Chemical show. Reagents for chemical metallization

Show. It was possible to take part in the Tesla show, visit the basements of the university, become a counterfeiter and roll off your fingers.

This is the crazy professor Nicolas, who amazed the imagination of those who came with his fiery show. All this chemical chaos is at the science festival at Vyatka State University. The schoolchildren of our city are waiting for such a spectacle whole year, and all this time teachers and students are preparing to surprise festival visitors. This is becoming increasingly difficult because the festival is taking place for the third time in a row. This year, more than 30 master classes, competitions and intellectual games opened simultaneously. You can see for yourself that the interest of schoolchildren, their parents and teachers is genuine. This is a chemical experimental laboratory and a sold-out auditorium.

But such experiments are demonstrated by chemistry students at a magnificent reagent show. This is a chemical algae that instantly grows from a small crystal in water to the size of sphagnum moss. Ulyana and her mother were surprised by the Tesla things. This was just one of the modifications of the Tesla device; there were about a dozen of them in the office. At the master class, in a few minutes you could learn how to make pottery. For example, a plate, pot or jug. For this purpose, a pottery wheel was installed in the scientific corridors of the university, and craftsman helped the kids learn all the intricacies of pottery. And also answer the question: who fired the pots? Curious intellectual game unfolded in one of the classrooms. Linguistic show. Students creatively presented each of the foreign languages.

Business card German language there was a song famous group Ramstein At the end of a busy day of knowledge, not a single granite of science was chewed up. Visitors to the exhibition minted counterfeit coins, carried boxes of fog, created a whirlpool, changed the color of the liquid at will, and imagined the university of the future. By the way, this is what his students might look like.

For the festival participants, they not only waved sticks, but also brewed a potion from soda and vinegar. At the nano-exhibition one could see, touch and taste nanotechnology. For example, teacher Dmitry Vozhegov talks in detail about how you can make a 3D video, how to add depth and realism to it. There was also the opportunity to control such a robot, which carries medium-heavy objects from place to place. More than two hundred schoolchildren from grades 1 to 11 came to the festival today. And also their parents and teachers. 8 students from 32 schools said that they have been attending the science festival for 3 years now. They have already seen much of what is presented, but new scientific wonders are added every year.

The studio of electrical engineering and physical experiments. The festival will end tomorrow, everyone will still be able to take part in a master class on levitation, maintaining light bodies in the air and controlling their position, and this holiday of science will end with a steam punk party.

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In our country there are many small and large companies, on the Internet you can find a chemistry website that sells reagents. But often you can only order a sufficient quantity, for example, solid and bulk chemical substances can be sold from a kilogram, and acids in liter bottles. It is clear that in order to conduct entertaining chemical experiments for children, such volumes are not required. Therefore, let's try to figure out where to get chemical reagents for chemical experiments at home. The surest way is to ask in the school chemistry office. Here the purity of the reagent will be maintained and in the end you will be one hundred percent sure that it is sodium hydroxide and not calcium hydroxide. But this method is not suitable for everyone, so let’s figure it out further.

Where to get metals

  • Aluminum. The source of this metal in everyday life is old aluminum spoons and plates, aluminum wire
  • Aluminum powder is a silver paint sold in hardware stores.
  • Copper is copper wire, mined from wires or from transformer windings.
  • Lead, in the form of neat weights, is easy to buy at a fishing store.
  • We buy tin in the form of solder for soldering in radio stores. True, it is sold there in the form of an alloy, but for home use the percentage of tin in the solder is quite enough.
  • Magnesium can be obtained by unscrewing the magnesium anode (heating element) for the water heater. IN Soviet time The oil pans of Zaporozhets cars served as an inexhaustible source of magnesium.
  • Chrome can be stripped from an old metal bumper. The resulting shavings are quite clean and well suited for experiments.
  • Tungsten is found in the filaments of light bulbs.
  • Cerium is the “silicon” for lighters, the one that sparks when rubbed.

