Analysis of a teacher's work: examples, samples of analytical reports, reports. Self-analysis of the pedagogical activity of a primary school teacher according to the Federal State Educational Standard

activities of a mathematics teacher
Guretskaya Svetlana Sergeevna
KSU "Secondary school No. 10 named after N.K. Krupskaya"

Guretskaya Svetlana Sergeevna - mathematics teacher.
23 years of teaching experience, 23 years in this educational institution. Higher education, 1993 Krasnoyarsk State University, specialty - mathematics, qualification - mathematics teacher, highest qualification category since 2012.

Tell me and I will forget
Show me and I will remember
Involve me and I will learn.
The goal of the individual pedagogical activity of a mathematics teacher is the effective construction of the educational process at any level of education, taking into account the multi-level preparation of students, involving them in research work, preparing them for admission and study at universities and other educational institutions.
In my professional activities, I set a goal - to create conditions conducive to the development of a versatile personality, capable of carrying out productive and conscious activities in relation to objects of the surrounding world. I consider it necessary to organize the educational process so that it provides favorable conditions for all students to achieve a basic level of training, corresponding to the State Education Standard.
In my teaching activities I set several goals:
- provide students with high-quality knowledge in mathematics;
- to reveal the abilities, intellectual, creative and moral potential of each student;
- to instill independent work skills with a focus on further education in various educational institutions;
- improvement of forms of organization of educational activities;
- use of new pedagogical technologies, effective teaching methods;
- develop and strengthen interest in mathematics.
All this allows me to develop the student’s personality in accordance with his abilities, interests and capabilities, and for students to achieve certain success in their studies and realize their plans for further education.
I try to organize teaching in the classroom in an atmosphere of goodwill and purposefulness. I select materials for the lesson in such a way as to create a situation of success along the path of progress from ignorance to knowledge, from inability to ability. In my lessons I use group work and individual work, taking into account the educational needs of each student.
- I try to develop and maintain interest in the subject every lesson. In order to effectively use working time in the classroom, I use various forms of organizing the educational process: lessons, lectures, workshops, consultations, additional classes, competitions. During the lessons I try to combine group work with individual and independent work, I select and compose developmental, logical, problem-solving, intellectual tasks that are educational, entertaining and developmental in nature, and instill in students confidence in their abilities.
The main attention is aimed at ensuring that all students have sufficiently firmly grasped the basic didactic units of the program. A very important task for the teacher is to teach all students to independently acquire knowledge, and this can be achieved by involving them in active activities at all stages of learning.
In this regard, I chose the topic that I am working on, this is “Activation of students’ mental activity.” Scientific and technological progress and the information revolution require a person to be able to navigate the growing flow of information. Therefore, the role of independent work of schoolchildren, which contributes to the formation of skills, creative activity and information culture, is increasing.
In the course of working on a methodological topic, I conduct open lessons, test lessons, seminar lessons, conference lessons, practice independent creative homework assignments, and use computer programs. Proficiency in ICT allows me to use a computer for different purposes:
as a means of visualizing the educational process (presentations, modeling),
to individualize the scientific process,
for organizing collective and group work,
as a means of developing and preparing various types of educational and methodological material (lesson planning, methodological developments, tests, interactive tests and other types of work).
I am constantly looking for ways to improve the effectiveness of teaching, using a variety of ways to transfer knowledge, non-standard forms of influence on the individual that can interest students, stimulate and motivate the learning process.
In my lessons I use modern educational technologies:
- information and communication technologies;
- developmental training and personality-oriented;
- gaming technologies;
- project-based learning;
- I combine educational technologies in one lesson.
So, when studying new material, it is advisable to use a projector, which allows you to display everything that is happening on the computer screen on a large screen. Thus, the teacher can lecture without drawing with chalk on the blackboard and significantly speed up the delivery of material. At the same time, using interactive drawings and drawings, give a visual representation of figures in stereometry.
Modern electronic educational tools allow you to create presentations for lessons, testing work in mathematics, and also provide ample opportunities for project activities.
I believe that I have information and communication competence, namely:
- developing my own professional competence in the field of using COR in mathematics as part of the study of topics in the school mathematics course;
- I am able to assess the quality of educational centers in order to select them for use in the educational process;
- developing lessons and fragments of lessons in mathematics using COR;
- I use various methods and forms of teaching in mathematics lessons using COR;
- engaged in self-education in mastering new ICT tools;
- I use the following ICT tools in everyday life and work (user ICT competencies):
1. Computer and peripheral equipment;
2. User-level software;
3. Communication tools (e-mail, Internet) at the user level.
I can apply the following in my professional activities (special ICT competencies):
1. selectively use ICT resources in professional activities
2. determine the pedagogical feasibility of using electronic educational products in the educational process;
3. work with distance learning courses.

