What is the name of Rapunzel's friend? Character history

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Full name: Princess Rapunzel of Corona

Occupation: Princess of the Crown

Character type: Positive

Pets: Pascal (chameleon)

Fate: Reunites with her real parents and marries Eugene.

Goal: Explore the world outside the tower and see the “flying lights” (completed), Reunite with your real family (completed), Solve the mystery of the black stones

Living model: Taylor Swift

Prototype(s): Rapunzel from the Brothers Grimm fairy tale of the same name

A young princess kidnapped by Mother Gothel from the king and queen when she was still a baby. Rapunzel has long (over 21 meters) golden hair (later short brown hair) that has the magical ability to both heal and restore youth when she sings a special Healing Song. She is the first princess to have magical powers: first in her hair, and then in her tears. She has fair skin with a slight hint of blush. She has large bright green eyes, a playful smile and small freckles around her nose. Her nationality is most likely German.

Rapunzel is 18 years old. She is an energetic, smart, kind and enterprising girl, although a little naive. However, she is not afraid to stand up for herself or others when the situation calls for courage. After spending her entire life alone in the tower, she became talented in many fields, such as music, literature, cooking, astronomy. Her greatest passion is art. This can be seen from the painted walls inside the tower. Her friend is a chameleon. Rapunzel is the first princess to have an animal friend. Rapunzel is the fifth princess whose main enemy is a woman. The first is Snow White, the second is, the third is Aurora and the fourth is Ariel.

She wears a traditional German dress with a wide skirt. The top of the dress consists of a lavender-colored corset, over which there is a lace ribbon. The skirt is purple and has a pattern in pink, dark purple and white. Rapunzel also wears a white petticoat. The hem of the skirt is above her ankles, but well below her calves. The sleeves of the dress are striped with lace at the edges. Rapunzel does not wear shoes, preferring to walk barefoot. Sometimes she braids her hair in a thick braid and decorates it with flowers. Purple is often called the color of kings. During the film, Rapunzel only wears this color, which confirms her true origin.

Rapunzel is the main character of the 50th full-length animated film by Walt Disney Pictures (2010) and its short animated sequel (2012). In both appearances, the heroine is voiced by actress and singer Mandy Moore. At the beginning of the first cartoon, Rapunzel as a child was voiced by child actress Delaney Rose Stein. At the Russian box office, Rapunzel was dubbed by actress Victoria Daineko.

Rapunzel is the tenth official Disney Princess, as well as the first Disney Princess to be rated PG (parental presence recommended) and the first Disney Princess from a 3D animated film.

Rapunzel's powers and abilities

Healing: Using the powers of the sun itself, Rapunzel's hair can completely regenerate damaged tissues and organs of people, as well as reverse the aging process. In this case, the patient must be in contact with the hair for the magic to start working. When Rapunzel begins to sing a healing song, her hair glows golden yellow. Her tears also have magical healing powers.

Gripping Hair: She can use her hair to cling to anything without experiencing pain. Brown hair loses its magical power. But, as stated above, the magic remains in the tears.

Superhuman Strength: Using superhuman strength, Rapunzel swings from one cliff to another, using her hair as leverage. In addition, she walks calmly with long hair, although it is clear that it is very heavy and a normal person is simply not able to walk with such a weight on her head. Considering the weight of her hair, she showed flexibility and agility. Rapunzel calmly climbs to a great height and jumps off it without much effort.

Adaptation to the surrounding world: Rapunzel, like Ariel, can literally adapt to an unfamiliar environment in two seconds. In addition, once in an underwater cave, she was able to swim, although she had never done this before. And even when she lost the magical powers of her hair, she still had superhuman abilities. There is an assumption that she acquired these abilities along with her magical hair and their source is in her heart.

Character Creation

Origin and concept

In 1996, while working on , animator Glen Keane began to think about the idea of ​​​​adapting the classic Brothers Grimm fairy tale "Rapunzel" into another full-length Disney animated film.


Rapunzel is Disney's first blonde heroine since Aurora. She is the only princess who wore her hair both long and short. In the original version of the cartoon, it was planned that Rapunzel's hair would be alive, like the Gargona jellyfish, and act independently. Animating Rapunzel's hair using CG was recognized as one of the most challenging aspects of the development process for Tangled. Rapunzel's golden hair is 70 feet long (more than 21 meters), with more than 100,000 individual curls. To convey the movement of hair on the screen, a special program Dynamic Wires was developed. No one in animation had ever drawn so much hair before, and no main character in the history of cinema had such a luxurious hairstyle on her head. To create the feeling of real hair, the production team animated 147 models of different structures, which ultimately resulted in 140,000 individual strands. At the same time, computer engineer Kelly Ward (one of the three specialists who worked on creating a program for drawing the movements of the hair of Rapunzel and other characters in the film) defended her thesis on computer animation of hair and has been closely working on this issue for the past 10 years. She is considered one of the main experts in this field.

Voice acting

Broadway actress Kristin Chenoweth was originally cast as Rapunzel. At the same time, although not for long, the directors of the cartoon cast actress Reese Witherspoon in the role. However, she soon left the project, citing creative differences with the filmmakers. After hundreds of auditions, the directors finally decided to cast actress and singer Mandy Moore in the role because, according to co-director Byron Howard, she "has such great soul in her voice" and "a down-to-earth girl-next-door quality that gives her everything." What can you hope for in a Disney heroine? The role of Rapunzel as a child was voiced by child actress Delaney Rose Stein.

