DIY cereal paintings step by step. Pictures from cereals

When studying at home with your child, you can find many interesting and joint activities. In addition to watching cartoons and playing modern toys, you can also do crafts. Crafts can be different - crafts from vegetables, crafts from origami, crafts from dough or crafts from cereals. Our article will be about the latest crafts.

By making crafts from cereals with your child, you develop your child’s imagination, perseverance, fine motor skills and attentiveness. Also, such crafts arouse interest and joy in the child.
In order to make a craft from cereals with your own hands with your child, you don’t need much, just have glue, various cereals, a simple pencil, cardboard or paper and a brush on hand.
Draw the picture you want on a piece of paper (at your discretion) - any animal, nature, etc.

Prepare a container for glue. Pour it in there.
Spread the desired area with glue and pour the desired cereal onto this place.
Keep doing this until the whole picture is ready. If you use one type of grain to make a craft, then you don’t have to separate the picture by area; you can fill the entire pattern with grain at once.
A little imagination and the craft is ready! You can use other materials together with cereals, for example, seeds, noodles, nuts, etc.

Crafts from cereals and pasta.

Crafts from seeds and cereals.

More photos of crafts made from cereals.

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10 ideas for crafts made from cereals for children and adults

At first glance, it is difficult to imagine that it is possible to make applications from buckwheat, such a small grain. However, this is true: buckwheat is an excellent material for crafts.

Buckwheat applications can be made in a wide variety of ways: thematic (fish, chicken, bear cub, Cheburashka, owlet, woodpecker, sunflower), the alphabet from cereals and even entire compositions. If desired, the craft can be easily painted. Then the work will become brighter, richer and more attractive. This activity is very interesting and exciting. The applications turn out amazingly beautiful. They can decorate the kitchen, children's room.

Application from cereals in general, and from buckwheat in particular, This is an opportunity to reveal children's abilities, as well as promote the development of fine motor skills of the fingers.

Making crafts from cereals is not difficult. You will need: cereal, PVA glue, a sheet of thick cardboard, markers or felt-tip pens, pencils, gouache for coloring.

How to make buckwheat applications

  1. Prepare a sheet of cardboard, preferably colored.
  2. Print out the drawing you like or draw it yourself using a pencil.
  3. Carefully apply glue along the contour of the image or lubricate all the details of the future application.
  4. Sprinkle buckwheat onto greased areas.
  5. Let dry (this will take about two hours).
  6. Gently shake off any excess grain that has not stuck to it.
  7. Move to the next section of the picture and glue the buckwheat again.
  8. If desired, paint the craft with gouache.
  9. To keep your craft for a long time, spray it with hairspray from a can (hairspray is quite suitable).

How to color buckwheat applications

Buckwheat crafts look much more attractive when the grain is colored. How to do this without ruining the work? It is best to color the core before gluing it. For this:

Pack the resulting colored cereal into different jars. The lid should not be closed. When you decide to do a craft, you have everything prepared in advance.

In applications, buckwheat can be combined with other types of cereals: millet, rice, semolina, as well as peas, pasta, seeds, pistachio shells, eggshells.

Original crafts made from cereals with your own hands will bring joy not only to kids and their parents. They will give a sunny mood to everyone who can admire such beauty.

Crafts from cereals with your own

Open the cabinet in the kitchen where you store bulk products - there you will definitely find long rice and spicy buckwheat, small yellow millet and halves of peas, and now we suggest using these products not for preparing porridges and side dishes, but for creating crafts from cereals. Unconventional techniques especially captivate the child, and while the mother is preparing a delicious dinner for the whole family, the baby will be busy with a new type of creativity.

Crafts from cereals for children

If you are looking for interesting ideas crafts from cereals for children, then we can offer you semolina as a material for creativity - small grains can be used to create bright and original appliqué paintings. However, semolina is white, and in order to get a bright multi-color applique, the grains must be colored.

In addition to semolina, we will also need gouache, medical alcohol and water, which will be used to dilute the paint. To facilitate the coloring process, we will need a teaspoon and a container (saucer or plastic bowl), and a fine strainer to prevent the formation of lumps. The colored semolina should be placed on a sheet of white paper to dry. Ready-made grains can be used for creativity at any time; you can immediately paint a large amount of semolina in different colors, and then store them in glass or plastic containers. At any time you will have materials at hand to create crafts for kindergarten.