In my activities I am guided by a democratic style of communication. When conducting lessons and extracurricular activities, I make sure to take into account the age characteristics of my students and their abilities. The psychological atmosphere in the class is friendly, based on mutual respect, trust and openness. I contribute in every possible way to the development of students’ interest in mathematics: using active forms of activity (group work, didactic games, work in the system of level differentiation), using reference diagrams, tables, algorithms that enable children to gain deep and lasting knowledge. I use various methods in individual work with schoolchildren: the method of personal example, suggestion, stimulation, demands, instructions. So in grades 5-6 I try to conduct dictations more often with mutual checking of the options. I assign homework on the theoretical part of the topic in the form of crossword puzzles and mini-essays, which contributes to the development of creative activity. Working in grades 5-6, I try to teach students how to work independently with a textbook, develop the ability to highlight the main points from what they read and draw up a semantic summary on a given topic. Many students who were not previously active in the classroom begin to present their work to their classmates, and an interest in the subject appears. In my lessons there is mutual understanding, respect for the opinions of the teacher and comrades. The result of this is the development of independence, curiosity and the desire to achieve more.
The general intellectual abilities of students are different, and their learning ability is also different: some can learn new material very quickly, others need much more time, a large number of repetitions to consolidate the material, for some, auditory perception of new information is preferable, for others - then visual. When working with students who have learning difficulties, I strive to develop a positive attitude towards learning. To do this, I use entertaining material related to the essence of what is being studied, encourage the child’s success, demonstrate personal affection, attention, and readiness to help. To prevent academic failure, I purposefully place emphasis in teaching at various stages of the lesson, namely:
in the process of monitoring students’ preparedness;
when presenting new material;
during independent work.
I organize individual work with gifted children in different ways: solving additional problems in the class, stimulating the search for different options for solving a problem, offering additional tasks for homework, introducing students to additional literature on the subject, stimulating the search for various proofs of the same theorem.
In order to advance students with different levels of preparedness, I use the following forms of work in the classroom:
a combination of theory and practice in each lesson (the lesson is divided into two parts: the first part is training for everyone, the second is two parallel processes: independent work of students and individual work of the teacher with individual students). This form of work allows you to organize an individual and differentiated form of work in the lesson, while offering students new types of tasks, gradually complicating them
work in small groups, during which work can be carried out along several trajectories: differentiated groups according to level of knowledge, groups for organizing mutual assistance, in which the most prepared students control, help and evaluate their comrades. This form of work contributes to the organization of differentiation of students, as well as the development of collectivism and communicative qualities.
individual work, where each student is offered a set of tasks, the completion of which allows them to move from the simplest material to more complex ones. Usually I offer such tasks as training work.
There are students who have well-developed logical thinking and are good at mastering science and mathematics subjects, but do not have an inclination or interest in the humanities. And there are students with well-developed imaginative thinking, who feel deeply, but do not love mathematics. Of course, you can teach such different students in the same way, but the quality of the educational process will decrease. To organize the productive activities of schoolchildren, it is necessary to carry out differentiated instruction at certain stages of lessons. Differentiated tasks make it possible to ensure that all students master the content of the material, which may be different for different students, but the implementation of the invariant part is mandatory for everyone.
Independent work is an integral part of my lessons. I teach children how to effectively manage time in independent work, and form students’ personal responsibility for the results of their work. I develop in children the ability to work not only individually, but also in groups of various kinds, to distribute responsibilities correctly, to bear responsibility not only for themselves, but also for the results of the activities of their comrades, and to respect the opinions of group members. I am able to predict the results of my work, outline ways to consolidate and further develop what has been achieved, while providing for stages of consistent elimination of shortcomings. The ability to find mutual understanding with each child allows you to achieve 100% academic performance with a stable quality of knowledge of 40-44%.
For the development of students' cognitive interest, extracurricular work on the subject plays an important role, which is combined with academic work, having a common goal, although it differs in organizational and methodological forms. Extracurricular activities create conditions for the fuller realization of students’ potential, for the formation of creative and practical skills, and for the effectiveness of knowledge. In extracurricular activities I use the following forms and methods: games, quizzes, publishing a mathematical newspaper, holding mathematical weeks, attracting children to participate in mathematical Olympiads and battles. Students of grades 5-8 took part in the school Olympiad.
In each class, in addition to children with weak and average intellectual development, there are also strong children; unfortunately, there are only a few of them. In order to achieve a high level of knowledge for such children, I use additional activities in my work with them: clubs, electives. I organize assistance in preparing students for successfully passing the UNT and continuing further education, reviewing assignments from textbooks in class to prepare for passing the UNT, and answering students’ questions that arise during their independent preparation.
To monitor the quality of assimilation of program material, timely identification of typical and random errors, I use various types of control of students’ knowledge: tests, independent work of a differentiated nature, tests, testing. In my practice I use the reflection method, which helps teach children self-assessment of knowledge. At the beginning of the year I carry out initial tests (“zero cuts”), and at the end - final ones. By analyzing the test results, you can trace the overall picture of changes in knowledge, skills and abilities. This system of work allows me to adjust the educational process in a timely manner. The level of learning in all classes is stable. But there is a problem class with low motivation to learn, so my main task when working in this class is to maintain 100% academic performance. In this class, I use self-paced, self-assessed work based on students' individual abilities.
I consider it necessary to maintain the level of professional growth. I improve my professional skills by taking advanced training courses, attending various thematic seminars, taking lessons from my colleagues, studying various pedagogical technologies, and purchasing methodological literature. I apply the experience summarized in these sources in my work.

In my professional activity, I see more positive aspects, but there are also difficulties: I believe that the number of hours allocated to studying subjects in the mathematics program is not enough to better prepare students for the UNT and final certification in the new form. As a subject teacher, you need to prepare an additional large amount of didactic material and look for solutions to many non-standard problems. In conclusion, I would like to add that, despite the introduction of innovative technologies into the educational process, we should not forget that traditional forms of teaching should also take place in the classroom, which also help to achieve good results. The teacher must be able to combine elements of all forms, methods, technologies and techniques of teaching, both modern, new and traditional, old school, to achieve the main goal - to teach the child to learn to live. The goal of a modern school is to form an informational personality, that is, capable of not only, and not so much, fulfilling its functions, but making critical decisions and establishing new relationships in a rapidly changing reality. In these conditions, the teacher, and therefore me, is required to build the pedagogical process in accordance with the needs and goals of modern society.


primary school teachers

municipal government educational institution

Krasnozersky district, Novosibirsk region

Zubkovskaya secondary school

Belgibaeva Marina Vladimirovna born in 1966.

Secondary specialized education. She graduated from Karasuk Pedagogical College in 1987. Work experience 27 years, first qualification category.

I work as a primary school teacher at the Zubkovsky secondary school.

