Snow patterns on the windows. Winter patterns on glass drawn by frost

Nature is an inexhaustible source of spiritual enrichment for children. Children are constantly in contact with nature in one form or another. Endless diverse world nature awakens keen interest and curiosity in children. How many amazing things does nature present to us? She looks like us humans. She has different moods: cheerful - when the sun is shining sad- when it rains, it happens - she angry, then the winds blow, the blizzards howl, the thunder roars. Nature, just like us, wears different clothes: in summer - in bright floral chintz, and in winter - in a white fluffy coat.



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Winter patterns on the window.

Frost is the best artist, walking through the city. Then he would rouge his cheeks, and pinch everyone by the nose. And at night, while I was sleeping, he came with a magic brush, and painted sparkling leaves on the window.

In winter, light fluffs and white snowflakes fall from the sky and circle above the earth.

Everywhere turned white overnight And in our apartment there is a miracle Outside the window the house has disappeared There a magical forest has grown...

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It is difficult to find a person who has not at least once admired the sight of frozen moisture on glass in winter. It turns out that you can create an amazingly beautiful frosty pattern on a window with your own hands. And it's not that difficult.

Anyone can try to make a simple or more intricate winter composition even inside the home: on a glass interior door, closet door or mirror. And this does not require frost and moisture at all.

There are several ways to create one in your home. Let's try to figure out what is needed for this and what skills will be required from the performer.

Natural frosty pattern on the window

Winter stains on glass are, in fact, frost that forms when certain conditions on tree branches, wires and any other surface. This happens when the temperature drops below zero degrees. The moisture in the surrounding air freezes, turns into a solid state and settles in the form of ice crystals on exposed surfaces.

The same thing happens with windows. The seemingly smooth glass actually has minor scratches and cracks. Dust particles settle in them. Ice crystals falling on this heterogeneous and unequal surface, especially when exposed to gusts of wind, form a unique frosty pattern.

Unfortunately, with the advent of sun or warmth, this beauty disappears. Modern plastic windows eliminate the possibility of frost streaks. Their double-glazed windows are reliably insulated, they fog up little from the inside and prevent freezing of the internal space.

But is it possible to stop a person with artistic inclinations who wants to create a frosty pattern on his window glass in the summer? Of course not!

Frosty pattern: imitation

If there are no two main factors - moisture and glass cooled to a negative temperature - the occurrence of natural frost on the window is impossible. Once you know the reasons for the formation of frost patterns, you can try to create them in the summer.

They come to the rescue chemical reactions crystallization of certain solutions. There are known methods for creating imitation frosty patterns using magnesium sulfate (other names: magnesia, bitter or can be used for these purposes (also known as antichlorine, hyposulfite, photographic fixer).

These chemical compounds are not hazardous substances, they can be purchased at pharmacies or stores chemical reagents, and subject to minimum requirements safe to use for decorative purposes to imitate a frosty pattern.

You will also need brushes to apply the design; you can use cotton pads, a sponge or other suitable items for this. To speed up the evaporation of moisture, it is convenient to use a hairdryer.

Chemical frost

To create a frosty pattern using magnesium sulfate, you need to dilute 50 mg of this substance in 100 g of beer and use this solution to paint streaks on a cleanly washed and dried window. After drying (you can speed up the process with a hairdryer), magnesia crystals will appear on the surface.

Another version of the working solution: the same magnesium sulfate, but instead of beer, boiled water is used and a tablespoon of diluted gelatin is added. Use a brush, sponge or cloth swab. The solution is applied with chaotic and disorderly movements onto the degreased glass.

Frosty patterns on glass with the help of sodium thiosulfate are formed after the evaporation of moisture from a working solution prepared from 40 g of this substance dissolved in a glass of water. The chemical pattern in this case will be white, denser, opaque, reminiscent of snow.

The technique for creating a drawing is selected individually. After several trials, you can develop certain skills. You need to try to depict frosty streaks, “feathers”, curls, impromptu snowflakes. After an unsuccessful attempt, the solution can be easily removed with a damp cloth and the creative process can be repeated again.

