How to draw a portrait of dad step by step. How to draw a family Dad, Mom, I with a pencil for a small child - master class with photos step by step

The ideas collected in this article will be useful to those who want to give dad a picture drawn with his own hands. Such a gift can be made on February 23, Father's Day, dad's birthday.

Video master class on drawing with crayons of a dad with his daughter and son

Even a schoolboy can use this video primary classes will be able to draw a dad holding the hands of a girl and a boy (see picture above). To work you will need colored crayons or pencils. Video length: 8 minutes. The master class is accompanied by music without commentary.

By the way, if you draw a man White hair with gray chalk, you will get a grandfather.

Video master class on drawing for dad who loves football, volleyball, basketball

You can draw a football goal with balls flying into it and a large inscription “dad”. "Daddy" is written in graffiti style letters. The following video shows how to write "dad" ("dad" in English), draw balls and goals. If your dad doesn't speak English, replace "dad" with "dad" in your drawing.

For work you will need: a simple pencil, an eraser, black and gray felt-tip pens or markers, colored pencils. Video length: 10 minutes. Master class on English language, but everything is clear.

How else can you portray a dad?

, which you can make with your own hands from scrap materials.

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What is family"? Listen to this word! Family is the seven “I”! Neither one nor two people make up a normal, full-fledged family. Real family- this is a family where there is a mother, a father, and children: one, two, three, and maybe even seven, and even more! Only then can everyone proudly say: “This is my family!” In a family, everyone has assigned responsibilities. Usually dad makes money. Mom can work, or she can only take care of the house. Children go to kindergarten and study at school. When children grow up, they can leave the family and live their own lives, but they always remember their father’s home, return to visit, and do not forget their relatives and friends. Let's draw a real one with a pencil step by step happy family: dad, mom and two children.

Stage 1. The picture will show a mother, father, daughter and son. First let's draw auxiliary lines figures of dad and son on his shoulders. Draw a circle - dad's head. Then a dash of the neck, a rectangular body, lines bent arms and slightly curved lines of the legs with marks of knee bends. Above the figure of the father is the figure of the child: a circle - head, torso and raised arm line.

Stage 2. Let's start drawing the heads. We draw the oval of the boy's face around the circle. We add hair on top and show neat ears. We also note the lines of Dad’s face and hairstyle.

Stage 3. Now we draw the boy’s body. The lines of the neck turn into the lines of the shoulders and arms. One hand is raised up in a greeting gesture. The boy is wearing a T-shirt, let's show its neckline and sleeves. With his other hand he holds dad by the neck.

Stage 4. Now we draw dad’s hands along the helper lines. From the elbows upward we depict with smooth features big hands with fingers. Then let's draw the boy's legs. He hangs them on his dad's chest, and he holds them with his fingers.

Stage 5. Detailing dad's clothes. From the neck line we will draw the collar of the shirt, then the shoulder lines and the bottom of the shirt itself on the body.

Stage 6. Now all that remains is to draw the father’s trousers in this part of the picture. It is along the auxiliary lines at the bottom that we draw the contours of the trousers. Below, under the trouser legs, we will draw shoes.

Stage 7. We have not yet shown the eyes, eyebrows, nose and mouth of dad and son. That's what we do at this stage.

Stage 8. Now, next to the dad and the boy, we will draw auxiliary lines for the figures of the mother and daughter. These are the same circles and lines of the body, as well as the lines of the arms and legs.

Stage 9. Draw hairstyles for mother and daughter. Mom's are long wavy lines hair, my daughter’s hair is in a ponytail.

Stage 10. Now we will show the eyebrows, eyes, nose and mouth of the characters in the picture.

Stage 12. Draw the mother’s body in a dress. We do this with smooth strokes. And also the body of a girl, also in a dress.

Stage 13. It remains to finish drawing the legs of mother and daughter along the primary lines. Below are the shoes.

