Hopi tribe predictions. Prophecies of the Hopi Indians and signs of the end of the fourth world

The White Feather Prophecy.

His legend is this:

In the summer of 1958, while driving through the desert of the southwestern United States (probably in Arizona), a pastor named David Jung took an elderly Hopi Indian into his car. After sitting in silence for some time, according to Indian custom, the elder spoke:

– I am White Feather, a Hopi Indian from the ancient family of Bear. During my long life, I traveled through this country, looking for my brothers, and learning from them many wisdoms. I have walked the sacred paths of my people, who live in the forests and many lakes of the east, in the land of ice and long nights of the north, in the western mountains and streams full of jumping fish, and in the places of sacred stone altars erected long ago by the fathers of my brothers in the south. From all of them, I heard tales of times past, and prophecies of times to come. Nowadays, many prophecies have been turned into fairy tales, and few of them remain. The past grows longer, and the future shortens.

And now, White Feather dies. His sons have already all gone to his ancestors, and soon he will also be with them. But there was no one left to whom to tell and pass on the ancient wisdom. My people are tired of the old custom. The great rites that tell about our origin, about our exit into the Fourth World, are almost abandoned, forgotten. But this was also predicted. Now time is short...

My people are waiting for Pakan, the missing White Brother, just as all our brothers on Earth are waiting for him. He will not be like those white people - evil and greedy - whom we now know. We were told about their coming a long time ago. But we are still waiting for Pakan. He will bring with him symbols (a swastika rotating clockwise - the sacred symbol of the Hopi, and other Indian tribes) and the lost corner of the table kept by our elders, which will prove that he is our True White Brother (the history of the Hopi's wanderings is depicted on four stone tablets. Corner the second one was broken off. According to legend, the Hopi gave it to their ancestor Pakana). The Fourth World will soon end and the Fifth World will begin. Elders everywhere know this. The signs of many years have been fulfilled, and few remain undone.

- Here is the first sign: We were told about the coming of white-skinned people, similar to Pakan, but not living like him - people who will take the land that does not belong to them, people who will strike their enemies with thunder.

– Here is the second sign: Our lands will see the coming of wooden wheels full of voices. In my youth, my father saw with his own eyes the fulfillment of this prophecy - white people carrying their families in carts across the steppes.

- Here is the third sign: Strange cattle, like bison, but with large, long horns, will cover the earth in countless numbers. White Feather saw this with his own eyes - this is the white man's cattle.

– Here is the fourth sign: The earth will be entwined with iron snakes. (Railroads).

– Here is the fifth sign: The earth will be entwined with a giant web. (Electricity, telephone lines, internet, etc.)

– Here is the sixth sign: The earth will be crossed (in all directions) by rivers of stone that produce images in the sun. (Highway roads. In hot weather, mirages of puddles and cars appear on them).

– Here is the seventh sign: You will hear that the sea has turned black, and many living beings are dying from this. (There had never been a catastrophic oil spill in 1958).

- Here is the eighth sign: You will see how many youths wearing long hair, like my people, will come and join the tribal peoples (i.e., the Indians) to learn their customs and wisdom. (The first hippies appeared only six years later).

“And here is the ninth and final sign: You will hear about a dwelling in the heavens, high above the earth, which will fall to the earth with a terrible roar. It will be, in the image, like a blue star. Soon after this, the rituals of my people will end. (The fall of the Skylab space station in 1978. In connection with this, the Hopi stopped performing some rituals forever. Or it was the sinking of the Mir station).

These are Signs of great destruction to come. The earth will shake (will turn back and forth). White people will fight with other people, in other countries - those who have acquired the first light of wisdom (obviously, the war in the Middle East, the cradle of ancient knowledge).

There will be many huge columns of fire and smoke, like the ones White Feather saw the white people produce in the desert not far from here (nuclear testing in Nevada). But these will cause infection and great death. Many from my people, understanding the prophecies, will be safe. Those who settle and live in the camps of my people will also be safe. Then it will be necessary to rebuild a lot. And soon - very soon after this - Pacana will return. He will bring with him the dawn of the Fifth World. He will plant the seeds of wisdom in their hearts. Already, the seeds are being planted. They will make the path of transition to the Fifth World smooth.

- But White Feather will not see this. I'm old and dying. You might see this. Over time, over time.

Hopi prophecies from various storytellers.

The Third World War will be started by one of those countries that were the first to receive enlightenment. American civilization (land and people) is destined to perish in this war. Only those who live (a peaceful life) according to the precepts of the Hopi will be saved. Neither the war nor the subsequent worldwide cataclysm will touch them, for they have already moved (in spirit) to the coming Fifth World.

World War III will be a spiritual conflict against material values. Material values ​​will be destroyed by spiritual beings who will remain on earth to create a single world and a single people - the world of the Creator.

From the rising of the Sun, Pakana, the long-awaited True White Brother, will come to the land of the Hopi. His face has changed after many centuries of separation, but his hair remains black. By this sign the Hopi recognize him. He alone of all strangers will be able to read the tiponi (Hopi history tablets). When he returns, he will attach to the Fire Family tablet the broken corner he brings with him, and by this the Hopi will know that he is a True White Brother.

He will be in a red cloak and a red hat. The pattern on his clothes will be like the pattern on the back of a horned toad (a type of lizard that lives in the desert of the southwestern United States). He has no religion other than his own, and he will bring tiponi (?!) with him. He will be omnipotent and no one will be able to resist him. One day he will take power over all of Turtle Island (the Indian name for North America). If it comes from the east, the catastrophe will be small. But if he comes from the west, do not go out onto the rooftops to watch him, for he will be merciless (Hopi houses do not have windows. Residents go out onto the rooftops to observe what is happening).