Working in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard requires the teacher to introduce new programs and teaching methods into practice, study and use innovative technologies to improve the quality of student learning. New requirements are also being placed on teaching staff. Therefore, I studied the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education. Completed advanced training courses on the topic: “Modernization of mathematics education in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard of Education” in the amount of 108 hours in 2012. I got acquainted with Internet resources, took part in the work of school, interschool and district methodological associations. During my work, I came to the conclusion that children do not always understand the importance of studying, since most of them live in families where their parents cannot help them with their studies because they have a low level of education. At the time of entering school, the children had low motivation to study. (Appendix No. 1) Thereforepurpose I consider my pedagogical activity to be the formation of educational motivation of younger schoolchildren in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard. To achieve this goal in the process of educational and educational work, I identified the following tasks for myself:

Preserving the individuality of each child;

Fostering interest in learning and searching for new sources of information that contribute to the intellectual development of students;

formation of communication skills in a dynamically changing and developing world;

fostering independence and personal responsibility for one’s actions;

creating a culture of healthy and safe lifestyle.

Development of students' creative potential.

In my professional activities I am guided by the following documents:

The Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, the standard provision “On an educational institution”, the Model basic educational program of educational institutions. As a teacher, I comply with the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

For the seventh year I have been working on the educational and methodological set “Planet of Knowledge”. This is a set of textbooks in which the new state standard is fully implemented and the ideas of modernizing Russian education are embodied. The content and structure of this program is based on modern pedagogical technologies. This kit allows you to organize the educational process using various forms and methods. The main feature of the methods and forms is that preference is given to problem-searching and creative activities of younger schoolchildren. This approach involves creating problem situations, putting forward proposals, searching for evidence, drawing conclusions, and comparing results with a standard. With this approach, natural motivation for learning arises, the child’s ability to understand the meaning of the task, plan learning activities, monitor and evaluate its results successfully develops. The problem-search approach allows you to build a flexible teaching methodology, well adapted to the specifics of educational content and a specific situation, taking into account the individual characteristics of children, their interests and inclinations. It makes it possible to use a wide arsenal of methods and techniques of a heuristic nature, to purposefully develop students’ cognitive activity and independence. The general characteristics of the component content are as follows:

The personal developmental nature of education with the priority of the spiritual and moral development of the child.

Improving ways to self-development.

Development of skills to navigate the information space.

Teaching students to speak publicly.

Development of critical thinking.

I develop my work programs in subjects on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education. The concept of spiritual and moral development and personality education of a Russian citizen, the planned results of primary general education in accordance with the educational program, the charter of the educational institution, and the regulations on work programs.

The school administration has created the necessary material and technical base. For work, the classroom is equipped with a computer, a multimedia projector, and an interactive whiteboard. I have designed the “Reading Corner”, “Health Corner”, stands “Seasons”, “Nature and Us” and other information stands. There is also a selection of didactic and methodological materials. These are textbooks, methodological lesson developments, demonstration tables, test materials, test tasks, presentations on topics, video lessons (Appendix No. 2)

I have the ability to effectively organize my professional activities and direct them to ensure high motivation in children. To do this, in my work I use elements of innovative educational technologies, both in educational and extracurricular activities:

Problem-based learning technology,

Gaming technology

Health saving technology

Multi-level learning technology

Project technologies

Communication technologies.

Health-saving technologies contribute to the formation of a healthy lifestyle. They are used during the lesson in the form of physical exercises. Conversations, dynamic breaks, excursions, gym classes, sports events, and health days are also held. I gave an open class hour on the topic: “Dangerous and safe situations.” A presentation was created for the class hour. 100% of the children in my class eat in the school cafeteria, all this helps improve their health.

Information and communication technologies In my practice I use a computer, an interactive whiteboard, multimedia presentations, create my own presentations, and teach this to students. Conducted an open mathematics lesson in 4th grade on the topic “Four Mathematical Actions”, during which students defended their own multimedia projects. I understand that it is impossible to construct all lessons using information technology. Yes, this is not necessary. Ordinary work lessons have their own specifics and different goals. But in most lessons, computer technology is my main assistant!

Gaming technology facilitates the complex learning process and promotes the development of many personality traits. The game relieves psychological and physical stress. There are especially many game moments in 1st and 2nd grade. In Russian language lessons I use the following games: “Pyramids”, “Ladders”, “Make a nest of words”, “Vocabulary Lotto”, “Wizards”, “Snake” and many others. In mathematics lessons: “Magic frames”, “Chain”, problems in verse, charades, puzzles. In literary reading lessons, “Say a word,” riddles, crosswords, anagrams. All this makes learning more interesting and increases creativity.

Project technologies I use them in lessons and in extracurricular activities. These technologies contribute to the formation of the necessary qualities in students: children learn to model educational material and acquire knowledge.

The ability to interact in groups, plan joint activities, the ability to present oneself, objectively evaluate one’s own work and the work of comrades. Students in my class completed both individual and group projects. Students complete projects in all subjects. During literary reading lessons, we carried out a collective project “Author's Fairy Tales”, individual projects on the topics “Oral Folk Art”, “Writers for Children” and many others. During the lessons of the surrounding world, the following projects were carried out: “Natural zones”, “Spring in nature” and others. For the school festival, I prepared a collective project with students “Where the accordion came from.”

Research technologies useful because children who have learning difficulties also take an active part. This technology develops students’ cognitive activity, creativity, and broadens their horizons. Children conduct research in technology lessons when planting flowers in the school plot and replanting indoor plants. Students watch their growth and development. This increases interest in knowledge and intellectual development. During technology lessons, I conducted a study “What do birds like to eat in winter?” . The research culminated in the defense of the project “Pizza and Lollipops for Birds.”

(Appendix No. 3).

All this contributes to high-quality learning of the material. The student body in the class in which I work has varying levels of preparation. Four out of ten students are enrolled in the school programVIIkind. Therefore, I try to take into account individual psychological characteristics and structure the learning process in such a way as to ensure the assimilation of the material being studied, the formation of solid knowledge and skills for all students. I select assignments and materials so that they are accessible in presentation, colorfully designed, have elements of entertainment and competition, and contain information and facts that go beyond the scope of the curriculum.

I treat the child’s personality with respect, taking into account her individual capabilities. The formation of a student’s personality, first of all, occurs in the classroom. My main goal is to arouse emotional interest in children, to structure the lesson so that children can discover new things, the main thing is that everyone achieves success. I skillfully switch children during the lesson from one type of activity to another.