Moore "grew up watching Disney films", describing the opportunity to voice a Disney film as "the ultimate dream". She initially had little intention of auditioning for the role of Rapunzel, as the actress knew there would be a lot of competition and was afraid that she would fail the audition.

Films, TV series and sequels

is an American full-length animated film directed by Nathan Greno and Byron Howard, based on the Brothers Grimm fairy tale “Rapunzel” in 2010. The film premiered on November 24 (in Russia on November 25), 2010. This is the 50th full-length animated film from Walt Disney Pictures, and today it is the most expensive film of its kind: its budget was $260 million. Tangled earned $591,000,000 at the worldwide box office, $200 million of which was earned in the US and Canada alone. The film was well received by critics and audiences and was nominated for several awards.

This is the first 3D Disney cartoon made in the classic style.


One day, a magical drop of sunlight falls on the ground, as a result of which a magical flower appears, capable of returning and preserving eternal youth and beauty. This flower is found by the evil and cunning old woman Mother Gothel and uses the gift of the sun to preserve her youth. Meanwhile, disaster strikes in a neighboring kingdom - a pregnant queen falls dangerously ill and only a magic flower can save her from death. The flower is found and with its help the queen is healed, and then she gives birth to a daughter - a princess named Rapunzel, whose hair inherited the magical gift of the sun.

But soon Mother Gothel sneaks into the castle, wanting to gain eternal youth. She cuts off a lock of the girl's hair, but it darkens and loses its properties. Then Gothel kidnaps the child. From then on, Rapunzel began to grow up under the castle in the old tower, listening to Mother Gothel's stories about how the world is a terrible place and not knowing that she is actually a princess. Every year on Rapunzel's birthday, the kingdom held a festival of flying lanterns in memory of the lost princess. Rapunzel saw lights from the window on each of her birthdays and dreamed of looking at them up close.

The day before her 18th birthday, Rapunzel asks Mother Gothel to take her to the place where the lanterns are launched, but the latter refuses her. At this time, the thief Flynn Rider, fleeing from the pursuit of the guards and the royal horse Maximus, accidentally finds Rapunzel's tower and goes inside. But Rapunzel, intimidated by Mother Gothel, hits him on the head with a frying pan and takes him prisoner, realizing that she is not so defenseless. Having hidden the bag containing the crown stolen by Ryder, Rapunzel promises Flynn to return it if he takes her to the lanterns. He has to agree, and during the journey many interesting adventures happen to them: meeting the robbers in the Sweet Duckling tavern; meeting with Maximus; rescue from pursuit by guardsmen and Flynn's former accomplices - the Grubbingston brothers.

As a result, Rapunzel's dream comes true - she ends up at the festival of flying lanterns. During the journey, Flynn and Rapunzel begin to trust each other. Flynn tells his story and reveals to Rapunzel his real name - Eugene. Warm romantic feelings arise between them. Meanwhile, Mother Gothel finds the hidden crown and begins making plans to return Rapunzel. The Grubbingston brothers, wanting to get even with Ryder, agree to help Mother Gothel. She finds the fugitives and gives the crown to Rapunzel, trying to convince her that Flynn just wants to regain the crown and is indifferent to Rapunzel.

Rapunzel refuses to believe Gothel and decides to return the crown to Eugene. Then he wants to give the crown, which is already useless to him, to the Grubbingston brothers, but finds himself in a trap: the Grubbingstons arrange it so that Eugene goes to prison, and Rapunzel believes in his betrayal. They try to capture Rapunzel, but Gothel tricks them and “rescues” the girl. The latter has no choice but to admit that Mother Gothel is completely right about the world around her and return with her to the tower. Eugene himself ends up in prison and is sentenced to death, but he is saved by Maximus and the robbers from the tavern and the young man goes to Rapunzel’s tower.

At the same time, Rapunzel suddenly realizes that she is the missing princess. She no longer allows Mother Gothel to use her hair and plans to escape, but she holds Rapunzel by force. Eugene soon finds the tower and climbs into it, but Gothel inflicts a mortal wound on him in the stomach. Rapunzel agrees to serve Mother Gothel if she allows her to cure Eugene with the power of her magic hair. But Eugene, realizing that without hair Rapunzel will not need Gothel, cuts off her hair and Gothel becomes an old woman, acquiring her true appearance. Having stumbled, she falls out of the tower window, dies on the fly and, hitting the ground, crumbles to dust. Meanwhile, Eugene dies from his wound, but Rapunzel manages to heal him with her tear. The young man comes to life and takes the girl to her real parents - the king and queen.


- the main character of the film and an unusual princess who has the gift of healing with her long 21-meter hair. As a child, she was kidnapped by an evil woman, Mother Gothel, to use the girl’s hair for her rejuvenation and hid Rapunzel in a high tower, where the girl lived her entire adult life. But Rapunzel cannot be called an unhappy young lady. One day, a girl firmly decided to end her seclusion and step towards adventure. And when the charming robber Flynn Rider takes refuge in her tower, she grabs this chance and sets off on a journey towards her dream. On the way to her, Rapunzel begins to realize that she is falling more and more in love with Flynn, and also that she is the once long-lost princess.