The True White Brother will be accompanied by two powerful and wise assistants (in the printed texts of the prophecy there are two assistants. But the narrator speaks of them in the plural, hinting that they are not individuals, but entire nations). One will bring with him the swastika sign - a symbol of male purity. The second assistant will bring the sign of the Celtic Cross drawn in red, the color of female (menstrual) blood, from which life comes.

When the end of the Fourth World is near, these two mighty helpers will shake the earth. First a little, for preparation, then two more times (strongly). After this, True White Brother will join them. Together with the Younger Brother (Hopi), and other peace-loving peoples, they will lay the foundation for the Fifth World.

If the work of these powerful people fails, then instead of a peaceful transition to the Fifth World, a period of complete lawlessness will begin in Koyaanisqatzi, and the world will perish from a monstrous atomic cataclysm (“A pumpkin full of ashes will fall from the sky from the sky, and many will die from the terrible ulcer that is in this ashes ").

More about Hopi prophecies.

Very ancient stone tablets kept by the Hopi Indians speak of three ancient civilizations that were destroyed by fire, glaciation and flood. The present civilization is depicted in amazing detail. For example, the tablets say that people living in different parts of the Earth will communicate with each other via threads stretched in the sky and underground, that thinking machines will be created. A nuclear weapon is described as a device of overwhelming force that produces a mushroom-shaped cloud.

Before the start of the previous war with Iraq (known as Operation Desert Storm), Hopi chief and elder Martin Gashweseoma called a press conference at which he showed white people for the first time ancient texts written in special runes on stone tiles (tablets).

“In those days you will hear of houses up to the heavens that will fall with a great crash,” says an ancient text written on stone tablets of the Hopi Indians. The tribe had no doubts about how to interpret the explosion of skyscrapers in New York on September 11, 2001: the terrorist attack once again confirmed that World War III, in accordance with the ancient prediction, is already underway, although many people do not yet understand this.

It should be emphasized that according to ancient Hopi texts, even the beginning of a nuclear war is not the end of humanity. Hopi prophecies speak of the coming at the end of time, beyond the great salt water (ocean), of a half-god, half-man - the True White Brother, who will protect the righteous from the rest of the aggressive, selfish and greedy world.

Martin Gashweseoma, Kikmongwis, i.e. chief and elder of the Hopi Indians:
– Providence has chosen us to be seers of disasters. The Hopi predicted the First World War. On March 27, 1911, our leader, Ukiuma, warned President Taft of an impending threat to the world. A recording of the conversation has been preserved.

The Hopi were also the first to predict both World War II and World War III. We predicted devastating earthquakes in California, Japan and Turkey down to the day. We warned the world about a comet hitting another planet in July 1994. (We are talking about comet Shoemaker-Levy, 21 fragments of which fell on Jupiter).

When asked about Russia, Kikmongwis Martin said, looking at the sacred stone tablet:
– White Brother is already among you. And he will stay with you for another 15 years ( said in 2003). Be prepared for anything, stock up on bread, water, candles... Rely on us - only the Hopi can make the world turn in the right direction. And in difficult times, call to me.

Interest in Hopi prophecies increases year by year. For US officials, the impetus for this was the confirmation of the prophecy about the tragedy of September 11, 2002, predicted by the Hopi a year before. Secret service experts sat down to decipher the ancient symbols inscribed on stone slabs and tablets. Some prophecies are strictly classified.

Until 2020, Hopi spirits warn of increased solar activity, global climate change and rising air temperatures. The Hopi are also confident that a powerful atomic explosion will yet occur on Earth...

As a result, global warming will lead to melting ice and rising sea levels, and further to the flooding of low-lying land areas. In contrast, the tropics will be covered in ice. The tilt of the earth's axis is also set to change... But, according to the Hopi, this will be discussed in more detail and accurately in the next 50-80 years.

Until 2035, numerous natural disasters and celestial phenomena may occur that will clear the planet of “extra” earthlings... A mysterious disease will contribute to this and will wipe out humanity like a plague. It will collect numerous victims, because it will not be possible to find a cure for it.

According to the Hopi, earthly civilization is not doomed and humanity has a future. But first you will have to pay a certain price for your arrogance and unreasonableness, for your inability to live in harmony with the world.

The Hopi talk about “machines from the sky” that will save those who follow the voice of reason and live in harmony with the world; they talk about houses on the Moon and the Red Earth; remind us of a new bright star that will soon appear in the sky...

Another strange prophecy, passed down from generation to generation, apparently speaks of the method of human cloning: “a wife will be able to have children without the help of her husband, and everyone will begin to reproduce themselves.”

You may not believe all this, but over the past 100 years many Hopi prophecies have already come true. Therefore, experts are now paying special attention to the prediction that December 23, 2012 will be an important day for humanity (note, the same date is indicated in Mayan prophecies, the only difference is in the calendar style).

On this day, according to the Hopi, “the great spirit will appear again,” and part of humanity will move to another world (or another dimension). Although, it is possible that humanity will come to its senses sooner, and then the entire Earth will move to another world. This prophecy does not exclude this.

UPD Another prophecy of the Hopi Indians (based on a tip

“Simon explained how God initially looked upon the pagans in order to make them into a people for His name. And the words of the prophets agree with this, as it is written: Then I will return and rebuild the fallen tabernacle of David, and what is destroyed in it I will rebuild, and I will repair it, so that the rest of the people and all the nations among whom my name will be proclaimed may seek the Lord, says the Lord, who does all this. All His works have been known to God from eternity.”

(Acts 15:13-18)

Hopi Indian prophecies about the death of the United States

The Hopi prophecy was first published in 1959 among American pastors, in the form of a printed newsletter.

