Thanatological ideas of the ancient Greeks about the soul. How did people imagine the earth in ancient times?

MYTHOLOGY OF ANCIENT GREECE RELIGIOUS BELIEF OF THE ANCIENT GREEKS Project of 6th grade student “L” Olga Tsyupka. Project manager: Shagunova Irina Alekseevna.

RELEVANCE The relevance of the project lies in introducing the values ​​of world culture through the study of mythology Ancient Greece. I would like my project to draw attention to oral folk art, gave an idea about religious ideas ancient Greeks.

OBJECTIVES To introduce students to the religion of Ancient Greece, to give an idea of ​​myth and its nature. Arouse interest among students, stimulate students to independently read myths not presented in the project. Develop the ability to independently find the necessary information in different sources, analyze it and draw conclusions.

OBJECTIVES: To get acquainted with the religion of Ancient Greece; expand the idea of ​​the origin of the gods; prepare and demonstrate a presentation on a chosen topic; awaken interest in studying additional sources on literature and mythology.

RELIGION OF ANCIENT GREECE The dominant form of religion in Ancient Greece was the cult of patron gods. This cult was of an official nature and was mandatory for all citizens. Violators faced severe punishment. The indictment of Socrates, sentenced to death, read: “He did not honor the gods whom the city honors, but introduced new deities.”

ANCIENT GREEK MYTHS The myths of Ancient Greece about patron gods developed long before the advent of written history. These are the legends about ancient life Greeks, and reliable information is intertwined in tales about heroes with fiction. Ancient Greek is one of the most famous mythologies that have survived to this day. It became the basis for the emergence of ancient literature, which is considered the cradle of European literature.

PANTHEON OF GODS Pantheon is a group of gods belonging to the same religion or mythology. The head of the Olympian family of gods was Zeus supreme deity, father of gods and people. Zeus is the son of Kronos and Rhea, he belongs to the third generation of gods who overthrew the second generation - the Titans. Three brothers - Zeus, Poseidon and Hades divided power among themselves. Zeus got dominance in the sky, Poseidon - the sea, Hades - the kingdom of the dead. Zeus rules on Mount Olympus and is called Olympian.

WHAT ARE THEY, GODS? v v v The gods in the minds of the ancient Greeks did not create the world by an act of their will, they were its stewards; The gods of Ancient Greece did not promise immortality to man; religion was focused on earthly life; According to the religion of Ancient Greece, the gods were capable of good and bad deeds; The religion of Ancient Greece did not create a single set of beliefs with mandatory observance; The Greek priests did not play any role as a spiritual guide.

ANCIENT GREEK RITES In the Archaic era of Ancient Greece, there were no temples yet. Then cult rituals took place under open air V sacred places, the selection criterion for which was usually natural beauty. Participants in the ceremonies drank, ate, sang and danced.

PRIESTS AND SACRIFICES The priesthood was not a caste in Ancient Greece and serving God was a public matter. The duties of the priests included the daily maintenance of the cult of God: making sacrifices, decorating statues, etc. Some priests were engaged in healing and fortune-telling. The positions of priests were considered honorary and did not confer any power.

TEMPLES OF ANCIENT GREECE Subsequently, each god had his own temple and priests, who monitored compliance with all established rules for the performance of religious rites dedicated to this god.

IMMORTAL RESIDENTS OF OLYMPUS In the minds of the ancient Greeks, the gods were very similar to people, and the relationship between them resembled the relationship between people. They were both noble and vengeful, kind and cruel. Greek gods quarreled and made peace, interfered in the lives of people who took part in wars. Each of the gods was engaged in his own business, in charge of a certain “economy” in the world.

LEGACY OF ANCIENT GREEK MYTHS Fabulous, filled with divine mythological creatures religion of the Greeks and Greek mythology created many legends and tales that tell in detail about the lives of gods, heroes and mere mortals. These tales have survived to this day, entering the treasury of world history.