Flynn Ryder/Eugene Fitzherbert- the main thief of the kingdom with a rather attractive appearance. Since childhood, Eugene Fitzherbert was an orphan and raised in an orphanage, where one day he found a book about Flynnigan Ryder, the embodiment of his ideals. Realizing that it is not necessary to be a hero, Eugene takes the criminal path and in order to forget about the past, he takes the pseudonym “Flynn Rider”. Solving all problems thanks to intelligence, cunning and beauty, he lived a free life and always achieved what he wanted, until he met Rapunzel - a strange girl with unusually long golden hair, with whom none of his usual tricks would work. Soon he has to help the girl get out of the tower and get to her dream. Gradually he realizes that he is in love with her.

Mother Gothel is the main villain of the film. A manipulative and greedy woman who once kidnapped Rapunzel from her real parents, the king and queen, and imprisoned her in a tower with only one window in order to keep the magical power of Rapunzel's hair secret from the world, which she used to stay forever young by posing as the real mother of the princess and skillfully manipulating the pupil. Gothel uses arguments such as “Mom is smarter” to protect Rapunzel from wanting to leave the tower, but one day the girl runs away and Mother Gothel decides to find her at all costs. At the end of the cartoon, Gothel falls out of the tower window and turns to dust.

Pascal is a chameleon and Rapunzel's best friend. Since they cannot communicate verbally, the owner understands him by changing colors and facial expressions. The chameleon plays a huge role in Rapunzel's life: he is both the girl's trainer and confidant. It is Pascal who pushes Rapunzel to take a desperate step - to trust the main thief of the kingdom, Flynn Rider, so that the mistress can get out of the tower.

Maximus is the horse of the captain of the royal guard, who has decided to catch the dangerous criminal Flynn Rider. Disregarding danger, the fearless horse followed Flynn to places where the guards did not dare to go and, ironically, it was thanks to him that Flynn met Rapunzel. But when Maximus meets Rapunzel, he becomes kinder and begins to look at the world differently. When Flynn gets into trouble, the fearless horse had to rescue him by calling the tavern bandits for help.

Grubbingston Brothers- two bully robbers who were very successful in fights and robberies. One-eyed Grubbingston is always silent, and two-eyed speaks for two, but both express their thoughts much more easily with their fists than with words. Throughout the cartoon, very formidable and strong brothers are engaged in one single thought: to take revenge on their former partner Flynn Rider, who stole the crown of the missing princess Rapunzel from them. At the end of the cartoon they end up in prison.

Robbers from the Sweet Duckling Tavern:

Hook is a robber who once lost his arm and instead has a prosthetic in the form of a hook. But despite this, he dreams of becoming a famous pianist like Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

Lovelorn is a not-so-attractive robber with a big nose and many fingers, and also dreams of finding true love.

Vladimir is a tall robber with a fierce appearance but a kind disposition. Has a hobby: collecting porcelain unicorns.

Dedok (Shorty)- a tiny robber with slurred speech, probably due to an extra glass, but, nevertheless, the most charming angel in the cartoon.

The killer is a robber and a skilled tailor.

Thor is a tough robber who loves to dig in the garden. I wanted to leave the robbers and become a florist.

Attila is the most terrible of all robbers, hiding his face under an iron mask, and also a noble cook who prepares cupcakes excellently.

Ulf - mime. He does not speak, but communicates only with gestures.

Gunther is a narcissistic robber. Dreams of becoming a designer.


Early attempts to create a cartoon based on the Brothers Grimm fairy tale Rapunzel were made by Walt Disney back in the 1940s, but the project proved to be a "very tough nut to crack" as the story was difficult to adapt. Later, in 1996, when creating the cartoon "Tarzan", animator Glen Keane decided to create a full-length cartoon, an adaptation of the Brothers Grimm fairy tale of the same name. He was very passionate about creating the project, as he was very intrigued by the story of "a girl with an innate inner gift that she was so eager to unleash", comparing it to his work at Walt Disney Animation Studios. However, production began only in 2002. It took 6 years and a budget of $260 million to create the animated film “Tangled.” In April 2007, it was announced that Annie had been attached as an animator, with artist Dean Wellins serving as co-director of the film alongside Glen Keane.

However, on October 9, 2008, it was reported that Keane (after suffering a heart attack) and Wellins had been replaced by Byron Howard and Nathan Greno, director and storyboard director for the animated film Bolt. Keane remained as executive producer while Wellins moved on to other projects.

Initial script

According to production manager Doeri Welch Greiner, the original script was something of a sequel to the 2007 film. According to the plot, Rapunzel was supposed to turn into a squirrel, and a girl from the real world would take her place. Glen Keane leaned in favor of a more fun and fantastical tale, which is what Disney is famous for: “I think that's exactly what Disney needs to do right now. No one else can do this. We shouldn’t be embarrassed or make excuses for making a fairy tale.”

Name change

In the American box office the film is called "Tangled", which means "Tangled". Initially, the film was supposed to retain the classic title of the Brothers Grimm fairy tale, with some additions. As a result, the film got the name “Rapunzel Unbraided”. The name change occurred due to the failure of the latter ($200 million worldwide on a $105 million budget), which did not exceed Disney's expectations. Another reason for the name change was the opinion of Disney management that cartoons whose titles included the word “princess” or a girl’s name would not interest boys. Disney was criticized for the name change. Floyd Norman, a former Disney and Pixar animator, said: “Renaming Tangled to Tangled is a very stupid idea. They won't achieve anything other than making everyone understand how desperate Disney is to attract audiences." In Russian distribution, the film retained its classic title with some additions - “Tangled.”

