Riddles about winter patterns on the window. Riddles about frost pattern and frost

The wind blew and frost
Brought snow to us from the north.
Only since then
On my glass...
(Frosty pattern)

The forest has grown
All white
You can't enter it on foot,
You can't enter on horseback.
(Frosty pattern)

Everywhere turned white overnight
And there is a miracle in our apartment!
Outside the window the yard disappeared.
A magical forest grew there.
(Frosty pattern)

Santa Claus when it's dark
From forests and snowy mountains
Comes to us under the window
Draw on it...
(Frosty pattern)

Our windows are like pictures.
Who is the invisible artist?
Bouquets of roses on glass
He drew for us...

Decorated by a sorcerer
The windows are all in people's houses.
Whose patterns? - Here's a question.
I drew them...

He breathed on the window -
It instantly became covered with ice.
Even birch branches
Covered with frost...

The snow turned blue from the cold,
There is white frost on the trees.
Even Bobik hides his nose
After all, on the street...

The wind blew and frost
Brought snow to us from the north.
Only since then
On my glass...

The mice are happy, the cats are happy:
Winter has come to visit
And on every window
Miracle lace weaved
There are strange herbs there
Unprecedented beauty
Unusual oak forests,
Stars, leaves and flowers
(Frosty pattern on the window)

Artist painting
I painted all night
Worked conscientiously
I knew no peace.
And here on the windows
Already turned white
Tall pines,
Fluffy spruces.
Then we saw
There's a firmament there
Where are the stars cheerful
There was a round dance,
Snowflakes fluttered
One by one
- So the windows are frosty
Decorated it in winter.
(Frosty pattern on the window)

At night, in the frosty darkness,
I draw on glass.
Visible through the curtains in the morning
My intricate pattern.
And trees and bushes
Unprecedented beauty.
(Frosty pattern on the window)

On the window in winter
A cobweb will fall.
How right is it?
Wonderful picture!
The sun's ray will break through -
Glows, sparkles,
Arrived just right
Marvelous firebird.
And spring will come -
Failure awaits us
The drawing will disappear
And the window will cry.
(Frosty pattern on the window)

Invisible carefully
He comes to me
And he draws like an artist
He patterns on the window.

This is a maple, and this is a willow,
Here is the palm tree in front of me.
How beautifully he draws
Just white paint!

I look and can’t look away:
The branches of the line are tender!
And the artist is happy to try.
You don't even need brushes.

Invisible, carefully
He comes to me
And he draws like an artist
He patterns on the window.

Who whitens the clearings with white?
And writes on the walls with chalk?
Sews down feather beds,
Have you decorated all the windows?

He draws on glass
Palm trees, stars, skiffs.
They say he is a hundred years old
And he plays pranks like a little boy.

He entered - no one saw
He said no one heard.
He blew through the windows and disappeared,
And a forest grew on the windows.

So that autumn doesn't get wet,
Not soggy from water,
He turned puddles into glass,
Made the gardens snowy.

The artist draws
Landscape on glass,
But this picture
Will die in the heat.

The guest was visiting
The bridge was paved,
Without a saw
I paved the bridge without an axe.

Grandfather paved the bridge
Without an ax and without a knife.

Draws without hands
Bites without teeth.

Old man at the gate
The warmth was stolen away
Doesn't run on his own
And he doesn’t tell me to stand.

What kind of master is this?
Applied to glass
And leaves and grass
And thickets of roses?

No arms, no legs,
And he can draw.

It's not fire, it burns.

Who without logs across the rivers
Builds bridges?

Visited the hut
- I painted the whole window,
Stayed by the river
- The bridge was paved across the entire river.

Wonderful artist
I visited the window
Guess it guys
Who painted the window?

What a grandfather
Builds a house without an axe?

Everyone is afraid of him in winter
- It can hurt when he bites.
Hide your ears, cheeks, nose,
After all, on the street...