REFERENCES Danilova G. I. World artistic culture. M., 2011 V. M. Fedoseenko Gods and people of the ancient world: short dictionary. – M., 1995 Mikhailovsky F.A. History of the Ancient World. Book for teachers. M., 2000. http: //zarlitra. in. ua/7 -13. html - myth and literature http: //rushist. com/index. php/mifologiya/2339 -religiya-drevnejgretsii - Russian historical literature, religion of Ancient Greece http: //www. portalostranah. ru/view. php? id=358 – features of religion in Ancient Greece

LITHUANIA EDUCOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF PHILOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF RUSSIAN PHILOLOGY AND DIDACTICS THE ANCIENT GREEKS' CONCEPTS ABOUT THE ORIGIN OF HUMANITY Completed by: Vilmantas Patsevicius Russian Philology and Intercultural Communication IV year, 2nd group Vilnius, 20 12 It can be argued that myth is one of the earliest and most significant elements of ancient culture. Myth - “universal generalization human life, the life-giving energy of culture, one might say, is an integral property of all culture”1. Myth is a single whole, it contains both “real and fictional, both rational and emotional, both natural and cultural”2. The myth “Five Ages” describes five centuries (generations of people) of which each subsequent one was worse than the previous one. I decided to characterize all five centuries in the form of a table. Characteristics of five centuries Golden Silver Copper Demigods- Iron heroes Life: Life: Life: Life: Life: Long; short Terrible "happy, sad difficult "painless unhappy terrible carefree", ("exhausting and happy"; full of grief and without sadness sadness; worries; like unreasonable; "eternal feast"; joyless. Death: Death: Death: Death: like " calm, In the "underground "black death" calm; in a quiet sleep" gloomy "island kingdom" of the blessed" labor") far from people Values: Values: Values: Values: Values: happiness; misfortune; grief “pride and courage; evil; disrespect for harmony; war abundant masculinity to parents; peace with groans” heroism infidelity (“each other is not faithful to each other”); 1 Gorokhov V.F. Ancient culture: at the origins European civilization. [Date of access: November 29, 2013] 2 Ibid. "dislike"; lack of truth and goodness, justice and conscience; violence; “pride and strength”; People: People: People: People: People: healthy; unreasonable; “terrible and brave; unfaithful; proud; joyful; the unfortunate are the mighty"; the strong are disrespectful to the happy “huge attitude towards growth and their parents; indestructible inhospitable; strength"; cruel, evil and aggressive (“destroyed each other”); This myth quite clearly shows the regression of the human race, when people became worse and worse. As confirmation of my words, I will cite the words of one of the most prominent archaeologists in Russia, Vadim Mikhailovich Masson, who wrote that this myth represented “a kind of evolution with the opposite sign, when people gradually became morally decomposed, became corrupted and became worse and worse”3. “Reverse evolution” is very accurately noted. The change of centuries is shining example regression of people. From the best, everything goes to the worse, as if in an incremental manner (gradation). Another myth that interests us is “Deucalion and Pyrrha.” Zeus, angry at the people of the Copper Age, decided to destroy all living things and sent a flood to the earth. Deucalion, on the advice of Prometheus, built an ark in the form of a large box, on which he and Pyrrha escaped during the nine-day flood that destroyed humanity. On the tenth day, the water began to subside, and the ark landed on Mount Parnassus. Having descended safely to the ground and made sacrifices 3 Masson V.M. The first civilizations. - L. - 1989. - 20 p. Zeus, Deucalion received advice from him on how to revive the human race. Having wrapped their heads and loosened their belts, Deucalion and Pyrrha had to throw stones over their heads. They carried out the order. Men appeared from the stones thrown by Deucalion, and women appeared from the stones of Pyrrha. We can say that the creators (progenitors) of humanity are precisely Deucalion and his wife Pyrrha. In many myths (and in these two, of course), the most important power is God (most often Zeus). Not only fate depends on him individuals, but also of all humanity, which can be proven by the example of the myth “Deucalion and Pyrrha”. After all, why did the flood happen, namely because Zeus was angry with King Lycaon for sacrificing a hostage to Zeus himself. And in general, I believe that the cause of the flood itself was the destruction of the world order established by the gods. The gods must be respected, honored, they rule the world (“wicked, they did not obey the Olympian gods”) and this disrespect, the corruption of people, was the impetus for the flood. It seems to me that these two myths (Five Ages and Deucalion and Pyrrha) are connected. After all, the “copper” people loved war and were proud, in other words, it was a “spoiled”, “dirty” generation of people that needed to be cleansed. I believe that the flood needed to be in itself as a form of cleansing of people. Here we can emphasize such properties of water as “washing away sin, dissolving old life and the birth of a new one"4. This myth can be attributed to anthropogonic myths, which speak “about the origin (including creation) of man,”5 but on the other hand, I think this myth can also be attributed to eschatological myths, which speak “about the end of the world, the temporary or final"6. Let me sum it up. Two theses can be formulated: 1. The creator (progenitor) of humanity was God (in the myth “Five Ages” it was he who created the “human race”). 2. Humanity originated from the stones thrown by Deucalion (men) and Pyrrha (women). 4 Tresidder J. Dictionary of symbols. - M., 1999. - 44 p. 5 Myths of the peoples of the world: Encyclopedia. M., 1980. - T. 1. - 87 p. 6 Meletinsky E.M. From myth to literature. M., - 2000. - 28 p. References 1. Gorokhov V.F. Ancient culture: at the origins of European civilization // [Access date: 11/29/2013]. 2. Masson, V. M. First civilizations. - L.: Nauka, 1989. 3. Meletinsky E.M. From myth to literature. M.: Russian State University for the Humanities, 2000. 4. Myths of the peoples of the world. Encyclopedia. (In 2 volumes) / Ch. ed. S. A. Tokarev. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1980. - T. 1. 5. Tresidder D. Dictionary of symbols. M., FAIR PRESS. 1999.