In an interview with Nathan Greno and Byron Howard, they said: “We wanted a title that would reflect the essence of the film we made. Rapunzel is like being called Buzz Lightyear. But this is a story about Buzz and Woody. Our film is the same. This is a story not about one hero, but about two.”

Technical details

The film's visual style is based on French Rococo artist Jean Honoré Fragonard's The Swing, as (former) director Glen Keane wanted the film to look like a traditional hand-drawn Disney classic in 3D. First, a workshop called "The Best of Both Worlds" was organized, where he and 50 Disney animators (CGI artists and traditional artists) weighed the pros and cons of each style. Due to advancements in computer technology, most of the basic principles of animation were only used in traditional cartoons, but were absent from CGI films due to technical limitations. Now the technology is becoming possible in this area of ​​animation, where it will be used together with the potential offered by CGI. Keane has stated many times that he will make the computer "kneel to the artist" and that it is not the computer that dictates the artistic style of the film. Keen forces the computer to become "flexible, like a pencil," so its "three-dimensional drawing" appears within the reach of the artist controlling the technology. When the project began, many of the methods and tools Keene required for quality did not yet exist and WDFA had to make them themselves.

To create the impression of a drawing, the intention was to use a non-photorealistic rendering, making the surface look like it was drawn, but still containing dimension and depth.

The film was made in CGI, although it was modeled in the traditional form of canvas paintings. Paintings by Jean Honoré Fragonard were used as examples for the film's art style, which Keeney described as "romantic and lush". Keen said, “No photorealistic hair needed. I want luscious hair and we are inventing new ways to do it. I want to bring the warmth and intuitive feeling of painting to CGI." One of the animators' main goals was to create movement that emulated the soft fluidity of painting. Keeney, with the help of 3D animator Kyle Stravitz, combined CGI with painting: "Taking Snow White's house, he built, drew and painted it so that it looked like a plane that suddenly began to move, had size and contained all the soft, round and curved strokes watercolors. Kyle helped us get that Fragonard look from that girl at the Swing. We use subsurface scattering, global illumination and all the latest techniques to make the human characters compelling and the environment enriched."

Musical accompaniment

The music for the cartoon was written by 8-time Oscar winner composer Alan Menken, and the lyrics were written by Glenn Slater. Alan Menken stated that he mixed medieval music with 1960s folk rock to create the new songs.

List of tracks:

1. "When Will My Life Begin"

2. "When Will My Life Begin (Reprise 1)"

3. "Mother Knows Best"

4. "When Will My Life Begin (Reprise 2)"

5. "I've Got a Dream"

6. "Mother Knows Best (Reprise)"

7. "I See the Light"

8. "Healing Incantation"

9. "Flynn Wanted"

10. "Prologue"

11. "Horse with No Rider"

12. "Escape Route"

13. "Campfire Score"

14. "Kingdom Dance"

15. "Waiting for the Lights"

16. "Return to Mother"

17. "Realization and Escape"

18. "The Tear Heals"

19. "Kingdom Celebration"

20. "Something That I Want"

Some recorded songs were ultimately cut from the film. The song “When will real life begin?” replaced the earlier version of "What More Could I Ever Need?" Alan Menken reported that there were five or six intermediate versions.

The composer also claimed that the love song was originally called "You Are My Forever". At first it told about the motherly feelings of Mother Gothel, but then it was supposed to be performed by Flynn Rider in a romantic way. Apparently, this song was replaced by others - "Mom Smarter" and "Healing Song", although neither of them is sung by Flynn.

Online Games

Critics' reaction

Foreign critics

This film received mostly positive reviews. Rotten Tomatoes reports that out of 131 critics, 89% gave the film a high rating (average 7.6/10). Among the top critics on Rotten Tomatoes, which consists of popular and well-known critics from famous newspapers, websites, television and radio shows, the cartoon has a rating of 93% (28 reviews, of which only 2 are negative). The general consensus on the site is that the film, while far from being considered Disney's Greatest Film, is visually stunning and certainly an interesting addition to the studio's animation classics. The site Metacritic, which also collects reviews and determines the average arithmetic score on a 100-point scale, awarded the film 72 points based on 33 reviews. On IMDB, the film has a 7.8/10 rating and 81,561 ratings.

Anthony Scott of The New York Times praised the look and spirit of the film, calling it modernized, updated, but still sincerely and obviously preserving the traditions of the old school Disney. Time film critic Richard Corliss noted that the film "struggles toward the DreamWorks style of sitcom gags and anachronistic irreverence," praising it for "combining chivalric romance, comedy, adventure and love, which is what makes it so good." sets Disney apart from other studios." Kenneth Turan of The Los Angeles Times awarded the film four out of five stars, describing it as "a superbly rendered computer-animated film, with rich scenery and characters that are more fully revealed than before and look almost lifelike."

Online critic James Berardinelli wrote a review on his website that the film was "entertaining and enjoyable, but not groundbreaking." He also stated that Rapunzel "isn't as memorable as Snow White, Ariel and Belle" and that the songs in the film are "neither catchy nor memorable." Rolling Stone's Peter Travers was greatly amused by Maximus the horse and Pascal the chameleon. Most critics praised the animation, especially the lantern scene ("I See Light"), which some reviewers compared to the dance hall scene from Beauty and the Beast. And famous director Quentin Tarantino included “Rapunzel” in his top twenty films of 2010.

