How to quickly and safely organize a magical chemistry show for the whole family. Chemistry experiments, chemical reagents and reagent show equipment

IN Lately An unusual chemistry show is becoming an increasingly popular entertainment for children and adults in our country. As a child, during chemistry lessons, everyone loved to watch the bubbling flasks and mixtures forming thick steam. To open the world of science to children and attract their attention to learning, the organization of such a holiday must be well prepared.

Who needs “chemical” holidays?

Similar events are held for children and adults of almost all ages. For safety reasons, only children under four or five years old should be held by their parents, as they may grab something or try to eat or drink some particularly attractive reagent. For everyone else, such shows are absolutely safe and very interesting. The program is selected depending on the age of the child. These can be simple experiments with simple dry ice or more complex experiments involving several chemical things. The most spectacular chemistry show experiences at a children's party include:

Experiments with liquid nitrogen and dry ice;
-Digital Watch created using ordinary potatoes;
- a real, spectacular volcano will spew out “lava” right on the table;
-boiling water without a heat source;
-various manifestations of the reaction of litmus paper - appearing inscriptions, invisible ink;
-egg in a flask - remove an egg from a vessel with a narrow neck without breaking it;
-caught “rainbow” and many others.

Such a program usually takes half an hour or an hour, children do not have time to get tired, and parents can take a little break from the screaming crowd in their home. “Adult” chemical holiday programs are also interesting. Recently, it has become popular to invite such shows to corporate parties, openings entertainment centers and even for non-standard, modern weddings.

What do you need to prepare for the arrival of the animators?

Of course, it is almost impossible to conduct such scientific shows without appropriate preparation, and with independent work– it may also be unsafe. A professional chemist-animator will bring with him all the necessary reagents, tools and Additional materials. He will also take care of interesting scenario and can bring small themed gifts for all participants in the show.
However, there is also a task for parents:

1. It is necessary to prepare the largest room so that children and adults do not have to stand too close to the table with reagents.
2. It is worth making sure that all children with any types of allergies have a seat at the window. Although negative impact The reagents chosen for the show do not affect the body; precautions when working with children are the main thing.
3. To hold such a show at corporate evenings, it is worth planning it at the very beginning of the evening, so that the resting employees have not yet had time to thoroughly “celebrate” the holiday.

That's all, a chemical holiday for children is often organized in kindergartens, at various events in primary and secondary schools, as well as at birthdays. Such an amazing, bright show will appeal to the most fastidious birthday people and guests. Children will be able to take part in the event and various performances themselves: they will be entrusted with mixing, pouring and even heating reagents. Of course, children will only be allowed to use safe substances.

Creating a real chemical laboratory at home, at least for one evening, is the dream of many adults, and kids will simply be delighted! Once visiting such a science festival, children will forever understand that science is not only difficult, but also very interesting. And parents will find out how to short term give your kids a lot pleasant memories, new knowledge and instill a thirst for learning.

Chemicals and reagents- these are substances that are used in analytical chemistry, as well as in industry for carrying out chemical reactions. Reagents are a narrower concept than reagents; they are substances that are part of chemical reagents.

A reagent for laboratory or industrial use may contain one main reagent, as well as additional impurities. The higher the content of the main reagent in a reagent (that is, the fewer impurities it contains), the higher the “purity” of the reagent.

The minimum purity is for technical reagents, it is 90%; these reagents are used on the farm or by amateur chemists. In school laboratories, reagents with a purity of 98% are used. Reagents used in scientific research, in medical laboratories, in complex industries, they undergo particularly thorough cleaning, and the content of impurities in them is hundredths and thousandths.

How should chemicals be stored?

Work related to chemical reactions is classified as hazardous activities, since many chemical reagents are toxic, explosive or flammable. Therefore, strict safety requirements are imposed on the storage and handling of reagents.

Toxic and noxious substances must be stored in a separate locked fireproof cabinet, which must be marked with information about the toxicity of its contents. The cabinet should be in a well-ventilated area. Flammable reagents are stored tightly sealed in metal containers lined with asbestos, away from possible sources of fire.

Substances that can form toxic fumes, as well as reagents with a pungent odor, are stored in a cabinet equipped with exhaust ventilation. Light-sensitive reagents should be stored in tinted glass containers, paper-wrapped containers, or a light-proof cabinet. Reagents that cannot be stored in glass containers are stored in special polyethylene containers. Ammonia is always stored separately from other reagents.

Non-toxic, non-poisonous and non-flammable reagents and reagents can be stored on shelves or in a cabinet.

The storage of reagents and reagents must be organized: they must be grouped by type (alkalis, acids, etc.) or alphabetically.