Attention! On the Internet we came across sources offering to extract some metals, such as zinc, lithium, by disassembling batteries. Do not try to do this yourself and under no circumstances allow children to do this, otherwise you risk getting a chemical burn.

Where to get acid

  • Sulfuric acid in the form of a 25-30% solution for batteries (“Acid electrolyte”) is purchased at car dealerships. It is impossible to buy pure sulfuric acid.
  • Phosphoric acid is sold in radio supply stores under the name “soldering flux.”
  • Acetic acid is regular table vinegar, available in any grocery store.
  • Boric acid is freely available in pharmacies
  • Citric acid is known to any housewife; we buy it at the grocery store.
  • Nitric acid 45% is sometimes found on radio markets.
  • Oxalic acid . We follow her to the hardware store.

Where to get grounds

  • Sodium hydroxide, under the names caustic soda, caustic soda, and caustic soda, is sold in radio, photo, or household supply stores.
  • Calcium hydroxide is slaked lime, sold in hardware stores.
  • A solution of ammonia in water is ammonia. It is sold in pharmacies, although it is gradually becoming rare.

Where to get salt

  • Sodium hypochlorite is a product called “Belizna”, sold in hardware stores.
  • Ammonium nitrate, also known as ammonium nitrate, is found in stores for summer residents and hardware stores.
  • Barium nitrate is a coating for sparklers.
  • Silver nitrate, also known as lapis, can sometimes be found in pharmacies. You need to choose local pharmacies, with old stocks.
  • Sodium chloride is table salt.
  • Potassium chloride is sold in stores for summer residents and gardeners as a fertilizer.
  • Ammonium chloride - ammonia. Do not confuse with ammonia! Ammonia is an aqueous solution of ammonium hydroxide.
  • Cobalt chloride - can be purchased in tablets. Sold in some veterinary pharmacies as a medicine for ruminant pets
  • Calcium chloride is sold in pharmacies in injection ampoules.
  • Potassium iodide is included in medications against iodine deficiency, but in this case you must read the composition of the drug. We buy it at the pharmacy.
  • Potassium sulfate is a fertilizer sold in hardware stores.
  • We look for copper sulfate or copper sulfate in the hardware store.
  • Magnesium sulfate or magnesia (bitter salt) is sold in pharmacies as a laxative or in hardware stores as a fertilizer.
  • Ammonium sulfate is a fertilizer in the hardware store.
  • We buy barium sulfate and barium sulfate at the pharmacy.
  • Calcium sulfate = gypsum.
  • Iron(II) sulfate (ferrous sulfate) is available at your hardware store.
  • Sodium bicarbonate - baking soda.
  • Sodium carbonate - soda ash or laundry soda. Used as a cleaning agent.
  • Calcium carbonate is ordinary chalk or marble.
  • Lead acetate is a lead lotion that is sold in pharmacies.
  • Sodium silicate - liquid glass, stationery silicate glue.
  • Potassium silicate is the same. Sold in office supply stores.
  • Potassium bromide is sold in pharmacies under the name "Adonis-Bromine".

Where to get other chemicals

  • Hydrogen peroxide can be bought at a pharmacy either in the form of a solution or in the form of hydroperite tablets.
  • Calcium oxide is quicklime, which you need to go to the hardware store for.
  • Acetone - we buy it at the nearest hardware store. We need "Technical Acetone".
  • Sulfur - sold in hardware stores and gardening stores in the form of lumps or in bags. Sulfur in bags is much more expensive than lumpy sulfur, but at the same time much purer. “Colloidal sulfur” is generally not suitable for our purposes, because contains too many impurities. It’s better and cheaper to buy feed sulfur from pet supplies; it’s generally almost perfectly pure.
  • Toluene - sold in hardware stores as solvent 646. Distillation is necessary because it is a multicomponent solvent containing about 50% toluene.
  • Glycerin is freely available in pharmacies.
  • Phenolphthalein tablets are sold in pharmacies under the name purgen.
  • Litmus paper is sometimes sold in pet stores.
  • Hexamine is a dry fuel, sold in hardware stores and tourist departments.
  • Chromium oxide can be purchased in the Varnishes and Paints department.
  • Indigo carmine - food coloring of blue color, in grocery departments.
  • Glucose is freely sold in pharmacies.

