Project “snow patterns predict the weather.

Nature is an inexhaustible source of spiritual enrichment for children. Children are constantly in contact with nature in one form or another. Endless diverse world nature awakens keen interest and curiosity in children. How many amazing things does nature present to us? She looks like us humans. She has different moods: cheerful - when the sun is shining sad- when it rains, it happens - she angry, then the winds blow, the blizzards howl, the thunder roars. Nature, just like us, wears different clothes: in summer - in bright floral chintz, and in winter - in a white fluffy coat.



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Winter patterns on the window.

Frost is the best artist, walking through the city. Then he would rouge his cheeks, and pinch everyone by the nose. And at night, while I was sleeping, he came with a magic brush, and painted sparkling leaves on the window.

In winter, light fluffs and white snowflakes fall from the sky and circle above the earth.

Everywhere turned white overnight And in our apartment there is a miracle Outside the window the house has disappeared There a magical forest has grown...

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Summary of a lesson on decorative drawing in the senior group "Winter patterns on the window"

The activity helps children show creativity and imagination in creating a pattern of plant elements using cool-toned paint....

"Winter patterns on the windows"

“Winter patterns on the windows” (synopsis of direct educational activities children in the preparatory group)...

Summary of an integrated lesson in the preparatory group "Winter patterns on windows"

The lesson involves continuing to acquaint children with seasonal changes in nature, with characteristic features winter season and correlate with this period the characteristics of the life of animals, plants and phenomena...

Summary of a comprehensive lesson in a preparatory speech therapy group Developed by the teacher of the speech therapy group – Shalamygina I.M. Topic: “Winter - Winter, It was a snowy winter. Winter patterns on the windows."

Abstract complex lesson in the preparatory speech therapy groupDeveloped by the teacher speech therapy group– Shalamygina I.M. Topic: “Winter – Winter, It was a snowy winter. Winter patterns on the windows..."...

Snow patterns that it creates British artist Simon Beck simply cannot be called a work of art. To some they resemble circles supposedly drawn by alien creatures in the fields, to others they call them large snowflakes, for some these drawings on the snow are simple abstractions...

The author of the snow patterns himself claims that he draws inspiration from the queen of sciences - mathematics. Here you will find the Koch curve, the Sierpinski triangle, the Mandelbrot set, and other equally beautiful and delightful works.

Yes, snow patterns on the windows are clearly not fun for Simon. After all, he prefers huge, majestic and intricate paintings that can be up to 6 football fields in size. At the same time, it is quite possible to think and imagine that the artist walks around for several days in order to create something like this, but no, he spends about 10 hours on average on one of the samples. Hard to believe? Many people too.

It is noteworthy that sometimes Simon Beck does not use any special tools to create snow patterns. At his disposal are only a compass, a measuring tape and a pair of snowshoes to control the time. However, this does not affect the quality at all, and does not prevent it from encircling the hills and frozen lakes, creating breathtaking snow patterns, the pictures of which remain in the memory of those who see them for a long time.

It all started in the winter of 2004. Shortly before this, Simon began to have serious problems with his legs, and doctors recommended that he take mandatory daily walks. He followed their advice, and soon discovered a clear craving for walking in the snow, because it allowed him to turn ordinary walking into real acts of creativity, resulting in... First, a snowy pattern of a five-pointed star appeared under the artist’s feet, then he trampled a large ten-pointed star, and soon Simon Beck found a frozen lake, where he could try his hand at creating a larger one. large picture. And since the snow here was quite high, he decided to use snowshoes in the process.

Thus, the artist’s ordinary walks gradually turned into the process of creating works of art. Now the “collection” of large-scale and complex snow patterns from Simon Beck includes hundreds of paintings. And we invite you to admire them right now!

In conclusion, I would like to note that the snow master is not going to stop there. Simon Back has great plans for the current 2013, because after many works in France, he planned to leave his mark abroad, in particular - to walk luxurious snow patterns in the lands of Norway.

Every winter you can see the magnificent patterns created by the frost on the windows. They are very diverse and intricate, mysterious and simply magnificent.

How are ice patterns formed on glass?

The indoor air is much warmer than outside, and the humidity is lower. But near glass, sometimes the temperature can be below the dew point, that is, the value when steam begins to condense into dew. Small ice crystals form and ice patterns appear on the window.

Why are ice patterns always different?

Because the conditions inside the room and outside are changeable: temperature, humidity, pressure, wind speed. Even the thickness of the glass and its cleanliness play a role.

At first Frost patterns are formed on the surface of the glass, and when their thickness becomes so large that the transfer of heat to the outside slows down, then ice patterns begin to grow in thickness.

“Vegetable” patterns appear with high humidity and a gradual decrease in temperature. First, the glass becomes wet, and then the moisture freezes, forming bizarre “thickets.” The process starts from the bottom of the glass, as this is where the more water. Yes, and the pattern there is larger, and towards the top it becomes smaller.