His legend is this:

In the summer of 1958, while driving through the desert of the southwestern United States (probably in Arizona), a pastor named David Jung took an elderly Hopi Indian into his car. After sitting in silence for some time, according to Indian custom, the elder spoke:

« The Purifier will show us many wonderful signs in our skies. Then one morning we

Let's wake up with the Red Dawn. The sky will be the color of blood» (Hopi Indian Prophecy)

– I am White Feather, a Hopi Indian from the ancient family of Bear. During my long life, I traveled through this country, looking for my brothers, and learning from them many wisdoms.

I have walked the sacred paths of my people, who live in the forests and many lakes of the east, in the land of ice and long nights of the north, in the western mountains and streams full of jumping fish, and in the places of sacred stone altars erected long ago by the fathers of my brothers in the south. From all of them, I heard tales of times past, and prophecies of times to come. Nowadays, many prophecies have been turned into fairy tales, and few of them remain. The past grows longer, and the future shortens.

And now, White Feather dies. His sons have already all gone to his ancestors, and soon he will also be with them. But there was no one left to whom to tell and pass on the ancient wisdom. My people are tired of the old custom. The great rites that tell about our origin, about our exit into the Fourth World, are almost abandoned, forgotten. But this was also predicted. Now time is short...

My people are waiting for Pakan, the missing White Brother, just as all our brothers on Earth are waiting for him. He will not be like those white people - evil and greedy - whom we now know. We were told about their coming a long time ago. But we are still waiting for Pakan.

He will bring with him symbols (a swastika rotating clockwise - the sacred symbol of the Hopi, and other Indian tribes) and the lost corner of the table kept by our elders, which will prove that he is our True White Brother (the history of the Hopi's wanderings is depicted on four stone tablets. Corner the second one was broken off. According to legend, the Hopi gave it to their ancestor Pakana). The Fourth World will soon end and the Fifth World will begin. Elders everywhere know this. The signs of many years have been fulfilled, and few remain undone.

- Here is the first sign: We were told about the coming of white-skinned people, similar to Pakan, but not living like him - people who will take the land that does not belong to them, people who will strike their enemies with thunder.

– Here is the second sign: Our lands will see the coming of wooden wheels full of voices. In my youth, my father saw with his own eyes the fulfillment of this prophecy - white people carrying their families in carts across the steppes.

- Here is the third sign: Strange cattle, like bison, but with large, long horns, will cover the earth in countless numbers. White Feather saw this with his own eyes - this is the white man's cattle.

– Here is the fourth sign: The earth will be entwined with iron snakes. (Railroads).

– Here is the fifth sign: The earth will be entwined with a giant web. (Electricity, telephone lines, internet, etc.)

– Here is the sixth sign: The earth will be crossed (in all directions) by rivers of stone that produce images in the sun. (Highway roads. In hot weather, mirages of puddles and cars appear on them).

– Here is the seventh sign: You will hear that the sea has turned black, and many living beings are dying from this. (By 1958 there had yet to be a catastrophic oil spill).

- Here is the eighth sign: You will see how many youths wearing long hair, like my people, will come and join the tribal peoples (i.e., the Indians) to learn their customs and wisdom. (The first hippies appeared only six years later).

“And here is the ninth and final sign: You will hear about a dwelling in the heavens, high above the earth, which will fall to the earth with a terrible roar. It will be, in the image, like a blue star. Soon after this, the rituals of my people will end.

These are Signs of great destruction to come. The earth will shake (will turn back and forth). White people will fight with other people, in other countries - those who have acquired the first light of wisdom (obviously, the war in the Middle East, the cradle of ancient knowledge).

There will be many huge columns of fire and smoke, like the ones White Feather saw the white people produce in the desert not far from here (nuclear testing in Nevada). But these will cause infection and great death. Many from my people, understanding the prophecies, will be safe. Those who settle and live in the camps of my people will also be safe. Then it will be necessary to rebuild a lot. And soon - very soon after this - Pacana will return. He will bring with him the dawn of the Fifth World. He will plant the seeds of wisdom in their hearts. Already, the seeds are being planted. They will make the path of transition to the Fifth World smooth.

- But White Feather will not see this. I'm old and dying. You might see this. Over time, over time.

Hopi prophecies from various members of the tribe

The Third World War will be started by one of those countries that were the first to receive enlightenment. American civilization (land and people) is destined to perish in this war. Only those who live (a peaceful life) according to the precepts of the Hopi will be saved. Neither the war nor the subsequent worldwide cataclysm will touch them, for they have already moved (in spirit) to the coming Fifth World.

World War III will be a spiritual conflict against material values. Material values ​​will be destroyed by spiritual beings who will remain on earth to create a single world and a single people - the world of the Creator.

« And there is hope for your future, says the Lord, and they will return

your sons into their borders» (Jer.31:17)

From the rising of the Sun, Pakana, the long-awaited True White Brother, will come to the land of the Hopi. His face has changed after many centuries of separation, but his hair remains black. By this sign the Hopi recognize him. He alone of all strangers will be able to read the tiponi (Hopi history tablets). When he returns, he will attach to the Fire Family tablet the broken corner he brings with him, and by this the Hopi will know that he is a True White Brother.

He will be in a red cloak and a red hat. The pattern on his clothes will be like the pattern on the back of a horned toad (a type of lizard that lives in the desert of the southwestern United States). He has no religion other than his own, and he will bring tiponi (?!) with him. He will be omnipotent and no one will be able to resist him.

One day he will take power over all of Turtle Island (the Indian name for North America). If it comes from the east, the catastrophe will be small. But if he comes from the west, do not go out onto the rooftops to watch him, for he will be merciless (Hopi houses do not have windows. Residents go out onto the rooftops to observe what is happening).