The paint must be diluted with water, using a solution of alcohol and water in equal proportions, for example, you must mix two teaspoons of water and alcohol, and then add one spoon of paint of the desired color to the liquid. Remember that the more liquid you add, the lighter the shade of paint you will get, so you can easily create a smooth transition from dark to pale.

The paint should be mixed with the liquid and add semolina, stirring so that the paint is evenly distributed among the grains. The colored solution should make the grains slightly damp, but not wet, and to prevent the appearance of lumps, the grains should be thoroughly rubbed with a spoon. Then rub the semolina with your fingers so that they are evenly colored; you can entrust this work to a child. After this coloring, the semolina should become crumbly. You may need a fine sieve to get rid of any lumps. After coloring, the manochka should be laid out on a sheet of paper and left on a sunny windowsill until completely dry.

The finished manochka, painted in different colors, can be used to create applications. To do this we need a printed or drawn picture and PVA glue with a brush. The element of the picture must be covered with a thin layer of glue using a brush, then sprinkle this part of the picture with grains of the selected color on top, and lightly press it with your fingers. Thus, cover the remaining elements DIY cereal crafts for children. After complete drying, the picture can be turned over so that the unadhered grains fall off.

Crafts from cereals

As a material for children's creativity, parents can choose colored sand, it can be bought in a store with children's goods, or they can choose a more environmentally friendly product that will be safe for the child - colored semolina, which you can “cook” yourself. When the baby works with such material, making crafts with his own hands in the fall or spring, mommy won’t even have to worry that the preschooler will accidentally taste the honey. We colored it with gouache or food coloring, which means it is completely safe.

You can play with colored grains at home and on the street, and this material is available all year round, but colored sand may run out of stores in your city.

Drawing on sand has recently become very popular, for the same purposes we will use a manochka: pour it onto a flat surface (for example, a tray), smooth it with your palm, and then draw with a stick or finger. The child can learn to write numbers and letters, and in case of failure, all he has to do is run his palm over the surface again and the basis is ready for new creative ideas.

When does your child get his first neat DIY crafts from cereals, photo Be sure to make the finished result as a keepsake, and you can also describe your original idea for children’s creativity on our website so that other mothers can get inspiration.

You can choose another execution option crafts from cereals, photo You will definitely find “cereal” applications on the Internet. In addition to semolina, you can also use rice; it also has a neutral color, so before making the applique, the grains of rice can be painted with gouache paint.

Crafts made from different materials contribute to the formation of a creative personality, the child develops fantasy and imagination, he will look for the opportunity to realize his creative potential in all the materials that surround him. After using seeds and cereals, he will definitely want to try pasta as a material for creativity.

DIY cereal crafts are made using round or long-grain rice, you can also use chaff. In some applications, undyed rice is used, for example, where several types of cereals are combined - in addition to rice, there is also buckwheat, peas and beans. But if the child will only work with rice, then it should be colored first so that the material can be used to design the applique.

Long-grain rice is usually used; it is stronger and harder, and looks beautiful on paper. The most affordable option for coloring is to use gouache, but you can also use food dyes that are lying idle in your house or that are nearing their expiration date.

To make the paint stick better, add acetic acid to the solution.

Coloring will not be done in a bowl, as is the case with semolina, but in a plastic bag; it will be convenient to use zip-lock bags for these purposes. First you need to mix food coloring with water and add a few drops of acetic acid. By adding more or less water you can adjust the color saturation.

DIY cereal painting

Pour the rice into a plastic bag, add the dye there and mix thoroughly with the ziplock closed. The dye should be distributed over the grains of rice and color them evenly, then spread on a flat surface in one layer to dry.

Templates for crafts made from cereals

When you prepare the material for creativity, you need to worry about a beautiful image, the contours of which the child will fill with multi-colored grains, securely fixing them with glue. The easiest option is to find a picture on the Internet and print it out; mommy can draw the picture herself. Perhaps you have large coloring magazines at home, in which the child has already lost interest, you can take the images from there, they will be good templates for crafts from cereals.