If the cooling process was fast, and the moisture did not have time to flow down the glass, then the “woody” pattern throughout the window will be the same size.

Window glass cannot be perfectly even and smooth; they almost always have small defects and scratches. They contribute to the formation of another frosty pattern. First, ice crystals appear along the scratch, forming a strip, and then curved stems begin to branch off from it.

Since frosty patterns on the window appear when certain conditions are met, it means that if you change them, the glass will remain clean. Reduce the air humidity or prevent the glass from cooling too much (make the window well insulated) and Frost will not draw anything on your window.

General education high school No. 10 Balkhash

Section: Natural science (inanimate nature)




student of 4th grade "B"

Secondary school No. 10 of the city of Balkhash

Supervisor: Matsevka Makhfirat Nasrullahovna - teacher primary classes

Balkhash, 2014


    Main part.

2.1 Theoretical study………………………………….

2.2 Practical research…………………………………..

III. Conclusion …………………………………………………………….

List of used literature……………………………………..


Dendrites – tree-like formations.

Trichites – fibrous forms.


Purpose of the study:

Find out why bizarre snow patterns often appear on windows in winter.

Explore what snow is.

Expand knowledge about water.

Research objectives:

Explore further reading and take away interesting information, about how snow patterns appear on windows;

Find out why snow patterns are different in shape;

Observe the appearance and disappearance of snow patterns on the windows;

Provide convincing evidence that snow patterns on windows do not appear by chance;

Find out what snow is and how it is formed;

Water is like a droplet, an icicle, a cloud, a snowflake;

Draw conclusions and summarize the results of observations.

Object of study: snow patterns on glass

Subject: snow pattern

Hypothesis: Let's assume that the shape of snow patterns can predict the weather.


    Analysis of scientific literature.

    Conducting experiments.


    Main part

2. Theoretical research

It got colder overnight. It's a frosty morning. When I woke up, I looked out the window: “Is the sun shining?” And the window was so elegant and shiny, like Christmas tree. I saw on the glass amazing drawing. Long fluffy sparkled spruce branch covered with shiny snowflakes. I asked my mother: “How did the snow pattern appear on the window?” She replied that it was drawn by Grandfather Frost.

How did you draw it? What did you draw with? Grandfather Frost is outside the window, and the pattern appeared in the apartment. Why? I wanted to know about this. This was my choice for research.

Why do drawings appear on window glass in cold weather? On the one hand, the crystals have their own structure, which determines the pattern. In addition, scratches on the glass surface, dust particles, air currents help “Santa Claus” create beautiful patterns on the windows.

Snow is a type of precipitation falling on the earth's surface, consisting of small ice crystals. At low temperatures, water turns into ice. Ice, like water, also evaporates.

Snow white, opaque, loose and cold, molds well in warm weather, and melts quickly in warm weather.

Frost− this is steam that has frozen on glass, iron, tree branches and other objects. But frost never forms on thin branched objects, this is − frost.

Snowflakes are grouped into ten classes: stars, plates, columns, needles, hail and others. The size of snowflakes can be from a small point to 7 millimeters.

When squeezed, snow makes a sound resembling a squeak (crunch). This sound occurs when walking in the snow, pressing on fresh snow with sled runners, skis, making snowballs, etc. The creaking of snow is heard at temperatures below − 2 ° (according to other sources, below − 5 °). Above this temperature the squeak is not heard. The main cause of snow crunching is considered to be the breaking of crystals.

In winter, the air near the window glass becomes very cold and some of the water vapor from it settles on the cold glass in the form of ice crystals. Then these crystals begin to branch and grow, “drawing” snow (frost) patterns on the glass.

In order for crystallization to begin, the first ice crystals need to settle on something. Let it be a speck of dust. Or a trace from a rag used to wipe the windows. Ice floes group on uneven surfaces, on barely noticeable scratches on the glass, and an ice garden gradually grows on the window with extraordinary flowers sparkling in the rays winter sun. The result is such beauty that you can’t tell it in a fairy tale or describe it with a pen. Real flowers! By the way, in Germany frosty patterns on glass are called “ice flowers.”

1. Dendrites. If the cooling of glass begins at a positive temperature and high humidity, then a film of water formed on it as the temperature drops environment begins to crystallize.

The pattern first appears at the bottom of the window, where gravity accumulates more water. Here, due to the greater amount of moisture, the dendrites are more pronounced than in the upper part of the glass. With further cooling, the dendrites become overgrown with smaller processes and notches of ice. Such patterns often form in winter on the windows of buses and even in our school office

2.Trichites. Trichites form at the sharp edges of scratches on the surface of a cooling solid. In this case, at first the crystals form narrow parallel strips of frost, which degenerate with further cooling into fairly dense ice fibers emanating from the main stem. In most cases, both the main fiber and the adjacent thin strips of frost are slightly curved . Such patterns are found in my room on the window and on the window in the school office.

When do marvelous pictures of ice crystals form?