The flora and fauna were not particularly diverse. But the mountainous areas were rich in Natural resources. Deposits of iron ore, precious metals and marble were discovered in many places. Deposits of high-quality clay and building stone were encountered.

Ancient periods of development of Greece

The Cretan-Mycenaean period occurred at the end of the 3rd - beginning of the 2nd millennium BC. e., and is considered the earliest origin of European civilization. It was during this period that state formations arose on the territory of Greece.

The first state was formed on the island of Crete, where it was developed economic activity, crafts, trade was established. Masters created delicate masterpieces of ceramics with animals and plants depicted on them, and bronze items. Cities were built on the coast around palaces, the remains of which are amazing in wealth interior decoration. The Cretan kingdom had a powerful fleet and developed trade relations.

The Cretan state was replaced by the Mycenaean one. The Mycenaeans were warlike tribes that invaded Crete. They developed trade relations and engaged in agriculture. The Mycenaeans adapted the writing that had previously appeared on the island for their language, as evidenced by the found tablets with ancient writings.

Around 1100 BC e. The Cretan-Mycenaean civilization completely disappeared. Complete economic decline came, writing was lost, many crafts were forgotten. The population has decreased significantly. Scientists call this period “ Dark Age"in Greek history.

The Archaic period was marked by significant population growth, the development of crafts and an increase in the well-being of the people. Looking for suitable Agriculture Greek lands spread throughout the Mediterranean and the Black Sea coast, establishing trade relations. Many city-states arose, where various crafts flourished - pottery, metal and iron products were made, stones were finely processed. Greek temples appear, decorated with statues in the style of realism.

The classical period was marked by the rapid development of art, literature, philosophical sciences and politics. It's time to bloom Greek civilization, its culture and statehood. The period was marked by close cooperation between disparate city-states and Athens, whose fleet played decisive role in the war with the Persians.


The mythological ideas of the ancient Greeks evolved over centuries, and myths and legends were formed about the immortal gods living on Mount Olympus. It is based on mythological data that one can recreate full picture Greek ideas about the world.