Since cereals and seeds are quite heavy materials, so the thin office paper on which you print the picture will become an unreliable base, in this case we need a cardboard base. Therefore, the sheet with the image should be glued to a sheet of white cardboard, and when it dries, you can begin to make the applique.

You can choose an image on any topic; it is desirable that the picture consists of large elements that will be convenient to cover with grains. You can combine several materials, for example, crafts on the theme “Autumn” for kindergarten are made not only using green and brown semolina, with which you can make grass and tree trunks, autumn leaves are also used to form the crown.

DIY crafts from seeds and cereals

Ready templates for crafts from cereals for children You can fill it not with one type of grains, but with different ones, so you get a textured picture. You can use millet and pearl barley, rice and buckwheat, beans and split peas, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, as well as all other products whose creative potential has not yet been revealed.

When we looked at ways to make paper crafts, we described in detail the cutting method, which uses plasticine as a base, into which paper elements are literally “pressed.” This time we will again use plasticine as a base, but we will “press” various seeds and cereals into it.

Small grains and working with them contribute to the development of finger motor skills; a child can glue them to paper, press them into plasticine, or simply pour them from one hand to the other. Fine motor skills are closely related to the development of the speech apparatus, which is why creativity is very important for children aged 2-3 years; it should be practiced not only in kindergarten, but also at home.

Application on plasticine is simple crafts from cereals and seeds, for which you can use any products that you find in the kitchen - millet or rice, peas or buckwheat. In this case, in addition to plasticine, our picture will also contain paper elements, for example, we can cut out a tree trunk from colored paper, and first decorate its crown with plasticine, and then press yellow millet peas into the plastic base.

The plasticine must be thoroughly kneaded in your hands so that it becomes soft, and then literally “smear” it in small pieces on the cardboard surface. When you fill the surface with plasticine, you can press the grains on top, they will be securely fixed in the plastic base.

For kids you need to choose the simplest ones DIY crafts from seeds and cereals with large fragments, for example, a preschooler can make a sunflower flower: decorate the middle with seeds, which are fixed on a base of black plasticine, and use split peas painted with yellow dye to decorate the yellow petals.

Cereal paintings will also be of interest to real craftswomen, because handicraftsmen often use coffee beans to make various elements of home decor, and in addition to them, you can also use other bulk products. The result of the work can be varnished to secure the elements. The finished painting can be framed and used to decorate the kitchen interior.

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  • DIY cereal painting for beginner needlewomen

    An interesting craft can be made from absolutely any available materials, and a painting made from cereal with your own hands is a clear confirmation of this. Below is a step-by-step master class for beginner needlewomen, as well as for joint creativity with children.

    Necessary materials

    • Any cereal (semolina, rice, peas, buckwheat, lentils, beans, you can also use watermelon and pumpkin seeds);
    • Base for the picture (thick cardboard 1-2 mm thick or a flat board);
    • PVA glue or “Moment Crystal”;
    • Printed sketch of a drawing or stencil if necessary;
    • Auxiliary tools: brush, tweezers, scissors, funnel, napkins, etc.;
    • Paints (gouache or acrylic), transparent varnish if necessary.

    Preparing cereals

    The grains should first be thoroughly sorted, washed and dried.

    To create paintings, cereals of both natural color and dyed are used.

    Painting can be done after gluing the grains to the surface of the painting, but it is more logical to paint some small white grains (rice, semolina) in advance.

    To color rice, pour the required number of grains into a small container or bag, add a few drops of alcohol and dye (it is best to use gouache). The more dye, the more intense the color. Stir thoroughly so that the rice is evenly colored, then dry it in a slightly preheated oven for 10-15 minutes, stirring and turning occasionally.

    You can paint semolina in a similar way, but you only need to dry it in air, rubbing it with your fingers and sifting it through the finest sieve several times.

    Preparing the base for the painting

    1. It is necessary to cut out a blank of the required size from thick cardboard. If a wooden board is used as the base of the picture, its ends should be carefully sanded.
    2. Select a drawing. To begin with, you should give preference to the most simple drawings with clear lines, without small details, fine lines and halftones.
    3. If necessary, we decorate the background of the picture with paints. You can make it monochromatic or multi-colored. Part of the picture can be painted with paint, part can be laid out using cereals.
    4. We apply the drawing to the base. This can be done in different ways: draw it by hand with a pencil, transfer it through a stencil, or print it on a printer and stick it directly on the base of the picture.
    5. Apply a sufficient amount of PVA glue (or “Moment Crystal”) to the contours of the picture. To design the contours, it is advisable to choose large, dark-colored grains (for example, buckwheat, beans or watermelon seeds).

