The daughter of the swan princess ever after high. Princess Dutchess Swann - daughter of Odette from Swan Lake

Fate has its own “Happily Ever After”. And even though the Rebels do not want to accept the fate of their parents, they choose their path themselves. But a happy ending does not always await everyone who studies at this wonderful school. And today we will talk about one of them - about the Duchess Swan doll, which has the least reason to rejoice and look forward to its future. Duchess Swan Ever After High has recently appeared in the assortment of our store and we are in a hurry to introduce you to this girl.

Duchess Swan doll is a girl with a difficult character!

As soon as she appeared at school, many immediately disliked her. Indeed, she has some qualities that do not suit her at all. One of these qualities is envy. Duchess Swan is jealous of so many whose tale has a happy ending. Especially Apple White, because she would also like to become a real queen. But her fairy tale did not prepare the same pleasant ending for her. She is destined to become the new Odette, who will be turned into a swan for the rest of her life. As you may have already guessed, native fairy tale Duchess Swan is called "Swan Lake".

That is why her character is so complex. It's really very difficult to find her mutual language. It’s hard to even remember those who managed to get along with Duchess. Unless Faybelle Thorne comes to mind, and only because she is the daughter evil fairy from the fairy tale about the sleeping beauty (the same as it is called). However, we must admit that with all her shortcomings, the Duches Swan doll is very brave, because she did not give up her destiny and accepted the plot of her own fairy tale (became Royal). Some time will pass, and she will turn into a swan - into a black swan forever.

About the experiences of Duchess Swan

There is one person at school whose thoughts haunt our heroine. This man's name is Daring Charming. Days go by one after another, and young Duchess Swan is still waiting for him to invite her on a date. Perhaps if Daring could actually find out more about her, he would change his mind about her. As it is, he builds his guesses and conclusions about Duchess only from the stories of other students, and her difficult character prevents him from making the decision he so desires for the girl. Sometimes this makes Duches angry, so much so that feathers begin to fly in different directions.

The Duchess Swan doll itself is incredibly beautiful. An ideal figure, an alluring style of clothing, imbued with lightness and magic. And she is also a great dancer. What a great thing it is - the best in school! Don’t even doubt it, she has no equal in this. She is even able to dance right on the surface of the water. In this she is helped by magical abilities, which also allow her to turn into a beautiful graceful swan at any time.

Duchess Swan is a doll who will do only what she wants and nothing else. Requests, persuasion, advice, etc. have no effect on her, so if you really want to become friends with her, you will have to play by her rules, that is, be “ bad girl”, capable of understanding her thoughts and actions. Only in this case will she be interested in you.

You can buy a Duchess Swan doll on this page of our store.

As you get to know her better, you will find out that her favorite food is avocado and almonds, her favorite subject at school is dancing, and her least favorite is singing. And also a lot of other things that are not written in her biography. You can find a common language with any person. And let it be a little more difficult with her, let her never be perfect and true friend- her fate is far from ideal, and at least for this she can be respected, understood and forgiven. We suggest you buy a Duchess Swan doll so that the impression you and your children have of it will be determined by conclusions drawn independently, and not borrowed from this story.

The popularity of Ever After High dolls is growing every day, new characters are being added, but viewers and fans of the cartoon never cease to be amazed by the characters in the basic release of the doll series, which includes the main characters of the cartoon. Quite a lot has been said about some of them, their stories are voluminous, and their biographies are complex and represent a whole fairy tale. But there are also those about which little is known. Among them is Duchess Swan. Birthday – April 30th.

Heroine's story

Dutchess Swann represents the daughter of Odette, the Swan Princess. This German legend became known to the world thanks to the ballet “Swan Lake”, the music for which was created by the great Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.

Photo from the cartoon Ever After High.

If we briefly recall the story of Odette, it turns out that her daughter, who undertakes to accept the fate of her mother, must also be turned into a swan. IN old fairy tale Odette Enchanted into a Swan evil wizard, falls in love with the prince.

Photo from the cartoon Happily Ever After.

