), Snow Whites often lie, promising fidelity to a man, while they themselves lead a double life. Snow Whites lie because they come to the conclusion that the wealthiest and most serious men most often count on a woman’s loyalty, and since Snow White is still a woman, she looks for economic and social support in a man. Therefore, many snow whites choose the path of deception, or rather a series of short deceptions, since on the side they are only interested in sex.

As in the case of Casanova, working on Snow White’s frustration from the outside is almost impossible. But they themselves sometimes change, becoming more responsible. Unfortunately, they also often lose interest in sex in this case, which is bad for a real snow white, since the resource of sex is very relevant for them. Therefore, it is best when Snow White finds her Casanova and they can coexist without in any way hurting each other’s interests. There were many such combinations among famous creative couples, although it happens that Casanova’s wife just imitates Snow White, afraid of losing him, and Snow White’s husband pretends to be Casanova in order to adapt to his wife.

I will write more about these types later. You can give examples from your life, cinema or literature.

I remind you that conditionally optimal type Whether male or female, there is no frustration at all. His attraction arises, develops (mutually) and grows, at the peak of mutual love there is a desire to enter into a marriage union (almost certainly) and then the development of a deep and tender connection continues throughout his life, until death. This is ideal. In reality, the vast majority of people experience frustrations of one type or another, more or less. Our task is to understand the types of frustrations in order to reduce them in ourselves and in our partner, to improve the quality of life.

Marina Komissarova

In 2010, the first Disney CGI fairy tale was released, bravely mimicking a Dreamworks production, the potential prince in it is wanted, the princess desperately twists the lasso, and the horse, oddly enough, is silent. But she prompted many young viewers to think about the question of what Rapunzel is.

Known versions

Few of our contemporaries, when thinking about the topic of what rapunzel is, will have associations with a biennial herbaceous plant of the Bellflower family. Ordinary people are more likely to remember the American full-length animated film directed by Byron Howard and Nathan Greno. And book lovers, answering the question, will definitely remember the legacy of the Brothers Grimm - one of the fairy tales they recorded, first translated into Russian by P. N. Polev as “The Bell,” and subsequently by G. N. Petnikov as “Rapunzel.” There was no doubt that such a folklore work would be reflected in the modern film industry. It was just a matter of time. After all, the pantheon of Disney masterpieces is colossal, and the Tangled project became the 50th anniversary full-length animated film.

Anniversary cartoon

The brightest representatives of the new generation of directors, the rising stars of animation N. Greno and B. Howard, who gave the world another animated masterpiece “Tangled,” dreamed of realizing their potential for a long time. They wanted to become animators ever since they visited the Disney Studios at Disney World. Byron Howard worked as a tour guide for a long time, spending hours watching through the window the painstaking work of accomplished professionals. Finally, luck smiled on the talented debutants. Their creation is a whole gallery of charming characters (people and animals), surrounded by fantastic scenery and spectacular special effects. The cartoon "Rapunzel" (2010) is a modern animated comedy for a wide audience of all ages, a landmark event for the art of computer animation and the Disney studio.

Unconditional success

Now, answering the question of what “Rapunzel” is, we can confidently say that this is a rare animation success. Because if you remember, for example, Disney’s “The Princess and the Frog,” then it should be emphasized that this time Disney definitely created a cartoon for the whole family. “Rapunzel” is a rare harmonious combination of excellent musical compositions, stunts and mind-blowing 3D effects for our chaotic modernity. Any adult viewer will easily feel like a child while watching, and children will be indescribably delighted with Pascal and Maximus. The plot of the film is simply stuffed with a lot of associations and references.

The original idea and its transformation

If you look at the original version, recorded by the Brothers Grimm several centuries ago, you can only be amazed at the skill of the animators, who, from a dark story more in keeping with the fantasies of Terry Gilliam, created a stunningly fun, harmless and bright spectacle. According to the plot of Grimm, parents are forced to give up their first-born for the opportunity to taste that same Rapunzel. And the prince, who stumbled upon the golden-haired beauty imprisoned in the tower, was eventually blinded, while the pregnant Rapunzel was expelled from the tower. But after a while, the grown-up children of the lovers found their father, and their mother’s tears healed his blindness.

Naturally, the new version by N. Greno and B. Howard is much lighter and funnier. The prince in it is a noble robber named after the actor who played the key role in the film “The Adventures of Robin Hood” (1938).

