Society of lovers of Russian literature. “Moscow society of lovers of Russian literature”

The beginning of the Free Society of Lovers of Russian Literature (its other name is the Society of Competitors of Education and Charity) was laid by Andrei Afanasyevich Nikitin (1790-1859) - a writer, author of comedy and poetry in the Ossian style. On January 17, 1816, the first meeting was held in his apartment, which was attended by the writers brothers Borovkov and Lyutsenko (Efim Petrovich, poet; his translation of Wieland’s poem “Vastola” in 1836 was published by A. S. Pushkin).

On January 28, F.N. Glinka was accepted into the new society, and in the same year he also joined the Decembrist organization Union of Salvation, or the Society of True and Faithful Sons of the Fatherland (Glinka at the same time was also a rhetorician in the “Chosen Michael” lodge). Soon Ryleyev, Delvig, Kuchelbecker, Somov, Pletnev, Grech (publisher of the magazine "Son of the Fatherland") came to the Free Society. In this triple union of societies - secret Decembrist, Masonic (the lodge of "Chosen Michael") and literary (the last two are legal) - patriotic ideas were affirmed, inextricably linked with the love of freedom.

The founders of the Free Society of Lovers of Russian Literature began developing a plan for the following major publications:

1) “The Complete Russian Encyclopedia”, which contains everything that is known about Russia in relation to history, art, science, literature;

2) “Biographies of many great people of the Fatherland” - a multi-volume edition;

3) A new iconological dictionary with images - this was supposed to be an illustrated history of painting, drawing and engraving;

4) Journal of the works of members of the Society - this publication - "Competitor of Education and Charity" - began to be published in 1819.

The encyclopedia and iconological dictionary projects were not approved by the Minister of Education, who saw here an inappropriate competition between society and the Academy of Sciences, for which works of such magnitude were more appropriate (however, at that time Karamzin was finishing the eighth volume of his grandiose “History of the Russian State” - not an academy or a society, but one man). And yet, members of the Free Society began work on biographies of Russian people. A multi-volume biographical dictionary also did not work out; society did not find support for this either, but a number of biographies planned for the dictionary were placed in “Competitor” - these are the biographies of the poet Petrov, commander Suvorov, I. I. Shuvalov and other domestic figures.

F. N. Glinka published in 1816 in “Son of the Fatherland” “Discussion on the need to have a history of the Patriotic War of 1812” (the first version of this article appeared in S. N. Glinka’s “Russian Bulletin” in 1815). “Every thinking mind,” Glinka wrote, “will want to have the means to create a complete picture of all the extraordinary incidents that flashed with the brilliance of lightning in the thick darkness of this great period... Descendants, with a loud murmur at our carelessness, will demand history... The Russians will especially want to have a living image of the time when the sudden thunder of war awakened the spirit of a great people; when this people, preferring honor and freedom to all the blessings in the world, looked with noble indifference at the devastation of the regions, at the fires of their cities and with unparalleled courage reaped laurels from the ashes and snows of your fatherland... History alone triumphs over decay and destruction... O you, mighty opponent of times and occasions, containing the deeds of all peoples and the existence of all centuries, history! Prepare the best of your tablets to depict the glory of my fatherland and the exploits of the Russian people! Look what a fiery soul this people, born on the cold snows of the North, showed... A historian of the Patriotic War must be Russian by birth, actions, upbringing, deeds and soul. A foreigner, with all his good will, cannot know Russian history so well, be so intoxicated with the spirit of the great ancestors of the Russians, value so dearly the famous deeds of the past, so vividly feel grievances and admire the glory of the present times.”

In this article, Glinka, starting from the history of the Patriotic War, talks about Russian history in general. He seems to prove the regularity that the history of the Patriotic War is written by A. I. Danilevsky, a participant in it (“The writer must be a witness,” writes Glinka), and the history of Russia is written by N. M. Karamzin.

“A foreigner,” writes Glinka, “will involuntarily deviate from what he became acquainted with from his earliest years, the history of the Romans, Greeks and his fatherland. He involuntarily does not give due justice to the victors of Mamai, the conquerors of Kazan, the governors and boyars of the Russian land, who lived and died on the constant guard of their fatherland. When speaking about the greatness of Russia, a foreigner born in any of the cramped kingdoms of Europe will involuntarily apply his reduced size to everything. He will involuntarily not remember how vast a space on the globe the mighty Russia rests. "All the gloominess of the North and all the charms of the South are contained within its boundaries... The Russian historian will not utter a single line regarding the properties of the people and the spirit of the time. He will not overlook any foreshadowings, signs, or guesses about the misfortunes that have occurred."