To do beautiful portrait your family or depict Family Tree, coat of arms, you don’t have to be an artist. This task is within the power of every child who wants to present an original work at a competition or simply give it to their loved ones. cool pictures. Using the following master classes with photos and videos, you can learn how to draw a family of 3, 4 or 5 people. Simple instructions will help you draw beautifully a mother and father, daughter or son. It is recommended to make blank pictures in pencil. But if you wish, you can color them ordinary paints, and crayons. Step-by-step master classes will also help you choose what to draw on the theme “My Family”. They can be used not as lessons, but as ideas for creating new drawings.

How to draw a family of 3: mom, dad and daughter - master class with video

Quite often, girls, depicting each member of their family, pay Special attention their clothes, hairstyles, accessories. With the help of the following master class, you can get ideas on the rules for depicting the human figures themselves. He will tell children how to draw a family of 3 people: mom, dad and daughters really neatly and simply.

Step-by-step video on a master class on drawing a family with mom, dad and daughter

Using the following master class, you can draw a beautiful portrait of a family, which will definitely become good decoration bedroom or hall. You just need to follow the instructions exactly.

How to draw a family of 4 or 5 people step by step with a pencil for a child - photo tutorial

One of the most difficult tasks for every child can be considered drawing a portrait of 4-5 people. He needs to carefully think about the poses and clothing of each of his relatives. That's why big family with children should be drawn in several stages: creating a sample, drawing individual characters, coloring of all elements. Learn more about the creation rules complex images with a pencil will tell the child the following master class with instructions on how to draw a family of 4 people step by step carefully and beautifully.

Materials for the step-by-step creation of a children's drawing of a family of 4-5 people in pencil

  • simple and colored pencils;
  • eraser;
  • A4 sheet of paper;
  • set of colored crayons.

A step-by-step photo lesson in drawing a family portrait by a child using pencils

How to draw a family: dad, mom, me - step-by-step pencil master class

To draw your family beautifully and originally, you don’t have to be a real artist. Just following simple instructions, you can create a cool family portrait. The next master class will tell children and their parents how to draw a family “Dad, Mom, Me” quickly and really simply.

List of materials for drawing a family with pencils

  • A4 sheet of paper;
  • regular pencil;
  • a set of colored pencils or paints;
  • eraser.

Step-by-step master class with photos of creating a family portrait in pencil

How to draw a family coat of arms for school with a pencil step by step - master class with video

A beautiful coat of arms of your family is one of the most important relics for every person. But such an emblem can be either real or fictitious. Eg. A child can create it to participate in a competition, or simply make cool decor for their home. In the next master class you can learn how to draw your family’s coat of arms for school step by step with a simple pencil or chalk.

Step-by-step master class with video of drawing the family coat of arms with a pencil

Using the following video, it will not be difficult to create an amazing coat of arms for your family with your own hands. The child just needs to look through the proposed master class and get ideas and useful tips to create such a picture.

How to draw a family tree step by step with a pencil - master class for beginners

For any child, drawing a family tree with their own hands and indicating all the great-grandparents will be too difficult. Therefore, they will certainly need the help of their parents, who will tell them what structure the tree should have and how many branches it needs to depict. But the next master class will help novice artists draw a family tree step by step and learn how to color it with a pencil or decorate it with photographs.

Materials for drawing a family tree step by step with a pencil

  • regular pencil;
  • eraser;
  • A4 sheet of paper;
  • rectangular pieces of cardboard.

Master class for beginners on drawing a family tree with a regular pencil

Using the proposed master classes with videos and photos, you can easily draw not only your family, but also a family tree and family coat of arms. Such cool pictures will be a wonderful decoration for any home or apartment. For example, a cute drawing “My Family”, which depicts a mother, father, son and daughter, is suitable for living room decor. Family coat of arms Can be hung in the hallway or hallway. In these instructions you can learn how to draw a family of 3, 4, 5 people easily and simply. Also, the proposed materials can be used as ideas for preparing for competitions in school and kindergarten.

Father's portrait - great gift on your birthday or February 23rd. But how to draw a dad so that it turns out beautifully? A small child who does not have sufficient skills visual arts, this is not at all easy to do. However, there is a way out. It is possible from simple geometric shapes, and then give it details similar to your relative. So, let's figure out how to draw a dad step by step?