The True White Brother will be accompanied by two powerful and wise assistants (in the printed texts of the prophecy there are two assistants. But the narrator speaks of them in the plural, hinting that they are not individuals, but entire nations). One will bring with him the swastika sign - a symbol of male purity. The second assistant will bring the sign of the Celtic Cross drawn in red, the color of female (menstrual) blood, from which life comes.

When the end of the Fourth World is near, these two mighty helpers will shake the earth. First a little, for preparation, then two more times (strongly). After this, True White Brother will join them. Together with the Younger Brother (Hopi), and other peace-loving peoples, they will lay the foundation for the Fifth World.

If the work of these powerful people fails, then instead of a peaceful transition to the Fifth World, a period of complete lawlessness will begin in Koyaanisqatzi, and the world will perish from a monstrous atomic cataclysm (“A pumpkin full of ashes will fall from the sky from the sky, and many will die from the terrible ulcer that is in this ashes ").

Hopi Indian Prophecies

Dan Evahema, an elder of the Hopi tribe, told researcher Thomas Miles that in the mysterious book of the Hopi elders there are at least a hundred different predictions and at least eighty of them have already come true, for example the following:

The arrival of the white man. “The day will come when the Hopi will meet people of a different race, different customs and traditions. They will create their own kingdom in Hopi land. Seemingly kind-hearted... they will multiply like ants...

According to the Hopi, their forefathers were warned about the end of the world approximately 1,100 years ago by a prophet and spiritual Master named Masso. He is considered by the Hopi to be a servant of the supreme God and guardian of the Earth; for them this person is the same as for Christians - Jesus Christ.

Amazingly, the moral commandments addressed to Masso’s followers and his predictions about the end of the world are very similar to the commandments and prophecies left to the world by Christ.

Before the onset of the Apocalypse, there will be three big wars in the world, in which almost all the peoples of our planet will take part. The second war will be unleashed by admirers of the cult of the Sun and the swastika symbol.

The prophecies of the Hopi Indians also speak of the invention of a terrible weapon, the use of which would boil the oceans and burn the land. Hopi elders are convinced that we are talking about nuclear weapons that could be used in World War III...

As for the Apocalypse itself, Masso’s prophecies contain the following signs of the impending end of the world:

People will forget the great laws of the Creator. Children will stop revere their parents and elders. Greed and depravity will overwhelm humanity.

Shortly before the onset of cataclysms, a foggy halo will be visible around the celestial bodies. He will appear around the Sun four times as a final warning.

The day will come when some constellations will return to the position they occupied thousands of years ago. During this period, the climate on the planet will change and natural disasters will occur.

The planet's natural resources will be depleted. Machines used in agricultural work will become useless. Mother Earth will deprive her children of food.

The arrival of late springs and increasingly early winters will mean the onset of the Ice Age.

The common people will rise up against their government leaders. Those, being driven into a corner, will strike back, and chaos will ensue, everything will get out of control. Growing like a snowball, the conflict will eventually lead to the final, apocalyptic battle between Good and Evil.

« And you will trample on the wicked, for they will be dust under the soles of your feet.

that day that I will do, says the Lord of hosts» (Mal.4:2-3)

This conflict will end with the use of terrible weapons, and this will mark the end of the fourth cycle. Only those who remain faithful to the will and covenants of the Great Creator will survive.

Then the period of the Great Purification will come, when there will be no wars, peace and harmony will once again descend on the Earth. The wounds of the planet will be healed, Mother Earth will bloom again, and people will unite in peace and harmony. This will begin a new, fifth cycle.

Among other things, the Hopi foretell the appearance of a mysterious disease that will claim many lives until a cure is found.

Until 2035, according to Hopi prophecies, major natural disasters and astronomical phenomena will occur that will clear the planet of “extra” earthlings.

On the eve of apocalyptic times, a bright star will appear in the sky...

More about Hopi prophecies

Very ancient stone tablets kept by the Hopi Indians speak of three ancient civilizations that were destroyed by fire, glaciation and flood. The present civilization is depicted in amazing detail. For example, the tablets say that people living in different parts of the Earth will communicate with each other via threads stretched in the sky and underground, that thinking machines will be created. A nuclear weapon is described as a device of overwhelming force that produces a mushroom-shaped cloud.

Before the start of the previous war with Iraq (known as Operation Desert Storm), Hopi chief and elder Martin Gashweseoma called a press conference at which he showed white people for the first time ancient texts written in special runes on stone tiles (tablets).

According to the prophecies contained in them, the attack on Iraq was the beginning of the Third World War. The prophecies said that the first stage of the war would be local, but after some time it would develop into the next phase - nuclear.

“In those days you will hear of houses up to the heavens that will fall with a great crash,” says an ancient text written on stone tablets of the Hopi Indians. The tribe had no doubts about how to interpret the explosion of skyscrapers in New York on September 11, 2001: the terrorist attack once again confirmed that World War III, in accordance with the ancient prediction, is already underway, although many people do not yet understand this.

It should be emphasized that according to ancient Hopi texts, even the beginning of a nuclear war is not the end of humanity. Hopi prophecies speak of the coming at the end of time, beyond the great salt water (ocean), of a half-god, half-man - the True White Brother, who will protect the righteous from the rest of the aggressive, selfish and greedy world.

Martin Gashweseoma, Kikmongwis, i.e. chief and elder of the Hopi Indians:

– Providence has chosen us to be seers of disasters. The Hopi predicted the First World War. On March 27, 1911, our leader, Ukiuma, warned President Taft of an impending threat to the world. A recording of the conversation has been preserved.