The earth was inhabited by formidable giants and monsters, titans and cyclops. Natural phenomena are reflected in Greek deities. This is how the god Zeus arose - the powerful thunderer, the father of all gods and people.

The gods in the vision of the Greeks were endowed human traits externally, as well as the characters and vices of people. Their relationship was very similar to ordinary human ones. They quarreled, betrayed each other, fell in love, broke up. Each of the gods was responsible for some kind of craft or activity, patronized some kind of art, or personified a natural phenomenon. People built temples for their gods and brought them gifts. Every greek city had its own patron, protecting its inhabitants from wars and misfortunes.

Myths and stories about legendary heroes reflected in many ancient literary sources, describing them immortal feats. A bunch of mythological stories were used by sculptors to create their masterpieces.

The science

In ancient times, the Greeks explained everything natural phenomena and processes by the will of the gods, but over time they began to apply scientific approach. In Greece they studied mathematics, rhetoric, biology, philosophy, medicine and many other sciences.

The Greeks managed to systematize the knowledge of the peoples of Mesopotamia and Egypt, combining them into a common mathematical science. Archimedes, Euclid and Pythagoras made great contributions to the development of exact sciences. They also took philosophy seriously, trying to explain the origin of the world and the role of man in it. Special attention focused on the problems of a particular person, his professional activity and life under state conditions. The great philosophers of those times were Aristotle, Socrates, Plato and Heraclides Pontius.

Schools were organized where young Greeks could learn reading, writing, mathematics, as well as dancing and athletics, which allowed them to develop comprehensively.

Alexandria became the scientific center of Greece. IN Library of Alexandria and the museum attracted scientists from all over the Mediterranean. Outstanding artists and poets, sculptors and playwrights created their masterpieces here.


In the era of Ancient Greece, there were both private and public educational establishments. Anyone could get an education free man, regardless of his position in society. The principles of training were based on personal and team competition. Students were taught how exact sciences, and musical, developed physically and spiritually, taught the basics moral code citizen. Education took place in stages, starting from lower school and ending with gymnasiums.

Boys learned writing and reading, as well as playing the lyre or cithara. Preparation for military service. At such classes, students learned discus throwing, running and jumping, and trained endurance and perseverance. In Sparta, boys were taken from their families and raised with a strong emphasis on physical education. They taught students from a very young age to be able to endure hardship, hunger and pain.

Girls primarily learned crafts - weaving, pottery, spinning. They learned to write and read, as well as dancing, gymnastics and singing.

Arts of Ancient Greece

Of all the arts, the most rapid rise was noticeable in literary genre. Of the large number of ancient masterpieces of Greek literature, very few have reached our time, but they determined the development of literature throughout Western civilization. Ancient literature includes works by philosophers, poets and writers.

Ancient authors borrowed the alphabet from the Phoenicians. For a long time they wrote from right to left, and only in the 6th century BC. e. writing acquired its usual form. Early themes literary works inextricably linked with ancient Greek myths. The most common genre was epic. Homer's epic poems "The Iliad" and "The Odyssey" are considered masterpieces of literature. They were a source of knowledge for many generations, chanting exploits and legendary lives heroes.

Later in Greece, a lyrical form of poetry emerged, as well as fables teaching moral behavior and virtue. An independent genre became dramaturgy, which became widespread.

Ancient Greek theater arose from a ritual performance in honor of the god Dionysus. This is how the first two genres were formed - comedy and tragedy. The plots were closely related to mythology, were of a moral nature, raised important issues, close to every person. Comedies were usually ridiculed human weaknesses and were satirical image famous philosophers and politicians of that time.

Theaters were built in the open air. They had a round or oval shape and reached quite large sizes. Performances could last for several days, with each playwright presenting his works based on classical drama to the audience. The most famous playwrights in Ancient Greece were Aeschylus and Sophocles. They created many tragedies, but not many of these creations have survived to this day.