Wood glue

Previously in Soviet times Frost patterns on glass was obtained using. From the surface it was necessary to remove the gloss, process it until it was slightly matte sandpaper or sand and abrasive. The bottom line is that when soaked in water and swollen, tile or granular wood glue dries out, wrinkles and shrinks in an unpredictable way.

If such a composition, heated to a fluid state in a water bath, is applied in a layer of up to 3 mm to glass treated until dull, then after a day it will begin to dry out. The composition adhered to the surface, shrinking during the hardening process, will form a network of unique patterns. After completion, the crumbled particles are carefully swept away with a brush.

The glass for such frost should not be thin, otherwise it will simply be bent and deformed by the tension force of the drying wood glue. The working composition is applied to a flat horizontal surface and left there for a day.

This frosty pattern remains forever. You should be careful when wiping off dust and washing glass after exposure to wood glue - the sharp edges of the design can injure your skin.

Painting with toothpaste

Not everyone will decide to paint window glass, citing the lack of artistic abilities or reluctance to wash paint off windows. But with the help of such material you can get easily washable designs. Frosty patterns with toothpaste are safe, this technology is accessible even to children.

Glass after unsuccessful creative processes They are easy to clean and even shine better afterwards. A Creative skills can be limited to just a simple spray of dissolved toothpaste from a spray bottle.

The main thing is to make up your mind, and once you understand the simplicity of the idea, you can try to paint the glass with a brush (preferably with stiff bristles) in the style of frosty frost. Strokes are applied starting from the corner and moving towards the center. To simplify, you can keep on hand a suitable image of a natural frosty pattern or any abstract picture.

according to the template

For people who don't want to paint, but want to decorate their windows with artificial frost, there is an easy way to create frosty designs with your own hands. Stencil with finished composition will the best solution for those who have never picked up a brush and paints.

You can purchase a template with a picture in a store or make it yourself. This won’t be difficult if you don’t immediately set yourself the goal of simulating realistic winter stains. You can download your favorite composition from the Internet, but it is better to draw it yourself, especially together with your child.

You can start with a simple snowman, a simple image of a Christmas tree, various animals, ornate stars. After transferring the design onto thick paper, the contours are carefully cut out. The template is applied to the glass or glued with tape and a solution of toothpaste diluted to a creamy state is applied.

If you add a little watercolor or gouache paint, you can get more opportunities to implement your ideas. For application use kitchen foam sponge or brush. You can use not only the sheet with the cutout as a background as a stencil, but also the image itself, applying the coloring composition around it.

With a small child who is used to tasting everything, you can arrange funny drawing. Frosty patterns can be made completely safe if you use powdered sugar to create them.

It can be attached to sterile glass using an adhesive base made from honey, sucrose, fructose or any tasty syrup diluted with water. If the baby really likes the result, he can even eat homemade frosty patterns.

The stencil is applied to the washed glass, edible adhesive is spread, then the ground powder is applied with a puff or soft powder brush. granulated sugar. Even a child can do this. The safety of the exciting process is ensured, the kids will be delighted. And they can safely taste the design after removing the stencil.

Artificial snow

There is another simple way to create frost on any surface. A frosty pattern on a window using a stencil can be quickly and easily applied using artificial snow. It is better to choose a can of this composition from the category of non-melting flakes.

To better choose a winter composition associated with New Year holidays. Snowflakes and all sorts of things will do fairy tale characters, operating in winter.

The glass is washed and wiped dry so that there is no condensation or wet stains left. Shake the can of snow thoroughly before use. The sides of the template must fit snugly against the glass so that clear frosty patterns can be obtained. It is better to attach the stencil with tape.

Spray the composition from a distance of 15 to 40 cm, depending on desired effect frost density. After applying snow, remove excess snow with a dry cloth, and carefully remove the stencil.

Snowflakes for windows

A frosty pattern on glass is not necessarily an ornate, unique design. For many people, a simple snowflake on a window is a symbol of winter and the New Year holidays.

You can start creating frosty patterns for children by making homemade paper masterpieces. The material can be any paper, but traditionally napkins were used for these purposes. They are already folded in four layers. It remains to make one more diagonal fold so that it is middle part snowflakes, take scissors and start creating.