The wedding is supposed to take place, but the wizard's daughter Odile, turning into a black swan, upsets the wedding. The prince is forced to save Odette from evil spells.

Dutchess has borrowed a lot from her mother: she is a great dancer. There are also many things about the clothing that indicate its origin. She is dressed in a ballerina's tutu, prefers White color and feather decorations. However, unlike her mother, Dutchess Swan is a black swan, and therefore her character is not simple. She is vindictive and constantly tries to interfere in the affairs of the cartoon characters and upset someone's plans.

Although she did not go to the camp of the apostates, the heroine is not too happy with her fate, because she, too, will have to languish in the form of a swan. On the other hand, she does not want to reject her share, because Svan is a royal person, a princess.

The reason for Svan’s constant dissatisfaction with those around her also lies in her envy of other heroines whose fairy tales end happily. That is why she has a special dislike for her, because this heroine has the happiest fate. Swan also competes with Apple for the attention of the attractive Daring Charming, with whom she is in love. However, the young man does not pay attention to Swan and invites Apple to dance.

Despite his evil nature, Dutchess has friends. This is the daughter of the evil sorceress from the fairy tale “Sleeping Beauty” Faybelle Thorne and the young man Sparrow Hood.

Of all the subjects, Dutchess loves dancing most of all and can even dance on the water, but she cannot sing, like all swans.

When it comes to food, the heroine prefers almonds and avocados.

Clothing style is the same as Dutchess's.

Doll review

The heroine's doll is certainly similar in many ways to the old porcelain figurines of ballerinas. Swan's dress consists of a light bodice, to which a transparent nylon frill is sewn, and black and white skirt Knee-length with animal and plant print.

Photo of the basic Dutchess Swan doll.

From the chest to the waist, the doll's torso is pulled together by a wide black belt in the form of a corset. On the heroine's neck is a black necklace.

Close-up of the doll's face.

On the doll's feet are black fishnet tights and shoes in the shape of pointe shoes with ties. Swan's hair is pulled back into a ponytail and secured with a black feather headband decorated with a lilac flower. The doll's accessories include a ring, a bracelet and a handbag in the shape of swan feathers.

Dutchess Swan doll on her swan bed.

This is a worthy successor to her ballerina predecessors!

Duchess Swan, photo of the doll. Duchess Swan, Ever After High. Stand, booklet, comb and bag included.

Photo review of the Ever After High doll Duchess Swan, aka Duchess Swan, Duchess Swan (in the Russian version she is called differently) - Duchess Swan.

Daughter of the White Swan (ballet). A white-skinned beauty, the whiteness of her “skin” Duches competes with the daughter of Snow White Apple White. Both of these heroines are the snow-white, lightest. Only Apple has blonde hair, and Duchess has black hair.

Outwardly, she is a little similar to Raven Queen, primarily in the shades of her costume. She is also dressed in lilac and purple tones, with additions of black and white. But Raven is noticeably more dark shade Duches' skin is lighter, almost white, as befits the daughter of the White Swan.

You can see the Duchess doll in stores, current products with prices:

Duchess Swan, photo review of the Ever After High doll

Duchess Swan, photo of the doll in the packaging box. Duchess Swan, Ever After High.

back side packaging - description, character.

Duchess Swan. Description of the character on the box with the doll.

Ever After High are fully articulated dolls, very mobile, making them so much fun to play with!

Daughter white swan, Duches Sven - prints in the form of feathers on a skirt reminiscent tutu.

As always with dolls from Mattel, the image is thought out to the smallest detail. Unique doll shoes.

Duchess shoes are like ballet shoes, without heels, with ties. Easy to put on, fits perfectly on the foot.

Photo of the doll from the back - Duchess Swan. Duchess Swan, Ever After High. Open back, flowy cap sleeves.

Very light tone skin, completely black hair. Earrings, wide belt-corset.

Dutchess bracelet and large ring.

Large decoration in the hair, flowers on the headband (plastic).

A light strand of hair in black hair.