In literary reading lessons, I work a lot on the development of speech, since in the age of technological process, schoolchildren do not read books. Today, the book is not the main source of knowledge. Therefore, I teach children to work correctly with a textbook and other sources of information. I try to show the richness and beauty of the Russian language. During lessons, I conduct a dialogue with students, teaching them to express their opinions, even if they differ from others. I start all lessons with speech warm-up and vocabulary work. This work enriches the students' vocabulary, and I am constantly working to improve the quality of reading. I develop creative abilities through tasks; invent a fairy tale, change the ending of a fairy tale, dramatization of fairy tales. Therefore, all students perform the reading technique and understand the content of the work. (Appendix No. 4)

In mathematics lessons, I carry out systematic and purposeful work on developing mental activity techniques in children, in the process of mastering mathematical content. I try to give problems that have several solutions. I often use multi-level tasks. I use problems with missing data, with extra data, fairytale problems, and environmental problems. Children prepare reports and projects on topics.

In Russian language lessons, I teach vocabulary work, work on spellings, various types of parsing, introduce polysemantic words, and teach how to select synonyms and antonyms.

In my work, I monitor students’ knowledge using different types of control: tests, tests, testing, oral questioning, quizzes, competitions. I also use non-standard lessons: travel lessons, competition lessons.

I have mastered and actively use and systematically work with the electronic magazine. I take an active part in the Primary School Week. I give open lessons and extracurricular activities. I participate in online competitions of teaching skills. (Appendix No. 5)..

Since 2010, I have been the organizer of the Unified State Exam in PPE classrooms, and I am the organizer of the “Russian Bear” competition at school.

Pupils of my classes take an active part in the international competition "Kangaroo", in the All-Russian competitions "Russian Bear Cub", "Man and Nature", in the All-Russian Olympiad "Erudite". (Appendix No. 6)

Children have communication skills, are capable of self-esteem and mutual assessment, are able to determine the purpose of work, analyze, generalize, work in groups, in pairs, independently. All this gives a certain result of academic performance. In 2011-2012, academic performance in the Russian language was 80%\70%, in mathematics 80%\60%, in literary reading 100%\80%, in the surrounding world 100%\80%. In 2012-2013 there was no grade training. In 2013-2014, with 100% student achievement, the quality in the Russian language is 40%. in literary reading 100%, in mathematics 50%, in the surrounding world 64%. (Appendix No. 7).

Educational work plays an important role in the learning process. Raising a person is a continuous process. Awakening the soul of a child, developing the creative abilities inherent in nature, teaching communication, instilling a culture of behavior, feelings of mercy, instilling healthy lifestyle skills - all this is the work of a teacher. In order to get to know children better and their problems, I carry out diagnostics to identify the level of education, anxiety, and self-esteem. Positive dynamics can be observed. (Appendix No. 8). Students in my class are active participants in school events and take prizes. Children also perform in the village cultural center. (Appendix No. 9).

In 2012, she gave an open event for students in grades 1-4 “Space Travel”, in 2013 - “Dangerous and Safe Situations”, in 2014 - an open class hour “Opening the Magic Doors of Good”.

I also pay a lot of attention to the children’s extracurricular activities in the afternoon. These are classes in hobby groups and sports sections. 100% of children are covered by this type of activity. (Appendix No. 10). For the eighth year I have been teaching the “Art of Expressive Reading” club for students in grades 2-4.Homepurpose The circle is to reveal and develop the creative potential of each child, mastering by students the skills of collective interaction and communication through reading books and theatrical performances. Members of the circle participate in school, rural and district events. Belgibaeva Dilyara and Uvarova Alena in 2011 were awarded a poetry collection by a local poetess for their participation in a regional poetry competition. The creative successes of children were shown in issues of the Literary Newspaper, which was published by the circle members.

Summer holidays for children are well organized. 70% of children rested in the “Jolly Fellows” day camp, 20% in the Krasnozersky sanatorium. In the summer I work at the Children's Day Camp at the MCOU Zubkovskaya Secondary School. I try to make the children’s summer holidays as interesting as possible. The children actively participate in all activities, because the time free from lessons provides a huge chance for creativity. For my work I have “Gratitude” from the children and a note in the school newspaper “Echo”. (Appendix No. 11).

The educational work of the school cannot be built without taking into account the fact that the child’s individuality is formed in the family. To this end, I do a lot of work with parents. I systematically hold class parent meetings, class hours with the invitation of parents, and involve parents in participating in class and school events. So the Isakov family took third place in the “Our Friendly Family” competition, Bem M.I. in the “Come on, Grandmothers” competition, she won the title “Super Grandmother”; her parents help with the New Year’s party. The class's parent committee is active. Parents and colleagues give positive feedback about me (Appendix No. 12). I conduct preventive work with parents, surveys, and provide individual consultations. I pay special attention to families where one child is growing up, where children are in guardianship. Summing up the results of educational work, I would like to note that the children became more active, inquisitive, and by the 3rd grade the team had rallied.

I consider the strengths of my work to be:

Effective use of modern educational technologies and methods. Skillful application of them in practical activities. As well as dedication and integrity.

I don’t stop there. I constantly improve my professional level. I study the latest in pedagogical theory and practice, both in periodicals and in methodological literature, and Internet resources. During the inter-certification period from 2010 to 2014, I completed the following courses:from 01/13/2010 to 01/20/2010 Novosibirsk Regional CIT on the topic “Network pedagogical communities as a form of professional development” in the amount of 36 hours, from 02/20/2012 to March 15, 2012 SAOU DPO NSO NIPKiPRO on the topic “Modernization of mathematical education in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard of NEO "in the volume of 108 hours, from 9.04 to 16.04 2012 "Integrated education of children with disabilities", 72 hours.

I actively communicate with colleagues from other schools in the district, from other districts of the region. I have personal achievements (Appendix No. 13).

An important condition for achieving high pedagogical excellence is the constant addition of knowledge, so I am going to continue working on self-education on the topic “Development of students’ creative potential.”

The teacher must see the child as he is “inside himself,” as “only he himself” knows himself.