Russian critics

Alla Ivanova from RBC daily notes that “Disney’s 3D adaptation of the Brothers Grimm fairy tale is significantly more fun than the original source. And besides, it promotes the simple idea that you shouldn’t wait for magic. Man forges his own happiness.” Svetlana Pistsova, a columnist for the [email protected] portal, especially liked the minor characters: “It was the chameleon-hypnotist paired with the zealous bloodhound horse Maximus - and not the endless golden hair - that became the main decoration and driving force of this half-forgotten story.” . Georgy Berlinsky in the online publication “Kinokadr” is glad that Disney has begun to move in the opposite direction: “Lasseter’s new project is another step back, but in a good way. Another graceful step in a nostalgic dance on the skeletons of our own classics, begun by “Enchanted” and continued by “The Princess and the Frog.”

Evgeny Nefyodov on the World Art website does not claim that Tangled was a disappointment, but the film’s enthusiastic ratings seem to him too high: “Rapunzel, deftly using a unique (and drawn, we note, with extraordinary scrupulousness) hairstyle, easily replenishes the rich gallery princesses who will definitely, despite all the tricks of fate and the machinations of evil stepmothers, achieve the fulfillment of their cherished desires and marry the chosen one.” Alexander Dudik called the film “Glaziator” “Disney simply cannot do without a pack of big, beautiful, drawn eyes,” noting that the cartoon has “a three-page story, feisty evil and uncompromising heroic goodness”: “And even if all this is a little naive. But it’s right on target.” Pyotr Favorov on the pages of Afisha spoke about the film like this: “Classic Disney, only three-dimensional and made on a computer.” Polina Ryzhova from the Film.ru portal believes that “Rapunzel desperately imitates Dreamworks products: the prince here is under threat, the princess is twirling the lasso and only the horse is silent for some reason.”

Daria Goryacheva, on the pages of Gazeta, notes “the anecdotal care with which the Disney studio approached its anniversary cartoon.” According to Vita Ramm from Izvestia, the cartoon turned out to be fun and clear. And Lidiya Maslova in the Kommersant newspaper doubts the need for the 3D format. Vitaly Nuriev, in turn, in his review for Nezavisimaya Gazeta, evaluates fairy-tale animals: “There are funny animals in Rapunzel, they even take on a significant dramatic load, often being responsible for the rhythm of the film and for its especially humorous moments " Oksana Naralenkova from Rossiyskaya Gazeta summarizes: “Rapunzel is a memorable character, playful like a boy and fragile like a girl, “Barbie with character,” who will certainly conquer all girls from five to fifteen. Flynn resembles Robin Hood with Ken's looks and together they are the perfect couple."

Awards and nominations

2011- Oscar nomination for Best Song - “I See the Light”.

2011- Golden Globe nomination for Best Original Song and Best Animated Film.

2011– nomination for Georges, for Best Animated Film.

2011– Saturn nomination for Best Animated Film.

This is interesting:

      • Flynn Ryder is 26 years old and Rapunzel is 18. Their eight-year difference is considered the largest difference in Disney animated couples.
      • During the song "I See Light", over 45,000 lanterns were used to illuminate the night sky.
      • Although it is Disney's 50th animated film, it is Walt Disney Animation Studios' 4th film and the third to be CGI animated.
      • This is Disney's first computer-animated musical fairy tale film.
      • The climactic scene of the film takes place against a horizon filled with burning lanterns. Each lantern contains a separate painted fire, consisting of 10,000 small beams of light. 46,000 flashlights fit in one frame, hence 460 million light beams.
      • The waterfall and rushing stream near the tower were modeled after the rivers and waterfalls in Yosemite National Park in California. A senior special effects specialist went there for two days and shot more than 150 location videos. The artists relied on them in their work, choosing the best places and angles. In order to make the waterfall realistic, it was necessary to simulate more than 10 million individual droplets.
      • The inspiration for the scene in which the river breaks through the wooden dam was the Grizzly Rapids ride at Disneyland California. In the final scene of the dam breaking, 23 million virtual gallons of drawn water spill onto the screen.
      • While working on the film, ten women from the creative team began to grow their hair. This hair was then donated to an organization that makes wigs for people who have gone bald as a result of disease.
      • David Schwimmer and Burt Reynolds were cast in the roles, which were eventually removed during production.
      • The cartoon's animators were given the task of placing 3,000 townspeople in the climax scene. They dealt with this by making Rapunzel an animated project with the biggest crowd scene.

Rapunzel: Happy Forever

is an American short film from Walt Disney Studios directed by Nathan Greno and Byron Howard. It is a continuation of the 2010 full-length animated film “Tangled.”


Rapunzel and Eugene were preparing for their wedding. All the inhabitants of the royal castle were also waiting for this. And now this happy day has come! Rapunzel appeared on the threshold of the church in her wedding dress. The king-father led her by the arm to the groom and the priest. The horse Maximus was entrusted with holding a pillow with rings, and the chameleon Pascal was entrusted with scattering flowers. The priest began the ritual, but then one flower hit the horse’s nose and he sneezed! The rings flew away and rolled down the stairs of the castle. The horse and chameleon rushed in pursuit. But only after running across the entire kingdom, destroying everything that came along the way, and ending up in a tar pit, were they able to catch the rings and return to the right moment. Rapunzel and Eugene exchanged rings and the priest declared them husband and wife! Everyone was happy!

And when everyone decided to try the wedding cake, Maximus managed to send the cake on the same path as the rings...