We unfold the booklet.

The character's story in the booklet is Duchess Swan. Duchess Swan, Ever After High.

Continuation of the story, chapters 2 and 3.

Continuation of the Dutchess story, chapters 4 and 5.

The sixth chapter of the Duchess Swan story and the end.

Duchess Swan, Ever After High (Happily Ever After School), Mattel doll.

Duchess Swan is the daughter of the White Swan from the ballet, and everything about her character speaks of her origins.

Fishnet tights.

4 Ever After High dolls: Madeline Hatter, Briar Beauty, Duchess Swan, Raven Queen. The height and skin tone are different. Absolutely different images. Fairytale dolls.

Portraits of Ever After High dolls: 4 Ever After High dolls: Madeline Hatter, Briar Beauty, Duchess Swan, Raven Queen.

Duchess Swan is the lightest among the dolls-friends; only Apple White can compete with it in “whiteness”.

Shoes of 4 Ever After High dolls, from left to right - Madeline Hatter, Briar Beauty, Duchess Swan, Raven Queen.

Duchess doll in profile.

Ever After High, 5 dolls from the collection: Briar Beauty, Lizzie Hearts (short), Kedra Wood, Dutchess Swan, Apple White.

  • Ever After High, Duchess Sven doll
  • Ever After High, full list of characters
  • Ever After High, Legacy Day doll series
  • Ever After High, new characters
  • Ever After High, photo review by Kitty Cheshire
  • Ever After High, Lizzie Hearts (Lizzie Hearts)
  • Ever After High, Humphrey Dumpty

Yes, it's me, Dutchess Swan and my biography. I don't care what they say about me at school. Why if everyone has happy story future, but I don’t have one, then I should be happy about it? So you girls explain to me how to throw this annoying Apple White and her friends off the throne. Yes, she is a real upstart. And they also say that I’m bad, let this Apple look at herself in the mirror. I know that I am much more beautiful than her. Well, it’s okay, I’ll arrange it for her…. I will arrange for them all...

Horoscope: Calf.

Character traits: Angry and vindictive, aggressive and distrustful. Anyone who tries to “cross my path” will pay greatly for this!

Magic abilities: It’s unlikely that the fact that I can dance ballet beautifully and beautifully can be called magic. But sometimes, dancing in front of the mirror, it seems to me that I am a real dance sorceress. Don't you think so? At any moment I can turn into beautiful swan and even dance on the water.

My dreams and desires: I would really like to become in the future fairy-tale heroine, like all those damned students of the Ever After School. But apparently, my destiny is to become an ordinary black black swan. That's probably why everything around here makes me angry for this reason.

A tale from my past: I hate it when people confuse the fairy tale of the Swan Princess with the ballet Swan Lake! Remember once and for all, my parents danced in a fairy tale ballet! Thank you!

My weaknesses: My weakness is that in my Happily Ever After there is no happy ending at all. And this very often depresses me, so I have to behave aggressively towards other students.

My favourite lessons: Dancing, dancing, and only dancing. Nothing interests me anymore in life.

Unloved school subject: In order to get more or less good grades in Music, I have to fake it a lot. Well, what can I do if I’m not a singer, but a dancer. I Hate Music!

Romantic relationship : I like one guy, but I don’t really want to give away my little secret. Okay, know that I'm secretly in love with Dering Charming, he's cool. But because of this Apple White, I can’t get the prince’s heart, no matter how hard I try.

Roommate: Lizzie Hearts. As for me, this is one of the most normal girls in school. At least I can find a common language with her.

Favorite food: I'm ready to eat them for the rest of my life. What do you think? Well, of course, almonds and avocados.

Best friends: I don't have any friends. But there is one friend with whom you can turn things around. This is Sparrow Hood. He has always been on my side and that's why I appreciate him. And it’s undesirable to lose a person who will be useful for revenge, we’ll still do things with him, you’ll see.

A pet: What other pet? What are you about? I haven’t figured out all the school’s students yet, why do I need an extra burden!