Theatrical performances were always accompanied by music. Musical art was widespread among the Greeks and was glorified in legends and myths. The melodic sounds of the musician-gods were credited with incredible power and influence on people, animals and the forces of nature. The word “music” itself comes from the Greek language.

Musical education was compulsory for free citizens of Greece. Almost all public events were accompanied by music. The Greeks organized competitions between singers and musicians. The Spartans adapted music to their military needs.

Singing to music was an integral part of ritual actions in honor of the gods. The songs had their own purpose and were divided into genres. But the Greeks did not know musical notation, so the ancient melodies were not preserved. However song folklore passed between composers and performers. This is how wedding songs, laudatory and everyday ones, arose. From musical instruments The lyre, flute and cithara were common. The musicians did not receive professional education, so the art was based on improvisation.

Greek painting also developed. Samples of wall painting have not survived to the present day, but are known only from literary sources. They indicate that the masters knew how to convey chiaroscuro and create images of objects in volume.

IN large quantities Samples of images on ceramics have arrived. They can be used to judge the artistic level ancient times. For early painting characteristic simple ornaments and geometric motifs. Scenes from myths and legendary feats from ancient epics were depicted.

Already later artists mastered the skill of depicting the human body and small parts clothes. arise art schools, whose masters work in different genres - portrait, still life, landscape and others.

Antique sculpture became one of the most revered forms of art in Greece. The authors tried to praise the beauty human body, its harmony and perfection. Statues of gods decorated temples and were installed in squares.

Antique architecture

There are several periods in the history of the development of architecture in Ancient Greece. Ancient period, which came after the war with the Persians, is characterized by the development and active construction of city-states. Gradually, the architectural forms from massive and rough became lighter and more beautiful. A personal style begins to form, freed from the influence of other cultures. Characteristic Features there was a square in the city center and a temple building.

The Classical period was a flourishing period for the Greeks and was distinguished by its diversity and mixture of cultures. More expensive materials and luxurious shapes are used. The style takes on more harmonious features. Late period characterized by pomp and luxury architectural forms, especially during the construction of temples. The buildings were erected with particularly spectacular architectural elements.

The primary task for Greek architects was the construction of temples. The buildings amazed with their grace and beauty, but were made in the style of ordinary Greek dwellings. Humanoid gods lived in stone temples, usually rectangular in shape with a stepped porch and columns. The pediments were decorated with sculptures. The roof was gable. The room was light and spacious, the external decoration strived for harmony. Greek temples they were not fearsome to the gods, but, on the contrary, friendly, similar to the habitation of mortals.

Three types of columns were created - orders, which determined their shape, proportions and method of finishing. There are Dorian, Ionic and Corinthian orders, which were widely used in the construction of ancient buildings.

Along with temples, theaters, stadiums and residential buildings were also built. The forms of Greek buildings have always been distinguished by the simplicity and nobility of their elements. The Greeks carefully studied natural conditions and landscape, the style of architecture was selected that most successfully fit into the surrounding landscapes.

Buildings and sculptures, poems and thoughts of great philosophers - all these are components of the “Greek miracle”, as scientists call it today.

If you are interested in culture, you can briefly familiarize yourself with it in this article. So, what has fascinated even the most inexperienced person in art for four thousand years? Let's take a closer look.

General information

The ancient period, which is characterized by the rise and prosperity of Hellas (as the ancient Greeks called their country), is the most interesting for most art historians. And for good reason! Indeed, at this time the origin and formation of the principles and forms of almost all genres of modern creativity took place.

In total, scientists divide the history of the development of this country into five periods. Let's take a look at the typology and talk about the formation of some types of art.

Aegean era

This period is most clearly represented by two monuments - the Mycenaean and Knossos palaces. The latter is better known today as the Labyrinth from the myth of Theseus and the Minotaur. After archaeological excavations scientists have confirmed the veracity of this legend. Only the first floor has survived, but there are more than three hundred rooms in it!