This is interesting:

      • In the movie Tangled, Maximus the horse is depicted with brown eyes, but on the movie poster for the movie Tangled, he has blue eyes. This is a mistake on the part of the animators, which was recorded on the official Disney YouTube account.
      • Unlike the Tangled feature, which was rated PG by the MPAA, this short was rated G by the MPAA, as are most Disney animated shorts in the United States.

Rapunzel: Tangled

Animated series planned for 2017.


The events of the animated series are a continuation of the main film. Rapunzel returns to her kingdom to resume her rightful place in the royal family. But feeling that she has been locked up in the tower for a very long time and wants to learn more about the world, she postpones her coronation and wedding to Flynn. She sets out to explore the world and look for adventures with her fiancé, the chameleon Pascal, the horse Maximus, a gang of thugs and a new maid, Cassandra.

Like other recent Disney films, Tangled is supported in retail stores by a line of toys and other merchandise. Many dolls made in Rapunzel's image highlight the length of her hair, and some even play songs from the film. Toys made in the likeness of other characters were also released for sale. These include Flynn Ryder, Pascal the chameleon and Maximus the horse.

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Dubbing actors Victoria Daineko, Grigory Antipenko, Andrey Birin, more Composer Alan Menken Editing Tim Mertens Dubbing director Anna Sevostyanova Screenwriters Dan Fogelman, Jacob Grimm, Wilhelm Grimm, more Artists Douglas Rogers, Dan Cooper, David Goetz

  • The source of the idea for creating the animation was the fairy tale of the same name by the Brothers Grimm.
  • In order to properly convey the movement of the princess's hair, we had to create a completely new program, Dynamic Wires.
  • The film became the 50th anniversary work of the Disney animation studio.
  • The older artist gave Rapunzel his daughter's personality traits and allowed her to design the murals on the walls of the tower.
  • The film contains a scene with a record number of characters. It depicts about 3,000 townspeople.

More facts (+2)


  • In the first scene on the balcony we see a daisy on a flower pot. In the next shot she disappears.
  • Along with other pursuers, Flynn is chased by a guardsman on a gray horse, but then it disappears, and a brown one appears in its place.
  • The robber wrapped in Rapunzel's hair falls on his left side. But when the princess starts to pull him up, the man ends up on his back. He is tied to a chair and could not turn around on his own.
  • Flynn injures the palm of his left hand on the rocks, but a little later there is no scratch.
  • In the scene where the heroes confront Gothel, a lock of hair falls on Rapunzel's forehead. A second later, the hair is pulled back, although the princess is tied up.
  • The villainess's hands look young when she falls from the tower. In the previous scene, she was an old woman with gray, wrinkled skin.
  • Flynn's right hand rotates during the miraculous healing, although he is theoretically dead.

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A drop of solar energy falls on the ground. From it grows a miraculous flower that gives eternal youth, so desired by the evil Gothel. One day the pregnant queen falls ill. Only this plant can save her and the guards go in search. To the king's delight, the flower reaches the castle in time. The queen gives life to her daughter, who receives all the power of the sun. But Gothel sneaks into the bedroom and steals the princess. The villain imprisons the girl in a high tower and assures her that there is a very cruel world outside. On each of her birthdays, Rapunzel, who has grown up, sees lanterns flying into the sky. But she doesn’t know who is letting them in and why, so she asks Gothel, whom she considers her mother, to go to the mysterious lights. The witch refuses.

The robber Flynn, fleeing from the guards, ends up in the tower. He stole the crown, which the princess hides and in exchange for it asks to be taken to the lanterns. The thief agrees and the heroes set off on their journey.

Gothel finds the hiding place and, with his accomplices, arranges everything so that Rapunzel becomes disillusioned with Flynn and returns, and he goes to prison. Friends help the robber and together they rush to the princess, who again believed the words of the villain.

In our material we would like to talk about such a cartoon character as Flynn Rider. What is known about the character? What qualities does he have? Who did the voicing of the character in the animated film? All this will be discussed in our article.

Flynn's biography

Flynn Ryder is the protagonist of the skilled thief Eugene Philcelbert. From early childhood, the boy was forced to eke out a poor orphan existence on the streets of the city. His childhood was spent in an orphanage. It was here that the guy came across a book that told the story of Flinigan Ryder, a fearless hero who embodies the ideals of every teenager. Realizing that to achieve success it is not necessary to do good deeds, Eugene takes the path of a criminal. To break all ties with his unhappy childhood and hide his true identity, the character calls himself Flynn Ryder.

Using outstanding intelligence, cunning, agility and extraordinary beauty, the newly minted hero sets out to solve his own problems. He leads a carefree life in abundance, which he secures for himself by stealing. Everything turns upside down for Flynn when he meets Rapunzel - a girl with amazing appearance who has incredibly long golden curls. Soon he becomes a faithful companion for the beauty and gradually begins to develop romantic feelings for her.

According to the plot of the cartoon “Tangled,” a magic drop falls on the ground, from which grows a mysterious sunny flower that can bestow unfading beauty on its owner. A magical plant is accidentally discovered by a cunning old woman named Gothel and uses its miraculous properties for personal purposes.