You can cut out the design using templates or come up with your own pattern. It is quite difficult to know in advance what a snowflake will turn out to be. Only after removing unnecessary details and unfolding the paper sheet can you imagine and understand how this or that intricate pattern turned out. Snowflakes can be decorated with sparkles, or you can cut them out of foil.

Anyone can make frosty patterns with their own hands, the main thing is to want it, allocate and spend a little time and effort. Mood, impressions and positive emotions guaranteed.

Snow patterns that it creates British artist Simon Beck simply cannot be called a work of art. To some they resemble circles supposedly drawn by alien creatures in the fields, to others they call them large snowflakes, for some these drawings on the snow are simple abstractions...

The author of the snow patterns himself claims that he draws inspiration from the queen of sciences - mathematics. Here you will find the Koch curve, the Sierpinski triangle, the Mandelbrot set, and other equally beautiful and delightful works.

Yeah, snow patterns on the windows - this is clearly not fun for Simon. After all, he prefers huge, majestic and intricate paintings that can be up to 6 football fields in size. At the same time, it is quite possible to think and imagine that the artist walks around for several days in order to create something like this, but no, he spends about 10 hours on average on one of the samples. Hard to believe? Many people too.

It is noteworthy that sometimes Simon Beck does not use any special tools to create snow patterns. At his disposal are only a compass, a measuring tape and a pair of snowshoes to control the time. However, this does not affect the quality at all, and does not prevent it from encircling the hills and frozen lakes, creating breathtaking snow patterns, the pictures of which remain in the memory of those who see them for a long time.

It all started in the winter of 2004. Shortly before this, Simon began to have serious problems with his legs, and doctors recommended that he take mandatory daily walks. He followed their advice, and soon discovered a clear craving for walking in the snow, because it allowed him to turn ordinary walking into real acts of creativity, resulting in... First, a snowy pattern of a five-pointed star appeared under the artist’s feet, then he trampled a large ten-pointed star, and soon Simon Beck found a frozen lake, where he could try his hand at creating a larger one. large picture. And since the snow here was quite high, he decided to use snowshoes in the process.

Thus, the artist’s ordinary walks gradually turned into the process of creating works of art. Now the “collection” of large-scale and complex snow patterns from Simon Beck includes hundreds of paintings. And we invite you to admire them right now!

In conclusion, I would like to note that the snow master is not going to stop there. Simon Back has great plans for the current 2013, because after many works in France, he planned to leave his mark abroad, in particular - to walk luxurious snow patterns in the lands of Norway.

Every winter you can see the magnificent patterns created by the frost on the windows. They are very diverse and intricate, mysterious and simply magnificent.

How are ice patterns formed on glass?

The indoor air is much warmer than outside, and the humidity is lower. But near glass, sometimes the temperature can be below the dew point, that is, the value when steam begins to condense into dew. Small ice crystals form and ice patterns appear on the window.

Why are ice patterns always different?

Because the conditions inside the room and outside are changeable: temperature, humidity, pressure, wind speed. Even the thickness of the glass and its cleanliness play a role.

First, frost patterns form on the surface of the glass, and when their thickness becomes so large that the transfer of heat to the outside slows down, the ice patterns begin to grow in thickness.

“Vegetable” patterns appear with high humidity and a gradual decrease in temperature. First, the glass becomes wet, and then the moisture freezes, forming bizarre “thickets.” The process starts from the bottom of the glass, as this is where the more water. Yes, and the pattern there is larger, and towards the top it becomes smaller.

If the cooling process was fast, and the moisture did not have time to flow down the glass, then the “woody” pattern throughout the window will be the same size.

Window glass cannot be perfectly even and smooth; they almost always have small defects and scratches. They contribute to the formation of another frosty pattern. First, ice crystals appear along the scratch, forming a strip, and then curved stems begin to branch off from it.

Since frosty patterns on the window appear when certain conditions are met, it means that if you change them, the glass will remain clean. Reduce the air humidity or prevent the glass from cooling too much (make the window well insulated) and Frost will not draw anything on your window.