No one voluntarily gave the baby to the witch. She kidnapped her to use the magical power of her hair and remain forever young and attractive. Rapunzel became the royal daughter, separated from her parents by the evil Gothel in infancy. The young lady is by no means defenseless; she knows how to stand up for herself, actively using a frying pan as a weapon. Even the title poster of the project features a photo of Rapunzel waving a household item. But what is especially pleasing about the project are the secondary characters: the horse Maximus, who imagines himself as a sniffer dog, and the chameleon Pascal, devoted to the main character. No less colorful were Grandpa dressed as Cupid and all the robbers who were regulars at the tavern. Indeed, they are terrible on the face, but kind inside.

Undoubted dignity

Among the undeniable advantages of the film “Tangled” are the wonderful musical numbers. Just look at the song called “Mama” performed by Gothel! For the domestic adaptation of the compositions performed in the cartoon, we must thank Maria Katz (Gotel) and Victoria Daineko (Rapunzel). Regarding the 3D effects and drawing of the characters, we can say that the creative team approached this aspect extremely responsibly, carefully and professionally. Each character is endowed with unique details, the overall picture captures the imagination.

The plot contains virtually no teachings or harsh instructions. All the twists and turns are presented simply, with unpretentious humor. At the same time, the creators even managed to clearly demonstrate the manifestations of the so-called Rapunzel syndrome, stated by psychologist Donald Casheld.

The mass of quotes and references is not worth mentioning. It’s better to plunge into childhood for an hour and a half and notice for yourself everything that the authors of the project are hinting at or just relax and enjoy watching.

The name Rapunzel is known to many generations of children. In the Soviet era, parents read fairy tales about the long-haired beauty to their children, and today she is in demand as a cartoon character. The biography of the heroine is curious and extraordinary, as is the story of the creation of the legend.

After the Disney studio acquired the rights to film the fairy tale, several interpretations of the story about the princess imprisoned in a tower were released. Among them are the 2010 cartoon called “Tangled,” the cartoon “Frozen,” and “Rapunzel: The New Adventures.” There is a German feature film describing the life of the heroine of the fairy tale.

The name Rapunzel is used as a common noun when it comes to the owner of long curls. This nickname was given to a participant in the popular television show “Dom-2” because of her hairstyle.

Why does a fictional character remain in demand several centuries after the tale was first published? Why is he so attractive to directors and the public?

History of creation

The authors of the mysterious story about the long-haired beauty were the brothers Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm. German researchers of literature and folklore collected parables and legends, on the basis of which the collection “Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm” was compiled. The brothers became famous for studying philology and German studies, and also working on a dictionary of the German language.

They traveled around the country, communicated with the local population, learned traditions and folk tales. Among the works that arose from the legends heard is the story of Rapunzel. The legend tells of a young girl with gorgeous long hair, who has been locked in a tower since childhood and thus separated from the outside world and people.

The tale has been translated into many languages. The authorship is attributed to German researchers, but the work is rooted in the customs of the German people. It has a special flavor and distinctive features inherent in local legends. Today, the fairy tale “Rapunzel” can be found in collections where the works of the following authors are published: the Brothers Grimm, and.

It is curious that none of the listed writers claimed to create fairy tales for children. In the era when they created, children's literature did not stand out as a genre. The children were entertained with fairy tales and superstitions from the lips of nannies and governesses. Initially, fantasy stories were offered to an adult audience. This explains the ambiguous explanations and bloodthirstiness in the works. The Brothers Grimm's Rapunzel was not suitable for children.

It would be shocking to the kids that the prince did not gouge out his eyes himself, but accepted punishment from the witch. Therefore, over time, publishers softened some of the facts of the legends. So, they kept silent about the fact that the girl’s hands were cut off, and the main characters were forced to wander through the forest. Writers provide a happy ending to the story as an artistic device. The characters gain limbs and eyes, create a beautiful family and live in the kingdom in spite of their enemies and the witch.

In Russia, the fairy tale "Rapunzel" was published under the title "Bell", the author of the first translation was Pyotr Polevoy. The subsequent interpretation of the work belongs to Grigory Petnikov.

Literary scholars analyzing the ancient parable of Rapunzel voice curious nuances that hint that the fairy tale could be reality. Researcher Vladimir Propp points to Rapunzel's royal roots, noting that blue-blooded people never walked the earth. In the use of the image of the tower in the narrative, the scientist saw an indication of the origin of the heroine.

Forced isolation and meeting with the prince at a specific age is explained by Propp in the prism of the intersection of medieval traditions and physiological processes. Rapunzel was put in a tower when she was 12 years old. Adulthood corresponds to the onset of puberty. For the heroine, this is an important fact, since after her sixteenth birthday, marriage becomes possible. That's why a prince appears in a fairy tale.