Rules for working with chemical reagents

When conducting chemical experiments and other work, it is necessary to observe safety precautions - be sure to wear protective gloves, and, if necessary, protective clothing, an apron, and goggles.

After completion of work, unused and used reagents must be disposed of or collected and transferred for disposal to a specialized organization. It is strictly prohibited to empty or pour them into sewers, garbage cans, remaining excess reagents or used reagents, as well as returning unused reagents back to the container where they were stored.

Scope of application of chemical reagents

Reagents and reagents are used not only for scientific research and analytical work. They are widely used in the metallurgical, oil and gas industries, in the production of paints and varnishes, in the production various types plastic. Chemical processes using reagents are used in the food and textile industries, as well as in pharmaceuticals, manufacturing cosmetics, household chemicals, goods for Agriculture, when processing leather, fur and suede, etc.

Reagents and reagents are also used in the field of education - to equip chemical laboratories of educational institutions.

After about 30 years,

will appear annually

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which was inspired by us!

Our clients will grow

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There are no miracles without science.

Science show franchise

Teaching Science Chemistry Show

Everyone knows what it is science show. This is a great business idea, especially for small businesses. Good for small town, unlike many others. We will provide you with flexible conditions.

Stop working for others - earn money yourself, for yourself!

It's easy to buy a science chemistry show franchise, but how to make money from it?

Our task is to provide full support to our partners purchasing a scientific franchise, to provide them with all necessary materials, conduct sales consultations. We have accumulated unique experience in selling science shows in different conditions, for example in the same fierce competition, as well as in conditions where the consumer is completely unfamiliar with the service and everyone needs to be told what a scientific show is. You'll get full access to our knowledge and skills. We have turned learning a science show into light entertainment. Our team consists of chemists, physicists, marketers, lawyers, logisticians, teachers and other specialists who spend all their time developing new experiments and programs. Not for nothing most of our experiments are unique, others don’t have this (for example, , and etc).

can teach you how to conduct No need to be a chemist, you just need to carefully study our recommendations and buy the right one scientific props. You can buy almost all scientific equipment and reagents in your city. We will send everything else to you. Yes, you need to be a specialist to design experiments (doses, safety). But we have already taken care of this, all you have to do is take the ready-made props and Earn Money. Our scientific franchise (let's call it that) is a unique offer. It's essentially a franchise without a franchise. All your expenses are one-time. There are no royalties, which means we don’t need to pay anything monthly. Study and work. A science show with us is very easy and simple!

Business profitability is 40-60%, depending on your participation in it.

Many of our partners earn more than 500,000 rubles per month.

One city - one partner!

Find out more:

Our franchise is the most adequate (money) in the CIS. Includes training, props for a science show, sales and promotion technology. You also get all the necessary layouts and you don’t have to spend money on design.

We develop experiments and props for children's science shows and game programs. We reveal the secret of making DRY ICE on our own!

Our laboratory has developed and adapted for children about 200 of the most spectacular, safe and very fun experiments.

We purchase props and consumables in Russia with certificates; you can buy most of them yourself in your city.

What holiday can you surprise modern children with? Of course, a holiday with incredible experiences and exciting experiments in which everyone takes part. Science show - the most desirable, memorable and unexpected children's party

* The calculations use average data for Russia

Sometimes sincere interests in science, business and acting. In this case, a good idea for your business might be to organize scientific shows - entertaining performances based on demonstrating phenomena of a physical or chemical nature. At the same time, very serious knowledge of science is not required for such events; it is enough to have the entrepreneurial flair that is standard for any businessman and still some ability to acting. And if the first is necessary for starting any type of business, then the second is a certain feature of such an undertaking, especially if at first you plan to engage in scientific shows alone.

Perhaps it’s worth noting right away that the provision of entertainment services in the form of scientific shows is still an unfilled niche in modern entrepreneurship, especially if the question is about working in a city other than a large metropolis, but even there the number of players is rarely more than ten. That is, an oligopoly reigns in the market for these services, if the market is at all occupied at all. This is a good help when choosing an undertaking, but its subtleties, as elsewhere, are also present here.

The fact that for the successful existence of your enterprise requires a constant search for clients is worth mentioning; this is not a business in which you can count on at least some passive income. Even as the organizer of your own company, you will first have to act as the organizer of the show, and here two paths are open to you.

Whatever the situation with the lack of saturation of the market for science show services, there are already franchisors in this area. So, you can purchase a franchise, pay monthly royalties, and in return receive support in your endeavors, show scripts and great help in organizing them; or you can independently approach the issue of opening your own company to provide such services, personally study scientific experiments and write scripts.