In any system of general education, mathematics occupies one of the central places, which undoubtedly speaks of the uniqueness of this field of knowledge.

What is modern mathematics? Why is it needed? Children often ask teachers similar questions. And each time the answer will be different depending on the level of development of the child, his educational needs and the requirements of the modern world.

My pedagogical credo is to create favorable conditions for raising a competent graduate who will cope with many problems that arise by revealing his individual capabilities through a personality-oriented approach, which corresponds to the problem of the school.

She identified the following as the main goals of teaching mathematics: ensuring students’ strong and conscious mastery of the system of knowledge and skills in mathematics and developing independent work skills (including research activities).

In my lessons, I develop the following key competencies for students:

  • educational and cognitive competencies: I teach you to plan, analyze, do self-assessment, independently obtain knowledge;
  • information competencies: I teach how to independently prepare messages, projects using various sources of information, search and select the necessary information, its transformation, storage and transmission;
  • communication skills: I cultivate the ability to communicate with peers and adults, to work in a group, team, to defend my point of view in civilized ways, to listen and hear others.

Along with solving the main task, my system of work provides for the formation of a sustainable interest in the subject among students, the identification and development of their mathematical abilities, orientation to professions, and preparation for further education at a secondary educational institution or university.

I see the achievement of this goal in the individualization and differentiation of the educational process, through the introduction of modern educational technologies: student-oriented, problem-based and developmental education; project method; technologies of adaptive learning and information and communication technologies of learning.

Focusing on the concept of specialized education, I am working to expand the choice of material content. To develop different forms of thinking in students: logical, algebraic, algorithmic, I use the elective course program I developed “Solving linear and fractional linear equations and inequalities with parameters” (grades 10, 11). The elective course program I developed gives students the opportunity to familiarize themselves with non-standard solutions and allows them to develop their individual abilities for mathematical activity.

In mathematics lessons, I direct my communication with students to activate cognitive abilities, using differentiated forms of education, I strive to create favorable conditions for the development of the individual capabilities of each student. To do this, I successfully use elements of multi-level didactic material in algebra edited by Mindyuk M.B., Mindyuk N.G. (grades 7,8,9), collection “Independent works” edited by A.P. Ershov, V.V. Goloborodko (grades 8, 10-11).

I consider students’ research activities to be an important component of my work. In my practice I use problem-based lessons. By creating a problem situation in the lesson, students need to find new ways to solve problems. It is these lessons that develop students’ thinking, make lessons interesting, unpredictable and varied. Children are happy to solve assigned problems, even offering unusual solutions to the problem. Thus, the research method works in the lesson.

To develop the creative abilities of students, I use creative lessons. They widely use methodological techniques that activate the independent cognitive activity of students: quizzes, business games that stimulate mental activity, creative works - drawings, stories, essays. For example,
– at the end of the topic, compose a test and solve it, and then offer it to your deskmate and check his work;
– prepare a skit at home with friends on the topic “Advertising the negative integer –15” and show it in class;
– come up with and make a mathematical game;
– create a crossword with mathematical terms, a rebus, an interesting problem;
– make little books about everything you’ve learned about decimals.
Students are happy to complete these assignments and present them to their classmates. Such forms of work make lessons interesting and varied.

When studying mathematics, the role of information technologies increases due to the fact that they act as an effective didactic tool with which it is possible to shape the individual educational trajectory of students. This trajectory arises as a result of the choice of personally significant learning content, its complexity, type of tasks, their quality content, speed of learning, etc. As a basis, students are expected to construct various computer models that perform various developmental functions. My students create the following models: PowerPoint presentations on the topic studied, interactive messages, plotting functions in MathCad, etc. Information technologies in mathematics lessons make it possible to give students a unique opportunity to learn a new concept independently of the teacher, notice a pattern, put forward their own hypothesis, and feel how mathematical questions arise. The use of information technology makes it possible to make mathematics lessons different from each other. This feeling of constant novelty helps to increase interest in learning. I see the burning eyes of students, their readiness for creativity, the need to gain new knowledge and a sense of independence. And this is important.

The success of a teacher’s activities is influenced by the quality of the material and technical base. In the mathematics classroom there is a variety of popular science literature, didactic folders with systematized material on mathematics, algebra and geometry. I have created educational and methodological complexes for correcting knowledge on the topics: “Adding and subtracting decimals”, “Multiplying and dividing decimals” (grade 5); test materials on geometry “Quadrilaterals”, “Area”, “Pythagorean Theorem”, “Relationship between the sides and angles of a triangle”. The material and technical equipment of the classroom allows students to use electronic libraries and Internet resources. Students are happy to complete individual assignments based on the use of additional sources.

I constantly work to improve my professionalism, systematically review periodicals on pedagogy, psychology, and my subject (scientific, theoretical and methodological journal “Mathematics at School”, supplements to the newspaper “September 1”; scientific and methodological journal “Class Teacher”). Registered on many educational sites. I periodically review new documents on the websites of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, so I am aware of the latest developments in education. Over the past certification period, she took advanced training courses on the topics “Features of teaching mathematics in specialized classes” and “The influence of psychological stress on personal development.”

I strive to recommend the knowledge gained during the courses and my methodological findings among my colleagues. She spoke at a meeting of the pedagogical council under the topic “New Pedagogical Technologies”, where she shared her experience in using NIT in mathematics lessons. She summarized her own experience on the topic: “Development of cognitive interest in mathematics lessons” within the framework of the regional competition “Teacher of the Year 2008”; gave a competitive open lesson

Self-analysis of the professional activity of a primary teacher

classes of the branch of MBOU "Komsomolskaya"

middle School of General education"

Chernyanovskaya Nadezhda Alekseevna

"The purpose of a child's education is to do

his ability to develop further without the help of a teacher.”

E.G. Hubbard

In 1980, she graduated from the Michurinsk State Pedagogical Institute with a degree in Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education, and was awarded the qualification of a primary school teacher and the title of secondary school teacher.