    Formatting the contours of the drawing

    First, using cereal, the main contours of the drawing are laid out. For convenience, it is advisable to use tweezers and press the glued grains tightly to the base of the picture. It is not allowed to leave large gaps between the cereals. Remove excess glue with a napkin. Then you should wait until the glue dries completely.

    Filling the free space of the picture

    Let's proceed to the most interesting part of the work - filling the space between the contours of the drawing with various grains. Here you can give free rein to your imagination: use colored and undyed grains, play with shape and texture, lay grains in one direction, or create fancy lines and curls. If desired, you can add additional elements from cereals, decorating the background of the picture.

    The glue should be applied in a fairly thick layer to ensure sufficient fixation of the cereal. Irregularities and uneven application of cereal are not allowed. Poorly glued or defective grains must be removed immediately, preventing the glue from drying out.

    Large grains can be laid out with your fingers, small ones - with tweezers or a needle. The most difficult thing is with semolina. It is best to pour it onto the appropriate area of ​​the painting through a paper funnel with a small hole, and then distribute it evenly with your fingers or a brush.

    To make the painting look more professional, you should minimize the distance between individual grains.

    DIY grain crafts: 60+ great ideas for beginners and advanced needlewomen

    To do this, you can first lay out large grains, fill the gaps between them with medium-sized grains, and fill the remaining space with semolina. Rice, rolled oats and other flat-shaped grains can be overlapped.

    After the glue has dried, the painting should be lightly shaken or tapped on the table. Re-glue the cereal that has come off.

    Complete drying of the finished painting is achieved after about a day. You should not dry the paintings on the radiator, this can lead to unwanted warping of the cardboard.

    To extend the life of paintings made from cereals, it is advisable to coat them with a transparent varnish. If desired, the dried picture can be framed and hung on the wall, or it can be presented as a pleasant and unusual gift.

    Video compilation

    For those who have already learned the basics of working with cereals, they are invited to try their hand at making more complex paintings from cereals with their own hands.

    You can use cereals not only to prepare porridges and side dishes. Using cereals you can create paintings. So Vasilisa was asked at school to make a composition of cereals on a free theme. It’s difficult to make a picture right away, taking various grains. So we decided to do things differently.

    I found a photograph of a landscape with a church in the background - this is what we took when we were in the Kiev Botanical Garden in the fall. By the way, I advise everyone to go to botanical gardens and parks not only in the spring, when everything is in bloom, but also in the fall - a stunning riot of colors.

    In our kitchen cabinet we found the following cereals and seeds:

    • buckwheat,
    • chop,
    • cereals,
    • rice,
    • split peas (halved),
    • sunflower seeds,
    • beans,
    • coffee,
    • various pasta.

    On thick cardboard we painted the background with watercolors: the sky, grass and a place for the stairs. Then they drew the dome of the church with a pencil. Now you can lay out the cereals.

    PVA glue was applied to the part that needed to be filled with cereals or seeds and glued one at a time - halves of orange peas, sunflower seeds and rice.

    They did the same with the rest of the picture, but when they laid out the trees, the cereals were glued not one at a time, but a lot at once. If not all the grains stick, it’s okay, you can simply blow them off from the painting later.

    For the branches we had to take pasta - noodles. The only thing we didn’t take into account is that the noodles are very light; it would be better to paint them a brighter color first.

    Coffee beans were used for the tree trunks - they give a bright spot in the picture, volume and shine. The stairs were bordered with purple beans. Although the staircase in the photo is not the same as the one in our picture, I like our version better.

    This is the picture we got from everything that was in the kitchen.

    Let's show a few more pictures of cereals and seeds that we found on the Internet:

    The best gift is one made with your own hands. Paintings made from cereals and seeds look original in the interior. Using natural products you can create magnificent landscapes, flowers and other interesting scenes. You can create such gifts together with your children. Making a picture is quite simple if you follow the step-by-step instructions.