The Hopi were also the first to predict both World War II and World War III. We predicted devastating earthquakes in California, Japan and Turkey down to the day. We warned the world about a comet hitting another planet in July 1994. (We are talking about comet Shoemaker-Levy, 21 fragments of which fell on Jupiter).

When asked about the future prosperity of Kikmongwis, Martin said, looking at the sacred stone tablet:

– White Brother is already among you. And he will stay with you for another 15 years (said in 2003). Be prepared for anything, stock up on bread, water, candles... Rely on us - only the Hopi can make the world turn in the right direction. And in difficult times, call to me.

Until 2020, Hopi spirits warn of increased solar activity, global climate change and rising air temperatures. The Hopi are also confident that a powerful atomic explosion will yet occur on Earth...

As a result, global warming will lead to melting ice and rising sea levels, and further to the flooding of low-lying land areas. In contrast, the tropics will be covered in ice. The tilt of the earth's axis is also set to change... But, according to the Hopi, this will be discussed in more detail and accurately in the next 50-80 years.

Until 2035, numerous natural disasters and celestial phenomena may occur that will clear the planet of “extra” earthlings... A mysterious disease will contribute to this and will wipe out humanity like a plague. It will collect numerous victims, because it will not be possible to find a cure for it.

According to the Hopi, earthly civilization is not doomed and humanity has a future. But first you will have to pay a certain price for your arrogance and unreasonableness, for your inability to live in harmony with the world.

« I will contend with your adversaries, and I will save your sons; and your oppressors

I will feed them with my own flesh, and they will be drunk with my blood» (Isa.49:25-26)

The Hopi talk about “machines from the sky” that will save those who follow the voice of reason and live in harmony with the world; they talk about houses on the Moon and the Red Earth; remind us of a new bright star that will soon appear in the sky...

Another strange prophecy, passed down from generation to generation, apparently speaks of the method of human cloning: “a wife will be able to have children without the help of her husband, and everyone will begin to reproduce themselves.”

On this day, according to the Hopi, “the great spirit will appear again,” and part of humanity will move to another world (or another dimension). Although, it is possible that humanity will come to its senses sooner, and then the entire Earth will move to another world. This prophecy does not exclude this.

Quote from Dan Katchongwa's famous speech

“We have teachings and prophecies telling us that we must be alert for signs and omens that will come to give us the courage and strength to stand up for our beliefs. Blood will flow! Our hair and our clothes will be scattered on the earth. Nature will speak to us with the mighty breath of the wind.

There will be earthquakes and floods, causing great disasters, changes in seasons and weather, loss of wildlife and widespread famine. Gradually, corruption and tangled relationships between leaders and people around the world will take hold, and wars will break out like powerful winds. All this was planned from the very beginning of creation.

We will have three people standing behind us, ready to fulfill our prophecies when we find ourselves in hopeless difficulties: The Symbol of Fur, which refers to a plant that has long roots, milky sap, grows again when pruned, and has a swastika-shaped flower , symbolizing the four great forces of nature in motion.

Sun symbol. And a red symbol. The invasion of the Bahanna (white man) into the Hopi way of life will set the symbol of Fur in motion, so that some people will work on the four great forces of nature (four directions: control of forces, primordial force), which will rock the world into a state of war. When this happens, we will know that our prophecies are coming true. We will gather strength and persevere.

This great movement will fail. But because its existence is like milk, and because it is under the control of the four forces of nature, it will rise again to set the world in motion, creating a new war in which both symbols - Furs and the Sun - will work. Then it will rest to rise a third time. Our prophecy predicts that the third event will be decisive. Our path plan predicts the outcome.

The sacred writings speak the words of the Great Spirit. This may mean the mysterious seed of life: two principles tomorrow, pointing to one within which there are two. Third and last, what will it bring, purification or destruction?

This third event will depend on the red symbol taking over, setting the four forces of nature (Furs) in motion in favor of the Sun. When he turns these forces into motion, the entire world will shake and turn red, turning against the people who are interfering with Hopi cultural life. For all these people, the Day of Cleansing will come.

The Purifier, under the command of the Red Symbol, with the help of the sun and the Fur, will weed out the wicked who have disrupted the Hopi way of life, the true way of life on Earth. This will be the cleansing of all righteous people, the Earth and all life on Earth. All diseases of the Earth will be cured. Mother Earth will bloom again and all people will unite in peace and harmony for a long time.”

Thanks to a comment from one of our readers, interesting information was revealed about the White Feather Prophecy of the Hopi Tribe. We became interested in this topic, added to it and are posting it for everyone to see. After all, this is another fragment of the overall picture of the world today, which our distant ancestors undoubtedly knew about. Of course, we assume that the predictions have undergone some changes over the centuries. But the essence remains, no matter how the human mind distorts it.

So what do we know about the Hopi Indians? According to online sources, these are representatives of one of the most ancient civilizations in North America, who inhabited approximately the same territory before the cataclysms that resulted in the continent splitting apart. And, according to the Hopi, they were saved by the gods - the Kachina, who subsequently returned to Earth more than once in the form of people, gave knowledge, and helped develop science and culture. The name Hopi itself is short for Hopituh Shi-nu-mu and means “people of peace.” As Wikipedia states, “The concept of a “peaceful people” is deeply rooted in culture, religion, ritual, and views on morality and ethics. The Hopi religion is pacifist in spirit, implying respect for all things and phenomena in the world and peaceful coexistence with all phenomena according to the commandments of Maaso, the creator and guardian of the Earth."

An interesting fact is that in the Hopi dialect there is no concept of time. They only use the word “now.” And also matriarchy still reigns in their tribes, that is, the veneration of the Feminine principle.