Since August 1980, I have been working at the Municipal Educational Institution Sovkhoznaya Secondary School as a primary school teacher. On September 1, 2011, the Municipal Educational Institution Sovkhoznaya Sosh became a branch of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution "Komsomolsk Secondary School".

Currently I am a 2nd grade class teacher.

Municipal Educational Institution Sovkhoznaya Sosh is an educational institution with an extremely flexible education system. The unified methodological theme of the Municipal Educational Institution Sovkhoznaya Secondary School is “Formation of a socially responsible, competent, mobile personality through the integration of general and additional education.” Based on the reality of today, the increased requirements for the universality of knowledge and the need to raise the level of culture of students, the teaching staff of the school sees the solution to the problem in the most complete compliance with the goals and objectives of modern education.

The goal of an educational institution is the formation of universal cognitive abilities and competencies of students, ensuring the integration of knowledge into a holistic worldview.

The school faces the following challenges:

Create needs for training and self-development;

Unleash the creative potential of students;

Develop spiritual culture and morality;

To create methodological and technological foundations for modeling various types of activities aimed at improving the health of students.

Working according to the traditional “School of Russia” program, I try to use elements of developmental education in my lessons. This helps to develop an intellectually creative personality in the child.

In the context of modernization of education, I consider the main goal of my professional activity to be the formation of an educated, highly cultural, comprehensively developed personality, capable of acting effectively in various conditions, in demand by modern society. In this regard, I set myself the following tasks:

Improve the quality of knowledge;

Develop and strengthen interest in subjects;

Use new pedagogical technologies;

Uncover the intellectual, moral and creative potential of every child;

Maintain and strengthen the health of students.

I agree with the statement of the French writer A. Barbusse: “School is a workshop where the thoughts of the younger generation are formed; you must hold it tightly in your hands if you do not want to let the future out of your hands.”

The level of cognitive abilities of my students is different, many children have low motivation to learn, therefore, the main goal of pedagogical activity should be considered the development of cognitive abilities of students. Self-education topic “Formation of key competencies of junior schoolchildren through the development of cognitive activity in lessons and in extracurricular activities”

To implement the assigned tasks, I use various types of schoolchildren’s activities in the classroom, this allows us to make the lesson interesting and effective. I maintain a positive emotional mood in the lesson, which contributes to the development of students’ cognitive interest in the subject. In my work I actively use a differentiated approach to teaching. I differentiate tasks according to the degree of assistance to the student from the teacher, according to the degree of independence of students in completing the task. This is especially important for weak students. The work is organized so that over time the degree of independence of schoolchildren increases, and the help of the teacher becomes minimal. For such differentiation, in my practice I use samples of completing tasks, support memos, algorithm memos and self-instructions.

Creating positive motivation for learning contributes to the formation of self-education skills, develops cognitive activity and independence in students.

The abilities of schoolchildren are different, it is important to awaken the student's thought process. To do this, I use the following methods in my work: search, research, method of problem situations. I actively study and implement modern educational technologies into my teaching activities: the project method, information and communication technologies and others. The use of modern educational technologies in lessons and extracurricular activities increases interest in the subjects being studied and the level of motivation, allowing me, as a teacher, to develop the key competencies necessary for a modern person. I define information as one of the most important competencies of a student, so I pay special attention to working with various sources of information.

I activate students’ cognitive activity and increase interest in learning at every stage of the lesson through modern educational technologies.

1.Computer technologies.

Proficiency in ICT allows me to use a computer for different purposes:

    as a means of visualizing the educational process. I have developed lessonstests, tables, media resourcesusing the programPowerPoint;

    for organizing collective and group work (projects);

    as a means of developing and preparing various types of educational and methodological material (lesson planning, methodological developments, tests, interactive tests and other types of work).

Using the programMicrosoftOfficeWorddeveloped:

Tests on the surrounding world, mathematics, Russian language, literary reading; texts to test reading technique;

Memos on the Russian language, mathematics, literary reading, technology.

I teach children to create small texts, use computer drawings, programsMicrosoftOfficeWordAndPowerPoint. Using the programWordchildren prepare messages, clusters, syncwines for lessons in literary reading and the world around them.

I teach children to use them not only in the educational process, but also in extracurricular activities. The experience of using this technology has allowed:

Increase learning efficiency;

Provide the opportunity to organize project activities for students to create presentations (Projects “My Family”, “Safety Island”, “Our Class Green Book”

I share my methodological developments with colleagues on educational sites:openclass, rusedu, proshkolu, it- n, zavuch. infoand others

2.I use gaming technologies. In games, especially collective ones, the moral qualities of an individual are formed.

3. I use multi-level learning technology.In my teaching activities I use a differentiated teaching approach. I conduct individual lessons with strong and weak students, give multi-level assignments, which helps maintain interest in the subjects being studied and increase the level of students’ knowledge acquisition.

4.Health-saving technology, used in the form of valeological, dynamic pauses, allows, without provoking negative trends in the development of students’ health, to receive a quality education.

Constant analysis of student achievements is a mandatory condition of my work. I see the point of diagnosing in obtaining as real and clear a picture as possible of the child’s development, his ability to observe, compare, and analyze. Using the diagnostic method, I keep track of children’s knowledge using tablesEXCEL. I register my mistakes so that I can work on them individually in the next lessons. When testing reading technique, I use Zaitsev’s computer method. The result of the use of various educational technologies in educational work is a high level of training - 100%; the quality of knowledge is 72.2%.

This is facilitated by the rational distribution of time in the lesson, the choice of teaching methods, the tasks that I solve every day, taking into account the age characteristics of the children, and the conditions of the school.

The forms of educational organization I use also contribute to the development of students. The main form is the lesson. I consider its structuring important. Without rejecting the traditional method of constructing a lesson, I also use non-traditional forms. A lesson in the formation of new knowledge is a lesson-research, a lesson-travel, a virtual excursion. Knowledge testing lessons - tests, knowledge reviews, quizzes. Tests in the form of test tasks psychologically prepare for the preparation for monitoring research and foster responsibility for the formation of knowledge and skills. After conducting lessons in a non-traditional form, in a comparative analysis of the quality of knowledge, I note an increase in the average score from 3.9 to 4.1. All this is facilitated by methodological work:

Open event on the environment at the municipal level “Safety Island” - 2009;

Regional seminar presentation “Local history is one of the most important factors in the patriotic education of students”;

Developed a program for the “My Native Land” circle.