Despite the fact that franchises are usually provided at an adequate price, and royalties often represent an acceptable amount of royalties (although the price range is quite high), it is more logical for a beginning entrepreneur to start this business on his own, and there are reasons for this. After all, entering the market on your own definitely requires less investment, and all information is easy to obtain from available sources. For example, sellers of show equipment will definitely teach you how to use this equipment, explaining all the intricacies of conducting scientific experiments. It should also be noted that most of the programs of the proposed shows are variations of the same thing, originality is rarely used, giving way to copying ideas played out in simply slightly different settings, and, using this, you can give freedom to imagination and creativity, limited only by the capabilities of scientific equipment. This is where your creativity and non-standard approach, it is these qualities that can significantly affect your competitiveness and give undeniable advantage when offering services to clients. However, if you really become the first player in the market, you can, without bothering yourself, with your head held high, diligently adopt the script of the program of some company showing science shows, and make money from it.

Now let's look in more detail at the requirements for starting a business. The first step is to register as an entrepreneur, the procedure is standard, and the cost of it will average 20 thousand rubles. The code should be indicated (OKPD 2) 93.29 – Other services in the field of entertainment and recreation.

You need to decide how exactly you are going to run the events and whether you need additional staff. Many owners of such businesses started work alone, transporting all the equipment in their car and acting as the host of the show, no assistants. But in any case, in the future you will probably need additional strength - the shows will become more interesting, more effective, and therefore more complex, because in any business development is envisaged, so it is worth initially looking closely at people, finding interesting personalities who have creativity to the point. In a word, the sooner you start looking for a team of like-minded people, the better; in this activity this is especially important, because organizing scientific shows is entertainment, and the client should be satisfied with your performance, receiving a lot positive emotions. A gloomy man, sluggishly pouring reagents from flask to flask and looking distantly at the fireworks he himself arranged, is unlikely to be of interest to the public, and even the extravaganza chemical compounds will not save the program from failure. The ability to ignite the audience not only with a demonstration of experiments, but also with your own charisma and actions is critically important in such a show; if the audience likes the performance, the chance that you will be invited again is quite high.

Ready ideas for your business

Who should this target audience be represented by? It is generally accepted to organize such festivals of scientific presentations for children, usually schoolchildren, but the experience of successful businessmen shows that adults are also happy to pay for sessions of exciting science. You shouldn’t dwell on anything specific - look for any potential client, contact schools and other educational institutions, negotiate with the administration about showing scientific shows at any holidays, offer your services to directors of companies planning to organize corporate party. Any exposure is your money, and even one exposure can make a big difference to your profit margin.

Don’t think that there will be a lot of shows, especially at the beginning; sometimes you can only hold a few shows a month, and missing even one of them will significantly deprive you of your profits. As already mentioned, you don’t have to sit in one place - such a business is a constant search for a new audience, anyone, from schoolchildren to adults successful people who decided to relax after work. Sooner or later you will be able to go to private parties, but before that you need to earn a name and hold advertising campaign, however, this expense item will be included in the budget a little later; at first, advertising, although it will be a good boost, will require huge investments. Therefore, as soon as you have purchased the equipment, you should go to the city’s schools with an offer to arrange a fascinating science session for the children. Not all institutions will accept you; many will send you home with a ghostly promise to “think about it,” but several directors will definitely agree to conduct an unscheduled lesson for some kind of parallel. There is a trick here; to directors and head teachers, the Ministry of Education releases a plan for educational and extracurricular activities, and carrying out the events that you can propose becomes an additional item in such a plan in the “done” column. Undoubtedly, the administration of the school, gymnasium or lyceum will demand its share of the proceeds (all calculations will be presented a little later), but these are the conditions that will have to be met. If you have several simple scripts in your arsenal, you can also visit kindergartens and offer a show for older groups. There is a subtlety - it is unlikely that you will be able to visit the same institution earlier than in a year, because even if you want, the number of scenarios is limited, the teaching staff chooses the one most suitable for them, and even organize optional physics or chemistry lessons this kind The director also does not have the right permanently. IN best case scenario, it will be possible to hold 2-3 shows in one school or kindergarten, after which the institution will be removed from the list of potential clients for a very long time.

After this, you can switch to proposals to companies preparing for corporate events; if you present your idea correctly, you will be asked to entertain an already adult contingent. It’s worth thinking at this stage about at least a small amount of advertising; you can post information about yourself on the Internet or pay for the distribution of leaflets. Soon these investments will pay off, because wealthy people are ready to pay more, and the directors will not have to give away part of the proceeds - here he is already a direct customer. This is not to say that it will be possible to organize such parties often, but there is a seasonality factor, and New Year's holidays with a sufficiently advertised business, you will receive so many orders that it will be physically impossible to cope on your own.