Let's give some summary. Most of the necessary reagents can be purchased either at a pharmacy or in stores for summer residents.

Reagents from the Garden and Vegetable Garden store and hardware stores

  • ammonium sulfate,
  • zinc sulfate,
  • ferrous sulfate,
  • copper sulfate,
  • magnesium sulfate,
  • manganese sulfate,
  • potassium sulfate,
  • ammonium nitrate,
  • potassium nitrate,
  • magnesium nitrate,
  • monopotassium phosphate,
  • sodium tetraborate,
  • boric acid (crystalline),
  • oxalic acid (crystalline),
  • urea,
  • succinic acid,
  • sulfur.

Students complained to the mayor of the capital that chemicals on the roads were ruining their shoes. In response, he said that a new effective and environmentally friendly anti-ice agent is being developed for Moscow streets.

It never happened - and here it is again. A new anti-icing agent is being developed for Moscow streets. It will be effective on the roads, safe for shoes and environmentally friendly. The mayor of the capital, Sergei Sobyanin, announced this at a meeting at the Russian University of Transport, responding to complaints from students that the reagents were ruining their shoes. At the same time, the mayor noted that the authorities will ensure that “they sprinkle as much as necessary, and not as much as God deems per soul.” Is it necessary magic formula?

There are no safe reagents. All substances have a bad effect on shoes. The only difference is the degree of impact. Sand and salt, for example, leave stains, while calcium chloride can greatly reduce the size of your shoes. If the most expensive and gentle reagents are scattered on the roads, then your boots will also suffer. They will retain moisture for a very long time, so they will have to be specially dried.

Experts believe that on highways, reagents in such big city Moscow is certainly needed, but where pedestrians walk is a moot point.

Yuri Orlov independent expert, candidate of chemical sciences“Our shoes suffer because we walk through puddles and this slush. And puddles and slush on the road are a consequence of incorrect technology. We shouldn't walk through this mess. This is the problem. And not in some formula. This is all known to science. This is unknown to government officials. What are they looking for there, they are all inventing some kind of miracle reagents. There are no miracle reagents. We have enough salts that can be used on roads. For me, the reagent should be only where it is really needed, and not just sprinkled everywhere from the heart. The reagent may also not be used, but this does not mean that nothing should be done. This is also a reagent-free technology. It needs to be leveled, it needs to be sprinkled with sand where it is slippery or with granite marble chips. But this is also work. And we either fall asleep so that people groan, or we do nothing, so that people slip and fight.”

Where there are small traffic flows, roads are simply compacted and sprinkled with granite chips, the reagents are ineffective here. According to the technology, they are used on roads with high traffic intensity, if about 2.5 thousand cars pass per day. And here the so-called snow roll will not work, says Petr Shkumatov, coordinator of the Blue Bucket Society movement, a chemist by training and an opponent of the improper use of reagents.

coordinator of the Blue Bucket Society movement“Winter roll-up can be used in those cities or areas where the number of transitions through zero, that is, relatively speaking, defrost-freeze cycles during the winter is minimal. In Moscow, since it itself is a huge heat generator, dozens, if not hundreds, of zero crossings occur here during the season. As a result, it will be impossible to maintain roads here in the winter. It will be just blocks of ice, ice ruts. In general, we have the happiness to observe in many of our yards.”