In addition to palaces, the Cretan-Mycenaean period is famous for the masks of Achaean leaders and Cretan sculptures small form. The figurines found in the palace's hiding places amaze with their filigree. Women with snakes look very realistic and graceful.

Thus, the culture of Ancient Greece, a brief summary of which is presented in the article, arose from the symbiosis of the ancient island civilization of Crete and the arriving Achaean and Dorian tribes who settled on the Balkan Peninsula.

Homeric period

This era is significantly different in material terms from the previous one. From the 11th to the 9th centuries BC, many important events took place.

First of all, the previous civilization died. Scientists suggest that due to a volcanic eruption. Then there was a return from statehood to a communal structure. In fact, society was being formed anew.

The important point is that against the backdrop of material decline, spiritual culture was fully preserved and continued to develop. We can see this in the works of Homer, which reflect precisely this turning point.

Refers to the end of the Minoan period, and the writer himself lived at the beginning of the archaic era. That is, the Iliad and the Odyssey are the only evidence about this period, because besides them and archaeological finds nothing is known about him today.

Archaic culture

In it time is running rapid growth and formation of state-policies. Coins begin to be minted, the alphabet is formed and writing is formed.

In the archaic era they appear Olympic Games, a cult of a healthy and athletic body is formed.

Classical period

Everything that the culture of Ancient Greece fascinates us with today (a summary is in the article) happened precisely in this era.

Philosophy and science, painting and sculpture, and poetry - all these genres are experiencing a rise and unique development. Apogee creative self-expression became Athenian architectural ensemble, which still amazes viewers with its harmony and elegance of forms.


Last period of development Greek culture is interesting precisely because of its ambiguity.

On the one hand, there is a unification of Greek and eastern traditions due to the conquests of Alexander the Great. On the other hand, Rome captures Greece, but the latter conquers it with its culture.


The Parthenon is probably one of the most famous monuments of the ancient world. And Doric or Ionian elements, such as columns, are found in some later architectural styles.

We can mainly trace the development of this type of art through temples. After all, it was in this type of construction that the most effort, money and skills were invested. Even palaces were valued less than places for sacrifices to the gods.

Lovely ancient greek temples is that these were not formidable temples of mysterious and cruel celestial beings. In terms of their internal structure, they resembled ordinary houses, only they were more elegantly equipped and richly furnished. How could it be different if the gods themselves were portrayed as similar to people, with the same problems, quarrels and joys?

Subsequently, three orders of columns formed the basis of most styles European architecture. It was with their help that the culture of Ancient Greece briefly, but very succinctly and lastingly entered the life of modern man.

Vase painting

Works of this type of art are the most numerous and studied to date. At school, children study information about what the culture of Ancient Greece was like (briefly). 5th grade, for example, is a period of acquaintance only with myths and legends.

And the first monuments of this civilization that students see are black-glazed ceramics - very beautiful, copies of which served as souvenirs, decorations and collectibles in all subsequent eras.

Vessel painting went through several stages of development. At first it was simple geometric patterns, known since the times of the Minoan culture. Then spirals, meanders and other details are added to them.

In the process of formation, vase painting acquires the features of painting. Scenes from mythology and Everyday life ancient Greeks, human figures, images of animals and everyday scenes.

It is noteworthy that the artists managed not only to convey movement in their paintings, but also to give personal features to the characters. Thanks to their attributes, individual gods and heroes are easily recognized.


The peoples of the ancient world perceived the surrounding reality a little differently than we are used to understanding it. Deities were the main force that was responsible for what happened in a person’s life.

At school they are often asked to do something on the topic “Culture of Ancient Greece” short message, briefly, interestingly and in detail describe the legacy of this amazing civilization. In this case, it is better to start the story with mythology.

The ancient Greek pantheon included many gods, demigods and heroes, but the main ones were the twelve Olympians. The names of some of them were already known during Cretan-Mycenaean civilization. They are mentioned on clay tablets with Linear. What's remarkable is that at this stage they had female and male counterparts of the same character. For example, there was Zeus-on and Zeus-on.