Biography and plot

The story tells about the life of a married couple next door to a witch. Rapunzel lettuce grew in the witch's garden, attracting the attention of a pregnant neighbor. The woman asked her husband to get the plant, and her husband planned to steal it. The witch caught the neighbor stealing and allowed him to take the salad in exchange for the couple's first child. When the tiny baby was born, the witch took her and named her Rapunzel.

By the age of 12, the girl had become an extraordinary beauty. The sorceress settled her in a high tower without doors or lifts. The building had a single window. The stepmother climbed into it through her stepdaughter's long hair. The signal for the girl was the phrase: “Rapunzel, wake up, put your braids down.” Golden hair flowed down the wall, and the sorceress climbed into the chambers.

One day a prince found himself at the tower. Seeing Rapunzel, he persuaded her to lower her braids and got upstairs. Struck by the girl's beauty, the prince invited his chosen one to marry. The lovers ran away. The witch who overtook them blinded the prince, cut off Rapunzel's hair and drove the girl into the forest.

Far from home, the heroine had children. The prince, wandering in the forest thicket, found them, and the family was reunited. Rapunzel's magical tears restored her beloved's sight. The couple began to live happily on the lands controlled by the prince.

The characterization of the main character in the fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm is typical. A beautiful girl, noble, submissive and dreaming of a better life, is waiting for a prince and hopes for changes in life. This is how she is presented in the ancient legend. But modern viewers are interested in the new story of the heroine.

Film adaptations

Cartoons about the adventures of Rapunzel describe her as a strong-willed, brave and savvy heroine. The year of release requires exciting plots and current events, so in cartoons the character appears as an invulnerable girl with a subtle mental organization. This is a perky heroine, not afraid of obstacles and danger.

In the popular cartoons of the 2010s, Rapunzel is a sixteen-year-old girl, a dreamer and a thrower, eager to get to know the world around her. This is a creative person, a playful teenager, whose friend is the chameleon Pascal. Rapunzel plans her escape to satisfy curiosity, not out of love motivation. The hero of her destiny is Flynn Rider, a brave guy who makes the girl’s dreams and desires come true.

  • The heroine of the Brothers Grimm fairy tale was named after the plant. In botany, there are four species that could be described in the story. Two are considered edible: bellflower and field lettuce, the second name of which is valerian. Both varieties sound the same in German. But Rapunzel's mother probably wanted to try the salad.
  • Polevoy, translating the fairy tale, decided that the writers meant a bell. When publishing the fairy tale, he gave it the name “Bell”. At the same time, rapunzel salad is often eaten in Germany. Drawing logical parallels, some translators gave the girl the name Valerianelle.

  • The name Rapunzel is used not only in literature. Psychologists liked it to designate a specific disease associated with hair. In 1968, German doctors Vaughan, Sayer and Scott investigated a mental disorder in which children ingested hair, which caused intestinal obstruction. Doctors gave the pathology the name of the famous heroine, calling it “Rapunzel syndrome.” Psychologist Donald Casheld wrote a work in which he examines the psychological background of the fairy tale in the light of aspects of self-preservation. It draws on research regarding psychological shocks suffered by patients in childhood that provoke withdrawal from the outside world.
  • The image of the long-haired beauty was used not only by the Brothers Grimm. Literary critic Tom Shippey notes that a similar character was present in the work. A girl named Luthien, the owner of luxurious black hair, was also imprisoned in the tower.

A charming addition. The official list of princesses was joined by 16-year-old Elena - the first Latin American girl in this role. It is known about the new heroine that she lives in the enchanted fairy-tale kingdom of Avalor, inspired by the culture and folklore of South America. The show with her participation will appear in 2016, and she will voice the “confident and sensitive” charmer Aimee Carrero from the series “Young and Hungry”. Who does the burning brunette resemble: Jennifer Lopez, maybe Selma Hayek? Which heroine would you like to be like?

Snow White and Marge Belcher

The first Disney princess and the youngest of them all is 14-year-old Snow White. The great animator himself really wanted her to be blonde, but soon changed his mind. The living embodiment of the girlfriend of the seven dwarfs was the then famous dancer Marge Belcher, from whom the canonical brunette was copied. She also posed for the Blue Fairy in the cartoon "Pinocchio". But the princess’s voice was given by the young singer Adriana Caselotti. Despite the fact that her contract strictly prohibited her from singing in films or on the radio, the voice-over role became a triumph for her - her voice became one of the most recognizable in America in the 1940s. The animated Snow White became so popular that she received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and an Oscar. The organizers of the ceremony jokingly made one classic figurine for her, and seven small ones for the gnomes.