Now the Hopi live on the territory of the reservation located in the Northeast of Arizona and number about 6 thousand inhabitants. They possess the art of healing, and also store ancient knowledge about the world and man. This information requires more detailed study. But in this case we are interested in something else. After all, the attention of the world community (especially on the eve of the much-hyped End of the World in 2012, and the most significant predictions were associated with this date, but, as we see, erroneously) was most likely due to the fact that the Hopi Indians have amazing prophetic abilities. According to sources, they at one time predicted the war in Iraq, World War II, earthquakes in Japan, Turkey and California. There is information that they predicted the tragedy of September 11, 2001 in New York, USA, but, unfortunately, no one heard them then.

Most of the prophecies were described in his book by Thomas Miles (writer, artist, ethnologist, author of ten books about American Indians). He writes that the Hopi have a secret book kept by the Elders of the tribe. The book contains more than 100 predictions, about 80 of which have already come true. Moreover, these prophecies, as well as the warning about the end of the world, were given to them 1,100 years ago by a certain mysterious deity, a Prophet and Spiritual teacher named Masso (in other sources - Maaso). Little is known about this prophet. The Hopi consider him the guardian of the Earth and the Servant of the Supreme God (Bodhisattva, like Jesus for Christians). There is also information that humanity has entered an era of great changes and by 2035, global climate changes, numerous disasters will occur on the planet, and many people will die. This will be a war of Good and Evil, the result of the consumer development of humanity, a period of purification. In these times, only those who remained “faithful to the will and covenants of the great Creator” will survive. On the eve of the beginning of the end, a bright star will appear in the sky. Moreover, the description of these events is in many ways similar to the biblical Apocalypse. Now they are waiting for a certain missing White Brother, Pagan, the one whom all the brothers on Earth are waiting for.

Isn't it interesting? But let's not draw premature conclusions. But we will only give excerpts of the predictions we found. Here is one of them, which contains information about the appearance of an unusual star near our planet:

An Ancient Hopi Prophecy says. When the Blue Star Kachina appears in the skies, the 5th world will appear. This will be the day of Purification. This will happen when Sakwuasahuh (blue) Kachina dances in the square and takes off his mask. On the final day we will see in the heavens and we will witness the return of the two brothers who helped create this world at the time of birth. Gemini will be spotted in our northwest skies. The return of the Blue Kachina, who is also known as Nen Ga Sohu, will be a warning that tells us that there will soon be a new day, a new way of life and a new world arrival. When the Purifier arrives we will see it first as a small red star that will come very close and sit in our skies, watching over us. This Purifier will show us many wonderful signs in our skies. Then one morning we will wake up to the Red Dawn. The sky will be the color of blood.

World War III will be a spiritual conflict against material values. Material values ​​will be destroyed by spiritual beings who will remain on earth to create a single world and a single people - the world of the Creator.

From the sunrise the Hopi will come to the land Pacana, the long-awaited True White Brother. His face has changed after many centuries of separation, but his hair remains black (a sign of “his”). By this sign the Hopi recognize him. He alone of all strangers will be able to read the tiponi (Hopi history tablets). When he returns, he will attach to the Fire Family tablet the broken corner he brings with him, and by this the Hopi will know that he is a True White Brother.

He will be in a red cloak and a red hat (an interesting association with the Red Horseman Rigden Djappo - author's note) . The pattern on his clothes will be like the pattern on the back of a horned toad (a type of lizard that lives in the desert of the southwestern United States). He has no religion other than his own(!), and he will bring tiponi with him. He will be omnipotent and no one will be able to resist him. One day he will take power over all of Turtle Island (the Indian name for North America). If it comes from the east, the catastrophe will be small. But if he comes from the west, do not go out onto the rooftops to watch him, for he will be merciless (Hopi houses do not have windows. Residents go out onto the rooftops to observe what is happening).

The True White Brother will be escorted two powerful and wise helpers (in the printed texts of the prophecy there are two helpers. But the narrator speaks of them in the plural, hinting that they are not individuals, but entire nations). One will bring with him the swastika sign - a symbol of male purity. The second assistant will bring the sign of the Celtic Cross drawn in red, the color of female blood, from which life comes.

When the end of the Fourth World is near, these two mighty helpers will shake the earth. First a little, for preparation, then two more times (strongly). After this, True White Brother will join them. Together with the Younger Brother (Hopi), and other peace-loving peoples, they will lay the foundation for the Fifth World.

Let's supplement all of the above with a small quote from the Kikmongvis, that is, the elder, Chief Martin Gashweseom regarding the question of the future of Russia (apparently, this means the Slavic lands, since it is unlikely that the Hopi Indians divided these territories into states - author's note):

White Brother is already among you. And he will stay with you for another 15 years (said in 2003). Be prepared for anything, stock up on bread, water, candles...

The most famous is the Prediction of White Feather, an elder of the Hopi Indians, which in the form of a Legend tells of nine signs (it was first published in 1959 among American Methodist and Presbytarian pastors, in the form of a newsletter printed on a rotator):

- My people are waiting for Pakan, the missing White Brother, just as all our brothers on Earth are waiting for him. He will not be like those white people - evil and greedy - whom we now know. We were told about their coming a long time ago. But we are still waiting for Pakan. He will bring with him symbols(a swastika rotating clockwise is a sacred symbol of the Hopi and other Indian tribes) and the lost corner of the table that our elders keep, which will prove that he is our True White Brother (the history of the Hopi wanderings is depicted on four stone tablets. The second corner is broken off. By According to legend, the Hopi gave it to their ancestor Pakana). The Fourth World will soon end and the Fifth World will begin. Elders everywhere know this. The signs of many years have been fulfilled, and few remain undone.

- Here is the first sign: We were told about the coming of white-skinned people, similar to Pakan, but not living like him - people who will take the land that does not belong to them, people who will strike their enemies with thunder.