Today we know about the gods of Ancient Greece thanks to monuments of fine art and literature that have remained for centuries. Sculptures, frescoes, figurines, plays and stories - all of this reflected the Hellenic worldview.

Such views have outlived their time. Art culture Ancient Greece, in short, had a primary influence on the formation of many European schools various types arts Renaissance artists resurrected and developed ideas of style, harmony and form that had been known since classical Greece.


Many centuries separate our society from society ancient Hellas, besides, in fact, only crumbs of what was written have reached us. The Iliad and the Odyssey are probably the most popular works, thanks to which the culture of Ancient Greece is known. Summary(about Odysseus and his adventures) can be read in any anthology, and the exploits of this wise man still impress society.

Without his advice there would have been no victory for the Achaeans in Trojan War. In principle, both poems form the image of the ruler in an ideal light. Critics perceive him as a collective character who contains many positive traits.

Homer's work dates back to the eighth century BC. Later authors, such as Euripides, introduced a completely new spirit into their works. If before them the main thing was the relationship between heroes and gods, as well as the tricks of the celestials and their interference in life ordinary people, then now everything changes. The tragedies of the new generation reflect the inner world of man.

Culture in short classical period tries to penetrate deeper and answer the majority eternal questions. This “research” involved such areas as literature, philosophy, art. Speakers and poets, thinkers and artists - everyone tried to understand the diversity of the world and pass on the received wisdom to their descendants.


The classification of art is based on the elements of vase painting. The Greek (Achaean-Minoan) period is preceded by the Cretan-Mycenaean period, when an advanced civilization existed on the islands, and not on the Balkan Peninsula.

The actual culture of Ancient Greece, short description which we present in the article, formed at the end of the second millennium BC. The most ancient monuments were temples (for example, the temple of Apollo on the island of Thera) and vessel paintings. The latter are characterized by an ornament in the form of the simplest geometric shapes. The main tools of this era were the ruler and compass.

During the Archaic period, which began around the seventh century BC, art became more developed and bold. Corinthian black-glazed ceramics appeared, and the poses of people depicted on vessels and bas-reliefs were borrowed from Egypt. A so-called archaic smile appears in sculptures that become more and more natural.

IN classical era there is a “lightening” of the architecture. Doric style replaced by Ionic and Corinthian. Marble is being used instead of limestone, and buildings and sculptures are becoming more airy. This civilizational phenomenon ends with Hellenism, the heyday of the empire of Alexander the Great.

Today, many institutions study the culture of Ancient Greece - briefly for children, more fully for teenagers and in depth for researchers. But even with all our desire, we do not fully cover the material left to us by the representatives of this solar people.


Even the origin of this term is Greek. The Hellenes were distinguished by a strong love of wisdom. It is not for nothing that throughout the ancient world they were considered the most highly educated people.

Today we do not remember any of the scientists of Mesopotamia or Egypt, we know a few Roman researchers, but the names of Greek thinkers are well known to everyone. Democritus and Protagoras, and Pythagoras, Socrates and Plato, Epicurus and Heraclitus - they all made a huge contribution to world culture, enriched civilization with the results of their experiments so much that we still benefit from their achievements.

The Pythagoreans, for example, absolutized the role of numbers in our world. They believed that with their help they could not only describe everything, but even predict the future. The sophists mainly paid attention to the inner world of man. They defined good as something that is pleasant, and evil as a thing or event that causes suffering.

Democritus and Epicurus developed the doctrine of atomism, that is, that the world consists of tiny elementary particles, the existence of which was proven only after the invention of the microscope.

Socrates turned the attention of thinkers from cosmology to the study of man, and Plato idealized the world of ideas, considering it the only real one.

Thus, we see that the cultural features of Ancient Greece, briefly speaking, were reflected through the prism philosophical worldview on modern life person.