Cinderella and Helen Stanley

After the absolute triumph of Snow White, Disney decided to continue the short-length animation line with beauties in the title role. The unshakable French classic of Charles Perrault came to the rescue. A patient and caring commoner, suffering from domestic violence, wins the prince's heart - the story promised millions for the enterprising animator! Meanwhile, Cinderella still remains one of the oldest princesses in the Disney pantheon - she is 19 years old. Disney himself presented in this role Ingrid Bergman, but the model for the animators was actress Helen Stanley. Later, she also posed for the image of Anita - the mistress of 100 and 1 Dalmatians.

Aurora and Audrey Hepburn

The 16-year-old sleeping beauty from the 1959 cartoon of the same name is the only daughter of King Stefan and Queen Leah, cursed at birth by the evil witch Maleficent. As a support for the animators, stylist Tom Oriva took the poses and figure of the beloved Audrey Hepburn. Disney decisively stated: all scenes in a cartoon involving human characters must first be performed by live actors, and animators, looking at this theatrical show, must make sketches. In the original, Aurora was voiced by opera singer Maria Costa (according to Disney, her voice is “so warm that it breathes love”), and in the Russian dubbing, by Bolshoi Theater soloist Karina Serbina.

Ariel and Alyssa Milano

The red-haired little mermaid, “mothballed” at the age of 16, will turn 42 this year. By the way, according to Ariel’s horoscope, she is Libra (born October 8), and not Pisces, as one might think. The hair color of the beautiful amphibian caused quite a bit of controversy. The studio heads insisted that Ariel be blonde, the artists did not give up - the red contrasts better with the green tail and changes shades more effectively in water and on land. The actress served as the prototype for the little mermaid Alyssa Milano, who just turned 16 the year the cartoon was created. To imitate the movement of Ariel’s voluminous hair underwater, the animators carefully studied footage of the first female astronaut, Sally Ride. And then they hired a model who floated in a transparent tank, and artists tried to copy the movements of her strands.

Belle and Julie Garland

Just like Cinderella, this 17-year-old provincial Frenchwoman received her title not by inheritance, but only after she married Prince Adam, freeing him from monstrous witchcraft spells. The artists literally copied the spectacular appearance of brown-haired Belle from actress Julie Garland - mother Liza Minnelli.

Jasmine and Jennifer Connelly

The first princess of non-European appearance became a role model for girls around the world. It is known that this pearl of the East is 16 years old and was born on September 23 in the family of the Sultan of the fictional Arab kingdom of Agrabah. According to animator Mark Henn, one day at Disneyland he saw an incredibly beautiful young visitor with long jet-black hair, whose appearance served as inspiration for the image of Jasmine. The second prototype model for the Arabian princess was, oddly enough, the actress Jennifer Connelly .

Mulan and Christina Aguilera

Among the official Disney princesses is the Chinese Mulan. Her story is based on a medieval Eastern poem about Hua Mulan, a woman who joins the army. The creation of the character began in 1994, after a group of artists traveled around the Middle Kingdom for three weeks for inspiration. However, reviews of the warlike princess were very mixed - the cartoon became the subject of criticism from feminists: “Why does everyone always strive to turn a brave and beautiful girl into a domestic creature? And in order to fight for your values, you must definitely be transferred to a boy, otherwise they won’t take you seriously?” Mulan helped Christina Aguilera, who performed the song Reflection in the cartoon, to start a solo career. After the film was released, representatives of RCA Records urgently contacted the singer and signed a contract.

Pocahontas and Princess Matoaka

Another beautiful and politically correct gesture on the part of the studio is the heroine of the cartoon “The Princess and the Frog”, African-American Tiana. This modern Cinderella does not sweep floors in the house of an evil stepmother, but works as a waitress in New Orleans until she marries Prince Naveen, puts on the crown, and with it the role of a businesswoman, and opens her own restaurant. Behind Tiana's appearance is an actress Jennifer Hudson, and behind the voice is singer Anix Noni Rose.

Rapunzel and Taylor Swift

One of the last to try on the crown under the Walt Disney Pictures brand was 18-year-old Rapunzel. The princess of the pop scene served as a living model for this heroine. Taylor Swift. Oh, that hair! It is known that the length of her magical golden hairstyle was 21 meters, with more than 100,000 individual curls. No one in the history of animation had ever drawn so much hair before. To reliably reproduce this luxury, the film crew animated 147 women with hair of different textures, from which the desired volume of strands was ultimately obtained. The work on Rapunzel's hair was so painstaking that one of the computer engineers, after the launch of the film, defended her dissertation on hair animation.