– Here is the second sign: Our lands will see the coming of wooden wheels full of voices. In my youth, my father saw with his own eyes the fulfillment of this prophecy - white people carrying their families in carts across the steppes.

- Here is the third sign: Strange cattle, like bison, but with large, long horns, will cover the earth in countless numbers. White Feather saw this with his own eyes - this is the white man's cattle.

– Here is the fourth sign: The earth will be entwined with iron snakes. (Railroads).

– Here is the fifth sign: The earth will be entwined with a giant web. (Electricity, telephone lines, internet, etc.)

– Here is the sixth sign: The earth will be crossed (in all directions) by rivers of stone that produce images in the sun. (Highway roads. In hot weather, mirages of puddles and cars appear on them).

– Here is the seventh sign: You will hear that the sea has turned black, and many living beings are dying from this. (There had never been a catastrophic oil spill in 1958).

- Here is the eighth sign: You will see how many youths wearing long hair, like my people, will come and join the tribal peoples (i.e., the Indians) to learn their customs and wisdom. (The first hippies appeared only six years later).

“And here is the ninth and final sign: You will hear about a dwelling in the heavens, high above the earth, which will fall to the earth with a terrible roar. It will be, in the image, like a blue star. Soon after this, the rituals of my people will end.

These are Signs of great destruction to come. The earth will shake (will turn back and forth). White people will fight with other people, in other countries - those who have acquired the first light of wisdom (obviously, the war in the Middle East, the cradle of ancient knowledge).

The Hopi believe that humanity must undergo purification by fire. And this test will help separate the wheat from the chaff. Thus, for some, the end of the fourth world will be more difficult than for others. And the result will be either the revival of humanity or its complete destruction. The choice of path remains up to the people themselves.

The surprising thing is that completely different peoples, representatives of past civilizations from different parts of the world know some common information, which, despite some differences, has a lot in common. Without a doubt, having passed through the associations of the minds of more than one generation of people, ancient knowledge is distorted, but the general essence of the predictions remains. The question suggests itself: why do we still not know about this and who is hiding them from us so carefully? It's time to think.

Prepared by Eva Kim (Russia)


One bird has two wings - and it flies. Two birds have four wings - and they do not fly. Birds are connected to each other...

Today, the Hopi Indians live on reservations in northeastern Arizona. Oraibi is the unofficial capital of the local Indians, and the tribe itself currently numbers only about 6,000 people. Indian settlement arose in these parts at the beginning of the eighth century, and the first meeting of the Hopi with Europeans occurred in 1540, when the latter were obsessed with the idea of ​​finding the mystical country of Eldorado. What's interesting is that the Hopi language has no concept of time. They only have the word “now.” Any Hopi knows that time is a continuous energy flow without past, present and future. Each Indian of this tribe has the ability to connect to the memory and soul of his ancestors and can ask for help from them in a critical situation. The Indians make contact with the inhabitants of the “other world” in numerous tiny rooms that are located quite deep underground. However, the greatest treasure of the Hopi tribe is the ancient stone slabs, preserved by shamans and passed down from generation to generation. The so-called message of the ancestors is recorded on these slabs. “It is on these slabs,” say the Hopi, “that the entire future of mankind is written down in detail.” The Hopi Indians have this custom: every year the most powerful shaman receives new information from heaven, and the council of elders brings the information received to the President of the United States. Some of the most shocking prophecies of Hopi shamans are still classified. Experts from the parapsychology laboratory working under the White House administration decipher the symbols used by the Hopi and make recommendations to the government. The US government, relying on Hopi predictions, is trying to prevent the development of the darkest scenarios. Today, interest in Hopi prophecies is growing year by year. Interest especially grew after the tragedy that befell the United States on September 11, 2002. As it later turned out, Hopi shamans two years before this tragedy, with the destruction of the World Trade Center buildings by terrorists and numerous victims, warned the US government about it, but the authorities did not take the Indian messages seriously at that moment...

Over many years of recording information, Hopi spirits have never been wrong in their predictions. Therefore, dear readers, let's listen more carefully to the predictions of the shamans.

Hopi spirits speak about global climate change and rising air temperatures in the earth's atmosphere. Shamans warn: by 2020, humanity will experience numerous temperature anomalies, the water level in the world's oceans will rise, and solar activity will become truly dangerous for people. Shamans say that soon a powerful explosion of a bomb akin to an atomic one will occur on Earth - the same as what already took place in the distant past. (The Hopi Indians still remember the explosion of an experimental atomic bomb detonated at a test site near their reservation. At that time, only thanks to an unknown powerful force that inexplicably destroyed radiation, the Hopi remained alive).

Hopi spirits say that humanity has entered an era of great change, and all the old patterns of people's lives and their relationships will change irreversibly. Shamans say that the planet itself will change: the tropics, for example, will be covered with ice, and where there was ice there will be tropics. The tilt of the Earth's axis will change, the water level in the seas and oceans will rise significantly, and as a result, many islands and continents will disappear under water...

Shamans predict that the energy of spirits has recently become increasingly stronger; invisible forces are increasingly controlling human thoughts and actions. Soon those who do not appreciate the richness of nature and its diversity and do not live in harmony with pure nature will die...

Hopi spirits say that by 2035, numerous cataclysms and celestial phenomena will occur in nature, which will completely clear our planet of “extra” earthlings. The great spirit of the Hopi warns the population of the globe about a mysterious disease that will wipe out humanity like a plague. This invisible disease, caused by the rays of the blue star, will collect too many victims, because it will not be possible to find a cure for it.