Those who have visited Greece will remember for a long time the amazing feeling that a person experiences while in the amphitheater. Its magical acoustics, which even today seem like a miracle, have been captivating hearts for thousands of years. This is a structure in which there are more than a dozen rows, the stage is located in the open air, and the viewer sitting in the farthest place can hear a coin falling on the stage. Isn't this a miracle of engineering?

Thus, we see that the culture of Ancient Greece, briefly described above, formed the foundations contemporary art, philosophy, science and social institutions. If it were not for the ancient Hellenes, it is not known what he would have been like. modern look life.

Many peoples have myths trying to explain changes in nature depending on the seasons.
In Ancient Greece this was the myth of Persephone.
Persephone is the goddess of fertility and the kingdom of the dead. Hades kidnapped her and took her to his kingdom.
Demeter, the mother of Persephone, the goddess of fertility and agriculture, searched for her daughter all over the world, indulging in inconsolable grief, and at that time the earth was barren, nothing sprouted in the sown fields. Having learned about the abduction, Demeter turned to Zeus for help, demanding the return of Persephone. Hades released Persephone, but before releasing her he gave her seven pomegranate seeds. These grenades arose from drops of the blood of the elder Dionysus. Persephone, who had been refusing food all this time, swallowed the grains - and thus was doomed to return to the kingdom of Hades.

During the period of Demeter's wanderings, crops stopped growing on earth. People died of hunger and did not make sacrifices to the gods. Zeus began sending gods and goddesses after Demeter to persuade her to return to Olympus. But she, sitting in a black robe in the Eleusinian temple, did not notice them.

To appease Demeter, Zeus decided that Persephone would spend two thirds of the year on Olympus and a third in the kingdom of Hades. That is, Persephone spent spring and summer on Olympus, among other gods, next to her mother, and in autumn and winter she returned to the Kingdom of the Dead to her husband.

Some legends say that Persephone, while on Olympus, rose into the sky every morning and became the constellation Virgo so that her mother Demeter could see her from everywhere.

When Persephone left her mother, the earth began to wilt, the greenery withered, the trees shed their leaves. When Demeter returned to her mother again, the first shoots appeared and nature blossomed.

IN Egyptian mythology There was a myth about the goddess Hathor-Tefnut. One day, the goddess of moisture Tefnut quarreled with her father, the ruler of all things, Ra, and, taking the form of a lioness, left Egypt, going south to the Nubian desert. Then a terrible disaster struck Egypt - drought and the onset of sandstorms. People began to die of thirst and hunger. Then Ra ordered the god Shu to find Tefnut and return her back to Egypt. When they returned great river The Nile immediately overflowed and saturated the meadows and arable lands with water, and life-giving rain poured onto the earth.

This myth symbolizes the change of seasons.




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You need to combine the picture with the description and name what it is) Thanks in advance Here are the descriptions A) At first it was a fortress, a palace of kings

France. In the eighteenth century, the palace became largest museum in France.

B) This is one of the most beautiful churches in Paris, the largest after Notre Dame. It is also a center for religious music.

C) This famous monument, which became a symbol of Paris. It was built for the 1889 Universal Exhibition, a design by the engineer Eiffel.

D) This is the most famous French cathedral, a true symphony of stone, located on the Ile de la Cité.

E) It is the largest avenue in Paris, or large cinemas, restaurants, banks and luxury shops.

F) This is one of the best and largest squares in the world. It was built in the eighteenth century. It is famous for its obelisk.

G) This is the monument that dress is in the center of Charles de Gaulle Square. Around the square there are twelve wide avenues that make stars.

H) It is a famous French cultural center or has a rich collection of contemporary art (paintings, sculptures, drawings). The center is located on the Beaubourg plateau in the heart of Paris.

I) This monument was built between 1984 and 1988 at the request of French President François Mitterrand. This masterpiece by the Chinese American architect Ming Pei is located in the courtyard of the Louvre Napoleon Museum.