Painted the windows
All without asking.
But who is it?
Here's the question!
All this does...

He doesn't know how to play
And it will make you dance,
Will brighten all the people
Who is this sorcerer?

He always
Angry about something
And always, when angry,
The children blush their faces,
And makes all the old people look young.

Someone to the house
And I didn’t follow it anywhere!
But funny pictures
Appeared on the window:
Bears drink
Tea with raspberries,
Hares are riding on horseback,
Who is he?
That I didn't sleep all night
And did you draw on glass?

Not to prison
And to the bright room
He locks the girl up.
Until spring, girl
Do not open the light rooms.
(Frost and river)

If the cat decides to lie down,
Where is it warmer?
Where the oven is
And covered his nose with his tail
- Waiting for us...

Old joker
Doesn't tell me to stand on the street,
It makes me want to go home.
(Frost) Even though the guys have a rest,
They are sitting at home.
It's minus thirty outside the window.
I came to Sister Winter.
The pond was frozen with ice,
And the river
And he drove the cat onto the stove.

It's winter time
- It’s crackling in the yard...
(Not heat, but frost)

Children love to spend time with their parents. Therefore, the idea of ​​​​parents to organize an evening with riddles will definitely appeal to both boys and girls. The most important thing is to prepare for the event in advance.

Are riddles important for a child?

The benefit of riddles for a child is not only that the child has fun. Also, during the developmental lesson, the child:

These are the main facts indicating that riddles about frost and others natural phenomena important for the full development of boys and girls. In fact, there are many more of these details. Well, in any case, it’s worth thinking through logical questions for your child and having fun.

kids preschool age They can easily find answers to various questions in their heads. Riddles about frost should be varied and colorful. As an example we can take the following logic puzzles for the little ones:

Why did icicles grow on the canopy and ice on the river?

The snow has fallen and remains, because this grandfather keeps the cold around.

He lives on the street and in our refrigerator.

How he rules the street - his cheeks and hands freeze.

And the one that lives in the refrigerator saves our food.

It turns water into ice.

Who lakes, sea, rivers

Covers with ice?

And he draws patterns on the windows,

Decorates everything around.

Only this grandfather will come,

Turns rivers into ice.

He pinches cheeks and arms.

What is it called?

What kind of artist paints without a brush?

On our windows beautiful castles and leaves.

When the grandfather comes into power,

All puddles, rivers and other bodies of water turn into ice.

It pesters us along the way,

He bites his hands and cheeks all the time.

A wizard came to us

I covered the windows with beautiful patterns.

He bites cheeks, nose,

And his name is... (Frost)

Who's on the trees and rooftops

Have you hung a lot of beautiful ice cubes?

Covered the seas and rivers with a mirror veil,

What is this grandfather called, tell me children.

Such riddles about frost will definitely appeal to the youngest children. Boys and girls will be happy to listen to such logical questions and find answers to them. Children will like and delight such riddles about frost for schoolchildren and preschoolers.

How to motivate your child

To make it interesting for a child to participate in the game, you should come up with motivation. Riddles about frost for children will captivate children in themselves. But it will still be much more interesting to think about answers to questions if the boy or girl knows that at the end of the game they will be rewarded with something. The following ideas may be taken into account:

Riddles about frost for children will help you get into the real winter's tale. And the time spent together will allow the child to understand that he is loved. Parents will be able to know better inner world your child.

Winter has come,
The cold has arrived
The ice on the river froze.
Who did it? (Freezing).

Children run, play,
They throw snowballs at each other.
Painted my cheeks, nose,
Fierce... (Frost).

It only happens in winter.
I painted all the windows,
Covered the river with ice,
Don't be afraid of him, my friend,
Just move faster, bro. (Freezing).

He can be good, evil,
If you listened to mom and dad,
Then you will receive a gift! (Father Frost).

Covered the pine trees with frost,
He blew cold air on us.
Walks like a sorcerer
There is a picture on the windows for people. (Freezing).