Draw the contours of the torso

To understand how to do it yourself beautiful gift, you just need to strictly follow the suggestions below step-by-step instructions. For such a drawing you do not need special artistic skills. Let's start by drawing the head and torso. To do this, place the sheet of paper lengthwise so that there is enough space for the entire drawing. Draw an oval at the top of the sheet. This is the basis of the future head. From the oval down, draw two lines - the neck. Now draw a square, each side of which will be equal to the diameter of the oval. Please note that it is important to maintain all proportions, otherwise the figure will turn out uneven.

Drawing the legs

Now, to understand how to draw a dad, look carefully at the drawing. Next we will depict the legs. To do this, draw two long columns down from the body. To outline the shape of future pants, make a line between the posts, about one centimeter below the body. Outline the shape of the boots by drawing irregular ovals with a rigid base at the bottom of the posts.

Drawing the details

Let's figure out further how to draw a dad. We depict the details of the face: eyes, nose, lips. Use for drawing simple shapes: ovals, hemispheres. Next comes the turn of the hands. Draw two uneven long columns coming from different sides of the square. Make the lines smooth to make your arms look more natural. Start with a picture of the index and thumb, located at right angles to each other. Then draw the visible tips of the remaining fingers. Finally, highlight the shape of the pants. To do this, erase the extra lines at the beginning of the columns indicating the legs.

We give a portrait likeness

In general, you should already understand how to draw a dad. It remains to give the drawing portrait likeness. To do this, you need to add a few details that distinguish your dad. Remember how your father is different from others, what you love most about him. It could be eye color, hair color. Perhaps he has a mustache? You can also use it to depict hair. standard forms. Draw a forelock, depicting an oval with sharp corners on the head. It may look like the tail of, for example, a fox. Its size will depend on the length of your relative's hair. If the hair is thick and long, then the forelock can be depicted larger. If dad has little hair, the oval will be small. Draw small ovals on both sides of the head, this is the hair at the temples. If dad has a mustache, then draw a detail in the form of a trapezoid between the nose and mouth. Now you can take paints or pencils to color the work. Remember what color your dad's favorite sweater is. Use this shade to paint the body. The same goes for other details. If dad blonde hair- use yellow, if dark - black or brown. These small details will help dad recognize himself in your drawing. And of course, he will be very pleased.


So, if you did everything right, then you will get a great gift. Having mastered this simple technique, you will easily understand, and dad, to depict your entire friendly family in the picture. Mom is drawn using the same technology, only the details are slightly changed: hair, facial features, clothes, shoes. Such a drawing can be safely hung in the living room and shown to your guests.

In this lesson I will show you how to draw a dad to a child step by step. Here we show how to draw a dad with paints; you can use pencils or draw on a computer using the same principle. You can draw such a drawing for dad for his birthday, if the card from this lesson didn’t suit you, or for dad’s day, or even just because. So let's get started.

Prepare paints, paper, brushes and clean water. First let's draw a circle beige colour. Mix some yellow, red and white paint to get a milky beige color if dad dark skin when adding brown. Draw an oval like this, which will have the shape of a head. If you don't have white paint, leave white spots for the eyes.

On the sides of the large oval we draw two small ones - these will be the ears of the drawn dad. We add a little lower wide stripe– neck. I also finish drawing a sky-colored T-shirt; you can finish drawing any clothes, for example, a shirt or sweater.

In the center of the ears I add spots a little darker than the skin color - add more brown to the paint, just don't add black, otherwise the colors will turn out muddy. If you paint dad with watercolors, wait until the first layers dry. We draw shadows above the eyes of the checkmarks and a shadow near the nose - we do everything as shown in the picture below.

If your dad isn't bald, he needs a haircut. My dad has dark hair, I draw them. Also, don’t forget to draw dad’s eyebrows the same color as his hair. Dads usually don’t pluck their eyebrows, so we won’t put much effort into their shape.

Just below the nose, between the nostrils and the chin, we need to draw a mouth.