Meanwhile, the king's wife becomes seriously ill. Only a magic flower can save her life. The entire court retinue goes in search of the plant. Ultimately, the magical artifact is found, and the queen saves herself from an untimely death. Soon she gives birth to a girl, Princess Rapunzel, whose hair acquires magical properties. Wanting to regain youth, Old Woman Gothel sneaks into the castle, cuts off a lock of hair from the baby's head and kidnaps the child. Since then, the princess has lived in a dilapidated tower in the middle of

On Rapunzel's 18th birthday, by chance she encounters Flynn Rider. Gothel captures the young thief and hides the royal crown he stole. In turn, the princess makes a promise to the guy to return the jewel if he leads her to the king's castle. Flynn agrees, after which the heroes involve themselves in a cycle of incredible adventures and a whole series of funny situations.

Meet the Hero

Ryder's appearance in Tangled occurs when the viewer is shown wanted posters posted throughout the kingdom. Next, the famous adventurer himself appears on stage in the company of thieves - the Grabbingston brothers. Together, the criminals infiltrate the monarch's palace, intending to steal the princess's precious crown. The plan works, but Flynn and his companions are spotted by a guard. Thieves have to hide from pursuit by jumping on the roofs of houses. Having reached the forest, the friends continue to flee, realizing that they are being chased by the best bloodhound in the kingdom - a horse named Maximus. Flynn Rider abandons his comrades and escapes, taking with him the precious crown. After a funny chase, the robber ends up near an ancient tower, where he loses consciousness after being hit on the head with a frying pan by the old woman Gothel.

Character character

The charming cartoon character from Disney, Flynn Ryder, is a real adventurer. He is used to achieving success using his cute, attractive appearance. The hero is inclined to explain his criminal deeds by bitter fate.

Despite his many vices, Flynn is a good-natured character who never harms the poor and disadvantaged people. He values ​​freedom above material well-being. Ryder is always ready to help those in need at the expense of his own safety.

Who voices Flynn Rider in Rapunzel?

In the original English-language version of the animated film, the American artist Zachary Levi, known for starring in the TV series “Klava, come on!”, is responsible for voicing the character. and "Chuck". The voice of the hero in the version of the cartoon, intended for demonstration in Russian box office, was done by actor Grigory Antipenko. The latter is familiar to a wide audience from his participation in the multi-part television project “Don’t Be Born Beautiful.”

According to Gregory, he got an amazing character, wonderful in all respects. While working on the dubbing, the artist was given a difficult task, namely, to convey through his voice the character of the hero, who is an absolute adventurer, knows no authority and never, as reviews from fans of the cartoon show, Antipenko did an excellent job with his role.

4. Characters
5. Production
7. Music
8. Marketing
9. Name change
10. Criticism

The film features five main characters, 21 robbers and 38 townspeople. For the climactic lantern scene, the special effects artists were tasked with bringing 3,000 townspeople onto the screen. This is the largest crowd scene in Disney computer animation history.

Main characters

The main characters of the cartoon. From left to right: Flynn Rider, Maximus the horse, Rapunzel and Pascal the chameleon.

  • Rapunzel is an unusual princess. The king and queen waited a long time for her appearance. But shortly before the birth of the girl, the queen fell ill. She, and therefore the child, was able to be saved by the power of the drink from the Magic Flower.

When Rapunzel was very young, she was kidnapped by a witch and imprisoned in a tower to preserve the magical power of the Magic Flower, which passed on to the child. Therefore, Rapunzel thinks that Mother Gothel is her real mother.

Rapunzel enjoys life in the tower, spending most of her day painting the walls. She shows creativity in her drawings. Subsequently, Rapunzel begins to wonder what is and is happening outside the tower. The girl uses her hair very cleverly. The day before her eighteenth birthday, the girl runs away with a robber who is wanted throughout the kingdom, Flynn Ryder, with whom she later falls in love.

  • Flynn Rider or Eugene Fitzherbert the main thief of the kingdom. Since childhood, Eugene Fitzherbert was an orphan and raised in an orphanage. There he found a book about Flynnigan Rider, the embodiment of his ideals. Realizing that it is not necessary to be a hero, Eugene takes the path of crime. In order to forget about the past, he takes the pseudonym Flynn Rider. Solving all problems thanks to intelligence, cunning and beauty, he lived a free life and always achieved what he wanted, until he met Rapunzel - a strange girl with unusually long golden hair. With her, none of his usual tricks work anymore.

The name of this hero in the original was “Prince Bastion”, but the script was revised and the name was changed to “Flynn”, which is a nod to the actor Errol Flynn, who played the role of a robber in the film “The Adventures of Robin Hood”, and the surname is a translation from the English word “Horseman” . Also, by character, Flynn Ryder had to be British and speak with a British accent. Zachary Levi was even approved for this role, but later the character became American.

  • Mother Gothel is the main villain of the film. Manipulative and greedy. She kidnapped Rapunzel from her parents and imprisoned her in a tower with only one window in order to keep the magical power of Rapunzel's hair, which she uses to remain forever young, a secret from the world. Pretends to be the princess's real mother. Skillfully manipulates the pupil. Gothel uses arguments such as "Mom is smarter" to prevent Rapunzel from wanting to leave the tower. And when the girl runs away, Mother Gothel goes crazy and stops at nothing to bring the fugitive back.
  • Rapunzel's best friend. Since friends cannot communicate verbally, the owner understands him by changing colors and facial expressions. The chameleon plays a huge role in Rapunzel's life. He is both the girl's coach and confidante. It was this hero who inspired Rapunzel to take a desperate step - to trust the main thief of the kingdom.
  • Horse Maximus is the horse of the captain of the royal guard, who has vowed to certainly catch the dangerous criminal Flynn Rider. Defying danger, the fearless horse follows Flynn to places where the guards do not dare to go. It was this horse that brought Flynn to Rapunzel. But after meeting Rapunzel, Maximus becomes kinder and begins to look at the world differently. When the main characters get into trouble, the fearless horse had to rescue them from trouble by calling robbers from the tavern for help.