To ensure that reagents do not cause animal paws to suffer, shoes or car wheels to deteriorate, the technology must be strictly followed. First, the snow is removed as much as possible, and then the dosage is determined for each type of surface, which in the end should be slightly damp and not slippery, there is no goal to dissolve everything to water. Everyone, from chemists to ecologists, says that the problem is not in the reagents themselves, but in the violation of the technology for their use.

Ivan Blokov Program Director of Greenpeace Russia, Candidate of Technical Sciences“We are not sure that the reagents that are currently used in Moscow are good or that something will be better. Because four or five years ago there was already a big public campaign about the fact that we use the safest, best reagents. Suddenly it turns out that this is not so. Greenpeace will not be satisfied with any reagent. There is no gentle reagent, and most importantly, it is not our job to try to determine which reagent to use. We must look not for the most gentle reagent, but for the most The best way, to make do with the minimum and avoid reagents altogether. Moscow now uses four times more reagents than was used in Finland at the most serious moment when it was maximum amount reagents".

Thus, keywords the capital's mayor, which he said at a meeting with students, is not that a special institute was attracted to develop a new formula for reagents, but that “we will work to ensure that they are sprinkled as much as necessary, and not as much as God per capita will put it down."

IN Lately An unusual chemistry show is becoming an increasingly popular entertainment for children and adults in our country. As a child, during chemistry lessons, everyone loved to watch the bubbling flasks and mixtures forming thick steam. To open the world of science to children and attract their attention to learning, the organization of such a holiday must be well prepared.

Who needs “chemical” holidays?

Similar events are held for children and adults of almost all ages. For safety reasons, only children under four or five years old should be held by their parents, as they may grab something or try to eat or drink some particularly attractive reagent. For everyone else, such shows are absolutely safe and very interesting. The program is selected depending on the age of the child. These can be simple experiments with simple dry ice or more complex experiments involving several chemical things. The most spectacular chemical show experiments on children's party include:

Experiments with liquid nitrogen and dry ice;
-Digital Watch created using ordinary potatoes;
- a real, spectacular volcano will spew out “lava” right on the table;
-boiling water without a heat source;
-various manifestations of the reaction of litmus paper - appearing inscriptions, invisible ink;
-egg in a flask - remove an egg from a vessel with a narrow neck without breaking it;
-caught “rainbow” and many others.

Such a program usually takes half an hour or an hour, children do not have time to get tired, and parents can take a little break from the screaming crowd in their home. “Adult” chemical holiday programs are also interesting. Recently it has become popular to invite such shows to corporate parties, discoveries entertainment centers and even for non-standard, modern weddings.

What do you need to prepare for the arrival of the animators?

Of course, carry out such science shows without appropriate training it is almost impossible, and with independent work– it may also be unsafe. A professional chemist-animator will bring with him all the necessary reagents, tools and Additional materials. He will also take care of interesting scenario and can bring small themed gifts for all participants in the show.
However, there is also a task for parents:

1. It is necessary to prepare the largest room so that children and adults do not have to stand too close to the table with reagents.
2. It is worth making sure that all children with any types of allergies have a seat at the window. Although negative impact The reagents chosen for the show do not affect the body; precautions when working with children are the main thing.
3. To hold such a show at corporate evenings, it is worth planning it at the very beginning of the evening, so that the resting employees have not yet had time to thoroughly “celebrate” the holiday.

That's all, a chemical holiday for children is often organized in kindergartens, at various events in primary and high school, and also at birthdays. Such an amazing, bright show will appeal to the most fastidious birthday people and guests. Children will be able to take part in the event and various performances themselves: they will be entrusted with mixing, pouring and even heating reagents. Of course, children will only be allowed to use safe substances.

Creating a real chemical laboratory at home, at least for one evening, is the dream of many adults, and kids will simply be delighted! Once visiting such a science festival, children will forever understand that science is not only difficult, but also very interesting. And parents will find out how to short term give your kids a lot pleasant memories, new knowledge and instill a thirst for learning.