In implementing the objectives of the school development program, I developed:

Test and measurement materials in the Russian language for grade 4;

To improve the quality of students’ knowledge, I developed work programs for primary grades of the educational educational complex “School of Russia” based on the education standard.

In my practice, I use different forms of organizing students’ educational activities: individual, group, frontal. Organizing a group form of work in practice promotes interest in the subject, provides an opportunity to express oneself, to be an active participant in the educational process, and not to be afraid to express one’s opinion. I assemble groups according to different principles depending on the goal of the lesson: according to the level of learning, interests, pace of work, they can be of constant or variable composition.

Of no small importance for students is the outcome of the lesson, which is reflected in the memory of the student, especially of primary school age. And if more than one type of memory is activated at the same time, and then consolidated through practical actions, then the knowledge remains for a long time. It is for this purpose that I use test cards in the lesson, highlighting the main thing in the lesson.

The most popular and methodologically sound system for monitoring the results of students’ educational and cognitive activities is pedagogical testing. Monitoring studies require students to develop skills in working with tests. For the thematic testing of students' knowledge during express control and for the final testing of knowledge and skills, I have compiled test tasks, which allows us to track various intellectual skills of schoolchildren.

In my work I give a special place to assessment as a motivating function intraining. Basic principles for assessing students’ knowledgeI consider the following: explain assessments; notice the student's success, notflaws; consider assessment not as a goal, but as a means of student development;create a situation of success in the classroom.

The use of information and communication technologies at various stages of the lesson contributes to improving the results in children's learning. In the classroom, the computer not only plays the role of a source of information, but also acts as a means of assessing, recording and recording students’ knowledge. In my lessons I use multimedia equipment, electronic educational resources and training programs. The use of modern educational technologies, including ICT, has had a positive impact on the results of educational activities: the quality of knowledge has increased, and the average score in subjects has improved.

Proper use of students' intellectual potential and the use of advanced pedagogical technologies is reflected in the effectiveness of learning.

Knowledge quality results with 100% success rate

Monitoring results in 4th grade.

Students in my class wrote a monitoring report in Russian and mathematics. In total, 16 people performed the work.

Mathematics Russian language

excellent – ​​6; excellent – ​​3;

good - 7, good - 8:

satisfactory – 3 satisfactory – 5

The level of training was 100%, the quality of knowledge in mathematics was 81.3%, in the Russian language - 68.8%.

Secondary school learning is more intensive and requires students to be more independent, but one should not expect too much from the transition to secondary school. Is it possible to avoid serious academic problems during the transition to secondary school?

When studying the dynamics of the attitude of students in my class to educational and other types of activities, I use the following methods: observation, analysis of documentation, conversations with students, writing essays.

An analysis of student responses convinces me that children’s attitudes toward learning change significantly from third to fifth grade. For example, if in the second third grade children answer the question: “Do you like to study?”nvetov of students convinces me that children's attitude towards learning changes significantly from the third to the fifth.inen.y, in ways(Kapustin’s method) almost everyone gives a positive answer, then in the fourth and fifth grades their number decreases.

This change in attitude towards learning is characterized, judging by the analysis, of children’s motivations, dissatisfaction and decreased interest in a number of subjects, a subjective feeling of fatigue, overload, and increasing difficulties.

In fifth grade, learning conditions change radically. At the last parent-teacher meeting, I introduce children to the difficulties that children may have in their studies, and how they can adapt to the unique pace, speech patterns, and teaching style of each teacher.

I am very concerned about how my fifth-graders study, I show interest in their affairs, we discuss difficult situations together, and together we look for a way out of current situations.

You can help your child overcome these difficulties and feel successful only by understanding their causes. Together with the class teacher, we bring to the children’s awareness that the main helpers in difficult situations are patience, attention and understanding.

In 5th grade we do a lot of extracurricular activities together.

I carry out my educational work in close connection with extracurricular activities.

As a class teacher, I try to create conditions for personal development. Every child should know: “You are not better than everyone else, you are not worse than everyone else! You are unique to yourself, your parents, your teachers, your friends!” Children try their hand at various types of creative activities. They take an active part in the life of the school and district.

Over the past 3 years we have taken part in the following competitions:

    International Mathematical Competition - Kangaroo Game

2012-2013 – 7 people

- Strygin Vyacheslav Igorevich – 1st place in school

- Kochukov Evgeniy Dmitrievich – 2nd place in school

2013-2014 – 8 people

- Strygin Vyacheslav Igorevich – 2nd place in school

    International competition game "KIT - 2012" - 10 people

- Strygin Vyacheslav Igorevich – 3rd place in school

    International competition game "Infoznaika - 2012" - 12 people

- Daria Aleksandrovna Strygina – 2nd place in school and 2nd place in district

    Regional game - competition "Russian Bear Cub - linguistics for everyone" in 2013 -

    Regional game - competition "Russian Bear Cub - linguistics for everyone" in 2013 -

- Zueva Yulia Sergeevna – 2nd place in school

    Regional intellectual and creative competition for junior schoolchildren “Ant” (2014) – 3 people received certificates of participation

    All-Russian distance quiz “The Object World of H. C. Andersen’s Fairy Tales” - 2 people received quiz participant diplomas

- Albina Viktorovna Tormyshova – winner’s diploma (3rd place in the region)

    Regional craft competition “The image of a mother through the eyes of a child” - 4 people

- Yulia Sergeevna Zueva – winner’s diploma (1st place in the region)

    Regional reading competition “Victory 70” - 2 people

The spiritual and moral development and education of students is the primary task of the modern educational system and represents an important component of the social order for education.

I plan the educational process in the interrelation of spiritual and secular directions, and extracurricular activities are a logical continuation of the work begun in class.