They pinched their cheeks, nose,
We were painted... (Santa Claus).

The cold has arrived
The water in the river has solidified,
The fish are warm under the ice.
Snowflakes are fluttering around,
Frozen droplets.
Without what does everything melt? (No frost).

All the children in the world love him.
He is the most magical grandfather on the planet,
He brought us gifts,
Kindest... (Grandfather Frost).

Every year I look forward to
We are expecting fun
Well, when will you come?
Our beloved... (Santa Claus).

The icicles on the roofs began to melt,
A stream of snow flowed.
It's winter gone
And with her... (Frost).

We didn't eat or drink
The figures were sculpted within a day.
And they filled them with water,
They turned out icy... (Sculptures).

He will help us in the heat,
Products will not spoil.
He hid in the refrigerator
It's called... (Frost).

Our favorite ice cream
It turns out,
If you mix milk and sugar
And... (Freeze).

They filled the skating rink,
He helped us!
And now we're skating
By smooth ice.
Who is that one?
Wizard? (Freezing).

Children are not afraid of frost,
In the morning,
Slide down the hill
And they sculpt... (Snowman).

Downhill, snowball fight,
Modeling a snow woman.
All this is winter... (Fun).

In this fairy tale,
The stepdaughter worked from morning to night,
But the stepmother’s daughter did nothing!
Who met Nastenka in the forest,
And rewarded for good work? (Morozko).

Weaves lace patterns,
They spin around and fall to the ground,
Decorated all the windows
And covered the waters with ice. (Freezing).

Who can't walk without legs?
And he gets in by the collar.
Freeze everyone's noses
This is... (Frost).

Magician, magician,
Walks in winter
The trees cover
The ice freezes
He gives the bunny a white fur coat,
Spurs on the animals!
He gathers the kids
And decorates the Christmas tree! (Freezing).

The trees are covered with frost,
And he froze the water.
Cheeks are burning with fire!
Nose mitten
Guys are tinder!
That's all... (Frost).

The cold time has come
There are white snows and blizzards all around,
Everything around is frozen,
This is... (Frost).

The cold is bitter and frosty,
It only happens... (in winter).

Who draws without training?
Are there painted patterns on the windows?
That magician, the artificer,
This is... (Frost).

Other riddles:

Picture Frost

Some interesting children's riddles

  • Riddles about Goose for children with answers

    A relative of the duck, swims in the pond. Webbed feet. This is... (Goose).

What grandfather builds a house without an axe?

If the cat decides to lie down,
Where it's warmer, where there's a stove,
And covered his nose with his tail -
Waiting for us...

The wind blew and frost
Brought snow to us from the north.
Only since then
On my glass...

Who builds bridges across rivers without logs?

The days have become shorter.
It rained at night.
And the glazier came -
Puddles glassed

Everywhere turned white overnight
And there is a miracle in our apartment!
Outside the window the yard disappeared.
A magical forest grew there.
(Frosty pattern)

Who, even without hands, can draw?

So that autumn doesn't get wet,
Not soggy from water,
He turned puddles into glass,
Made the gardens snowy.

Whose drawings are on the window,
What's the pattern on the crystal?
Pinches everyone's nose
Winter grandfather...

Everyone is afraid of him in winter -
It can hurt when he bites.
Hide your ears, cheeks, nose,
After all, on the street...

Santa Claus when it's dark
From forests and snowy mountains
Comes to us under the window
Draw on it...
(Frosty pattern)

Old joker
Doesn't tell me to stand on the street,
It makes me want to go home.

Everywhere turned white overnight
And there is a miracle in our apartment!
Outside the window the yard disappeared.
A magical forest grew there.
(Frosty pattern)

I visited the hut -
I painted the whole window,
Stayed by the river -
The bridge covered the entire river.

He entered - no one saw
He said - no one heard.
He blew through the windows and disappeared,
And a forest grew on the windows.