That’s why it’s worth having your own team of animators at this point so that your company can provide its services to several clients at the same time. An animator's salary is often a percentage of revenue, but even if he is entitled to a certain salary, on average his work is paid at 20 thousand rubles per month. It is possible that on your team there will be people “on the side,” doing mostly other work or just studying. This is beneficial, because during quiet periods you will not have to pay a fixed salary.

Ready ideas for your business

In the absence of orders, it makes sense to turn to the periphery of your city and offer services in small towns your region. And never forget or discount the possibility of cooperation with agencies for organizing holidays, for example, for a private birthday of a child whose parents decided to invite a cheerful scientist to the holiday, you will most likely get through such agencies.

Now let's move on to the issue of equipment. Its purchase represents the main costs that you will incur when starting a business, while all expenses can be divided into one-time (directly props) and permanent (consumables, reagents). The cost of inventory will directly depend on the program and the number of scripts included in it. Prices for equipment vary greatly; serious chemical or physical installations can cost up to 20 thousand rubles (for example, a dry ice generator), and sometimes more. You may have to purchase equipment via the Internet, especially if your city is small; The product is quite specific and there are not very many offers. This can be called a disadvantage, since the science show equipment market lacks original supplies. It makes sense to try to find something new from suppliers in other countries. It turns out that the initial investment has a wide range, but normal equipment for several different shows, which already represent a full-fledged program, will cost you an average of 70 thousand rubles. Take into account transportation costs, as a rule, your personal car will be enough for the first time, and then for the first month you will spend about 5 thousand on fuel and lubricants.

Simple advertising, for example, an advertisement in periodicals, will not be superfluous. mass media or production and distribution of leaflets, this will require about 10 thousand rubles. After this, you can begin organizing holidays dedicated to fascinating science.

It turns out that the starting capital should be from 105 thousand rubles, but this is provided that you decide to do this business yourself; working under a franchise will at least double the costs.

Please pay attention Special attention safety, without studying the features of the reagents, the show can not only be disrupted, but also receive sad liability, even criminal liability, as a result of an accident. However, you should not assume that science shows are dangerous; as a rule, the props meet all safety rules, but it is necessary to spend time studying them. It’s better to conduct experiments at home on your own, spending money on test consumables, so that you can confidently conduct a show in public.

Ready ideas for your business

Working tirelessly, you can hold up to 10 performances per month in the first quarter, high school will bring about a hundred students to the show, the cost of a ticket can reach 150 rubles, which turns out to be 15 thousand from one show. Administration educational institution will take about 3 thousand rubles for himself, about 2 thousand will have to be spent on consumables, it turns out 10 thousand from one performance. Yes, an income of 150 thousand, of which the operating profit will be 100 thousand, in one month is quite realistic for this business, and it can be increased by selling the audience some inexpensive materials like glowing slime - children love it.

It would not be out of place to propose filming this holiday, but this would require the involvement of an additional cameraman with equipment, and it is unlikely to be interesting in educational institutions, but the idea can be left for work at corporate events.

As a new entrepreneur, do you use simplified system taxation, therefore, by choosing to calculate tax on income, you will make deductions of 9 thousand rubles. We also subtract transportation costs and advertising costs. 76 thousand rubles remain, it is easy to calculate that the profitability of sales reaches 50%, and the payback period rarely exceeds several months.

It would seem that the business is extremely profitable, why is it still not being done on a huge scale? It should be remembered that success in this business depends a lot on artistry and creative thinking; if you are completely deprived of both, unfortunately, you are unlikely to be able to engage in such entrepreneurship. You can, of course, hire an animator who will take care of the organization, but these are already options that do not deserve serious mention, if only because these are unreasonable expenses at first.

Also, we must not forget about periods of downtime; it is likely that for a couple of months a year there may be a crisis with orders. And size is especially important settlement, in which you want to do business - with a population of less than 300 thousand people, as a rule, this type of activity is impractical.

The issue of competition is controversial; there are really few players, but even one competitor can upset all your plans, especially if the city is small: schools will refuse, citing the fact that they only had enough of an alchemist with a Tesla machine for this year; at corporate events, this same alchemist will already be a welcome guest, because that everyone knows him. There may also be indirect competition, some kind of mobile planetarium, driving around educational institutions and having performed at the bottom of the city, you will satiate the clientele with spectacles, and they will already look at you with obvious reluctance to cooperate.