Tavern robbers.

  • Hook robber who lost his hand. But despite this, he dreams of becoming a famous pianist.
  • Lovelorn is not the most attractive rogue who dreams of finding true love.
  • Vladamir is a robber with a fierce appearance and a good disposition. His hobby is collecting porcelain unicorns.
  • Tiny Robber one of the most significant robbers, who has slurred speech.
  • The killer is a big guy, a skilled tailor.
  • Thor is a tough robber who loves to dig in the garden. I wanted to leave the robbers and become a florist.
  • Attila is the most terrible of all robbers, hiding his face under an iron mask. Has the ability to make excellent cupcakes.

Characters of the cartoon "Tangled": Rapunzel is an unusual princess with the gift of healing with her long 21-meter hair. As a child, Rapunzel was kidnapped by the evil woman Mother Gothel in order to use the girl’s hair for her rejuvenation, and she hid Rapunzel in a high tower hidden from prying eyes, where the girl lived her entire adult life, but Rapunzel cannot be called an unfortunate young lady. One day, the girl firmly decided to end her seclusion and step towards adventure, and when the charming robber Flynn Rider takes refuge in her tower, she grabs this chance and sets off on a journey towards her dream, and on the way to it, Rapunzel begins to understand that more and more falls more in love with Flynn, and also that she is the once long-lost princess. Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert is the main thief of the kingdom with a rather attractive appearance. Since childhood, Eugene Fitzelbert was an orphan and raised in an orphanage, where one day he found a book about Flynnigan Ryder, the embodiment of his ideals. Realizing that it is not necessary to be a hero, Eugene takes the path of crime, and in order to forget about the past, he takes a pseudonym - Flynn Rider. Solving all problems thanks to intelligence, cunning and beauty, he lived a free life and always achieved what he wanted, until he met Rapunzel - a strange girl with unusually long golden hair, with whom none of his usual tricks would work, and soon he had to help a girl to get out of the tower and help her get to her dream, and gradually realizes that he is in love with her. Mother Gothel is the main villain of the film, a manipulative and greedy woman who once kidnapped Rapunzel from her real parents, the king and queen, and imprisoned her in a tower with only one window in order to keep the magical power of Rapunzel's hair secret from the world. , which she used to stay forever young, posing as the real mother of the princess, skillfully manipulating her pupil. Gothel uses arguments such as “Mom is smarter” to protect Rapunzel from wanting to leave the tower, but one day, the girl runs away, Mother Gothel decides to find her at all costs. At the end of the cartoon, Gothel falls out of the tower window and turns to dust. Pascal is a chameleon and Rapunzel's best friend. Since they cannot communicate verbally, the owner understands him by changing colors and facial expressions. The chameleon plays a huge role in Rapunzel's life: he is both the girl's trainer and confidant. It is Pascal who pushes Rapunzel to take a desperate step - to trust the main thief of the kingdom, Flynn Rider, so that the mistress can get out of the tower. Maximus is the horse of the captain of the royal guard, who decided to certainly catch the dangerous criminal Flynn Rider. Defying danger, the fearless horse followed Flynn where the guards did not dare to go, and ironically, it was thanks to him that Flynn met Rapunzel. But when Maximus meets Rapunzel, he becomes kinder and begins to look at the world differently, and when Flynn gets into trouble, the fearless horse had to rescue him from trouble by calling the robbers from the tavern for help. The Stabbington Brothers are two bully robbers who are very successful in fights and robberies. One-eyed Grabbington is always silent, and two-eyed speaks for two, but both express their thoughts much more easily with their fists than with words. Throughout the cartoon, very formidable and strong brothers are engaged in one single thought: to take revenge on their former accomplice, Flynn Rider, who stole the crown of the missing princess (Rapunzel) from them. At the end of the cartoon they find themselves behind bars. Tavern robbers. Clockwise from the bottom: Dedok, Thor, Attila, Vladimir, Lovelorn, Hook Robbers from the Sweet Duckling tavern: Hook Hand - a robber who once lost his hand, has a prosthetic in the form of a hook instead, but despite To this end, he dreams of becoming a famous pianist like Mozart. Lovelorn (English: Big Nose) is a not very attractive robber who has a big nose and many fingers and dreams of finding true love. Vladimir (English: Vladimir) is a tall robber with a fierce appearance but a kind disposition. Has a hobby of collecting porcelain unicorns. Dedok (Shorty) is a tiny robber with slurred speech, probably due to an extra glass, but, nevertheless, the most charming angel in the cartoon and, according to Mother Gothel, a real heartthrob. Killer (English Killer) - a robber, a skilled tailor. Thor is a tough robber who loves to dig in the garden. I wanted to leave the robbers and become a florist. Attila (English Attila) is the most terrible of all robbers, hiding his face under an iron mask, as well as a noble culinary specialist who prepares cupcakes excellently. Ulf (eng. Ulf) - mime, does not speak, communicates only with gestures. Gunther is a narcissistic robber who dreams of becoming a designer.