Who, even without hands,
Can he draw?

Who whitens the clearings white,
And writes on the walls with chalk,
Sews down feather beds,
Have you decorated all the windows?

Old man at the gate
The warmth was stolen away
Doesn't run on his own
And he doesn’t tell me to stand.

He doesn't know how to play
And it will make you dance,
Will brighten all the people
Who is this sorcerer?

It's not fire, it burns.

He's always angry about something
And always, when angry,
The children blush their faces,
And makes all the old people look young.

Someone came to the house
And I didn’t follow it anywhere!
But funny pictures
Appeared on the window:

The bears drink tea with raspberries,
Hares are riding on horseback,
Who is he that didn’t sleep at night?
And did you draw on glass?

“Angry,” covering his face with his hand,
The passer-by said dully.
- Hit like that! - grumbled another,
Stroking my ear.
An old woman walked past with a stick,
Hiding my nose in a scarf,
She said: “Look!”
Bites like a dog.
And I quickly covered my face
Coat collar.
On that day indeed
Was angry -
You guessed it - who!

I visited the hut -
I painted the whole window,
Stayed by the river -
The bridge covered the entire river.

Crackling vigorous
Paved the bridge;
I ran through the yards,
I painted all the windows.

The days have become shorter.
It rained at night.
And the glazier came -
Puddles glassed

Not snow, not ice,
And with silver he will remove the trees.

Not prickly, light blue
Hanged in the bushes...

Who builds bridges without logs?

What kind of master is this?
Applied to glass
And leaves and grass
And thickets of roses?

Not fire
And it burns.

Invisible, carefully
He comes to me
And he draws like an artist
He patterns on the window.
This is a maple, and this is a willow,
Here is the palm tree in front of me.
How beautifully he draws
Just white paint!

He doesn't know how to play
And it will make you dance,
Will brighten all the people
Who is this sorcerer?

So that autumn doesn't get wet,
Not soggy from water,
He turned puddles into glass,
Made the gardens snowy.

What kind of master is this?
Applied to glass
And leaves and grass,
And thickets of roses?

The wind blew and frost
Brought snow to us from the north.
Only since then
On my glass...
(Frosty pattern)

Someone came to the house
And I didn’t follow it anywhere!
But funny pictures
Appeared on the window:
The bears drink tea with raspberries,
Hares are riding on horseback,
Who is he that didn’t sleep at night?
And did you draw on glass?

Draws without hands
Bites without teeth.
It's not fire, it burns.

Draws without hands
Bites without teeth.

The forest has grown
All white
You can't enter it on foot,
You can't enter on horseback.
(Frosty pattern)

Old man at the gate
The warmth was stolen away
Doesn't run on his own
And he doesn’t tell me to stand.

He paved the bridge, he didn’t ask for an axe.
He hammered the pillars, but did not take the nails.
At night he bound the rivers and covered them with blue ice.
I painted the windows in the house and decorated the Christmas trees with frost.

What kind of master is this?
Applied to glass
And leaves and grass,
And thickets of roses?

Without arms, without legs, but he can draw.

The old man at the gate stole the warmth,
He runs on his own and doesn’t tell me to stop.

The invisible artist walks through the city:
He will rouge everyone's cheeks, and pinch everyone's nose.
And at night, while I was sleeping, he came with a magic brush
And on the window he painted sparkling leaves.

Draws without hands
Bites without teeth.

What kind of master is this who applied leaves and herbs and thickets of roses to the glass?

I visited the hut -
I painted the whole window,
Stayed by the river -
The bridge covered the entire river.

Grandfather builds a bridge without an axe.

Old joker
Doesn't tell me to stand on the street,
It makes me want to go home.

He entered - no one saw
He said no one heard.
He blew through the windows and disappeared,
And a forest grew on the windows.

Invisible, carefully
He comes to me
And he draws like an artist
He patterns on the window.