Fame also depends not only on advertising, but also on word of mouth, on viral marketing, and then everyone can know and turn only to your competitor (but this feature, if you present yourself correctly, you need to put at your service). A constant search is required, you should turn on your imagination and try to offer your services to anyone, for example, to an opening children's cafe.

To further strengthen your position in the entertainment services market, you need to constantly develop your business, sooner or later acquire a website, and be closely involved in marketing campaigns. But if you manage to break out and earn a name for yourself, then, without stopping, you can grow and offer services not only to scientific shows, but also to many others entertainment events, and ultimately turn into a large event agency that personally organizes events, rather than attracting outside entrepreneurs.

Matthias Laudanum

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Calculator for calculating the profitability of this business

rent + salaries + utilities, etc. rub.

Opening an event agency is no different large sums investments, but there is a lot of work to be done to organize its activities and resolve all organizational issues.

Students complained to the mayor of the capital that chemicals on the roads were ruining their shoes. In response, he said that a new effective and environmentally friendly anti-ice agent is being developed for Moscow streets.

It never happened - and here it is again. A new anti-icing agent is being developed for Moscow streets. It will be effective on the roads, safe for shoes and environmentally friendly. The mayor of the capital, Sergei Sobyanin, announced this at a meeting at the Russian University of Transport, responding to complaints from students that the reagents were ruining their shoes. At the same time, the mayor noted that the authorities will ensure that “they sprinkle as much as necessary, and not as much as God deems per soul.” Is it necessary magic formula?

There are no safe reagents. All substances have a bad effect on shoes. The only difference is the degree of impact. Sand and salt, for example, leave stains, while calcium chloride can greatly reduce the size of your shoes. If the most expensive and gentle reagents are scattered on the roads, then your boots will also suffer. They will retain moisture for a very long time, so they will have to be specially dried.

Experts believe that on highways, reagents in such big city Moscow is certainly needed, but where pedestrians walk is a moot point.

Yuri Orlov independent expert, candidate of chemical sciences“Our shoes suffer because we walk through puddles and this slush. And puddles and slush on the road are a consequence of incorrect technology. We shouldn't walk through this mess. This is the problem. And not in some formula. This is all known to science. This is unknown to government officials. What are they looking for there, they are all inventing some kind of miracle reagents. There are no miracle reagents. We have enough salts that can be used on roads. For me, the reagent should be only where it is really needed, and not just sprinkled everywhere from the heart. The reagent may also not be used, but this does not mean that nothing should be done. This is also a reagent-free technology. It needs to be leveled, it needs to be sprinkled with sand where it is slippery or with granite marble chips. But this is also work. And we either fall asleep so that people groan, or we do nothing, so that people slip and fight.”

Where there are small traffic flows, roads are simply compacted and sprinkled with granite chips, the reagents are ineffective here. According to the technology, they are used on roads with high traffic intensity, if about 2.5 thousand cars pass per day. And here the so-called snow roll will not work, says Petr Shkumatov, coordinator of the Blue Bucket Society movement, a chemist by training and an opponent of the improper use of reagents.

coordinator of the Blue Bucket Society movement“Winter roll-up can be used in those cities or areas where the number of transitions through zero, that is, relatively speaking, defrost-freeze cycles during the winter is minimal. In Moscow, since it itself is a huge heat generator, dozens, if not hundreds, of zero crossings occur here during the season. As a result, it will be impossible to maintain roads here in the winter. It will be just blocks of ice, ice ruts. In general, we have the happiness to observe in many of our yards.”

To ensure that reagents do not cause animal paws to suffer, shoes or car wheels to deteriorate, the technology must be strictly followed. First, the snow is removed as much as possible, and then the dosage is determined for each type of surface, which in the end should be slightly damp and not slippery, there is no goal to dissolve everything to water. Everyone, from chemists to ecologists, says that the problem is not in the reagents themselves, but in the violation of the technology for their use.

Ivan Blokov Program Director of Greenpeace Russia, Candidate of Technical Sciences“We are not sure that the reagents that are currently used in Moscow are good or that something will be better. Because four or five years ago there was already a big public campaign about the fact that we use the safest, best reagents. Suddenly it turns out that this is not so. Greenpeace will not be satisfied with any reagent. There is no gentle reagent, and most importantly, it is not our job to try to determine which reagent to use. We must look not for the most gentle reagent, but for the most The best way, to make do with the minimum and avoid reagents altogether. Moscow now uses four times more reagents than was used in Finland at the most serious moment when it was maximum amount reagents".

Thus, keywords the capital's mayor, which he said at a meeting with students, is not that a special institute was attracted to develop a new formula for reagents, but that “we will work to ensure that they are sprinkled as much as necessary, and not as much as God per capita will put it down."