In winter, when the frosts get worse outside, snow patterns often form on the window glass. It is Santa Claus who secretly paints our windows at night using a transparent pen. In fact, with a sharp cold snap, the temperature of the windows becomes lower than the air temperature in the room. Warm water vapor in the humid air in the room settles on them. A thin, almost invisible layer of water appears on the glass. This is enough for Frost to draw his wonderful drawings. At night it sends cold, the water freezes. If there was a lot of water, it would turn out to be ice, like on a river. And since there is very little water, it turns into ice crystals. These make up the pattern on the glass.

The motive and composition of intricate pictures, in addition to humidity and temperature, are determined by the glass itself, its structure, thermal conductivity, heat capacity, and surface cleanliness. In ice patterns, you can see most of the shapes that snow crystals can take.

Folk signs

A long time ago, people used frosty patterns to determine the weather:

    if the branches of the patterns were directed downward, the weather will be snowy and cloudy;

    if up - clear and sunny.

Also according to folk signs, straight patterns foreshadow even greater cold, oblique ones - thaws, and more intricate patterns - snowfall.

It's hard to believe that all this was drawn without the help of human hands. I'm interested in these patterns. You can't take your eyes off these intricate pieces of art. consummate master. The further you look at the drawings, the more amazed you are at the craftsmanship unknown artist, whose name is Frost. These amazing paintings can be looked at and looked at, and each time you see something new. Here is a magic tree, there is a peacock’s tail, a long branch of a palm tree, a fluffy spruce. A wonderful flower has blossomed. And on the other window there are fabulous animals.

It’s especially beautiful when it falls on the window Sunbeam, then the whole picture sparkles. Watching the snow patterns, I noticed that they were colored: sometimes blue in cloudy weather, sometimes yellow in the sun, sometimes pink and purple at sunset. IN evening time, when it becomes completely dark outside the window and the glass looks black, frosty patterns sparkle like stars.

Water states:


Water, water, wash my face.

To make your cheeks blush,

To make your eyes sparkle,

So that your mouth laughs and your teeth bite.


Very bad habit at Yulka-

Loves to suck ice icicles.

Stupid Yulka swallows and is happy,

It's like I ate 100 grams of chocolate.

One day she got a sore throat

And I never ate an icicle again.


Oh, what a cloud, a high cloud,

A distant cloud cannot be reached with your hand.

He will swim and hide in the field outside the outskirts,

He will wash himself in the lake clean water.


Snowflakes fell from the sky onto frozen fields:

The spruce was tangled with a scarf, a white coat of poplar.

And they covered the yard and garden; everyone was very happy with the snow.

Land a snowflake on my palm,

You've been spinning for a long time, rest a little.

Look, how cunning, you think I don’t know?

On your warm palm I will immediately melt.

Perhaps you will not meet a person who has not had the opportunity to admire the finest ice patterns on window glass in winter. So I tried to imitate Frost and drew the patterns myself.

    Case study

Do frosty patterns appear on all windows?

It turns out not. While observing the patterns, I found out that the patterns do not appear on the window if the window is open. In this case, the air temperature in the room near the glass decreases, becoming the same as the temperature of the glass itself. With high-quality sealing of glass, patterns on the glass also do not appear, because no temperature difference.

Artificial patterns

Everyone knows that patterns on glass are short-lived - the sun begins to warm up and the frosty patterns become less clear, blur and flow in streams of water down the glass. They disappear forever.

Is it possible to make such patterns yourself?

To begin with, my mother and I prepared a colloidal solution: a quarter glass cold water added 5 g of dry gelatin and allowed it to swell well. Heat the water to 50 degrees in a water bath and make sure that the gelatin is completely dissolved. (Ice patterns can be preserved on such jelly.) The still warm solution was poured onto a piece of glass and immediately placed in the freezer. (The water will crystallize, like on windows in winter.) After three days, they took out the gelatin and let it thaw.

A clear pattern of ice crystals remained on it.

“Ice Flowers” ​​by J. Marcinkevičius.

Without waiting for the warmth,
In the middle of a winter day,
The flowers have bloomed
On my window.

I approached the flowers
My cheek became wet
Because the windows
I touched lightly.

I approached the flowers
But they didn't smell...
Why did they grow up?
On winter days?


The goal I set for myself has been achieved. I found out why bizarre snow patterns often appear on windows in winter.

I did the following conclusions:

    Frosty patterns on glass are large ice crystals growing from water vapor at the boundary of heat and cold;

    The type of pattern on the surface of the glass depends on the temperature inside and outside the room, the humidity in the room, the thickness of the glass and the contamination of its surface.

My observations support the hypothesis that the shape of snow patterns can predict the weather.

List of used literature

D. Tikhomirov. "Snow patterns on the windows."

Internet resources


Internet resources

http:// HYPERLINK ""nportalHYPERLINK "". HYPERLINK ""ruHYPERLINK ""/ HYPERLINK ""shkolaHYPERLINK ""/ HYPERLINK ""obshchepedagogic...