    Pictures of seeds and cereals can be large or very small. It all depends on your imagination and what will be placed in the picture.

    As a basis you can use:

    • thick cardboard;
    • plywood.

    On the base you need to draw a diagram using a pencil. It could be an abstraction of circles, squares and other geometric shapes, or it could be a specific drawing. If you lack artistic skills, you can use ready-made ideas and examples. To do this, just print out the diagram and glue it to the base. When using multi-colored cereals, you can immediately print a color picture - then it will be a little easier to lay out the seeds.

    When the drawing is applied or the diagram is glued to the base, PVA glue is applied. It is on this that seeds and cereals are sprinkled.

    Small cereals, such as semolina, millet, rice and oatmeal, can be simply sprinkled on top of the adhesive base, but large seeds are glued with tweezers or by hand.

    Each part is glued with cereal separately. After finishing sprinkling one area, you need to wait for the craft to dry, and then turn the work over so that the excess parts fall off. This procedure must be done after completing each piece.

    At the end, the craft needs to be thoroughly dried and varnished. When it dries, you can give a gift.

    Options for kids

    Even a 2-3 year old child together with his parents can make an original painting.

    For children it is necessary to use simple drawings, for example:

    • vegetables;
    • fruits;
    • animals.

    It is better to use beans or pumpkin seeds as cereal, since they are large enough and the baby can glue them to the base himself. Before application, the seeds can be painted with gouache in any color. Children will do this procedure with pleasure.

    When using colored cereal, the base must be painted with the same paint so that there are no gaps left. An example is visible in the photo.

    After the painting has dried, it can be framed in a frame purchased at the store or created with your own hands. This gift can be given to family or friends.

    DIY landscape

    To create a painting depicting nature, all you need to do is complete a simple master class, and your gift or great interior item is ready.

    1. Find a color picture and match the color of the cereal.
    2. Choose the base of the right size.
    3. Print or draw a diagram based on it.
    4. Lubricate the base with glue.
    5. Next, apply the grain - first on large elements, then on smaller ones.
    6. After completing the pasting of the cereal, leave the painting to dry for several hours.
    7. Then turn the picture over so that the un-glued parts fall off.

    From multi-colored semolina you can create a sea, grass, a road. To create vegetation, you should use millet, poppy or acacia seeds. You can use pasta as an addition.

    How to make an owl

    Another interesting master class is creating a picture of cereal in the form of an owl. The owl will appeal to both children and adults. By doing the painting step by step, you can get an excellent result.

    For this craft, use the following grains:

    • white beans;
    • black beans;
    • yellow rice;
    • sunflower seeds;
    • buckwheat.

    An owl is drawn on a cardboard base, then it is covered with glue. The pupils are made from black beans, and the whites from white beans. The nose and paws are made from yellow rice, and the wings from black seeds. The branch on which the owl sits is made from buckwheat, and the leaves can be made from green peas.

    The cereal is glued to each part of the pattern using tweezers; small cereals can simply be sprinkled on the glue. You can make any background by painting it with gouache. The result will be an owl, as in the photo.

    Natural materials and plasticine

    You can create real masterpieces not only with the help of seeds, cereals, pasta and paints, but also with the help of plasticine. To do this, it is better to apply the design on glossy cardboard. Next, the drawing is painted with plasticine.

    This is done quite simply:

    • a small piece of plasticine of the desired color is pinched off;
    • smeared over the design with a finger;
    • Cereals of the desired color are applied to the plasticine.

    The advantage of this technique is that there is no glue, so you can do the work even with small children, as it is safe. Thanks to this technique, you can create a real fairy tale for your baby.

    By following simple step-by-step instructions for creating pictures from cereals, seeds and pasta, you can create an amazing and original gift for everyone. Schemes for paintings made from cereals are presented in a wide variety; you can also try to create a drawing yourself. To understand in more detail the process of creating such a gift, you can watch a video with detailed instructions.

    Create masterpieces with your own hands, because giving such gifts is always much more pleasant.

    In the process of creating a picture from cereals, you can use various types of plants and crops. This could be peas, lentils, corn, rice, buckwheat, coffee and many others.

    Also, for decoration, prepare: beads, leaves, ribbons, beads and much more.