The first eight volumes of Karamzin's History will be published in 1818. Karamzin, a reformer of the Russian literary language, the language of Russian prose, could take to heart everything that Glinka said in his article, with the exception of the following wish: “The Russian historian will try to expel from his writings all words and even figures of speech borrowed from alien dialects. He does not will tolerate that its syllable is dotted with semi-Russian or not at all Russian words, as usually happens in the syllable of statements and military news."

In the papers of P. I. Pestel, a dictionary of terms that had foreign origin has been preserved, with their replacement by Russian ones. Pestel proposes replacements: constitution - state charter; aristocracy - great power; tyranny - evil power; general - governor; theory - speculation; republic - total power; cabinet of ministers - government Duma, etc.

Since 1818, Glinka was in fact the leader of the Free Society of Lovers of Russian Literature; he headed its left, strongest wing and stubbornly pursued patriotic Decembrist ideas.

In 1820-1822, the future Decembrists K.F. Ryleev, A.A. and N.A. Bestuzhevs and A.O. Kornilovich came to the society. Among the members of the society there were already poets Boratynsky, Delvig, Pletnev, Izmailov, Ostolopov, Grigoriev, V. Tumansky.

The name of Bulgarin, which we will mention more than once in this book, should not offend the ear: before the uprising of December 14, 1825, he had not yet been an informant of the Third Section.

Bulgarin was closely acquainted with many future Decembrists, including Ryleev, with whom he studied in the cadet corps, although he left there several years earlier. He published Ryleev's poems in the 20s in his magazines "Northern Archive" and "Literary Listki", and Ryleev published Bulgarin's prose in "Polar Star". Sometimes they quarreled, and violently. But Ryleev passed away as a friend of Bulgarin, with faith in his integrity. What confusion he brought into the soul of Bulgarin, who turned away from his friends on that fateful day!.. On the evening of December 14, Ryleev handed him part of his archive for safekeeping. Bulgarin did not transfer it to the Third Department - these materials were published in the 1870s in the magazine "Russian Antiquity".

The Decembrist Union of Welfare ceased to exist - the decision to dissolve it was made in January 1821 at the Moscow Congress. Almost immediately a new society arose - Northern, in St. Petersburg. Ryleev took the direct road to join him.

“The first task of history is to refrain from lying, the second is not to conceal the truth, the third is not to give any reason to suspect oneself of partiality or prejudicial hostility.” “To not know history is to always be a child.” Cicero Marcus Tullius