Hopi shamans also talk about “machines from the sky” that will save those who follow the voice of reason and live in harmony with the world and with living nature, they talk about houses on the Moon and on the Red Earth (Mars), they remind of a new huge star, which will soon appear in the sky.

Another Hopi prophecy, passed down by Indians from generation to generation, apparently speaks of the method of human cloning: “a wife will be able to have children without the help of her husband, and each person will be able to reproduce himself.”

It is unlikely that the Hopi predictions are fairy tales: after all, all previous prophecies of the Hopi Indians have already been confirmed by history itself. That is why in recent years, US government experts have paid close attention to the predictions of the ancient people. The White House paid particular attention to this prophecy of the Hopi shamans:

“December 23, 2012 will be the most important day for earthly civilization. On this day, the Great Spirit (Maitreya) will appear again on Earth. And the best part of humanity will move into the Fourth Dimension.”

Frightened by the 100% success of the Hopi predictions, the US government reviewed the latest prophecy in a special meeting. It took into account the approaching planetoid Nibiru, and the problems of the supergiant Yellowstone volcano, which is waking up under the lands of the United States and is about to explode, and the increase in solar radiation activity, and decided: “Everyone cannot be saved. Save yourself, whoever can!” On instructions from the ruling party, CIA analysts calculated: “The safest place on Earth after the Pole Shift is the country of Liberia.” After such a CIA report to the government, money flowed into Liberia from the United States. This is where the cream of American society will go after the disaster. Over the past two or three years, billions of dollars have been pumped into a small state in western Africa to build an autonomous underground city. In Liberia, a network of beautiful roads, airports and an extensive system of deep, very, very comfortable bunkers for the families of multimillionaires were “instantly” built. In a year, the entire underground city is planned to be put into operation. In this huge city, the American elite will be able to sit underground for several decades, and then, when the situation stabilizes, begin to restore the destroyed state.

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The Hopi Indians today live on reservations in northeastern Arizona (USA). Oraibi is the unofficial capital of the local Indians, and the number of the tribe itself is only about 6,000 people.
The settlement arose in these parts at the beginning of the 8th century. The first meeting of the Hopi with Europeans occurred in 1540, when the latter were obsessed with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bfinding the mystical land of Eldorado.

The Hopi language has no concept of time. there is only the word “now”.
Any Indian knows that time is a continuous energy flow without past, present and future.
Each Hopi has the ability to connect to the memory and soul of his ancestors and can ask for help from them in a critical situation.
Contact with the inhabitants of the “other world” is carried out in numerous tiny rooms that are located quite deep underground.
The greatest treasure of the Hopi tribe is ancient stone slabs, preserved by shamans and passed down from generation to generation, on which the so-called message of the ancestors is recorded.
It is on these slabs, the Hopi claim, that the entire future of humanity is recorded in detail.
Every year, the most powerful shaman receives new information from heaven, and the council of elders brings the received information to the President of the United States.
Some prophecies are still classified; experts from the parapsychology laboratory working under the White House administration are deciphering the symbols used by the Hopi and trying to prevent the development of the darkest scenarios.
Today, interest in the Hopi is growing year by year, especially after the tragedy that befell the United States on September 11, 2002.
As it turned out, the Hopi warned about it a year in advance, but the authorities did not take the Indian messages seriously at that moment...
So what are the Hopi spirits talking about? they warn about global climate change and rising air temperatures (which is already happening).
Until 2020, humanity will experience numerous temperature anomalies, the water level in the world's oceans will rise, and solar activity will become truly dangerous for people.
The Hopi are also confident that there will be a powerful explosion of a bomb akin to an atomic bomb on earth - the same as what already took place in the distant past (the old Indians still remember the explosion of an experimental atomic bomb that was detonated at a test site near their reservation. At that time only thanks to an unknown powerful force, which inexplicably destroyed the radiation, the Hopi remained alive.)
Humanity, they say, has entered an era of great change, and all the old patterns of people's lives and their relationships will change irreversibly. The planet itself will change: the tropics, for example, will be covered with ice, and the tilt of the earth’s axis will also change.
The water level in the seas and oceans will also become different, and in connection with this, many continents will disappear under water, while others will survive, but, according to the Hopi, more details about this will be possible in the next 50-80 years.
The energy of spirits has recently been felt more and more strongly, invisible forces are increasingly controlling human thoughts and actions, those who do not appreciate the richness of nature and its diversity, do not live in harmony with it, there is no place among the chosen ones, those who, after cataclysms, will remain to live on our planet.
Until 2035, numerous cataclysms and celestial phenomena will occur in nature, which will clear our planet of “extra” earthlings. The great spirit of the Hopi also warns of a mysterious disease that will wipe out humanity like a plague; it will collect numerous victims, because a cure for it will not be found .
However, there is still no need to be afraid, our civilization is not doomed, and, according to Hopi prophecies, humanity has a future, but first we will have to pay the price for our arrogance and unreasonableness, for our inability to live in harmony with the world.
The Hopis also talk about “machines from the sky” that will save those who follow the voice of reason and live in harmony with the world, they talk about houses on the moon and the red earth, they remind of a new star that will soon appear in the sky (by the way, NASA astronomers recently discovered a strange object 350 times larger than the sun, located so far outside the solar system, the description of this strange object given by the Hopi coincides with data from telescopes and satellites.)
What are these, fairy tales? - unlikely, because many of the prophecies of the Hopi Indians have already been confirmed by history itself. Therefore, in recent years, experts have paid special attention to the predictions of the ancient people and, in particular, to the fact that December 23, 2012 will be the most important day for earthly civilization.
On this day, according to the Hopi, “the great spirit will appear again, and part of humanity will move into the fourth dimension, this, however, can happen to our entire planet, because, according to prophecies, this is part of the evolutionary plan of the creator.