    Tools for creating a painting:

    • PVA glue;
    • glue moment;
    • tweezers;
    • needle or toothpick;
    • pencil;
    • gouache (if it is necessary to paint parts);
    • spray varnish;
    • frame for painting.

    Preparation of materials

    To start working on a painting, prepare materials for work. The grains need to be sorted and all impurities removed. If your painting will use a color other than the color of the cereal, it will need to be painted. Pour the grain of your choice into the bowl and add paint. Mix thoroughly, making sure it colors evenly. Pour the cereal onto paper, spread it out and let it dry.

    Creativity with children

    Prepare a craft with your child for kindergarten or school. First, think and imagine what your future painting will be like. You should not use intricate plots or complex drawings in creative work with children. Give your child the opportunity to express himself, his imagination and make a picture with his own hands.

    To begin, draw a picture of the painting onto the cardboard, try to draw it as inconspicuously as possible so that the outline of the pencil is not visible in your work.

    Prepare different types of cereals and pour them into different bowls.

    Start creating the painting. To get started, you need to use a brush to paint over the area that you want to fill with cereal. Now carefully sprinkle it with cereal; if the cereal is large (peas or lentils), then you need to spread it grain by grain with tweezers.

    • Don't limit your imagination, improvise with different cereals, pasta or coffee.

    After completing the painting, let it dry thoroughly and then spray coat it with varnish. Place the resulting picture in a frame and hang it on the wall.

    Picture made from cereals and plasticine

    You can make a picture with children not only using glue; if you don’t have glue at hand, ordinary plasticine will do just fine.

    Print the drawing and transfer it to a cardboard base. Do not try to print a design with small details; it will be easier to apply plasticine on large parts.

    Carefully, trying not to go beyond the contours, smear the plasticine of a suitable color. Fill the fragments of the picture with cereal and press lightly. The cereal will remain on the plasticine. Your painting is ready!

    Panel "Mill" made of pasta

    There is probably a bag of pasta in every kitchen. But from them you can prepare not only Bolognese pasta, but also a wonderful interior decoration.

    To make the panel, prepare:

    • base made of thick cardboard;
    • PVA glue or Moment;
    • cereals of different types;
    • peas;
    • pasta of various shapes;
    • a piece of foam rubber.

    Draw a picture on the base.

    Think about what your drawing will be like, try not to depict too small details, as it will be difficult to decorate them with grains.

    Start working by decorating the background of the painting. Using a brush, cover the background with PVA glue and sprinkle with semolina. Use a sponge to press the semolina onto the panel so that the cereal sticks.

    You can start decorating the tree and the mill. Coat the tree trunk with glue and place the cereal on it, decorate the crown with twisted pasta.

    Make the blades from long pasta and cover the building with pea halves.

    Make trails of their lentils or beans. Let the painting dry, then frame it.

    Frame design

    From cereals you can make not only a painting or a panel. Decorate a photo frame or picture with coffee beans or other grains, and it will harmoniously fit into the interior of any room in your home.

    To decorate the frame you will need:

    • frame,
    • glue;
    • cereals and or coffee beans that have been previously cleaned and prepared.

    Before you start, decide how you want to design the frame. In a simplified version, just stick on the same grains and let dry.

    You can glue coffee beans and various cereals to the base in a chaotic manner, or decorate each side with one type of cereal.

    Show your imagination, and the result will not take long to arrive.

    Outline paintings

    The most complex panel manufacturing technique, where the cereal does not occupy the entire space, but is laid out along the frame of the picture. But the result will be amazing.

    Butterfly and dragonfly

    To create a panel we need:

    • frame;
    • base (cardboard);
    • fabric or canvas;
    • tweezers;
    • glue;
    • brush;
    • coriander or buckwheat;
    • white and brown rice;
    • dye;
    • dried flowers and herbs for decoration.

    Let's start making:

    1. Wrap the base in canvas and secure on the wrong side;
    2. Apply the outline of the design to the fabric;
    3. Using a thin brush, apply a layer of glue to the outline of the design and, using tweezers, lay out coriander or buckwheat;
    4. Using the same principle, lay out the outline of insect wings, fill in the space of the wings and veins;
    5. Next, let's decorate the painting. Glue dried flowers and herbs in a chaotic manner.
    6. To make the picture sparkle with colors, paint the butterfly in bright colors. Apply paint to the cereal with a thin brush and let dry.