The Society of Lovers of Russian Literature (OLRS) is a literary and scientific society at Moscow University that existed from 1811 to 1930 (break from 1837 to 1858). The society included chief. arr. philologists and writers. Among its members were, for example, linguists A. Kh. Vostokov, K. S. Aksakov, F. I. Buslaev, Y. K. Grot, F. E. Korsh, V. I. Dal, A. A. Potebnya , F. F. Fortunatov, I. I. Sreznevsky, A. A. Shakhmatov, R. F. Brandt, A. L. Duvernois, M. M. Pokrovsky, D. N. Ovsyaniko-Kulikovsky, O. M. Bodyansky, I. V. Yagich, V. N. Shchepkin, literary scholars and critics N. I. Nadezhdin, A. N. Veselovsky, N. S. Tikhonravov, M. N. Speransky, S. A. Vengerov, A. N. Pypin , A. M. Skabichevsky, P. N. Sakulin, M. K. Lemke, Yu. I. Aikhenvald, M. A. Tsyavlovsky, N. L. Brodsky, N. K. Piksanov, A. E. Gruzinsky , V. F. Perever-zev, V. M. Fritsche, folklorists A. N. Afanasyev, E. F. Barsov, P. N. Rybnikov, I. M. Snegirev, P. V. Kireevsky, A. F. Hilferding,
P. V. Shein, many writers from G. R. Derzhavin and N. M. Karamzin to I. A. Bunin and M. Gorky. Speakers at the OLRS meetings were L. N. Tolstoy, I. S. Turgenev, A. A. Fet, F. M. Dostoevsky, A. K. Tolstoy, V. Ya. Bryusov, K. D. Balmont, Vyach. Ivanov, V.V. Veresaev, L.M. Leonov,
A. V. Lunacharsky and others. The OLRS also included historians (M. P. Pogodin, S. M. Solovyov,
V. O. Klyuchevsky, M. N. Pokrovsky, N. I. Kostomarov, I. E. Zabelin, R. Yu. Vipper, etc.), philosophers (A. S. Khomyakov, V. S. Solovyov, etc. ), teachers (L. I. Polivanov, V. F. Savodnik, V. Ya. Stoyunin), lawyers (V. D. Spasovich, A. F. Koni), theater workers (K. S. Stanislavsky, V. I Nemirovich-Danchenko, M. P. Sadovsky), composer A. N. Verstovsky, biologist K. A. Timiryazev, mathematician A. M. Perevoshchikov, etc. Among the foreign members were the Serbian educator Vuk Karadzic, the Czech. Slavists P. J. Shafarik, V. Ganka, French. historian A. Rambaud, writers P. Merimee, R. Rolland.
The goal of OLRS, according to its first chairman, rector Moscow. University of A. A. Prokopovich-Antonsky, it was “to promote the success of Russian literature,” unthinkable without improving the language.
In the field of studying Russian. language OLRS set itself a mark. tasks: creation of a “systematic, thorough grammar”, in-depth study and development of vocabulary, improvement of the style of Russian literature. The focus of the OLRS was on the issues of normalization of Russian. language, issues of speech culture, especially the ordering of word usage, ways of development of Russian. lit. language.
OLRS contributed to the publication of “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language” by V. I. Dahl (1861-66), “Songs collected by P. V. Kireevsky” (1860-74, 1911-29), “Lamentations of the Northern Territory” by E. V. Barsov (1872-82), “Belarusian songs” by P. A. Bessonov (1871), “Reflections on the Slavic language...” by A. Kh. Vostokov (1820), who laid the foundation for comparative historical linguistics in Russia, “The experience of Russian grammar" by K.S. Aksakov (I860). The “Cyril and Methodius collection in memory of the completed millennium of Slavic writing and Christianity in Russia” (1865), the collections “In Memory of A.P. Chekhov” (1906), “Turgenev and His Time” (collections 1-2) were published , 1923-26), “Pushkin” (collection 1-2, 1924-30), etc.
Anniversaries of writers and significant events were celebrated as social and cultural phenomena. OLRS held the Pushkin Jubilee (1899), Gogol Days (1902, 1909), organized anniversaries dedicated to M.V. Lomonosov (1865), Karamzin (1866), the 300th anniversary of the Russian Federation. printing (1864). In the 90s 19th century literary and musical evenings were organized in memory of I. A. Krylov, M. Yu. Lermontov, A. I. Polezhaev, F. I. Tyutchev, Fet, A. N. Ostrovsky, S. Ya. Nadson, N. A. Nekrasov , T. G. Shevchenko (his “Kobzar” was published in 1911), thereby establishing a tradition that took over the 20th century. important place in Russian cultural life. society. In con. 19 - beginning 20th centuries exhibitions were organized in memory of A. S. Pushkin (1880, 1899), A. S. Griboedov (1895), V. G. Belinsky (1898), N.V. Gogol and V. A. Zhukovsky (1902). With the active participation of OLRS, the opening of the monument to Pushkin in Moscow (1880) received great public and cultural resonance. Thanks to OLRS, a monument to Gogol was unveiled in Moscow (1909). In Sov. period OLRS celebrated the anniversaries of major Russian. writers, Dante, Moliere, 250th anniversary of Russian. theater, centenary of the Decembrist uprising. The anniversaries of M. N. Ermolova, V. N. Figner, A. I. Yuzhi-na-Sumbatov, Bryusov, Veresaev were held.
The publishing activity of OLRS was carried out especially intensively in 1812-28: 27 volumes of “Proceedings of OLRS” were published (parts 1-20, 1812-20; “Works in prose and verse. Proceedings of the Society...”, parts 1-7, 1822 -28). OLRS published works by K. N. Batyushkov, Pushkin, Lermontov, Krylov, Zhukovsky, A. V. Koltsov, Polezhaev, Tyutchev, Gogol, V. F. Odoevsky, Chekhov, D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak and others. Materials were published and development of dialect, “derivative” (ethymologo-word-formation), synonymous dictionaries. The editors of the “Proceedings” were professor of eloquence, poetry and Russian language, poet A.F. Merzlyakov and professor of Russian. literature P.V. Pobedonostsev.
OLRS made a significant contribution to the development of Russian. national culture. Revived in 1992; honorary chairman - D. S. Likhachev.