An integral part of spiritual and moral education is local history and search and research activities of students. I organize my work in the subject group “My Native Land.”

We andwe study the fighting and labor traditions of our fellow countrymen, make adjustments to the chronicle of our village and school, organize “Russian Crafts” exhibitions, where we invite residents of our village A.A. Leonov, V.F. Tretyakov, who showed how to work on a spinning wheel, embroider towels, and paintings depicting Orthodox places. Holding folklore holidays has also become a tradition: Christmas gatherings, Zimushka-Winter, Maslenitsa.

I pay much attention to studying the history of the settlement of the Tambov district, for which we make excursions around old Tambov and Orthodox places in the Tambov region: the monasteries of the city of Tambov, the Tregulyaevsky Monastery, and visited the Zadonsky Monastery. During such excursions, schoolchildrencomprehensively study their native land. Patriotic education is also important in the formation of spiritual and moral consciousness. Using the example of real people, I introduce the guys to participants in the war and home front, we learn how to interview them, we hold meetings and congratulatory events. Veterans and children of veterans shared their memories of the war, showed awards and personal belongings. On the eve of the Victory Day, our class held an event “Childhood scorched by war”, during which a meeting was held with a concentration camp prisoner Anatoly Aleksandrovich Belov, a resident of the village “Seleznevsky”. At the extracurricular event “Women in War,” children learned about the role of women in war and had a meeting with Maria Grigorievna Bazhenova, an artillery officer during the Great Patriotic War. In addition, we annually take part in a festive concert dedicated to Victory Day.

In elementary school, the foundations of cognitive interest in studying the village as the microclimate surrounding the child are laid, and conditions are created for the formation of moral feelings. The child, at a level accessible to him, understands the importance and value of the surrounding microclimate for him personally; in a familiar environment, he discovers new sides and learns to interact with it competently.

A person is brought up in the cultural environment around him, unnoticed by himself, he is brought up by history, the past.

I set the task of shaping the personality of students based on familiarization with the traditions of their people. The immediate goal is the free development of a creative personality and the formation of a conscious patriotic feeling, based on an understanding of spiritual values ​​born over centuries of the historical path of the Russian people.

Nurturing the younger generation with stable moral beliefs based on the traditional historical, spiritual, and cultural values ​​of the Russian people will ensure the successful development of Russia.

Self-government is developed in the class. I have taken an activity-based approach as the basis for my education.

In my teaching activities, I try to maintain close contact with parents, keeping them informed of the successes and failures of their children. American philosopher R.W. Emerson said, “The secret of successful education lies in respect for the student.”

I conduct meetings with parents using the basicforms of parent meetings: (lecture meeting, round table, thematic discussion with the invitation of specialists, consultation with specialists, workshop meeting, school-wide and class-wide conference, etc.)

At them I introduce parents to the specifics of teaching in primary school; We discuss goals, objectives and the outcome of our joint activities, give recommendations for completing homework, and answer counter questions; I advise how best to help the child; I invite parents to individual conversations as necessary, visit parents at home (I believe that such measures help me quickly and painlessly find contact with their child, help me find the “key” to him, revealing his character, habits, inclinations); I also use correspondence communication with parents. I put grades in diaries, write down gratitude for participation in competitions, and also thank parents for the extra work done by the child.

In 2009-2011held parent meetings using ICT,prepared material in the form of presentations on the following topics:

    “Features of the textbooks your children study from”;

    "Child's fatigue: how to deal with it";

    "Reward and punishment in the family";

I try toparents left the meeting feeling that they could help their children, I involve them in the educational process, the parent committee of the class coordinates the work of parents to assist in the renovation of the classroom, in conducting active recreation for children, various events, including excursions. The work of the parent meeting and parent committee is reflected in the minutes and in the class teacher’s plan. Conducted a survey with parents on the topics: “Your child’s abilities”, “Attitude towards school”. The questionnaire data showed that parents' satisfaction with the organization of the educational process in the classroom is high.

We hold round table meetings in the classroom. At such events, the unity of parents with children and teachers is felt, which allows children to look at their parents differently. For active participation in the life of the class, for the proper upbringing of their children, parents receive letters of gratitude from the parent committee. I am working to introduce the electronic diary “” into the educational process. An electronic diary is a new system of interaction between the school and parent communities, which allows us to solve one of the main problems of the school - information content.


    there are no unexcused absences from class, and this situation continues in the middle and senior levels;

The results of the parent survey showed the level of satisfaction with the school life of the team: 78% high, 22% average.

The psychological atmosphere in our school is healthy, there is a team of like-minded people, creative people work from whom you can learn a lot.

I am constantly working to improve my professional skills. Completed theoretical and methodological training in advanced training courses under the following programs:

    “Formation of professional competence of a primary school teacher in the context of the implementation of the new generation Federal State Educational Standard (144 hours)”;

    “Current issues in teaching the course “Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics” (72 hours).

I take part in the work of the methodological association of primary classes, conduct open lessons, events, and participate in regional scientific and practical conferences and seminars. Prepared a presentation for a regional seminar on the topic “Local history is one of the most important factors in the patriotic education of students.”

In 2008, she was a member of the regional certification commission for primary school teachers. By 2011, she took part in the All-Russian TsOR competition for the school “BestIT-teacher of Russia."

I consider a particular problem of modern teaching in primary grades to be the lack of interest among students in reading. In order to foster a culture of reading, she has developed literary quizzes based on many works, crossword puzzles based on the text of the works, and literary games (like “Lucky Chance”). These forms of working with a literary work allow me to activate children in class, develop the ability to read thoughtfully, and pay attention to important details.

It is alarming that every year more and more children enter the first grade emotionally unstable, with a low level of abilities, and in poor health. In this regard, in the 2011-2014 academic year I lead a circle within the framework of additional education “Me and my health”.

Some difficulties will be replaced by others, life goes on. I am close to the words of Socrates: “Education is a difficult matter, and improving its conditions is one of the sacred duties of every person, for there is nothing more important than the education of oneself and one’s neighbors.”