    To make paintings from cereals, you do not need intricate and expensive materials. Be patient, use your imagination, and all the materials for creativity will be in the kitchen!

    Increasingly, artists are turning to unusual products to create their works of art. But not only professional artists want to create unusual masterpieces. Try to make a picture of cereal yourself with your own hands. You can do this interesting activity together with the kids, this product develops fine motor skills, and it’s just an interesting activity.

    Beautiful panel

    In the photo you saw a step-by-step master class on making a picture from various grains. Of course, the general principle of action is clear, but still requires some explanation. So, for work you need to prepare:

    1. A variety of cereals, beans, pasta. They should all be different colors to make the picture bright and expressive;
    2. Glue;
    3. A sheet of thick cardboard or plywood;
    4. Template of the desired image;
    5. Paints and brushes.

    So let's get started. First you need to paint the background of the painting in the color that you have chosen for your composition. For convenience, the cereals need to be sorted, here you can adhere to various classifications, as you wish (by color, by shape, by size, etc.) Now on the basis you need to draw the selected picture, even if you don’t know how to draw at all, don’t despair, always you can use a stencil.

    Now you need to apply glue to one element of the drawing and immediately pour the cereal planned in this place according to the plot onto it. When the glue dries, shake off any excess grains.

    It is very important: you need to apply the glue in fragments, because if you smear the entire drawing with glue at once, while you work with one area, the others will already dry and the image will turn out to be of poor quality.

    When the painting is ready, for reliability it can be coated with transparent varnish; all that remains is to decorate the frame, and the painting is ready.

    Outline paintings

    Contour paintings made from cereals look very original. Let's try to make such a wonderful composition together.

    So, to work you will need:

    1. A piece of thick cardboard or plywood;
    2. A piece of fabric;
    3. Glue;
    4. Brushes;
    5. Dry coriander or buckwheat, white rice, spikelets, wild rice;
    6. Yellow and white paint.

    So, first you need to prepare the canvas. Wrap the plywood with cloth and secure it on the back side.

    Now you need to draw the desired picture.

    Carefully apply a thin layer of glue along the contour of the design. For further work you will need tweezers. With its help, take a brown cereal (for example, buckwheat) and lay out the first butterfly.

    You need to lay out the bodies of dragonflies and antennae of butterflies with black cereal. Then take rice (or another white grain) and make wings for the dragonflies, filling the void in the butterfly's wings.

    This completes the work with the cereal, but not the work on the picture as a whole. Now you need to take different herbs, spikelets, etc., and lay out the decor with their help.

    In order to give the product more bright colors and expressiveness, you can paint the cereal with appropriate colors.

    To give the composition a finished look, you can also decorate the frame. To do this, you can paste it over with cereal or simply paint it with a brush and bright colors. These two actions can be combined, it will turn out very bright and unusual.

    Now all that remains is to place the finished product in a decorated frame, and our little work of art is ready.

    In order for your painting to last as long as possible and turn out to be the brightest and most beautiful, you should follow some recommendations not only when making it, but also about storage and subsequent care.

    1. Once every six months the painting needs to be re-coated with clear varnish. If you did not initially coat the painting with varnish, you can spray it with super-strong fixation varnish once every six months, then the grains will stick much more reliably;
    2. If you don’t have a variety of cereals at home or they are all the same color, you can use them and then paint them with paints, but, of course, it won’t look so impressive;
    3. The finished product should be placed under a press for several hours, so the cereal will better adhere to the glue and will look more neat;
    4. Excess grains need to be removed from the panel, this is very simple to do: you can just turn the picture over and that’s it. Carefully inspect the product to ensure there are no empty spaces or bald spots.

    A picture made from cereals is perfect for decorating a kitchen or any other room in an apartment, it depends on the subject of the picture, it’s just that such a craft will look most organic in the kitchen. You can also give this product to your family and friends for any occasion, because gifts made with your own hands are much more pleasant to receive.

    Video on the topic of the article

    In conclusion, we suggest watching some more video tutorials from this collection, where you can see even more interesting ideas.