In 1811, the “Moscow Society of Lovers of Russian Literature” arose. There was no strict stylistic consistency in it. Members of the society were authors of various directions: V.A. Zhukovsky and K.N. Batyushkov, A.F. Voeikov, F.N. Glinka, A.F. Merzlyakov.

The historical and literary significance of these “mixed” societies lies in their objective continuation of the polarization of literary movements, with one society, originating in Karamzinism, being formed primarily in Moscow, and the polar opposite literary movement in St. Petersburg. The existence of two capitals of the literary world became a special distinctive quality of Russian literature of the early 19th century; the poet’s location showed his ideological and aesthetic orientation (“Moscow admirers” and “St. Petersburg zealots”).


The famous literary society “Conversation of Lovers of the Russian Word” was created in 1811 by A.S. Shishkov, the author of “Discourses on the old and new syllables of the Russian language” (1803), in which he criticized Karamzin’s theory of a new literary language and proposed his own. Shishkov criticized Karamzin for the unpatriotic direction of language reform: “Instead of depicting our thoughts according to the rules and concepts accepted since ancient times, which have grown for many centuries and taken root in our minds, we depict them according to the rules and concepts of a foreign people.” The opposition “classic-romanticist” clearly does not apply to Shishkov and Karamzin, if only because it is impossible to establish who is who: Shishkov, caring about the nationality of Russian literature, turns out to be more of a romantic than Karamzin. But Karamzin is not a classic either. This situation needs to be described in other terms.

The topic of discussion between the “Shishkovites” and the “Karamzinists” was the problem of the new syllable. Karamzin's proposal was to create a synthesis of the existing bilingualism (Russian and French) into one whole Europeanized Russian language - common for both written literature and oral communication. Shishkov suggested that this would lead to the loss of national identity in such a language. He suggested: firstly, not to homogenize the language, but to maintain the difference between written language and the language of oral communication: “In order for an academic language to acquire importance, it always requires some difference from the common people. He sometimes abbreviates, sometimes he combines, sometimes he changes, sometimes he chooses a word.<…>Where it is necessary to speak loudly and majestically, there he offers thousands of selected words, rich in intelligence, abstruse and completely different from those with which we explain ourselves in simple conversations”; secondly, a book language should be created not according to the principle of ease, pleasantness, smoothness, but according to the principle of richness of vocabulary, depth of meaning, and sonority of the national language; According to Lomonosov’s theory, Shishkov proposes to synthesize the high style with its archaisms, the middle style with the linguistic features of folk songs and partly “low vocabulary”, “in order to be able to place low thoughts and words in a high syllable, such as, for example: roar, ... drag for hair, ... bold head and the like, without humiliating the syllable with them and maintaining all the importance of it.” Shishkova was against the smoothness and aestheticism of Karamzinists, the salon elegance of album poems, but at the same time he was not against romantic trends. The beliefs of both Karamzin and Shishkov are pre-romantic and their polemics are based only on the ways of the formation of romanticism.

Yu.N. Tynyanov proposed the terms “archaists” and “innovators” to describe this situation. Archaists are Shishkov, his supporters, participants in the “Conversation...”, and also divided them into subgroups: senior archaists (G.R. Derzhavin, A.A. Shakhovskoy, A.S. Shishkov, I.A. Krylov , S.A. Shirinsky-Shikhmatov) and the younger, so-called “young archaists” (A.S. Griboedov, P.A. Katenin, V.K. Kuchelbecker). The most radical were the Young Archaists, who accused the Karamzinists of the smoothness and pleasantness of their language in the French manner, and, most harshly, of disrespect for the people's faith and customs. And he called “innovators” not only the Karamzinists, but all the poets who were participants in the Arzamas literary society, organized in 1816.

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